Extreme Deep Water Experience || 360° VR Roller Coaster

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hello [Music] welcome to the best roller coaster in the world oh hi i hope it's gonna be fun today i'll be your tour guide you'll remember this ride forever 100 guaranteed all right yeah let's go whoa look a whale in the sky uh sir are you sure there's nothing to be afraid of don't worry the attraction is completely safe we've never had any problems what i can't hear you sir what'd you say hello ah okay i can do it wow wow i'm i'm underwater it's so beautiful hey wait what's that i think i think something's following me what's going on is that a megalodon wow for a minute i thought it was game over for me whew what is this place wow these crystals are unbelievable [Music] this is incredible it's a whole underwater city no there's another shadow and it looks so huge too oh what is it now so creepy i don't want to know what happened to them oh no oh it's the kraken i thought you were just a myth no put me down wait what are you doing why are you huh wait why did they just move the capsule ah oh it looks like i almost went off a cliff wow oh wow buddy thanks thanks for saving my life hey oh wow it's so beautiful huh are these jellyfish lighting up a coral reef they look so cool oh wait wait no no that's not what i meant i don't want to go into the jellyfish no they're electrifying the capsule oh phew that was close oh this is intense what's next huh oh just some little fish hello guys you're really cute hey oh no these are piranhas what are you doing stop no oh i guess your teeth don't like that oh what is this a sunken plane huh i wonder what happened how long has that plane been here whoa dolphins hey i hope at least now there's no catch oh you look so cute guys oh no there's a dead end ahead that wasn't in the program no i'm not ready for this oh wow is is it over well i hope you enjoyed your ride hey it's you i can hear you again huh what do you mean i was talking to you this whole time no you were disconnected so oh well that's a pity i wondered why you were screaming no worries that was fun i loved it
Views: 1,137,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, 360 degree video horror, 360-degree video camera, 360-degree video and virtual reality on youtube, 360 degree video bright side, 360 video scary, 360 video vr, 360 videos, 360 VR, virtual reality, virtual reality video 360, roller coaster vr, roller coaster ride, roller coaster videos, roller coaster at home, virtual roller coaster scary, virtual roller coaster simulator, virtual reality roller coaster, Megalodon, meg roller coaster
Id: -gK7fTW-PrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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