Only Connect 3x04

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Only Connect is still on.

If you go on YouTube the latest season is being uploaded. Or just watch it in BBC. Great show!

(not "some old quiz")

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Irishane πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is there a video of the quarter finals ?

Edit: found it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/omiaguirre πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"some old quiz show" - that's no way to describe Only Connect smh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 178 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CarnivorousCumquat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

If iam not wrong, the anchor(quiz master) is david mitchell's wife and professional poker player right?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rac_cool69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The philosophers really didn't expect the Spanish inquisition!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nitz93 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know its my first instinct to say its not an old show, but then I remember getting an app for it on my iPad 2 where Victoria Coren repeatedly spoke down to you when you got questions wrong and I'm not gonna lie that awoke some things in me XD

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DacStreetsDacAlright πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll take only connect over university challenge any day. What beast of a quiz

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MuffinMagnet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tom Scott and red shirts, name a more dynamic duo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MessyRoom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ironically, I know what Only Connect is, but I don't know who Tom Scott is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JohanMcdougal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
you hello and welcome to only connect a quiz of fiendish hidden connections not ideal for anyone who thinks tangential means something that tastes of tangerine or is that its original derivation no it isn't but there will be a sweet taste of victory for one of two teens on my right it's the philosophers Ben Walpole a maths and philosophy student Cosmo grant also a Matson philosophy student and their captain Peter berry studying German and philosophy all in their first year at Merton College Oxford they are the philosophers Peter you're studying German and philosophy are there many laughs in that subject they say the Germans don't have a sense of humor but bad it there come in fun at times are you confident in the range of your team you're all philosophers who'll do the sport questions panel diva sport questions but no philosophy is a very broad subject and so you can study so many different things within it that we feel that having three philosophers allows us to cover lots of different areas well we'll see if you're right your opponent's night are the hitchhiker's Chris White a politics and economic student and a keen railway enthusiast Fiona Constantine a music student and mezzo soprano and their captain Tom Scott a freelance web and video designer known collectively as the hitchhikers Tom where'd you hitchhike I sadly knocked not around the country we all met in the Douglas Adams society at the University of York and he's guy who wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy and what are the strong and weak quiz subjects for your team I think we definitely go on science fiction if that comes out Fiona's a music student so we're hoping she'll be able to get the music questions probably a bit weak on literature ah those come up we might start to struggle well only one way to find out what's going to come up let's play the quiz philosophers you want the tall so you'll be going first in round one the teams simply have to tell me the connections between four clues although they can guess the connection while seeing fewer than four clues they'll get more points five points if you can do it after one clue three points after two clues two points after two clues one point if you see all four clues so have a look the board he could Greek letter epsilon please yeah your first clue is coming up time starts now that will be just sort of name button above the bathroom next aqua Fortis as I say the different types of paths or something no no no like the city no.2 as you Liz isn't quite soon as this bar Maxim is this a city spirits of salt Oh any ideas next oil the Fitri home all very close ten several janitors like there will aqua region sniper Fortis own water of the King and water of three seconds okay now all genitive spell something of something there's something yeah I'm afraid that's a little bit too loose and baggy and answer for this rigorous quiz I'm going to throw it over to the hitchhiker's for a possible bonus I think they're all names for acids exactly so they're all old alchemists names facets do you know which acids oh I think no not I'm bluffing if I Drive yes let the nitric acid somewhere in there I think that might be Regis but I'm not sure aqua Fortis is nitric acid aqua regis nitrile hydrochloric acid spirits of salt hydrochloric acid an oil of vitriol sulfuric acid it's worth beautiful names now i think i produce oil of vitriol naturally especially when I reflect on my brother's professional success so that's a bonus point to you hitchhikers you may pick your own Greek letter alpha please alpha first cream coming up time starts now Oscar Niemeyer Brasilia um he's the I think he's the guy who designed Brasilia I'm not so they're the Arctic's it's a it's a built city it's a planned city um I'm not sure another one you were next please Charles Barry in London I don't know who Charles Barry no I use I'm afraid next place this seemed like a logical progression it what did was it Brasilia ah do they design the cathedrals are the Cathedral even 10 seconds Norman Foster um they designed Palmer buildings are the reason yes odd Chris they design the Parliament Buildings the respective countries just in the nick of time they designs Parliament's in their respective countries well done philosophers pick a letter Pelton please first for you coming up time starts now but I could be anything next and it will start by shop on next place I just think a lagoon I don't know um next please I don't wanna live live heard of us Neville yeah I favorite I practice a film but I don't know that's not very interesting well what turns ex-army well shall pass on the love of animals just an interesting you very sure about it what's the reason what kids left their all in a flat major day they so armful in a smack major valiant guess though do you have any idea he jackets do they all imitate objects all household object so the typewriter imitates typewriter the minute waltz imitates a clock and Barwick green cat does kind of fall down they're admitted like I'm sorry you don't know this shall i whistle a ball with green for you yeah I can't was legit all theme tunes to radio for shelves these are all theme tune stand radios for shows the typewriter is a theme tune to the brilliant news quiz minute walls from just a minute come on wake up sleepy lagoon is Desert Island Discs and all what green is the theme to The Archers here no points there hitchhikers pick a letter ah betta please first gluten meal time starts now audio CDs are they ours the 1980s I think they hold 74 minutes they are round next please details of the budget held our red box no read books or rent boxes red book is the format for audio CDs details the budget held in ready box I don't want a red book your red book you want one more to be sure or was it worth is it worth taking a guess on read books that's let's have one more next please yeah read stanczyk read books absolutely correct fourth in the sequence would be quotations from Mount Satan they all make use of a red book audio CDs work to the red book standard as you mentioned details of the budget of published in a red book this is your life always about surprising a celebrity with a red book and mountain of course published the little red book philosophers your question Zeta Zeta first one coming up this is going to be a picture question time starts now next something's you realizing Newton I don't know and next panda Lions eats next wishbone okay oh you wish on London are they we shall arrest on that yeah wish some dandelions motional spend okay they're all things you wish on you've got your first point now all things that cause people to make a wish hitchhikers just one letter left you will be getting gamma and this is going to be the sound or music question so shout next when you want to hear the next clue time starts now man what is no next ones why should my dragon out pushing out flying mouse cancel here I'm still biking next point speech for such beautiful South is placed in the Netherlands next place that South Park Oh directions that's our beautiful South South yeah that's the same South Park yeah it's gonna be Sam South that is the correct answer you didn't know the first two didn't know the first team in the South by Al Gore and I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair from South Pacific yes they were the reverse clues so at the end of round one the Philosopher's have got one point but the hitchhikers are in the lead with five points in round two there are still four clues but this time I want to know which is fourth in the sequence so you may see up to a maximum of three clues then of course the fewer clues you see the more points available de la surfers pick a letter please Epsilon again epsilon boys okay you will see the first in a sequence I want to know what would come forth time starts now could be anything next yes surprise all emotions like what are they in okay then I have some sort of book next ruthless efficiency sounds like it sort of chapters from a book or something yeah any idea okay so like he's our self-help book yeah what what could come next tens act any ideas Oh five four three seconds forward planning it's a beautiful suggestion but to be honest if you don't know this one you're really not going to get it hitchhikers any idea a fanatical devotion to the Pope I'll accept it devotion to the Pope would be the last one the connection of course things that remind me of my old gym teacher what did you think the connection was it's Monty Python Spanish Inquisition sketch their main weapons that's one two three and four main weapons the weapons of the Spanish Inquisition according to Monty Python well done hitchhikers take a letter please Gama place first in a secrets coming up time starts now okay we're playing G is that oMG that's a G um Graham kilogram turn something like that next place boom Jules I'm stuffing this notice it might not be at our units uh next place hey ji j P they mathematical terms at all I don't think so Oh what was that a pence but then no I just want another thumb and there was nothing between groats in pencil ten seconds um uncle grief they're not electron orbitals what's the fourth electron people I'd really mom hey for what reason absolutely not well it isn't a and your reasoning is also very incorrect philosophers would you like to ever go s for what reason the same as tacit okay I see fourth in the sequence would be Q this is one of our fiendish visual questions they all small letters in the English alphabet that have a downwards descender we write them out a line below the line and alphabetically next one would be Q philosophers Nicoletta Delta please first one coming up time starts now control that tells their control wise and from relax control C control yeah so we just check no no the fourth one's gonna be hey hey next copy paste paste paste but what reason its controls that for undo ctrl X for cut ctrl C for copy ctrl V for paste exactly so and three points forgetting after just two clues well done hitchhikers bigger letter beater please first one coming up time starts now observation rounds in the Krypton factor pom I don't know any more than that I heard part of the scientific method next please observations statement only better it turns no it's gotta be a sequence but I can't remember what it is yeah there's um just on reg rhetoric terms in just a four but I can't run but the force on would be our next please hypothesis and theory resulted conclusion conclusion um ten seconds terms of rhetoric so it's only okay oh well I'll take it reasons Chris experiment I'm going to accept it we would have called it testing but they are as you mentioned very early on stages in the scientific process next stage of course knocking over the Bunsen burner setting got her overall what was when I was at school do you know who devised these traditional stages of experiments I'm gonna take a guess at um Hippocrates close medicine al hasn't of basra not close at all but very good you got that right philosophers Nicola Zeta Bluth first one coming up time starts now could be anything next paying for tops going down the column and then you've got what comes next a body or not but is that what they call other Michael the foot it's got a proper name the nice padded pediment good good if he and he was sort of a concise um any better suggestions you're sure the room ten seconds for the first time shall we go that's just to make sure no I don't think we're gonna get it any better pediment I'm afraid not hey Tigers would you like to go I'm going to show you what third in the sequence and you tell me what is fourth um any ideas I can't let you debate to know he's press foot no it isn't your problem there I'm afraid philosophers is that we weren't going down we were going up a column and at very top would be roof cornice cornice is what would be at the top as you carried on going up the column so that leaves one more view hitchhikers it's going to be alpha and it will be the picture question what would you expect to see in the fourth picture time starts now that's a blue circle any ideas no no next please hello links racy Olympics Oh but in what all I know it can't be there's five of them and they're not in it's three and two next please I don't know why I asked it could be I think like it is but I'm trying to read run green I think no there's three at the top and two at the bottom yeah are you sure they're Olympic rings traffic angry um ten seconds so I'll be everywhere okay well tell you readily yeah red ring I'm afraid not I'm going to throw it over to the philosophers green ink why do you think that is really great can you perhaps benefited from the hypothesis observation and testing of your opponents I'd worked out there were Olympic wings and I got the same problem I didn't you will get the point they aren't rings on the Olympic Flag going left to right not along the top row and then the next row it's a chain so it would be going along like you would in a photograph left to right that means at the end of round two the philosophers have improved five points but the hitchhiker's are still in the lead with eight points round three is the connecting wall hitchhikers is going to be your turn to go first we're nothing if not fair in this round of course there aren't four clues there are sixteen Clues all jostling with each other on a wall you've got to divide them into four neatly connected groups of four there'll be some clues that could go into more than one category but there's only one perfect solution now you have the chance to choose war alpha or beta our wall alpha please alpha okay you're going to have two and a half minutes to solve this your time starts now okay Oh types of graph we've got bar column pie ah scatter scatter okay it's done another one that's somewhat line is there as well okay let's take a guess that oh that's not gonna help I prefer names going with other symbol hmm do you fire uh okay uh lemon Crump Giles Giles Coren her chuckles got bail we got bail bail bail possibly um Graham Bell Graham out of hearing of the Graham's radar radar is would become an acronym a radar graph is a radars graph laughter um it's also daybreak from debris crumb what's the action oh well they're a little yeah um crutch it and a bar above the model terms that's true any other musical ones now you can see unless you count line not me know what seven guide you what 732 I have like seven Seven Dwarves 7sn it's a number that positive number um okay Simmons gene Simmons yeah no dude doesn't have a DNA um I'm gonna keep trying I gave him a Harvard colleague mine no nothing combinations are against it since he's whose advocate yeah was um girls and see that you've got a minute left out for me um tidy what's time to going to be um try to keep record tidy tidy that's tiny um lemon all names for things that are wrong yeah but as yet yellow nothing else knows he's yellow um daydream didn't he Edward his heath bar um he thought have chocolate um crumble hot no um 30 seconds to go great Simmons and Bell uh I don't think I've seen anyway you haven't tried the back radar scatter has to be in there mattis more surname was true Simmons crotchet are characters in our Dickies crotchy no um oh I'm afraid your time is up oh dear flummoxed by the wall well luckily you went into this as points leaders of course there are still points available for the connection so we're gonna let the wall resolve itself those are the group Union of fatso oh yeah bonus points if you can tell me the connection Bart lemon seven Bell that all things you feel it's not machine they are fruit machine codes not gamblers any of you no no I'm not well I'm please don't let me see the loss in points is your moral souls game crumb column debris or crochet though you pronounce it crotchet mmm I know it is we're gonna go with types of knitting naina - gasps I think it was possibly the pronunciation where you fell down the word crotch it would have an extra T in it Oh horrific ly they're all words that close with a silent letter Oh crumb column debris crochet you do not hear and last letter next group radar PI scatter line those are all types of graphs wealth charts with our charts for statistics yes you'll get that point and tidy Keith Giles Simmons are you ideas around here I'm gonna tell you gasps ah another sir names of the members of KISS but I think gene Simmons is spelled differently that's a beautiful guess eight all cartoonists bill tiny Michael Heath Cole Giles posy Simmonds cartoonists Giles Coren for once not the answer so you get two points for the connections that you've got luck if you there's still another round to go let's see how the Philosopher's get on with their connecting wall they're going to get a new wall 16 fresh clues but the exact same principle you're going to have to divide it into four exactly equal and perfect groups of four no choice view you're getting the beat wall you've got two and a half minutes to solve it time starts now Big Bang Theory chaos theory okay they can say strength engineering together it's great um what else is that ah body parts see I'd bit obvious yeah I'll Drive anyway it's not gonna be that was it um a bouquet bouquet knows all things smell oh yeah that's quite good and the smells body odor odor yeah no no okay I'm gonna fun no Peter mmm what else is that childhood another game of try games my hand gain okay let's look for B for guessing games seven games childhood games honey get it use one regular okay so prefixes and suffixes and what can we have Charlton finish line multiline what else not anything to do with the words I can't say anything are you got a minute loveless I guess that's for this um funny bone BK you throw a bouquet from 30 seconds left body line that was a cricketing tactic body line finish line ah what a ID line funny line oh yeah yeah bad Oh line wind line a wind line no I do to five seconds now that's it you've got off to a ferocious start kind of fizzled out nevertheless you've got a point for that group but you'll get another point if you can tell me the connection big bang chaos string Game Theory's scientific theories exactly and there are more points available for the connections so let's see what the groups should have been so health funny wind body what's the connection there they are types of form but not the animal type hell farm funny foreign windfall Georgia body farm is not a clue it's somewhere they put bodies to measure the bacteria in the decay as practice when they dig up corpses in other places right it was in Stephen Fry in America he went to a body farm I think passionately who wouldn't complete lovely tourist attraction for any holiday maker next group knows legs finish bouquet we think to do with why terms to describe wine good enough ways of judging wine most of us go for about price in percentage but the knowledgeable knows legs finish in bouquet they talk about that next group coming hand childhood guess game guess name childhood game yeah and game no you simply put them after the word second second coming second hands second childhood second guess so one point for the group you got correct two more points for the connections that's a total of three points let's see how that leaves the overall scores at the end of round three the Philosopher's have got eight points of hitchhikers are still just in the lead with ten points everything to play for then in the final missing vowels round this is where we take well-known names or phrases remove the vowels and then re space the consonants and teams I want you to tell me what those names and phrases are you'll get a point for each correct answer but if you give me an incorrect answer by so much as one letter I will deduct a point and throw it to the other team for a bonus so it's open competition now fingers on buzzers I can tell you that the first group are all endangered mammals hitchhikers African elephant one point philosophers black rhinoceros one point hitchhikers a ronita one point philosophers bacterium camel I'm gonna throw it over to the other team I'm afraid you lose a point Bactrian camel it is Bactrian camel every vowel is important here next group rulers who abdicated hitchhikers Napoleon the first one point hitchhikers Mary Queen of Scots one point philosophers King Farouk one point philosophers Edward P a yes it is next category hello in different languages philosophers didn't argh one point philosophers Oh too long you lose a point hitchhikers bonus our Aloha to you on point hitchhikers homer in Spanish one point hitchhikers Bongiorno the Italian one point next category literary works set during Wars hey Tigers for Whom the Bell Tolls one what hey Tigers Richard the third one point don't know this one it's tricky it is a translated title the Iliad next clue philosophers the last of the meheecans yes it is next category major South American rivers hitchhikers Orinoco one point a tricky one aconcagua next clue this one's not candyfloss either male and chilly next clue well that last one was Colorado but that is the end of the quiz and after a decisive round for the Philosopher's have got a very respectable eleven points but hitchhikers have got 21 points so hitchhikers you have thunder lifts on the Ferrari of success philosophers I'm afraid you're on the minibus of shame we'll see you again in the quarterfinals we'll see you again next time metaphorically speaking I can't actually see you I'm just staring at an autocue goodbye coming up this evening a marriage laid bare on the altar of apartheid how one woman coped with the brutal fight for racial equality in South Africa Sophie Okonedo stars in brand-new drama mrs. Mandela next you
Channel: OnlyConnect Fan
Views: 1,731,615
Rating: 4.9039807 out of 5
Id: c_Fa_fucl1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2013
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