Only 0.00001% Of Humans Can Beat These IMPOSSIBLE Roblox Challenges! *CAN YOU?*

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only 0.0001 percent of humans can beat these possible Roblox challenges Roblox rainbow every second fall let's go this is a super cool game where we have to guess who the characters so for this do we just type Patrick check this out guys yeah oh and then we can run through it and guys this is like almost an obvious yo it's pimpy bro we gotta make it all the way through here bro it's SpongeBob bro this is great SpongeBob go go go go oh it's Squidward all right nice wow we gotta type together yo this is cool guys oh so this is actually yo it's like 100 stages bro this is not gonna be easy bro we gotta go all the way to the top see what the secret ending is okay we could do it plank yeah nice nice all right now who is this bro um bro that's not pibby bro yeah it's not pivot who it is who is this it's not baby bro wait Adam is this Gumball no way Gumball Gumball all right oh bro it's Tom from Tom and Jerry okay Adam you go ahead and type Tom all right I'll type Tom there we go Tom work dude good job good job thanks for doing that yep now you gotta type Jerry hey what okay what wait why'd you do that oh I don't know I don't know how that happened I think that's a glitch oh okay all good it's Jerry Tom and Jerry Bell now who could this be um I mean I could only be thin from Adventure Time I got the same sword as Finn from Adventure Time Yeah guys Finn is awesome Finn okay cool who's this bro it's Pepe bro nice easy it's peppy bro oh bro oh Dora's lit guys oh dude this is cool you get um you get free skips every like two minutes oh so if you get stumped on a level you just have to wait right Scooby It's Scooby-Doo nice man well who's this bro Mr Hopps no I don't think it's Mr Ops I think it's Bugs Bunny Mickey nice dude this is so much fun actually guys now you can see already up here there's like hundreds of levels we gotta beat every single level look at how many floors there are guys we gotta try to beat as many as we can excuse me yo it's been 10 bro it's been 10. all right here we go it's Olaf bro it's time to Speed Run bro all right you can do it it's time to Speed Run bro it's Olaf bro now we're on animals it's still on easy level we gotta get to hard level that's a that's a dog if I've ever seen one yeah cat bro it's too easy oh it's a fox wow like Foxy except Foxy's purple it's a bear is that a bird no I think it's a bird what bird oh Bird come on but a chocolate is a type of bird okay a snake yeah watch out for snakes guys basically a pig that's a piggy oh what is that it's a cat uh it's a Cheeto no um you're close I think it's a lion [Music] [Applause] Justin's friends with a lot of ducks by the pond near our house squirrel guys we're speed running see if you can guess it before us that's a oh I love this animal I got it uh I got it [Applause] asking the cow for some milk so you have some milk okay thank you cow okay what is this oh I said lemur guys let us know if you know what type of animals what is that bro I think it's a monkey a what I think so what yeah okay what is this bro um what kind of dog is this bro it might be a bear I'll try bear you're trolling that's not a bear that's a cat uh guys let us know if you know this one that might be a flop up nah um oh maybe a sloth what what I saw that at the zoo one time okay guys now we're on medium level so there's oh bro not celebrities bro oh boy oh boy guys okay I do know this first one all right guys okay what oh the first one was Ariana oh bro it's barely eyelash bro yeah cool oh you just need to type their first name bro got it oh bro that's just a minute yeah I mean yeah okay who's this bro um Phil oh Phil Works what Bill do that Dr Phil okay okay uh this one I'm not sure um I'll try typing um Emma oh it was Emma cool who's that she was Hermione and Harry Potter hello Spider-Man yep why is it not working well what's the guy's name Spider-Man I just told you yeah but who plays by Peter Parker yeah [Music] um okay the game's glitched I'll try Tom okay how'd you get that Tom uh I think he's like a famous or something I'm not really sure how are you getting these you're cheating okay this one I don't know guys this one I'm not sure I know this one Adam's mom always um sings her songs yourself that's Adele oh genius bro nice okay I know this um I saw a movie with him and Dwayne Johnson all right you watched that on repeat um it's the it's Jumanji is that movie okay do you know who this is though yeah I know the rock I think his name was like Kevin or something Kevin okay try it Adam I'll try it I'll try it dude I know they are golden guys Gordon Ramsay asked Justin for cooking advice I trained Gordon Ramsay I want that to be known right he asked me how to make fishing okay who's this I don't watch a lot of TV live movies he knows a lot more than I do I know more about like dogs and stuff I'll try like Paw Patrol okay it works wow I got this one oh oh here we go Rock no way yeah what was that boom sound effect I just heard yeah pretty lit huh yeah okay now this is um we've heard this song absolutely dude um something about like hot cocoa right marshmallow what is it um without the w huh marshmallow you're messing with me dude that's his name why this game messing with us is it this yo they like misspelled it okay who is this person um what's so funny dude this is tricky guys why would you laugh this is actually very tricky why are you laughing though uh who do you think it is I don't know if I knew I would type it I feel like my mom probably listens to her okay I'm gonna guess I'm gonna guess her name's Taylor Taylor Swift oh we got it bro okay now it's logos easy all right yo I got a Facebook easy prank what oh it like uh didn't work for some reason Angry Birds um what keep trying maybe it's um Tick Tock no tick tock's the one with the music notes because when I'm banned from I don't know what this is I don't use this one I'll try this I'll try Twitter how did you get that yeah Twitter worked okay what is this bro guys you guys know what this logo is dude we're out of the loop is this Roblox no no no Roblox is the square we could try skipping it what we could skip the level I might need to skip what is this bro hmm wait what I have to buy it no I have a skip bro skips too I'll try I think I've seen people talk about this I think it's Discord how are you you're hacking no I just I know I know this one all right I got Xbox yeah okay what is this bro oh PS5 oh PlayStation yeah PlayStation all right okay this is Microsoft Windows because I do windows exe hack right guys Justin runs on windows windows Yep Windows oh Nike I know that just do it just do it guys I really I keep asking Adam's mom for a pair of Nikes she won't buy them for me yeah four Supreme what well whatever this is called Supreme isn't that literally called Supreme okay oh I know this one I know this one all right we all know this one YouTube YouTube YouTube guys here the YouTube song uh lucky boxes dropped you know yeah that's great Amazon Amazon oh I know all right Justin definitely knows McDonald's bro it's Target where you can get the giant Mystery Box I really like your box merch bro wow go to Walmart get it bro what is this bro um ah this one's tricky maybe it's like McDonald's red and yellow what where are you we just did McDonald's um this might be um um um might be um burger what hmm why because there's two cows milk it could be milk please hey foxy what is it bro what is this I think I've seen this at the store before yeah it is that how are you getting these dude you're cheating all right we got it this is Spotify I know that one Adam's mom let's just use your Spotify sometimes yeah guys listen to us on Spotify yo we're on Spotify yeah okay this is a Pepsi oh I know hey easy easy KFC Justin got that one bro superheroes now this is Adam's weakness he does not know I do not know who you think bro oh Batman okay so you guys this is what Teamwork Makes a dream where Adam knows about like celebrities and stuff I know about um superheroes and stuff because I'm a superhero right I don't know this one Superman dude what you know this one this one I know Iron Man yeah good job Adam yeah very good and who's this um Captain America bro oh you got it who's this there's no way Adam knows who this is there's no way Katniss candy I'll try Katniss yo it's that Peter bro I don't know this that's Hawkeye bro oh Hawkeye controller now you must know who this is dude come on that is Thor Thor all right you gotta know who this is bro Dash from The Incredible flash all right now you obviously know who this is Spiderman okay nice okay who's this bro um I really don't know this one guys it's Captain Marvel bro Oh Captain Marvel um I don't know guys I don't know bro it's Black Widow bro oh that's crazy I know who's this I don't know who's who this is um it looks like Spider-Man but I don't think it's Spider-Man I think it's like um oof pool yeah it's oof pool got it I got it you know who this is yeah that one I know it's Wolverine nice yeah nice dude who's the oh you obviously know it's a giant hulk bro The Incredible Hulk oh bro now who's this bro um give me a hint I don't know I just did uh oh um I'm gonna guess captain strange foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] not too much no okay I know this is Naruto I know that one okay I've watched a few episodes of a live anime and his mom doesn't let us watch anime because she has too much fighting right it's something to try the fight moves out on end right yeah I always get oofed that's Naruto's friend and arch rival sauce oh cool I don't know how to spell it though [Music] like so I got it okay cool oh man oh man you got this one um very foxy knows maybe I'm trying to skip no I know this this is from that um oh no oh man all sorts of crazy stuff I got it nope right right um you know who this is bro you gotta know who this is bro I think it's Goku is it I don't know try it dude oh it is nice now who's this Vegeta yo okay all right good job Adam and now we are in serious trouble [Music] out of this Adam mom doesn't let us watch anime guys she says it's too crazy all right guys this is getting tricked maybe foxy knows if I've seen we need your help foreign [Music] guys if you don't let us know in the comments I know we look like noobs we don't know and if Mom doesn't let us watch this all right oh we're a Pokemon let's skip the whole thing I didn't want to do that all right guys now I love Pokemon Justin is a Pokemon Noob let's see how many he knows it's a Charizard no yes it is no you're messing with me it's the first evolution of Charizard well who cares try typing Charizard let's see if it works hey wait what did you type Pokemon it's Charmander sure stop it dude all right I will not do the voices Blastoise dude no it's squirt squirt squirtless you're a nurse all right fine I'll stop doing this out Adventure you know this I have no idea bro guys let us know if you know there's a girl no what kind of dog is this bro it's Evie oh I know this one's door locks Snorlax that's me if I was a Pokemon I did one that's enough I know Justin knows this one I'm skipping this bro this this stage is free no it's meow I'm just kidding guys liking Pokemon is cool Pokemon are lit I just don't know how Adam knows all these yeah Pikachu got it and then this is the hey you gotta know this one hey why are you skipping what is this bro what was that that was Raichu I'm out of here bro this one's easy bro okay I got this bro all right that's easy bro blocks you got it dude man now I'm ready bro now I'm ready all right this Facebook obviously nice s for Facebook well um oh maybe after Fortnight Fortnight there we go Justin got it Justin loves fortnite he loves saying that he loves fortnite that's how Adam knew the characters um in the anime level because I think fortnite did a collab uh with the anime that is true guys I got to peek over Justin's shoulder while he was um well I was playing yeah build it bro yeah this is Pokemon yeah easy cool what is this bro what is that like some cars cars yeah maybe it's Lightning McQueen Cars the movie what is this I think I've seen a YouTube video on it I think it's called Rocket League [Music] which Rocky actually loves watching Rocket League I'll try typing it in Rocky Rocky's a pro all right rocket League I know this this is Tetris okay nice guys this game's actually hard we're still on the medium levels oh this is uh hello neighbor hello neighbor there we go we've played this many many times okay what is this now I see now we're getting out of my realm because these are Nintendo switch games Adam won't share I love this game guys it's Animal Crossing all right this next one guys oh dude you can walk up to the thing and press e to skip what is this Adam Mills Adam has a Nintendo switch what are you typing you're cheating oh sorry I didn't mean to skip it you just skipped it it was The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild okay this is Among Us nice or is that a game on Nintendo switch it is yeah Paul guys we played that Justin loves this game really beautiful guys what is this um this one I'm not too familiar with I know Halo oh maybe it's not we could use a skip here okay okay skip okay and oh this is I don't I don't play this game without take ales because it's ale I don't know what game this is that's true guys that's true you want to skip it yeah yeah you use your skips I'm gonna use mine as Minecraft all right nice oh man now it's food this gonna be so easy bro Justin knows every food in the world I'm gonna speed run this I'm not even gonna say it out loud I'm just gonna type ice cream look at how fast that oh man um oh oh look at how cheesy that looks mac and cheese dude I'm so hungry this is messed up I shouldn't be playing this right now what is that chocolate Justin's getting hungry you can tell oh okay go right after we finished filming this Roblox video Jess is gonna eat all these Foods okay that was the fastest level we've ever played that was so easy bro yeah this is great all right bro now this is tricky now what is this bro now it's movies again I don't really watch movies Adam watches them what is this this is Toy Story okay it was it Incredibles nice kind of has a crush on Elastic Girl Okay Ice Age I love Ice Age bro then we have Manny Despicable Me minions it's nice bro Shrek okay and loves Fiona okay then we have the Lion King yeah I love this movie let me do it all right you got it what's this this is Guardians of the Galaxy [Music] oh wait a minute back up I got it you Noob no no it's not Harry Potter I think it's Star Wars I think it's Star Wars Star Wars yeah there we go Finding Nemo all right Justin got that one for sure Finding Nemo oh man the Emoji Movie man we love this movie this movie is crazy lit yeah Wreck-It Ralph I'm gonna wreck it we love Wreck-It Ralph too inside out I love this movie all these movies are great all right these movies oh yeah of course love it life is a high oh man Avengers nice we love Avengers guys he's never seen them but okay Kung Fu Panda nice there we go there we go prepare that we got boss box baby that's me and that's Adam right there oh man let's go man now we got video game characters bro oh man this is medium guys what's a hard level gonna look like who's this this is link type it who what though what blank who's this okay this one's tricky guys who's this I think this is Spyro the Dragon what is that what he's a dragon what are all these games oh these must all be on Nintendo switch I'm not allowed to play them Pac-Man who's this this one is I don't even have a guess use a skip use your skin all right I'm gonna skip all right cool are you buy skips who's this all right next we got um it's a Power Ranger oh yeah I always play as this guy when I play um Super Smash Brothers with Justin but I never win his name is Mega Man no you don't he plays Mario or Wario and use the Fart Attack I don't know this guy I actually know no way I'm a genius bro wow Adam won't let me play that game but I've seen uh YouTube videos about it I I play I play this in Super Smash Bros yeah guys Justin loves playing Donkey Kong he'll pick me up and put me on his back and then run off stage that's what I do bro oh bro this is Kirby okay we got it Kirby what is this fox yeah it's fox fox all right who's this man this is more Animal Crossing stuff um I think this is um Tom Nook what got it okay who's this what this is a villager from Animal Crossing see this is what Adam gets for not Sharon oh dude Colors oh please bro [Music] um no I think it might be orange orange I got it I got orange okay nice you got this one um yeah is it gray no no okay nice I already guessed yellow wait why is this level so hard I'm not here that dude that looked green for a second yeah because it like goes through the other um what is this brown okay what is it purple yeah I like Justin's Hair yep what's his rainbow rainbow we could do it guys that was a trick question dude this one's tricky yeah that's great yo what is this metal gold gold oh man what a lovely knife for walk but it's the rainbow friends there's blue whoa it's blue are they gonna turn into a snake there's blue and the red scientist yo this is crazy what what's that sound uh-oh there's blue oh I'll go check it out that's me I'm Blue from Rainbow friends uh oh be careful blue be careful blue is blue gonna turn to a snake here we go guys oh dude it's gonna be a rainbow friend snake this is crazy bro oh my goodness wow it's blue snake it's a rainbow friend snake dude his that's crazy this is so cool now guys I am the snake and I I might have to go no so we all have to escape and Justin's the snake he's gonna try to oop us hey they gotta escape this city yeah you're right uh I'm gonna get you first no don't do that please all right here I go here we go I just spawned in now guys my character is dressed as red from Rainbow friends okay now this person looks AFK should I oof them yeah again oh no they woke up okay they ran oh they ran into me I didn't even do that that's how the snake oops bro whoa he wraps you up the snake is so scary bro yeah guys this game is so much fun all right guys this game snakey is lit and you can play it as the rainbow friends dude oh there's so many people in here there's a item decided to stop I might get him I almost got that bacon I let him go oh I got the blue kid I think it is so dizzy everybody's just following Adam okay here we go Adam you might be leading your whole Squad to oof no I got the bacon yeah no he had the gray key I got him I got the bacon now I'm saving the tastiest snack for last no is that me you'll be the tastiest snack of them all oh I got the white key where does that go got the rainbow friend snakey oh there's a little item oh there's a little angel oh but I can drop down everyone's running into me yeah and guys I'm gonna be sneaky later in the video so keep watching and we'll see if I can adjust oh you'll never oof me Adam I'll get an escape yeah well I don't know I'm gonna go upstairs right now I'm gonna Escape [Applause] how long is this traveling no let me go oh man it's all over got all the players beat guys blue as snakey is real scary you don't want to mess with him bro yeah you're right you don't want to mess with the rainbow friends bro well someone's got some really cool likey box merch wow they got the hoodie on and the boxy pants go bro cool okay now we're out for that walk again but dude who's who's it gonna be dude who's gonna be snake not me I'm in the back oh hey them the red scientist I am dressed as red from Rainbow friends we'll see if I'm the snake oh no it is Adam it's me guys so I'm red the snake Adam might be trying to get some Revenge maybe because you are not very nice to me last round and if it wasn't my fault blue the rainbow friends all right let's see if Justin can uh actually escaped from me I gotta escape this snake I got the Pink Key where does that go upstairs downstairs should I be nice to all your friends no he did no no I should not be nice Aiden you you should play the game how you want to play it all right sounds good you're not good with me anyways because I'm blue all right we'll see about that yesterday yo I'm literally stuck hey yo oh no oh no that's a oof end bro guys never go upstairs unless you got the keys okay here I am uh-oh SpaghettiOs wait let me see the snake don't move me I just want to see it all right all right I don't trust you where are you I'm outside at the front huh you lie okay I'll come find you don't worry I'm getting one of your friends as we speak you said you'd be nice oh man yeah look at the red scientists snake whoa you look yummy all right here we go guys can Justin Escape oh no stop you who's the person in the murder did you do that because I'm the snake you are so evil all right let's see if Jessica can actually win as blue you are so evil you are so bad you really are yeah I guess so okay okay good luck Justin I'm having fun downstairs bro I'm chilling bro really you're not upstairs no I'm chilling downstairs because I saw you run upstairs no how do you see that um because I'm upstairs you're hacking oh I did it are you in the room oh yeah Adam are you in the room here oh yeah oh yeah should I get your friend take that [Applause] [Music] they were typing Destiny tell me man chat do you need milk I do not need milk Adam you need some milk all right you're right you need some milk yeah some snake milk I need some milk [Music] all right and I'm gonna start laying some traps everywhere I walk I said 1v1 and you're laying traps are you serious oh I'm very serious are you Cyrus let's see if you can get past these tracks let's see if you can get past somewhere I'll drink in it all right whatever you say okay okay they say Justin verse 8 and 1v1 [Music] come here oh dude I'm actually upstairs bro really I'm upstairs you're not by the basement now going into the front door no no all right all right whatever you say you're a cheating yeah don't get stuck everywhere this is the same place I moved yeah oh you look so yummy right oh you put traps everywhere you're so evil actually it's so evil what are you gonna do in here I'll put a trap at that door oh wow that one was good oh you're so evil lady come on all right good luck getting out where Adam doesn't go dude I had the one safe spot where are you I'm scared of the potty oh back up dude I got the stunt spray bro I'm hiding your only exit what yeah you can't drop down you hiding some eggs bro can Justin Escape no I ran out of spray wow Justin got oh all right guys we're gonna Escape okay now here we go again on the walk who's it gonna be wait no way it's me again bro no it couldn't be blue again bro is it just oh it's the bacon it's the bacon it's a bacon snake guys can we escape and show you guys the secret ending cutscene to this game all right guys we're gonna make it out we're gonna use teamwork we gotta get that secret ending cut scene bro right because before guys we weren't using teamwork we were trying to oof each other now we're gonna use teamwork and we're gonna show you that that's the most important thing it's the most important thing in life I got the pink key I'm gonna go run this outside okay nice uh there's the uh gray key out here or something I'll go pick that one up all right [Applause] I think the pinky you need inside also uh yeah it's in the bathroom okay okay yep don't worry I hate him don't worry I know what to do sounds good I'll be zooming oh the snakes about this one station spawn like on me bro oh my God the style was way too close is the upstairs open no we need the blue and the uh Green Key okay don't worry one of those don't worry I'm chilling we need the yellow key first I'm dropping down I don't see any Keys bro we need the orange key bro this is bad guys yo this oh I got the orange key okay okay that's for the word watch out the steaks here oh are you serious watch out bro I would go around him I'm gonna go around run wow they're aggressive guys I'm going around they put traps everywhere go in here blue can I get the blue key I got it I got it got it I got it for the blue key I'm going upstairs yep blue got the blue key get the Pink Key bro oh no keep yours keep yours okay oh the snake oh the Saints only upstairs going upstairs bro so we can't go there bro we need to go upstairs though I see him guys I'm going major Pro gaming move I'm checking all my Corners okay I'll lure them out he's right there watch out bro he's not letting all right I'll meet you upstairs all right I'm upstairs I'll be upstairs you got the safe key bro yep I'm bringing it up all right uh I'm gonna go back and get the pink he was so smart they put it right under the door really oh my goodness that is so smart I've never seen that before all right I got the stun they put it right where I dropped down man this person's a pro yo this person's a Pro Gamer I gotta get the pink key I'm coming back upstairs all right all right Adam stay close stay close you got the stud spray yep he's anywhere here he's right behind yeah really he's right behind yeah okay I'll get him I'll get him don't don't waste the spray bro all right I won't I'll protect don't waste it unless you're in a life or situation right that is so important guys so important so key all right I got another um I got what's this I got the white key back nice where's that go about the white key what's in here about is there anything oh it's a Green Key Adam grab oh I'll grab it I'll grab it instead of the stun I'll grab it no I got it bro keep the studs sprayed dude it's our only chance Green's over here oh smart nice smart see what's in here I'm still watching the the the ax all right now we gotta go out outside bro okay we got go outside let me go first with the with the stunts look at the rainbow friends working together bro yeah red and blue challenge yeah snake here he is go go go go go go go go go go go this way this way don't use the spray unless you have to all right guys smart smarts nice there we go break this chop chop it up chop it up chop it up you see anywhere here and I'm watching my back bro yeah I always got your back he's watching my back bro watching my back bruh all the TNT I got the TNT bro all right now we gotta go together this is such oh Joe that scared me bro I thought that was the snake whoa that was a close one guys don't scare me like that okay it's gonna explode exploding time Marie what do I need here the final key and the hatchet all right we know where those are I think we can do this I think we can actually do this now I gotta go all the way into the basement and get that hatchet but I think the snake is in here are you serious no bro be careful bro it's done it's done okay what if he wakes up I'm getting the hatchet all right I'll go go go go go go go no oh what if he wakes up oh no are you oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm trapped bro he's pinned I'm trapped well I'll open up the gate just stay alive I'm trapped well what if this stun runs out oh he sees me whoa uh-oh oh it's the bacon snake this is so bad guys oh [Music] oh oh wow Justin's a snakey Legend I made it whoa all right all you gotta do is get the white key and we escaped follow me rainbow friend all right I got you Blue follow me my rainbow friend where are we going no oh no get this done I'm an idiot I'll sacrifice myself I don't see him I don't see him you don't we're safe we're safe wait you can jump at this game yeah yeah I just realized that um like a couple seconds ago I thought you jump bro it's because we we're used to Rainbow friends guys can we make it out oh wait I'm chopping chop it up chop it up hurry go go go go go out of here wow that was close better be careful that's a rainbow friend a bit too close look at Blue we need to find the antidote for our friend wait a minute starting in five four three two one now you guys can see I walked normally right now but see what happens at zero no way we got zero speed oh but guys remember every second that goes by Justin's character is gonna get faster and faster so there's the end guys there's a secret ending there we're gonna show you guys what happens but look I literally can barely make these jumps and we're gonna see if Justin can beat this hobby before he actually becomes too fast oh I almost fell whoa oh dude I can't make the jumps because my job is so small no dude imagine how fast you're gonna be at the end of this video I'm gonna be zooming dude oh man oh you're already getting faster guys I'm already walking I'm kind of like power walking you know what I mean I go on walks at the park like this yeah this is awesome now we're almost back up to normal speed I'm worried it's gonna get too fast and it's gonna be too under control yeah then you can like try skipping stages and stuff okay guys it's gonna be awesome and you can buy anything commands oh cool I might have to buy those and use them on Adam at the end no don't do that okay now these jumps are really hard because our speed is not normal yet okay now we're going really fast look we're like jogging whoa this is insane guys we're gonna beat this and show you guys what's at the end the end might have some secret admin commands wait but we're not even close to the end and we're already going kind of fast yo we're kind of zooming bro I'm not gonna lie dude it's hard to control already okay guys keep watching you will see how fast Justin's actually able to go in this game you want to see some speed [Applause] dude and if you guys want to see some lit speed running you gotta jump through these oh you guys want to see some lit speed running make sure to go to lanky box World guys because foxy literally does speed runs on that channel right guys foxy and Justin love playing Roblox together only on monkey box world yeah guys it's awesome oh man wait my speed is really right now oh okay it's red nice my speed is like look guys I can like skip jumps oh wow and it's only gonna get faster remember guys it will not slow down at all it's only gonna keep getting faster so if I just like accidentally take a break like if Adam goes to Jake or something I could literally wait I can't even control these jobs so if we like came back in like an hour this game would be unplayable exactly you would just fly up the screen because your speed is so fast that might happen dude look I bet I can jump from here to that yellow one ready no way oh wow see the red one oh that's impressive I'm so fast duh that's awesome oh dude I can't even control the jumps anymore I'm already so fast bro he's too quick with it bro this is oh this game is tricky oh you can't go that way invisible wall guys you gotta like scoot this way oh this obstacle is taking a really long time I'm gaining a lot of speed bro no way you got it you got it it's really hard to control guys I'm getting a really scared bro okay here we go really scared bro now guys we're are close to the halfway point of this Hobby and it's only going to get faster this is such a fun video look at how fast we can go oh it's so hard to control guys but at the end we'll show you the secret surprise there ain't me commands are you serious oh man I can't control my character I can't control it bro oh man your speed is quick this is like me in real life bro dude I can't control it I I it's like me in real life when we're playing sports I get faster every second bro that's true guys Justin will drink some juice and he turns super fast sometimes I drink Gatorade if that is marvelous me have it whoa why is that oof break oh man that has your gain weight and then I I literally am zooming so fast I can't even see Adam can't even see me on the sports field yeah that's true Justin and Foxy are actually working on their own juice dude um we're supposed to leave that oh sorry sorry that's actually I'm not working on this um foxy and boxy are working on it right exactly guys and it do be lit yeah it's great it do be super duper lit yep a doobie soupy doobie lit so I thought that was a checkpoint platform but I guess this is I could go around guys look at how fast we are this is so crazy just walk around yeah oh my God troll dude these jumps are so hard now because out dude I can't even oh yo look at how fast I am wow you're actually turning into Sonic Justin bro oh my goodness these jumps are impossible you got it dude nice dude you guys just like tap the arrow keys bro that's so cool look at how far I jumped no dude I can't control can I take a shortcut hey yo [Applause] he's gonna be able to do these jobs bro I'm never gonna be able I'm never gonna be able to do these jobs bro Never Say Never dude I'm never gonna be able to do that bro you gotta land it like perfectly I gotta just hope I landed oh maybe I can just jump over the whole thing no way you have to like wait for it to get faster are you Cyrus or I get a land perfect guys okay oh it is possible to just land perfectly guys yeah you could do it okay you gotta just barely hit the yellow oh guys this obstacle might be our arch nemesis oh man I'm gonna just wait now that I'm fast dude I can't control my character at all guys it just keeps getting faster and faster it's insane I I I just gotta wait until I can make that jump in one go but if I get too fast I'll never make the jump you got it guys you've got this is crazy guys remember go fast to Walmart and Target and get lanky box merch or before it sells that guys dude this platform is the same color as the mystery box exactly guys you guys gotta get the mystery box it's so much fun to open all I have to do is make one jump in the middle that guy this obstacle might be the end of us oh no we don't ever give up here at Lakey box guys I'm going so fast I think I can make it except for when stuff gets really kind of hard and then we do sometimes give up I no not me only Adam right that's me Justin's not gonna give up and he won't get mad come on big jump oh I had that dude no crazy no wow oh man oh so close dude I have to make this jump before I get too fast for my own good oh so close dude whoa whoa this obstacle might be the end of the road for us I'm worried that we're gonna be so fast that like we're not gonna be able to even beat the other parts I can't even if you move too many times they put you back at the start but now you're super light speeds you can like jump past everything that's bad I can't control my character I can't control it we have to beat this man are you serious okay okay you got it dude it's not funny if you look like 10 times in a row they reset you oh man guys this obvious way harder than we thought guys we will beat this thing in this video don't worry there's nothing I can do to beat this obstacle oh no I had to wait until I get fast enough oh please no are you serious guys we got it can you just jump to the left tell me you're not suitable shortcut yeah big brain I hope that works dude this is so tricky you gotta hit the perfect 360 jumps guys Justin is really good at like tricks and stuff so he will be able to do this I do so many tricks and stuff bro right I'm doing tricks and stuff oh you guys see those tricks and stuff that's awesome man I'm just gonna go nice and slow I can't because every second I get faster can't go nice and slow in this game [Laughter] stop laughing at me bro oh yeah I'm smooth with it wait those oofio wait there's no way to beat this unless I go around yeah check this out guys he's gonna do it around town this is impossible guys we might have just oofed the game unless I start here oh you gotta use big brain geometry oh you got the checkpoint and then I gotta remember the sequence it's uh blue green red you just skip over it blue and green red no Adam you're trying to oof me in blue oh that's okay guys he's trying his best and that's all that matters I hurt my hand are you okay I heard it uh-oh it's red nice nice guys oh now we're skipping over like crazy right now I'm the perfect speed to just beat every level yep like gotta go around this part I'm never gonna I'm never gonna beat this bro he is almost perfect I'm never gonna beat that bro check this out oh so close wow you can't move too many times otherwise you literally get reset but now that we're super fast we could just get there really quick guys this game actually might be a ham scammy what if I just cheese it I go backwards oh I'm so smart dude look I bet I could just jump like that no way no way this game is that big brain where you gotta make max level jumps let's see it guys go back that's what we couldn't get to that's where we kept moving what if I go what if I can make this job bro so we just have to keep waiting check this out bro check this out bro no way you are so close man you could drive by an admin command I'm gonna try buying Amber commands stop laughing stop laughing bro stop laughing all right all right I won't laugh oh I will make that jump but I can't keep oofing guys it's gonna reset me right but at least we know the hacks now so close dude we will show you guys the end of this hobby don't worry blankie box we'll show you okay I hit that ledge I can make this bro I can make this all right here we go I just gotta wait nice man you were close nice [Music] it's all right man just never give up guys that's the most important part of Roblox or anything challenging in life just never ever give up I gotta wait for my speed to increase a little bit okay what are you laughing all right here we go nice [Applause] no explain no I just know that you're gonna be able to beat this I feel that too yeah yeah oh my God it's not fun stop laughing dude I'm gonna get reset to the start it's not funny here we go not funny nice I'm so fast yeah you're really quick like Sonic there might be an invisible wall there stop laughing at me why do you keep laughing at me explain it's because you're so close that's funny to you yes it's fun to see you over and over it's not funny oh yeah yeah and I did that without Adam's help right now he's gonna be able to beat this next part guys this is the part that literally got us stuck the whole time I'm too fast he's too quick just like in real life Oh I thought I got the checkpoint though almost man almost I just got oh come on guys this Abby I thought it would be easy when we started it is not easy not at all I gotta just make the perfect jump here what if I just skip it yes I can just skip it yeah you just had to skip it perfect jumps only I got to check my right there please please please please please yes yes guys this is how you beat the game you got ta this is actually looks like a baby Abby it's not you gotta use a giant brain big goo goo gaga and beat it exactly guys make sure to listen to the lanky box goo goo gaga song while you play this make sure you listen to that just 24 7. all right guys guys everyone make sure to go to Walmart and Target get yourself some plushies and just everyone say that on three we're gonna say it one two three eight of each other one two three I'm gonna cheese this jump right there yup oh yup oh yup I'm smooth with it bro you're actually close to the end here guys I just run across that you look like Dad Dash from The Incredibles bro I because I do be incredible bro incredibly fast I do be incredible Adam just watched that movie because he loves you girl yeah not funny yeah let's go all right nice okay can I just run across I just run across wow you're fast I gotta go really slow right here bro cool I'm so fast guys I'm barely just tapping the arrow piece oh I didn't even jump I didn't even jump oh nice you got the checkpoint duh I thought I could make that jump so close I will make it you can do it man nice yes guys the amount of control I have right now is insane oh oh oh man that was a close one okay guys this this job is really hard I just gotta okay nice I'm just gonna go for one straight shot right you got it you got it easy [Music] this hobby might be one of the hardest ones we've ever played in Roblox history guys this is so much fun to watch this is impossible is that the end over there that's the end this is impossible though you know how slow you got to go through here yeah guys Justin is like on the keyboard I can see it he's like barely touching the keys I'm barely tapping the keyboard look at this guys look at this you have to be very gentle look at that dude yeah be gentle and be gentle you got it be gentle So Adam when he's in the bubble bath he uses the gentle um baby wash because sometimes it gets in his eyeballs and then he says oh Mommy right you gotta use the extra Dental shampoo that's true guys that's very true yeah yeah stop playing all right we got it guys we are so close to the end here dude imagine it resets me I shouldn't have even said that it might Oh I thought it did yeah me too oh nice here we go okay perfect yo perfect [Laughter] all the way and we're gonna get the admin commands no way we did it admin commands we're gonna get admin commands now Adam's gonna join the game and uh wait what what no nothing go in the game oh wait what did you just say to the camera I didn't hear nothing bro oh okay I'll see you back at the start Aid all right I'll I'll be at this time start eight all right bestie all right buddy guys that's what's awesome about playing Roblox with your best friend is like if you guys are able to play at the same time it's a lot of fun so much I will come find you Adam I'll see you dude I I see you at the start let me just rejoin the game I'll find you all right Adam well I love you just [Laughter] you have to buy it again I'll use this one I know this won't work ready yeah yeah whoa here's the rainbow friends I'm blue there's Adam the red scientist we're having like a sleepover or something wow Roblox little friend uh oh bro something bad is happening what is that like an evil mini scientist oh no he's gonna infect one of us and turn us into a bunch of mini clothes no it's gonna affect blue the rainbow friend oh no guys this is bad Justin is blue oh so you're gonna have a bunch of little mini oofing clones oh I might have to get you Adam it says your friend was out sick today okay that's Adam and his friend at school oh man guys it's summer break time to have some fun okay red rainbow scientists having some fun but it's not gonna be fun it's gonna be oof time guys this game is awesome your friend knows a cool spot what do you guys doing you guys are breaking into a science laboratory might be odd world oh it probably is odd world it's odd World bro that's not a good idea bro guys this game is so cool so we all have to escape and look at the mini Justin clone oh yeah I'm gonna get you now and they poke you with pointy little metal things oh my goodness this is gonna be nuts you can hide under under the tables guys there's a million little Roblox rainbow friends clothes don't poke me man I see you why do I see you I'm gonna get your friends first okay guys we are going to beat this game but let's see if Jessica can actually oofa you should have never entered on world oh no guys Justin rainbow friend blue clone Justin rainbow friend little one blue clown about to oofi and with my little thumb tack no girl yeah don't no idea you better watch imma get your friend your friend gonna run straight I got some trap saved oh this is bad I got some traps ain't no no no no no no no I'm gonna get your friend bro I will get your friend first God this game is actually very difficult I'm Gonna Leave Adam the best for lace oh all right whatever you say Justin hey the base for legs all right all right I got a red key card so I'm doing pretty good oh why don't you come over here using it through the door I can't get off you oh man I got stuck on you when someone saved item with like one little sliver of help left they saved age guys little mini Justin was on my back like poking me now we're planking I'm planking down man this game is awesome this is nuts bro okay we got the key card it's so nuts bro guys this game is very tricky you're gonna pay for that I almost gotcha no don't please I got this the guy who stunned me I'm from oh oh oh they missed oh I missed oh they missed I could get them I could get them I could get him I could get them I have some really good teammates I'm gonna get this person this person with the Blaster I gotta neutralize them all right whatever you said otherwise don't blast me again bro where'd they go they faked me out bro they're too good oh man guys my team is awesome dude they're too good bro all right I'm going downstairs what do we need down here oh my goodness bro I'm zooming where are they oh there they are there they are oh I'll get them I'll get him oh the hard drive I know where this one goes oh do you oh do you really yeah I'm definitely gonna win I'm dropping trash bro I'm dropping traps everywhere bro no I know there's someone in here bro okay I had to use the hard drive oh he's gonna miss yo check this out oh man little baby Justin is open everybody maybe maybe Dusty I gotta find the person with the Blaster bro baby blue rainbow bread this person bro I got this so in this game we got I got a bunch of little clones but everyone runs faster than me oh got it I'm dropping traps everywhere so I can't I can't I can't beat this bro I know they're trying to come here bro I know they're trying to come here bro I know they're trying to come here bro do they glitch the game wait what how did I not get them right there bro oh they're fast I'm gonna get them right there bro it might have been like a Roblox glitch I'm gonna cut them off dude I'm so smart dude I know where they're coming out of oh oh yeah oh yeah oh oh yup and we got him in the chat bro oh man they don't wow all right I think I only have like one uh teammate left I haven't got one teammate if I get off them the blue rainbow friends will win and then guys stick around to the end of the video because we will beat this game and show you guys the secret rainbow friends secret ending yep that's true oh man Bingo Bongo dude Blue's too crazy Francie frenzy guys next round okay now we are on the same team and we gotta Escape someone else is the little one okay guys let's see if blue and red can actually Escape okay don't worry Adam this time we're gonna work together we need like a fire extinguisher in here oh man oh boy guys now the items in this game are very tricky to find yeah guys this game is not easy don't worry someone already got the red key card our team's doing great oh nice use it over here use it over here our team's doing great bro okay here we go we're gonna just go there get the item get the item bro get the item all right I got the fuse yo go use the fuse bro I think I know where this goes was this a computer we need oh somebody oofed already oh no this is bad somebody got oofed already bro okay guys I'm gonna go put in the fuse oh this person has the fire extinguisher we needed nice guys our team is doing really good right now that's awesome we gotta Escape guys the rainbow friends gotta get out of here bro wait maybe I don't know where I got the green keycard where's the green key card go um maybe that was downstairs I'm not sure where's the green key card go bro if you use fuse fuse way go bro oh man guys we will beat this game and then I might have to become the little mini red yeah and I'm gonna be very mean to Justice just kidding you will do no such thing okay I'm down here bro I'm looking around bro oh my goodness bro where does this key card go yeah guys this is very strong ah they're down here they're down here oh my goodness all right we gotta Escape outboard guys we gotta see what the secret ending is oh yeah guys our teammate's really good what's the blue key card where's the green key card go whoa I'm not sure maybe they already used it whoa I don't know but one of our teammates is flying yeah this person yeah they're really really good okay blue key cards there okay I'll go look for the blue key card because I'm blue all right that's a good idea yeah rainbow frame blue bro yeah blue definitely knows where it goes uh oh they're down here dude we're trapped out here oh no oh no okay guys keep watching I will become uh the little mini clones later in this video are you serious wait they're just like camping this staircase bruh really there's nothing we can't do but oh man [Music] oh that was our one hope of beating this item boy that's bad oh um I put in the fuse that's opening this that was the one person on our team who was really good oh no oh I got the stunt Blaster oh nice I got the stunt Blaster guys Justin is a stunner bro I could be stuck on him right of the sledgehammer I get stunt on them bro wait I think how do I use it oh what it's got a minute cool down bro I could have stunned on them bro oh this is bad all right you gotta add them I have the hammer okay that's not helpful dude where are you using we need the blue key card really badly what is down here guys we are so bad at this game bro yeah I'm going downstairs I think that's where I use the hand there you are bro all right we'll stay together I got the stub Blaster is it I got the stun Blaster yup maybe no where do you use the hammer whoa in here yeah try it oh no oh watch out Oh I thought that was the little ones bro oh man I do not want to be poked by the little one no I don't want to get poked bro guys that is my worst fear in life is being poked do you use it in here bro I'm not sure I'm climbing up oh my my goodness this game is hard guys oh there you are there you are there's the hard drive we still need we need the hard drive you found that last time yeah oh no they're in here they're in here oh now uh oh can Justin actually survive we gotta survive dude the rainbow friends guys survive together bro hmm if you become the IT person again and have a bunch of mini cones you're gonna be nice to me definitely okay good good good Definitely Maybe use the hammer on the glass I don't know bro where do you use it I'm not sure man we only got four minutes bro we got four minutes to win its bro can we escape guys we're going to do it and make sure you guys go to Walmart or Target you guys can get lanky box merch there yeah it's super lit guys make sure you always check the aisles many times because it can be hard to see it sometimes but it is there yeah it keeps selling out because you guys buy it so quickly so if you are in a Walmart or Target and see it that is very lucky it might be sold out but it is there bro yeah you guys are the best it do be there guys we have no idea what to do anymore oh no we really need the blue key card we need to know where Adam uses the hammer yeah this is bad but Adam has no idea where they use I am running aimlessly around that's okay I know that's what we do in life yeah you're right yeah and we're really good at it maybe use it on the glass here that makes sense right um there's not like an option maybe it's already been used oh my god oh no our one good friend that was actually good at this game uh got oof by that we should have protected him our another friend oof oh no oh my God now okay we still need the heart oh what is that oh okay I got the Green Key no the green key doesn't do anything what is the blue key all right that's downstairs okay I got it I got it I dropped the The Flash blast right here right here right here I know where to go bro I know where to go bro maybe hammer in here bro I got the I'll get the hard drive nice look at the hard drive I'm going up the steals what is this I'm going upstairs bro okay nice I've got the stairs bro we got three minutes we got two minutes to win it bro that's so awesome I dropped it does this have VIP on it what does that mean bro oh four eight zero six is that the code for the front door 4806 yup what is that for guys Justin is literally de-scrambling The Matrix in this game I can D hacked the code Matrix that's true guys he's a hacker 4806 I think I use that here bro on this computer really yup oh well access denied 4806 what why I'm gonna type 4806 in the chat where do you use that bro um but we have such noobs bro what's the point of that we still need gasoline in this area maybe I'll go downstairs I'll go downstairs I'll try it out okay good idea I'll try it out bro guys check this out Justin will try it out and he is a genius 4806 we got two minutes to win it we will show you guys the secret ending of this game don't worry I got I got down here no we've already been here oh four wait was it four eight zero six I'm a genius you got it yep and then I got zapped and now moved oh I got teleported here that's the gasoline I got the gasoline bro no way I got the gasoline bro that's what we need where I go now bro uh the gas was uh upstairs oh the little ones are down here oh no I'm going upstairs I'm going upstairs no no oh no oh where's the gas I hope I got a yes over here it's over here it's over here oh my god oh wait I I can pick it up pick it up ahead of you can still win can you spectate me I spectate you bro okay I'm watching you bro let me pick it up don't ooh okay check this out guys I have the gasoline that Justin just uh got if I can beat the game we still win we're pouring the gasoline in go go the door's open okay please bro how was you oh you need one more thing I need to pull this oh I pulled it it's open I'm running it's the exit open go go go go go go go go go we did it I sacrificed myself so Adam could win wow oh my goodness bro we gotta play again okay Adam we gotta make it out of here live together this time wow guys Justin sacrificed himself that last round now he's got to make it out himself it's okay I do it for my brother thank you Justin that's my brother yeah guys we are brothers and you guys should go to Walmart on Target and get lanky box merch we're Waters all right the fuse is over here dude okay cool wait where does the hammer go do you know uh it's in the uh right here I gotta break this I gotta break this oh yeah you get you get the flash Cannon all right I will protect you all right thanks Adam follow me around I got the red and the green keys so follow me this is really good sweet the fuse is right here where'd the fuse go oh you're green I got I got green right I'll put the fuse in right here careful don't get it all right now right here that'd be really embarrassing if you moved right now yeah that'd be bad okay did you use it already I tried to use the Blaster but it did not work and then I got the little guys on me no let's get out oh guys I really did try my best okay now I gotta escape and it looks like Adam is the little one it's me guys and I'm gonna show no mercy to Justice oh man guys this is the final round let's see if Justin can actually escape the mini red rainbow friend clones all right guys let's see make sure to go to Walmart and Target guys get lanky box merch see if you can actually get Astro foxy she's one of the rarest figures Astro foxy is so cool yeah you guys can get her in the mystery figures okay where do I use this green key card okay guys I am alive don't oath mate I'm doing really good right now I found all the key cards all right let's see if I can actually oop Justin first guys what yeah I said hey oh man I love this game guys where does the fire extinguisher go oh the plasma torch I'm I'm feeling some sort of little ones disturbance what do I use this huh um that one I think you have to like melt the door you use the fuse huh the fuse uh the fuse is you put in like a box oh Justin almost got oh let me see the little ones the red scientists oh people get stuck oh we got stunned I got blasted yo these guys guys I can't move you guys stunned it on oh man now is your guys's chance to escape you got studied on bro okay all right all right I'm gonna use this where do I use the plasma torch bro oh right there okay okay well that's a really cool item this game is really cool guys it's really creative oh man oh I'm plasma torching my way out of here your friends are just watching me bro I need that blue key card but I need that blue key card back I open this how do I get up here how do I open that yes I think you have to like uh turn on the gasoline or something I will find the blue key card oh my goodness it's a oof and you can't go that way all right you got it man oh my goodness I'm gonna get the blue key card you better not try it with me Adam oh I'm definitely not laying a bunch of traps all over the map I'm just waiting for someone to step in that then I can pounce on them don't pounce on them yeah I'm gonna pounce on himself yeah nothing yeah team speedrun oh I found the blue key card that's what I was looking for oh really I will get out of this game all right I will get out of this game this person's just staring at you their name is Mommy Long Legs I think I know where Justin is now oh no you don't know where I'm at wait one of my clones is like huge yo go stun him go stun him ghost diamond all right go ahead see what's happening on you I don't think it's gonna work I don't trust my team I'm out of here drop it down I'm gonna use the blue key no way this works open it open it I got the hard drive I got the floppy this oh this is bad guys yeah but can you actually Escape I put traps everywhere okay here we go mini boopity hurry up what is it nine five seven eight should I use one of your friends don't do it don't do it wait are you serious I got gasoline I might be able to to clutch this out okay I'm gonna try to get one of your friends don't do it yep no don't do it I'm gonna do it don't do it yep where are your friends come on come on oh no I got blasted oh and you put a trap right here oh there was that he would have got me got me started on it on I actually could have stopped Justin right there and him got stunned on bro man that's the worst feeling ever you got stunt blastered bro yeah and the best feeling ever is when you get Astro Fox oh best feeling ever oh yeah yeah all the linky Box plushies and figures are great yeah all right are you close to escaping oh yeah all right we'll see we'll see about that oh yeah I made it yeah yeah I'll see you later red scientist come here Justin it's the secret rainbow friends little ones anyway we unlocked it no way guys this is it Blue's gonna get in the helicopter bro wow this is the secret ending guys we're in the chopper bro what's this boxy we're holding a giant french fries whoa we're picking up Jim well we're picking up his Jabs oh this must be the rail and we use it to go across the roofs oh yeah the rail got bigger whoa but this is a bonus gym bonus level oh wow this is cool you know the Max gym bonuses boxy whoa look at the gym we're gonna spare the gyms I think they updated the game boxes a bunch of new stuff you can upgrade your character now oh guys we're gonna show you all the secret new stuff they added we're doing the game bonus well we gotta go max level boxy whoa all right can you do it on your first try wait what just happened wait what oh man okay I'll open the prize no problem box no problem okay we got some more gym bonuses nice see we can expect we can spend a bunch on upgrades here upgrade oh we upgrade this the length of our starting rail oh that's helpful y'all play one more every level there's your turd okay I'm gonna try my best here we go what is this Fever Mode but we gotta watch it add and now we gotta go watch Adam it's an a dumb okay where's that one where's the oven wow let's see how far we can get this time all right nice oh we're doing pretty good Hub oxy yeah you gotta have like a perfect amount oh I failed type six still pretty good all right that's awesome okay so you try this time all right here we go guys okay try it but see three two one go I'm trying my bestie do it do it for you in the new brand milk key oh oh nice nice job boxy you dodged this all yeah and you gotta show everyone some cool new skins they added oh yeah they added all kinds of new skins I think anybody Jesse played this game oh what do you do whoa it was kind of like a hack you stood on the rail oh yeah could you just go on one rail you should try it bugs you try it whoa no Bugsy oh all right guys Rocky's gonna go okay I'm gonna go this game rocks wait what's that on the side they're making a big roof rail do you see that well that does look cool I didn't get over there mission complete what oh no Rocky I failed no oh I gotta touch this probably this button oh whoa whoa you skipped a lava this is a big update to the game there's like all these new areas yeah that was pretty crazy huh guys yeah that was pretty scary but nothing is too scary for Rocky yeah Rocky can do it all yeah thanks guys yeah and guys at the very end of the video we'll show you a new skin that we got yeah this game rocks it should be called Rock Rails yeah roof rocks all right guys Foxy's back up to playing I'm back in the driver's seat and I'm going to Rory wow I'm going on the roof get his roof rails well we got like 400 gems yeah that's a lot of gems we got a ton of gems we gotta see if we can do a Max Level guys oh good idea oh this game's looking kind of stressful oh hey guys Steve's kind of scary Bugsy ghosty do you want to play around yeah all right guys ghost is gonna play around in a bit you got it ghosty I will finish this round out past that I paid to you yeah ghost is awesome because she can glow in the dark yeah whoa I got times 10 that was the highest ever wow times 20. do you think we can get it in this video I'm gonna try right now boxy okay guys everyone ghosties playing this is a Jim bonus level four I should say Jim Boone yeah get to get Bo this is ghosty do it yeah I'm getting the gym Buddhist and then ghosty can buy a skin with all the new gems he has I could buy a new skin with all the gems I have yeah I think so yeah Isn't that cool yeah you're getting hundreds of gems look at how many she's getting wow oh it's really seriously all right can you get times 20. yeah we get times 20. all right here we go guys [Music] all right hey that was great ghosty okay I'm gonna try and get times 20. I'm gonna get that damn bonus all right see what skins we have I'm gonna get that Jimbo nice see oh what skins oh it was a magnet oh boy let's see what this does Magneto all right I'm turning the Magneto that was great whoa wait everybody we got Fever Mode wow wait maybe this is how you get times 20. guys foxy might be able to get times 20 Max bonus oh because we just ignored the saws you see that yeah wait if we got Fever Mode a little bit later I think we could have beaten this gut times 20. guys let's see how far foxy can go now I think I could do it guys I really think I can come on times 20 we could do it I think a kid I think I can like candy always tells us oh yeah yeah wow it worked everybody yeah we got Fever Mode yeah I didn't even know about Fever Mode boy this Fever Mode again should we do it um maybe we'll wait to the end yeah there we go watch another ad yeah I don't want to watch any more eggs I already had to watch angel I had to watch age of this weekend his mom went to the grocery store she said we're in charge we gotta watch Adam and Dusty oh you babysat them we we all did together remember that boxy yeah I remember that we had to keep Adam away from demand and we had to get Dusty away from the donuts he was eating too baby he was getting all hyper yeah you were eating some of them too yeah I watched them by eating them ah I watched them then I ate them all right we did it boxy you try all right guys I'm gonna go and let's see what type of skins we have wow it's piggy whoa It's because Ed Majesty unlocked everything whoa It's a boxing outfit get it like for you boxy yeah I'm gonna be a boxer you're gonna be a boxer when you grow up Bugsy yeah I think so you should train Adam and Jesse they try to box each other all the time yeah I love boxing everybody just debugs each other but they really they tape uh pillows to their hands for the gloves and they just collaborate each other and then his mom has to break them up and say stop it boys oh boy that sounds kind of fun though it sounds fun but be safe if anyone tries that don't do that at home unless you have parental supervision yeah it sounds pretty cringe and the Majesty do it and their mom watches them and that's the parental supervision right she just sits here and laughs wait guys I think I might be able to go times 20. I think you could do it boxy look at this big spaghetti noodle I got for the rail look at that biggie spaghetti noodle I love spaghetti come on yeah bug he's ready for the spaghetti I did it easily yeah good job boxy all right Rocky it's your time to shine I can do it you think I can get times 20 guys yeah shining bright like a diamond like a diamond yeah I mean boxy yeah Rocky if you get times 20 then you might turn into a diamond oh I've always wanted to be a diamond my mom always said Rocky if you train hard and work hard and be nice to people one day you'll become a diamond yeah that's my goal oh maybe I shouldn't have done that because I missed a bunch of rails yeah but even if you just stay a rock forever we'll still love you well thanks boxy yeah you're perfect just the way you are just the way you are when I see you're wrong you know what I mean yeah you're such a good thing that I would change yeah I'm sweating let's go we're all really good at this game all right who's up next we're gonna play the Buddhist level all right guys go Steve's playing one of the final rounds the goat the gym Buddhist because doing the other ones is too stressful I don't want to do it yeah guys ghostly gets scared a little bit easily but that's okay we'll have foxy and thick shark how to not be scared oh really big shirt taught me all sorts of cool stuff oh yeah dickstar's awesome yeah yeah hey how are those gummy candies you're eating great oh that's great yeah yeah I heard that lanky box might have some gummy candy yeah don't leak it oh my bad yeah I did it times two all right wow good job everybody we're doing great yeah all right guys make sure to leave a like And subscribe go check out and get yourself some linky box plushies this game was pretty great wasn't it guys yeah super fun we came in here we played the roof rails I would go eat some Lay's potato chips [Music] this is [Music]
Channel: LankyBox World
Views: 2,931,733
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Id: myMHutl6stE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 41sec (4661 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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