Funko Sent Me Halloween Pops Early! (Opening 15 Packs)

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Funko ween a pretty exciting time in the pop Community because they always have something up their sleeves like today where we're going to be opening up the brand new funco nft set it releases tomorrow October 31st and I could not be more excited to show you guys early oh and also they didn't just want to give me packs they also want to give away a couple to you guys all you have to do is make an account on drop And subscribe to their email list and then comment down below your favorite figure from the Funko drop as well as putting hashtag drop they'll be picking giveaway Winn end of day October 30th so you got to get on it quick and with that being said everybody let's go on to drop and check this out all righty so we have made it to the website you can see right away they've got all of the Funko stuff to show you and of course I want to click on learn more to show you guys a little bit more as to what's going on here because there are some amazing figures you can get inside as well as some really cool just art in general for the nfts and if you guys want to check it out we've got the standard packs for $9.99 then the premium packs for $29.99 the standard packs come with five cards and the premium ones are 15 it looks like there's going to be 22,500 of the standard and then 22,500 of the premium so really neat then down at the bottom here it shows you collect them all with all of the different physical figures you can find also something else that I really enjoy is that every single one of these figures glows in the dark and my goal today is to finish this set and if you do end up finishing it there is the royalty of Proto the dog as a zombie and would love to have that in the collection and so with that being said everybody let's start opening up some packs because we have 15 to go through today this is exciting and I think we might as well just start with the first one up here at the top number 22226 okay I want to turn the audio on for this because I really want to hear what it is okay okay this is exciting also before we flip the first C card around I want to thank Funko and drop for making this video possible but anyways let's just get into it here with the first card which is ooh Freddy Funko as zombie Surfer that is something that we do not have as a pop and would look amazing in the future but then we've got Freddy Funko as zombie Knight we have Freddy Funko as zombie superhero epic and those ones are pretty tough to get so that will be cool to go towards the royalty set and hopefully I can finish them all because of course I want that Proto and then the next card that we've got here is zombie May then we have wo I forgot I had the audio on oh my gosh that scared me and anyways a really cool one to have then after that we have zombie clown we've also got Proto as zombie we've got zombie May again but this one here is epic and oh that's really cool he's in funville and anyways continuing here we also have zombie ninja we've got zombie Surfer and black and white and it looks like you can get both colors here we also got another epic which is Proto so what is that now maybe two or three epics for this pack pretty crazy hey maybe three or four now and then anyways after that it looks like we got a zombie Knight and this one also has an audio to it pretty cool he's like fighting off skeleton Funko Pops I like that a lot and then after that one we've got zombie Gunslinger and ooh the rare zombie superhero Freddy okay so we're done with pack one but now let's get into pack two and of course I'm starting off a little bit slower because I want to see all of the Arts we'll probably speed up a bit as we continue here though and now for the first card here let's find out what we've got going going on I'll flip it around Freddy Funko as zombie may I believe I have that one but anyways let's keep going here to see what else we can get two zombie mares in a row o zombie superhero epic that's pretty cool then we also have zombie Knight zombie skateboarder that's cool zombie superhero Freddy hiker okay skateboarder come on redeemable we're looking for one here zombie superhero we also have zombie skateboarder again I mean Guys these are just so awesome in general hey zombie ninja I know that's one that you can possibly get a physical figure for but because it's a rare we haven't got it yet if you guys don't know it'll be a little bit more obvious when we actually get one that's redeemable it'll have lights pop up there will be more going on you'll be able to tell but it looks like we still have one more card in this pack he which is the rare one where he's also glowing already let's find out here okay first card come on ooh Proto as zombie we also have zombie clown again and I got to say some of these ones because I think I mentioned it earlier don't actually have figures and they're more just kind of like for the cards but I would love to see the surfer zombie Freddy as well as the zombie Freddy clown as actual ones in the future and because this is Funko series 1 maybe next year we'll possibly get them hey you never know and that oh that Samurai one is just so amazing we've also got the hiker again he oh my gosh that's amazing and as you guys could tell it is lighting up a bit more he's got an amazing animation the card looks different on the outside and that means there will be a zombie Samurai on the way to me eventually that is just so so amazing and let's continue on with the next ones here because we also have zombie Surfer we've got the zombie mare here zombie Gunslinger okay zombie pirate come on come on come on Gunslinger and zombie Surfer but seriously though everybody how crazy is that and also at the end of your pack you can look at all of them at once and you guys can see there he is such a cool figure and I also really enjoy how every single one of them glows in the dark and I just noticed now on the top of the Samurai helmet is actually the Funko crown logo all righty pack number four and let's see what we've got going on here rip that pack and I'm hoping for another redeemable or if I'm going to be honest other cards that I don't have for the set yet because I do want to get that Proto as well and let's keep going here and see how we're doing so a lot of them are very similar and it's because there are different Rarities for these specific figure as well as that card so some of them are going to look close but they could totally be different ones ooh okay like this one here and earlier you guys could see this is the clown but if you go back there's also the clown with a different background that's what I'm talking about and anyways let's keep going here and see what's next zombie ninja we have zombie pirate okay zombie Samurai not the redeemable though again even though that would be crazy we also have zombie Surfer zombie Gunslinger Samurai skateboarder and the Gunslinger at the end oh wait hold on there's one more all right some of them come with the series coin and there's one of these for every single series I believe I have them all still I've never traded them away they're always super interesting too because you can see it's like the Funko Pop skull and crossbones with Proto's head in the middle then the Funko logo on the back now let's jump into our fifth pack of the day we still have 10 more after this one which is crazy so drop and Funko thank you so much again for this but let's get into the first one here which is the zombie skateboarder with the lightning in the background then we've got zombie ninja zombie clown we've got zombie superhero superhero again Pro a zombie come on people come on people we're looking for another redeemable okay Samurai Gunslinger pyate Samurai Surfer come on clown and boom zombie superhero and then at the end it looks like we got another token too okay you know before we open up the next pack let's find out exactly how many we've got so far to finish the royalties set oh my gosh we are 62% of the way done that is crazy and then you guys can see here this is what I've got done for the collection which is actually a really great way to figure out what you still need and so maybe you've only opened up a couple of your packs and you want to see what you still need so you can get more hyped about it when you're opening them up but this is seriously crazy and we actually have a pretty good amount of the epics like I got to say 7 out of 13 is not too shabby and then going down to the bottom here these are the redeemables and you don't need one of every single one of these you need anything below a legendary so epic are easier to get all righty now let's get back into the packs here where we have another one in this number I want to find out first 22234 all righty Proto shaking on the screen again and I just noticed now he's holding a bone hand in his other hand kind of weird but it's Halloween so it's fun and now let's see what we've got here okay zombie Surfer and these guys here I'm actually loving the funville stuff in the background especially because they made that the zombie May it's just such a fun thing and it looks like so far this entire pack has been black and white oh yeah there we go that's how you do it every buddy we've got the Freddy Funko as zombie ninja and he's jumping from top of roof top of roof it's amazing and now if you guys have watched some of my other digital Funko videos in the past you will know that I've actually pulled more than one in a pack before so maybe here you never know we've got a lot more cards left in this one we could get another it's possible I've done it especially in a normal standard pack which is super rare and so anyways let's keep going here and see what we've got come on come on maybe another one zombie clown and zombie skateboarder with the last thing being another coin all right so now we are on to pack number seven let's crack this one open here and find out if we're going to get another one because now I believe we only need three more and then we've got all of those guys too those guys being the redeemable so really really crazy how it's been going so far and let's see we've got some more black and white ones first okay zombie skateboarder again with some bats behind him and I got to say actually before we continue here I really do like the way that this one looks here with kind of like that caution color you know that black and yellow together it's super neat anyways we've got the zombie Surfer here though we got zombie Knight what else do we have zombie ninja okay come on come on zombie Samurai hiker skateboarder Samurai Zombie Proto and a zombie M and again another coin at the end okay the pack is packing and let's see here who is going to be inside and if I do pull something that is a redeemable in here I mean come on that's some pretty good guessing on my part but let's see here zombie pirate zombie samurai samurai Samurai pirate again Samurai again ooh hiker this time Surfer skateboarder common clown Proto Proto and zombie Knight so let's just keep going on here with the next pack and we're going to be opening up number 22242 a weird number all righty all righty all righty the pack is opening for the next one here and let's find out what we're going to be getting inside Freddy Funko a zombie skateboarder I don't think I have this one cuz I have definitely not seen that animation which is perfect for the collection we also have the zombie Knight we've got zombie clown we've also got zombie pirate let's keep going here clown what do we got here Clown again come on Surfer please we're looking for something come on come on come on but it actually does look like hold on before we continue here it looks like there's a lot of stuff that I might just need for my royalty set in general so let's move on to the next one here and see what we're going to be getting yeah you know what everybody I don't think that was too shabby so let's go back to the collection here and see oh my gosh we are 80% of the way done and it looks like for the epics I have8 out of 13 so maybe I could go in the marketplace to try to complete the set once it officially releases oh and also really quickly I do want to check the legendaries down here so yes I'm missing the zombie pirate as well as zombie Knight and Gunslinger then I have every single one of them and so keep your eyes peeled for them when we open up the rest of the packs okay okay okay okay let's see what we're going to getting on our I believe this would be 11th pack of the day and we still have four more to go through after this so pack is moving bats are flying being ripped here I'm excited all righty we're flipping the first card here let's see how we do Samurai not too shabby we've got the clown as well as Gunslinger then we've got the zombie pirate zombie hiker we also have the clown okay come on clown skateboarder we've got Proto again Proto a zombie oh and I just realized there he's got his little dogghouse behind him such a fun card but let's keep going here to see what else we've got inside of this pack come on hey the rare zombie skateboarder and a zombie superhero all righty next pack is already being ripped let's see what we've got going on in here and I love when they fly at them the animations at the beginning are just so fun to me for some reason then we've got the Freddy Funko zombie skateboarder we've got Surfer yeah there we go that's what I'm talking about we got the zombie Gunslinger legendary that is is amazing and so let's just continue through the pack here to see what else we've got inside because now we only need two more to finish off all of the legendary and gril cards I think we can maybe do it today guys remember earlier when I said two in one pack could we possibly get three on this one okay I doubt that but you still never know okay maybe we still have a bunch of cards to go through okay epic zombie M I don't think I have that one which is great for Proto and all right okay I did two was still crazy and I want to show you guys here if you view all take a look at this yeah we have the Gunslinger here and the Gunslinger there number 9917 and number 659 wow wow wow wow seriously crazy and let's just open up the next pack to see if we have any better luck well I mean better luck even better luck than what we've already had today I am pumped about this let's just flip the first one here and see how we do zombie superhero okay I'll take that that's not too bad but uh yeah I know I feel like we've kind of used all of our luck but we still have a couple packs so you never know okay here we go I'm nervous now cuz I really do want to finish off this set I mean they look amazing it would be so neat to have all of them in the collection of course of course okay zombie Surfer we've got the zombie clown we've got Freddy as zombie pirate and for the last card we have zombie Surfer with of course a coin at the end we are down to two packs and then we are done with opening them up for today and I might even pick up some more of these when they actually officially release if I don't end up completing it just because I seriously love how these guys turned out I think Funko and drop do such an amazing job with the actual characters and how much detail they put into them with something being so limited as well all righty so let's keep going here and see what we're going to be getting the skateboarder we've got the samurai again yeah oh my gosh we've got the zombie Knight that is crazy this one's also limited to 1,900 pieces well actually now that I say that all of the royalties are except for the Grail that one's limited to I believe 999 so anyways let's just continue here and see what else we've got inside of these packs there's the normal zombie Knight oh my gosh I am pumped what if there's another double one I mean that would be crazy if that happened but uh you never know could be I love that Glo the dark card by the way and then the last one we've got here is yeah just the normal zombie Knight and really quickly if you guys want to view the entire pack again this is what it was looking like and this is just honestly such an amazing card and now everybody before we do the last pack I want to go back to my progress here to see what we've got going on so we are 84% of the way done we have a few left in the Commons actually I kind of want to keep my eyes peeled for these ones so what are we missing Freddy Funko as zombie hiker with that kind of like you know pumpkin background and then also this one here the skateboarder animated okay good to know and then for the rest of it here I mean actually we're doing pretty great no new epics since the last time we checked but we do have a couple more redeemable since the last time like seriously amazing and the only one that I'm missing now is that zombie pirate fingers crossed it happens all righty so let's rip this thing here and find out what is going to be inside okay zombie Gunslinger I don't need that one but it is still a cool one to have then we've got another zombie Gunslinger a zombie Knight skateboarder not the one we needed two of the same one in a row I Believe come on there's the pirate that's the one I want but it's not the redeemable yet please please please oh I got excited there for a second and well everybody there we go that is all of the packs for today and thank you again to drop and Funko for setting this up and for you guys don't forget to go over to to make an account subscribe to their email list as well as comment down below your favorite figure as well as #d drop because winners will be selected at the end of day October 30th so you better get on it quick and with that being said that is pretty much everything for today so I hope that you guys did enjoy and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Top Pops
Views: 38,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funko, rare, retired, exclusive, top, chase, pops, walmart, marvel, dc, target, Hot Topic, Barnes and Noble, best buy, star wars, Funko Pop, EB Games, GameStop, top pops, halloween, funkoween
Id: jApiZXYLfK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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