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these are the top five best poppy playtime chapter 3 animations ever we watched The Legend of daddy longlegs react to Mommy Long legs.exe's origin story and we even get to see why baby long legs is sad in this crazy animation watch till the end because we even share a never-before-seen leaked video of poppy playtime but with Legos let's go hey we're watching a video about the legend of daddy long legs sweetie okay guys so we already know about Mommy long legs but in this video I guess we're gonna learn about daddy long legs oh my goodness Mommy Long Legs got the player wrapped up in her wave of Life dude yeah guys this video is linked down below Shout Out game two let's go just relax and let go well you'll be out of breath soon enough we'll have some quiet no Mommy Long Legs about Wherever You Are you can't hide from me forever wow I don't understand that looks like Killy Willy I know wait it's actually really scary oh hello who's that other voice anyone out there [Music] close I can smell you foreign [Applause] you're okay I got you that's crazy bro wait so Mommy Long Legs ran from the daily but why okay here's what I'm thinking and by the way I heard this video has insane and yeah so I'm excited to see that and we have a secret video to show you guys at the end but I'm thinking maybe mommy long legs and daddy long legs dated but now they don't like each other so maybe they're like mad at each other they broke up yeah exactly would you rather be uh put in a web by Mommy long legs or daddy long legs [Music] I'm Dandy long legs Adam's mommy you talk to him in like that she wraps him up real tight okay yeah try and keep it down that thing can hear better than we can what is that thing well you met Mommy Long Legs wanna take a guess daddy long legs what's his deal let me get you out of here first mommy soak is so hard it's like a rock I'm free let's hope he didn't hear that we're on fire way ahead of you oh what was that you saw that yeah cause a daddy long legs that's like an actual type of spider right so is a mommy long legs yeah oh what's your step we gotta rescue Huggy from Mommy lilac before daddy catches up with us so are they married no way they hate each other though he was right I called it I bet they might have gone on a few dates and then it didn't work out why do you think they didn't like each other problems see Xavier made daddy long legs to keep mommy company but since male spiders are smaller he came out tiny Molly picked on him to no end she hated being a monster and now she finally had someone to take her anger out on Shuffle it gets worse one night while mommy tormented him he discovered a dangerous serum the engineers had cooked up tell me he didn't of course he did oh my goodness bro okay so apparently the original daddy long legs was really small so Mommy Long Legs was like picking on him so then he's like I gotta get super big so he jumped in some exe Jukes that's what I'm saying yeah wow so that's why they don't like each other because Mommy Long Legs was mean to him when he was a baby yeah that's why you always want to be nice to people guys oh you speak nice bro yeah tell me he didn't of course he did literally the tables had turned now Daddy was the Hunter and Mommy the prey so he wants mommy dead so do we shouldn't we be buddies daddy long legs is a sadistic Maniac who loves seeing people squirm you can't reason with him all you can do is run speed up there [Music] oh yeah I'm flipping no Poppy hold on [Applause] did daddy long legs just eat poppy baby oh no ate her like a piece of poppy corn dude oh man wait I I think she'll actually be okay I think players gonna rescue her yeah let's see what happens foreign [Music] player just abandoned poppy that's messed up bro yeah come on man that's not cool I gotta find a way to save her if Daddy Long Legs has your weakness huggy's the only other person who'd know about it rescuing him for mommy is my only chance this looks like her web she must be nearby every instinct is telling me I shouldn't go toward that noise but I have no choice I get it so he's gonna team up with Mommy to take down Dave wow wow are you team mommy or team daddy who do you think is gonna win in the end which one are you I probably think player and Mommy are gonna win in the end what do you think [Laughter] obviously guys make your prediction who do you think is gonna win in the end mommy long legs or daddy long legs Niche where is she just gotta pop around the head and see if Huggy wuggy how hard could that be yeah I got this there you are Mommy Long Legs no more running away tell me where Huggy wuggy is she's eating the hoggy wuggy like his arm is a spaghetti noodle I'm not watching this bro Mommy Long Legs ain't Huggy wuggy so wait daddy long legs ate Poppy and Mommy long legs a Huggy that's gross now the Huggies in their tummy bro yeah so he's got to try to save both of them oh all right let's see how this video actually is gonna end [Music] no friends to rescue you this time stay back that all you've got no big Escape Plan nothing up your sleeve I'm almost disappointed you know I would like to play with my food yeah go on run I've been dying to hunt something where are you going little morsel that's for me to know and for you to find out I love surprises this is crazy man he's got a run from Daddy and from Mommy wow all right how do you think this one's gonna end I think he's gonna do something real smart and lead them to chase each other and then they're gonna bonk heads and he's gonna save both his friends at once I think that's a real good what do you think's gonna happen I think maybe he's gonna like because there's gonna be like two spiders on each side maybe he can use both of his grab pack hands to like shoot out at both of them and then like try to like grab Poppy and hug you out of their belly that's what I think is gonna happen he's gonna use his grab pack hands at the same time okay Oh daddy long legs are back I've never met someone so desperate to be eaten we'll see about that I've already swallowed your friend do you really think you stand a chance against me no but she might yeah two snacks for the price of one lucky me get out of my way daddy this one's mine are you sure about that he's in my territory [Music] I like a bum you still treat me like I'm half your size but things have changed now if you want me to leave fine I'm not scared of you it oh wow it's Mommy love legs Mercy daddy long legs all right guys now we made our predictions earlier I thought mommy was gonna win Justin thought Daddy was gonna win let's see what actually happened yeah this has got to be one of my stupidest plans ever here's hoping it works you know get up you have to fight fight to the end you you always did have a killer left hook but it'll take more than that to get rid of me oh [Music] you got oh why don't you come over and find out I don't feel so good I always knew now I'll claim the territory I so richly deserve they both oofed oh wow players gonna go inside of them and save his friends oh in the spider thorax what's that it's still a brown thing on a spider what yeah Bobby you're okay apparently what happened you were trapped in daddy long leg stomach luckily mommy cut you an exit both mommy and daddy long legs defeated oh I wish Huggy wuggy was here to see this it would be nice ifugi could come back that's good cause I am what happened bro did we like slice his way out of the belly of Mommy Long Legs what w ridiculous how did he get out there Mommy gave birth to her no I didn't no I think maybe like when Daddy Long Legs slice Mommy Long Legs there was like an area where Huggy could Escape [Applause] you did it Blair daddy Bobby longlegs are good for good today we're reacting to a crazy video about baby long legs what yes we are don't look back oh so Mommy Long Legs is chasing player Empire guys make sure to check out the videos that we're watching today they will be linked Down Below in the description they are both lit and we got a secret video at the end but bro what's baby long Lane so I guess there's mommy long legs right and there was Daddy Long Legs now there's baby long oh yeah see told you we shouldn't be down here listen new parts of the factory are opening every day filled with who knows what kind of horse either we get to jump on them or they get to jump on us player look huh what could that be [Music] what is that that's like some animatronic or like some doll made in poppy playtime Factory that got oofed by Mommy long legs look at her whams wow I can't wait till we see baby long legs wait puppy look it can't hurt you it's just an old skeleton do you know this guy no way but but it looks a little like Mommy a little more likes let's get out of here player this whole place has given me major creeps hold on let's just take a sample back for analysis the more we know about the longlegs Monsters the easier it'll be to defeat them next time be careful don't worry I'll use my grab pack see ow wait how did I feel that that doesn't look good take it off won't come off oh no it bit him bro wow so the grab pack arm got uh hit with the tooth and now like the DNA of baby long legs is entering player so he's gonna be baby long legs oh no that will make Mommy Long Legs his mom what's happening to me I don't know that tooth must have been poisonous or something oh I'm a hug you'll know what to do chill it look what who's being ate by what okay wake up we got an emergency it's player something's wrong with me yikes I'll say what do we do oh it's spreading oh the EXE the baby exe spreading on him bro oh man this video is nuts you were smart to come quickly looks like he's got a few hours tops before he before he what tell us the truth Huggy we can take it before he transforms into baby love legs oh wow now you guys are not gonna want to miss the secret video we have for you at the end but apparently player is yes going to turn into baby long legs okay this is so bad right all we gotta do is gonna have some help before it's permanent what are our options there's a chance one of the serums could help but your best bet is probably going straight to the source Mommy Long Legs you sure both good work maybe and you've only got enough time to try one mommy's definitely more dangerous but I think she's the best bet they're gonna go ask Mommy for help dude what if mommy bites them and like the Venom counteracts the Venom of the baby wuggy so it like neutralizes it oh Mommy verse baby okay but I think she's the best guess you're right but we can't exactly cure you if you're dead so we better be careful good luck you sure mommy's missed us this way positive I can censor somehow like she's calling me okay it's not ominous at all come on come on you have to let go it's accelerating your poison I can't find another reason fine if we there's got to be another way to get you out she's about to get dropped in the exe oof goo man oh no God this story is crazy and it's spreading the the baby the baby oof is spreading on him man that's the mechanism but how am I gonna get up there wait uh spiders stick to walls he can climb current player that was a close one you betch turns out spider powers well we gotta get you that cure ASAP right right mommy's Nest should be right up here bro look and also his grab pack transformed it used to be blue and green now it's green and green with like claws oh I got it that was really quick thinking my player though to say he turned into Spiderman started climbing up the walls dude pass the room full of saw blades unless we're lucky getting across is gonna cost us an arm and a leg and probably all of our other body parts also those blades are way too fast for us to dodge there's got to be a smarter solution wait I've got it yes now as long as it doesn't speed up your transformation okay we gotta move it or lose it oh my goodness wait what I forgot cause spiders sometimes have like eight eyes so he's gonna keep growing eyes as he transforms into baby long legs here snap out of it we got another blade coming up right here please stay with me stay focused [Music] I can't hold it back much longer every second I can feel it spreading through me this is crazy bro so it's like the evil exe is in him and he's trying to oof poppy but the good player doesn't want to oof poppy wow he's gotta go he's gotta fight with himself imagine if you were like playing outside and you got bit by a spider and then you looked in the mirror and there was eyeballs on your forehead that would be crazy every second I can feel it spreading through me that's okay we're gonna get you a cure I promise just a little further right here right where are we now uh this has got to be a dead end it looks that way doesn't it but some spiders disguise the entrances to their nest I can feel Mommy close to us she's right on the other side of that wall [Music] ing me how are we gonna get through just watch foreign a shot instead it's not too late to turn around probably no I'm not afraid wait came to ask Mommy long legs for help and that's what I'm gonna do oh okay then nah bro she doesn't trust him because what if he transforms and then it's 2V1 it's mommy and baby versus her bro wow wow that is not a fight I would want to fight bro after you [Music] well it definitely smells like her mommy long legs who's that my door come on out we need your help and why should I help a delectable appetizer like you player because I know you're not a totally evil person this is your last chance to do some good also you're like the only spider expert left so you're kind of our only hope fine let's see what we have oh my goodness right and I know pretty gross but uh you can help me can't you before it's you right pretty gross you're not gross at all you're perfect uh say what of course you are you're my beautiful baby boy come home moment last hey yo okay guys so I'll break this down as player transforms more and more into baby long legs Mommy Long Legs actually loves him more and more that's what that's what Adam Bob says to him when he comes home from school what she said my beautiful baby boy that's what she says bro yeah that's crazy man wow so when player fully transforms into baby long legs mommy long is gonna like love him because that's her baby right [Music] uh no that's not what's happening here at all I missed you so much welcome to Mommy nope not a chance we need you to reverse all this okay please my darling baby boy is returned to me finally we can be a family again this is clearly a lost cause come on Poppy [Music] oh no um maybe we play along so she doesn't kill us no way then the Sarah Labs your only shot if we book it maybe we can make it before you transform come back baby you know I hate chasing you player look you thinking what I'm thinking I sure hope so you sure it'll hold us get better [Music] she will not get the message baby why are you hiding from Molly oh that's also what out of mob says to him dude if you got turned in a baby long legs who would you rather have chasing you mommy long legs or daddy long legs if you had to only pick one I'm team Dane Danny longley's is cool dude Danny long he doesn't want to hurt you mommy is kind of crazy though Mommy Long Legs yeah pretty crazy man and when Adam runs for his mom to hide he doesn't want to get a haircut or something she says what are you [Music] what keep going player I can't here what's happening finally wait guys Justin just left the room and he's now in the hallway crying oh man are you making stuff I always crying what were you doing then I was gonna go run and get your mom ah I'm gonna cry guys this is crazy so you can even see he's like foaming at his mouth oh my goodness you smell delicious hey baby hungry oh you had mommy worried guess I'm saved oh player there's still gotta be some way to rescue you it can't be hopeless great back here closer look be scared don't be scared don't be scared don't be scared okay not so scary up close okay mommy's long legs said finally we can be a family again she mean again I have no idea what's going on dude I think that those are the bones of an older baby long legs and she's somehow gonna use like the tooth or something of the bone and stab mommy with it what that's what I'm thinking is gonna happen yo we'll see if I'm right or if I'm way off okay let's see oh no finally home finally home I think baby needs a nap I know there's also how does she know your mom's favorite lines yesterday my mom will pick both of us up I just kind of rock us back and forth not me I can rock myself yeah he has one of those chairs the rocks and stuff it was a pony yeah I just got the old-fashioned way yeah you got your body all right all right let's see what happens bro Mommy Long Legs get out of our own freak just listen to me please that baby isn't yours and prove it what player baby long legs died I think he's been gone for a while the treetop mommy he's gone [Music] calm down calm down [Music] wow yeah you were way off okay I was way off on the stabbing thing but this is actually really sad like Mommy Long likes really just wanted her baby back I guess what I guess that's what Mommy wants hey what I guess they just want their babies back so it's actually really sad like she she didn't even know that her baby oh like how would you feel if you if a baby Justin oh I feel about your mommy and there's a baby of me well gee I don't know go home man go home all right let's finish this one up before we show you guys the secret video this is crazy bro the secret video is nuts [Music] thank you wow wow today we are watching a video about the origin of mommy long legs.exe what happened you failed by every metric you were supposed to keep the interlopus out of the Factory's restricted areas now they're running around willy-nilly hilfer and Trade Secrets No Doubt someone needs to be punished [Music] okay I'm not really sure what's going on guys but it looks like Mommy Long Legs was supposed to guard poppy playtime Factory from player Honeywell game poppy but she didn't do it so they're saying she gotta be punished bro wow we're gonna learn how mommylonglike.exe came to be let's go foreign [Music] your best will never be good enough mommy long legs no matter how hard you try so let's let someone else try for you okay no no they're rejected mommy long legs with the exe wow guys this video is gonna be linked down below Shout Out game Tunes I'm excited to see this one no oh what are you doing this will only hurt a bit but I'm afraid what comes after will be agony [Music] oh hey yo dude imagine if someone injected Justin with.exe juice wow that would be crazy glorious Ascension are you still resisting me I don't want any of this just get off me go away do it oh I can see your memories oh man that's the origin of mommy.exe long legs bro basically she was a nice lady but then she fell into like this big bucket of pink sauce and she turned into mommy long legs and this is crazy because the exe is literally talking to her like being really mean and putting like dark thoughts in her head yeah bro it's the whim of those more powerful don't know me I am you I'm everything you need survive to win the respect you deserve face it you can accept me because everything you're meant to be or you can die here a clumsy beautiful failure fight do it wow so mommy had to decide does she want to embrace the exe or keep fighting and she said I'm gonna become Mommy Long like Dottie she's making a deal with the exe bro wow guys we are going to show you the crazy ending of this and we have a secret video to show you at the end this is crazy now talking yeah [Music] yes yes so much power [Music] it's Mommy long legs.exe that is so creepy it would already be super scary enough to be eaten by Mommy Long Legs imagine being grabbed and digested by Mommy Long legs.exe foreign [Music] uncontrollably should I terminate her sir no she's perfect Mommy Long Legs find the interlopus Huggy wuggy in that player end them with pleasure phew glad we made it out of there in one piece and all thanks to your quick thinking where's poppy she would head to The Hideout to get some rest we should join her I could sleep her a year you said it good thing the dangerous stuff's over wait what was that this place is old must have been a pipe settling oh man I get it so they're here they think they're safe but they don't even know Mommy came back as mommy.exe wow so she is seconds away from bursting in and trying to oop both of them run guys you sure about that yikes hey our goose is cooked not yet it ain't oh that's smart they went into the man's room because she not loud it's so funny bro yeah they hid in the bathroom so mommy would not be able to find them he's in the men's party she's not allowed in that one yeah okay wow this video is crazy that's smart thank you from player right there yeah well it's so funny dude nothing you're funny uh no luck are you kidding pick a star hooky we gotta hide [Music] there's gotta be some way to stop her well there might be one thing we could try but never mind what do you think they're gonna try I think maybe they could try like flushing themselves yeah and then they go into the sewer yeah just like in Roblox obbys yeah but I don't know if they can fit right tell Adam hugs I just want to throw that out there so I don't hug these moms not really relevant wow I just that's what made me think of oh thanks for embarrassing me yeah you're good it's way too dangerous we're desperate here Xavier created an antidote to the X serum in case he needed to reverse the effects take me we don't have another choice just gotta find your way out of here before they crawl out the Vance that's smart dude wow and huggy's really good at climbing through the vents so I'm saying he's a pro whoa look at all these crazy serums what do they do did split pretty evenly between turned you into hideous raving Monsters make your skin peel off or just plain kill you okay so they're finding a bunch of these serums which I guess like medicine and they gotta find the right one to cure moms only one of them is the antidote for the exe wow then of course there's Bingo the characters here MX you sure you want to use this the side effects could be intense hey if he kills her that's good news for us whatever you say close this at her when you have a clean shot got it I won't miss she should be coming through there any minute Mickey quick player give over the serum here goes hooray Direct Hit I think it's working it's working whoa the ex is splitting from Mommy dude that was crazy this is lit guys what uh what did I expected but we can definitely work with this thank you don't worry about me player flying puppy run while you still can no I run oh my goodness so instead of just oofing the EXE the mommy long legs actually split from the XT and now there's two monsters chasing them oh my goodness bro and one of them just waved Huggy wuggy all over his face dude oh man guys this is getting crazy I'm excited to see the end Peggy no I need a way to save him I found a weapon here one time there's got to be something I can use something anything you should listen to hucky wucky run well you still can get away from me here to hurt you I'm leaving what I'll never be good enough for these people so I'm throwing in the towel if you want to follow me I won't attack you could be your only chance to be rid of this place Noah I have to protect my friend well hello then you shouldn't run away from this either that evil thing came from you it fed on all your bad stuff insecurities anger shame you name it so so if you leave the bad parts of you will keep growing and growing until they bust out of this Factory and swallow everything is that really something you're cool with wow that's deep man so Mommy Long Legs is trying to run from her fears and players like no you have to fight your fears and try to be brave and and become the best version of yourself that you can't you gotta face your face yeah don't cry Adam don't cry this video is actually really deep it is though yeah so much efforts [Music] such a waste your mind now hey check oh death threaten me player and Mommy Long Leg teamed up wow wow hey check oh death threaten me [Music] you're okay wow today we are watching a video about player from poppy playtime having a twin sister gotta run she's right behind me oh I'm coming for you player mommy long legs no a dead end I didn't think dinner would be this easy no Come on Mommy Long Legs please don't kill me oh don't worry you'll be alive oh what you beautiful we're not going to let you hurt him we Cassie Massey wow it's like the poppy playtime Avengers that's so awesome so player was getting chased by Mommy long legs but how do you want to get Cassie master came to save the day but where is his twin sister let's find out we're not going to let you hurt him we yeah if you want to get him you'll have to go through us please play you're alone he's got it hard enough as it is in here with no family stop me oh what a crazy battle you may have won this time but you won't always be there to save player like you said he's all alone in this place it's threaded you Meiji spider out of here what's wrong player did she hurt you no I'm fine thank you to then what's wrong it's just you guys are right I'm all alone in this place and I don't have any family like you do oh so player is safe but he's lonely he's all by himself Cassie Bassey and Huggy Woogie our motor it's faster right so we might actually learn if player has a twin sister of his own a twin faster now guys this video will be linked down below so make sure to check it out and we got a Bonus secret video at the end even Mommy Long Legs has Daddy and baby I'm by myself all the time it gets lonely it doesn't have to be that way you know what do you mean yeah what are you talking about you were created here in playtime Co right in the make a friend machine yeah I guess you could say that so no one ever said you couldn't use it to make family interesting [Music] oh they're gonna make a star form but I got I got creepy feeling in my tummy what if she ends up being evil oh no that would be so bad come on come on live live I'm awake in my sister I should think of a name hmm something elegant beautiful don't need to overthink it oh oh I know everyone meet my new twin sister play her finger play her because because the disaster that's a player yeah wow that's actually pretty creative everyone meet my new twin sister play her new sister how the make a friend machine I was feeling lonely and Kissy Missy said I should use it to make myself a family I'm not sure that was the best idea player don't be silly puppy I'm sure she's great nice to meet you play her play her let's go you're hurting huggy thank you she squeezed his hand now it's all swollen so you were right he might have actually made a twin that's evil she might be too strong killer grip well play her say you're sorry yeah play her isn't much of a talker in fact she hasn't said anything yet are we sure she's all right in the head totally play her didn't mean to hurt you Huggy she's just scared all she needs is a warm welcome and some good friends then she'll open up no problem hmm well I have been wanting to throw one of my legendary tea parties that's a great idea well you get ready I'll take her on a tour of the factory and show her all the great parts of being alive come on play her I'm about to give you the tour of a lifetime I don't trust her bro something about her looking a little bit sucks and we haven't even heard her talk yet so I'm saying dude first thing we gotta do is get you a grab pack grab back oh man your first words we're making crazy progress already look a mint conditioned crab pack how lucky are we come on are these toys like me yeah but they're not alive you don't have to worry about them toys can die woof let's navigate the concept of death after the Tea Party okay we've got other stuff on the agenda right now all right we made it player can't wait for you to try our dish Bad Boy Player yeah I can die I could die [Music] oh careful there you're gonna lose your balance Play Hurts are you okay you gotta be careful you could have been really hurt I don't want to be like those other toys player I want to be alive really alive don't worry player you're my family now I'm gonna make sure nobody hurts you so you don't have to be afraid deal uh deal now put on this grab pack we got more fun ahead does it fit okay it fits perfect like it was made for me well this is the perfect place to try it out try shooting a hand at that block okay now pull it towards you [Music] yeah I did it did it yeah you did you're natural nice dude she's getting the hang of it but what was all that earlier I guess she realized she's like a toy and she doesn't wanna get ooh I still have a real bad feeling about her she seems all cool now but I have a feeling Mommy Long Legs is gonna come back and somehow like trick her into being evil I think you're right now you ready to really test your medal yeah yeah okay swing from ring to ring and you'll make it across no problem wait that's the part for Bobby played that chapter two with his little pugapillar following you yeah you sure 100 percent there you go one down that's two keep going just don't look down no no no no no no it's okay player you've got fish but but I'm afraid of heights I know you no because I'm afraid of heights too we're twins remember if you know I was afraid because this whole Factory is designed to scare you it's full of dangers like this if you're gonna live here with us you can't let a little Chasm scare you come on I know you can do it [Music] oh foreign [Music] don't worry I got you thanks player I'm sorry I'm not good at anything it's okay player you'll get the hang of it eventually I just pushed you too hard now let's go relax to Poppy's tea party okay ladies and gentlemen a toast to play her that looks like a nice tea party dude yeah Happy First Birthday you're here she's making great progress no I'm not what do you mean I met you earlier today you couldn't even talk now you're saying whole sentences you deserve a nice break so take a long sip of tea and relax tea it's that brown stuff in your cup try it out no is that good or what I don't know it's not bad it just tastes like nothing well to me it tastes great so what gives Shin twins have the same taste buds this is just like when I tried you the grab pack thing something's missing but what why can't Blair taste the tea it's because she doesn't have a soul what's a soul and what makes you really alive player puppy kissy Missy me all used to be humans before we got drugs in these bodies you're just an animatronic key yeah don't talk about my twin sister that way man that was kind of messed up bro so what Huggy said is everybody except her used to be a human they all got Souls yeah but I like that players standing up for his sister well I mean Huggy was just telling the truth yeah you're right what it's true just don't worry about it yeah Souls aren't that important then you won't mind if I take poppies uh what what we can't let her steal puppy's Soul that's terrible him from limb come on no that's my sister I won't let you hurt her well what about puppy isn't she worth saving too not according to kissy Missy she said back in the tunnel that I was all alone that I didn't have any family alone is hard enough as it is in here with no family Claire I didn't mean it you have us not a chance play her is what's most important to me now what how is she most important to you Huggy wuggy and Cassie bazzi saved your life and Poppy multiple times and he's just gonna give them up for his sister who he's known for about two hours I think player just has a big soft spot because he finally has a family member now with his sister and he's never felt that no Huggy wuggy Castle Mastery Papi are his family they care about him I mean they care about him but they're just his friends like he doesn't have any family in the factory family is people that care about you Adam yeah you can't be trusted don't take my soul did you leave us no choice [Music] player please don't do this let us go I'm sorry guys I have to for player yes do you even know what you're doing I know enough you were made of this machine can't be too hard to unmake you take whatever's left including your soul Let Her Go now player don't you want me to have a soul to become real to be alive I do but not if you have to hurt poppy to make it happen then you're not really my family but of course I am you're my twin sister if you were really my family you'd do anything you could to help me remember your promise don't worry player you're my family now I'm gonna make sure nobody hurts you but player I know what you're going through this I wish I wasn't the only living doll in this place but someone doesn't need to look exactly like you to be family all that matters is that they care about you that's what I said earlier bro wow so you and Poppy really think alike this is so deep Bro maybe I should steal your soul [Laughter] I'm just kidding guys make sure you're nice to everyone that's very important dude who's he gonna pick poppy or his own saster hmm I think he's probably gonna go with kissy Missy Huggy buggy and Poppy yeah yeah yeah soon you'll be nothing but broken down doll parts I'll have your soul and player and I will on this place you have to stop her you're right Poppy I know what I have to do he's fighting is all faster [Music] you can't beat me play her we're the same I know all of your moves ahead of time maybe but I'm the only one with a grab pack now [Music] look once again you're all alone now moves left he's not alone [Music] huh oh just overplay her you're going down foggy kissy Missy you came to save us of course we did I literally thought Huggy just oofed his sister this is the craziest video ever because she Missy you came to save us well of course we did we love you two and we'll do anything to protect family oh my goodness I'm sorry play her I never should have created you oh my goodness [Laughter] You Haven't Seen the Last of Me I'll be back oh hey yo wait what the old is all twins faster wow that was crazy thanks guys for everything I know she turned out to be evil but I'm still going to miss her you didn't need to create a family because I guess I I already have one nice today we're watching the origin story of daddy long legs whoa are those Huggy buggies no way okay everyone I want every inch of this place thoroughly searched no mistakes no excuses oh man daddy long legs is in there eating Huggy wuggies the police have shot him outside now guys make sure to check out the video it'll be linked down below Shout Out game Tunes this is about to get crazy foreign oh maybe or maybe this is the guy that got eaten by Daddy Long Legs well I think this is him because look he's a daddy all right I mean don't worry partner I'm gonna find you I'm getting you out of this place once and for all I really don't like the sound of that do you think it could be Daddy Long Legs Probably sounds too big to be mommy well I'm not waiting around to find out for sure let's hop on one of these trains and get out of here are you sure that's a great idea we have no clue where they're going got a better idea nope [Music] I'm train whistle sounds like prey to me oh okay so player and Poppy are trying to escape the factory and this is like the train like in popular top chapter two you can like ride the train so they're gonna ride this out of here wow okay as cramped as it is in the um Patty long bottom Memorial train car we should be safe here gotta be something we could use to slow him down player [Music] that didn't do anything wait what that's not gonna stop this ew oh that tickles my turn I can already taste you give me something else to throw I've got an idea wait where are you going don't leave me here sorry kid guess you're the appetizer oh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh so we're learning about the origin story and I think this is the guy that turned into daddy long legs that's what I'm saying phew good thinking Poppy I always a gunner there for sure that only brought us a little time gotta find a way to put him down permanently any ideas no but I have a feeling we'll find something in there The Archives records of everyone who's ever worked here Betty Long Legs wasn't always like that let's find out who it used to be whoa so they're in like a library learning about everyone who's worked there he's paid the long bottom bro so guys in this video we are going to find out how daddy long legs came to become daddy long legs here's that Patty Longbottom guy again could he be daddy long legs huh well as far as these files are concerned he just showed up one day out of nowhere I'm sorry when are you all opening I have a job interview to get to and no tours till Monday what do you want it's me Patty Longbottom hear about the job ah how about you win sit down Mr Longbottom Dr Xavier in the flesh it's an honor sir that's interesting not a lot of people on the outside know who I am uh I'm just a huge fan of your work whoa Paddy long bottom a little bit sus how does he know about Dr Xavier I don't know that's the guy that made the exe right this guy might be a spy bro he might be a spy hacker bro and by the way guys we have a very secret video to show you guys at the end let's go you're kind of why I applied here you're an inspiration to toy makers everywhere yeah let's see let's see oh our background Checkers couldn't find anything on you well that's good right I'm clean as a whistle I mean they couldn't find anything no education work experience spouse kids it's like you don't exist bro where is this guy from who is this guy hmm uh well is that a problem are you willing to do anything for playtime go Mr Longbottom and I do mean anything gladly sir whatever you need I'm your man then no it's actually great that you don't exist he said that cause he might oh and he's hoping that no one comes looking for him that's so crazy phew this is tough but it's all gonna be worth it what you got there long bottom nothing are these your kids they're so cute no I don't have any kids I don't have any family you keep a photo of someone else's kids in your pocket no I'm uh a photographer on the side it's it's for my portfolio yo this guy's not a good liar dude I I don't know what's going on but it's kind of crazy man he's sweating yeah well I got good news for you oh yeah I've decided to move you to a more exciting project whoa what is all this classified just stir until it's nice and smooth got it that's the exe juice man I bet you anything he's gonna get pushed in there by Xavier Xavier's gonna run experiments on this guy that's it just keep stirring eyes on the prize you know we have all sorts of accidents here I'd hate for you to fall in what are you doing Xavier don't push people in exe guys that's not cool actually maybe I should post that I'm just kidding I would not push Justin an exe no chance you push me at EXE tried to do that last week I was making a big jar of Kool-Aid fruit punch you trying to push me in it yeah I'd hate for you to fall in violence there wait so what happened did Patty fall in and become daddy long legs maybe Daddy's almost here we gotta run we don't have the full story yet if you want to get eaten be my guest but I'm out of here you can't run forever pretty soon you'll be out of breath and it'll all be over foreign [Music] they can help us have you seen this man oh man so he knows Peggy wait a minute I bet they're gonna confront daddy long legs and show him the photo and say remember your kiddos and daddy long leg is gonna look at that picture with all eight of his spider eyes and then snap out of it he's gonna start crying spider tears Wow Let's see what happens guys but I think you got bigger fish tip right here pal wait player look you know Patty Longbottom his real name's John he's my partner and he's been missing since last year everyone on the force knew playtime Co is up to no good but to bring the company down we needed proof we needed an inside man I get it that's why there's no background on him he was an inside spy secret agent so guys Patty Patty pushed in wasn't just a nobody he was an undercover cop oh this is such a crazy story man shout out this video though John volunteered I should have known he wasn't ready one week on the job he sends us a report about some weird goo they have him staring then he drops off the map you live in this Factory does my story ring any bells uh well just one very large Bell what are you saying have you figured it out yet wait no it can't be come on you're almost there so close to the answer John ding ding ding ladies and gentlemen we have a winner no what happened to you I could spend ages going over the details or I could demonstrate play time's over time to eat please don't do this what would they think nice try but that part of my life is over just like yours is about to be John think of your family you can't be all gone remember daddy long leg hope that guy dude I I tried to predict they would show him the photo but it didn't work at all wow oh my goodness think of your family you can't be all gone remember oh my god daddy longlegs killed him you know I barely knew that detective but I could always tell he was a great man and willing to do anything to save his partner what a tragedy he was only two weeks away from retirement rip IPP detective rest in peace in Poppy's playtime player look so long partner [Music] mommy doesn't like guests it's been so dumb I'm afraid the ride ends here you my hand no my hand you're safe now just relax leave us alone we're done playing your games oh really because I think we're just getting started don't judge me stay back lady mommy is here to tell you a bedtime story my real mommy knows I'm way too old for that don't cry cries [Music]
Channel: LankyBox World
Views: 3,304,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox world, lankybox reacts, foxy and boxy, lankybox fan, lankybox fan art, foxy, boxy, lankybox world roblox, lankybox roblox, lankybox plushie, justin, adam, rocky, sticky, ghosty, canny, thicc shark, lankybot, milky, fnf, friday night funkin, fnaf, five night's at freddy's, huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, kissy missy, mommy long legs, glamrock freddy, chica, boyfriend, girlfriend, sonic, compilation, spongebob, roblox, amanda the adventurer, pj pug a pillar, rainbow friends, cuphead
Id: Rfdx2BG22Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 3sec (4323 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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