Briefing on Financial Assistance

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and others during your time at home [Music] the current challenges brought about by covet 19 for people all around the globe are unparalleled and have caused fear anxiety and uncertainty for so many of us we are all going through this together and it's important to understand that you're not alone in how you're feeling right now and that there are practical healthy ways to cope with these emotions [Music] the covid19 pandemic has created unprecedented change and a need for a response from everyone around the globe many of us are worried about our loved ones and our livelihoods and there is no one right way to cope with what we're experiencing remember however you're feeling there are others that feel the same you are not alone here are a few voices of people struggling to cope during this time some days i'm okay i'm doing my best to adjust but yesterday i couldn't stop crying this all just seemed so unfair and i feel so angry that this is happening to us i'm struggling to care for my kids and work from home at the same time and i'm worried about my parents health i watch the news and it just seems so hopeless i don't know how to keep it together i feel so lost and sad so much has changed i used to have dinner every week with my family but now i can't be in the same room with them i really miss them [Music] i'm missing out on my prom and my graduation i've literally been looking forward to these things my whole life and i'm heartbroken with everything going on now i just can't stop my thoughts and physically my chest hurts and i can't breathe i get nauseous thinking about what could happen to my family and my friends before this happened i used to worry all the time about getting sick now that worry has turned into absolute terror my heart races every time i have to go to the store what if i bring germs home with me i can't stop washing my hands no matter how exhausted i am my sleep is still terrible i just keep picturing all the things that could possibly happen will i ever get a good night's sleep again i've been through so much already i don't know how i'm gonna deal with this too my flashbacks are getting worse and worse honestly i feel like i'm more comfortable in times of crisis i'm not sure why i don't feel as upset as everyone else does right now i don't know when or if everything is going to get back to normal i feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders how many people are going to be affected what does this mean for me and my family we've just heard some of the ways people are being affected by the coven 19 situation here are some things that are helpful in building resilience during times of crisis and intense stress there are a lot of things outside of our control right now which can be scary by focusing on the things we can control we can refuel ourselves and become more grounded and able to focus and cope with all of the things we can't control one of the most important actions within your control is to follow cdc guidelines to reduce your chance of being exposed or passing the virus on to others use social support no one should go through this alone there is absolutely no shame in talking about what you're going through with your friends and family and it's important to be there for others too video chat and phone calls are a great way to stay connected prioritize self-care staying on a regular schedule exercising eating a healthy diet keeping a sleep routine and taking time to meditate or pray are all important now more than ever be gentle with yourself during times like this you will have good days and bad days your emotions are most likely heightened at this time try not to compare your life to what you see on your friend's social media feeds there is always more going on behind screens helping others can bring joy and gratification do what you can to help others even if it's something as simple as lending an ear or making someone smile be kind to the people around you especially the folks who are still out working to ensure we all have what we need if each day feels like an uphill battle it may help to seek out professional support to continue helping during this time of social distancing many mental health providers are using telemental health in their practice if you can't afford therapy or need to talk to someone right away you can call the suicide prevention lifeline 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-8255 you are not alone in how you are feeling there are things you can do and resources you can use to cope during this challenging time check out our library for more videos to learn more about mental health dealing with isolation and ways to cope we're all in this together [Music] i didn't even want to go to sleep the nightmares were so bad that image kept coming back to me i didn't want to remember it but there it was i felt like i was right back there in the middle of that horrible day the smells the sounds it was so real i tried to go grocery shopping but i couldn't be around all those people without seeing the exit these are the voices of post-traumatic stress disorder or ptsd almost everyone lives through something traumatic at some point in life most people have a lot of distress right after a trauma happens but begin to feel better over time for other people the distress sticks around and they begin to have symptoms that really affect their lives for these people it is almost as if the trauma is still happening all the time everywhere long after it has passed i know one of these voices is mine what do we mean by trauma when we're talking about ptsd a trauma is a horrible experience where you might have felt afraid for your life or you were injured physically or sexually or were afraid you would be you can also witness a trauma or hear about it happening to someone you care about first responders medical people and clergy can also experience trauma by hearing others talk about it for me it was combat i saw some really horrible things and i often thought i might be killed ptsd develops in some people and not in others everyone experiences horrible things differently and everyone reacts differently sometimes for years or decades after the event if you experience post-traumatic stress it does not mean you're weak or that you can't handle hard things it may make you feel weak or unsafe but a lot of strong brave people are affected by ptsd and it is treatable your provider might think about a diagnosis of ptsd if you've lived through something awful and if you have some specific symptoms for more than one month intrusion or re-experiencing symptoms this is the memory of the trauma coming back it can show up as unwanted memories nightmares flashbacks or feeling horrible after being reminded of it for me i kept seeing this one image of a marine who had just died and that memory haunted me avoidance symptoms people go out of their way to avoid anything that reminds them of what happened some people avoid things like thinking about the trauma others avoid people or places or anything else that makes them remember i couldn't deal with crowded restaurants or movie theaters i felt unsafe there so i stayed away and it affected my family life a lot negative changes in thoughts or feelings this can seem like depression or thinking i'm not safe i felt sad and didn't feel interested in the activities i used to love i isolated myself other people feel self-blame or might not remember the event well some people feel numb or disconnected changes in reactivity or arousal this means your body reacts to things much more than it used to you feel irritable you might take risks or act self-destructive a lot of times you have trouble concentrating and you're always on guard i was jumpy and loud noises really startled me for a while i also couldn't sleep for months after coming home and had to take medication ptsd makes people feel horrible but i found a way to ask for help i learned there are several treatments proven to work for combat veterans like me as well as for survivors of all other types of trauma these therapies have names like cpt pe and emdr and they help people get through the trauma by learning to change how they think and feel about it i was able to get back to living ptsd is challenging but there is hope talk to your doctor and get some help because treatment works people can learn to live again i know i did um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] ladies and gentlemen as we are about to begin please visit and be ready wherever you are thank you for your kind cooperation and and good morning ladies and gentlemen voice angel it is my pleasure to be your mc for this program as we know the counseling and career services department presents you a briefing on financial assistance that will conduct by brother mohammad fella ben sharolin administrative officer student services department iim quantum i anas acne and on behalf of the committee would like to extend a very well welcome to all of you we appreciate you taking time off your busy studios to join us today we hope you will learn a lot today and we have lined up for you to be fruitful and engaging before we start please fill out the google form for the further the reduction purpose first of all we would like to start this program into our recitation alpha [Music] is [Music] foreign foreign without further ado we are pleased to have brady mohammad butler been sharing administrative offices student services department iau and quentin to deliver his station please welcome alaikum this morning we will we have the opportunity together here even though we are not in the we are we are in the challenges of the uh 19 and the emco here but uh we are here uh will uh try to deliver the informations and important announcements if we have so around here so uh please i welcome all uh of the students and you can invite please invite your other friends especially the first year students to join the sessions so i was informed that around here there are only 30 participants in the zoom however in the google in the youtube application there are around 10 so but i hope that there will be more students will coming in by the time that i'm delivering the topics so um anyway thanks for the organizer uh ccsd counseling and career services department one stop student center i am quantum for inviting me to deliver a short briefing on the financial assistance for the students in uh iii a quantum campus especially who are mean in the campus life for example so we can assist on whatever that we can try so um i'm going to deliver a short briefing i guess it won't be long enough so this friday morning is full of barracuda morning so i hope that if you have any questions you can just uh raise your hand or you can just uh put it in a writing in the chat or in the youtube so that uh i will read or i will answer it after the briefing uh sessions so um i guess i will start the briefing right now i will share my screen okay all right so anyone can see my slides right so i believe so if there is any technical issues uh the secretary please uh directly inform me okay all right so um the today's briefing is about uh the financial assistance okay um my name is muhammad sharon from the student services department one stop student center of iim quantum campus okay so a little bit about my background um uh to be honest i'm just very very new here less than a year holding this position in the student services department so i'm still learning but i will share as much as possible that i know if i have any issues or any any uh questions that is beyond my uh knowledge so i will communicate with you later on after i got the answers okay so this is the uh we can say the organization chart of our office okay headed by uh associate professor dr rasman ben mohammad rose okay the deputy campus director campus director of student development and community engagements in iim quantum campus all right so um next is brother muhammad nobody is the head of once absolute center and myself as an assistant director in the student services department all right so under my supervision i have two part-time staff farahana and also amira abdul rahman unfortunately during the mco since uh may this year so i uh both of my part times are not in the campus so basically i'm running the office alone so far so i have to take care of all the students in the content campus and when i will get the assistant from student union and also from other colleagues in the students on one stop student center of course so a brief about the function of the student services department of course the top two is uh what we are going to share and explain today the students welfare and the scholarships opportunities for the students and also the loans all right so the next two is the mahala bnf means the principal and fellow so our office in charge on the appointment of the mahala principal and fellow in quantum campus and also about the disabilities affairs okay okay without further ado we straight go to the services uh the first thing is the welfare for the students for the quantum campus students all right so um there are a number of assistants actually under the welfare but i'm going to share uh one by one the first thing is the hierarchy assistance so we will talk about the current existence um alhamdulillah actually i was in the student services department i first joined the student services department in august last year and then in october last year 2020 women we submitted a proposal to the university management committee to establish the kaira committee in quantum campus so alhamdulillah also we managed to establish the quantum high election committee calling tksc so since then we can provide the kind of assistance directly under our campus okay so uh it is within our control all right so the two main things under the higher assistant are the general cases and the death this is usually been applied by the students and then also uh i can say that hospitalization and also medical reimbursement all right so uh it is very simple so if you want to apply for the higher assistance you can just uh for now we are still using the forms okay so you should uh you can download the forms from the websites from the student services website okay fill up and they complete the attachment and submit to our office so that is the link for our downloaded forms okay right so and then a little bit info about the hierarch assistance higher application here i just uh picked the most uh two highest ranking about the applications number one is the death cases hospitalization and other cases all right so for the death testers uh yeah we would uh it is uh those applicants uh sh must submit the application within three months from the date of the death okay so the death covers for the family uh for the parents of the students and the student itself so it doesn't cover for the siblings or any uh other relatives only for the immediate and biological parents okay okay in case so i i understand that some of the students um yes uh growing grow together grow with uh yeah maybe their uncle until and their grandparents due to the uh their parents already passed away a long time ago before they entered the irm so uh in that case the direct two uh person who replaced the parents are also eligible and entitled to apply for the uh any uh for the test cases uh replacing the parents okay but we need uh proper recommendations for that okay so the their attachment are the death certificates birth certificates and for the death of the parents and let the australian for example for the death of the guardian for example hunter uncle or grandparents okay next is about the hospitalization so um the students must submit their hospitalization claim uh two weeks from the discharge date okay for example for this situation it depends on where the students are being admitted okay uh if the students admitted around content campus or the fellow or the representative from the university visited the student in the camp in the hospital so usually the fellow or the representative from the university will provide cash assistance from for the students all right uh directly okay and then the the fellow or the representative from the university will claim that from the student services department however if the student is being hospitalized maybe far from the campus or from from the quantum campus and no representative from university visited and give the cash so the students also can submit the claim to our office so that as long as we have the discussion note and complete documentation inshaallah we will provide the cash assistance directly to the students okay next um i would like to share here for the uh for the tough case natural calamities for example flood uh last uh early this year so we received a quite a number of applications actually for the higher up due to the flood cases so we need the police report not the fire breakage report not the jkk report but the police report and another supporting letters that might be helpful to assist us in providing the financial assistance all right next thing is about the application file hierarch assistance okay um this is the example uh for the application for the death case for parent guardian spouse or children okay uh children what i say is for example that the student is a married student married couple so if anything happen or for the children for the students who can claim on behalf or claim for their other children okay all right so but we never received this application so far so this uh other details here okay the download form and then please include the attachments complete the testifications and the attribution documents and then for spouse i need to attach the marriage certificate for children need to attach the birth certificates and stating that this is the biological children okay for parents attach the birth certificate of the student okay all right and therefore the guardian attached an official letter confirming that this status us guardian to the student okay all right and then submit the form to uh our office or email to the ssd underscore at the end but uh i will uh share after this about my email address you can also directly email to my email address okay so the qr code is also about the forms being allocated it is uh in our website okay next okay welfare next thing is we will talk about the welfare we provide this account assistant okay not necessarily specifically we directly provide executive system but with liars with the ium endowment fund from combat campus so because there's a cut assistant currently is still uh managed and uh by the iim endowment fund gombak campus okay so we like us with them so uh what we do is we open the applications twice a year usually is in early of the new semester uh in the first two weeks of the new semester uh october and february will upon open the announcement and then the student can submit the forms to our office and then we go for the uh we filter the forms and then we go for the interview stations and last but not least for the selected and uh students uh who success with the interview and uh eligible they will receive the subject assistant from ium okay so i would like to highlight here the quick facts here is number one you just open for only the students only and full-time students only not the part-time students okay needy students we we uh we will calculate the uh household income and the hard kefir yeah by the zakat office okay so we did that all the expenses and uh from the income so then we will identify either the student is under which category of asana it is either the uh michigan visa and what not okay so as a student you have to aware of the submission needs and intervention because the intimidation will be the link will be sent via email only we we are not calling the students one by one because it does a lot of students will apply so we just send the implications link all right so last but not least the student must have the cgpa end results from the last semester of class system so it was also open for the uh both for all in the 110 campus for all students okay so it means that the first uh first semester students are not eligible to apply for success it is only for starting from the second semester first year student all right and i would like to highlight here for the zakka assistance usually the assistant will come in in term of cash of course so it depends on the donor and during that time okay it is not 100 percent i can say from the uh fund [Music] but it's also sometimes there are uh we also provide zapcat from another ngos or any organizations okay so it depends on the figure but usually the number is around 300 ringgit or 300 ringgit per month for but specifically it depends on the how many months by the certificate of the zakat unit and also during the activations okay so i would like to emphasize here during the intervention you have to clearly explain what are the needs and why you need the cut assistance so that's why from that the panelists will identify how much or are you eligible for that circuit assistance next uh insurance coverage and claims is okay it is still under our office there are three main points here number one is a group personal accident it is for iom local and international students case students and for the local students we cover only for the accident cases only okay once you order you are eligible for the claims okay all right number two uh the ium group uh personal accidents okay due to the accident in common disablement uh as you can hear not only the motorcycle accidents but also accidents during your doing your lab or in your your clinical postings for example we have one case that a student got an accident when handling the machine so the crash the crushing machine so it affects uh the limbs and the students got the assistant from the insurance coverage and pilot assistance so this is the last thing that you wanna we if possible you don't want to have that things of residence okay okay next is uh i am international students as the international students they have their own medical coverage because they pay these regulations by the government so it covers they are covered for maximum of 20 000 ringgit per a year okay so it covers also for any uh any illness and not only accident cases okay for example the student have a fever or gastric or anything so being but they need to be awarded in in-house i mean in patient uh cases not the outpatient cases okay so in patient gases they are covered by the group hospital and surgical insurance by the ethica okay so some students ask me how they want to claim the issuer how they want to know because currently they live whiskey i mean the ethica insurance no longer provide the medical card for the students all right so this is a good question because um actually from i think from the last year the insurance no longer provide the benefit so the students just mentioned this policy number tgw h000542 so actually all international students already know this policy number so they can inform at the counter or during the billing session so they are covered under the ethical insurance because they are international student of ium all right okay next these are the initiative provided by the international islamic schematic okay so we call it food coupon assistance so coupon can be collected from the student services department i am content campus okay so this um assistance is mohammed for cooper assistant is worth rm training purposes so the students who meet your requirements are entitled for a maximum of 20 coupons for months okay and then mahabharata for coupon assistant is available throughout the year and can be retrieved at all give your practice in ireland campus under the uh human um food and services unit of uh office of members director okay so usually the students uh redeem the coupons at the mala cafe all three malarkey first accepted the coupon uh as a cash as a replacement okay so if let's say that the student uh take the meals around five ringgit so they they come up with this uh coupon one pieces of coupon trading it and then top up with another two ringgit cash okay all right and uh i i i'm shared here it is because for the students who meet a requirement so one of the main requirements here is the b40 students okay so b-40 students mean uh the household income uh below four 4850 so this is the figure that we took from the jabata branca and malaysia statistic department of nation okay so household income means uh anyone in the in the same house that you stay in the student's name uh who earns any income that below the 4 850 ringgit per month okay let's say that the student parents and the father and mother is working as a staff i mean a private sector or self self employed so actually they need to get this income verification from the local authorities for example and also some of them also can apply from the uh all right so uh the office in charge for the b40 is of course the student security department and then once you're registered as before students the main benefits for example the member for the food bank and also the financial assistance okay uh and so on okay we have uh quite a number of another uh assistance but these are the main three assistance okay so financial assistance i told i i stated here is for example uh recently during during the month of ramadan and before the idol c3 so a cup some state agencies and state government come to our office and ask if there are any b-40 students that are registered under our office and then belong to the state for example ypg example they are looking for b-40 student of johor students okay and also for the uh uh pahang they have the yes they look for the b40 students of uh pahang in temple so they provide some cash assistance for the right here last time so that's why did some of the importance why you should register with our office so that we have that data and then we can provide and we can provide the list to the uh to the organization and that you can have that financial assistance right all right so how to register submit the complete application is the fight income statement okay certified not only just uh you said that you you correct uh you write a formulator without any justification notification from the local authorities like i explained just now okay you can download the form from the uh our website or scan the qr code of course okay and then uh do you need to update the form yes if there are any changes for example the household income for siblings and federal information okay household income here uh for example uh maybe last two years uh both of your parents are working as the fruit seller for example i i'm sure here fruit seller or hawkers but during the mco uh coffee 19 penta ring so your parents are not allowed or cannot go for uh to work so that's why they come have been dropped or for example other example before this uh your parents working in the private sectors but during the mco the factories or the uh private sectors your company has already been shut down or the income the salary is being deducted okay so from the status of m40 medium 40 uh your your family now is under the b4040 so there are the changes where i'm talking about the household income so you can apply for it okay so uh and sibling for example last time you have uh five siblings but currently maybe you have six or seven siblings uh okay you got the new uh younger or younger brother or sister maybe so that's why you can act all right how to submit okay submit the hardcopy form uh to the student services department of course i understand that um like uh currently most of the students are back at the hometown so uh i try my best to accept the soft copy by email to direct to my email okay for the look at okay next uh i'm talking about responsive shape okay anyway if uh any students have any questions just uh put it in writing first and then i will come up and then fetch up uh later all right so sponsorship uh our office as the licensed uh office between the students and responsibilities in the process of application and payment all right so uh what we did first we said we provide the certification letter for students on status of sponsorship okay so uh for example the students would like to apply for mara loan or jpa scholarship or any other uh from any other agencies like ypg scientific yeah and whatnot so you can request the letter first okay so we in the later we stated that this and then expected for graduation this year and then i currently have any sponsorship any financial assistance or not something like that okay so i would like to emphasize you once you have received any financial assistance or any scholarship or any loans okay you have to update the status to our office so that we can update the status of ownership in the system so um we will receive a lot of complaints or issues from the sponsorship or scholarship provider so because they said that these students are actually under the scholarship receiver but when the students submit the results or the financial statement to the sponsor sponsor uh it is stated in the financial statement that the student is still under uh maybe under sponsored or ptbtn the previous loan but not the current one so that's why uh sometimes they can hold the scholarship okay reimbursement so or at the end during the graduation also they have issues so this i would like to ask all the students who receive the scholarship on loans please submit your offer letter to our office okay and we also uh liars with extended sponsorship and scholarship for this for example btptn jpa mara statutory body state government sabbah state and private agencies all right okay some uh i also received a question about the postgraduate students okay uh there are a number of specifically scholarship for the postgraduate students in our campus all right so these are the live for example the suggester award full background the malinois scholarship for summit banking and finance students though this one is for the gomba students and then group scholarship in oxford and then a number of other scholarships okay so the officer in charge is sister nondamia in cps combat campus she bears me the center for postgraduate studies okay decide also the link for this coalition all right um next okay for uh i am financial assistance okay alhamdulillah our office also the members of the ii financial assistance committee i fed in from the gombak campus so under the irm financial assistance there are four and assistance number one if the e1 is the only scholarship okay formulation international students this one is very very good scholarship okay so uh i can say this the figure is very good uh but the students have to maintain at least 3.6 cgpa for every semester so the scholarship covers the tuition fees and allowance book allowance monthly allowance and whatnot okay so you just study you don't have to think about the uh money anymore okay and then the end of video so it's a quite a good figure okay all right uh and then the um and then the second one is the academic excellence award okay so the academic excellent award is offered for the students who obtain cgpa 3.8 and above okay 3.8 and above uh okay this one the best thing is they open for uh all students despite of your status uh t20 students you are from a well-being student even also can apply for this one i think so okay all right so uh because they don't have and they don't have the limit for the income uh household income all right uh the third one is the tuition fees reduction for international students okay and then the first one fourth one is the mission tuition fees rate for ug and palestinian students okay uh alhamdulillah in april of this year april may this year so we managed to propose to the ifa committee to allow the students from julia of dentistry and polio medicine who previously are not allowed to apply for their financial assistance due to their results from uh which are sparse or fail only no cgpa but we propose for a mechanism to convert the results into the cgpa format so the secretary the committee uh approved and then alhamdulillah said inshallah starting by next semester october so the students from uh korea of dentistry and colleen homeson also can apply for this financial assistance stated here all right so uh you can refer to your respective deputy pins student affairs and respective deans of deputy teams of uh academy okay so it has been uh there are sop there how to convert uh the uh results to the cgpa format all right so wait for the announcement usually we will announce in early semester also in october and february alright so of course you will uh we will filter your applications will look into the status household income also and then we will call for the interpretation for those who fulfill the criteria and uh one more thing here uh i i am financial assistance only for for the second year students and above only for the first year students i'm i'm sorry you are not allowed you are not eligible to apply for this ir financial assistance okay so all right next the okay student appointment on campus we call it so this is another initiative by the university to uh to assist the needy students okay to earn for their financial assistance rather than we provide them to finish it from the khaira assistance for double bury my money assistance we can we provide a working platform for the students and get paid accordingly so the the the payment is also is very good actually uh six ringgit per hour so at the maximum of uh 480 ringgit per month so yeah just you know the students come and work in the office around three hours or four hours a day and then you can earn around 400 food for 80 ringgit per month there's a good figure already at least you can cover for your meals meals and also for the tuition fees already okay so this year is only for the project-based program under the thcd-iom means kulia center division uh institute office and also mahala so this year is actually the driven from the tc iom and they submit a proposal and submit application to our office we go into the meeting and then once uh they have the they propose also the what are the projects and then the names of the uh the students that they want to work with them and then we will offer uh we will issue the appointment later for two months per appointment okay so what if the the departments or the projects is still ongoing so the departments of the project the the jcd iom can submit another proposal or we have the evaluation from here so continue the projects okay for another two months so we can do that okay all right so i think there are nothing much from me i i'm look i'm open for the q and a after this okay this is uh the contact details okay uh for for now please let us with uh directly with me okay um i prefer the students to send an email to me for the lot at ium okay rather than to call me because during the mcq oh uh our office uh some only can open for a limited time so i am i'm afraid that you'll call and uh i'm not in the office okay so just email me first and then i will get from that and then uh for the time being sister amira and sister farah also is not uh in the office so uh yeah contact me all right so now qna stations all right so do you have any questions i'm open for floor 40 minutes of my briefing i think that's okay so we open for half an hour questions and answer if you have any all right so i i assume that none of the questions are from the uh live session but however i have uh questions that are being asked from the students okay i'll start the screen session first okay because i have a number of questions here from the submitted uh online application registering the registration okay i go first uh here uh the question is since i have only two years left should or shouldn't i apply for ptpn okay my answer is yes okay if you think that uh you are you need the financial assistance so you should apply for ptpn okay and this the financial assistant or loan from ptp10 is also one of the criteria being looked into during the intervention especially during the zakat interpretation because if they look that you are under self-sponsored most of the panelists will think that you are you can cover your expenses so you don't need any assistance so if you are under the ptp and the ensure that you uh cannot afford for the expenses so you have to apply for the loan all right so my answer is yes so you can apply for the btptn all right next question are there any help for middle finance students yes of course middle final student i mean is that uh what i understand here is for those who are m40 i guess because the question is very general so it's m40 so there are there are a number of uh financial assistance like i said that scholarship iii and financial assistance so they are open for all actually uh not uh for the kairat and also the mahabharata also is uh applicable only for the needy and b40 student of course but the scholarship is open as long as you can maintain the cgpa it's not only under the ii and financial assistance but also open forum okay all right next question let me see here okay uh number three is okay uh how needy is needy okay how only d is needing this is uh actually open-ended question okay tricky question uh how many is needy i can see that we first we look into the status before t or m40 so if before t under m under our household income of 4 800 and 53 per month so first we can consider that it is needy student okay but we also have to look into the household expenses okay for example under the recipient category we will calculate the income and then we deduct with the expenses if they have to pay for the house how many siblings how many under the school how many is working and then we have the heart if i have collected then we will know and if the students actually uh under the category of asana which does not mean um all right okay next question uh if the student is married and have children but the income of the husband is less than two thousand ringgit per month that's for financial students yes the answer is yes okay because i'm looking that if the married student staying together with his or her immediate family i mean own family not no longer living with the parents okay so uh the main here is if staying in one house so in one house if the income household income is less than uh four thousand eight hundred fifteen yes okay next uh white iom uh okay this one uh okay one student here again uh assistance and she said that she didn't receive any assistance yet okay my answer is here the assistant as i explained before a lack of assistance is we collaborate with iim endowment fund from gombak campus so uh the pros the process is from the students submit the form and then we filter the form with some we call for interview and then we mean we provide the report and they will start me to gombak campus so they have a lot of another meetings and to endorse their proposal and then there are administrative methods after that so that's why you will talk uh sometimes but no one no no worries uh i checked with them uh yesterday for the zakat payment uh for the semester two they already made the payment by 13th of july last week last week or early this week okay so i think uh that answer the question and hamila have got it okay uh okay next question in view of increasing trends of number of profit 19 yeses so that's university need to extend the semester and how about the fees okay i'm sorry brother so this is beyond my jurisdiction so you need to ask the finance commission because um i i'm worried that i will give the wrong answer here so you have to ask for the finance commission if they have the first discount or deduction for that or him so back to the online session okay i have a number of questions here all right so students are there questions yes yes i'm looking only so the students uh question here from noratira okay uh for any assistant i am academic excellence or what does understanding scholarship sponsored still eligible to apply okay uh responding to student uh two sister no attira for students under scholarship uh not allowed or not eligible to apply for iii financial assistance or iam academic incident award but if you receive uh your financial assistance for example the jpa it is a loan not a scholarship so you are eligible so that's why we need the offer later during you submit the form okay if we check into the uh we look into the offer letter if that is a loan so you are eligible but you just scholarship i'm sorry sister all right next from now i have a question regarding tuition fees and mala fees for students so i understand that okay all right so i believe this one i already answered uh previously uh during the offline question and answer question being submitted to me okay because this one you have to refer to finance division first okay um all right i think that's all from from the zoom right okay uh i go back for the for the offline questions but students if you have any questions you can just uh open up your mic and just ask me directly also again all right so i proceed okay um next question if there is any financial assistance for m40 yes i already answered it it is for example the ii financial assistance and zakat why i say that okay if the student their household income is of course and under the credit degree of m40 for example 5 000 ringgit household income but the expenses of the family is much bigger than the income for example they have to pay for the rent house house rental now there are maybe many siblings under the schooling siblings okay and then you have to take care of uh sick grandparents or medical problems so the under the cut also actually they are allowed eligible uh to apply okay for the m14 okay right next uh is there any scholarships other than jpa mara they're applicable for medical students okay my answer is as far as i know not yet but actually the students can search online for any opportunities actually there are a lot of scholarship actually uh but as far as i i found it uh i only can see that mara and jpa for now all right so that's jpa scholarship will open every year for the study of medical students uh as far as i know yes for every year they will open the jba applications and i would like to announce here also uh for the b40 thermostats were there mrs scholarship under the jpe currently they open the application okay so the students can go into the website this is for the spm levels 2020 all right okay next uh in your opinion how we want me to manage the money wisely okay so this is a general questions okay i will answer it for example uh um okay make your own budgeting because made on budgeting gold only for the necessities and not units okay only for what you really need for example in your meals on your tuition fees rather than you change your phone every year for example okay next question any suggested work for students in current situation okay uh for me i can say that yes you can look into the online working for example um for those who are in in the campus like for for in photos in the home they can do this drop shipping or online marketing stuff like that but for those who are in the campus they can go into the mdx website uh mtec machine digital and economics corporation simulator okay so they have the glow okay uh global online workforce so also you can look into that okay m deck and glow e m d e c g l o w okay you can google for it and also you can go for it to be the youtuber of course so you you teach students or you have a free online youtube sharing session also you can do it for that of course okay so uh next questions okay uh is the financial assistance given every month okay my answer is it depends on the providers okay for example as i said zakat yes he will give for months but it depends on the interpretation only uh also and i am financially assistant yes they provide the for example the market scholarship they provide financial assistance in the pocket money every month okay uh they of course they paid in one time uh maybe for the six months one lump sum all right for a couple 46 months makeover 19. okay okay thank you for your questions all right so my answer is yes we can provide financial assistance for those who are affected with the profit 19 number one we are the higher assistant of course for higher financial assistance and number two uh we are in the process of uh opening the uh tabong bootyman financial assistance for the conflict affected students in phase two so alah will receive the fund we have the fund already so we are going to open the application very soon inshallah but we will announce when the students can submit the forms of course this is just an online form of course i i understand uh most of the students are away from the from the campus so uh you have to submit the google formally i will share the information once we have settled with all the administrative methods okay next um okay okay uh another question is is there any scholarship for a student doing a full research yes uh i i assume this question is for the postgraduate students okay so you can refer to the cps website as i have explained before okay uh is the fund uh in cash form or they will help us by deducting fees okay uh my answer is it depends also on the providers for example hierarch and lacquer assistance are in cash all right but for i and financial assistance for example the umatik scholarship and academic excellent award the tuition fees all right so it depends the answer okay i think that's all from the uh question from the online i'm in the offline i open for any other question online okay i look here in the zone from sakina if i'm not in the campus and just let [Music] actually for now i prefer for the hardcore performs because sometimes i'm away so also but i understand that some of you are away from campus so for the time being uh i will allow for the soft software before inshallah i will try my best okay next is uh what is the job scope for the application and can be doing online okay uh asked about the job school so uh i assume this is about the sea of student employment on campus i guess so okay so the job scope it depends on the proposal by the department who submit who would like to apply for the uh sale for example in for example here in mahala they want to make one uh to make one beautification of mahala project for example okay so they want to retain or they want to make a proper announcement something like that or they want to create the uh social media for something for example okay so they submit the proposal to our office so we discuss in the meeting and then the nomination of the students are also come from the department to submit their proposal so actually the the department is looking for the student and they will uh usually they will make announcement or advertisement uh who are who who would like to work for and these are the job scopes it depends next from sister nosokina is there any financial assistance for scholarship formulation pg students yes of course uh i already explained in the briefing under the cps okay center for postgraduate students uh center for postpartum this you can refer to the website okay there are a number of scholarship provided and next is from sister shazwana okay how to apply i am financial assistance in zakat is actually a privacy the student directly request from their respective category for example um okay for example under the okay so some students the main for the under the state government the student actually submit uh and apply by themselves okay apply and submit yourself but uh there is another there is a section there that need uh the verification or confirmation by the students uh students i mean student service department or maybe from the uh deputy team student affairs so stating that this student is a active student something like that so uh usually uh for the zakat from the state government the student applied and submit them by themselves but for the saka and the iaem that one is uh under our office so we collaborate with the ii mandarin fund okay i hope that you are i answered the question next is again from no atira for the big photo illustration uh advertised recently one of the equipments in the statement the latest parent celery slip okay yes if the celery sleep is generated by computer does it need to be verified as well yes of course okay so uh the verification can be done uh for example from the uh office for the finance department of the company for example okay so because they know actually the the figure is uh right or not because we have to very careful uh the financial system is some of them has come from the zakat money so we have to be very careful we don't want to misuse or miss give the fund to not eligible student or unauthorized access for that so that responsibility is under our office okay so any other question from youtube i think now any live question live any students would like to ask directly any question you want to ask directly we want to hear your voice i went to us and just now i want to ask about how we want to apply the iium financial assistance is it by any website or submit any phone i am financial assistance you mean the uh market scholarship academic student award something like that and also okay all right so i share the screen again okay i finished assistant this one right okay so uh as i mentioned we open the application uh in every early of the semester uh the two weeks of the new semester you have to uh look very carefully uh in the announcement we post it on our noticeboard we share the link and we share the announcement through the social media to the through the whatsapp group and also to your perspective so you have to alert on this one so there are two things that we announced in early of the semester uh financial assistance these four applications and also for the zakat assistance yes thank you all right any other questions i think there's no any question from students oh there's [Music] just now bro said that for the marriage student is scholarship of the husband but what if he is no celebrity because he is also a student uh no not i'm not clear about the question here um there's no brother said that for the medic student necessarily sleep of the husband but what if there is no seriously because you know so a student okay it means that the student married with a student in my right and i assume mandela okay because the question is general okay a student married student so actually uh we look into the form okay we look into the form who i actually covered their household expenses to be allergic how uh how you cover your meals your how you pay your house rented rental house how you pay your uh your cars transportation fees so we look into that first okay so uh to be logic there must be uh maybe you have your scholarship or maybe you got a financial assistance from your parents skill so that there are the things that you have to submit together okay so let's say that uh you are married and then uh both of you are students okay active students and then uh you are living together outside of the campus okay so uh you should i think if you stay with your parents uh so you have to provide the household income of the parents if you stay just with your spouse so we will we will ask for the financial statement for example maybe you are the scholarship receiver or something like that okay all right is it answer your question all right i think that is the last question for the day thank you very much brother mama farola for the wonderful sharing and briefing i believe that he has given his full effort and support for us to assist uh to assist me as a student at iium content because in the end it will be only us to assist ourselves and seek help from various authorities and also this student's department because this broadband has various assistance for us so please are we as a student take our action after this breaking session okay so i i thank for the organizer to the mc for this opportunity so if you have any other questions just uh email me okay okay so that uh we will uh discuss further in the email address okay so with that i'm sorry for any shortcomings and i hope that um if uh if there is any other opportunity that uh i can share with this again so inshallah i will try my best so looking forward for the feedback soon all right thank you very much so before we end i would like to promote some our upcoming programs that will be held in next friday and that program entitled unleashing your potential with human resource development cooperation which is hr recall uh this program will be presented by mr rory ambrose globally chief program officer of hrd hub so if you guys have uh your time at friday 10 a.m in the morning the next friday so please uh join us at the day so uh next uh we will have uh some video session from ccsd to present so please welcome these are several programs that we will have in the upcoming list so we will promote it in our group and in institutionally of course we will have every week a friday we call that a recharge program for those who fill the subway form we will email the information through email so lastly ladies and gentlemen uh may i thank you very much for your active participation in this program i hope you guys enjoy the program and this briefing by by the fact and get the most out of the information that has been given today so uh lastly to our participant kindly for anyone that doesn't register yet please fill in the registration form in the chat box below so uh stay safe everyone and assalamualaikum warahmatullahi [Music] photography foreign [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Id: B41sbUxwQJ0
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Length: 88min 20sec (5300 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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