Opening My 45 Year Old Survival Kit

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[Music] hi all planetside agent here well today i'm going to uh crack open a 40 plus year old survival kit i made this back in the 70s i was in first got in the air force i went to some survival schools i don't know if i made this after the first initial one i did at pilot training or after the i went to survival school out there in spokane but anyway one of the instructors who uh by the way uh comment i found the uh survival instructors air force file instructors i had at the land survival in spokane at fairfield fairchild air force base and the ones down at miami were probably some of the finest instructors i've ever come across i don't know what about those guys but they're all just excellent i was very impressed so just a side note and if any of you were out there former survival instructors well uh thank you for excellent job anyway one of them suggested that we make our own personal survival kit yeah granted uh you know the airplanes always have survival kits and the uh the fighter type with injection seats uh they have a survival kit which is built into the seat that comes out with you and uh there's different survival kits like in the life rafts and stuff on the bigger airplanes but uh they just said uh should you make a personal one you should carry with you so uh i like making stuff anyway so i thought why not i'm going to go ahead and make one so this is it and what this is i was going to dig that out this is a the tin is a band-aid band-aid used to come in metal tins back in the back in the day they're all in cardboard boxes nowadays but which were really handy for using for other things i used them for all sorts of stuff but just a handy little tin and they're back in those days there weren't as many variety of tins that you could find these days to make uh survival kits in so uh and use what was handy you know the back before the nowadays within that you can find all kinds of tins very easily but back in the olden days prior to the web trying to find these things you know if the hardware store loki hobby store didn't have it then that was about it it was pretty tough to research and find things and so use what you had and this is what i had it's probably a little bigger than probably want but it did fit in the pocket of my flight suit the leg pocket just fine and then years later i used to just keep it in my helmet bag uh when i was flying c-130 so uh anyway i came across this uh in a box the other day forgotten about it and uh i thought jay i wonder what's in here because it i made it uh made it sealed it up i painted the tin green instead of the old band-aid color and then i wrapped up uh with electrical tape to try to help seal it from moisture so yeah it's been sitting in a in a box somewhere for years and i thought you know what you know what's in here i'm going to crack it open and while i'm at it i'll just share with you guys so anyway let's uh let's go ahead and open this guy up and see what's in here no tape's still good oh yeah okay open her up actually i went ahead and glued in aluminum foil to work as a reflector for a mirror that's the other thing too back in those days you didn't have all the manufacturers of survival equipment that you can buy and stash in your own survival kits in fact i've made a few recently i'll probably do a video on what i made to carry in my uh pfds i'll probably do that one so you kind of like i said those days you had to use what you had so let's see what this is no i see okay i used uh i put everything in a ziploc plastic bag didn't have ziplock back then i keep going on on pretty much everything here is probably well since it's i probably made it uh maybe 75 76 so you talk over 40 years i put it in a plastic bag and then i sealed the plastic bag with more electrical tape just to keep it waterproof let's see what it wouldn't work okay right on top are two condoms and before you roll your eyes or get shocked and these are condoms make excellent water carriers because they're very strong they're lightweight they're small and of course you obviously get the non-lubricated kind but it's a latex rubber and they make excellent water bags so i threw two of them here right on top okay next oh stuffed uh cotton balls in here because those are uh good for uh fire starters obviously didn't put vaseline on them so actually cotton balls for uh survival kits hasn't changed in in the decades here i got some copper wire you can always use a wire and let's see what else we got in here okay more cotton balls and this little thing here oh it fell out this is cool one of the survival instructors so i must have made this after fairchild i believe uh when i went to land survival school uh made these and sold them and they were a nice little piece of wood he had a little feral rod in here and then he also included i think it's probably swelled up ah there we go a little bit of a hacksaw blade that you could use as a striker but it looks like the ferro rod the glue came loose and fell out it's probably down in here somewhere but that was kind of cool he sold them for a few bucks and we we all kind of bought one so anyway that's that little thing so you got fellow rod and you got wood you can use for again for uh starting fires more cotton balls i think i just whatever room i had left i think i just crammed cotton balls in there why not so they're like more band-aids more band-aids you know i tried to fill this you know i had the room so i just fill it up because you can always use this stuff then and obviously i never had to use it luckily like most survival kits you hope never have to use them kinda like a fire extinguish you need one but hope you never have to use it okay ah this looks to me pretty grody looks like uh let's make some more room ah oops this looks like uh bullion cubes that's the trouble with i found using bullion cubes and survival kits after a while they they will draw moisture and oh now this is wrapped in foil this is a tea bag lipton's brisk lip and tea so i rolled it all up so wrapped it in foil and uh it uh nice and compact i imagine this is another one i think the krode stuff on here is the bullion yeah this is another another tea bag yeah i got kind of the bullion kind of leached on to it i'm keeping this in frame so anyway yeah it's another two tea bags and then uh let's see what we got here oh waterproof matches wrapped up in foil oh that's what's stabbing me tweezers i should have put them down this way so when i reached in i don't stab myself if you're making your own so like i said not not the little tiny stuff you can find these days but tweezers for medical use and whatever more cotton balls okay yes okay this i think is probably a fishing kit let's see yeah you can smell those bouillon cubes they're kind of gonna get a knife out here real quick oops come on staying in frame oh okay yeah here you go i took a uh index card and taped in some leader looks like some lead shot looks like one two three sizes of hooks a couple of safety free safety pins and looks like a big and a couple of smaller needles so and that taped over and fit right in there you know as i look at this i've built many survival kits over the years and so far i'm pretty impressed what i did with this one probably stuff i learned from the survival school okay this uh yeah here the uh bullion cubes i've had problem with bullying cubes before in survival kits uh yeah they just they just draw moisture and get pretty grody this looks like uh another tea bag and this looks like more uh waterproof matches i don't think i had a striker in here probably in those days you just would strike it on a rock or whatever these kind of light anywhere matches back before there everything was safety matches that didn't work i guess if you can't strike the match you can't start a fire accidentally can you so okay where was that the wife came in so i had to stop the video for a minute i generally like to make sure she's not around her she's busy he's not gonna interrupt me while i'm making videos but you know that doesn't always work out that well so anyway let's keep digging into this thing uh i think it wasn't for these uh grody uh bullion cubes this pla thing wouldn't be in too bad of shape now what do we got here this oh okay here is a uh candle it's kind of over the years the heat and it's kind of molded to the corner of the uh survival kits there's still lots of stuff in there some of that looks pretty bad anyway and then i wrapped looks like some kind of a heavy sewing line all around it so you could use this line for fishing or sewing or whatever you needed to do so that's kind of a clever way of keeping it unless you you have to do it if you want to use your candle but so anyway let's uh keep going here where's my phone okay let's work over here ah more buoyant cubes i had enough of these i guess i could survive for months okay oh this is yeah now it's getting kind of nasty okay another uh cotton ball more bullion cubes i'm gonna stay over here towards the end of the frame okay and i think what i have here is uh looks like it was steel wool it's completely rusted out and there's a little bigger split shot must just thrown in throw those in there's filler grody cotton ball let's move this over here out of frame okay digging down digging down what else we got in here huh what i have here is a survival compass i used to issue these i don't know if they still do oh that's too bad it kind of crowd on the bottom up to clean this up but uh actually i don't know why i stuck it on top of this uh piece of candle must have had a reason anyway piece of candle and actually it was came with a lanyard so you could put her on your neck and not lose it and yeah it's a still works points to the north so had a little mini compass bye and let's see well where are we at here get down toward the bottom i'm gonna see if i can pull this plastic bag out might make it easier to dig the last bit of stuff out there we go okay yeah there's the looks like i got a little bit of well that's probably from the bullion cubes had a little moisture in it that's probably where some of the moisture that got in this tin was from the bullion cubes and that's probably what got the steel wool here to rust you know steel wool is good for a fire starter and let's see so it looks like that's all that's in the tin let's see what's in the rest of the uh i think this was just an old plastic lunch bag um old fashioned uh water purification tablets and what was this stuff called uh yeah anyway it's these were water purification tablets came a little bottle just uh this way used to get them i don't think still getting this way or not and it was sealed with wax so they're probably not any good anymore i wouldn't use them anyway let's see what else we got here i think what i have here an aluminum foil have a little plastic bags and stuff you got nowadays either foil is pretty good you can reuse the foil i would suspect these look like pills yeah look like aspirin so that'd be probably the first aid part of this and it's probably more aspirin let's see what pretty sure they are let's look it's uh they've kind of turned to dust yeah these would probably there if they're probably aspirin i can't think of what else it would have been these were still good shape these as you can see kind of crumbled over time okay hey razor blade like i said it looks like standard stuff you get most survival kits anymore let's see what else we got here uh more bullion cubes you can see i kind of went nuts with the bullion cubes yeah like i said i had room so i just filled it up now let's see okay and one of the matches that fell out yeah looks like another split shot and oh here's the oh it's kind of corroded too can you know hopefully keeping this in frame sorry if i drifting off frame here uh here's the frail rod that went in this little kit that the instructor made so that was the little kid he actually varnished this wood looks like it's laminated yeah it did a real nice job it's pretty cool i figured why not so they got a few bucks so anyway and that looks like the last of it just some dust and rust and crap i don't know why i did that anyway let's see what we got left two two items like i said that's another split shot was for the uh fishing this looks like a little plastic container and it looks to me like it's one of those uh yep it's uh those little hand saws that actually yeah that's pretty pretty clever it fit wound it up tight and it fit perfectly in this little plastic container and then kept everything else from you know rubbing against it and tearing it so of course i don't know from what i i've never really used one of these hand saws from what i've seen there of marginal effectiveness but i guess in a survival situation better than nothing so here's looks like the last thing last piece of mystery make sure i'm in frame so you can share the mystery with me let's see what we got here hold this i believe this is soap a little cut uh probably got one of those motel size soaps and just cut it down to everything so now you got some soap and it works as uh to clean yourself up and as a disinfectant for wounds and as you can see it's still good after all these years nothing wrong with it so like i used to put soap in a lot of my survival kits or first aid kits just i mean the alcohol all that stuff's pretty good but that tends to evaporate over time so you know good old soap worked back then still works today so anyway here it is guys my survival kit i carried this thing for years and years and if i ever had to use it it sounds like it was a pretty good one had everything in there you really need for survival so um looking over it here i can't think of anything else nope i guess that's all to say anyway i'm i'm quite impressed with the job i did i hope hope you guys enjoyed the video and uh we'll go ahead and see you next time bye bye
Channel: Planetside Agent
Views: 5,119
Rating: 4.9099097 out of 5
Keywords: survival kit, survial, outdoors
Id: _Luty86GwHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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