Tulsi Gabbard on Bernie Sanders betrayal drama | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

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you were a longtime Democrat you were the vice chair of the Democratic National Committee until you resigned in 2016 to to endorse Bernie I should say I love Bernie I I loved him before he was cool all right anyway uh can you can can you go through what happened in that situation yeah uh and uh with the Democratic National Committee and with Bernie and why you resigned as a vice chair of the the Democratic National Committee one of the things that the rules of the DNC required was that officers of the DNC of which we were as I think there were five or six of us who were Vice chairs at the time um you have to remain neutral in a Democratic primary uh so you're not as a party supposed to be tipping the scales in any direction for any candidate um during a primary election and so I had no I had no um plans to get involved in any and for any candidate or against any candidate during that primary and just the hopes of like all right we got to make sure that this is a fair and balanced primary so that voters have uh the best opportunity to vote for the candidate if they're choosing uh I saw a couple of things pretty quickly number one is that the chair of the DNC at the time was a woman named Debbie werman Schultz a congress someone out of Florida and she she made very serious decisions unilaterally um that many times we found out about via tweet or press release um that that showed she was tilting the scales in the favor of Hillary Clinton in that 2016 primary the other thing that I saw was how the mainstream media and those those who are supposed to be in a position to be neutral Arbiters to facilitate facilitate debates and forums and conversations so that voters can be best informed and who they want to vote for uh we're calling Hillary Clinton the most qualified person ever to run for president in the history of our country because of the positions that she had held as Secretary of State as a US senator as first lady and yet they glossed over those titles without ever holding her asking questions even or holding her to account for her record especially in the area of foreign policy the job she was running for was to be commander-in-chief to be the president of United States that responsibility to serve as commander-in-chief is the foremost responsibility a president has it's it's it's essentially the one area where the president can unilaterally make decisions uh without without education Healthcare immigration Congress has to actually pass legislation president can come through and say hey here's the policies that I want here's legislation that I'll propose but th those changes can't be made without Congress um working with Congress to pass them so she was she was essentially being let off the hook for her record as an American as a soldier as a veteran uh that was a big problem for me and so I made the decision to resign as Vice chair of the DNC uh so that I could endorse Bernie Sanders who largely at heart I believe is a non-interventionist um he he hasn't focused a lot on foreign policy uh it's not it's not at the heart of what his Focus has been for decades but but he was certainly far more of a non-interventionist than Hillary Clinton who has shown through her record to be the queen of war mongers in Washington um I wanted to be in a position where I would have a platform to inform voters about her record so that they could make that decision for themselves so that they could see hey in this area on this issue which is incredibly important there is a clear contrast between these two candidates running in the Democratic primary uh and that's what drove my decision to to resign and to endorse Bernie Sanders and that's what I went on to do throughout the rest of that primary election what do you like most about Bernie the positive you know what I like most about him is is he is who he is yeah unapologetically so uh both in personality but also in uh in in what he advocates for uh and what he's advocated for for a long time so you know you can agree or disagree with his positions but um he is who he is
Channel: Lex Clips
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Keywords: ai, ai clips, ai podcast, ai podcast clips, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence podcast, computer science, consciousness, deep learning, einstein, elon musk, engineering, friedman, joe rogan, lex ai, lex clips, lex fridman, lex fridman podcast, lex friedman, lex mit, lex podcast, machine learning, math, math podcast, mathematics, mit ai, philosophy, physics, physics podcast, science, tech, tech podcast, technology, tulsi gabbard, turing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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