Episode 4 | Some Rain Must Fall | Fallout: Zero

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to fallout zero um this is the very beginning of the episode actually so we're gonna um give a look i just i just want to make this clear all right todd howard i'm talking to you right now you am i yeah my mic's on right okay great cool todd you want to play in this game send me an email you can be here because we just ordered a todd howard body pillow and you're going to be here in spirit so if you want to be here and play this game i will zoom you in 100 percent this invitation also extends to josh sawyer so we're here we're back hello everybody no we don't um you didn't put it on the corner of that one now because there's two remember remember there's two why is it down here i don't know but uh welcome everybody thanks for joining um we are missing marshall tonight so no marshall he's watching football or something okay really you're doing a really good job right now just pasted the reference to give me that all right um so yeah um we have had a lot of changes added to the game uh since last we played so there are going to be some new rules and some new stuff and i'm i'm not posting the rules update yet i will be posting it in uh patreon the patreon of the arcane arcade uh once 1.3 is what i'm calling it is done um it's i'm i've revised radiation rules i've revised crafting and repair a lot of things but um you'll see them throughout the game today and i'll be posting that once it's done there's a few things i still need to finish up that i haven't got done yet but they will be done pretty soon so yeah uh it just works really this one just works um that is a really dangerous really dangerous thing to say on one of our streams it just works okay so it works as well as and we're just like you our [ __ ] is so buggy and it's so ridiculous but oh my god did i give meaning to mugs i was in the chess club what i was in the chess club look at the reference i'm thinking this is all taught howard reference it is gonna be todd howard the whole game um all right so uh was there anything else i needed to talk about um with with the rules and stuff the rules and stuff no there's a bunch of rule changes but unless we want to unless we want to give like a quick rundown of what we change oh also for some reason because people continue to think this the rules and the system are free on the patreon that you don't have to pay for it um so yeah they're just it's just a place to put files oh yeah it does it does it does say for free on patreon yeah just letting you guys know um for free for free yeah we do have a free we do have it it's not for free but we do have a book on kickstarter oh yeah uh september 7th guys calendars questions questions uh link in the description to the kickstarter page um i'm already seeing i i'm starting to see ads now foreign facebook is is showing up yeah are you a d d player or a kickstarter questo nomicon enjoyer how would they know that they're a quest to nomicon enjoyer and they had to subscribe to find out exactly all right we're gonna start the game now so uh last we left off just really quickly the todd howard body pillow that i found is on a pretty sketchy website should i still buy it no so here's what you do sketchy also i have a solution is it todd howard i have a solution you go onto amazon you can find a site you go on to amazon find a site that lets you upload your own image you get an image of todd howard and you put that on the body pillow feels like an invasion of privacy like as you put it out i don't want to have to yeah it's just something todd himself he just put it on there he's his own site it's his silence his very very graphic one of cthulhu that um oh what there's a todd howard i was like no also also no this is not the modiphius fallout this is a custom uh because we hate ourselves we decided to i decided to make my own system and then five months later modifiers said we have a fallout system coming out you're probably working on it longer than me i just wish i would have known yeah because i probably would have ran the modified system but i'm happy with with what we have so what did you say in the announcement for this game thanks to some cost fallacy yeah yes i could cause fallacy 100 so um yeah anyways uh last we left off on fallout zero uh hey colton what happened the red stars uh where were you when the red star was attacked we almost got our heads blasted off yeah um we almost got our heads sniped off by a red star um as we were going to necropolis which is the city we were traveling are the red stars uh ncr agents that were abandoned for a bunch of years so they became bandits and killed a bunch of ncr people and took all their stuff yeah the ncr is military so they were they were soldiers that yeah that well they deserted because they were deserted yes indeed you found that out last game but they were deserted because they were deserving thanks to victor uh a ghoul that we came across while we were investigating acropolis turns out the red stars basically run the city um and it used to be run by ghouls but uh but now it is um run by the red stars most of the ghouls have left uh he's the only one staying and he was like hey i know the city and i would like to screw over the red stars and you guys also don't like the red stars and you need to travel through the city so why don't we work together and so we've teamed up with this ghoul and i think we were going to go to the hospital to look for a bunch of medical supplies and that's where we ended yes indeed that is probably the best recap i've ever done that was pretty good that was pretty good it's pretty straight forward game um oh yeah sorry no marshall today what you're like yeah it's pretty straightforward well no no i pissed it yeah i mean oh i see you weren't it was directed at okay i thought that was directed at me was i wasn't trying to do a bad job look i have to pay attention to everything in this game because i know nothing about fallout d i can be like ah the bad guy is names i just want to say that that's not a bad thing i like that you two know very little because it's like it's all new stuff it's like this is fun but do you know what i like even better after we play a lot of this game i want i want you to go play the video games and then for you it'll be like oh my god it's our game instead of being the other way around you know it'll be i'm trying fallout for the fifth time but you'll actually like it now because you played it in a d game anyways you guys are um just outside of that uh the the church that you guys were in um the old dilapidated destroyed church um that was uh what was the name of it called the hall of dead hall of the dead all of the dead yes um and you guys want to uh victor's told you that there is a hospital nearby that you could head to and is that the direction that you guys want to go yes i believe that's where we were headed all right cool let me look at my map real quick just so i can double check [Music] what is our friend doing when we go to head out the doctor or the doctor oh um mr abernathy no uh mr al dr alabaster dr alabaster is still with you okay he is going with us yeah i mean he doesn't have a reason not to okay um he does look over towards you guys and um and give a suggestion he does say uh i i could stay here and um and watch over this church if you guys want to if you want to head on ahead you're not afraid you won't get like good loot and that will steal from you you know i do have an overwhelmingly uh large desire to get some loot uh and i would like to partake in that but if you guys wanted me to watch over something i definitely could but i would like to come with you yes come on all right i will no i'm going to though okay oh no so so see so this this one up in the top was jacob yep gas station no no that's where that was that um sewer entrance that's the geckos this is the hall of the dead yeah that was a hold b is all the day and then down here was the hospital yeah no uh it is down one more to your right here that's it you can see it okay so i got my own that's accurate it is that's my thought okay okay um and that would be uh for you guys to get over there would be about a day sorry an hour that's right because each square each speech is an hour okay so it takes about an hour to get to the hospital and it looks like the most dangerous um it looks like the most dangerous area for us would be this bridge crossing over the so let me just make sure which ones i think we're supposed to this is where we are possibly just going back on the highway yeah okay kind of backtracking a little bit wrong well yeah but what i'm saying is we're in a lot of open space oh just like you're getting that that uh crevice sorry each hex is two hours if you travel the highway it's one hour that's right but the highway is more likely to have encounters just to point that out is there a way i would look to our our friend here or on the map i guess it should do is there a way to get across this crevice without having to take the highway that isn't going all the way down and back up around you say that to victor yeah uh sorry where exactly so if we're at the hall of the dead yes cheer everybody you can look there you are yeah right sorry if we're at the hall of the dead watch for everybody at home is like center top yep um to get to the hospital which is down past the crevasse do we to get past the crevasse do we have to take the highway or go all the way around or is there a way to cut through he looks and he says there's a giant irradiated lake right there it's kind of a river though it doesn't really run very much unless you want to swim through that i can swim through pretty easily that these two could don't think you two would have a very eu3 would have a very good time the highway does go across it though there is a um it does dry out a little bit as you go a bit south do uh do red stars patrol the highways anything on that side of that lake that river all of that is patrolled by red stars making our way to those hospital ruins is going to be red star territory so if the main weighs in no no one in their right mind is going to take an irradiated river so if the only railways in are through the highways will they have like blockades set up or something like that i don't know they might if we're coming down the highway and we walk into a blockade we're probably all screwed yeah go around i guess we'd go all the way down and around i know that there's a super duper mart west of here westley not exactly southwest certain on the location not directly west is this marked on our map nope this one oh it would be one of the question marks is it that one he's like i'm not really sure but it would have to be i just know i've been that way okay do you know what this is down to the south west it's the one closest to us i'm not really certain i think you guys did ask that's right we were like you don't know the one right next to your house i don't know let's go there then i haven't had one of those to be honest that was that's pretty nifty what was this i know where this replacement is again sewer entrance was up here what was it that one i thought was i thought it was just told me this was sewer this was hall of the dead hospital question mark over here is a super duper mart question mark and that's what we've got so far anything anything over here yeah yeah there's another okay and then the red stars don't go near the number going that far north in the city but okay you did we came in from up here did we yeah oh maybe you're right yeah um and then the red stars don't go anywhere near the the ruins the greater the crater yeah but you also shouldn't go anywhere near the crater i know that there's a super duper mart that way i know there's another one at the other end of the highway on the eastern side of town okay that's probably all the way i know i also know on the way there i couldn't pinpoint it for you there's also a robco sales and service center that's about about as much as i know what could we find there robots parts computer pieces uh maybe uh they got a stash of stuff there not really certain uh that's correct oh thank goodness i decided i'm gonna actually have a map that i can edit um so if that's what we've got do we want then to go ahead and go maybe go to this question mark uh to the southwest it's the closest to us and if we're not going to cross the highways and we're not going to cross the river we have to go work our way all the way down and around anyways okay take you guys about an hour to get to that one and you're talking about that the one that he doesn't know about yeah the one it's like south like half a hex and then west like half a head okay yeah sure you guys can do that um so you guys start making your way down um and you you just b-line it there you just go through like the ruins of like different parts of the city just go straight to the one to the southwest yeah do we have any like little pawns or little little icons we could use for like us and i could drag it on the hmm i have to never mind i'd have to have to do it well and not even put it in i'd have to do it over all of the overlays never mind too much um so you guys start making your way through the city and you go down and um as you guys are going you you make your way through roads old destroyed roads um this place doesn't really look like it's like um like like like it's been it's like a war zone or anything it's kind of just like uh uh uh destroyed homes um old houses and uh blocks of of cul-de-sacs that have just like fallen apart and um been destroyed to age and you guys just move past and there's ruins there's going to be what sorry did you say that what year is it what year is it 270. i'm going to start i'm going to start trying to track the day too oh very nice all right so um yes no okay um as you guys are walking sorry i am getting a little thing here that i didn't have open that i was just gonna open for the game here uh can't tyler go ahead and roll me a d20 plus one nineteen okay um and then can you roll it again plus one 18 18. all right um as you guys are are kind of moving uh through the city um and you're making your way down towards uh this this hotel um what you can now see is is it's a sorry not a hotel it's a motel um it uh it kind of lights up and you look over um um at this place and it literally just says motel doesn't have a name it's just a motel old sign it's all um sun bleached and um and like uh and rusty and whatnot it looks like there was a spot for a six at one point maybe but it's been destroyed yeah um as you look over at it you see it's actually pretty um the windows look to be like boarded up um like they like the windows were maybe blown out and then boarded up um you see it's that it's not like fully destroyed it's actually pretty good condition there's a couple of cars that are parked here that are like all rusted and um and uh barely gone there's like a little it's basically like a parking lot kind of in the front and then like two staircases that go up to the two-story motel directly in front of you um and that's what you see and you can mark that on your pip-boy if you want and that grants you guys 50 xp yep i will mark it and then you start to hear oh does that sound like a blowtorch it kind of does sound like a blowtorch so we're 36.05 now right uh yes um can i tell where it's coming from yeah like kind of off to your right around the building and you kind of look and then you see something move around the building see this floating robot creature that you guys have seen many times before a mr handy starts to come around the other corner um it's just to describe to you guys um this like floating like orb of steel with like three like eye pieces uh kind of swiveling off the top of it um it's being it's like floating in the air from like a like a um like a small little rocket and it has three arms one with the buzz saw one with like a little hand and then one with uh um with uh for this one specifically it looks it's a drill it's like for putting in screws and like can it comes around the side my friend i do say and it like it just kind of kind of moves over and he says welcome to error error may i take your coat no i'm all right anyone want to give him a coat i'm not wearing one are you in need of your room key oh yes yes please yeah can i have your room number six yeah i need you to roll a um either a science a luck or a uh or a deception check i will roll deception okay 16. he says of course um one minute sir and it kind of like kind of flood floats off and it goes over to like a smaller room and it like comes out and it and it has on its little uh on one of its little hands it like hands you a key shall you need anything anything else sir no a good day to you it's gonna floats off you wanna go see what's in room six sure and it goes over to like goes over to a door and he watches it like takes out screws takes out some other screws and then he watches it like picks up the door puts it down and it flies off huh what door did it take off the door to like the room it went into like the key oh it comes back around the corner with another door and it puts it back and like screws it in and it goes much better i think it starts to float off again i'm gonna go look for room six okay you um you see it up on top of the stairs right you go up the stairs you make your way up and around um and as you are walking are you leading the way hook all right you're walking and you're going forward can you make a agility check sure i will follow behind 14 14. uh as you're walking forward the floor underneath you on this um upper upper step like sags and like breaks and you pull yourself back and there's now like a small hole jump yeah you uh roll another agility check okay can do like a running jump to have an advantage or is it got that big the other part of this area is dilapidated as well so it's like can you brace your fall enough to not break it again all right all right well could you just step over like you're taking two steps at once like on this instead of having to like do no it's not the stairs it's it's um the stairs go up to like an overhang oh they're all ready okay we're all ready to jump yeah uh 16. yeah you jump to the other side and kind of hold on and you don't break the other side i don't know how we're going to get you over here i'll stay over here and go there is another stairway that doesn't go up to the end just to make sure that i'm trying to join you yeah i'll just we'll just stay out here no he's fine i'll put the little stand uh i'll go with you i was gonna fall as well mr handy comes back around and as you're kind of walking to do you walk to the other side no one stay here on the stairs you stay there on the stairs yeah it floats up the stairs it looks at you and it says good evening officer um is there an issue i'm gonna look at the floor and go i think that might be against code wow i had no idea would you like me to print you a report yes i understand double and it goes down the stairs i may have given you five minutes all right thanks cole do we need to roll two to jump over yeah just go and roll agility i'm gonna back up okay just in case dirty 20. they uh he comes out a little room i appear to be out of ink officer i cannot print you a full report of everyone who stayed in the room i'm so embarrassed what do i have poor man it's fine it's understood officer you have a good day okay i got a dirty 20. all right so billy you jump to the other side kind of back up paige jumps lands like on all fours and then um our jump just became a lot you take four damage we're gonna go that way that's your hit points wow you can your damn threshold does come into play for that okay i look down and like a plank of wood like hits you on the head as billy looks down at you you okay are just embarrassed like the mr handy sure all right it flows floats over he says are you okay ma'am may i help you do you need assistance it takes a buzz song i think i'm okay do you need medical attention i think it would be better if you try to repair that floor role uh science or persuasion not persuasion okay expectations minus two oh science is a plus seven there you go do you know the one no almost almost i will the two plus seven makes it nine nine it goes i will need supplies you could use one of those doors maybe what a great idea yes you took off and your screws goes over the door it picks it up it floats over and it lays it over the two holes there you are thank you friend now no more running otherwise you'll you'll have a concussion and i'll need to remove that concussion from your brain i don't think that's how that works that's exactly how the how it works those commies start putting ideas in your head they need to get removed i've performed it on numerous people mine just shut this thing no no no no i have a gift for him actually oh they look crazy i'm gonna give him the commie whacker you just like on top of the thing what do you do you just throw it to him didn't he come over and fix the the he's next to the pain when he came up and fixed the door oh yeah he did yes okay and give it to him yeah he goes an admirable weapon for a citizen as yourself you should keep it in case you find any what if one comes across here though hey hey hey hey we're friends akami would not be carrying around such a weapon like you're holding yes you're right unless it's unless it's a diversion tactic never never good day good day all right i'm gonna open this [ __ ] door yeah uh you put the key in you open the door inside you see um an old uh sort of like motel room do you go with them paige if i can get across that door yeah yeah you walk across the door and it's fine okay uh you go over to um uh let's just stay down here we'll break that door it's a safer down here if i fall alabaster stays with you there you go i could remove that and then alabaster alabaster's like well actually that's a conversation and i have a conversation about neurosurgeon um you you go inside and like the bed has been moved um and like um like taken apart it looks like this room was like refurbished into like a small like um uh like like i get i'm not really sure like all of the all of the uh the furniture has been like moved around into one side of the room and then there's like it looks like there's like a hole in the roof there's like a campfire in the center and um there's like a certain like duffel bags scattered around as well it looks like maybe it was like a campsite or like a garden yeah kind of um you see random bits of like metals around the floor and um yeah does it look like it's been used recently um [Music] no it looks pretty old it looks like it hasn't been used in a long time uh you can search the room might find a pencil here might find a pencil um but i want to check through the whole move at some point give you a boost um let's check the room first all right um that that that's let's look around the room let's i will search the room i'm searching the room as well go ahead um you can search a room you don't need to roll all you need to do is roll a luck check lock oh you want all the luck uh 15. i don't add anything right because my luck is because plus it's pussier than something 15. all right 15. you find an alarm clock oh what will that give me what'll i give you yeah um an alarm clock is it in here uh it'll give you aluminum glass nuclear material and a spring whoa can i go digging around for maybe maybe some old food got left behind or something uh yeah you kind of go over to the back and there's like a motel like fridge and you find it and you open it and you do find some food on the inside um you find um you did find more things though i'll get to you let me get what did you roll in your luck sorry 15 15. um yes uh you also find an ashtray okay did you get 21. jeez comfy pillow wait one second um you said ashtray right it's also materials that you could just pillow and you also find a uh umbrella what is your roll page i don't have a world yet but i can't i spilled umbrellas 12. you find um a gas canister gas canister um you find a braxo cleaner and um then can both of you also roll um actually i'll do it okay whoa okay it's okay hey it's fine there's no nothing's dying victor goes over and opens up a duffel bag and he said and it like it it makes this sound and he says there's a bunch of cats over here oh well let's split them all right i'll count them and then you go into the food um and you find i got a twenty one you got a 21 you find all the 16 plus five you find a uh you find uh three bottles of dirty water okay so he's so concerned water you find a bottle of vodka it's like a reflection in the stove okay you find two bottles of nuka cola okay and you also find um you also find two um two syringes of medex what does medics do it's in the manuscript any any food stuffs uh any food stuffs yes um in the manuscript uh it is let me find it here oh i can't find it where are you bad eggs i believe it's under ken's yes um medex uh you gain resistance to all damage to your hit points okay you can become addicted to it though okay yeah no is there is there food stuffs like mac and cheese or yes there is um yeah um you find three cram and that's it it's a little bit of rice it's creme is it spam yeah kind of yeah and then so just just so i can remember one of the changes we made is that food no longer has a different hunger reduction based on what type of food it is so all of them are hunger reduction one uh yeah they no longer do two it's just one um they will reduce a level and uh cram is processed meat from before the war found in two blue tin boxes what is this fire baloney what how do you say that one spam it's fire um it looks like this that's crayon okay spam um and then uh the victor finishes counting and he says it's 121 caps hmm thanks six of us it's 20 each and then keep one extra for finding it the protector needs the caps yeah she's in debt oh yeah a tough world yeah wow never met a protectron that's in debt you have now what did it do what did you do you're inside the hotel room hey why are you in debt why are you in debt someone left me their tab said i was responsible wow no all right well we found some caps that's wonderful how much are you in debt a lot how many caps are fine how much are you intense well you get 20 of them not enough no all right all right everybody can have their inventory how much load do these pieces of junk stuff for now one okay one junk one load one jump jump one mode so all of the things that i found uh one here's a question no longer 69 load whoa i know same sorry caps one load 50 caps one level again this is probably tiny like right here five junk items one loan okay five junk one mode i'm still at 69. no no no no no no no no no if you have the individual pieces so i uh so i break it down i asked jacob if you have the alarm clock and it's one load what happens if you take it apart is each piece one low five screws one you said no five is one level five would one load okay one alarm clockwise two by fours i know it's not gonna make a lot of sense but i'm gonna we'll figure it out [Music] this means you have to break it down yeah so question jacob full requires the food to be uh cooked uh any if it says it gives you the condition fall then it gives you okay because pre-made food specifies if hunger level is already zero gain full which is cram is under pre-made oh it does yeah it's good it's coming out oh i think it's the other the cooked food is if you're at one okay okay i see so if you're at zero i see so then it's like not only are you not only are you are you reducing your hunger you also feel satiated where it said it's you're already full but you're overstuffing yourself cool only certain foods do it like sugar bombs and yum yum deviled eggs don't make you fall oh i see you no but blame comac don't make you feel devil you could eat them eternally dude i ate so many double eggs i'm gonna eat 12 words you still feel full it's just that you're not like satisfied oh yeah awesome that's true people to know because i'm sure this is the only other the the other thing that will become really important we have changed radiation but we'll kind of get to that when we get there yeah yep that's been that's been completely overhauled people are like people are like this game seems much more dangerous and someone was like yeah paige will just need to smell some radiation and then she'll die but it's not as bad but it's still bad yep i'm gonna boost uh paige up into the all right so hard you get up go through the hole pull yourself up and you're now on the ceiling of the motel it's very dusty very dirty um and you see a skeleton and the skeleton is like his legs are facing you and his head is like this and his arms go over the side i guess i'm gonna go over to the skeleton you go over the skeleton you notice there's like some tattered clothes but it's like barely recognizable um it's very obvious the skeleton is pre-war i was gonna say yeah this seems like a it's just a pretty war skeleton up here there's nothing else right i don't see anything you don't see anything else okay just a pretty worse skeleton nothing can i help her back down yep you go back down go dust yourself off all right i suppose that we can move on now sure yeah let's go unless we can get into another room i could ask that well i could i tend to be i don't have my room key that's true robots dude tend to like me though what was his name he's a mr handy or i can or if we can do it i can just try and pick the lock no i can pick his brain yes well let me try first and if you are there like doors down here yeah there's a hack into it and convincing my room's on the bottom can i can i walk over to one of them a little closer and turn turn the knob i'm not opposed and then just go cuckoo and that guy goes uh officer uh do you have a warrant probable cause i'm actually a bounty hunter i don't need one roll luck or science oh can do that for intimidation oh why not all of them all at once that's minus like 80. hello i can roll a natural 20 and still that's very bad do you have a cap i think we i think someone said that they're all i had to do it before as well um what would you say science that's a six total he goes um this establishment will not tolerate your uh breaking and entering well you follow a complaint when you have anchor right i will have to resort to lethal force if you do not stop all right all right all right all right all right okay how many times did you punch it i mean just probably once or twice oh roll straight but with my giga hand oh with your power fist that's right yeah hits the other side of the room and then there's like dust and everything everywhere my mistake they aren't here he flies in takes the door picks it up screws it back in quickly where it's in here while another door are you gonna try to sneak in the room no i'm gonna try to sneak in the room so that's not gonna work um would i know any way to oh wait that counts as a cameras no i think that's probably i'm assuming that's probably a perk so it's a little nah i'm not guys shut down a robot or attack it hack it some way so we have a shutdown or uh depending on what you want to do it's going to be really hard yeah um because i mean you wouldn't it is perky yes but like a neural eye here's a question attendant i there seemed to be like a like managers area that i kept going to can i go over there and see if there's a terminal but yeah it might be you can go inside and you see a terminal and it uh has a bullet hole going through it oh that sucks i'm the manager now um i could ask him you also see a wall where like a bunch of keys would go there are no keys there's no kicks there's only one wow you really know i get so lucky that i guessed the only room try to try it on the other doors oh yeah i'll go over to room seven put the key in okay it opens i wasn't lucky i'll open the door you open this door um in this room it actually looks pretty similar to the other room there's no campfire and hole in the ceiling this time though but there's like duffel bags and um and uh like the bed is actually still there and there are uh uh like cabinets and drawers there's a fridge in the back kind of phones i go to the fridge i've always wanted to jump on a bike dude looking for food stuffs for her for the last five days are you going to look around the room you want to jump on the bed yeah this is a theoretical line of food you know what actually you run over you jump on the bed and it doesn't just fall apart you land on it but then you hear those skittering as which goes out from underneath 15. uh 15. um uh you you raid the fridge you're just jumping on the bed and billy's like you find rum a bottle of rum ah what whoa that's my worst thumb you know what i'll also be a molotov okay okay you find two cans of pork and beans oh i don't eat food that sounds delicious uh and you and you also find um would you roll on your luck 15 15 okay um you find a frag grenade what in the fridge i have three of those now that's just fallout that's 100 uh two bottles of purified water oh that's good you also find three bottles of beer oh my god okay um can i switch around the manager's office for staffing my carry load full oh yeah my carry load is 70. i can carry i have three i have three dirty water seven pure waters two pork and beans three cram two medics one room one vodka yeah yeah you look around um you find a um you find a 10 millimeter pistol i think give you my fragment it has a level levels of decay now go down to eight you hold it in front of an enemy and you take the fifth you just killed with a fragment what did i yeah say six level decay find a pack of 10 millimeter ammo oh that's what i see you also find uh you find an issue of salesman weekly jacob i have a solution to one of my problems i can see if i understand this right my canteen has a load associated with it can i take four pure canteen has four uses of pure water can i take four of my seven pure waters pour it into the canteen because my canteen is empty and reduce my load because now it's all just in a canteen yeah perfect that's the benefit of having a canteen and it's kind of back because load in this game is a mixture of weight and space cool so i have four also just drink all the rum drink it all right now and that's all i find you wanted yeah you don't really i give you the vodka oh i i keep forgetting thank you i keep the rum though that scam makes sense if i'm gonna shot something it's good what kind of vodka kind of rum yeah is it spicy dark coconut [Music] nasty uh and you know what you know what else you find it was it was nuka's worst adjustable ranch it was nuka's worst uh release ever yeah they they jacob they decided to cheap out for some plastic bottles and shut the [ __ ] up all right what can i look around for pencils pencils roll luck i know pencils pencils duct tape normally you'd find one in the floor no pencils um just this stupid book called the bible and walk around the motel and try to make a bible like a generous classmate from my heart i don't know if this is a real thing or not and i feel really bad for saying it because i'm sure it is i'm almost imagining now a version of the bible is like like a like a ebook like one that like one that reads to you do these have like different voices for like the 800 different characters in the bible oh no mr henny walks over to you and he says it's on here yes ma'am are you in need of anything um is your room perhaps not up to service does it need to be cleaned yes it needs to be cleaned ah i see well i can handle that and he goes over and opens the door um and he goes inside and he grabs a broom and he says i shall sweep which room are you staying in um i am staying in room eight understood and he shh goes up to roommate and he opens the door and he goes it's filthy he goes and shuts the door and he opens it again he comes out and he says ma'am i'm sorry i i'm going to have to redirect you into a new room your room is well it's destroyed it's gone it's been it's dust everywhere the roof is gone do not go in your room i'm so sorry i'm so oh and he goes back into the room [Music] yes anything that's adhesive it's like duct tape um and my neighbor used to mop her of course and i will be always looking for that you'll find economy wonder glue and that's it you don't find any lead cool that's fine so are we able to just check all the doors with this key then yeah i think we should avoid room eight though it's best to us jacob how would you say that we have to take these junk items and reduce them down to the we can just do it okay i'm just going to do that to all of this then okay it takes a few minutes but you can it's fine um so what do you have guest concert gas games give me one second yep let's get i'll just give that to you right now yeah all right so out of the gas canister you get one oil and three steel um well there's one steel x1 okay um a broxo cleaner uh you get it has a few things i already looked at those ones but um yeah uh you get at two two acid oh sorry one acid two antiseptic one fiberglass two gnomes i really appreciate the meme you put in the discord and then one fiberglass right yes close the meat a ttrpg module making your own ttrpg campaign making your ttrpg campaign adding a bunch of new humber rules designing your fire [ __ ] ttrgb system so your friends can complete can compliment the accuracy of your ghoul voice 100 it's the it's the is that it's not the wwe one it's the spongebob one the only the guy and only it's vince mcmahon going that's fan one two uh two gears two screw and two steel hey two screws that's a good time two yeah two steel two gear two screw yeah so it goes there and then screw next to the stuff is gonna be that's fine what else um adjustable bench i think that's just steel maybe a gear yeah uh one gear and two steel yep um bucket uh two steel yeah um a vacuum yeah a second i want you to have a little bit of stuff in it so that's uh one copper two glass okay hold on copper and one nuclear material how much copper one one gold glass how much glass two two and then one nuclear material yes because they put nuclear [ __ ] in all their stuff yeah um cool um economy wonder glue i believe that's just a couple of adhesive yeah um yeah you've got two adhesive cool awesome no sorry five because it's economy wonder glue oh whoa whoa all right anybody doing anything else um i'm just gonna try the key on room five room five you go over room five you open it you look inside the ceiling is caved in uh no good here uh i'll try room one through four one through four only room two looks like it was um like it wasn't repurposed it was actually like like it's still in its state that it was maybe like before the war there's a bunch of like it looks like there hasn't been a lot that's happened in here all right you want to look through it yeah okay uh you find 50 pre-war dollars i don't want those okay um you're just like ah money no thanks um you go ahead and roll luck check actually can i have that money sure no i'm gonna show there you go cool uh pre-war money also works as cloth that's probably more important so um the coolest thing that you could do um that you can do in like fallout 4 but you could do in this game and it would actually make sense is you could use it to make um armor and i want somebody to take all pre-war dollars and make armor out of it and just have money money suit that's very cool um sorry eight eight uh you find um another pillow is that how we're on it uh no unfortunately todd howard is not on this pillow where's my luck yeah you find a table lamp i don't want to win you want a table lamp um and you find an antique globe oh that's kind of cool can you find a cigarette carton yeah that's good for your it's for your cowboy aesthetic oh it's a card and it's not to is there a cigarette in it yes there are two i take them there you go take one all right there you go oh and you find a dinner for it good for stabbing yeah i don't eat all right so i will put it back do i find a pencil me a pencil pin no you didn't look very well done you only find a pencil if you get a natural 20. yeah one pencil and a full pack of paper mates crafting components one load yep five yes [Laughter] we're gonna remember all the load things now just because it's a meme yeah like i will never forget 50 caps one load no you better not as we touch it on our bodies yeah greg and i are going to get a dumb tattoo yeah right here when are you free no no god he was i liked that little thing he did with the doors yeah it was pretty neat anyway you guys want to get out of here there's no other rooms and not with anything in it those are pretty good there's a table lamp in that one still i didn't need it though maybe you wanted to have like a lamp shade on your head keep the sun off the hat hat oh i didn't keep the sun on because this place um hang on give me a second it's going to be becoming a recurring thing we're just like give us the scraps uh unfortunately this place is a place to sleep comfortably it does have defenses which is the mr handy but if it had easy access to food and water it would be considered a sanctuary yeah would that food water not be the things i just raided no you would need like a a sink needs to turn on and there needs to be a little farm yeah and a sanctuary is a place where we can rest right it's a place where you can um yes where you can rest make sense i will say that if you had food and water for everybody i would count it gotcha so as long as as long as everyone can comfortably eat yes it could be a sanctuary okay maybe we come back here later then yeah uh where to next well we can cross that river bed i don't particularly want to cross in it though do we want to get back on the highway though i guess if we put all the suits maybe we'd be okay but i think amazingly especially the closer we get to the bomb area it might not be a bad idea to just spend some time going around this part of the city um and i guess we could just go all the way west go all the way back hit some of these sure locations the ones that are far away from the red stars gather some materials and we'll be able to you guys don't have to worry about it alabaster myself would be nice to find some some radix yes i thought that was right i'm trying which one i'm trying to get because i can augment my armor pretty easily we'll show up there if you can just farm that all right i need to find a what are they called a boat a boat i think those are still a thing maybe a little more i think so no power if there's enough water for boats no we're gonna have for like a little boat like vienna what's a vienna it's a place can you sing victor you sing you're wondering i sound like i can sing yeah that's why i asked you and not them [Music] i bet you can do some some things with sinatra thanks i appreciate that do you know any dolly parton songs i don't know what that is you don't know who dolly parton is i don't know who that is either not really you guys are really caught up in all the music he's just like oh there's one i know a squad of my favorite movie rather liking you more and more of it uh he said he says no i'm not really big into music that makes sense i listened to it i don't know who everybody was singing do you want to try for this super duper mark thing i'll be right back one of the two west is supposed to be a super duper mod let's do that then yeah i should warn you i'll dig it i have a good time going around that place um yeah no you don't look like me i'm assuming that there are ferals there then yeah like a lot a lot well i didn't kill any more than ten i don't know maybe gas mask i think they're kind of cute not when they try to kill you kill you i think it's kind of cute when they try to kill you they just don't know any better they just want to tear up what is that you need what's on the inside it's like they're so desperate to be human again you don't know what dolly parton is no they're like little babies the game we used to play in the vault when i was younger if you said the same thing and someone said jinx you couldn't talk that's a dumb game ever did you kill them no look i i'm just going to be honest here i don't mind if you guys got to kill him in order to will you help us save yourselves there's a variation i just don't feel right i'm just i won't i i there's my little babies to me i can't hurt them not not to be rude or anything have you um how long have you been a ghoul uh a couple hundred years holy [ __ ] yeah have you ever seen a horse what a horse a horse a horse i thought those were just made up things that they sing in the songs no they're real so so you're not from the from before the war uh okay i think i'm like a hundred i think that's maybe where i'm at okay so you've never seen a horse i don't know what that is i used to i've heard in songs mm-hmm like they're right on them that's my one goal and uh is there any gideon buttercup things here you haven't seen one of the best someday that's a horse i know that's a gideon buttercup no i'm just kidding um he says yeah it's just my only condition i uh okay i can't bring myself will they attack you no they tend to ignore me that's all right and in game terms victor has the uh has the perk where he uh isn't attacked by ghouls that's also not part of the rule technically but victor's is a little uh little argument uh ghouls didn't know that part though ghouls will not attack uh attack victor but things are more attack goals that's fine there's a there's a different version where if you said it then whoever whoever said it first had to buy the other person a nuka cola right i can't drink soda though that's why i did the other one ah have you ever tried no you should try maybe you can do you have any no billy found some now i saw that he got some i have like i have like five cans jingling around in my backpack what if i what if i can't drink it they come in bottles excuse me will you drink it like this yeah can i drink it no if i can't will you drink the rest don't want to waste it they give you energy actually in some of the um some of the texture art for the games there is like it's just like random like junk texture there's one that's a can and it says nuka cola what about but the cans never never found what about this i take uh i take the rum i get crushed try sipping this i don't have to finish that i can put you can't smell right no can't can you taste no no oh great it's what's happening sensation of now now there's liquid in you and it just feels weird as it goes like down your throat and it like yeah uh you just feel wet on the inside now yeah i know i don't like this can you tip me over so all the liquid comes back out thank you it all goes out oh well that's why you don't digest it i'm a robot yeah i think i told you that oh i thought maybe there'd be like a like a little like gonna have some fake stomach no rub yeah i don't know why they wouldn't give him rough oh wait don't don't drink all of it no you should i forgot it affects you a little more than doesn't mean all right all right oh you need to drink all of it to fill anything yeah like one shot for you is that a whole bottle for me should he shove dollar bills into it i did it the gold all right let's go kill some ghouls can i have some fully intending on drinking the entire bottle all of that it's okay we used to say that back in our in our groups we should be like let's go kill some smooth skins yeah let's go kill some people yeah sounds fun yeah we didn't do that that's good you're kind of [ __ ] up for saying that i'm sorry nah it's okay everybody's [ __ ] up yeah you know [ __ ] up world everyone has no horses the horses have like venom like don't crawl on the walls no hey can they fly that's a no that's those are bugs what are horses um have you seen one before like you've heard of a horse fly no not those if i ever see one i'll point it out what if horses just looked like horse flies but they were bigger it was just like giant horse one with wings you guys never seen a rattler a one a snake a rattlesnake no heard of those what rattlesnake no have a little have like a little route they're often found in boots yeah what's a rattler all right i'm not gonna talk to you guys anymore have you guys ever seen a rattler i don't know what that is um roll luck you need above and 18. would billy possibly know what that is no okay really no fine tell me like are you guys aware that they're like really really like kind of stuck in the pre-war there's a lot of stuff they seem to know about well i came from a vault so i don't really know a lot about out here you just know about vault stuff right what are we whispering about well they say in the hall that did they used to do that where all the bombs fell what whisper yeah i think i'm not trying to war i just know i mean what's in my head whoever programmed them probably just programming them with nausea very sad so very sad this is sad and you see the whole world destroyed no it doesn't make me sad either it's left to us yes it's our world know exactly i just wish there were horses so that i could get rid of the urge to ride a horse we all have our desires sometimes you gotta keep redeers what about a brahman no those are weird that's what they were though they were cows right yeah you're a cowboy no i like horses though no they rode they wrote those that's what they do no i don't think that's true i've been around longer than you okay anyways uh if you ever hear any s like rattling run away well but what is it this really really big creature is it a snake i stop [ __ ] using words that i don't understand okay a snake is like a long i don't give a [ __ ] what it is all right why don't you just listen to me let me explain all right it's a really big thing all right it clings to walls it has a ton of legs it's almost kind of see-through and it has a billion eyes and it makes giant like sticky substances and it rattles i've seen people get bitten by it and they melt if you ever hear any rattling don't go in they like to make like traps and buildings here disgusting in this one yeah i've seen him i've seen a few necropolis can i will entitle that sound sure it sounds like a spider it's i don't think insights of things you're right perception perception what are you wanting to do inside doesn't exist what do you want to what do you want to know is he is he like is he like playing it up like is he like yeah no not josh for me but like um what's the word for that you know when you tell a story and you're like exaggerating the story oh yeah real perception uh 15 15 no he um he is like he is but not to like make it like sound like hey i'm uh this is a super bad and you shouldn't do this like you you should be scared of this okay playing playing it up legitimately yeah yeah like he is playing it up but not to not that's not in the line look at these big things yeah um they're like she's just like a spider with a million eyes though that's a lot of ice that's a lot of ice not a millionaire but like a lot yeah more than ten like a lot yeah the reason and they shoot stuff spray no i don't shoot it they bite you not yeah i've seen them i've seen them like like bite people yeah the worst they get stuck like they're sticky stuff oh that sounds like a spider webs webs yeah so you ever hear any rattling a giant spider snake yeah couldn't i mean this strangest stuff in the wasteland all right well let's go what were those things that you were fighting last night that i was stu super scared of the the centaurs is that what they're called no you're they're you're not huck right now no no centaurs yeah that's pretty gross that's gross look it up it's yeah look up i assume it's not i'm assuming it's not what i'm thinking uh they helped inspire one of the um the villains in the quest of nomicon oh that's right i remember the scot we had this actual conversation i'm not gonna say anything more than that but all right so uh where are you guys headed to the super duper mart okay um you guys are going to walk for maybe we should stealth like four hours oh still four hours we'll stealth in three hours by the time you guys get to the super duper mart it you are pretty tired you guys uh walk across um uh yeah because it's been like one two and then and then two and a half and then about four so it's about six and a half hours you guys been traveling okay so the sun is getting kind of low as you get over towards the super duper and um you kind of turn one corner has this been confirmed it's a super duper yeah as you guys get to um i think the closer one let me see this one that that's it yep um you guys get over there you gotta turn one corner and you see this large um a grocery store or what was what once was a grocery store and it reads up at the top these giant letters super dupe super dupe mar and the and the r and the t have fallen off and are on the ground um the parking lot is completely empty there are shopping carts all over the place and you see um there are like there's a revolving door that lets you in and the door is like it's like spinning oh you're not really sure why it's spinning but it's spinning should we um is it windy right now no but the door is spinning like this it's like a rotary door yeah it's like a rotary door and it's spinning and there's nothing in it don't get the xp oh yeah and you guys get uh yeah okay um well do we want to go in there now or do we want to wait till morning um it's up to you too i guess girls won't care either way i know but they the ghouls don't care either way then we can't really stay out here i think it would be better to eradicate the ferals and then set up inside you guys hear that nope did you say eradicate yeah it's a really fancy word to say fight annihilate i gotta agree no sure but it's also a proper way of saying it too hi tiny man i could say fight i guess i kill i could say destroy it going to say that next time hey let's go disintegrate those guys all right let's take this one okay where are you gonna be wait what oh hang on here all right and they're inside yeah all right should we draw them out or should we go i don't really know why that door's doing that though that's kind of weird it's never done that before not the last time i was here it wouldn't be a rattler would it no they don't like to play with doors well i don't know maybe there's something going no on you know we said they live in buildings so i was a little bit scared well would be good guardian to be cautious as we approach okay do we want to do we want to like draw them out we want to go in there maybe we could get on a building or something shoot down at them if we draw them out that's a strong idea i know you're not too too good at shooting stuff well i have five of my arms you can punch shoot a laser oh well try if we i wonder i think given how there's no excuse given how slow you are it might be better if you go first what was your idea i'm sorry draw them out here and we could shoot from you know that building right there i'm not a very good shot all right that wouldn't be much help shooting i could stand out with you we could do we think they're outside speaking of he said they're inside then we should have come by the door probably zero okay let's go in then um victor do you know how long these ghouls have been here ever since you can remember they've always been here okay just want to get this ball knock them out the door that's what you want sure it would be good to yeah you can draw them out on the line and you can just fire bomb them as they run out they ferals don't tend to have as much intelligence so their mind kind of gets melted so it's optional that's what you like to do if you're willing to use your things and i think that might be one of the best things we can just fumble them through and just light them up okay i have um with the one that we just made seven left okay so we have seven molotovs left all right let's go then okay um okay then i i guess i will where will you guys be maybe behind cars yeah yeah okay jacob you mentioned there's like cars in the parking lot there are no cars in the parking lot oh is there anything that we could get behind like um [Music] i don't know there are like light poles yeah there's there's like four light poles there is um there is you know what if we took a break right now i bet i could find a map for us sure all right cool we'll be glad we're gonna go on break because i earlier because i'm a big dummy but uh we'll be right back in a few minutes um are we going on full break uh yeah we'll go on full break uh because i'm gonna need full break i forgot to change my patreon name so we get guys we're just kind of running flying by the seat of our pants here you know here at our kin arcade we just kind of do [ __ ] um and sometimes i'm like oh [ __ ] i didn't prep anything for today's game so let's just see how this goes so i appreciate you being patient with me but also that's that's how we do things here it just works it's true really it just works yeah so big shout out to our patrons over our patreon who are for some reason throwing money at us because we love you guys um so big shout out to dub mill digged in noah barton soft miele whitetail big buff cyber reptile 13 mama love and papa joy will pra possibly related chris pratt addison henning jessica m reno rests storm roaring verlaine hey zachary niece duncan york adam halleck death to fire melody olvera pippen hood antonio oliver notorious thief fluffy the barbarian argus fallen jaron grant goad dallas gaylord lane cow the god shuriken sean trademark michael ryan eisenberg six salmon in a salmon cask tom michael alice lilly bottom laurent angriest bird god in one second michael uh wow but but micah god of puns zav creator of d f michael love yeah zap creator of d d waifus kdl autism help i am trapped in a patreon named generating factory and they want to take my kidneys penguin culture to tonic knight mimi h but i never learned how to read burger josh travis the psychic pineapple atlantica's dead crab rave arthur sulza i shall consume burger zach k weasley 65 muriel stall joel westerland and laird oliver thank you guys so much we'll see you guys in a bit [Music] guys i'm sorry i pushed the wrong button okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello oh it auto fixed look at that hey everybody we got the camera position um it is not in position but i mean regard how is it here oh so what if there we go so like that's good so i think we're fine actually uh oh oh you're good you're good just stay there for a second all right uh welcome back everybody we got a map going and we're ready to start this so i'm going to move over to the combat map here um so you guys are you guys that close i'm behind that okay this uh so back up okay i thought the way you described it it sound like we were like coming up on the no i'd say you guys are behind that sign over there what is that scene you see that giant sign this uh that that's a sign yeah what it's a build board the building can't see the sign itself oh the billboard has this old um uh uh like sun bleached sort of like ruined um and it has uh has like nuka cola on it has like the the nuka cola girl on one front of it she's got the space outfit uh and on the other side um it it is a um sunset sarsaparilla sure it's sunset's asparagus it's got a little cowboy on it and it and it says does that have a horse on it no it's just this guy he's really buff and there's no horse and um it says build mass with sass there's a little cowboy on it wow yeah they drank a lot no so you guys are about there um uh alabaster is uh staying behind um with um victor who is not going to go in with you either because um the they need to watch each other's back that's why yeah yeah you know you should do no harm spencer mike on no all right uh so what are you guys doing what's your you guys can plan a little more if you want to or if you just want to freaking bum rush [ __ ] them yeah i thought i think that was the plan okay i think of the plan sure i think the plan was to try and get here and have them come out of the front door mm-hmm well i want to smash i have a pretty nasty glare you want what oh wait i think we both glare they back but we're going to try and make it it's only because they're shut off the lines are hard to make sure that i can get in the radius yeah that would actually help that's wonderful thank you look at that but then wait watch this i'm gonna do this hang on he turns the elgato lights up to a hundred percent there you go my retinas oh that's look at that look at that a little ambient real nice and the cameras are are still chilling aren't you such a wonderful dm you didn't have to say that you are though but true though i'm like fahrenheit i tell no lies he's right so i'd be pretty close to throw these ball tops but not too close uh oh [ __ ] one two three four five six seven eight right here so i can walk about there as well past this line that's perfect yes so i can tell you i could probably go into the second space but i shouldn't i can come to here that's where page was going to stand who paige yeah because you can just play southwest asia that's where i was going to stand yeah spencer wrote parks you can stand here yeah i'm the close-range fighter and the two long-range fighters are going to be caught there's not much covering this map is the thing but we also said i was gonna honestly we also don't need a whole lot of cover because not that's why well it's really just a good report we realized we were back here yeah that's where i'm gonna stand well the thing is is that you need to be a close range fighter so you don't really need cover because these are goals and i'm going to shoot us that's better it's more important that we have the cover so because we want to keep our distance from them these ghouls leaped over they did previously the only reason we were able to do so so effectively is because they were in corridors cover is going to mean very little out here they're going to swarm us it's not wrong and they may be swarmed and on fire we may not want to light them up because they may just not put themselves out it might actually be better for you and i to be on either side of them so that we they can't surround us without you know get together i like uh is this billboard toppled no can you guys get up there that's better oh you do see a ladder i originally said yeah you should get up there idea if we have the range for it do you have your uh um your 65 your life vaccines you have to you can get uh tennis up there you had to get it to live that's good for you when we were when we were born no tb put us in like uh like a a plastic nah that would give you uh with lockjaw all right i don't have tetanus um yeah they really can't tell which but they started one of the two and they couldn't tell why jacob does it look like it is possible for us to climb up onto the billboard yeah i said there's a ladder okay i'm just making sure that the ladder's not like falling apart completely it's resting not yet okay where's some gloves i think how far can how far is your range uh i will probably be shooting at disadvantage i got i'll probably be doing that as well but 105 is my my uh does that calculate height jacob jacob do we need to calculate height do you want me to do the pythagorean theorem do we need to do i have to no see well maybe not one two three okay i i think i can coax them here yeah because nine nine puts you puts them right along this sure yeah i'll climb up there no that's my spot what's your what's your short uh my short range is 30. okay so they have to be on the other side of the cart for you what is it to use it depends on where but where is three and i can't climb this ladder correct you can't oh yeah that's interesting i want to see a patek trunk climb a ladder i don't think it's that hard they have little hands they can grab them their feet he is a power fist one hand now you can still no we melded it too far it would be yeah it'll be three ap for every five feet oh oh boy which is six for you right i'll just punch a movement punch this billboard is oh my god lady 15 feet oh okay okay so it would take you my entire movement 18 ap to get up there go let's watch all of that okay climbing is half your movement by the way okay okay i'm i think think this is the better option because if there's a bunch of them were in a very bad way so does that just sound like you guys be 280 per year it would be six ap to ascend he may just be paced sometimes you're paced sometimes what we're afraid for your life yeah that'll be fine probably so yes to us all right i'm gonna try to quietly get up there yeah if you start something else that might be good because maybe some won't come in at all all right i do have i'm gonna try to stealth over to the billboard and climb up okay you're gonna stop roll sneak 14 14. right you stink your way over the billboard awfully sneaky sneaky little sneaky guy i'm gonna be falling out and move yourself over there sneaky sir and you're gonna sneak as well sorry edward is being difficult can you sit with me on a baby you go to move him and he just ragdolls he's just like yeah he does he's a little [ __ ] i'm gonna can i walk alongside it and get to like yeah here i'll go on this side so paige can can i get on this side you can't get on that side anybody that gets past you you have less sight from there because well then i'll go here and paige can no i'll go here because i have longer distance okay um i will the 15. okay you make it as well then i will put myself where just do it [Laughter] all right jacob you put a thumbs up you're cool and i'll pull my gun out and at that point the sun wait no no no did you yeah the sun sets over the super duper so it's now like a kind of a a night time god silhouetted full damage and orange colored sky so i'm gonna try to sneak up here you're going to sneak over there all right roll snake a tumbleweed blows across the how was that huh the parking lot not good oh seven all right billy you start walking do you walk with me i should ask are what are we using for skill checks in terms of rules if you roll one uh it's not a critical fail is only on attack okay so you roll do you roll the one i did do i flip my cap b seven i think you said it's only if we or is it fella karma karma cap for this role in world of one that's the first role i made with the white they felt betrayed spattered with blood yeah they felt betrayed you weren't using them are you following billy to a point okay so i will follow into billy you can get to where you want to go i'm gonna stop here i'm gonna be brushed okay that's what i was gonna billy you get there and you got your land mine out but as soon as you get there you see the revolving door you you watch a figure walk through it oh and you see um you see stepping out a yellow-eyed um uh uh like wrinkly skinned near-skeletal creature look around and see you in tattered clothing and you can see there are more behind it and they have noticed here so at this point we're going to roll combat sequence that's it i didn't expect that um hey emma can you come adjust the camera funk i forgot to roll i was going to give you a number i rolled at 5. i just rolled the 20 i was like that's two that sounds about right can you put that guy down for me i will have ghouls oh that's fine yeah what if one of them get like a is your perception like no my response was actually pretty good but i took wild wasteland bruiser so i go inside of mine you put all of those guys behind him it's just kind of getting random but i have a plus two so it's actually a minus two not like that uh by will the three oh what's up but to be honest i'm slow anyway it is well i don't come yeah i'm ready i'll make it work yeah i have to eat health first now the sun's setting which is very bad for the solar-powered person but i'll be right maybe i think we have someone from modiphius in the chat oh i just said sorry we haven't started production on ghouls yet sorry [Laughter] now i'm embarrassed hi i understand thank you very much i want my dare minnie the auto focus it's not like you didn't put an order in for one of everything yeah one of everything one goal please just that ghoul's got a bat random stuff on them when you loot them it's like a block like why do you have this a spoon a single cap all right cerebellar what'd you get all right sorry 20 25 and 15. nope 25 to 20 20 to 15. oh god that's no goal google uh fifteen to ten fourteen uh ten eleven fourteen fourteen eleven 10. what'd you get cerebellar five okay maybe you could have just given them the two yeah i told you it's about the same put me at the end ten can they see the art that uh corrected on the they can kind of see a little bit it's very beautiful it's more for you guys anyway that's true a little secretive all right well top of the round um the the ghoul who just came out it's good for him um yeah really though 2021 you know that he's like what do you want to be i like man then he starts running forward um the question is what is happening what sorry nothing maybe my oh [ __ ] yeah you're safe from that one one two three four five six seven oh [ __ ] he spits seven and he runs all the way over towards you uh he uh does seven so you can do two slam attacks on him which he's going to do she just had a little wrapper she was attaching it um oh boy oh boy so that's a 18. okay and an 11. uh both will hit uh you wow you take uh two so the first hit is four damage the second is four damage damage you guys watch as you're like oh and billy like looks up and you're like uh and you see a ghoul springs out of your [ __ ] and you're like getting everything ready slams them um and then another one goes out of the door it's a revolving door that goes inwards one two four five six seven eight just roll eight to get to you one little guy oh he's he's wasting his movement to go that way though eight to get to you there and he will do a uh bite he will just try to bite you uh seven miss just misses um all right billy it's your turn all right i have an idea it's a colton idea no no and one's like i need to look up landmines mine fragment just bash him over the head with the plant the billy is gone it has a 10 foot radius five ten can i throw the mine here you're gonna throw the mine yeah um yes it won't go off until somebody steps on it that's fine okay so yeah you can throw it there cool i throw it uh you just you're just like getting hit you're like you just toss it um what if someone shot the mic that's what i'm gonna do okay be rid of it you want this uh nuka-cola cap to represent a mine so i throw it here oh my all right sorry and then uh i will use the rest of my action points to work out with you draw my lever action and try to shoot the mind oh [ __ ] with that big brain i almost imagined like with the vatican toss the mind and it's like shooting in the air yeah go ahead and roll an attack roll you just beat a 10 that's pretty neat oh it was almost a three which would have been a nine and then it flipped over to a 19. nice 25. toss it and you guys watch as billy does this crazy maneuver tossing a um a fragment firing it and then it bam just goes off creating a little crater in the in the parking lot there cool um each of the ghouls are going to take oh my god 11 plus uh six 17 explosive damage uh seven all right uh so they um and if it's more than half their hp they get a random leg condition okay uh you you blow both all of their legs off you you throw it and do it and the ghouls literally go backwards and then fall back down as they flip and they you look over just oozing from their stumps are just uh their legs are just gone they're both like still alive but they don't have legs and they turn over and they start like crawling towards you i just look down at them i'm out of ap so i don't move yeah they are um they they have half their movement and they're always prone to do that oh because it's not a target attack thing yeah because it was a it was a landmine a fragment it does say random leg condition so okay well none of those are like conditions so i was just because they're ghouls i'm giving them the one where their leg condition is gone which is the severe injury okay but not all of the effects of a severe injury to your leg no uh if it was somebody if it was like a person i would i would say it was a random leg condition but because they're ghouls i'm i'm making it no but i'm you said that it is the severe injury to legs but you're not using all of the effects of the severe injury to legs because if it was they would go into shock for a number of rounds equal to their endurance no they're they're undead they okay they're just making a shock um uh schools will continue running at you with yeah i understand that if it's half your health it will be it will be a random light condition if it brings you to zero it's the severe pretty sure that's how it works i'm not sure though um all right later huck um if they're prone do i have disadvantage uh yes but because you're at a higher point um i'm going to see you would have advantage so just turn it all right just a reminder i also have um okay i see that i i'm awesome you know well it doesn't matter i rolled a five you rolled a five yeah what are you shooting with my cowboy gun your cowboy repeater yeah well you just hit the road mrs billy you are um pretty high uh intensity situation here uh yeah there's bullets flying down okay billy's a little uh psychotic yeah that makes sense he's kind of he's fine at home yeah it sounds good you know you know uh you know the the comics thing you know the comics harley quinn how like her like canonically she sees like flowers and stuff when she's killing people oh it's kind of like billy doesn't exactly process what's happening that makes sense fully um but he's in it are you recycling all your points for next time yeah i recycle two okay um you need to move how many ap do you have ten ten how much did you shoot six yeah wow got it all right um paige um so i think i'm about 40 feet away right i don't know i trust 10 15 20 25 30. yeah 40. okay cool um so i am going to shoot at this one yeah with my laser rifle um i think i hold on let me check something because i think i brought the decay down one hey a person who works at modiphius thanks for checking out the stream i appreciate it i also like to say uh just personally to you uh i don't i don't know what you you do there um because i don't know who you are as a person but i really like the system the the book is very cool and um i really like how it's laid out and uh honestly would have ran with it had i not spent the past six months writing this dang system so yeah you know no beef there it's one of those things they also said they were enjoying the stream you know i appreciate you so sweet before you said that so you know it's genuine wow that and you didn't know that he said that so they said that so yeah so that's that okay so that's correct there we go um so that's that one that is a 12. 12 to hit 12 12 hits yeah i hold the five um what thing delivered after emma checked the mail no emma i also think my food just yeah my food just arrived oh all right um so that is what if you just went and got it before you finish your turn you sleep now yeah they do they're bleeding out of their late they have no liquid left well they're all very there's some jerky men i've never seen anything they already didn't have much liquid yeah they're they're already damaged dehydrated person 10 10 bang you fire into him yeah he's going into he's still alive well uh that's my turn i recycle one point okay and then i'm going to turn this off all right um it's ghoul turn uh give me one it's good time it is indeed ghoul time it's just one moment where's my own oh it's that thing put a little holster yeah that's what it was yeah did tyler have to go to his house yeah i think he delivered it to his house he's limited across the street i see okay so um one of the ghouls uh two if all of them go now um and oh billy billy billy bill um so okay i got a fragment two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay so uh all four of them can get to you and surround you but only two of them can bite you so can you can you do that for me that one gets yeah that one gets there one two three four five six seven eight you can get to me in ten oh no eleven eleven twelve yeah he can't do anything that's his turn one two three five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve yep the other one can also i think like that he can and do nothing with his turn seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen thirteen he only has thirteen so he can get to here okay cool so he's there um and one of them bites you hey slams you just kidding not a fight fights 480 um 15. well that'll hit uh i'm bludgeoning damage he did more damage than the other one did by themselves yeah they both rolled ones um all right uh sarah bell it's your turn there oh important detail so um the one the gray one the big chunky gray one right there that just came out uh which for stream that is that's uh this guy right now this one um he on the side of his head he has like wiring around like his body and he walks out and he's like slightly mechanical and on the side of his head there's like this light and um there's like this wiring up and there's like this metal piece on his head and the the um the red piece is like is like glowing okay question science on that sure question jacob what is an explosion radius of 10 feet comma 20 feet mean why because i have fragrances uh so 10 feet is full damage um how many feet is half damage okay oh and isn't there like an effect um yeah deafened 14 you only get 14. um it looks like like they were once like a non-feral ghoul and they had like all of these attachments onto them um but as you look at it more and more um you you can tell that the circuitry is wired up in a strange way it almost looks like an explosive oh oh hey billy i think that guy with the [ __ ] in his head's gonna explode no fun careful okay i want to stay away from them oh about all back up to you does billy calmly turn around and just go you want to stay away from him as like ghouls around him hey cerebella do you want do you want to like he's he still has stamina points he's not he's dodging okay um i'm gonna throw a molotov what do i do on billy no oh yeah over here you could hold your action until you move back oh that's true i could hold isn't it double your no no it uses plus two plus two that's two which is what you do yeah pretty good uh i will do so oh that's a long time though friend well these guys have been broken two broken legs and then it's billy and then then i will hold my action with my new molotov thanks the vodka one vodka one and i will uh wait till billy moves i'm gonna toss it a yay right there where billy was yeah okay you got it so you just you're like holding it all right uh time to round uh the two ghouls on the ground who are crawling um they are going to do targeted attacks on your legs billy okay do they have disadvantage because they're prone they do i think can you check prone form a quick question because the molotov explodes at the end of your turn does that mean it looks like the end of billy's turn if i start that no the molotov explodes immediately oh so it just drops and does it yeah a frag grenade is the one that may explode at the end of the turn okay let me find probe this is at the beg just for reference the thing says at the end of your turn does it really yeah which is which is probably the same thing because i in my turn uh always explodes at the end of your turn yeah it's not the end of your turn right but if you have a fight actually on his turn that it will blow up at the end of that turn it would be at the end of your health oh okay okay cool we have action just making sure because i want to disadvantage on attack rules okay see it's disadvantage yes and like a minus six i think minus three disadvantaged minus three they have a lot of ap though so um they have all of them so i'm gonna do three six nine you do four each um so they're gonna do four all at the disadvantage and with um minus three so then you have plus one oh yeah i also recycled one i just wanna say okay ten uh that meets it okay let's do one at a time um that's uh with this advantage that was a disadvantage it was a 9 and 19. okay um three so uh four damage four bludgeoning dudes oh you're doing this i see since they're natural attacks four blushing damage and you are uh jesus christ no sorry no you're just knocked down you fall you're prone okay the other one is gonna attack your leg with a four that misses the other one attacking your leg is that a natural one for him no it was not a natural one i thought they only had a plus three how do you roll a four it's minus three for ten plus one right hey this game just in time billy i think you're going to need one of these look at that the stem pack i don't know what that is this is the healing items yeah i know i don't know it's not one of those sticks no mine's just number one look at that guys i got a little stim pack gonna need one of these billy okay um yeah uh uh here you go thank there you go um okay so misses again doesn't work for you guys knocks you over prone with the hit um and then though um i'll stick with that let's do two more careful it's rusty it's what they um toughness if you're prone to yes it would be regular attack got it so these i was just thinking about that okay so seven misses change oh i have no cap to flip over so oh boy all right so um you uh hang on give me a second that was what those four attacks so there's four more coming uh no they're only gonna do two more okay okay so this is the normal hit that no only the criteria right yeah okay so ah you take 18 damage 18 damage yes that's a lot of damage icky that's terrible do we have massives or anything like that no it wouldn't kill me on one hand but it will be close okay get that that's healthy so they're not they're not attacking me no they're gonna save their repeat um they they're yeah they're gonna they're gonna save it okay um they uh you guys watches as like you're like move billy and then like uh billy like turns around and as he's going he gets caught and like pulled onto the ground and the cools just start like tearing into like his legs um it's pretty bad pretty bad okay uh bailey well i don't really know what i can do now uh can you stand i don't know do i take more leg conditions because they hit me on the legs no you didn't what the why would i do okay oh wait the crit did huh yeah okay i you the rule used to be that if you got a crate you would get take the severe injury but i thought that was too crazy you would have lost your leg right now and that would have been stupid um i'm gonna roll it there roll one you're knocked down you're full you fall prone so not can the same thing can happen uh it can't but it there's nothing happening in this one you can crawl if you want to but it's 2ap a turn [Music] do ap to crawl you get 15 feet out of there i guess you need to get next to me to not be within the range so like i can't see the squares at all sorry i know they're kind of 5 10 15. yeah you should be there is there any way you could make them like a different color uh no they came pre-baked into the map oh yeah maybe in the future making them like a like a green or something cool no that's what i did with my last one i made it pretty easy to see and i put a little like a little um glow around it so there you guys can see but this one was just like really difficult it's kind of cool because you did like little red ones too so we knew where it was like stuff it's gonna be hard that's what i do yeah that's pretty cool mm-hmm pretty neato can you crawl 30 feet and crawl 15 and crawl to here the scene here billy gets knocked to the ground he's like bleeding out of his leg he just starts crawling towards you and then he would turn around sit up and i'm going to chuck a frag grenade you throw it all right you're going to have to make that explosives check and this is where i'd like to go i'll just throw and you'll throw yours yeah okay uh give me a second as i pull up the explosives chart real quick sure um and i am going to did you already roll i rolled a one no oh no oh boy i told um it just explodes centered on you wow billy crossed in there and then pulls out and here you can describe what happens oh well let me figure out which damage it is all right sure this is very bad mm-hmm you're going to take damage oh yes absolutely 10 15. oh he's still rolling yeah it's 5 d6 oh boy i'm gonna need these hopefully for my turn oh no i rolled really well too i think it's yeah it's like it's 26 damage oh my lord um oh all of them take half at least all of them take 13 damage the cerebellar as well no no you're um the rest of them don't have stamina points okay uh what happens well i don't know how death works in this game i need to know you are unconscious have we never gone unconscious before no no okay still to go into death saving throws okay d you roll your luck modifier to it um and okay yeah you're just it's just like d d you're unconscious um it's a massive damage or anything no no no no none of that because that would insta-kill me that would increase wow no i i haven't no that it would it would be exactly enough damage actually tends to kill me oh that's a funny thing um even with your stamina points i'm at zero you cripped me for 18. yeah well includes includes oh no i'm only including hit points because you can't stamina i didn't i'm sorry well yeah that's why i haven't included it because technically you need to increase your stamina points too but hit points already really low i have not calculated that damage so i'm not ruling that doing more than that is an instant kill for you okay um regardless though um uh the only time that something severe like that can happen is if uh like a targeted attack hit one of your was going to your limbs and you hit zero that that limb would be severed does anything happen because it was a frag grenade um no i mean not really uh if it was a if it was a frag mine you would you would lose a limb but um so like realistically what could have happened is like you did throw it but it went it went like maybe five feet away from you and exploded and like you knew it was going to explode so you kind of turned off to the side and like went unconscious because of it you didn't just like like your face don't offer anything not bloody mess no no no um i mean that's probably what happens exactly that you like you you take out the grenade and you pull it but you like you pulled the pin too late and you were like aiming it and you look like oh [ __ ] and you threw it and it like exploded in front of you um and you guys watch as billy just goes unconscious uh before you did you take the damage as well oh yeah all right yep uh yeah it's not looking good okay yeah that's i still have to throw that all right yeah throw the molotov that'll be a 13. 13. yeah damage no it lands where you wanted it to okay question do my other grenades go that's really terrible it's just chain reaction it no colin's like oh i wanna die your armor let's go uh it's like uh i want them to level up uh 11 and on their turn we'll take a 10 of d10 the leftmost one is still alive this one yes that guy over there so you you throw the grenade boom they all they all explode they'll take damage you throw the molotov there's explosion you're like how are they still alive billy's dead billy's gone and the other ghoul over there that the one with all the the the cyber cybernetics on it it literally like ah and it also boom it explodes but nobody's near it so it nobody takes it damn it hits this guy right yeah it kills him um oh and then no and that kills the other one so they're all dead boo there's just dozens of explosions going off and that that one dies because of the other one and uh they are all dead all right still in combat sequence as um billy is unconscious uh cerebella oh sorry uh huck it's your turn that was interesting i'm gonna climb down okay you go over um what's the movement that it's do i need to spend things to go down six down to go down okay i go six to go down and then i'll go um one two three four and i recycled four last time yeah or no two last time so i'll go one two okay um i don't think i can heal i don't have a stem packer i have given biliust impact before though can i look for one on him yeah you find it there it is you have a missed impact on you i do i don't know what those are it's just me now you go over and [ __ ] billy with this with the stem pack he's got like bits all in them um it looks like like his and and now you notice like you notice that like his clothing that he's been wearing is like pretty well padded like weirdly like functions is like like some sort of armor um and then uh you watch as like a lot of the the um the shrapnel was caught in it some bits hit his flesh but like um it's like his armor that took most of the hit but you stab into him and um some of the wounds on him kind of heal the magic of the stim pack completely you come back to what yeah let's never fight ghouls again uh i don't think i can i can promise you guys combat sequence i'm like slowly climbing down the ladder that was bad that was bad are you okay i'm fine are you okay i've got all of this i'll live how are your pants doing you're good thank you they took a hit though pants are nice we can go in now hopefully that was all of them i could go i could go check will they go in first oh okay well let me let me handle it here coming as well yeah we'll keep billy that's perfect let's do that once you just kind of once you rest up and we'll go ahead dr alabaster why don't you get your ass over here in hillbilly a little bit okay um he comes over uh doesn't he have like that medic yeah he does um he's just chilling out over there just watching you guys like he'd be pretty way a ways away with victor kind of like off uh like you can go back and go get him like billy's like dying and he's like oh [ __ ] he runs over he is our alabaster looks over you and then he like he like kind of questions he's like are you sure he's hurt yeah hey i don't know what are you feeling like a grenade went off in my face giving billy a hard time about his clothes look at this clothes caught all the shrapnel yeah probably would have been pierced right through his heart if it weren't for that shirt wow yeah you should apologize did it go through his heart though no i don't know if it would really be dead yeah yeah but he's not because of the shirt yeah okay all right and he goes over any um i don't know how much he can heal you in a second unless that's his healing right i don't know if that's true i just know he has the healing feet thingy yeah essentially one of them uh do you know what it was called no i got it right here you can heal a creature up to their healing rate you heal your healing right cool all right we're gonna yeah let's go in um you guys uh you guys uh uh where you guys have done a uh an average encounter so you guys get 80 xp averaging oh no that didn't feel very average to me well you know what you did take on like five goals at once what is the bonus for part overfalling oh you're right thank you oh shoot not 80. you guys get more because you hit zero can you just um yeah i could just get the extra bonus because you wrote it in uh yeah sorry yeah i think someone died no you level up if somebody dies yeah you get sorry you get 1000 xp if somebody dies which is enough to level you guys get into extra 16. so sweet all right you take it away no it's nice i'd almost i'd almost rather because now i need to keep track of the fact did we already calculate that we discovered the super duper 51. we were at 37.51 yeah i think we did and one is going to bother me forever you're welcome uh so cerebella and paige are going into the super duper mark to sweep it of ghouls right i don't think we have added xp for the mario did we add it for the super duper moment i'm at 37.51 because i added it chat do you remember you asked you were like do we get it for discovering it i said yes yeah i think i did i remember specifically i mean i have my thing marked for that i do know how much are you guys at 37.51 37.51 you know almost four yeah um but yes i will go with go inside here i would almost imagine like you're like walking and you actually see paige's she's almost like actually sweeping the building a little bit the way she's moving about kind of using corners and things definitely more technical i am i'm just she seems to actually have like a bit of tactical like knowledge of doing this maybe not like the best but she certainly has some more than i yes and you're just like i'm going in here cease and desist punch being alive but yeah you can notice that she's actually like trying to use corners and then looks at you like okay sorry well that's fun um so you guys had inside the case um there's the revolving door uh doors are my problem yeah yeah he's not moving that fast i will go into the door all right you do you guys just go in yeah yeah you go and there's the only thing repelling it is the thing that's on the inside it looks like it's just mechanically sort of propelled it's just turned on yeah um you guys step in and you see um the inside of this grocery store a lot of the uh fluorescent lights on the inside um are broken and um not working in the back you can sort of see like a few that are like flickering and it casts this like huge dark shadow over everything like a few spots of distant light you see um um uh uh aisles and aisles rows of them and they're like the old kind of style of grocery stores so it's not like that like super tall they're only like maybe to like your your eye height page um and booney's gas station yeah exactly you can see like there looks to be like a freezer section off in the distance where some of the um some of the uh the lights are still working as well is it pretty dark in here it is pretty dark okay i'm going to light a flare then and i'll kind of hold it up and i'll let you do all the searching yeah i'm kind of just all right super dark for the first first order business kind of slowly making our way through the entire building to make sure that there's no other ghouls here role perception 13. okay so you guys kind of like make your way in so you've got the flare up and as you go down and you look down like one aisle and you look over and you do see like like movement i'm gonna walk over there you where you just walk down the aisle go down the aisle um and you like you like kick a can like falls to the side you keep going um and uh i'm like staying like probably 10 feet behind you get uh you're staying 10 feet behind you guys are like slowly like towards the end and as you get all the way to the end um uh you turn down the side you look left nothing you look right nothing jacob since we changed the way that rads work what does it mean if something is irradiated um they i there's uh it describes it above the food i'll watch here oh wait wait yeah just are you describing me a hallway hang on um just for everybody at home as well uh basically if i think it's five or ten if you can if you consume ten irradiated things you take a level over ads are those independent because drinks specifies when you consume ten radiated drinks but drinks and food are not independent no they are not sorry okay any irradiated food items we're going to wall uh and for now it's set at zero while dr alabaster is patching up really uh he just digs into his bag pulls out two sunset satsarellas and chugs nice delicious sunsets hasbro all right you uh no it's like the end of an aisle so you like you were going down an aisle where there would be stop stuff stocked on the sides of you and then you get to the end and it's like the back end of the store yeah you look to your left and there's nothing you look to your right there's nothing and which way do we see it go um which way did i did did i see which way i think i'm really certain you just saw something move okay i'm back okay then i will go down one and you can go on the other can i go to where i saw the movement um and try and see if in like maybe the dirt or debris some sort of track trail that it made left tracks yeah roll uh survival that's not okay um 11 11. i'm just you know i'm back up to 17 stamp because the since it says barrels he'll uh xd4 is the stamina points okay and x is your level you like you like are laying their ability like you just face death and you drink two sunset sasquales and in this horrible apocalyptic world where nothing is good and you're a psychotic golfer from who came from a vault and you just nearly died from a frag grenade exploding in your face drinking these two sunset sarsaparillas is like the world it's like god this is so great you just feel so good and you're like i'm i'm good i'm ready to go my wounds aren't good but i'm good i'll stand up and try to find them we can body strong in spirit did you go in all right i'll stand up and look the hook all right i'm good all right bye dr alabaster we're going to go in there i weirdly don't want to be around you guys today understandable you can't drink these huh nope i can't drink anything ashamed i'm not alive what is alive not me it could be anyway they're in there let's go what'd you roll i will do 11. you you don't find anything like you look down and there there's movement you can't tell what it is it's very like it's the only thing you gather is not footprints this is very weird bug all right i'll go to the aisle to the left of it and stick together so you're like so basically i'll just kind of do the u shape yeah you go like around to the next aisle and you turn down this way and you see movement going down the aisle and you look down and you see before you three really big roaches no and there's like they skitter away from me oh what'd you see oh i roach three large roads probably red roaches then that's oh that's all that's here yeah i can't really shoot them or we can but they're not they're not that big more nuisance than anything um well i guess it should be safe for now it seems okay all right i will light up the area wherever you guys here [Music] hang on we're at speed oh my god turn on each other to level up sorry sorry i just died i do not throw a lot of molotov at you i don't know and billy's like maybe none of us are alive no oh you're talking about being alive and then down at one of the um the aisles by the way grocery store not super tall aisles um a lot of things scattered on the floor um fluorescent lights are flickery it's pretty dark on the inside you can see a freezer section in the back and then out from one aisle you see like three rad roaches skitter off and go into a different area of the store gross all right well i guess we can start yeah scavenging stop searching i start searching i'm getting i will as well but i'm looking for specific stuff so i'm gonna leave my salsa on that make sure you know what you want to look for yeah does anybody else want to look for specific things okay i want to scavenge a specific thing but i don't know if i'm looking for anything particularly what is it i want to see if they have cat registers yes that's what i'm after um so couple of things you guys notice after going through here there are rad roaches scattered around this place but they seem to not be interested in you and they run away um uh and as you go around you notice that like there are a lot of ghoul like markings around this place but like what is radiation and whatnot like little little areas like bill you walk to like one side of the this uh the supermarket like you can tell that it's a radiation you stay away you don't have to roll a check but um you you kind of move away from it yeah well it's ticking and then um to you find a bunch of cash registers on on one side of the store um and then you uh everybody also finds that there is a uh a back door that leads to like an office space in the back of the um offices of pencils yeah and on this door this door looks to be like pretty reinforced it has a lock and it has a computer terminal next to it i'm going to go to the camera question um what do i need to fix my armor um you have cloth armor it should be in the big list of craftable stuff um and there's what you need to repair i'm pretty sure it's a unique there's a massive hole crafting this how much does how much does how much would you say i used to make a molotov about the vodka i had of the 50 you gave me previously oh of the monies the 50 monies yeah um what's that monies five o'clock whoa ten monies five o'clock ten minutes ten weeks sorry ten minutes five cloths but all total it would actually be 50 monies five o'clock ten months one cloth that's not bad i'll take that all right how how much did i use nevermind i'm just going to use 10. okay a copy of the armor or a two cloth okay i got some cloth you can what's this i also have a pillow case plus one okay [Laughter] oh my god that's amazing you can actually craft a lot of things just just for fear luck you're just like i think it goes like this i made it how did you make the triangle go in the circle billy's existence okay um sometimes it doesn't go in the circle that's when the mountains will come out they're going to cash registers okay all right you go to the cash register yes and if if sorry if cerebellar has uh has a cloth to offer me then i will just generally search i have nothing in specific that i'm looking okay absolutely that how much coffee do you give billy i did two and i'll keep my other two i had cool you can now spend i think what is it five minutes uh 10 minutes i'll do it after we search to take dollar bills to repair your claims so i imagine it's dollar bills i i imagine what he does is he like somehow this works he doesn't even like like tape it over or like pin it in he like rolls them up and like just sticks them in the holes on your clothes other than sticking your wounds no i was like old dogs directly into the wound gauze i wouldn't make pretty good cars oh stimpaks are not um adrenaline things um they're literally uh magic wound healers um they're made with healing powder healing powder uses xander root xander root is unique to the world because i think it's it's one of the few like um roots in the game that uses that was augmented by the fev um so it legitimately like works yeah what is that a long a long complicated thing that is really important to fall at lore but it's not really is that why there's technically aliens and fallout no it's why they're super mutants it's why there's giant ants why there's um a lot of but there's also aliens right yes they have no kind of it kind of looks like those things from bioshock yeah a little bit all right anyways um cash registers yeah roll luck okay 10 10. oh you fine 50 pre-more dollars whoa whoa you could buy yourself something pre-war no you actually couldn't that's not it specifically for a gallon gas lead and adhesives you're doing that or are you going to the terminal all right probably more likely to be in there so i'm going to do the terminal first okay you know the terminal um the terminal comes up with a bunch of text um unlike the games which has that weird like mini game um instead it uses like actual computing whatnot and it's like enter password no it's not the it's not the bioshock mini game where you have to turn the pipes to be the right no no it's like actual computer hacking so you go in and you're like okay you restart the computer um uh it needs a password if you roll luck and get a 20 you can guess what the password tyler i know you can do it online you're not doing it i'm just playing right um oddly enough i wasn't actually after the money i was after the registers can i break those down to be anything registers no sure you can get you can get five cash registers each one of them is five load oh my god what do they provide do you want to break them down i think you want no no no no steel aluminum and springs one each and circuitry you you'll get three steel oh [ __ ] okay i'm just saying this nevermind yeah yeah yeah we went one circuitry three on one sir as you can see we kind of figure things out as we go all the best people do so you go in it needs passwords it needs a password there's no way i can get into the bios trying no you can i'm just saying if you want to roll luck if you get a 20 you can i have it would have to be a natural 20. no i'm not going to do that i'm going to try what is it what if it's carol two no only one i'm sorry are you kidding me no fine go for it okay come on give it to me what do you say is it or try golf club you try it golf club needed incorrect no that was not it why wild west oh wow why would it be wild west who knows maybe like yeah horse try a wild west horse with a z and that's the password all right i think i'm just gonna bypass into the buyers right you set the computer you open the bios you go into um uh some of the coding you look through um different history records trying to find different things you're like okay i'm going to open this bit i can just reset it and then yeah go ahead and roll a science check oh my gosh but that makes it 18 want me to re-roll it jacob if it was a 20 would you want to re-roll it i would i no matter what i would always i will always ask if it's not directly flattened it became a two which makes it a knot okay um you go into the computer and you're like you're you're going through it and you're like why the [ __ ] do they have such good security on this random uh thing and you're going through it you're just like all right disengage lock didn't work okay go through bypass this thing go into i'll just create like a new profile go into the profile disengage god one goddammit it's just like not working and you and yeah you're having a hard time with computing okay i could i could try talking to it just shut it off angry and then do i have just like looking through a shelf there my friend pulled out a bobby pin start trying to pick the lock picking 18. i wonder if that means that these terminals were off click you're like that was easier and you just open the door uh on the inside you find like a back storage it is um it's got quite a bit of food in it um you find uh you find like bags of money um money uh and you also find um another terminal and another like uh uh chas like a chassis of like um of like frosted glass and like steel you can't glass in the middle and like steel around the side it's like floor to ceiling and is it like connected to it's connected it has wires going to the terminal and it looks like it could slide open but you don't you can't see how big is this chassis 10 feet uh width okay i think i already know um there's a guy in there i'm going to go to the terminal and just double check click and and um you get three options that come up and it says um um and it says uh open super duper mark security engage super duper mark security and then sound alarm is another one too i like that one it's you as a guess as to what this is yeah i'm assuming paige might have the same things considering her background of knowing of having a pretty wide knowledge base yeah sure okay personal open it i'm pretty sure there's another one of you in here or am i in your name well not you um i'm sitting here you're going for the money right now well another one of your types maybe a little bit less complex of a code because i'm assuming you're kind of unique would you like yeah what does that do for us is is that i could go into this thing and set us as um non-hostile beep beep beep yes okay well you just actually you find it no you find it to make it non-hostile or to make it hostile okay i'm gonna keep it off and make sure that it's not hostile you click it and you get an error i'm not turning this on because that thing is going to try and kill us i like that idea that's all right okay it can hang out can i try redwater's got allergies you can open it without accident yeah can i try and open it and disable it without activating it wait sorry what do you want to do can i try and open to the inside of the thing and if it's a if it's a protectron can i try to disable the protectron while it is not activated uh i mean like permanently disable it uh you maybe you would have to get to it i have a weird question because i don't understand fallout could i upload my consciousness to this thing's body yeah interesting and you want to have your quran you're just a bunch of tapes no no no no no no but this will be good like what if we left it here as a backup that's that's what i was thinking about if i get too jacked maybe just drag me back don't even i'm not on the hard drive and just kind of well just shove me in beep it does listen don't touch it yeah oh actually other 20 notes all right another body and super duper just gonna keep it it's like the clone spell enclosed in there why didn't you do anything no okay um i will then start looking for lead and adhesive okay i have glue if you want glue would be nice i got glue glue is adhesive yeah okay so well now we'll go into all of that so uh huck what are you looking for i'm just looking you're just looking yeah world luck uh 14 yeah 14. all right every time i've rolled luck this time i've gotten 14. yes no i think i got an eight more i actually just really just like the idea of cerebellar goes i'm just the same protection i'm just like another protectron you just start up here so i think gabe only has to change like the diamonds like different colors [Laughter] d4 four you find four canned dog foods oh gross there's roaches dinner you take those right now hey there's dog food over here you find some sugar bombs you find some salisbury steaks crisps fried pork beans god i love something that's noodle cups billy are you gonna be our food you also find some sorry you also find some coffee beans you um you find no water like you guys don't find any water you find like maybe like a dozen nuka colas in like um in one section but they're all cold because the freezer doesn't work anymore they're all warm find a couple of beers um uh realistically anything under the food and drinks you guys can find here other than water other than water it looks like water's been completely like taken do you have something in your nose or something yeah like a couple of each yeah possibly yes okay pretty much um this entire super duper mark hasn't been completely rated it it doesn't it's it's like at maybe 1 50th of its stock but you're maybe getting like the last of it but it still has maybe one little everything that you need um gold droppings on some of them area you do find what looks like like um two like of those first aid boxes oh they're not a first aid kit it's a box and they typically have things in them yeah um that was what i was gonna look for oh medical supplies do you want do you wanna go through the other one uh sure and the other one you've so you found three stim packs and one pretty simple and uh you find in the other one yeah because i was i was specifically looking for medical supply so if this is friend radix right away one red x one right away oh my goodness sir if you're looking for a specific magic trick you take this impacts as well do you have fur in your nose okay did you hear that yeah i did i wrote it down cool so something specific i was looking for steady you okay and then medics psycho instead of your drugs right psychosteady and medics are all drugs are there chems how much money was in those bags in the back so wow i need to write in here uh actually 500. go and take one of the step packs okay i'm going to become a banker actually like your acceptable point i'm starting to hand out money like maybe when marshalls i'll sell things we have to use old word cash to make when we see the doctor we can figure out how to split it up um and then jacob i think we're just gonna grab some food like a like a stack of it all right and also enough for us to give some to uh our friend here okay um how much do you want to take how much load do you get g is that what you want to do is take as much as you can yeah kinda it's more than a if if i have the opportunity to be picky i'm going to be so i'm going to see what these foods are sure like like potato crisps potato that sounds awesome well they didn't do that they we just changed the levels of decay wouldn't change the time at which it takes to match from one level there's just more now okay it doesn't change um when when they have can i start my hour of trying to repair myself mm-hmm okay i'm gonna start that you can just do that so long as you have steel i do i have uh six at the moment which i'll probably use right now might be a good idea you don't have to roll anymore i like oh i don't no yeah it just costs oh okay oh i'm sorry just to steal if you have two steel in an hour you can repair yourself oh okay cool and actually not an hour 10 minutes yeah they come in they help you do that they um can we move their car they need to like stop the rotating door and the two of them just like push on it it just breaks and i like uh they put it down they find some like um they find some barricades they put it in front of the door um good you guys have easy access to uh food here do you all have water yes okay then and i have enough for doc if we needed to do that all the exits are bargaining i do not have water and you guys water for you can rest i give you a dirty water okay how long um yes uh yes you uh you you do it you wait you wait and then you hear and the thing starts to rattle and rattle and rattle and then out of the sink comes black sludge just sludge and sludge sl like just so much sludge and then it kind of clears out like there's but it's dirty water yeah okay well does the sanctuary only specif does it specify what clean or dirty you just have to have water in general yeah just have that water oh um nasty gross toilet water this is a ghoul in there and a pack of 10 millimeter pistols but in the next gross toilet water and when you hover over it with your crosshair you you have to make sure not to drink the toilet water make sure to hit the the the 10 millimeter ammo because you could accidentally you just want to grab the ammo instead you could just drink the nasty toilet water is that a thing yeah oh there's a little comic that's pretty funny um but you find um a packed 10 millimeter pistol oh you you get it because you have hands in this rpg if we have access to the dirty water my mic goes off i apologize um yeah over the course okay well we have we have multiple things going so actually let's just go i'm still looking for lead and things and then i'll build the dirty water in a bit okay um now that you guys are in a sanctuary and you're resting though you guys did complete uh two easy dungeons um in which somebody went unconscious during it so we get you guys get 180 xp oh so uh what are we at [Music] or do an average encounter and you'll level up what's going on uh question what do we get for rest uh every you get everything back everything and you lower your fatigue here no you only heal your healing rate every time you jacob died if i just got like a junk wrench you just wanna he's got a wrench a wrench that was from like forever ago though you want this glue yes i would love that check it out once is it one glitter one what what's happening just one glue what's all i got i also have glue you had glue i different but i heard glue you break down a wrench it's one gear and two steel okay i'm sure i'm sure do that all right um would you roll on your first check the first check was a five what was your second one uh nine a nine um [ __ ] yeah you find one pencil one that's good though that's good one lead and one wood what if we do we have any ammo types that you guys aren't using could we break bullets backwards just like the lead one pack of 10 millimeter oh god i didn't mean this one pack 10 millimeter ammo how much lead is in there you [ __ ] i don't know i found that on the toilet you could just have this yeah take it all right give me a [ __ ] second jeez i love that seven days also does toilet guns victory here yeah do we let him inside okay are we letting him in yeah we could boil the water the dirty water yo i'm gonna go remember the bottom i'll tell you a big jumper either gotta be one of those or fill them with yeah we need that so you can um uh pack is 30. 30. you get six left out of that okay paige spends like an hour just breaking down bullets and pouring mountains separating taking the lead bits are we able to boil water okay boiling it will not remove the radiation um i know that there's going to be water you can do but what you can do is you can make it i don't know water gets rid of radiation so you're right i think that's the same thing there is a way you can total distill water distilling water will get rid of the radiation like coal um no there's a way to do it um and let me get that for you it's in the crafting thing yep um it's a survival dc of one i already looked it up okay you need two dirty water to create and you have a plus four and everything so i can just do it i have a plus four in survival as well billy is like how that works you just have to have the billy you know how to um how to distill water yeah because i had seven pure water now i have two so i have five bottles just chilling out you need heat you need the ability to boil i have the thermal burner okay you take the thermal burner you get like a pot you pour a bunch of water into it and just i'll give you the dirty water because this is pretty neat you basically you put a bowl in the middle of it and then you put like a lid on the top and basically what you're doing is all of the the water goes up the steam catches it on the top and then the drippings is what you can drink it takes a long time um and you can let me check here you can make purify you can you can take two dirty waters and make it purified over the course of six hours yeah so we can do one yeah we can do one while we're working well we're resting for twelve two two twelve then we can do two yeah so we can do two also you can do this with seawater that's not bad because you can you can take those two waters and you'll have two waters too yeah that'd be very beneficial the fact that we have water is nice so we'll do that before we do that though i'm going to go ahead and uh cook up this pork and beans you're going to cook the pork and beans yeah they'll flavor the water eat it drink it and then i will do the water oh it's like uh [Music] beans off the shelf and refill my stock when um crafting a uh like an upgrade to something um what do we need i know you need the materials but do we need like an actual specific type of bench to work on to work on it or can you just work on it um yeah you do need like a workbench um i'll say you find one here in the super duper okay i'm going to take my armor okay and upgrade to lead line level one all right you take all of the lead you've been on the bullets and you just hammer it out with the pencils and you get lead lining yep all right all right and then so that's five flat three adhesive so i have uh that what's camouflage do camouflage yeah i mean i know what camouflage does does it rank one so that makes it uh oh is it the crafting area yes oh i can tell you i'll get it in the not crafting area let you know what we finally made a page you could do that what did you need i was just curious what uh camouflage gives you the first level of camouflage gives you advantage on sneak checks that rely on site interesting the second um rank gives it uh relied on sound and the third one lets you be undetectable when you are in dim light or dark that's kind and i can't like wear clothes so it's a thing um and i am literally flavoring it as not flavoring you literally turn invisible we could like paint you a different color or something that's true i you know what i will let you take the upgrades 100 you can get the upgrades yeah you can have as many as you want interesting you could be bedazzled and buy as many as you want i mean five oh yeah i i'm gonna i i'm gonna be bedazzled i'm planning to get that night shiny armor so the little the laser bolts go with energy um so you you ha now have lead lined um armor very nice um are you doing anything billy you made some pork and beans you're disguising water and resting if we're resting for 12 hours i would regain all my stem and i would be at 20 or 21 hit points okay are you guys going to rest for 12 hours yeah yeah all right cool and um you can do the same thing i'm assuming we're just kind of eating the food that's yeah i need to be repaired if i'm hurt but i didn't take any damage so i'm fine okay what is the rules right now for repairing you i just realized the same as me right yeah i think theoretically i could repair it i think we said the same thing but it gave but it was by a healing right yeah no a repair check of 10 heals my hit points all of them that's what it says unless you changed it in the recent update let's look well let's see doesn't matter i'm not hurt right now oh okay i didn't take any i i was on the billboard so i i have a weird question because this is the merchant brain in me some of these weapons like the chinese officer sword and the assaultron blade says a copy of the weapon or three different materials listens in the crafting tools does that mean i just need to have three like i should have a collective of three and then i can make these things but not three of one thing any three different things so one that's one like if i had aluminum gear oil yep i could do you could repair it you could repair prepare crafting is a different thing oh okay so but i don't necessarily but that means so would i still need the the copy of it nope that's just representation so i just craft it i have all these things yeah so here let me show you real quick um on here yeah so like look it says repair dc repair materials this is crafting dc crafting oh that's interesting maybe this is how i pack my dip i just sell things a very good one all right so you guys um gather together um start distilling water put together your armor and said super duper mart and rest easy knowing that billy isn't dead and that none of you are which is very nice so and go ahead and take 70 xp no we're at can we count [ __ ] one that could get 69 no xp four thousand and one huh four thousand and one oh why did i put myself at one level one yeah what is it a guitar sword is it just like a cane sword but inside a guitar um it no it's a guitar that has a blade like a bayonet i almost imagine like the blade is like the the base of the like they call it guitars axes because that's the thing yeah like marceline yeah from adventure time i haven't seen that show we haven't seen adventures what the yeah it's like a bayonet wow okay jacob you did add more to it it is uh instead of just healing all of it i regain if i rest or repair i gain uh all my stamina hit points and equal heal equal to my healing rate which is so if i rest you can heal your healing rate yes every six hours yes so you can get 10 back yeah but i'm not hurt so oh well ain't that nice three times kicking that you that you probably that's not like you're going to protest what do we get first for up a perk or a special yeah the responsible thing is getting special the responsible thing is getting the person yeah i know you know what the fact that it gives me so much joy that that's what it is it's responsible to take the spectrum yeah uh mysterious stranger is luck eight oh dang i just found out what that was is your look not 10. just some dude actually just shows like materializes you will just realize and shoot someone for you yeah i just watched where did i watch recently h bomber guy maybe i know i don't know who what i watch but someone i watch on youtube with the whole thing was talking about um fallout diode um new vegas was it new was it fallout new vegas is genius and here's why uh no i don't know no no i don't know what it was it was just a dude playing the game it was a lot of fun you talk about how um is miss fortunes the girl one yeah that she showed up like tons all the time for super cool mysterious stranger will show up like randomly but miss fortune will show up more if you're like dying interesting that's pretty cool because she just show up and then dude yeah this game is definitely not what i thought it was at first yeah it's very different yup i guess i decided to take the responsible you're going endurance one yeah dude grim reaper's princess now now on my you know what it does um it's you can you can read it if you kill a creature with a targeted attack you regain all your action points now on my bad results checks i have a plus zero unless i'm wearing the hazmat suit which i should have plus two now there you go yeah because i have a minus two but i have a plus two because of the bloodline you should be getting you should get more health now too but that's what is your endurance now my endurance is three it was four no it was two it was two well two went up to three now so now it went from negative three to plus it's a negative two so you uh you've had two health level ups so you gain two hp another question for nerd rage um when am i considered mortal uh when you are you're mortal when i think it's half your hit points it's feeling right so oh that's interesting that is very interesting has never ever thought about you taking that that's a what's that a party nerve oh party nerve what is it plus one plus one sorry are you gonna take big ego i might hey jacob the rad resistance perk i think is out of date no your base rad resistance is doubled oh cause doubled yeah i'm stupid our healing rate goes up two oh because we leveled up two yeah it's your level plus half your endurance i'm tempted to take uh uh old world gourmet dude that's so perfect for billy thanks unclean living you've learned the secret to the lounge lizards when eating irradiated food you take half the normal rats if you taste this perk again you gain no rats from eating irradiated foods because that's going to i know but well i took i i imagined half is since it was 10 eats it could be 20 that makes sense yes that's kind of why that's what i would do so i'm looking at that one and if you take it again you would just not gain i could just eat whatever i want i just give me all the dirty water give me that jacob what what's an average enemies intelligence that we've fought so far [Music] and why for a terrifying presence oh terrifying presence huh yeah will it be useful for me let me look also what is a death clause i think that'd be very funny actually i don't think i am afraid of you but you are also afraid i imagine death clauses are strength seven during the first round of combat regardless if you're first to intimidate your opponents with threats each enemy in the combat sequence and intelligence higher than two plus 16. okay um so anything that is an animal would not be affected by this right okay um what about like a feral ghoul a feral ghoul i believe they have higher than two oh well let me double check i could actually take that also they do not they have a one oh fair ghouls so actually a vast majority of what we fought they need to have sentience okay they need to be able to understand yeah but baby you take slot in time jacob what is the use of mr sandman um if someone's asleep you can insta kill them if you attack an unconscious creature they instantly die i didn't consider the fact that asleep is unconscious i was like the enemies just die when we don't go into death saves they just die anyways but yeah i know that makes sense ninja is hilarious thanks i'm gonna add more perks so if you guys yeah i would like some like level 10 perks would be would be nice i'm gonna add a little does it so will that be before next game yeah so you can take one now tentatively if you want change it'll let you i don't have anything higher than a seven so i'm fine well you could do the responsible thing i think that's the most important i did the responsible thing oh i don't want to die to rats hey now you won't die to level three of rats we gained five health no i might still die for your friends plus level plus half your endurance for adamantium skeleton yes it says that um i take um half damage from target attacks do i still take like the effect of it jacob i still die at the same time three endurance um at level four you get negative three endurance and a math three endurance which would knock me down to zero toughness when you are tough you take less damage yeah um i'm gonna i'm gonna update that one make sure to remind me okay i'm gonna say that it takes two targeted attacks to give you a condition so not only do you take half damage but you can't take an arm condition unless you take two okay i'll remind you but i'm also going to uh use the two weeks to look through all of the tentatively i'm taking strong back i want to take shiny armor but i'm actually going to take life giver again well yeah no big health [Applause] i'm tentatively taking strong back doing the responsible thing craig wow well i mean i got hit with a grenade that's pretty sorry pretty humbling i'm tentatively taking strong back which would make my carry load 120. oh my god i could just take all the food from the store that's my ideas yeah just take all this crap yeah i mean you'll never be burning for food if you can do that that's my tentative plan if unless unless jacob introduces a really cool luck perk yeah i'm going to it's gonna be like five four minutes see i'm gonna have to look at those and maybe i'll want that over over the 120 carry load cool yeah um would you take i haven't taken anything yet i'm gonna wait until next game okay i'm gonna have more christmas that's my tentative take strength is also fine or strength perks oh the i already updated all the stream wow yeah there's um what were the new ones i added in there can you give me some slayer i would also agree with the robot perks like the racial ones they're pretty cool but uh i can't move very quickly so ramming don't do a whole lot oh you wanna you wanna make me faster perk no no just just more robot perks and more synthetic perks you know what guys like five yeah yeah but two of them are for level five in the white yeah i know yeah i can add more of those i'll i'll definitely do that i'll probably add some more human ones i'll be level five next yeah it would make sense maybe it really would actually i think billy should be a cannibal yeah i'm not going to take the park let's just level up [Music] i'm just gonna say one of us is not being piloted right now yeah i'm i'm pointing that doesn't mean i'm pointing at you me i'm pointing into alabaster's head yeah grammary for spring craig was talking about how he likes that one granby pretzel i think that's really all right cool how do you do that i'm headed out ricochet your head you're you're out yeah you're done yeah you're just leaving yeah all right you know what you're right no i just need the bathroom oh okay all right but you could take ricochet if i ever roll a natural one on you never roll a natural one when hitting you the bullet hits the enemy instead or the the attack so google could be like see that's cool um it says projectile but oh and if you're mortal it's a crit so if you're mortal and a bad guy's like game was rigged from the start it just [Laughter] that's pretty good yeah all right um that's where we're gonna end tonight's game uh yeah thank you for joining us i'm out of here you're all right you're just gonna leave uh uh everybody's leaving everybody's heading out all right yep that's all right that's what's going on here i don't i don't really know i don't really know what to do uh huh the truth is the game was rigged from the start [Music] you
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 22,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeon and dragons, 5e, game, live, play, funny, characters, players, monster, idea, inspiration, rpg, dm, how to, pre written, xp to level 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 3sec (12723 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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