OpenToonz Lesson 8 - Keyframe Animation

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welcome back to another open tunes tutorial in this video we're going to be using the keyframes to animate an object across the screen so instead of just drying it every time like we have in the past and then we go to the next frame and turn on onion skin instead of just redrawing the object several times frame by frame what we can now do is just just have one of these so we select the one object once and then we can using the animate tool that we've been playing with a little bit we just move it to a certain point and it will automatically create all the in-between frames between two keyframes and then we can rotate change the size change the position and do a lot of cool stuff so to do that I guess we can use this one that we have here so if I hit control Z bring it back to where it was really this object we just need to change this center point because we don't want the center to be over here it's kind of weird especially if we go to like rotate it kind of throws it off a little bit so let's move the center first of all to the center of our object and then I'm not even going to change the size of it we'll make this a little bit larger and position we'll have it be right there okay so now we have this in our animation right now we have we're showing frame 1 what we're showing drawing 1 in frame 1 we're showing drawing 2 which is blank in frame 2 and in frame 3 we're showing drawing 3 which is also blank so even though I deleted those drawings they're still being shown so what we want to really do is just delete those out of there and then let's just drag this one down we'll click this little gray handle and drag it down to maybe 24 so now we have 24 frames and we can play it back it's just looping the same in the same position 24 times well we have a keyframe here at 1 and if we didn't have one we can click this button to add a keyframe but we have a keyframe because when we automatically anytime we do anything with the animate tool it automatically sets a keyframe so I'll show you if I actually right click on this and go delete well if I do that it's going to get rid of the changes we made first of all but so now it's back to how it was before back to what this original drawing is but we can click the animate tool and as soon as we make a change watch this Wilkie icon will appear under frame 1 so if we go rotate a little bit and now we have a keyframe there and if we go scale a little bit if we go to position oh look it kept our center position which is kind of nice alright so now we have a keyframe here well all we have to do is go to a certain point maybe frame 24 and then move it or make any of these changes let's do position though so we'll left-click and drag it down to the bottom right now we see it set a keyframe there as well and if we go back we're gonna see we turn off onion skin and we'll see that every frame now between 1 and 24 it's moving it so we can now play this and we have a nice little animation here just by doing one drawing and we can make another change to so we can its we already have well we have the keyframe in whatever we want to do is so if we do rotation we did rotate it a little bit we add even though we have a keyframe we have to adjust that part that particular thing so rotation we adjusted at the beginning to set the rotation key and then go down to 24 and rotate it back another way maybe upside-down and now it'll rotate and go down there see that we could do scale 2 maybe we want it to start out this size so we already have scale set but I'll just do this to show so this by just moving it sets our ski frame of scale and then if we go to 12 we can scale it up big again and go back down to 24 and scale it back down to this size now that's going to get really big and do this sort of thing here so you can see how that's kind of cool right I just want to show you if we were to get rid of some of those things though if we right click and delete this key in the beginning whoa let's delete all of them right click on on the actual key and then go down to delete to get rid of them so now if all we do is is set this this what were the size of this there we go now we have a keyframe but it's only a keyframe for scale and if we go to 24 and set the keyframe down a little bit now it's going to change size just very slowly in place right there well then we might look at this and be like hey cool we have a keyframe here so let's go to our 24 keyframe and change the position of it and move it down here well this might not do what you think it's gonna do because now when we loop it back it just changed the position completely and that's because we didn't set the position keyframe at in the beginning to see what kind of keyframes we have there's another way we can look at it and that's under the animation tab so we've been using the basics tab for the most part when we get into the keyframes it's we're gonna want to hop over to this animation tab which gives us a little bit more a little more view of what's happening and particularly there's this little dysfunction editor and we can go under column 1 there's a column 1 down here and we can see sort of what's happening with this so we have this east and west and north and south is e w stands for east and west and so we can see if we click up here in frame 1 we can see frame 1 corresponds with this and frame 2 corresponds with this and since there's a keyframe in frame 1 this scale is is it at one hundred and sixty nine point nine and it has little orange box around it and if we scroll down 24 also has a orange box around it but these other ones don't because they don't have keyframes so our keyframes are little key on here corresponds with this chart down here and we could actually make a change if we double click in here and change this to like 500 and hit enter changes the size of our the scale that's set in our animation tool applied to this drawing and we can go back and change the original one too we can make it just tiny like started out like five hit enter so now it starts really small and it plays through it just gets larger but we see there's nothing there's no rotation keyframe set and there is only a position east and west so right and left so this set at at frame 24 is the only time doing anything so it's just in it's just down there we can change that too if we type in 50 here and enter it moves it over to this and so yeah so that's they they have an east and west it's really like x-axis and y-axis that's kind of interesting the way they did that and so we can change this and that affects where the center point is of this anyway we're gonna play a lot more with this this is just a little quick little intro to using the keyframe so play with that if ever you want to add a keyframe to by the way we can just go click on like 12:00 and then click here where it says set key if we click that it'll add a keyframe in there and then it does set a keyframe for everything all across the board not just the one that we change and so by default when we start messing around with the animation whatever we do sets a keyframe for just that particular function rotation scale but if we click set key it sets it all across so now we could go down to 18 and hit set key again and now we have all these things then we could come in here and manually change so Z is actually if we're looking at it in like 3d its how close it is so if we change this to like 70 oh it sets it like way further back there and so but but don't worry about that and so we can actually come in back to this view here that that's how I toggle the 3d view and we can actually change like the rotation here to like 60 and we can change it here to 90 and then that'll actually do some rotation a little bit but it only does it between frame 12 and frame 18 anyway so play with that play with setting your key manually and play with that animation tool and basically it's the basis of everything that you're going to be doing in open tunes without this functionality you could essentially just make a bunch of pictures and composite them together using like video editing software frame by frame but this actually lets you have a whole lot more power so hopefully that you find that video informative go ahead and leave your questions comments below and don't forget to Like comment subscribe and I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 48,801
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Keywords: free, tjfree, free software, open source, opentoonz keyframe, opentoonz key frame, opentoonz keyframes, opentoonz how to animate, opentoonz animation, free keyframe animation, opentoonz tween, free tween animation, tween animation, opentoonz set key, opentoonz move, opentoonz automatic, opentoonz auto, free animation software, learn opentoonz, best animation software
Id: 5XDOW5dOamY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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