This Game Lied To Us... (Lankybox Plays EASIEST GAME ON ROBLOX!)

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hey Adam you want to play the easiest game ever on Roblox sure what do I have to do just walk over this bridge and touch that trophy over there okay sounds pretty easy oops sorry Adam I forgot to tell you to win the game got to get all the endings okay so oh there's a bunch of endings guys we're going to show you how to get all of them I'm going to go over here say hi to this guy what's up buddy hey man wait what what hey he say hi there oh oh wow oh no wait was that an ending I think so it turned it yellow okay he's just back okay I'm going to go to the trophy guys we we've never played this game before we're going to see how to get all the endings here let's get the trophy okay that's an ending we got the U1 ending that's just the first ending guys let's go what if you try doing something else okay easy now guys I heard there's a bunch of Secrets like what if you just start dancing wait no way this just gives you an ending what if you just start dancing e dance e dance oh okay he okay do it to wait is this an ending the game is like changing colors but is that an ending you can move though right no I can't wait we can't move our roox character I can't move anymore so so wait we just have to dance for like a [Music] minute yes that was a dance ending party dance party all right wait this game is awesome guys okay so what is this guy guy want us to do I'll talk to him what's up buddy what's up he says hello Hello nice to meet you man can I say hello back hello oh wait he said something he said that hurts he said that hurts oh we kick him oh I'm sorry buddy okay well let's go over here I see a bag of money over there I bet I got to roll this guy and use him to jump oh maybe maybe which is which is really hard to do wait I bet there's like a secret wall here or something guys this is awesome this reminds me of playing all the like find the find the markers or find the pandas and stuff we got to find all the endings let's see what the endings are fell oh fell and reset okay reset that's easy reset please yes reset ending that gives us an ending and we are going to guess that fall as you just jump in so guys basically you can get Clues from the game by looking at this um so it shows you when you get it it turns green so we got you one reset I'm going to go fall I'm going fall fall nice got the fell ending now guys there's a cheese ending so I got to figure out how to get that one guys this game is so cool it's really addicting okay it looks like easy game but it's not cheese now what if um when you pushed in the ball it turned yellow right down there yeah and then we can jump in What if you jump in that cheese cheese cheese oh cheese land yeah yo it's cheese is that it yeah we got it guys this game is so cool it looks easy it is the easiest game on Rox but it's actually really tricky you got to think about creatively how to get different solutions let me look here super win so Des probably um super win that's probably um I just got win again I bet if I roll the the smiley face into the trophy that's super win I bet oh you think so look this has to be an ending that that why would they put this here if if it wasn't an ending true I just got to get this guy across here it's going to be really tricky dude I think you're right I'm a genius if I'm right I'm a genius just just just know that Adam all right bet no he won't roll no no push in what does that do oh that's just yellow okay I I'll find another ending no problem problem you got it man what about this tree this tree is looking a little bit sus let me look oh disco ball what's that how do I get that there's a tree here nothing in the tree if you push the ball in multiple times does anything happen really let's just keep trying it there's money up there how do I get up there okay I'll just keep eting this guy yeah we'll find out keep eating turns yellow and he respawns I'll turn it again it's yellow weird okay again never mind you're messing with me stop it stop it Adam all right we're trying our best do this guy does he roll across or not oh what if you make it cheese land and then push the ball in again good idea cheese time okay oops oh I didn't make it yellow oops oops oops I got the fell guys we got to get all the rarest endings in the game we're going to show you guys how to get tops your Innings that have never been shown before it's going to be absolutely insane guys it is time for that Lam cheese oh wait he's red now wait so if we push in the red ball what are we going to get what's that it's red go in the red yo we got the apple apple apple ending there's so many endings I would have never thought to do that guys boom wow an apple a day keeps the litness to stay let's go dude okay wait so what if I keep doing it what if I push him in in the Apple World wait are you just going to make like a smoothie I might be making a cheese apple smoothie wow guys that is a fruit salad wait it's still yellow what oh so you got to keep going until it turns red we just got lucky oh it's just random yeah so the apple one is oh it's pink now no way grapes is this guys got any grapes no gra ending we did it wait this game is so cool there's so many it's like luck so some of it's random guys some of it's random we got it we got the grapes ending got any grapes one more tget that's does he goes to his mom goes got any merch and he goes she goes get she goes got any jobs super funny Adam he Waddles up there and goes b b b got any much she goes you got a life so awesome oh man that Mom's awesome yeah she's the best what if you move the the ball into the spawn platform oh wait but this will take us back to cheese won't it that's okay okay let let me see what happens if you do that good idea Adam we're on the cheese world does it matter we have to be in the base world oh wao like CH it's like green what what's going on weird I think that should work though okay let me move this it's really hard to roll this guy true he doesn't want to go where I tell him to go yeah you got to push him in there guys ah stop dude it's really hard to roll this guy stop okay we're going to be friends with you just be cool really dude he won't he won't he won't go where we tell him to go now guys Jose is a soccer pro so I know he can do it I will do it you got it dude come on stop or football if you're depending on where you are come on come on dude he won't stop you better you better stop you better stop it he he rolls without me pushing him that's okay okay let me just try again from when he's not rolling this guy is so annoying come on go line up the shot it's right here hole in one boom are you making St oh I fell in what you should be able to move the ball in there and then fall in I did but you need to stand on the ball when it's in there is this super win no way super win oh it's just a U1 oh okay got it okay so I have to push the ball onto the platform yeah it I did fall in okay yeah it is possible for sure dude it's not possible okay I just got to be really really really gentle oh stop oh my goodness I didn't even move it you got it you got it come on it has to go up the sides you see how there's stairs on the side it has to go up that way stop pushing me I'm trying to stop come on go that's it that's in that's in that's in that's in that's in you oh that was close guys this is way harder than it looks I know you guys are watching think I'm a Noob and I am but that is is way harder than it looks that was very very close bro why why are you like this it's all right man we all know you can do it Adam can you please give me better instructions he just said get on the tree you can't get on the tree you can't hello well now if we push in the corner then you can jump up on the tree yes cuz I'm smart and I know what to do you didn't even tell me what to do got it yes I'm on there invisible trussle we're going all the way up guys this is not the easiest game on Roblox it's one of the hardest games we're going up to the cloud no way this really feels like we're playing a find the game I love these games new area unlocked let's go wow we're high up we're going all the way to the cloud this is crazy man who would have ever thought there's an ending up here not us for sure no I him uh-uh not at all I'm going up here the cloud ending yo we're so high up you got it dude Cloud ending Cloud ending Cloud world can we unlock that cloud I'm getting it wow there's so many endings in this game this is so much fun guys is crazy man got the cloud award nice all right now I got to see what else there is that we can do man I think using that same trussle you can get the money bag by walking along the edge of the platforms like of the map so like use the red ball to get up there and you can jump off the invisible trussle that's and then that's how we get the money yeah the money bag yep yeah that's going to be a max level one to unlock though why that's just going to require a lot of big jumps Adam doesn't believe in me it shows I got to get the one where we roll it on the platform I'm so mad that I couldn't do it I don't understand why okay let's go go up here got it man go up here dude dude D I'm so mad at this ball this ball it does not roll where you want it to roll it just goes everywhere except where you want it to go it is finicky for sure look oh oh what was that you might be able to click that button just by when you're falling click it to go where you an ending but normally that's why you need to push the ball down there so you could stand on the ball you have to click it yeah oh my goodness but it's okay guys we're going to get that secret trussle ending first can can it even roll across this it won't it definitely will not roll across that bridge okay let's try and get the trussle ending right now red ball this ball is so evil they put a smiley face on it because they know how annoying it is to roll it that's smart of the developers true uh dude I'm not doing this anymore bro I'm not yikes I'm not doing this D dud the ball rolls on its own I didn't I didn't move it you got it now I didn't this is not the red one it's not big enough you can't get up there oh man you need the red one stop like I'm not touching it you see that stop rolling it's trying to push Jus off guys the ball rolls on its own I'm going to rage rage this game makes no sense it's not it's not it's not big enough it's not big enough stop pushing me I'm trying to I'm so mad at this ball dude this ball is so annoying look I'm it's just rolling on its own stop buddy stop it's not big enough you need the red one the red ball is a little bit bigger oh my goodness all right can I get this one at least get on there get on there get on there get on there we back here though I'm so tired of this smiley face ball I don't want to do this anymore is this the easiest game on Roblox it's actually not because they made this so annoying the little ball it's like a cursed Noob face it's an actual cursed little ball I got to get this ending man I got to get this one look it just won't go up there go I didn't press the button that's okay I'm so tired of this ball they call this the easiest game roox it's definitely not it's definitely the hardest game on Roblox they know you're going to going to make it super super ragy guys guys this is literally a rage a huge lanky box rage moment big big mad moments this is a giant lanky box rage the ball will not go where you tell it to it is so annoying and it won't give me the red one either it's this come on dude I have to get the red one oh my goodness you got him man I don't like this guys you will never see better lanky box moments than right now this is a huge lanky box r moment exclusive anger mad mad big big mad oh we got red he's going to roll in just by himself you can try to get him on the stairs this is how we would want to do it uh here no oh sorry in the in the spawn no one time for spawn one time for spawn look at how far he rolls this so annoying bro come back here okay I'm going to go I'm wait maybe if I stay on him I can like control him stop stop stop he's rolling towards the pit oh no that was a close one I think I'm a pro goalie okay it's like perfect I'm I'm going walk in a straight line yes and then you drop down onto it yes what did that do what did I what did I do uh that should have activated 29 nice secret code nice guys remember that number 29 all right now what um now I just o whoa wait the trophy's on the side whoo secret secret passage no way can you drop down there I'm jumping down there wa you're stuck no I'm not the you're stuck award wa wow stuck award that one's really rare Guys these are really rare now wait do I have to do that again don't tell me I have to do that there was a secret door well we got an ending oh man and I it's taking a long time to load oh we have to do all that again back to the St what was that secret code for 29 I'll try to find out that is really cool though that you have like use the ball to drop it down that was really tricky guys we're just lucky that worked we're just lucky to have you guys here guys yeah guys even though this a luy box rage video it's super fun just hanging out with all you guys and playing Roblox very true that's the key just be positive even when Adam trolls you and gives you bad directions come on stop rolling buddy all right we're going up on that tree now I think there are several endings up here this is what Adam does guys this is a true story we'll be in Adam's mom's Minivan and she'll give Adam like the GPS and he's in charge of telling us where to go and he'll literally just make up directions and we'll drive around for hours and we'll get lost and Adam's mom will go why did you give me the wrong directions wait try dropping here I know what to do I to go higher okay and then she'll go why did you make our directions and Adam will go because the real prize was the journey we had together that is true and then she literally opened opens the minivan door she goes opens it and tells him to get out yeah I walk home because then it's more fun oh wait is the secret down there yeah you can drop down if you need I want the money oh wait I can't keep going I think you have to drop down okay what is this and if you go around the side there should be some more stuff to the right it's a lantern guys this is such a cool game I love games like this they look easy but they're actually filled with Secrets there's so much have to explore and find they're filled with Secrets got to be careful here come on come on nice I don't want to fall oh I see something I see a button I see a button maybe this will make the ball like I see a button be better I see a button should we press it oh got the mine ending okay at least we got an ending if I just o there I'd be so mad W New Ending wait that's rare that's got to be rare yeah of course okay next how do we get the money bag there must be a money ending right I'll try looking for the money ending yeah dude we've gotten a lot of these yeah there's a money bag ending it literally just says money bag we could definitely get it 100% man I need to do the red ball thing again oh there it is okay see if I can do this how do we get the money back well if you're able to get up to the Cloud area again and then do the same thing where you climb climb on top of the the tree you should be able to get the void ending nice okay I got I got this ball in here now I learn how to do this okay I press this nice different number this time or same same oh 23 okay so it changes every time so there must be something we can do that number right now 23 it's probably in the area down here yeah you think so or should I touch this I think you should try touching the the glass just see what happens nothing no I think we got to drop down maybe it's a code for the door down there 23 that's what I that's what I'm thinking you can click it but you can't maybe you got to turn the camera or something what if you had to oh wa this is lit wa secret what if you got to like e dance glitch dude that would be crazy no but that'll give you an ending wait so what is the number 23 for I'm looking right now guys this game is not easy I know it's called easy I I I think you have to press the door 23 [Music] times are you messing with me it should open up you messing with me oh oh it opened no way that's crazy it's empty room oh I fell down oh that was crazy czy pit of death award that is super rare wow so we had to memorize that number guys that is so awesome dude okay how do I get up there oh the cloud for the void cloud and you just keep climbing again okay wait this is when I got to the cloud though it just gave me an ending um oh but I mean like you get to the area with the cloud and then you use the tree red ball thing again and climb up the trussle okay I don't know what you're saying buddy yeah there's no red ball up here I'll find out I'll find out oh get to the Cloud level so I have to drop the red thing in you got to go up the trussle and then yes you got to get the red I see I see lots of endings here guys this game is nuts it's a game inside of a game inside of a game inside of a game you can only get if you know the secret endings so lit man so so lit I'm going up I'm going all the way up this game is crazy W we're high up this game is actually crazy let's go we love lanky box guys this is the best he's L there's got to be other stuff that we can do in the grape world as well because we've only been there once true it must be Secrets very true must be Secrets guys there's Secrets all over the place in this level must be Secrets okay I'm I'm in the cloud world so now we want to get back up on the tree but I have the pink one I don't think this is big enough to get up there I don't think so either you're probably going to want to I need the red one yeah okay yeah guys I don't this ball is the pink one's really small Yep this is a very rare ending guys this is a purple grape ball I don't want that M I'm looking for the red one please red please red no oh that's all right it's okay it's random every time guys the red is the rarest I think the Pink's the rarest yeah most likely come on it's probably something too if you push the ball in this here it's like different oh we could try that I'm not going to [Music] we got [Music] it come on yellow again it is very rare guys to get the red ball come on get down there come on get down get down go come on bro come on bro give me the red one you got it dude Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh on bro it is possible to get the red one right out here yep just got to be patient there it is nice I cannot fumble this we're going up you guys see how much bigger the red one is than like the pink one it's awesome that they made that one the one that you need the rarest too yeah that's awesome [Music] stop nice can I go up to the cloud or do I jump off um I'm pretty sure you jump off are you messing with me no well you want to get up on the platform what like on the edge of the map oh what if I go up to the cloud again though you could try that you could try that just see what's up there no I'm not going to okay I'm on here now what okay now you're going to drop completely off of the world just off yeah are you sure yep are you messing with me bro no ye whoa whoa we're falling forever is this an [Music] ending we're skydiving this has to be an ending I can't even see the world anymore are we still falling look at Foxy look at how awesome she is oh void ending yeah we get the void ending that's one of the rarest endings in the entire game wow I can't believe we unlocked that wow bro there's got to be something in the grape World okay Adam can you just show me how to get the money bag ending that's like the only one that I really want to see cuz the thing's been there the whole time we just haven't even gotten it okay guys so to get the money bag you have to get to the cheese world with the red ball and you have to roll it across this plank which is super hard to do we got this might look easy it's not at all this might be one of the hardest endings in the entire game the ball does not want to stay on those planks come on come on come on go go okay it's okay it's okay I just got to wait until I get get another red ball guys it's super hard they made this super hard because you hit this corner and then it bounces off we got to get this guys this is the rarest ending in the entire game they literally put that there to make fun of you the whole game very few people have ever thought of this guys we're going to show you some crazy hacks that have never been shown before I got to get the red ball again can we get the money award now this might unlock some free Robux codes come on dude come on come on come on oh man we might get free roblo if we do this when we first came in this game it looks so like nice and happy and then it's actually just so ragy dude let's go come on there it is okay I just got to do this you just got to go for it we're going to let Justin Focus here guys I really don't care if it tries see cuz it hits that and then it rolls see it hits that and then it rolls go Yes W clutch okay W okay now what you do is you leave the ball here you just leave it like right here which is perfect then you go over here and you don't pick up the cheese you click on it until you get cheese we got some cheese no way does this work I got then you drop it on one of the planks you go here and you hit delete which we've never done before in Roblox we break a plank we pick it up you go back now I have to roll the ball ever so slightly this way I got to get up here that's the goal go no way no way you fall buddy no way go nice nice now you get up here and now you put the plank here come on rarest ending in the entire game rarest ending in the entire game no way no way no way no waye please no way we got the money bag yeah let's go yeah okay so in this Obby if you o even once you get kicked from the game what yeah what you you get disconnected yeah exactly so guys I'll show you on my screen like this is the Obby you guys can see let me see what happens if you and then if I O here I literally I get kicked from robot wait wait I'm in the practice area this doesn't look too bad yeah well I mean do you think you can actually make it to the end without getting kicked oh most definitely bro most definitely all right here we go oh what what's the timer for oh that's like the time trial okay okay is someone blocking the entrance go this way I got to go this way oh it's like a high IQ Obby which way is this a prank though uh if I O here it's not my fault the game pranked me all right guys so it's like a mix of high IQ and like a one lifee Obby yo this actually has my heart beaten so fast bro this is a really easy jump to make but I'm getting stressed out bro yeah and guys we're playing three Roblox obies each of them are going to get crazier and crazier the last one's pretty nut oh you got it nah bro you guys can see I've been on live for under a minute and my my my palms are sweaty me wheat bro wa okay wait wait wait time code just vanished I think it's cuz I was over in the practice area but I literally almost jumped this way cuz I've been doing that and it was wrong dude wo I almost got tricked wait how am I supposed to get up here bro oh you got to jump around and grab it nah nah nah you have to n you trolling bro good luck Justin wow I got smooth moves yo this is yo this is this is really difficult I don't want to do this anymore don't panic I don't want to do this anymore I don't I don't want to do this anymore I don't want I don't want to do this anymore oh my goodness no it's just a trick if you stand on here you're fine oh it's all mental it's a big mental boom boom okay oh no okay which way do I go though all right I don't know just how am I what Choose Wisely what wait neither of them go anywhere wait what hey yo yeah so guys you got to really choose where you go like really well okay what is this what is this maybe you can only jump through one of the besides I just got to guess I think so nah it's 5050 that's not fair roox that's not fair bro all right we don't want to get kicked uh which way is it did it say something right there so it says H try jumping here that's for that one oh there's probably a secret message somewhere oh check under the yeah that's what I'm thinking bro I'm not oing right here guys I'm not there's no message bro oh uh-oh oh bro what are we supposed to do just guess okay I don't know I'm just going to guess right cuz this is the first one I was going to go down all right maybe let's see if right is right right is right bro oh wow wait I don't even know maybe maybe both sides were safe I don't really know guys and like we said the obies are going to get even crazier it says jump here I just got to trust take a leap of faith do you trust the game no or do you think they're trying to trick you oh what it says try jumping back here it's a wall okay wait Adam there's literally no way you can make that jump what if there's hold on let me oh you could jump up higher is there another one is there another one no there's not okay I got to jump back here but I fell I fell I fell I fell I fell I fell I fell I fell oh oh it's like an invisible shape yeah there's some shape here wow it's like a wall it's it's like a really skinny wall oh no okay I just got to get on the wall I got to go on the wall as far as I can is it this way I think so bro bro Bruh Bruh guys that jump would be so hard Bruh Bruh there's no way you're jumping back there bro there's no way yeah cuz I think the blue wall Will O you I'm going so slow how would you possibly make that jump yo how bro I got to go forward [Music] guys just go for it yeah come on we can do it guys everyone leave a like And subscribe please for Justin here we go 3 2 1 I think there's an extra little platform here they don't show you okay now it's getting tricky guys now the these jumps are easier but my brain is like sweating bro yeah be careful I'm so nervous bro we've made it pretty far wait what fun fact when somebody sees something that says fun fact they read what's after it that's not helpful what do I how do I beat this um this is a troll OB maybe I can jump on this this is troll dude how how how oh man this is tough how bro do I go around or I just go through it um I think we just go straight through the middle bro wait what I dude I'm not going to YOLO it's a fun fact go fun fact I got the genius bro I'm trying to think of what the Obby maker would want us to do they would want you to think go that way so I go the opposite wow smart it says Pro which is what we are bro we're Pros all right you got it we're Pros we're absolute Pros right now bro nice okay it says another fun fact this brick actually oops you okay is that a trick or do we go this I think we go this way all right up to you what if this is fake dude and that brick doesn't actually o you that would be really really mean that would be messed up bro dude I feel like we're doing pretty good guys can we actually beat thisby like we said you just jinxed it bro oh no sorry you're J dead oh these jumps are really far okay we got this we got this we got this don't panic Don't Panic Don't Panic just don't panic I'm not panicking I'm talking to myself okay just don't panic justy we can do it we can do this we can do this we can do this we can do this we can do this guys if I O I'm going to get disconnected like Adam no way oh no oh no okay yep looking good looking good looking good looking good looking good looking good if they made the last platform and O platform that would be so mean sorry for wasting dude it is oh it's not an O platform but you probably could have just ran through the middle one but it doesn't matter we still made it oh are you serious yeah but whatever we're still alive yeah so that was a troll you could go through that yeah you could I got outsmarted dude we're actually looking pretty good all right okay I'm dude the these jumps are so easy but I'm getting really nervous okay I'm getting really nervous bro no way hey yo we're getting close to the end bro there's a wall that goes all the way across here I think I got to jump around I think it's an invisible wall oh dude that's scary YOLO time waits for no one [Music] Adam wow this is crazy guys okay this obby's nuts bro this obby's actually nuts okay we're okay okay you will have to move too I don't know what that means is this real is this a troll there's no way they would troll that hard okay all right here we go okay it says you have to move too which I think that means when you get on this you have to keep walking it's not just going to carry you ah okay this this Obby is crazy guys I've never played Obby that was this crazy now if you lose why why would you say that I'm just wondering are you going to get mad you don't believe in me all right Justin can do it you don't believe in me at all just promise you won't get mad you don't I'm stop talking all right here we go now we're in Obby that gets faster every second wait what does that mean I'm so I'm walking so slow yeah but guys every single second that you're in this Obby it gets faster wait this is crazy wait wait wait now yeah now I'm walking with some swag wow wait but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait when we when we can we still jump yo these jumps are and I can tell when we walk really fast it's going to actually be harder yeah so you got to try to beat the Obby before it gets too fast this is crazy dude these are some of the most creative obies we've seen on Roblox yeah definitely who yeah you guys can see Justin's move faster got some pep in my step now huh oh boy got some pep in my step and it's going to get faster and faster and faster the longer you play I got some pep in my step oh now I'm like running dude after that last Ali I feel like I can't o but I I can o here I'll be okay yeah but I'm not going to all right you got it after that last Obby I feel like I can do anything I wonder if you o if the speed goes back to zero if it stays I'm not going to find out I'm just going to go super fast dude I'm like jogging now yeah here we go dude this obvious cool okay let's go all right you got it okay got some little Gummy fishies like uh thick shark's favorite candy wa we're speeding up let's go dude let's go okay okay nice oh yo it's actually speeding up hey hey yo hey yo hey yo like I almost jumped too far there yeah you're sprinting hey yo no no no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait wait turn down the speed turn down the speed you cannot turn down the speed guys it only gets faster and faster this is so hard to control is easier when it slower I almost just fell there okay wait now I got to check all these okay wait are you fast enough to just jump across oh n I'm not doing that again bro I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm too scared bro all right it's red dude it's so hard to control my character now it's I think it's red again it's red again all right here we go I'm zooming yo these jumps are so hard look at how fast it's going look I can jump like two at a time yeah it's like I have a speed coil but I don't oh how do you beat this one what do I jump on okay wait it's too fast bro W I can't control I can't control these jumps I got to just YOLO I can't you're too quick dude oh wait this is actually [Music] impossible you're a legend how did you beat that that dude we're jumping too far it's too hard to control oh my goodness guys look at these jumps wow what do I do [Music] here a wall I got to go down here yeah wa I'm stressed out it's all right we got to get to the end of this Obby though we got to see there's a surprise at the end of this Obby I heard yeah this might teleport us into another Obby bro or maybe it's like Sonic cuz he's super fast dude I'm I'm zooming look how far I can jump wow and it's only going to get faster guys n dude I got to hurry and beat this while I still can yeah I think it's going to come to a point where literally it's it's too fast what what was that it's just a o platform there for no reason now I'm planking weird get up JY get up oh I can't I can't control my character at all I can't control my character at all oh no you got it oh no Adam oh no your brain is too big oh no oh no no it's all right and you know in the back of your head it's only going to get worse sorry that was kind of mean it's all right anyone can beat this it's you I can't bro I I I I can't bro I can't oh can I just climb this oh almost dude I can't I can't control I can't control the character nice I got to do that like nine more times it's okay you got it can you just stand up on the top and jump oh oh max level hacker move wow dude I'm my character is going so fast guys there's no way there's no way bro there's no way bro I don't want to be negative but where there's a will there's a way where there's a JY there's a way yes yes checkpoint is a way to get donuts dude I can't control these these look how fast I run that's crazy if I touch the forward button I just zoom you like teleport dude dude I can't oh It's Tricky how do I this is impossible bro you got to like just jump up straight and then just barely tap it I can't I'm trying oh man nice this is what Sonic feels like can I just quit I can just quit oh yeah you can just beat it why would anyone do that level all right you got it this is actually what Sonic feels like I can't you can't jump normally anymore yeah okay I try to just risk it dude I this is impossible bro all right keep trying oh if you just get one lucky jump in the middle then you'll live I got to just YOLO there's only there's only time to YOLO dude there there's no way this is impossible I'm calling it right now this this is impossible maybe it's like to get to the top of the tower then you can just skip this level are you serious I think that's why they have it there cuz this part's so hard this is actually I can't even start this is impossible you can pay to skip the level I didn't see that earlier all right okay forget this level this level is impossible are there any levels that are impossible in the future oh you just got to run in Yolo bro tricky tricky there no skill involved anymore wa no checkpoint risky I don't even care YOLO yo YOLO oh it's all right it's all right I could have beat that in one jump bro ooh this is too difficult guys nice nice little shortcut right there to the green yep yep y yo yo yo y y y y yo yep oh the yellow oops youi this impossible you got to hit that corner yeah are you kidding me yeah oh almost I had that yes nice that was Pro Gamer skills bro okay this next part might be impossible okay you have to jump on the brown oh okay okay okay [Music] this is just oh this is just a normal Obby but it's so difficult how come I'm touching the ground I'm [Music] [Applause] okay oh I'm just jumping through the whole game what huh oh that was weird come on dude are we close to the end I think so bro let me see let me see where are we wow we're almost at the end guys can we actually beat this one we'll show you guys the end of this forget the checkpoint dude nice yeah guys you start just skipping checkpoint just skipping to the [Music] chicken oh it's all right it's easy to get back there okay this one's pretty good okay this one you got to slow down justy you got to slow [Music] down and you got to zip it zip it and you got zip it to the end I'm zipping to the CH it's all right you got it okay okay okay okay okay okay okay oh almost it's so hard it's getting faster faster I don't even know how fast I am right now wow you're probably at like level 999 speed are you serious yeah I'm Sonic bro I'm actually Sonic bro literally that's how Sonic is this is how Sonic must feel all the time bro he's too fast for his own good bro got to go fast got to YOLO fast bro stop justtin what are you doing that's the easiest level the whole game okay nice no way I got to walk through this bro I'm just tapping the key oh this is the one time where you don't want to be too thick too bad I'm always thick you're a legend yes Wow first try that was not my first was it oh it was yeah okay nice I forgot stop it all right come on guys dude I can make it to the end in one jump I didn't even know really yeah wow that's helpful okay nice yo we're almost there no way we're almost there can we beat it Yip yep we did it is that it is that it guys we actually did it now we're in Obby where you jump higher every second look at my jump right now wow I just have to run yeah you can't even jump I can't even jump right now guys so guys every second that goes by Justin's Jump's going to get higher and higher look this is my jump right now wow wow that's puny that's it bro look like Adam on the basketball court stop so what I just got to wait I just got to wait till I get justy level hops I had to restart oh no I didn't okay all right there we go maybe I can use the little jump I have yeah the little bunny hop it does work oh okay nice oh I can feel my jump slowly coming back yeah these zombies are cool kind of looks like you're just dancing yeah I'm kind of and just yoloing okay this is pretty cool okay all right oh that next part is like impossible how you get over that red bro you just got to wait like a minute I think so bro you got to wait a minute to win it bro oh okay Adam I learned my lesson I'm just going to wait wow I can like levitate bro wow look at that nice little dance move okay dude this impossible you got it I made that jump bro I'm getting hacked I think by who Mr hops Mr hops took my hops dude my Jump's not getting oh it's getting higher yeah definitely this I might have to skip this level I might have to skip it you sure I might have to don't don't even say what you're thinking if you skip it then you'd be a little weenie I wasn't thinking that that's what you're thinking no no oh okay I waited now I jump is legit wow let's go let's go let's go I can run across this smart okay I have barely a jump but it does work yeah it's getting a little bit harder okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go there we go it's getting a little bit easier the more time it goes by the better it gets but these jumps are getting more serious yeah oh man can Justin make this jump ouch come on justy come on you can do it oh come on justy what are you doing it's cuz it's going up so I got to jump even higher yeah definitely look at my jump relative to that yeah how is that possible bro I just got to wait I chill yeah I think you just got to wait in the first Obby time was bad cuz then we go too fast but in this one you just want to wait right cuz yeah once your jump goes back to normal then all these jumps become really easy okay so I'm just waiting right now yeah my jump is feeling pretty normal how can I not beat this hello robots hello I might skip this level okay that looks like a normal jump to me all right let's see Skip it's a hack I'm getting hacked skip it I'm skip it to the Chien all right we're getting to the end of this Obby bro it's going to be something crazy at the end I can already tell oh are we actually yeah I know we are I just got scammed I just paid for skip level and I got scammed oh now you can make the jumps though I I just paid 30 Robux and didn't get the skip but now my jumps come back now I'm scared though that my Jump's going to get too crazy oh yeah that's going to make it way harder but then I should be able to just jump to the end of the Obby right oh yeah you know what I mean so if you just waited a long time you could just jump all the way from the start to the finish my jump feels normal right now I'm going to try and do as much as I can right now cuz when my jump gets too big then it's it's also bad yeah and you're out of your element yeah yeah right here you you already know exactly what to do yeah I'm just try to speedrun guys the jump is oh I can feel the jump getting it's it's more jumpy oo it's like I got a gravity coil on that's bad that's bad that's bad bro nice you got it nice nice nice okay quickly quickly quickly oh it's blue sweet nice oh oh is it pink it's pink blue and pink cool let's go let's go let's go let's go oh oh good thing my jump is back otherwise this would be impossible yeah okay watch out watch out watch out for the red yep I got a normal jump right now it's a little bit more than normal easy peasy I don't know about that I we got to get to the end oh nice nice okay we're doing good we're doing good oh this looks just like the other Obby oh yeah you're right oh you got to wait for your jump I got to wait for I jump that that's impossible if I don't get a bigger jump yeah that's true the time waits for no one you going to skip I I got I'm going going to wait like 10 minutes just to get this jump bro that's a good idea I got scammed didn't skip you maybe I got to like reset my character probably yeah now wow that's yeah you're trolling bro yeah I had to reset all right now makes sense dude look at how high my jump is now wow that's really high it's like in real life it's like you on the trampoline it's like me on the basketball court yeah could jump as high as I am tall that's true oh this is the level that I skipped in the last one oh but I can do it now nice now I'm not scared anymore I never was scared though yeah Justin doesn't get scared of anything let's go dude I'm on like a giant bean stock wow okay let's let's go dude we're almost at the end all right here we go guys okay our jump didn't get that crazy it feels like I have a gravity coil you guys can see how high I jump right now that's not normal but you guys dude you guys can see we started out with like no jump and now I'm like floating wow this Obby is cool the other one was way harder actually going to make it to the end this what's this level this a baby level I don't even need to jump yeah you just got to stay perfectly in line I will okay nice we're almost at the end I can see the end it's right there it's right there wow so if you just waited long enough you can just jump there I think you could literally jump once to the end yeah it's disappearing it's disappearing it's disappearing nice okay I got it nice oh that was a close one this game's getting tricky guys but it's only tricky if you let it get inside your mind yeah wa we're almost there dude look at how big our jumps are right now come on let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go we made it okay so this is called Tower of heck the easy one okay it looks pretty easy let's try it out dude there's a huge noob in the back and Thanos wait look up what look up what uh okay apparently this is the easiest Obby on Roblox so let's just finish this we can go get some ice cream just call it a day ow oh wait you don't die you just take damage if you touch something okay you go first you go first little Legos dude all right let's see how quick we can get to the top yeah we speed running this is apparently the easiest Obby yeah we speed running although it doesn't really feel that easy this is not easy cuz if you fall you still fall are there checkpoints uh ah I hope so let's hope oh it says green I trust it I went on the green I did too that they could have tricked us right there okay foxy I cosplaying you know as what easy peasy lemony squeezy yeah yeah we chilling we're about a quarter of the way there already no we're not are we actually yeah yeah yeah but I think it's going to get harder the more we go okay okay okay tell me what tell me why my hands are sweating yo oh no wait that was hard oh wait there's no checkpoints wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo Slow Down slow down okay this is not the easiest Obby ever this is kind of hard though is hard this is super hard okay okay zoom in zoom zoom in okay okay we made it wait but we don't get any checkpoints no no this is not easy now guys as we're trying to beat this make sure to subscribe help us get to 5 million subscribers you guys have been crushing it recently we're actually growing really really fast right now so thank you so much and help us get to 5 mil huh this is actually so scary are you kidding me I'm actually really hyped to see what's at the end yeah what do you think is at the end I'm hoping like some ice cream cuz it's really hot and that would be no no oh I only fell halfway I'm stuck in the map bro Adam come down here and he got to reset he got to reset all right I'm coming back for you Adam I'm coming back help Justin Justin help bro Adam really got on the easy Obi oh no my character wait do I I don't go back to the bottom do I I think you do please no you're at the bottom you think that's funny okay so it looks like in these areas you want to hover over the areas where there's where if you fall you don't go all the way down yeah okay okay I if I didn't get stuck there I wouldn't have lost that much ground no you would have been okay I literally I guess I'm just that unlucky yeah I don't know it feels good to know that if you touch these you don't die you just take damage yeah going I'm going we're going to get to the top and we're going to do it I we can do I hope there's a a hot dog party a pizza party or ice cream party one of those ice cream party maybe rod from Ice Cream will be there oh yeah or Jerry what's this what do I do oh no wait what how am I supposed to know which one it is is there anyone near you that maybe can go first there's nobody near oh oh oh one of them fake dude one of them's fake you would have fallen all the way down this is a trick this trick yeah that's a trick explain the camera trick it's really useful now you guys can use this in any Obby if you go like this and you move the camera you'll kind of feel it with your mouse like this is solid and this one is not yeah it's like you can see through the crazy like you can see through fake friends but doesn't really apply cuz we don't have friends so there's nothing to see through yeah true okay I'm back to where I got stuck all right nice oh wait that was fast that was fast wait how close are you to the top I have no idea I don't dude I don't think we're that close oh you said a quarter what are you talking about we're so far yeah we're just thinking about when we finish we're going to get that lemonade I love lemonade nice yeah you like normal lemonade or do you like strawberry lemonade better raspberry lemonade I like all kinds of lemonade when I was little I had a lemonade stand I made all kinds of no I only felt like a little bit bro that actually scared me why you got yell so loud I I thought I almost all the way back down wait you had a lemonade stand when you were younger yeah wow how much money did you make oh a whole lot Adam that's where me and Foxy began our entrepreneurial Journey okay what did you use the money that you earned from the lemonade stand to buy more lemons more lemons that's called reinvesting okay yeah and then what happened to the lemons and then we made more lemonade foxy drank then you went bankrupt yeah yeah is it a checkpoint you think you're good at this game ho ho prepare as you can tell by looking at them they these are Spinners they may look hard but you can persevere tip the white circle indicates the path of the spinner is going in a circle can I touch the yellow or not yo wait this is actually hard this is actually luck this is actually so hard you got it you got it Adam got to catch up can you touch this yeah I guess you can is that a checkpoint I'm on chaos okay it's like a slide jump down and run away from the J oh you got to go down and then on that risk it for a bis Justin don't fall risk it for a biscuit okay okay wait youum I got to wait for the thing you jump so early wait for the thing oh no no no no no no no you got it oh no I'm getting a little queasy dude we're so high up are you kidding me wait I see a burger and a hot dog in the distance I can see outside I don't I think that might be the the ending that might be the Finish BR wait that's impossible to make those jumps and not hit these what I just got wait I got to be patient my health is regenerating take too much damage okay okay I'm okay okay oh I'm at the yellow part I finished green I finished green it says note this floor is from the Tower of heck easy oh okay this might be hard cuz it's a warmup excuse me this whole thing was a warm up excuse me does the yellow ones do more damage I'm not going to find out yeah the yeah the yellow ones do more damage really BR but you can still touch them I'm worried because is the next part red it is what if these do more damage than the green right what if this insta kills you that oh no no wait wao oh no we get it cuz green is like easy this is harder and the red oh like a stoplight yeah the Red's probably going to Y Red Bro huh I said greed yellow red I meant green yellow red okay that's why I drive and you and boxy sit in the back in the booster seat yeah I be and adop me in the Rari no in real life yeah with the Rari you drive me in real life yeah where do you drive us in real life to your mom's house that's the only place you go I pull up in the Rari to see your mommy if we get to the top we can have some lemonade that one you don't you shouldn't need to take damage okay okay okay okay okay and hello hello hello wait yeah this says extreme danger all right all right now if you look down here if you fall you're falling I mean there's there's basically no getting back why are there so many of these no no it's all up to you it's all up to you what do you mean it's all up to me this going to take me like 20 minutes to get back what was that these are going to kill me extreme going to kill me extreme he going to kill me oh oh not not too bad you can you can take a few let it regen I'm going to do the Regeneration dance smart after this it looks like there's maybe one more level yeah and then you're done nice oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay yes we want blue okay wait is blue the last or is purple guys Tower of heck has prepared us for this hey it's the real foxy purple wait this isn't bad at all cuz you if you fall you don't die you don't go back to the start fall yes wow really good job side though you got to oh you do okay you go this way I see I see don't fall here you would have to do everything all over again no that's not what I want to here I'm actually I've never been this nervous wait and now you got to do these if you mess these up you lose if you fall here you go all the way back oh all right tight rope you got the white and then you go to the pink and you're done this guy don't touch the transparent Parts here as you can go through them I'm going to fall through that okay okay okay okay I think you got to go under huh yeah oh oh you go up here straight yeah okay nice yes and then you're in the pig wait but this is is this the end look up bro okay okay yep the final stret Str the final stretch do it oh wait that does damage I if that was an instant kill I would have thrown this computer outside you got it you want those Burgers you want those hot dogs show how much you want I'm actually coated in sweat this is crazy I actually feel sick if I miss this jump It's curtains no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just don't watch one of these be like a fake platform Bruh Bruh did he make it Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh yes let's go okay Adam now this is apparently the easiest Obby in Roblox okay okay you know what they say easy peasy lemony squeezy we're cosplaying as lemons cuz it's going to be easy wait can I emote in here I can emote in here nice okay this is sick okay let's start Adam let's start all right now this is the easiest Obby on Roblox okay but what's interesting is this shop you could buy like a bunch of abilities like double jump and all this stuff to like make it even easier wait really yeah oh you can get Hy $10,000 but I mean this is the easiest Obby ever I don't think you'll need that right probably not probably not oh we made it to level one okay let's go nice I mean it is the easiest Obby ever let's go I got a coin I only need 10,000 more to buy something now I read online that this Obby makes people Furious for some reason like apparently it like tricks you but I mean it's the easiest oh no what wait what color is it how did he know it was that one I don't know okay Adam just guessed I just guessed jump okay wait why is this actually kind of hard okay oh no go go oh that was scary wait this is not the easiest Obby ever what is this and we're only on stage two wait oh no oh Zoom it zoom in Adam okay Zoomer wait there's like platforms above us huh wao wo this like disappears huh uh uh uh they're flashing they're flashing it's so hard to see them dude I can't see anything why is it like this I don't know why is it like this dude I wonder what's at the end of this Obby I'm kind of excited to see what do you think they might no I died wait where do I go where do I go okay I'm still here I'm still here oh got lucky oh this supposed to stand on this thing oh it's like a platform is not the easiest Obby ever we were going to make it dude don't worry hey okay yeah easiest Obby stop I'm going hit him with twirl hey hey what it like won't let me twirl yes hey what oh it knows it's too lit it won't let me dance I guess you can't touch these spots they they're like mines bro is this Minecraft hey hey hey well speaking of Minecraft guys make sure to check out langy box world that's second Channel and there's a bunch of Awesome videos of Foxy and boxy over there what happened to your head I tried to blow you up it didn't work what I tried to step on a mine you were next to Foxy passed out why is this arrow pointing this way I don't know I'm not listening to it maybe the arrow like points you to the end I'm not sure oh yeah it's pretty cool though okay okay I'm doing tricks and stuff it says you could buy a shortcut to Stage 15 you want to buy it stop I'm trash Obby beginner it says over your head Obby zoom in nice now as Justin catches up guys we got a couple really cool things first we might have some new merch coming pretty soon so be on the lookout for that and also make sure to use our star code lanky box we picking random people all the time to send a free boxy or a free foxy and literally all you have to be doing is just using our star code if you do buy roblo dude look it's getting harder it didn't have this for you it's like if you die they make it harder like these spikes weren't moving for us at first and now they're moving dude I shouldn't have died all those times just trolling that's cuz I haven't died yet so this obvious easier for me yeah do you have this on your screen no I don't what but is yours rotating when you walk on it no dude mine spinning oh now I di oh no it reset Adam all the way back all the way back now now it's harder now it's on hard mod now it's way harder Bruh Bruh Bruh okay okay why do these checkpoints not work I mean they do but I think if you die at that point you go all the way back that's what that Arrow meant Oh this is not easy peasy lemony squeezy this is so hard this where's the lemons for the squeezy dude we got to make it to the end of this Obby I know we can do it I don't want to be an Obby beginner forever I'll be a noob forever dude okay walk I walked in Adam's floating oh what are you what are you supposed to do here you have to get up on top you got to walk at just the right time go okay go go go go go go no did you die you got it Justin foxy are you all right no no she looks cute in the lemon outfit though not easy peasy lemony squeezy I must do it do it what wait Adam just fell yeah I just saw him fall okay I don't understand how this next one works just jump you're here right yeah oh dude that was crazy what was that what did you do it's like an elevator you stand there yeah but if you like jump up on the thing it like kills you oh okay okay cool going down bro oh it's a Downs scalat go oh up the up escalator and down the down escalator okay that went up and then down br br jump over here bro this is so hard this is not an easy OB oh no they're going to go in a circle okay okay good good good good good hey hey the platforms are going to twirl like me and we're at stage 17 already bro how many stages are there I don't know I think we're getting close to the end I don't see that many stages though we got to do it all right get on the checkpoint Justin what is this what is it what they're growing oh it's like my thickness what do I do what do I do fall down this little hole okay yes okay I got the checkpoint oh it's a little crossy road I'll wait for Adam there he comes I am okay crossy Road time Fancy Feet Fancy Feet Fancy Feet go go go I'm wait in the middle I'm wait what happened you can't wait in the middle I thought you could wait in the middle oh they're suggesting I do fast run cuz that make this easier they're trying to get me to spend the monies well we do have 190 coins I will not do it okay yeah I don't think that's going to buy us anything yeah yeah that will literally 35,000 these guys must be trolling okay let's go all right go here go here no they're disappearing oh oh you can only jump on them while they're there okay we're zooming okay we're zooming we're zooming we're this one's so hard on the timing go yo this is actually fun though okay I like this Obby I like this Obby yeah it's very challenging uh okay up and down platforms I actually think we can make it to the end I think so too I think we're getting close no I died I was too impatient yeah it's okay ad I get that way too when I'm in the Mickey D's line no there's an arrow it's going to say I'm going to go all the way back if I die no no no no no oh so this part's like easy see this no what were you about to say about it being easy no no no like no like it's on easy mode oh like it was on easy mode and then I died and now it's going to hard mode but good thing I'm ready cuz I've been on foxo mode okay okay uh uh uh oh stop stop stop stop stop stop that's not fair did you see that no what happened dude like a popup to buy something came up and I had to close it and I couldn't see oh they want to see me fall you know what I mean no you know what I mean most of the time I know what you mean I don't know what you mean when you say that you have to do is just not die if I fall do you think I go back to the start that's the start down there yeah oh wo oh wo these platforms Fall Away nice I'm about to stand foxy you all right foxy passed out one too many lemons too stressful too much lemonade got that Sugar Rush have you and Foxy ever set up a lemonade stand oh yeah many times yeah and not just in adop me in real life that's how we make our money that's our side hustle you know okay what's this little buttons look like little M&M's okay I made it what's Adam doing Adam's floating okay oh because on my screen these are like going up and down okay don't touch these you got to go around dude I think I get it why if you stay on the checkpoint and you don't let it turn rainbow then it doesn't activate the checkpoint but it stays on easy mode wait wait go back on the checkpoint and then it'll turn colors and now the checkpoints active but now it's on hard mode dude so you got to make a little calculation you got to say if you want the checkpoint or if you want it to be easy exactly I have to do some risk reward analysis yes you do Justin yes you do I'm going to graph this out later I'm going do some calculus oh do I have to go round don't worry Adam I'll be there soon do you have any other Obby puns you want to get get out now no Justin you OED me I did no such thing oh that's how Adam was floating yeah oh big brain all makes sense I got a big brain wait so how do you get past this oh these are going to spin oh dude this wasn't even possible before that it turned rainbow this one's hard you have to kind of go around that one bro yes nice yes I I can't even see okay oh bro one more oh okay okay okay okay what okay okay okay okay what's this wao little trampolines yeah this is fun kind of like a slime block in this is sick yeah guys what's this oh no it's some laser Beamers IED I died I died can you run in there you can't go in there ow wow this is way harder than I thought got zapped yeah you us go really slow you just have to go slow slow and steady wins the race okay nice we made it you made it dude we did it we did it together you're right here ow I got okay we you made okay wait so it looks a lot like power of heck w w but wait there's stuff you can buy oh but you can buy something that resets everybody that would be so mean no don't do it okay we got 3 minutes I think normally it's 10 just like in Tower let's see if we can make it to the top item let's go yeah a little practice round oh and you can pay skip stage what wait that's not like in Tower of pack no that's new okay okay this is you can just pay to skip to the very top wait that okay but that ruins the whole point okay let's go let's go you would never do something like that I would never do that no you're going to do a fair and square yeah I learned my lesson with fourth gray oh that's good that's you can't skip everything okay I'm looking pretty good where you at um I'm still on the orange kind of hard the little carrot pieces yeah dude and if you fall you just get ooh wait yeah oh oh wait there's checkpoints oh there is yeah I mean I reset at purple and I I I didn't buy checkpoints guys it just gives you checkpoints W okay I I see I see why it's called Tower of fun now it's it's a fun version of tower of hex yeah this is fun I will not rage Adam I will not rage you have to fight the rage I will not rage it's Tower of fun not Tower of Rage but I'm wearing my money shirt oh you're looking at I might spend Adam's money by a few uh explosions honestly so this is what you spent when you asked to use my credit card last night what no I got this shirt a long time ago oh last night was for MC delivery oh I got you I got you I had to get the mick flurry at 3 am yeah what flavor did you go with this time the Oreo that's a good one what's the other one the Reese's Pieces I think they have like a chips a Hoy one I don't know what I I don't know I haven't been McDonald's in a while and doesn't eat a McDonald's and it shows he said chips so oh sorry sorry sorry M&M M&M what you I got confused with my cookies and speaking of skipping I think I might have told this story before but I remember when I was a kid at my bus stop my mom would like run like a jump rope skipping like uh like class Yeah well yeah yeah you've told this story before yeah and it was no I fell and it was like one of the coolest things cuz like all the kids on the bus would get really jealous yeah weird flex but okay ad so it looks like it says winners so it's it's like a it's like it's almost like a race oh yeah you're right a race okay wait we're not even close to the top what okay well I mean that makes sense cuz there's checkpoints but still Oh I thought we were almost there wait how do you do this bro H It's Tricky Tricky how do you do this I think got jum oh you got to jump like super late oh really yeah okay okay okay I zoomed it I zoomed it I zoomed it that jump was really hard actually but yeah the fact there's checkpoints for free I can see why people like this game okay let's go yeah there's another fun story uh when I was in kindergarten so this was my first time ever taking the school bus and basically what happened was my mom was worried I would get scared okay so she walked to the bus stop and had me get on the bus and then she drove to my school to like greet me as I got off the bus that is a 100% real story cuz she want that's wholesome dude that's wholesome that's wholesome were you nervous on the bus uh I think so cuz this is my first time like not riding in my mom's like car oh first time not sitting in your mom's lap yeah I get it yeah wow dude wow that's actually that's very wholesome actually shout out to your mom that's that's legit bro pretty cool huh wow that's wow I have no words only raage okay I'm halfway through but we started with like 3 minutes I think we start with 10 minutes we might be able to beat this I think so too I think so I mean this is looking pretty pretty feasible oh stop you could do it dude I'm getting OED on the money green level bro ah I fell to how did you get there I like how they change our faces to yeah okay time up all right we got to beat it next time guys all right here we go here's the new tower let's go let's go let's go new tower we have n minutes N9 minutes not 10 okay oh and our jumps we were definitely using some kind of a lower gravity cuz our jumps are a lot heavier now really it feels different it feels same to me Adam might have bought a power up not even known it oh sorry yo if we get to the top dude we got to buy the explosion dude the new just to YOLO everybody okay deal however I have died twice so far already so okay that jump is spooky dude okay okay okay God we can do we can do this I just have to imagine I'm add at the bus stop that his mom is at the end of this to to greet us yeah a big hug to greet us and Yeet us please please okay nice so far so good and by the way guys make sure to check out lankybox to get your own lanky box merch like the plushies and use our star code lanky box whenever you guys get your Roblox bro I like this Tower it's very fun yeah it's pretty I was going to say it's pretty relaxing but it's not wait why didn't I get a checkpoint I was on I was on pink what the heck I got o right before I hit the last part of the tower I don't know why I didn't get a checkpoint when I got oh cuz I didn't oh cuz I took a shortcut oh stop yeah I got o there too dude I think you got to go yeah I got o there too I know how we got to go like backwards bro okay so you got to go up and you got to go backwards ah one two okay except except you didn't do it what do you mean the one two you trolling okay okay here we go here we go we're zooming we're zooming we're zooming this is looking really good nice however we're still somehow not even halfway there we're not even like a quarter of the way there bro how okay okay I'm on Green I'm on Green guys we will make it to the top I like the checkpoints I like the checkpoints a lot but even like the stages are themselves are easier than Tower pack for sure yeah you're right you're right o i could give everyone a double jump until the end of the round no do that dude double jump I don't even think that would help honestly I think that would make it harder I'm not even kidding h i get pay to add 2 minutes on the clock that's help okay okay that that's really good okay I'll do that I'll do that okay there's more of a chance to win it oh okay okay I'm on Blue okay okay yeah dude we're not even a quarter okay I'm like a third of the way up bruh okay okay okay I'll get the I'll get the time we could do it we could do it we could do it we can do it what is this what is this and I just bought that H H okay okay cool oh dude it's like a little Cactus W that's pretty cool I like the I like the level design on this okay it's like a desert yeah it's pretty [Music] nice dessert I'm going to go eat some dessert after this bro and what would you say is your favorite dessert out of all the desserts now you Adam really likes sweet treats to eat now I obviously do too but Adam really likes desserts I I love sweets I would probably say he doesn't have them often he mostly eats salads one of my favorites uh is probably apple pie oh man I really like apple pie for some reason sometimes I get the apple pie and I put ice cream on it oh oh and it's all melty and the Apple pile's all ooey gooey warm and and [Applause] crumbly that's one of my secret hacks guys I go I go to Mickey D's and I get the apple pie and I get the MC flurry and then I microwave the apple pie and I eat them together o that sounds so good wow or some peach cobbler oh he does that don't think too hard Justin no it's it's motivating me cuz I think if I get to the top of this Adam's mom will be there at the top she'll have her credit card and I'll go to McDonald's that's true that's true yes if you make it to the top I will go to McDonald's and get you some pies nice okay that's motivating all right I hit the corner of of the keyboard okay we can do this we can do this I Believe in Us I was speedr running it there for a bit I'm in like third place oh that's really good okay we can do it we can do it w someone already made it to the top that's crazy bro yeah somebody already won that's crazy yeah I'm on the lime green oh I don't even know if that's good or not bro it's all mental it's all just mental yeah yeah yeah okay here we go here we go can I be third up there can I be halfway I think I'm pretty close you're right under me yeah oh wait the winner oh yeah they I they left or something okay there's only one person above me now oh we can do it we got to do it bro what is your favorite breakfast food uh my favorite breakfast egg McMuffin oeg McMuffin or some just some eggs with some bacon or something yeah you know which one's my one of my favorites what you ever have those like Eggo waffles with the chocolate chips in them yeah those are so good with the syrup and the whipped cream I put chocolate syrup on those bro syrup on your chocolate EG waffles oh now I'm hungry you're always hungry what do you mean this looks like bubblegum now I'm more hungry okay okay we're almost there we we're like two levels away we can do it guys we will get to the top this this is a nice game I don't know why it has such mix reviews maybe people get mad if people use the explosion like we're about to do that's got to be I don't even know if we should do that that's kind of mean wait does it it probably resets people to like the start of the stage they're on though right it doesn't set them to the bottom I sure hope so I mean that that's there's no way send him to the bottom that that that would be really bad oh no speaking of going to the bottom I just fell okay okay okay okay I'm on the cheese slice level I fell once but I was still in it to win it I'm on this like uh red ball Cheeto puff level yeah yeah yeah I like that level all right I'm on purple come on we're on on the foxy purple we can do it you got it Justin you got it foxy You Got It Rocky okay we can do it we can do it hey we're both on the yellow we're I'm on purple still oh you oh you had to check W it's okay it's okay purple purple is difficult okay come on come on come on never give up I will not give up on my dreams to get signed to a Esports team any Esports team watching this footage I'm still available to be signed yes he is oh okay okay we're at Blue okay oh oh this is difficult oh okay no it just looks really difficult okay I'm on okay two people have won can we be third dude can we be third I think we can this game is it it gives me the same feeling like I'm beating Tower of heck but it is definitely easier than Tower of heck yeah the checkpoints definitely and and just the levels themselves are are definitely easier yeah there's no like rotating laser death things oh bro oh bro all right I'm right behind you dude oh okay we can do it man get those pies we can do it we got to get the Mickey D you love those P get Mi apple pie pumpkin pie apple pie for the spies do it we can do it man do it let's go we did it dude where you at where you at I'm right here let's go did it man all right stand on the podium dude and we do our dance to the victory oh wait people have been talking to us the whole time people say Adam how's your neck so long oh boy wait should we play it says there's Pro mode bro sure what's Pro mode is it oh it's a different game bro oh no a no I mean we could try a little bit oh this looks much more like it looks like you can't buy the PowerUp except for the explosion wait so we were on the weeny baby mode before it's not the weenie mode it's the uh it's the baby the baby mode it was yeah warm up it wasn't the real mode that's for sure on proe that's why we were able to beat it we're on Pro mode so you're not going to get OED here cuz you're a pro wait I what if you get OED here would you go all the way to the bottom or do you still get a checkpoint okay I got OED I got OED no you go to the bottom list this is your straight up Tower of heck that's way harder it's your straight up Tower of heck although the stages are still a little bit easier it looks like yeah a little bit I'm on the orange oh yeah you go all the way to the bottom bro oh this is okay a bro okay you're giving up no I'm not giving up I'm just going to going back to weenie mode no I'm just going to oh I'm actually doing pretty good I'm on the orange you really ad him yeah are you really cuz wait why is there a new wait what you did not buy the new Justus I will Dodge it no are are you still doing well Adam you still doing well want to go back to weenie mode oh people are probably really upset because I I forgot this sends them all the way to the bottom in this in this game yeah and everyone knows that you called the nuke it wasn't my fault I had to I had to do it you had to I had to do the nuke you couldn't have just let people win fair and square I I was trying to just o you but I forgot it oofs everybody bro okay we can do it we got 2 minutes on the clock let's see how high we can get in this thing I I do like this I like how it's like different levels like Tower pack is like the ultimate Challenge this is also hard but the levels are slightly easier yeah it's kind of in the middle and the Tower of fun we started on was like just super super easy yeah I agree well the checkpoints made it a lot easier yeah although I mean I feel like every time we turn on checkpoints we beat Tower of heck too so yeah it's hard to say man oh stop I'm trash no you're not you're my best friend oh yeah oh yeah and I'm going to get you some pies yeah I'm going to eat some pie later I like though how in this game at least they don't change our faces we can still be ourselves yeah that's true w wow look at how high it goes bro this is insane how hi my voice though bro wait this is crazy this is like an aesthetic Tower of heck oh somebody knows they got boxy oh cool what's up hey what's up what's up wow bro it's like an aesthetic Tower hey I be an aesthetic aesthetic foxy you know what I mean yeah dude we got to make it to the top yo we got to make it to the yo wait we get coils for free oh so cool wait wait what wait wait what this makes it so easy it's a gravity coil oh really wait does everyone everyone has these oh wow what's the other one is the other one a speed coil oh it is it's a speed coil oh but these are kind of hard jumps though yo you can just go over them you have a gravity coil oh that makes this easy you could just go over them bro but I just realized there's no checkpoints bro there's no checkpoint I don't see any oh no bro wait that's how they get you yo wait a minute there's no check nah oh oh I kind of risked it right there oh oh no oh yo wait this is sketchy bro there's no checkpoints at all what the heck I'm going to go to the item shop you must be kidding no it teleported me to the bottom what what are you kidding me do you see me at the bottom at the bottom that's me jumping why did you do that BR I don't know I thought you could buy checkpoints dude there is a checkpoint you were almost there don't worry Adam we'll we'll make it there together okay cool I really like this I like this idea it's basically they're like let's make you know a tower Obby but let's give him an object and make it really aesthetic yeah this is nice I like this real real relaxing bro I feel I feel relaxed yeah I like the pink I'm definitely definitely not going to rage and smash my keyboard I definitely yeah you've been working on your anger recently yeah so have you your mom signed us both up for Anger Management courses yeah and we've been taking them online right right now Adam's chorus is he he writes in his journal about his feelings that helps him from bottling it up yes for me I just I get to go to what Adam's mom calls the smashy room the angry room where it's just it's a room I think it's the washing machine room yeah she put pillows all over the wall yeah she put a bunch of pillows in there and she gives me like a foam baseball bat and I just kid don't be careful Justin that's a real ruler just get to go you know smash some stuff and it makes me feel better fell dude are you kidding me guys how am I so bad at everything in this world don't be so sad don't be so down on your luck Adam don't worry your talent that making people smile a they singing If you start singing the you smile I smile I'm going to take that compliment back I'm going to take it back hey don't take it to the shop like sh on his screen no okay I finally made to that first checkpoint I just want to watch J I'm like a third of the way there bro all right well at least you got checkpoints right okay so ad you're just not going to play anymore I like watching you character better come on come on Adam you can do it you could do it never give up on yourself Adam I used to give up on myself all the time you did yeah then I realized I could do whatever I set my mind to even if you tell me I can't yeah that's true like being a professional Esports video game player you told me I couldn't do that you told me no teams are watching well watch me now oh ohoh yo it's getting a little bit sus bro it getting a little bit sketchy guys leave a comment if you played this game or if youve beat in this game cuz this is a pretty tough Obby oh oh really Adam oh watch out oh those are kill buttons going okay okay okay what is this what's what what's this okay I got to take off the coil this is sus bro oh bro conj justtin make it oh bro that was sketchy and now it's not sketchy nice what is this what is this jump over them jump over them you're about halfway right I don't know dude I don't want to look too far up don't look down that's what they always say about when you're really high up supposed to beat this bro I think you got to land using the gravity coil on that second blast yeah there you go you got it you got it yeah dude oh oh nice I'm not walking on that nuh-uh uh-uh I got the gravity coil oh yes another checkpoint let's go there's purple and then there's red and then you win we can do it Adam W just is getting so close oh oh I land on top bro oh boxy literally she literally passed out and pressed print screen to try and get me to take a screenshot yeah she saved me dude she saved me what's funny bro nothing just the noises you make when you're trying to focus it reminds me of when you used do your homework yeah I would be making those noises that's why they kick me out of the SAT cuz I was doing trying to figure out the math section it wasn't you tried to slip the did your brain slip slip and we actually recently got diagnosed when you went to the doctor they said that when his brain skips a beat like that the medical term is a brain fart well yeah because Justin is my doctor you diagnosed me I did yeah I took a good long look at his brain took some notes I'm glad that we sent you to med school true okay we're almost at the red almost at the pink okay this is really aesthetic bro oh this is probably where you teleport you there when you win I bet you might be able to jump there get the start you're trying to trick us yeah I am I won't do it I won't yeah don't try and cheat you'll get OED I'll tell you what this is difficult if you get to the top of this Tower I will get you cotton candy for getting to the top of cotton Tower oh cool cool cool cool CU you love your cotton candy okay focus focus Pocus I'll be Focus oh you just took a little bit damage you don't die if you touch those oh oh what you just take damage a bro wait so you don't o I thought this whole time you o you touch a kill block I'm going to speedrun this then I don't care I don't care at all well don't just jump on it for no reason care why it only does a little bit of damage I don't care yeah but no just no I got to go to my smashy room I'll see you later Adam okay the smashy Bro wait but you got to finish the video go to the smashy Bro guys I'm sorry sometimes Justin just gets really frustrated and then he does this type of stuff you feel better I came back from this SMY room yeah I'm getting to the top I'm getting to the top you can do it slow and steady wins the race I thought you couldn't touch these you could touch these the whole time bro come on yeah but you just can't touch them for that long or else you get o yo easy macaronis do you think the macaroni tastes better when the macaronis are in the shapes of characters or normal macaroni like what type of macaroni do you like the best all macaroni you like the classic ones or the ones that are shaped like characters like ones that are shaped like bunnies like Annie's macaroni that's too fancy I can't buy those yeah craft has Paw Patrol mac and cheese really yeah are you calling my sister yeah can you send me over one of the boxes okay thanks yeah I'll tell them what did my sister say to you your sister say she would mail me some of the Paw Patrol Mac and cheeses oh she also told me to tell you to make sure you're taking your medication I do for the brain fart wo it's like a fan or something I'm just going over it I don't want to touch that I don't want to mess with that bro yeah I might o you look at how high up we are bro W that's crazy oh dear oh dear oh dear oh no we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good oh I just skipped the level I skipped the level bro wait but I don't have the checkpoint I should go back for the checkpoint yeah that's big brain I'm going to do it YOLO YOLO oh oh oh okay nice nice let's go let's go at least you got the checkpoint what was I doing you started thinking about the prize before you finished the work that's literally what I was doing I was thinking about cotton candy how' you know cuz I can predict what everything you do what am I going to do next blink wrong I don't [Applause] blink what if like a long time ago they had this Obby but they didn't give everyone coils but there's literally some parts of this Obby that you cannot beat without maybe there was like an invisible platform there that we didn't see or something I'm just guessing guys I don't know let us know in the comments if you guys know the history look up oh wait what is that oh what is that okay that was like a kill platform I thought it was a checkpoint oh don't bump your head oh wait I B my head over jump now oh turn off the gravity I don't know final stage guys we have made it don't o now I won't o now guys this is it one of every color blue purple black white red here we go let's go you beat it we beat it we got a magic carpet and now do you just have this in the lobby I think so I then you can just fly like some people bro oh oh wow d crazy bro it's like I'm in a movie yeah guys make sure to go to lankybox get your own boxy foxy and Rocky plushy and check out all the other awesome merch we have at lankybox dude I really like this this Obby bro I liked it a lot yeah that was a lot of fun dude that was the Obby the Tower of cotton we're going to go get some cotton candy [Music] all my
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 145,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lankybox, Lankybox World, Lankybox Justin, Lankybox Adam, Foxy and Boxy, Easiest Game on Roblox, Roblox Games, Lankybox Playing Roblox, Lankybox Playing Easiest Game On Roblox, Easy Game Roblox, Roblox Easy Games, Roblox, Funny Moments, Compilation, Lankybox Merch, Lankybox getting trolled, Lankybox getting pranked in Roblox, Lankybox Obby, Lankybox Puzzle, Top 5 easiest games on Roblox, Roblox easiest games to play, Lankybox Roblox, Lankybox Foxy, Lankybox Boxy, Funny
Id: IPfytyJQR0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 26sec (5306 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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