Only Connect 3x04
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: OnlyConnect Fan
Views: 1,731,615
Rating: 4.9039807 out of 5
Id: c_Fa_fucl1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Only Connect is still on.
If you go on YouTube the latest season is being uploaded. Or just watch it in BBC. Great show!
(not "some old quiz")
Is there a video of the quarter finals ?
Edit: found it
"some old quiz show" - that's no way to describe Only Connect smh
If iam not wrong, the anchor(quiz master) is david mitchell's wife and professional poker player right?
The philosophers really didn't expect the Spanish inquisition!
I know its my first instinct to say its not an old show, but then I remember getting an app for it on my iPad 2 where Victoria Coren repeatedly spoke down to you when you got questions wrong and I'm not gonna lie that awoke some things in me XD
I'll take only connect over university challenge any day. What beast of a quiz
Tom Scott and red shirts, name a more dynamic duo
Ironically, I know what Only Connect is, but I don't know who Tom Scott is.