Opening Warner Bros Horror Series 2 Funko NFT Packs | Physical Redemption Pulls?!

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I've been itching to rip open packs for the Funko Pop Digital Collection and I'm so excited today we have a brand new drop and I'll saving up for it so let's go and get this one [Music] started what's popping YouTube Welcome Back to another video if it's your first time on this channel enjoy this video don't forget to hit the like And subscribe button for each content today's video I'm really excited we have another Funko Pop Digital Collection and I'm ripping open some packs and this is a set I definitely want for my collection I have the full series 1 Master set in my collection this is a series 2 set and I would love to have the full Master set once again so let's take a look at what we have this video is going to be on the phone it's been a minute since I've done a full phone video for the Funko Pop digital videos but I kind of miss it so here it is Warner Brothers horror series 2 collection series one is awesome I did bring out this grail for good luck but let's take a look first up we have the Grail Fairman glow-in-the-dark piece awesome mold and I I definitely wanted in my collection let's take a look at what we have I love these updates on the drop website they've been doing a fantastic job overall then we have the packs standards five cards premiums 17 cards I don't know the exact counts I can't remember but we have six redeemables let's take a better look at them the gril Fairman limited to 999 pieces from Annabelle comes home definitely a cool looking piece let's check out the nft oh I love this I definitely remember this one but I love the coins I hope they're part of the mold and like shiny kind of like the Harvey dense coin that was one of the best pops ever from nfts then we have our first legendary accordion monkey from The Conjuring limited to 1,900 pieces Conjuring films are some of my favorite from horror really cool looking pop the nft looks awesome honestly I love the improvements on the cards they've been getting really detailed with them and this looks amazing all right next up we have black shuck from Annabelle comes home once again same piece count the legendaries I don't remember this character too much even by looking at the nfts I think I've only seen this movie once this might be the least popular in the set in my opinion but overall cool looking it should have been flocked then we have the Pazuzu from The Exorcist this is a really cool I think this one's going to look amazing in hand here is the nft this one's awesome I think this one and the monkey are like neck to neck at how cool they look from the legendaries but I feel like this one might be the most popular later on then we have the goat demon from the nun I did not like this movie at all but this pop looks pretty cool and the teeth look amazing the nft also looks really cool look at that another scene I don't really remember too well I think I only saw this movie Once I did not like it though all right last but not least of course we have our Freddy Funko as father Caris this one is liit 2,200 pieces glow-in-the dark the eyes in the crown glow it's a really cool one I definitely want this for my Freddy Funko collection and overall I am excited for these packs for today's drop we have 20 premium packs to rip open these are not sold out yet so worse comes worse if we not complete our set maybe we'll get some more packs and try our luck again but hopefully these are enough to complete the set volume on open Pack 3 2 one I don't know this mid sounds really good oh everyone's racing to rip open these packs keep trying all right I guess I'm just going to keep pressing till it opens in the meantime while we're pressing this button if you're new to this Channel and will be enjoying this video please make sure you hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more videos for me in the future hit that subscribe button there you go all right starting off with our first pack reveal we got uncommon goat demon all right next we have a common vampire David then we have a common Reagan we have uncommon Pazuzu we have un Tom and Freddy Funko father Caris then we have a rare cricked man happy to see him back as a card epic nun our first epic then we have a common vampire David we have epic black shuck another epic cool okay then we have uncommon Lona oh they brought the sounds back oh that's so cool then we have a common Larona then we have uncommon Annabelle we have uncommon Lona then we have we have a rare malus with Annabelle this looks like the sounds are random common malus with Annabelle epic crooked man then we have oh I think I heard something RAR none let's go back yes that's so cool all right let's go on to our next pack now right let's do this that was awesome they added that specific sound with a cricket man that's really cool okay there you go all right I love that Freddy but I would have love to see Franny in the set as Annabelle I think that would have been perfect reveal we have a rare accordion monkey we have to hear the sound that's cool okay uncommon Malthus with Annabelle then we have a common vampire David we have a rare malus with Annabelle we won't hear it again common malus with Annabelle common goat demon common Reagan common accordion monkey common Fairman that's cool and I wish it was a gril common Pazuzu common MTH Annabelle uncommon vampire David Common Annabelle epic malus with Annabelle rare Crooked Man rare Annabel and a common Pazuzu okay so you guys could already see there are cards featuring this Grail so excited to see that back as a card but this one's an awesome pop and I'm hoping to get the gril from this set to go with it come on does not want to open come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on I'm so sorry oh my God how long is this going to take this is probably like 20 seconds in already but well I'm sorry guys come on I'm just going to keep pressing keep pressing come on just open there you go there you go give me something good cuz that was a pain to open reveal all right we got a coin I'm happy to see a coin that's our first one all right next we have uncommon crooked man we have a common nun common Annabelle rare Pazuzu I thought it was a legendary for a second uncommon fairy man epic Crooked Man common goat demon rare Pazuzu epic vampire David epic black shook good amount of epics common nun common vampire David Common nun common Annabel rare Annabel uncommon Freddy Funko father carass and then oh legendary accordion monkey yes yes that was definitely a pack worth waiting for cuz we got a good number of epics and our first legendary let's do two more packs okay come on I just realized I said father carass right it's father Caris I'm sorry but if this is going to take long again I don't mind as long as I pull another redeemable so hopefully it's worth the long wait for this pack to rip open There He Go all right let's see what we got in uncommon Annabel start it off common none uncommon cricked man epic Annabelle I don't know if we have that epic uncommon Lona then we have epic accordion monkey we have a epic Pazuzu three epics not bad uncommon black sh common accordion monkey common nun common nun again common goat demon common Annabel common Annabel common vampire David rare vampire David and finish off with a common malus Annabelle all right how many packs did we do so far four let's do one more and then from there we'll like check our stats so far I want to pick pick my own number right now I think this one looks good 5247 five and two are some of my favorite numbers so hopefully this gives us some good luck damn a lot of people are really ripping right now aren't they oh man all the grils being pulled and I'm still trying to get one come on come on oh make this pack worthwhile because this is taking a lot of time come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on reveal come on open open I'm sorry I'm sorry who knows how many grills just got picked open there it is all right reveal a first card we have uncommon Cricket man we have a uncommon vampire David we have a rare Lona then we have epic nun then we have a rare nun we have uncommon nun then we have a rare nun again then we have a common accordion monkey we have a common crooked man we have the legendary Pazuzu the two legendaries I wanted the most are the ones we pulled I'm happy with that definitely happy with that it was worth the worthwhile all right uncommon Lona and then we have uncommon Lona rare nun uncommon malus with Annabelle uncommon Fairman I wish it was the Grail uncommon nun and then we have rare malus with Annabelle all right not bad we pulled another legendary so we open up five let's see our stats that was definitely a pack one waiting for once again so we pulled two legendaries we're 64.38 for royalty we're missing 7 Commons we are missing seven uncommons as well then we're missing six rares how many epics we're missing six epics too I think I got a double right there double there double there not bad and we have our legendary cordi monkey we're still missing the black Shu goat demon we got pizu we still need the grill as well five packs down and 15 to go let's keep going and hopefully we pull more redeem oh sorry there you go okay open or not keep trying huh let's keep going there you go that one opened a lot quicker a lot faster all right reveal we have a rare nun starting things off we have a rare black shuck up next then we have a common nun then we have a common accordian monkey we have a common Lona we have a common accordian monkey again we have uncommon fairy man that one's so cool common vampire David rare Annabelle common vampire David Common nun uncommon Reagan let's see this one I think it's going to look cool definitely does all right rare goat demon uncommon Crooked Man rare crooked man then we have uncommon vampire David and uncomon Anabel all right let's go again keep trying let's keep pressing sorry okay hey there you go all right reveal we got another coin and this time we got to see the backside then we have a rare fairy man we have a common po zuu sorry uncommon Annabel a common none commona rare Annabel epic nun uncommon Reagan uncommon Fairman just give me the gril uncommon Fairman now you're teasing me uncommon black shuck uncommon vampire David common Annabel common malus with Annabelle uncommon black shook rare Annabel and uncommon cricet man okay that was not good 12 129 come on come on come on oh that opened up it was going slow but at least I didn't have to keep pressing reveal we got a common Fairman then we have a rare nun we have a common accordion monkey we have a uncommon fairy man again common Crooked Man common nun common malus with Annabelle uncommon Fairman common accordion monkey epic lyona rare Fairman uncommon goat demon uncommon Annabelle uncommon Crooked Man common Reagan uncommon black shuck and a common goat demon okay how many do we do this round so far three and no redeemables yet huh this is actually going pretty rough I'm not going to lie I'm not going to lie this is a pretty rough drop so far I've getting a good number of epics but only two legendaries out of what eight packs not the greatest I guess it's better than nothing though you know all right reveal we got a serious coin starting it off again we have a common crooked man a rare nun epic black Shu epic vampire David Common Reagan rare nun uncommon goat demon epic Freddy Funko father Caris then we have a uncommon Reagan we have a epic Fairman I don't know if we got that epic yet but that's a cool card then we have a rare Lona we have a common Annabel number 11 it should have been one rare Annabelle rare malus with Annabelle common black shook common Reagan and a common vampire David this one's rough all right 6513 what do you got for us what do you have for us oh keep trying huh all right maybe when it keeps trying it does a little better all right this is our 10 back reveal we got a common vampire David we have a common Annabelle we have a rare Reagan we have a common vampire David Common vampire David uncommon malus with Annabelle uncommon nun common Annabel rare nun common Crooked Man common Annabel uncommon nun common nun uncommon Annabel common nun oh oh my God yes a legendary goat demon I was doing his hope for a minute right there we got another one at least and then we still have another card all right uncommon Annabel now after 10 packs where are we at collection tracker so we only have three legendaries 9.41 for a royalty we are missing two Commons and then we're missing two uncommons we got all the rares and then we're missing three epics we definitely have enough doubles to complete that so we're still missing the black Shook and that Grail we have 10 packs left let's hope we get more redeemables I'm just going to rip these all without a break this time and just hopefully it goes better all right let's see what we got reveal we have uncommon Freddy Funko father Caris we have a common Reagan then we have a common accordion monkey we have a common MST with Annabelle all right we have a epic accordion monkey we have common Annabel we have common nun common accordion monkey common Lona I mean rare nun sorry then we have a common black shook uncommon malus with Annabelle uncommon malus with Annabelle common Annabel uncommon goat demon uncommon black shook common Crooked Man okay let's keep trying let's keep trying we still have nine packs hopefully hopefully we get this smashes at full reveal all right we start off with a common Annabelle then we have a common accordion monkey common Crooked Man rare goat demon epic cordion monkey common goat demon then we have a common I mean uncommon Reagan common nun Common cricked Man common Pazuzu uncommon Pazuzu then we have a rare Reagan common black shuck common goat demon uncommon black shuck common Lona and a common Adell dang come on 12 packs open and only three legendaries have been pulled that's not good that's actually pretty bad all right reveal we have uncommon malus with Annabelle we have uncommon fairy men could have been Grail uncomon goat demon common goat demon again uncommon Annabelle common Annabelle rare cricked man common Crooked Man Uncommon black Shu common goat demon rare nun rare Crooked Man common accordion monkey common Crooked Man Uncommon black shook uncommon Pazuzu and a common Mal Anabel dang this is not going good today all right now that I think about it since we're getting Freddy Funko as father Carris it would be pretty cool if we get Franny Funko as Reagan I think that'll look pretty cool all right reveal we have a rare crooked band then we have a rare nun we have a common Annabelle common nun we have a common vampire David uncommon Annabel a rare goat demon common nun uncommon vampire David uncommon black shuck uncommon Crooked Man rare malus with unabelle uncommon Reagan uncommon Fairman epic goat demon rare malus with Annabelle uncommon Pazuzu wow I'm getting wrecked today these packs are destroying me this might be one of my worst openings yet but hey I have fun doing it and hope you guys enjoy watching reveal we got a coin starting things off then we have epic Annabel common black shook rare Annabelle epic lorona uncommon black shook epic Reagan uncommon fairy man common Annabelle epic black shuck uncommon lorona rare malus with Annabel common Freddy Funko father cares common MST with Annabel rare black shook rare accordion monkey rare nun and a rare MTH with Anabelle oh my goodness wow five packs remaining wow to be honest I want to use the phone cuz my luck wasn't going too good on the laptop and maybe maybe my luck is just not that great anymore reveal we got a coin then we have uncommon cricked man and it's easier on the phone uncommon nun uncommon cricked man common crooked man then we have a rare Crooked Man common Fairman then we have an uncommon nun we have epic vampire David we have uncommon black Shu we have a common Reagan then we have uncommon goat demon oh my goodness finally another legendary it's goat demon worst comes worse I'll trade that for the black shuck epic Crick man Comm Reagan here's the sound again I just thought I'd shared again cuz that sounds awesome all right next up we have common Reagan then we have rare vampire David and epic Fairman could have been a Grail oh this Grail is killing me this hunt for the grel is killing me I'm getting destroyed at this point though do I stop epic Lona common Lona uncommon accordion monkey rare nun epic Freddy Funko father cares uncommon malus with Annabelle uncommon Pazuzu rare malus with Annabelle common nun common vampire David rare the Fairman uncommon black shuck common Fairman he looks so cool uncommon nun rare Annabelle epic Reagan and another legendary goat demon okay I'll take any other redeemables I could get okay so it looks like goat demon is the one we're going to pull multiple times huh but still no Grail oh man pack number 18 here common nun common Reagan uncommon Fairman rare Lona UNC Common cricked Man common malus with Annabelle Common cricked Man common cricked men again epic goat demon the one who keep getting common Pazuzu common vampire David Common Freddy Funko father crass uncommon lo I said it again huh common accordion monkey epic nun common Lona and uncommon black Shu I said it again father car Caris not carass it's Caris father car Caris give me the luck for the Grail please please reveal common accordion monkey common nun common anibel common black Chuck common fairy Man Uncommon nun uncommon crickman common Freddy father Caris common nun common ampire David uncommon cricked man rare cricked Man Uncommon Fairman rare Reagan epic nun epic Lona and uncommon nun holy moly last pack when we go over these stats I did really bad guys unless just gives us the last pack magic for the Grail I got destroyed reveal we got a coin starting it off common Reagan common vampire David rare cricked man rare cricked man common Lona epic Annabel epic nun common black shook common Pazuzu uncommon Annabelle uncommon malus with Annabelle common Fredy Funko father Caris rare malps with Annabelle epic goat demon epic goat demon uncommon goat demon uncommon goat demon wow wow wow wow out of 20 premium packs we've oh we completed royalty at least we've gotten five legendaries we're 91.7 for a second royalty set let's see how we're doing on those epics uh wow I could definitely complete two more royalties it looks like and then we're still missing that black shuck and we still need that gril too well looks like packs are still available let's check it out hopefully there're still premiums uh yes 1,729 left I'll be back well if you've been here before you already know how many packs I usually open and it is no surprise the amount of packs I ripped open so far I opened up 20 premium packs unfortunately my luck is not going too well I have not pulled the grill yet and honestly at this point I don't think it's smart of me to stop with the amount I spent and the premium packs are looking like they will be selling out which did make me buy a few more before I regret the decision of not picking any up and trying for that Grill so here it is we got 12 more premium packs and I'm really hoping I don't have to open up all 12 of these guys sound on open pack now I will open all these if if I have to but hopefully I get the gril in the end we have a coin we have uncommon Fairman we have a common goat demon we have a common nun we have uncommon Annabel we have a common nun epic crooked men let's just hear his music let's just hear that Music epic goat demon legendary goat demon we got the goat demon again but I'll take any redeemables that yet common nun common malus with Annabelle common Crooked Man legendary Pazuzu same pack two legendaries that's awesome it's been a lot of packs in so I deserve that uncommon goat demon Common cricked Man Uncommon Lona rare nun and a rare Reagan okay check this out guys let's do the view all you guys can see once again I did pull the two Legend leg Aries in the same pack which was the goat demon and the Pazuzu I think all this set is going to do fantastic in hand series one looks so good and I could only imagine how good these are going to look in hand too all right reveal we have a common vampire David then we have a rare Annabelle we got a Grail we got the Fairman Grail finally after 22 premium packs it's mine and I'm so happy to get it we still have a lot of cards Epic Reagan epic nun epic nun a bunch of epics with a Grail common vampire David uncommon accordion monkey uncommon Fairman rare nun uncommon black shook uncommon Freddy father Caris common Pazuzu common accordion monkey common Lona uncommon Fairman and a common Reagan well I guess in the end I didn't do horrible after 22 premium packs I finally got the Grail not to be completely honest looking at the current values I definitely did come down on value but overall I don't really care too much about the value right now I do think in hand these are going to be worth a lot more than the current values that they have just like series 1 for the set they had a low value but now in hand they have double triple that value so I do think the same thing will be happening with Series 2 for the Warner Brothers horror collection and I want to point this out because I do think a lot of new people are coming into the Funko Pop Digital World it does not matter how many packs you rip open it's all just based on luck you could open up just 10 packs and do amazing you could open up just two packs and do amazing or maybe open up like 20 and not too too great just like I did earlier but those last two definitely made up for it I think those last two definitely better than like my first 10 15 packs maybe even better than all first 20 of them so it's all based on luck and that's why a lot of people do not prefer to open packs and just buy the redeemables from the secondary market and I kind of do a little bit of both if I do see the redeemables are super cheap in the secondary Market I like to pick some up and then redeem them and make some trades with them in hand when they have better values sometimes I make sales as well to help get some of the money back from my crazy spending on the pack so overall just want to talk about that a little bit cuz I do feel like it's important for you guys to know in case you're new to this and I don't want you guys to get disappointed if you do spend a lot on packs and don't come up with a lot of redeemables in the Yang anyways let's take a look at what I ended up with for today's drop here it is we there's still packs available we got two royalty stats completed seven legendaries and one grill 82.49 for a third royalty which I think I could probably get that completed yeah I could definitely get that completed so I got got the accordian monkey one of them black shook I traded one of my goat demons I had and then I got two Pazuzu and I have one Fairman gril so honestly I'm just glad I completed that Master set and I did get a pretty good amount of roties too so overall I don't think I did too bad today I definitely lost some value but in the end once they come in hand I think I'll probably even out or maybe do even better so that's all I had for you guys today hope you guys enjoyed this video as always thank you all for watching don't forget to hit the like And subscribe button future content let me know in the comments Bel what do you guys think of today's Warner Brothers Series 2 horror collection I absolutely love this set I had so much fun ripping open the packs and I'm so thankful I did complete the set today i' love to know if you guys did pick up any packs as well rip them open how did you do or maybe you guys just picked up the redeemables from the secondary Market which redeemable in this set was your personal favorite and also I want to talk about May a little bit we already know the two drops that are be going to coming out in May first one is the fune set with Freddy and Franny doing cosplays and for the very first time ever we have a 10in Freddy redeemable not only is that the redeemable but there's a new pack called a Mythic pack and it's only going to be limited to 499 packs and you are guaranteed to pull that 10in Freddy that's going to be such a crazy hard pack to get I'm really hoping I could get my hands on one and rip one for that video I definitely want that 10in fredd in my collection so I'm reallying hoping I could get one but to be honest if you're not in that queue right on the dot or at least within the first minute 30 seconds I don't know the chances are looking really Slim I do think a lot of botted accounts are going to be taking those packs which is unfortunate but I don't have my hopes High I'm hoping I could get one but if not I guess I'm going to have to find a way to get that redeemable outside of that pack but we'll see we'll see what happens and honestly I'm excited to see the redeemables for that set it looks like we already know three of the redeemables I'm assuming the Freddy and the Franny that are pictured on the packs will be redeemables and of course that Mythic 10-in Freddy and then another set is Scooby-Doo series 2 I love Scooby-Doo series 1 it's definitely still one of the best Funko Pop digital sets they've done and I think Series 2 is going to be awesome I'm really hoping to see more villains in the set I'm excited to see what the gril will be I've talked about this I think in the past when I was talking about sets I want to see in the future I think the Grail should be red or the whole gang in the Mystery Machine as a very first pop ride for the Funko Pop Digital Collection I think that'd be amazing I think that'd be the perfect gril we'll see though I'm I don't think that's going to happen but I think it'd be great and then of course Freddy Funko I want to see him as another villain I think he'd be looking great as the ghost or um witch doctor I think those two would look really cool as a Freddy funkos and we'll see I think it's going to be exciting and I was a little bummed because May is is the 25th anniversary for SpongeBob and I was really rooting for SpongeBob set to drop in May but they're still June they're still the rest of the year I think SpongeBob's going to happen eventually so I still have my hopes high for it Funko drop if you're watching make it happen eventually and I'll be happy overall I'd love to know what drops you guys would like to see in the future from Funko and drop and I just want to say thank you guys so much for taking time to watch this video truly appreciate your time and your support let me know what you guys like to see next videos thank you all for watching and peace [Music]
Channel: whatsPOPpincraze
Views: 1,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funko, funko pop, funko pops, funko nft pack opening, funko nft unboxing, funko nft redemption, funko nft opening, funko nft explained, funko nft horror, funko pop news, funko news, digital funko pop, grail funko pops, funko pop hunting, funko chase roulette, funko fusion game, funko display, funko pop collection, funko nft royalty set, funko nft warner bros horror series 2 pack opening, funko nft horror pack opening, funko nft warner bros horror series 2, funko nfts, pops
Id: -jAmAKvPdu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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