OpenAI CEO on GPT-4 vs GPT-5 | Sam Altman and Lex Fridman

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what aspect of the leap and sorry to linger on this even though you can't quite say details yet but what aspects of the leap from gbt 4 to gbt 5 are you excited about I'm excited about being smarter and I know that sounds like a glib answer but I think the really special thing happening is that it's not like it gets better in this one area and worse at others it's getting like better across the board that's I think super cool yeah there's this magical moment I mean you meet certain people you hang out with people and they you talk to them you can't quite put a finger on it but they kind of get you it's not intelligence really it's like it's something else uh and that's probably how I would characterize the the progress of GPT it's not like yeah you can point out look it didn't get this or that but it's just to which degree is there's this intellectual connection between like you feel like there's an understanding in your crappy formulated prompts that you're doing that it grasps the the deeper question behind the question that you yeah I'm also excited by that I mean all of us love being understood heard and understood that's for sure that's a weird feel even like with the programming like when you're programming and you say say something or just the the the completion that GPT might do it's just such a good feeling when it got you like what you're thinking about and I look forward to getting you even better uh on the programming front looking out into the future how much programming do you think humans will be doing 5 10 years from now I mean a lot but I think it'll be in a very different shape like you know maybe some people program entirely in natural language entirely natural language I mean no one programs like writing bite code some people no one programs the punch cards anymore I'm sure you can find someone who does but you know what I mean yeah you're going to get a lot of angry comments no no yeah there's very few I've been looking for people program for TR it's hard to find even Fortran I I hear you but that changes the nature what the ski the skill set or the predisposition for the kind of people we call programmers then changes the skill set how much it changes the predisposition I'm I'm not sure oh same kind of puzle solving all that kind of stuff you program is hard it's like how get like that last 1% to to close the gap how hard is that yeah I think with most other cases the best practitioners of The Craft will use multiple tools and they'll do some work in natural language and when they need to go you know WR C for something they'll do that will we uh see humanoid robots or humanoid robot brains from open AI at some point at some point how important is embodied AI to you I think it's like sort of depressing if we have AGI and the only way to like get things done in the physical world is like to make a human go do it MH so I I really hope that as part of this transition as this phase change we also get uh we also get humanoid robots or some sort of physical world robots I mean open a has some history quite a bit of History working in robotics yeah but it hasn't quite like done ter we're like a small company we have to really focus and also robots were hard for the wrong reason at the time but like we will return to robots at in some way at some point that sounds both inspiring and menacing why because immediately we will return to robots it's kind of like in and termin we will return to work on developing robots we will not like turn ourselves into robots of course yeah
Channel: Lex Clips
Views: 51,631
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Keywords: ai, ai clips, ai podcast, ai podcast clips, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence podcast, computer science, consciousness, deep learning, einstein, elon musk, engineering, friedman, joe rogan, lex ai, lex clips, lex fridman, lex fridman podcast, lex friedman, lex mit, lex podcast, machine learning, math, math podcast, mathematics, mit ai, philosophy, physics, physics podcast, sam altman 2, science, tech, tech podcast, technology, turing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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