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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Karlchen93 📅︎︎ May 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hi I'm Matt and I'm Tom and this is the park bench and by park bench I mean surprisingly low bit of wall we didn't pick a good place we used to be a bench here we've come here before and there was a bench and this time we are being steadily steadily invaded by pigeons there were no pigeons here a moment ago and now there are many pigeons where's Hitchcock when you need him I was dead dad so we said a challenge a couple of weeks ago for you we were in America to watch the total eclipse of the Sun yes turn around and we see the challenge to guess where we were viewing it from based on very little evidence or at least what we thought was very little evidence Matt you've seen kind of the over the overview that I've got on my screen here yeah you told us that long information where you thought we were we have plotted this on a map and here it is thank you thank you to Google Earth by the way who it turns out we'll just let people on YouTube use it as long as we include all the credit already yeah well that's nice straight screenshot guys today and unsurprisingly you have picked the path of the Eclipse yes so first of all the the guesses that came in were only allowed to be within a bounding box around the United States well done to those of you who guessed the ocean there's a lot of people who picked like the the minus 69 degree of longitude or 69 point for 20 or something like that was a lot of oh you're so funny yeah you were no one yeah I noticed this one here in the bottom right in the sea was there a boat going that way and didn't actually have bunny Tyler on it it's somewhere around there yeah I can't remember exactly where it was we were not on that boat no now I haven't looked at the direct results because yeah I've been saving those to it to avoid spoiling you but I will tell you our twelve hundred or so guesses wow it's a lot Wow some of you get bored I saw some of the YouTube comments and some Twitter replies a lot of you thought we were in Nebraska and the general top left area of America those yet so those are two different things can I can i zoom in here yeah you so the vast majority of guesses you're absolutely right are in Nebraska just here so if i zoom in on this section there is a big cluster around Lincoln Nebraska and around a town called York oh you're wrong you're wrong but not quite as wrong as you might be okay that was that was a lovely guess yeah went round there um it wouldn't have been there for a couple of reason when we get the correct guesses old like I've got everyone's chains of logic that tied it I could see it from a couple of YouTube comments it was down to foliage I mean that's a corn stay to move with surrounded by corn yes you also write me say quite a few people not as many but there's a big cluster up in the northwest here up in Oregon in the ground and our Idaho round here and here I know nothing about Idaho very few people know anything about Idaho I'm not entirely sure that it exists it could be one of those conspiracies feeder have a song about Idaho but then how it goes well I know how it goes I don't know what the lyrics are daily lyrics and songs so there's this interesting move on from this is this little cluster I don't why I'm gesturing with my finger you can't see that I'll use the mouse this little cluster around Idaho Falls which can kind of see the terrain there is a bit greener a bit farmland you know sorry that wasn't right for a couple of reasons one we're looking directly overhead so the Eclipse was a bit later than that and two we're in the Corn Belt like we would not have deliberately gone to a cornfield if we were in like we should point out when we actually had this idea like this was not a big setup when do we have this further I suggest it to you on the car ride to be eclipsed oh yeah I've got that memory of the fish so we have accidentally created a really really good puzzle for people yeah because I looked at you know the average guesses is all over the place then faintly in the right area do you want to talk about roughly where we were and I will zoom in on the map as we go so our main reason for where we're going was based on your judgement of the weather yes and misery kind of looked like the state that had the best weather yeah we ruled out the Pacific Northwest because there were probably only too many people that was maybe too expensive we looked a bit too late for that and it's really far away yeah so if you look from the UK yeah if you look at the graphs of where the weather is likely to be best the second best choice is st. Louis Missouri so that's where we flew T in the previous video I mentioned 20 hours of travel I saw one youtube comment or twitter comment assuming we that meant 20 hours of driving No so it's about in nine hour flight to Chicago and then another errand a bit from there to st. Louis for me yeah the other clue about the weather you said it was 33 degrees a few people took that as a line of latitude unlucky also like that wasn't a much of a red herring if you if you did guess that it was obvious from all the other clues it couldn't have been that yeah but also the only states that got hot enough to be that hum you're exactly right with that temperature I looked up your spot on on the day were east of the Rockies east of Nebraska into Missouri into Illinois it's funny it's almost like I was reading that off a temperature gauge on the car it's on the dashboard in front of the earth yeah but that was in Fahrenheit and you got the conversion spot on okay I'll take that okay so we've now narrowed it down to Missouri the next chain of logic I thought people were going to take was to look up on the day what the weather forecast for that area were and what someone who was in a big population center what there are more pigeons but Alfred there's a dozen up and you're more than a dozen pigeons um all the wonderful words for Louis 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 we have 21 21 pigeons that's a band the Pigeon Detectives is about i always thinking of 21 pilots but never mind just got scared off by a bigger bird hey yeah that's a helicopter moving on um the the weather forecast for the day for anyone in that area said go south and east now I would know how to look up a weather forecast for the previous day I think I've tried that before with a little googling and not got very far but if you're looking for Eclipse weather then there were loads of blog posts yes there were on local news sites which is one of the things we thought so anyone who is roughly in the right area will have avoided Nebraska will have looked at the weather will have stayed east of suit Louis and we're now down to only a couple of hundred guesses so if you got it to within 50 kilometers you would so close you're in the right area and congratulation here is the list of names of people who got it to with it this is genuinely just a little bit threatening here we've seen pigeons before there are pigeons all over here but this is a lot in very small tip it's a Robin good guess um right so it's this one I say on it so there are loads of spots on the map in that area yeah Wow loads of people but close so you'll see this cluster down here and no one's guessed actual st. Louis they've actually guessed we've got they've got yeah so there's a big cluster down here near Carbondale Illinois which is near the point of greatest eclipse that was the biggest town near the point of greatest a yes wasn't it which is an excellent guess we nearly did end up there but as we'll see from the people who got the chain of logic right that was not a correct guess and one of our reasonings for not going there is number one it looked doable on the map but like all places in America the scale was surprisingly wide oh that's further than it looks yeah he's been looking at maps of a very small country yeah um so one of the changes I'll get later pointed out that we have to be somewhere around here ten people were within one kilometer I'm now going to zoom in on the map to show where those were whoa yes you'll notice the cluster here and you'll notice a town called Chester we were looking on the map we knew we had to go bottom-left of st. Louis and we knew that Carla Pindell was about in the center point of Eclipse so going that way it was a good idea for both that and for which being near the center point means we get a longer totality I'm just to try and tell this to my phone's I'm not sure it's working for scrap so the other advantage is that the weather indicated that no the further we went bottom-right of st. Louis the better the weather was so we went in that direction we found we want to define somewhere vaguely in the countryside so we had a better chance of clear roads so we could drive away from the weather if we had to and as I was doing in Chester popped up it was a smaller place than Carbondale was so less likely to be a destination for tourists yeah and I used to live in Chester in the UK so that probably made it ping into my mind a little bit all the people who said York you you were on the right lines you just didn't know information is required that wasn't a deliberate thing so so we picked a spot obviously the easiest place to pull up and park in a random place in America is a Walmart car park so we spent several hours then I'd like to give a specific shout out here - where's the name ray Wang who was 99.1 kilometres away because he met us at whatnot unfortunately ray you met us at the Walmart we were at the free to get supplies for the road yes so we sat it out in that car park we're flipping through radio stations hearing what they had to say about the local weather and ethic we set off really early that morning because there was a prediction of possible horrific traffic yes must have found some food and told all their mates is that it that is it it was at it yeah that was but I didn't get my camera at the time to get a picture of the tip so we'd be sat in this car park for several hours and then it got close to the time so we thought right let's find a bit of Road which was east west facing that way we can run down the road several people blonde on top so we can drive further if we need to get out of the way of the weather and our way there because we'd set off really early just in case there was lots of traffic we got there at about 7 a.m. the Eclipse was at midday 1 p.m. so we had to drive around a lovely the one of the best named little towns I've been to north of there Sparta Spa and that's what sparked yeah we got so round some cornfields around there then we spotted somewhere a bit further south and found a bit of road that had no ditch next to it and which was not on Google Streetview accidentally lots of people track us down with that that road is not on Street isn't it it's not haha I created a really good puzzle here so I should point out as we can some of the people who are close but no cigar all went round here near the the Perryville Municipal Airport here because you can hear the plane absolutely right you're just a bit too close not quite on the not quite on the road this is the correct cluster just here just past belgique just past Bellevue or however you pronounce so you can see here um the the video or the recorder I'm using will not show the names here but these are technical reasons Gregoire that was your guess just there you have the right Road you've had the right everything but we're next to a row we're next to a turn to the right and you can see two different crops right next to a co-ed gym two fields yeah you're absolutely right so that's our tee up there as well here so close so close one in the middle of you only go three decimal points of precision that wasn't ah I know I did change oh yeah one of these is the correct reading so let me run oh you took the reading off your phone I took the reading off my phone and I showed I was doing I was doing it from the driver's seat of the car that was beside the road I've checked it is the correct place and I was saying I was taking that reading his ground truth anyway yeah so in eighth place eric patrick you were you were 22 metres away terrain looked like River floodplain he says no he is not the only one to work that out we were on the flood plain of the Mississippi River the soil if you know that sort of thing is apparently really obvious and that narrows it down to a tiny stretch where major River floodplain overlaps Eclipse pile in the Corn Belt if you made those three deductions as Eric did you've basically got us well unfortunately Eric you also didn't put quite enough decimal points of precision you are you are half on the field opposite not close enough next up Donnie Morra really long explanation including our he sinks The Virginian Tiger Moth I sir feel I'd say that he's worked out with temperature he's worked out with soil he's worked out everything you are on the wrong side of the road so close wrong side road so that brings us to this little cluster just here one of which is the correct guess in in sixth place Jason Lawson congratulations to you you were eight point nine meters away he timed the length of the Eclipse in the time-lapse he was absolutely right I was lazy I just reduced it by eight by a thousand two thousand I just typed a round number you're absolutely right you can work that out had to be a paved road and yeah what everything it is yeah spot-on unfortunally were on the road and not off the road you didn't zoom in fast enough fast enough far enough when you were taking your reading in fifth place with 8 meters is Sean who just says spent way too long looking at Google Street View given that that roads not on Google Sean I have no idea how you manage that but unfortunately yes slightly too far along the car was not quite parked there and we couldn't have done because there was a bit of a ditch yes which brings me to fourth place Mitch four point two meters away you've probably stood on that bit of ground yes but there were other people closer yeah all the same kind of things time scaling at the time left yeah look for left/right roads with Eclipse lengths similar scenery telegraph poles he spotted the Telegraph yells absolutely one thing I did I refrain from putting my photos online yeah because I always put my photos on Flickr and I pretty much always deer tag them and yeah I happen but unfortunately Mitch you failed to recognize that we were off the road not on it ah it's that if he'd have placed that off the road that's probably the best guess yeah but unfortunately no you can see I think you can see traffic moving in both directions without down pastures third place Tom from Cardiff [Music] he worked out the caterpillar he worked out the shadow lengths the lengths of our shadows are one over one point nine seven three two inch of their castor which puts us in Missouri or Illinois Wow yes we can't use tripods oh okay no can filming but without the can you give us two minutes to finish this and then we'll clear it okay and then closing the area okay no one to eat yeah point 732 ish which puts us in that area that's four decimal points of precision in your putting ish on it you've been measuring our shadow lengths yep so again worked almost everything out but unfortunately is just a little too far away from the remaining two guesses and if it wasn't obvious here is the correct one that's the reading I took oh yeah and there are two just here Santana and Greg Stachowski I might miss pronouncing either one of those vows who were two point seven eight and two point seven five meters away there is 30 centimeters between the two final guesses one of them again all of these one several people said this by the way you took the photo of the Eclipse they looked at Regulus which is the star that was visible to the left worked out the distance use that planet to the right was a planet yeah and you were right I she was Venus I miss Caldwell D to the left was a star and that's that's what they could see and the final one and well and Greg again almost all the same things all the logic we've run through so time so that means that we draw on the map shintani just here and Greg just here closer by literally 30 centimeters Greg Stachowski I'd give you a round of applause Greg but I'm holding a microphone making me I can do it many of them well done well that's gazing will send you the joke by email because I've saved your one email we will send you that at the same moment that this video releases so hopefully there's been some drama for everyone congratulations world you successfully stalk Taz please don't ever do that no please don't please do not do that we might we might craft a good puzzle like this in future in general if we releasing a video from a place we are long gone from that place it's genuinely disturbing how well this worked however it's also quite nice to know that yes 10 people got within a kilometer about 1200 didn't and all the people who collaborate all the people said oh yeah I worked together with these posted all wrongly wrong Oh congratulations Greg you're the the worthless prize is yours yeah completely worthless yeah say good luck from this well I think that's it and we have to leave now because we've just been us to leave the party yeah we have actually just been asked to leave us I have seen so many amateur entomologists on here enthusiastic lame they are certain they know what type of caterpillar is it is one of you is right all the others are wrong I don't know what type company big ones
Channel: Matt and Tom
Views: 1,523,965
Rating: 4.9384279 out of 5
Keywords: matt gray, mattgray, mattg, tom scott, tomscott, tomscottgo, matt and tom, park bench, eclipse, solar, total, missouri, chester, st louis, carbondale, sparta, illinois, treasure hunt, MattGrayYes
Id: cGqEBvlmFAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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