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uh okay all right uh ira can i start now all right let's begin with the recitation of uh okay all right um assalamu alaikum okay um my name is and i am the coordinator of languages for cell pack one time yeah okay first of all i would like to congratulate all of you uh all of your new students okay for being here so this is um actually one of your glorious moments for you and your parents so again congratulations a big congratulations from southpack so i'm here to brief you on sellback courses okay which is also part of the unique core all right so um we will start with um a brief introduction of what cell pet is and then we'll move on to the courses that are being offered in cell bed right i'm sorry okay so let's move on right i hope you can see this all right okay so southpaw is basically um our center for languages and pre-university academic development okay so here um um as you know this university is unique because we are our medium of language in the university is english and arabic therefore southpad here is responsible to ensure that all students have a strong command of the languages okay and here in southpad also we offer english quranic okay about us okay our vision is to become a leading language center in the region yeah by setting standards of excellence in teaching and learning okay curriculum designing and facilities and of course cross-cultural understanding consistent with the mission and vision of the university okay and our missions okay there are two is to provide the necessary language skills for students to enter and participate in academic programs at the iim and the second one is to provide excellent language programs that meet your diverse learning needs in occupational professional and global environment okay so these are the academic staff here in kuantan we have four divisions we have tilawa language division okay and there are three lecturers and for quranic language division or arabic courses we have usted mohammad shafi in and mustafa mali and for basement division we have chickbook foosia chenguama shafik and chiang nik and for english okay so as you can see i am responsible i'm one of those teaching your english um courses okay so these are all about southpat in general now we're gonna talk about courses okay for arabic okay we're gonna move on to arabic language okay arabic what you need to know is this subject is offered to direct intake students okay meaning to say those who are not from cfs i think those who are from cfs you have taken this course while you were in cfs okay these and this is for those who have not examined have not been exempted from dept okay generally you have two levels to complete in quantum and my advice to you is to complete the course as soon as possible okay um my um my other advice would be to finish it you know in year one or you two because as if you procrastinate if you wait until you move on to your three or your four for some courses you might find they're gonna you are going to be very busy and you won't have time to take up your unicorn courses and another thing about arabic okay for direct students is that you are independent okay your culia will not be responsible to start any classes the lecturers will not know who has to take arabic courses you have to be independent you have to be proactive you have to look for the lecturers you have to set your own schedule okay because there are not many students who have to take up arabic here in kuantan so again my important my uh most important advice would be please take take it up as soon as possible do not wait until you need to graduate okay sometimes students wait until they need to graduate and then they find that they fail the course and because of that they have to repeat one whole semester doing arabic alone and i'm sure you don't want that to happen to you yeah okay and it is also very important because this course okay as as trivial as you may look at it okay it is also part of students requirement to graduate if you fail the course you cannot graduate from the university yeah okay so that is um for arabic and um how do you slot classes uh is that get the numbers there two stats i've mentioned before you can get the numbers from yo julia okay and then you uh call up these lecturers and set up an appointment once your timetable is called um confirmed yeah so you know when you're free so you can you know slot your time with the us okay so next uh we're gonna talk about led english for academic writing one three zero one okay so what you need to know okay this course is three credit hours okay and three contact hours yeah uh so you have to do this once a week for three hours yeah and uh what do you need to do in this course is basically uh a lot of writing as you can see it's called english for academic writing where you have to write a short report and one extended essay okay the extended essay is around 10 to 12 pages okay and the theme of writing this report and essay will be on sustainable development goals or sdg so what are they so before you come into your class maybe you can do a bit of research to find out what is sdg okay so that when once you come into the class you know what sdg is and then you might be able to uh take up the course um better with a clearer understanding of what you need to write okay in this course also we promote collaborative work meaning to say that we encourage you to work in a group okay either in pairs or in groups of threes depending on the number of students that we have in the class or in the section okay so collaborative work is very important okay it's also one of the soft skills that we um would like to incorporate in the students through this course and another thing is okay as you know you need to write okay um a report an extended essay but before you start writing you have to do a lot of reading so a lot of research is required library research okay so you'll be required to read a lot of reading materials academic materials academic related articles your lecture will ask me to look for them all right so probably you can uh what you call start sifting through themes of sdg all right so and in class it on your lecture will um brief on further what you need to know okay and of course because of the extent of the word note as you can see um it's going to be quite overwhelming for some of you if you procrastinate i think the lecturers will set a set aside you know a good period of time frame for you to complete your work all right so i advise you not to procrastinate if you procrastinate you will be overwhelmed with this coursework and your you know uh work in your other subjects as well yeah so you will not be able to uh perform well so this is basically okay before i end okay i would also like to advise you this is a very important course for you the reason why you're doing is you're doing this course in the first year or year one is because you can take up this knowledge and use it you know as you move on to year 2 3 4 and even if you are interested to venture into the academic world so this will be very helpful for you okay you are going to learn how to write academic papers academy articles the correct way okay so um it's very useful when you write your assignments later on and even your fyp okay so please do not take this slightly because they think it's because it's english you know all you have to do is write an essay but the things that we taught you that we're going to teach you in the class is very useful for you to write papers not only for the course itself for your other courses as well especially right if you are producing assignments finding your project and if you move on to do your masters and phd and even if you move on to an academic world where you need to produce a lot of um papers publish a lot of papers so you need to have this kind of knowledge so it's going to be used um i would say um lifelong yeah so again uh please take the course seriously and do not procrastinate okay and another thing is um this is also a unicorn university requirement please do well um and do not procrastinate and do not uh you know um take this slightly because if you fail and you have to repeat of course you have to repeat and if you don't complete this course you won't be able to graduate all right so i'll take the course seriously okay and another thing is um um okay um since you are most of you will be in campus i'm not sure whether you'll be in campus or whether you'll be outside the campus but uh if you need to contact your lecturers okay let's say if you try to email them and they have not responded okay sometimes our email is collected with a lot of emails that we might overlook your email okay so what you can do is um if you know your classmates all right you know who they are probably you can select one of your classmates to contact the lecturer on his or her own and then set you know an arrangement on how to start your first day of class you know um what kind of platform probably she can share with you uh her google me link okay so that everybody will be in the know okay um so try to find out who your lecturers are and then um get the numbers from yakulia they have all our numbers inshallah so you just need to ask them and then they will give you the number so that's it about led so far once you go into your classes your lecturers will brief you on the course even um extensively yeah so i'm now going to pass i'm going to stop sharing my slides and i'm going to pass my session to the next teacher which is chit guru mama shafiq and he will be talking about um bahasa my courses okay shafiq over to you [Music] okay [Music] to everyone here i would like to present about uh basmati division okay before this uh before i start to present i will share my slide let's get going what oh okay [Music] [Music] b technology [Music] um um um [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh international student okay lm one one one and lm1132 this is for uh this course have two level okay two level first level is one one three one and second level is one one three two okay cos title is basically you one credit value one contact hours three hours per week affected bash okay and this is for new uh students okay we start discuss from sam same one same one same one 2020 2021 onwards so uh baggy pleasure for international students uh they will be uh take this course okay for level one and level two so that you must for intervention history you must contact with your admin kuriya to register this course and then admin kulia each korea will inform for the teachers okay for me or other teachers and you must contact your lecturers okay you must contact your lecturers to discuss about your about timetable because this course we cannot open every semester because this course we have limited students to open ones one class we we must have at least 10 students so every semester i think we have no 10 students then you must combine with other students from other korea and then we will open the class so maybe you must discuss with your friend from either korea and then join one class and inform the lecturer okay to to take for any semester maybe this semester uh have no uh we have not open for this class and maybe next next semester i will open for this class uh for level one and level two you must check your status if you pass this uh level one you will uh take next level so any uh sorry this this course not clear required cost i'm sorry this is university required cost okay i'm clear sorry okay so this course uh is university required cost so so you must pass this course if you not pass you must repeat this course and you must you must pass this course because this is this class is a university for us any questions [Music] perfect no no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the highest level is 2002. if you are in 1001 if you fast fast you can you will go to 1002 and then if you pass you will go to 2002 and that is the floor okay so uh assessment here any other oral final exam 80 and memorization 20 memorization 20 20 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so week six and week 10 you are given opportunity to sit for etp with the recommendation from your own instructor which possibly you may jump to another level or exit from the dqtd syndicated [Music] with the recommendation from your own instructor for etp possibly a student in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign all right uh thank you very much so that concludes our briefing for self from cell pack so we move on to your next briefing your other unique courses okay so with this all the separate lectures will leave the zoom session yeah okay thank you very much assalamu alaikum thank you look foreign all brothers and sisters my colleagues as this is dr brahim shokar we have listened to the speech given by the sun but i think very good and it is complete so right now uh maybe i start also presentation this is uh department of unicore courses here it is in quentin so um first of all yes i want to welcome all our new students i congratulate them that being nominated to join this garden of knowledge and virtue and i believe that that will make totally different because we are here in iium is different from many many other universities local and also international terms of we are trying to make sense of integrated knowledge okay so uh i welcome you and i hope that all our students here gain the chance of being here within the coming four or five for six years the time of education in this garden of knowledge and virtue uh to gain more more uh about the knowledge that is a professional knowledge and that is the meaning of guardian of knowledge so right now here you are here so you gain a lot of uh your professional uh and here we are in quantum is science and also medical based for medical and science based so we are different from gombak a little bit uh so we gain the chance to gain the knowledge of these fields professional the second also it is the chance to develop our virtues our akhla our morality okay because sometimes we need help to to be what we call as development spiritually and also morally we need help from others and that others here is a university community as lecturers and staff all of them are uh working together to bring this field so we consider it is one family okay so uh we are in uia family whereas we are fighting against the bad habits but uh did okay uh to fight against the howard epsom and uh other things we see uh shaytan temptate us so to fight shaytan you need help from the others okay especially uh during this covet 19 period there are so many challenges including isolation and also stress so uh we must think that we are here not alone but we have our brothers and sisters in islam either they are lecturers or even the admin staff or my colleagues senior colleagues or even the same level collects by subordinate all this making a community community of the uia wishing fighting against any difficulties come to us uh other challenge also teaching uh under what we call as online teaching of course uh this also testing our behaviors uh within the last uh two or three semesters we are teaching through this uh online teaching and then it is clearly differentiate between those who are really committed for the education and others sometimes the problem is come because of the poor connectivity in your area but we understand that and we are able to solve it insha'allah is slowly and tolerant being tolerant to the issue so we need to solve all these problems and remove these challenges to gain our knowledge uh of course here we have different courses i will i will introduce you to them a unicorn courses firstly what are they and secondly why they are important maybe i will share my slide here a very short one just to make sure uh you are able to understand these uh courses uh which even even my uh colleague earlier they presented okay uh sister zohara my slide is there already or anybody just huh clear clear yeah so this is a unicorn 2020 we call it and this course is of course including what has been uh presented by my colleagues earlier in selbach and also malaya department so we compromise them here or put them together here so you get the full and also holistic vision of what you call unicorn so may you ask what unicorn is unicorn here is a university requirement courses and our university as being a guardian of knowledge and virtue aiming to produce balanced scholars balancing scientists and medical doctors and professionals are usually uh having some courses we see completing our professional courses so we are teaching these courses uh we consider these unicore courses are very very important because it is the courses which make our university different university with the soul university with the ethics university which we consider it is a garden of knowledge and worship and that is why it is very very important for all of you to focus on these courses and take it as being planned by the your university so uh we teaching here these courses are being divided into three major types as you see here type number one is islamic fundamental knowledge so this one is around three or four uh courses according to the latest version i will present later uh the second and is the leadership and skills this one is including the bahasa malayo our language issues and other courses sellback courses which is being presented by my colleagues just before uh sustainable development force this is a newly introduced course and i think uh this is a third semester to be over and very very important course uh it is a skill base or what we call as practical base so all the new year students they need to take this course of course uh the other two courses are not offered all in one semester but they are different in different semesters but for the sustainable development is always in the first semester uh here in quantum we have only one semester so we offer in a first semester only about if in case if some kuleas can get to the uh two intake semester system then also will offer two times as it is case in gomba ah so these are the courses of course uh maybe i give you more a view here uh brothers and sisters i should mention that actually the people who teach these courses here beside the my colleagues who are mentioned by salva also we have uh university requirement courses which is youth and gs courses uh uh s courses uh being taught by seven people here four from uh uh what you call irk and four from clear of science or in clip science so we are seven including me i will mention uh the names later and also i give them chance for every uh of my colleagues to maybe give you short statements so uh i will uh show you what are these courses in detail uh here uh so if you see the uh this slide sister uh zohara always please confirm if you see it i worry if i make it full screen maybe may you cannot see because this is what i experienced last time so let us just tell you these are the assistance is it okay okay we can see yeah so these are the details of those courses the first courses here is what they call the islamic fundamental knowledge so we have number one the basic philosophy and the islamic worldview this is three credit hours knowledge and civilization two credit hours ethics and 50 for contemporary issues also three credit hours uh the others are being already presented to our courses and other courses are being presented so no need to go so these three major courses we teach them uh in the basic or fundamental knowledge uh when we go here leadership is of course uh this also we are not concerned here partly this mentioned by my colleagues earlier but i think you should know them english for academic writing family management uh leadership skills one and two bahasa mariah so these are the courses being partly being present by my colleagues of course this is a holistic picture of our ancestors so all together all these courses are 20 credit hours some of them very less credit hours yes uh 0.5 some of them were credit hours and some of them three credit hours and others two credit hours all together they are 20 credit hours okay so if you are studying medicine for example uh then 80 um what you call 20 credit hours are being added to that your curriculum which you need to graduate for example if medicine requests uh 25 credit hours 120 credit hours 125 credit hours for the professional to graduate then we add 20 uh credit hours to 20 120 so the total if you graduate from uh specifically like clear of medicine which i just mentioned then maybe you are going to be 130 plus okay 30 plus credit hours and don't forget these are the courses which differentiate our university from other universities university with seoul university which will consider guardian of knowledge and virtues and that is why i repeat what our colleague earlier mentioned important of these courses these courses are very very important because uh it is soul of our university first second why it is important because you will not graduate without taking these courses so uh unfortunately yes uh before yesterday i receiving call from one university from one julia pia in quantum asking me to offer a course which is already no more available the course the student is fifth year student going to graduate but suddenly the person discovered that he didn't take through this course of course that will make him troubles okay we try to solve those horribles but at the end of the day if you didn't follow that a steady plan and you didn't take these courses uh you you will pay the price of the terrible in the end so uh better just to follow us clear planet so take these courses in time beside the importance which i mentioned to you that is the islamic what you call values and so on so right now when i go here this is uh maybe we call it uh more about the skills sustainable development uh which is i just mentioned and this course is very important my colleague already mentioned sister elinda coordinator of salbat she already mentioned this a little bit in detail however all of you they are going you are going to take this course and this is actually more practical there is theoretical part but also more practical uh i think these are the uh the courses which i need to mention to you uh so i stopped there uh in all cases we asked any we answer any question but before that maybe let me introduce you to our colleagues here i hope all of them are joining us we are seven including me this is uh brian sugar and we have a doctor actually we are divided into two uh kulias ir ak and also of science three of us in queer of science and four from irk dr uh number also from clear of science we have dr blue zekiah and dr abdullah abdullah and my personal uh my humble person so these are the seven people who are teaching these courses courses which i just show you here this one the green one in the picture of green one uh you will take these courses in this mr of course these courses are not over it uh all together but we start usually by the basic philosophy okay and the islamic worldview and then we go to knowledge and civilization maybe next system and third semester we will offer ethics i'm feeling for contemporary issues but uh this semester i think some police maybe uh they made mistake and hopefully maybe the last one maybe we'll entertain that one until we see if it is possible or not if not possible then we request them to go to the uh first one that is a basic philosophy or at least a second one knowledge and civilization but may we allow them to request um to register for this course in case if they already over so that is uh general things i need to mention to you and i hope you all the best before i i go i think i will introduce our lecturers here i stop my sharing and let our um our group our uh yeah our team here to show and introduce themselves maybe i go starting by doctor uh dr hasbulla there [Music] and then also welcome our students wait a minute okay yeah welcome please we can see you now [Music] so anything i have to say yeah just introduce yourself and also if you have anything to say [Music] and i would like to welcome all the first year students [Music] i have previously taught in quantum and and i find that um students medical students they they are cream of the cream uh and very punctual you guys are always ready to learn open to learning ootl open to learning and this is the attitude we want to see in you as well um all of you should be otl open to learning and not ctl close to learning and some people are closed they they the attitude is that they already know much they don't want to learn anymore so this is called ctl right so we don't want ctl we want otl open to learning all right so inshallah um when we meet uh and when our classes will start uh inshallah we'll walk together and make this semester a successful one inshallah [Music] uh of course i just forgot to mention actually uh earlier we said the meeting will be with a medicine student but i think our office managed to make a meeting with all students all the students that means [Music] i think [Music] sister zohara i am right so these are the only students not only of medicine not come only yes all students yeah so inshallah we welcome you may we give a few minutes also for dr uh yeah please uh yeah also welcome our students can you hear me yeah we hear you but we cannot see you sorry thank you so much uh dr ibrahim for this brief introduction uh nice to hear this nice introduction about unicore which is very very comprehensive well understood alhamdulillah and you are highly welcome all our colleagues in sha allah dr farid dr ramsey dr nur zakiyah dr hasbro dr hashi yeah of course we are all together teaching this course handling this course as part of a cell of university which is one of the requirements of the university alhamdulillah and nice to meet our student may almighty is allah semester in sha allah we are going to be together in sha allah and handling this course together sharing the information together and we insha allah will joy will enjoy the curse together behind the law as dr ibrahim has mentioned earlier these courses they are like soul of our university you know so they are very very important this is what makes our what you call prestigious university distinguished from other universities you see if you have uh material thing without soul i think something is missing so we are as you all know also that we are talking about integration so we are trying to integrate between the soul and material spirit and material so these courses are like soul so they are going to what you call actualize the dream of our student and the lecturer as a whole insha allah so with that i think we pray to almighty allah subhanahu wa allah to facilitate everything for all of us insha'allah especially for our students for this upcoming semester or for this semester and next semester in sha allah i think that's all from me i mean the resting will be said inshallah during our classes be it the light thank you so much each and every one i thank you so much for your i mean for giving me an opportunity to explain myself and to to talk about the courses thank you thank you so much and special thank goodness to sister zohaira and sisters rohani for what you call organizing this particular forum may almighty dr ramsey show your face and also welcome our students thank you dr ibrahim for giving me this opportunity to welcome our students a new intake in this new intake semester and thanks also for sister zuhaira i would like to welcome all the students to our university our beloved university and inshallah by the time you will realize that our university the objective of our university is is different and for that you are here what i would like to share with you it's not the benefit of knowledge or not what already our friends talk about it i would like to share with you something which is i consider it an obstacle or preconception concerning the unicore causes usually the students may say that why do we need this process we already studied islam before we already taken this process in in the high school we already uh understand islam well uh you know there is a verse in quran when allah is what's the importance of this verse so the scholar subhanallah they said that this verse is madaniya means after the hebrew of the prophet sallallahu from mecca to medina after 13 years of dawah of the prophet sallam in mecca and his hijra to medina allah subhanahu wa is still saying and know that there is no that there is no god except allah means the process of understanding and the repetition uh this repetition of this repetition of islam repetition of what you already taken it in the past still as a process we are not better than our prophet sallallahu we are not better than the companions of the prophet sallam still allah after 13 years of dawah stilton in his prophet it's like something that we need to repeat in our life because we need it islam is not a part of our life in reality islam we will know in this courses insha allah during this semester and coming semester in sha allah that islam is our life is the way of life and we will discuss all the issues including the contemporary issues and we will try to answer so many questions and the most importantly we will try uh to make this linkage between islam and your field of study inshallah if you are in medical science or if you are in health science uh with the with the with dr tijani inshallah you will see that we can we can make this relationship between islam and your subject and your subject field and therefore you will benefit more and therefore you will have that that's what we call it uh a complete personality uh that we need to build it here in ii um uh inshallah so and next uh again i will say we'll come to i um inshallah and uh hopefully we will spend a good time together in the process of learning and may allah bless all of us insha'allah thank you okay thank you dr ramsey for this good words we may go to dr zakiyah welcome everyone uh to iium uh in quantum uh this is alhamdulillah this is a very uh important cause in short for uh one of the uh important uh challenge that ium is uh trying to implement in all the causes uh the islamization of knowledge right so inshallah this courses is about understanding the important issue that we would like to implement in all the subject matter in the sciences here in qantan so [Music] this is a great opportunity to learn many new concepts it is not exactly new but it is grounded in the quran and the sunnah and the tradition of our ulama of salaf so this is an opportunity to learn and insha'allah how to implement it later in every aspect of our life so i think that's about it welcome to a new learning and understanding in content thank you dr ibrahim for giving me this opportunity yes thank you dr zakiyah for good words us or not yet not yet okay okay so these two people may be later they are able to join our students and it was of course very great opportunity to see our students here in all together rather than see them in class which is only person but i think they have something to do so they will not be able to give us but in all cases we hope it in any minute they join that will give them chance to introduce themselves uh so as you see here we have very uh very good team and very uh what we call as experiences team uh which is teaching this course some of us is almost more than 15 years teaching these courses so uh all of them are senior senior lecturers therefore i advising my our students please get the chance to benefit from these scholars as much as possible uh you make them as your elder brothers okay so uh you get close to them like me is may you consider your father also because my daughter already third year university so i consider you are my kids so you consider me like that and then you can contact me anytime any what you call a ur or the necessity arise so you can call me or you call others my my number is zero one nine three six seven three eight two six okay zero one nine three six seven three eight two six uh you can call me anytime i have another number which is zero one zero nine eight six two five zero nine so both of these have uh what you call uh internet so we can you can call me uh as what up uh or contact me personally it is if the need arise of course you can contact your direct lecturer any of those seven who i mentioned of course the most important also our administa sisters rainey madame johany and also sister zuhaira these people actually they are very dedicated for our courses to make it possible even today's meeting they uh managed to make it so we appreciate them and then uh sung them and also appreciate their efforts so um if there is anything arise don't keep late of course you can contact your korea or your department but if issue is related to the unicorn courses then better to call our contact our lecturers and also our administrator uh we thank our sister and brother sisters who manage this and i hope that insha allah not only hoping but i believe that uh meeting with a unicorn meeting with a new student inshallah we will continuously conduct in the coming years as far as we are there and our courses are there so we thank them again our sisters uh zuhani and zuhaira rainey and reyna uh yeah so but i give maybe a few minutes from our students or even zuhani and zuera if you want to give any comments or you want to introduce yourself to our students or anything questions can also sister zohany is joining us or maybe she is not with us sister zohara there is one question from students at chat box yeah you could read the question if the vacancy of sessions is already zero do we have to take in the next semester or there are new session will open for the students that not register for the course yet in semester wine courses are offered by the departments or your kulea will offer the course which is uh they offer based on their steady plan so you just follow the study plan so if they offer the course the course will be appear in the system so you will be able to register don't register any uh course like that so the best thing is you see your study plan of your career so these courses are not offered by us no we just teach then who offer the course it is a clear your clear okay so if you are clear of signs then cool of science over the course so uh uh you need to see the study plan of your department carefully so you uh register based on that don't register the course we should not offer okay in fact i think uh technically do the course which is not offered could be could be appear in system or not because i think not sisters do the unoffered courses appear in the system for the student to register yes they appear can appear students still can register yeah in that case then the students need to be more focused on their study plan so the course which is not offered existing mister no need to register for it why because if you register then you considered are registered but nobody going to teach okay and another advice is in the first week because i think our university now through the senate they are taking very strict measures regarding the registration drop and also adding and so on within the first two weeks and i'm sure there maybe they already mentioned this to you in the other meetings but i confirming here within that first two weeks you must confirm uh all the courses you are taking if you are taking a planning to take let us say 15 credit hours including unicore courses then you must make sure these courses are offered and you are well registered otherwise some students register wrong courses and then finally they can find it is wrong sometimes you see also the student register going back courses the lecturer or the section which related to combat you must be careful don't register uh the sections which are in gombak our courses here is started 800. okay so 800 then we follow the queen the first school year to follow is clear of pharmacy so and 800 0 1 is clear pharmacy 0 2 0 3 up to 0 9 clear pharmacy then 0 10 clear of allied health size 0 10 to 0 19 8 and not 0 at 810 up to 19. so these are the clear of formation and so on so uh different culias has different code regarding ung courses so you need to register accordingly yes any other question uh that ibrahim that there is just empty the session so you went yeah yeah welcome him please dr hashi we welcome you others already introduce themselves to our beloved students so please show yourself and introduce yourself to our student with few words about that i was a bit busy with some other office office related jobs just come in so then i managed to to join the meeting but alhamdulillah i'm sure since you know you good solves dr ramsey all of you are there i'm sure you have already introduced it you know our subjects and and the methods we use all i want to say is uh welcome to our all new students and welcome to the university required courses as well i think dr brahim already did it he is our head and normally you know the welcoming and everything is normally done by him and inshallah we'll see you in class these subjects are meant to share with you islamic book or islamic teachings so surely you will be busy with medicine you know biology chemistry physics you know some other you know physic i mean scientific subjects but these subjects will will will will give you an opportunity for you to explore and and and go deep into you know the islamic studies this is another you know area of study which which you don't normally see in medical classes so welcome to this subject inshallah in the coming few weeks and months we will be swimming together through the teachings of the quran and teachings of the hadith and we have a dedicated team inshallah to you know navigate or somehow coach you in your you know islamic studies so looking forward to see you guys the new student welcome to the you know garden of knowledge i'm looking forward to meet you in class and talk to you in sha allah soon on this important topic of combining science with religious teachings thank you very much dr ryan for you okay thank you very much dr hashi for good words uh maybe we give more uh chance for our student if they have any question please put it in the chat box so that we are able to see or you can open your mic and spell out please this is a verse where we are able to prove that you are able to make dialogue and also talk and so on now you are no more in matriculation level now you and us all together in terms of knowledge only we have experience and you have very good sharp mind so we combine together for transmission of knowledge so don't worry don't be shy please just pick up the mic or open your mic and then spell out or you just write if you need to write [Music] register for the university requirement courses or we don't have to do that if the question is i understood maybe if you are from specific culia you need to register in that clear in that clear for example of medicine as they have sections which is starting from eight uh four zero so eight four zero eight four zero one uh eight four one eight four two these are the sections of clear of uh medicine so if you are taking any course then you need to register under that uh section so don't don't register under other clear if you are from clear of medicine you cannot register with school year of science for example or pharmacy or otherwise except if we allow if we allow that in some cases uh the student is left behind a student so we allow to join any section to just finish the course but i think for you all of you are new students so you have your specific section that is if i understood the question well uh it is that is your question or you want to explain more better if i misunderstood uh no doctor you answered the question thank you very much any other question yeah time is on pressure as a lot of lower is already around azan azan is already on dubrov yeah so that is why we want to get any last view if our student they have because this are the uh this is the first time we see the student all together like this second you also see the first scans to see all the lecturers together like this okay and i think in the future also it is very difficult to see them like this is a few minutes to introduce yourself and also to address our students our new students with some words welcome please [Music] especially for uh our session at your ngs and unicorn passes okay my name is to register my my son in tranganum okay i'm teaching practically mpu mpu mpu subject [Music] of contemporary life and also uh sometimes subject the islamic basic philosophy and islamic view right now uh i'm here since uh 2005 yeah actually okay basically i will be teaching all students but but most of the time i will be with a cast scientist uh and uh right now i am uh as a deputy director uh for century sense uh center for islamization and also as that i am responsible also for the development of masjid okay uh i think that's all briefly from me is there any question you may ask yeah thank you very much i think dr hazbolla you follow a very nice way one thing which i maybe give to our student doctor is our spiritual father here and he carrying the message so i think soon as copy 19 matters inshallah left then i hope our new students joining all the activities uh conducted by the masjid of course congregations and other activities our uh masjid i believe doing very good job but the covenant 19 are disturbed a little bit but actually we uh challenge this challenge to continue so i i hope inshallah our students please be con connected with the masjid okay and uh our manager of zamasu is uh dr hasbana okay of course yeah beside the lecturers and besides dr azola is very senior one and he is our person who come here first in quantum and he welcomed us all so uh we appreciate his uh being kind to us all so now you join us almost after so long time so uh thank you very much for that so the students the student for so long time they join us together in this campus so that is very good to make this campus is a garden of knowledge conversion yes last last point i worry maybe i'm already gone and some already also get tired and go maybe unfortunately we have here this online we will start um so this is one of the good activities observed uh conducted by the masjid so if there is no any uh question or anything i thank you very much all of uh our students and also our my colleagues who were able to join us here and introduce themselves to our students we collaborate work together all together to make the transmission of knowledge from the whole generation to the new generation is possible and that is our objective here okay to make this garden of knowledge of virtue is full of activities full of joys and full of happiness before our students return back to join the community to join the community thank you much very much again to our students and also to our sister zuera and also sisters rainy who manage this meeting insha allah as i mentioned earlier we will continue organizing this kind of meetings uh every year with a new student every semester as far as there is new series thank you very much for zuga watching i give you the mic or i just end the meeting i just the teachers and they say okay we end this session by surah thank you very much thank you
Views: 1,267
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: QoigjdOsKM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 58sec (5458 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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