Only God Can Judge Me. Part 3 | Christopher Jackson | 2/21/2021 - Morning Worship Service

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] the oh yeah [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] me all right let us prepare to worship this morning we're going to ask you about to stand and remain standing through the prayer we will begin by reading psalms 100 verses 1 through 5 and it reads make a joyful noise unto the lord all ye land serve the lord will gladly come before his presence with singing know ye that the lord he is god it is he that has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and sheep of his pastor enter into his gate with thanksgiving and into his praise with in court we pray be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth and do it to all generations let us pray now god and our father in heaven we are thankful that for this another day that you have given us to come together and to worship you in spirit and in truth father we are thankful for this opportunity that you have given us we pray father that we will use it wisely we are thankful for your watch of us we are thankful for your bringing us back to this place of worship father in heaven we thank you for being our god and our savior we ask these favors and blessings in your son jesus name amen good morning after a very difficult week with snow and ice we still have joy i still have joy you know i still love joy after all that i've been through and still have joy you know i still have joy i still have joy after all the things i've been through i still have joy you know i still have love i still have love after all the things i've been through i still have love you know i still have peace i still have peace [Music] you know we still have god we still have god joy you know i still after all the things i've been through i still have joy good morning church and our church family out there streamlining today's scripture be coming from faith corinthians chapter four and the verses are one through five that's first corinthians chapter four and the verses are one through five if you haven't it is read let a man sew account of us as of ministers of christ and stewards of mysteries of god moreover is required ensures that a man be found faithful but with me it is a very small thing that i should be judged of you or a man's judgment yeah i just not my own self for i know nothing by myself yet i am not hit by justified for he that judges me is the lord therefore judged nothing before time until the lord come who both will bring light to the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the councils of the heart and then they shall every man have praise of god blessed be the hearse endures god word let us pray father god we come to you again to worship you in spirit and truth thank you for another day father that you have allowed us to be able to come to your house and worship father we've sent out a special prayer for the ones who have lost loved ones praying that you would comfort them as only you can and father we ask for forgiveness of our sins praying that you will remember no more father we pray for the leadership here yo elders uh we pray that you will be with them as their families and the work they have to do overseeing the flock as well as the deacons we pray for them as their family father in the work they do we'll continue to be with brother jackson today as he break forth the bread of life bring to recollection of things that he have studied that we might be better in your kingdom it's in the mighty name of jesus that we asked all these favors and blessings amen wonder [Music] me i see uh [Music] is [Laughter] then oh my soul my savior when christ shall come without [Music] [Music] and my [Music] my oh amen we've come down to the portion of the service where we are commanded to give back what belongs to god which is our on the offertory the collection um there are two ways you can give you can gear securely online but if you prefer not to give online you can contact one of the elders and they will assist you in your giving i want to draw your attention to first corinthians chapter 16 and verse 1 and two first corinthians chapter 16 and verse one and two now concern and collect the collection for the saints as i have given orders to the churches of galatia so you must also do on the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside storing up as he may prosper that there be no collections when i come and also in the second epistle to the corinthians and chapter nine starting in verse number six and as we understand is we're commanded to give on the first day of the week but then also the understanding that what we're given belongs to god paul says in this i say he whose soul and spiritually is also reap sparingly and he whose souls bountifully solves so reap bountifully but let each one give that his purposes in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity for god loves a cheerful giver and god is able to make all grace abound towards you that you having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work let us go to god in prayer most holy and righteous father the maker and creed of all mankind we thank you so very much for all the many blessings that you have stored upon us we thank you for most importantly jesus your only begotten son you sent to the sinful world to die on the cross for our sins and father we thank you for allowing us to lie down last night and see this new day father so at this time we come to what our minds prepared to give back to what you have blessed us with with the understanding that everything that we have that's in our possession belongs to you we understand father that you have set us to be stewards over what we have and what belongs to you and we pray father that we be good stewards in your sight in jesus name we pray amen all day long of jesus i am singing is love is everything to [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] is gray going on to sing and tell his story [Music] [Music] [Music] my when we [Applause] is [Music] taking on the [Music] christ in do this jesus says behold i stand at your door and knock and if anyone hears my voice and opens the door i will come in to dine with thee and you with me we can hear god the father saying throughout the scriptures that is his desire that every christian would say lord jesus my house is literally your house please come in and stay awhile we can hear god the father explaining throughout the scriptures that jesus is his beloved son in whom he is well pleased we can also hear god throughout the scripture saying i have prepared a body for jesus that he might become the lamb of the living god we can hear john the baptist saying who was the first cousin of jesus saying to the world by way of the scriptures here comes the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world we can hear jesus in the scriptures when he says that if i be lifted up from the earth in three days i will draw all men unto me we hear god say throughout the scriptures be wise and choose to follow my son jesus for he has prayed a great price to be your redeemer your savior he is my son your messiah when we consider jesus in the piercing of his side and they uh pull that spear from his side scripture reveals that there was a great gush of both blood and water and because of this we can say thank you lord for the gift of redemption and the gift of a new life in god which brings us to john chapter 6 commencing in verse 35 jesus has a few words to say and then we'll move down to verse 54. john 6 and 35 jesus says to them i am the bread of life jesus says who he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst verse 54 53 then jesus said to them truly i say to you unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you will have no life in you whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him up at the last day for my flesh jesus says is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and i in him as the living father sent me and i live because of the father so he who feeds on me will live because of me this is the bread which came down from heaven not as your fathers ate the manna and are dead he who eats this bread will live forever jesus is the true bread jesus is the true dream let us bow as christians great god of abraham isaac and jacob the same god that is the father of jesus the same god that is the god of our salvation we thank you father for making us christians we thank you for calling us from darkness into the marvelous spiritual understanding of who you are and who jesus is to you and who he ought to be to us and we thank you for the indwelling of a measure of the holy spirit we thank you as christians father for the gift of reconciliation we thank you father for giving us spiritual understanding that this was attained not free of charge but it was attained at a great price and that was the price that had to be paid was by the lamb of god and that is jesus himself father we thank you for choosing us to be your sons and your daughters and as is our hope and our prayer that we will take of this communion cup and eat of this bread father in a worthy manner father let us be reminded you have rules and you have expectations and and they're always good for us father let it be reminded of us that we in order to say that we love you we must love every christian in your fold father we love you and we love the brethren and jesus we thank you for being the son the firstborn we thank you for being the perfect sacrifice we thank you for being our lord and our savior we thank you for coming into our house we thank you for coming into our life we thank you for not giving up on us and making us better men and better women all under the title of christian father thank you for the body of jesus christ we accept him as the lamb of the living god we thank you for his body over and over again we thank you for choosing us before the foundation of the world to be your sons and your daughters we thank you father for smiling on us it is in the name of jesus the lamb of god the perfect sacrifice that every christian let every christian say amen let us bow again as christians and give thanks for the spiritual life that we have by way of jesus and his blood let us bow great god of abraham god of our salvation thank you so very much for choosing to visit us father thank you for teaching us that jesus is because of his blood that we are continuously being made clean over and over again father thank you for reminding us that we have responsibility father and that father thank you for teaching us that we can have hope in you because you did raise jesus on the third day and you are drawing all men unto you and we thank you for allowing us to be in that number lord jesus we thank you for the great sacrifice that you made you did everything for us and it was nothing that we could do for ourselves to be in compliance and in reconciliation with god the father it is because of you the great mediator the son of god uh the christ the wonderful counselor that we are able to say that we have life as well as we do we thank you for making us the christian men and the christian women that we are and we look forward to you pouring into us until your return we thank you for your blood we thank you for being the lamb of god we thank you for your promises and we look forward to your return and it is in the name of christian in the name of jesus that every christian should say amen let every christian say thank you jesus for the gift of salvation let every christian say amen this world is not my home i'm just a passing through and i like you if [Music] and i can't [Applause] [Music] i am no friend [Music] [Music] from [Music] and i can't feel at home in this world anymore god is good to you you ought to say amen on this morning if the lord has brought you a mighty long way you ought to say amen and if he was there when no one else was there you ought to say amen one more time for the god is truly he's an awesome god we sung how great thou art because that's how great the lord is he's greater than any man greater than any government greater than anybody who ever has lived or will live how great y'all got me super excited on this morning um brother dowd magnificent job magnificent job brother jordan the magnificent job hey amen amen and we're just so grateful and and good brother you know i know brother batson amen my bad brother batson they ain't that's what i like to call names cause i'm old and sometimes i i forget i forget names brother batson you got me showed enough ready to preach this morning awesome beautiful job beautiful job and we're just grateful for everyone who is watching home on live stream this morning thank you for not only watching but worshiping with us as we worship the lord in spirit and in truth and i have just a few announcements on this morning then we will dive into our lesson on this morning we want to remind you of our youth class and before we even talk about our youth class we want to send our prayers and our condolences out for us to please continue to pray for the the same and the trice family and the loss of sister cinda sane of tennessee she was the mother of brother lynn shane and the sister to brother artie trice funeral arrangements are as follows the viewing will be friday february 26 from 2 p.m to 6 p.m at dixie funeral home and the viewing saturday will be february 27 2021 from 10 a.m to 11 a.m at the tate road church of christ and then there will be private services to follow at 11 a.m and the burial will be at the oak grove church of christ cemetery in henderson tennessee so let us please keep the same family in our prayers during this time of bereavement not only them let us continue to keep the praise of family in our prayers as well but the courtney and brother titus prather and their entire family as they grieve the loss of their mother want to remind you of our upcoming youth class our upcoming youth class that starts on march the 1st we have over 40 some children who have already parents who have signed their children up and parents is vital now more than ever for our children to understand the meaning and the importance of how to become good stewards of finances at home church school the classes are for children ages 5 to 18. the finance class will be held on monday 6 pm that starts on march 1st of 2021 if you are interested in your child participating in the classes please register at the following link that's our website if you go to our website you will indeed find the link to register your child for the class and if you have any questions you can contact with south hall brother pierre armstrong or sister gloria sanders and last but not least our monthly communion pickup first saturday the month of march that is march 6th from 9 00 am to 11 am once again our monthly communion pickup will be march 6 9 a.m to 11 a.m those are the announcements we have on this morning let us let us bow let us go to god and pray our gracious fathers once again we approach your throne of grace and mercy we are grateful for this day father at this time father i come humbly but confidently father that your will rejog the things father that i have studied father that your spirit father will come and merge with your word father that your spirit will take his weapon which is the word of god may he father not only bless the hearers father but bless me as well father that we may all apply to things father that your word would have us to do we give you all the glory we give you all the honor for you alone are worthy of it for us in jesus name we pray amen grandma used to say when you know better you ought to do better that we can sometimes do stuff out of ignorance but once our ignorance has been dispelled our newfound knowledge should make us behave differently from skipping doctor's appointments knowing that you need to yearly checkup when you know better you ought to do better for spending every dollar that comes into your possession when you know better you ought to do better by realizing that everything you see is not worth buying when you know better you ought to do better knowing that every remark does not deserve a response when you know better you ought to do better and without saying that when you know better you ought to do better there is a certain behavior that many of us have engaged in in respects to judging yes sir let me let me first say that god's word we know it cuts it convicts and even as a minister i after reading and studying our sermon on this morning i had to admit that i've sinned that i've fallen short because i made the same mistake that the church that correct me when it comes to judging and what i want to do on this morning one of i want to shed light on this behavior about judging and one of one of the reasons um i believe it needs to be light needs to be shed on it is because even as a minister um i can attest that you never hear this passage talked about but the passage we're going to talk about on this morning is so convicting that it makes it makes us all say lord forgive me um and so we come to this passage i want to talk to you and i'm just speaking from the heart because i don't want you to make the same mistake that the church at corinth made and then i don't want you to make the same mistake that i've made yes sir um because we know that it's easy to judge other people and so on this morning as we do a conclusion on only god can judgment we're going to take the question mark away from the phrase and make it a declarative statement that yes only god can judge me in order for you to appreciate this text i i want you to come with me to first corinthians chapter three and brother whitaker i'll take over the controls from from down here for come with me to first corinthians chapter three and as you come with me to first corinthians chapter three um we know that the church at corinth was a divided church it was a divided church and it was a church that you could really say some of everything was taking place at the church at carteret in first corinthians chapter three and i'm just giving you a background cause we gotta we got a lot of ground we need to cover in a quick amount of time in a in a small amount of time um in first corinthians chapter three paul addresses this church that is so divided he addresses them and he says i brethren i could not speak to you as spiritual people but as the corner as the babes in christ paul tells them that i had to speak to you as if you were not saved i couldn't really speak to you as if you've been saved as if you was a child of god i had to speak to you as if you had never known jesus he says i fed you with milk and not with solid food in other words i couldn't teach you um complex principles about jesus i had to just talk to you about the basics he says i fed you with milk and not with solid food for until now you were not able to receive it and even now you're still not able paul says you you're not in the condition where you're able to um understand and apply complex spiritual principles so paul says i kept it basic with you well what was the problem paul would say and you might have to large screen this at home by the whitaker he says for you're still caught in other words you still operate as if you don't know who the lord is as if you've never been saved he says for where there are envy strife and divisions among you are you not carnal and behaving like mere me and paul says that how i know that you're not where god would have you to be is that paul says that there is jealousy there is divisions there are factions and you are fighting at the lord's church and paul says that that's a sign that somebody has on the wrong glasses in other words you have on the worldly glasses instead of having on a christian perspective and he says for when one says that i am of paul and another says that i am of apollos are you not connor or are you not acting worldly what are you saying the the situation of the church at corinth was was that you had the factions in the church one faction was saying that my allegiance is to the apostle paul and another faction was saying that i am a disciple of peter and i am a follower of apollos we are familiar with first corinthians 1 and 10 where paul says i plead with your brother and by the name of our lord jesus christ that you speak the same thing that there be no divisions among you that you be perfectly joined together and in the same mind and in the same judgment that's first corinthians 1 and 10. so you have this church and they their their allegiance is not to christ but their allegiance has become to a particular preacher or an apostle and so whoever their allegiance was they were now they were then saying that since i am a disciple of paul my group is better than your group that's where verse 21 comes in because in verse 21 power would say that that therefore let no one boast in men for all things i was in other words the the con the context is that um one would say that listen my allegiance is the apostle paul i i i like his style better and and since i like his style and since i was trained by paul i'm better than you that was the context and and brother harris what was going on was is that they lived in a in a city called cochran and corinth placed a lot of emphasis on worldly standards on the wisdom of the world you'll hear paul talking about that concept in the book of first corinthians the wisdom of the world because the wisdom of the world was whoever could speak the best whoever was the most intelligent whoever was the most educated that's who you should follow the church had adopted that perspective and so they were basing preachers and speakers on certain pedestals based off of how good they could speak based off of how educated they were based off of the charisma that they had and so they were saying my allegiance is to this preacher because i just like the way his style is and so they had begun come here you all they had begun to rank preachers rank their leaders they began to say this leader i like him better than this leader over here because i like his style and so paul writes to them letting them know that you are looking at your leaders especially those who preach god's word those who who who minister in his word you are looking at them the wrong way because your allegiance is never to a preacher or to an elder or to a brother your allegiance is to christ and i have no business ranking ministers ranking elders ranking leaders against other ones are y'all on the line and so he begins to write he begins to write because he has to correct this that hey you can't operate in the church with a world in mind state because the world says whoever has the most degrees who's ever the most educated whoever's the most popular that's who you should follow and so he writes to try to get them to correct the way they look at their leaders are y'all on the line and so when we come to chapter four when we come to chapter four when we come to our main text paul says let a man so consider us as servants of christ and stewards of the mysteries of god paul says the proper way that you need to look at those who preach god's word who teach god's word the proper way of you should look at those who lead in the church you should look at them as servants of christ in other words a servant was a slave who was who who who rolled in the bottom of the ship on the behalf of the captain paul says that listen that that that a leader is not a captain of the ship we are all servants we are servants of christ in other words you belong to christ i belong to christ i might as well in other words listen listen listen and i don't want and not everything i'm saying i'm coming right out of the bible a leader doesn't belong to the congregation servants of christ in other words paul says that listen corinth becomes y'all saying that this faction is for paul and and this faction is for this man over here he says that i don't belong to none of y'all because i am a slave of christ he says not only am i a slave of christ but we are stewards of the mysteries of god a steward is somebody that it doesn't belong to him he's just managing he's just managing well what then what then does a does a preacher does a teacher what do they manage we just preach the mysteries of god which is jesus that's the mysteries of god the gospel to jesus are y'all still with me now i'm going somewhere he says moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful because paul says the kill the only qualification that matters for one who teaches god's word for one who leads god's word is that they be faithful because if you're not careful the church develops standards that are not biblical paul says the only qualification that god wants for those who serve on his behalf and lead on his behalf is faithfulness faithfulness means can god trust you to do what you know you need to be doing come here come in paul says it's not based off of how good you speak it's not your success is not based off of how big the church is how many people get baptized how many people may play a membership how big of the building how much money you take up how much money you send out god does not judge us on all of that stuff god judges those who lead based off of have you been faithful because sometimes in the church we get caught up in all this other stuff how many people y'all got over there how many people y'all unbaptized how many people in your youth department what's the size of your offering how many people you sent on missions how many preachers y'all over there training how many elders y'all got over there paul said god ain't looking at none of that god the only requirement is have you been trustworthy to the job i have given you are y'all on the line now come to verse three we come now we come to our first main point our first main point paul says but with me it's a very small thing that i should be judged by you or by human court paul says it's very insignificant to me or what you think about me paul says paul says i don't lose any sleep over what the church members think about me paul says that it don't pause says it don't bother me that it don't even matter to me what you think about me he said that i should be judged judge means talk a person to examine another person then come up with a verdict about that person paul says i do not care what you think about me when you're driving in your car when you at your house what you saying in your call paul says i don't care about what you say oh he says it's a small thing that i should be judged by you or by a human court paul was saying even if i had my day in court and it was the church members putting me in court paul says it don't bother me what y'all thought about me now if i ain't in the book now y'all i'm in the book this is in the book right brother tucker this is in the book right and so and so paul says in fact i don't even judge myself paul says i'm not even competent enough to judge or evaluate myself and if paul was an apostle and paul says i'm not good enough to judge myself paul said i showed up don't care about what y'all think listen listen my first point is is that sometimes sometimes if you're not careful when you serve in the lord you get caught up into thinking what people think about you rather than the lord god never called you to serve and you worried about what people think rather than what the lord say if you're not careful you'll begin to try to please people and when you try to please people you stop pleasing god if god has called you to serve and lead you're not working for the church you're not working for the minister you're not working for the elders you working you're doing this for the lord so even if my name does not get called even if you do not pat me on the back even if you ignore the things that i've done it don't bother me because i wasn't working for you in the first place as a matter of fact i don't even care what you think about my service to god paul is saying like i say it's a convicting sermon even for me paul is paul is saying that what what people think is insignificant what church members think when they get in their huddles and begin to talk about the leaders paul said paul said it's a small thing paul said paul say please i'ma get to it you not even competent enough to evaluate and and what'll happen is um you can develop a mentality that i'm not gonna work for the lord because of what people are saying i would get involved but i know such and such gonna say something and i would become a teacher but i know some parents gonna say something and i would i would get involved with with with sisters prayer power lace but i know how some of them sisters are god say and i would try to help out but i know what the preacher the elders are saying and god says what people think about your service to god does not matter and so if you get caught up if you get caught up wanting people to pat you on the back and to compliment you you'll never do nothing for god because somebody will always be there to criticize and to judge and it's a dangerous thing like running on ice when you get caught up in the praise of people more than the praise of god in john chapter 12 y'all all right in john 12 and verse 42 nevertheless even among the rulers the bible says many people are many believed in him but because of the pharisees they did not confess or openly acknowledge lest they should be put out the synagogue why for they love the praise of men in other words jesus john lets us know that there were many people who believed in the lord there were many rulers that were many high art how high sitting people who believed that jesus was who he said he was but they didn't openly say it because they love people more than they love god i'm even reminded that in john 2 and verse 24 um you know jesus was gaining popularity and the bible says that jesus did not commit himself to them for he knew all men and he had no need of anyone to tell him about man because he knew what was in man in other words jesus knew that people can be fickle people can be phony people can love you one day they can hate you the next day they can pat you on the back one day they can stab you in the back on the next day they can smile in your face on the day while plotting your downfall jesus knew that so he never got caught up in the compliments and in the praise of people and i would tell you that if you keep your posture right with god god will help you keep your position right with people god is the only one [Applause] that matters listen god is the only one that matters sometimes you have to tell yourself that i'm serving an audience of one brother talk i've been having to tell myself that my audience is an audience of one my audience isn't six or seven hundred people my audience is not the teachers the deacons or the elders my audience says please god why should you please people and miss out on heaven because you put people before god so paul says that that that what you think about me is insignificant y'all all right i'm in the book i'm just making sure i'm in the book no no no now listen listen listen as i move as i move paul says that listen that um paul says i don't even judge myself paul is an apostle paul has the holy spirit more than what we got today and paul says i'm not even fit enough to evaluate myself but watch verse 4 he says for i know nothing against myself yet i am not justified by this paul was saying that i'm not aware of any wrongdoing but even though i'm not aware of any wrongdoing that doesn't mean i'm innocent because why follow the text paul said cause i don't care about what y'all say paul says i'm not even fit to evaluate myself paul says i'm not aware of any wrongdoing i've been doing but paul says that'll mean i'm innocent though because sometimes even though you may not be aware of something you're doing wrong when you can actually be in the wrong and that's what paul is saying that because i don't find nothing guilty with myself that doesn't mean i'm not guilty because proverbs 21-2 says um every way of man is right in his own eyesight but the lord examines the heart that my way the path my actions may look fine in my eyesight but god looking at my heart and he's the one who i'm ultimately gonna answer to so even if your conscience does not bother you even if you're not aware of anybody you may be mistreating or doing wrong paul says that doesn't mean i'm actually innocent he says what's the last part he says in verse first corinthians 4 and 4 he says for i know nothing against myself yet i am not justified by this but he who judges me before tupac said it y'all come on the line before tupac said that paul said before but before somebody in the world said it paul said paul says that listen paul's saying it does not matter if i think i am innocent because god is not going to go by what i think god is going to judge me himself oh man oh man we come to our main verse paul says in other words watch watch the flow since god is going to judge me since god is going to judge me not you not a church member not the preacher not the elder now god don't judge me he says therefore judge nothing before the time now let me let me put this in proper context now he's he's not talking about sin he's not talking about sin because just over the next chapter the man who was sleeping with his family he's not talking about sin he's not talking about that but i'm tell you what he's talking about let me read it first therefore judge nothing before the time in other words he says there's an appointed time to judge when is that time until the lord comes in other words don't judge nothing until the lord comes why why who will bring who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts then each one praise will come from god he says he says listen stop judging stop having a critical examination on those who lead those who preach those who teach the apostles you know even i say even the elders especially elders who teach stop having a critical examination then you come up with a verdict about their value and possibly you even try to come up with a verdict about where they're going he says stop doing that stop doing that don't do that because that's gonna happen when the lord comes god doesn't need your help in judging his servants but what we'll do we'll like i said we'll listen how somebody speaks we'll we'll look at how competent they are we'll we'll we'll look at um the things they do we'll look at the size of their church we'll look at if they're on some type of platform we'll look at how big the church is we'll we'll look at every decision they make then we'll come up with a conclusion about their value paul said you ain't fit to do that oh jesus paul says this way is cut man paul says chris you're not fit enough to judge another one of my servants because god sees the whole picture you don't so your judgment oh preach chris is based off of one perspective that's why you don't need to judge the value the worthiness of one of god's servants because you only see one few in other words as as you all look at this podium those of you all who are in the audience you just see this view right here and if i was to ask you how valuable is this podium you can only make a judgment based off of what you see but you don't know that on the inside of this podium it's some clear it's some clorox you don't know on the inside of the podium there's some lights out you can't see what's on the inside and god is saying since you can't see what's on the inside you not fit um god says that god will see everything god said i didn't need your help to save man and if i didn't need your help to save man i definitely don't need your help to judge man sometimes they all witness so sometimes what we'll do we'll even have somebody funeral even at somebody's funeral we'll sit down and we'll begin to conjure up in our minds and we'll make a conclusion i know where they're at god said you don't know where nobody is really a brother or sister who have been done died and because i've been guilty of it and you'll sit right here and you'll be thinking in your mind i know they're not at rest right now god's in christ shut up cause you don't know what you're talking about because god says i see what you don't see god says i see the mortals cause some people do stuff you'll think they right but you don't know their motives and some people who do stuff right but with the wrong motives are going to be in trouble with god because when god examines god is not just going to look at my actions but he's gonna look at why i did what i did are y'all all right oh man like i say this is more of teaching and so it ain't my place it ain't my place to judge the value of somebody who's been serving christ not only is it not your place cause i because i'm talking about like leadership in this park not only is that not your place it's also not your place to judge other members who you may have differences of opinions with come with me to first corinthians 15 and we're going to close green screen for me brother we take up take over for me green screen and put it put it out here so i can see it brother whitaker um go to romans 14 and we close and we close on right here last part last part last part like i said cause this is more there's more of a teaching lesson um because this convicted me and i had to say lord i'm sorry lord i'm sorry amen somebody lord i'm sorry because lord i know i know i've been guilty of it in the past and lord and lord just just just just show me the fault show me the error of my ways lord and and lord i'll change lord i'll leave that to you but not only not only is it not only does it apply for leaders and those who preach god's word but let me show you this aspect of the members paul writing to the church at rome trying to get them to be unified paul says receive one or accept one who is weak in the faith which means that their faith may not be where your faith is at he says you know you need to accept them don't ostracize them accept them in other words paul says paul lets us know there's going to be times in the congregation that we don't see eye to eye on every little thing amen somebody hate another because this is the perfect example he said except one whose faith is not where yours at but not to dispute over doubtful things in other words when you when you receive them now don't you accept them so you can argue over your opinion in other words when you accept somebody who does not see eye to eye on everything like you do don't you receive them so you can just fuss with them on the correct way to look at something that ain't even really super important we're not talking about now we're not talking about fundamental doctrines like baptism and repentance there there are some gray area things there are some things on the peripheral that oh i might not even say that right there are some things on the outside that's on the outskirts that if you're not careful you'll over all right let me get the next verse for one believes he may eat all things you got one who says i can eat beef pork chitlins hog mogs all of them but he who is weak eats only vegetables then you got one member who said no i believe it's wrong to eat all of that i just eat vegetables so you got members they're not thinking the same thing but paul's gonna show how to deal with it he says let not him who eats despise him who does not eat so if your faith is not strong enough that you believe that certain things are wrong paul says i can't look down on you and so say say if you got a brother or sister who believe in praying getting when it's time to pray they get on their knees and they just feel like that's the posture to pray and paul says if a brother or sister feels like that and even though you know that it does not matter whatever posture is right don't you look down on them because they believe that this posture is the only possible yeah are y'all winning in doubtful things things that are not um things that are not fundamental but all right and he says let not him who defeats despise him who does not eat let not him who does not eat judge him who eats and so he talks to both groups he says to the to the strong group that listen don't look down on your brother or sister because they believe certain things are seen don't despise them and when and when you accept them don't you don't you invite them over just so y'all argue about what you disagree because we'll do that sometime and then he says let the one whose faith may not be strong do not judge him who eats so if your faith um thinks something is a sin but another brother or sister don't you can't send you in sin for doing that let me make sure i say that clearly let not him who does not eat judge him who eats and so for the member whose faith isn't as strong and so they believe it's wrong but you got a member who does not the weak member he's paul said you can't pass judgment on them and say they ain't seen you may have one member um i'll give you an analogy i'll give you an analogy unless man if i let me get the next verse and i'll give you an analogy come on come on it says who are you therefore our same part of first corinthians who were you to judge another servant in other words your fellow church member they not your servant they not serving you they serving the lord to his own master he stands the father his own master will determine how it turns out you not your brother and sister master indeed he will be made to stand god can accept him for god is able to make him stand give me the next part one person listen here one person esteems one day above another another esteems every day alike paul says you may have a situation where you got a church member that says only sunday is the holy day but then you may have another church member that says not only is sunday the whole day but the whole week is holy paul says don't you fall out don't you look down on your brother that believe that sunday is the only holy day he's talking about days right okay y'all y'all y'all quiet he says one person extends one day one person extreme sunday above another another extends every day the same way let each be fully convinced in his own mind in other words if one brother say sunday is the only holy day but the other brother says that and wednesday is holy as well paul says you can't judge each other saying you in sin because not only are you worshiping on sunday but you're worshipping on wednesday paul said you can't do that let me give you another let me give you a modern day application all right um you may have a christian that you know it's valentine's they may celebrate valentines and and and but you may not celebrate valentine's day you may not celebrate christmas you may not celebrate thanksgiving or halloween and and and if you believe that that is wrong god say that's fine that's fine you just be convinced in your own mind but because you don't celebrate those holidays you can't pass judgment on the member who decides to celebrate because you ain't gonna be the one to judge me ah god is and as i close right here because i think you see the concept i think you see as i close right here i would tell you i would tell you that that at the end of the day that that guy is not going to be flesh and blood that that that judges me i'm glad that god is going to be the one to judge me not the president but god not brother jackson but god not brother elder our brother deacon god not your family member but god listen man can't even direct his own steps if man cannot direct his own steps why in the world would god listen to man when it comes to judging another man i've said enough i've said enough hold the judging of somebody's value to god even if you don't like the style they preach even if you don't like this or like that paul says hold it to god and when your brother or your sister when y'all don't see eye to eye over something that's on the outskirts of biblical stuff god say don't y'all be fussing back and forth falling out with each other about it listen i've said enough there may be somebody there maybe somebody on the sound of my voice that that you need to know this jesus who we talk about he is the lord he is going to be your judge he is the one who saved him and since he did all of that you need to obey the gospel which is his death his burial and his resurrection and as a matter of fact he rose to be lord so he could be the judge that's acts 17 verses 30 and 31 that the empty tomb is evidence that jesus will be the one to judge and since he's the one who's going to judge i'm going to give my life to him by believing in him by repenting of my sins by confessing that jesus christ is the son of god by going down in the watery grave of baptism for the remission of my sins because baptism washes away my sins because i am being obedient to god's plan of salvation and the lord will add me to the church and you may be someone that only thing you do is you just evaluate people you just critical and you just evaluate people people who lead people who preach people who teach and that's the only thing you do and and you realize that god you was talking to me as well yeah and so lord i'm sorry because i'ma leave that to you and if you need prayer prayer yeah because if we keep it real proud that i won't be so judgmental and sometimes sometimes we so judgmental paul even tell them in chapter six stop judging the people who are on the outside god to deal with the people in the world you just worry about what's going on on the inside prayer stop being so judgmental yes sir be more like jesus yeah don't compromise the truth but i'm gonna be kind and merciful and forbearing and and showing long suffering like jesus and so if you need prayer you're falling short whatever it is but the dollar you can make your way on up here and that's brother dog make his way on up here i'm gonna go ahead and spray foam but those are there are some numbers on your screen right now and we want you to respond by calling no calling that number right there call that number and we will indeed get in contact with you let us stand let us go to god and pray let us sing our invitation song [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh just as i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] god we have had a tremendous blessing and a treat with this message today it has been right on target and i just hope we all i hope we all got our part out of it um and all i can say is there man amen amen because people we as people are quick to judge do a whole lot of judging but god is the one that's going to do it thank you brother jackson and also i i want to thank first of all all of those who are viewing this live stream service and the messages and the worship service we want to extend our appreciation to you for that we certainly appreciate you and those who worship with us through live stream we certainly appreciate that as well and i want to thank all those brothers who thank all of you for coming here but i want to thank the brothers who participated brother sterling has for reading our scripture and doing the prayer and brother keith jordan for making the appeal for the collection and brother sean bassen who also administered their communion we want to thank you for that and of course brother jackson who brought us our message and our sermon uh there are a number of people who uh are in need of prayer uh sister elizabeth hare who the mother of brother has here uh she was in the hospital last week and i understand she's home now but she's doing uh doing better and we certainly want to pray for her and keep her in our prayers uh brother and sister d foster newson and that daughter p real pete bureka uh all uh brother and sister newsome are in the hospital that saint thomas midtown and so we want to keep them in our prayers too and we want to pray for them brianna kimbrough who is the granddaughter of brother and sister sterling harris we want to keep her in our prayers and also brother samuel carr is in saint midtown a long time member of this congregation here we certainly want to keep him in our prayers as well and for those who are experiencing some difficulties and have experienced difficulty doing this snow this the snow days and the weather and the temperature and especially in houston texas we want to keep those people in our prayers as well uh they're experiencing some major problems down there uh we also want to remember the same family and the prey for family in the loss of their loved one sister sane who was uh who is with the sister brother artie christ brother charles christ in the church christ family we want to keep the same family in our prayers and also brother prather the prather family courtney and titus lost their mother and we want to keep them in our prayers and there may be others that different ones of us might know about uh keep them in prayer and let us know so we can pray for them also let us go to god in prayer now god and our father in heaven we are thankful for your love and for your kindness father we thank you for your many blessings of this life we are thankful father to be able to have heard a great message from your word today we thank you father for that and father we also thank you for the opportunity to be here and to be a part of your service we asked father and we pray for darlene and and marin jones to be the family the entire family jones family and uh and others i'm i'm getting some texts so i'll try to read these we asked father that you continue to bless them and watch over them father be with us all and guide us we thank you father for keeping us and blessing us we ask father also your your blessings upon brother kenneth whitley who is recovering we ask your continued blessings upon those who are suffering one way or the other and father we pray for the healing of those who are sick and those who are in need of recovery we pray for their healing we pray for their health and strength and not just for them but for all of us father we ask your your blessings and your health and your uh actual provision for our health rather and for all of the provision that you make for us father we are thankful for your son jesus who you sent to this world to give his life that we might have eternal life we ask father your your blessings and we pray father for our sister bass family in the passing of sister annie bass we ask your comfort upon that family and father for michael and deborah grisby we asked father that you will bless them and be with them and be with all of those that are sick and shut in father we pray and ask your continued blessings upon us all we ask father your forgiveness of our sins and our shortcomings we pray father that from this lesson today that we will learn not to be so judgmental but to be patient be comforting and be loving toward one another father we pray and ask you to be with us and help us father to be considerate be compassionate that we will demonstrate that we are your sons and your daughters help us father to be able to stand for what is right and what is truthful when it comes our time to stand for what's right when it comes our time to speak up for what's right help us father to be able to do that give us the strength the encouragement that we will stand and speak for the things that are right help us to not be quick to make accusations that we don't even understand and many times help us to be the kind of examples that you would want us to be help us to be mindful before we speak and before we say things that we wish we hadn't said be with us father guide us and help us to walk this straight and narrow way that we ought to walk as christians father it is in your son jesus name that we ask these faiths and blessings amen stand for closing him when the savior when he calls for me i will hear oh i'll be somewhere [Music] [Applause] somewhere [Music] let us pray otherwise god we approach thy throne with thanksgiving thanking you for bringing us together for this hour of worship thanking you for your many blessings for your mercy and your kindness and for watching over us from day to day we pray that what has been said and done through song and the spoken word has been acceptable and that you will forgive us for our sins and we will leave this place renewed strengthened in our faith and that we will turn the mirrors and see ourselves in the mirrors and judge not and let us carry this message that was so beautifully delivered by brother jackson with us and follow the word of god that has been left to us as a guide of long our pathway it is in the name of jesus christ the son of god who sacrificed himself on the cross that we offer this prayer and say thank you amen
Channel: Jackson Street Church of Christ
Views: 1,215
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Nashville Church, The Church of Christ, Church of Christ Preaching, Church of Christ Worship Service, Michael Crowder
Id: 15y-5mpvhkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 20sec (5540 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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