2021 ACHE White Coat Ceremony

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[Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for joining us today please stand for the processional [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] please be seated welcome to the arkansas colleges of health education 2021 white coat ceremony i'm kyle parker the president and ceo of ache my job as this lady over here has instructed me to do so is to welcome the families and friends that have been able to join us either in person or by live stream i extend a warm welcome to each of you just curious but i show a hands how many first time in the state of arkansas welcome welcome we're honored to be sharing this momentous occasion with all of you students i want you to realize you didn't get here all on your own yeah you worked hard there's no doubt about that but there's a bunch of people that love you to death these are the people that picked you up when you were tired that gave you strength when you were weak who loved you even when you might have been a little bit cranky students i'm going to ask you to do one thing for me if you don't mind stand up turn around and show your appreciation to the people here and at home the ones that love you okay young sit back down i apologize for all the mass that everybody's having to wear but it's rules of this particular facility i would i'm proud to tell you that we're 99.9 percent fully vaccinated in our institution if you haven't done it i i i would request that you seriously consider doing so but at this time i would like to introduce our platform party platform party please stand as they call your name and uh i know some of you students want to boo them and some of you want to clap for them but if you don't mind please hold your applause until the end first is dr teresa brown she is the dean of school of physical therapy no i i see i then we have dr rance mclean he's the dean of the arkansas college of osteopathic medicine we have student physical therapist adriana simmons the sga class president student dr shaman shahab he's the sga executive vice president mrs kelly dewitt executive director of the enrollment of enrollment management now you can clap for them [Applause] platform party please be seated thank you one of the keys to our student success is our incredible faculty they push these students many times far greater than they think they can do but yet they make it through and they're here today and they're going to be called student doctors it's a momentous momentous occasion so i'm going to ask i think i will i want to ask this fine fine faculty we have that we've assembled all over uh from this nation both our pt faculty and our com faculty would you please stand to be recognized [Applause] thank you please be seated i also want to recognize some people that i get to work with each and every day um our administrative levels that are uh with us today we have mr les smith he's our chief operating officer where are you at last year way back there in the corner see that's where you need you need to be towards the back um away from this we also have mr joel webb with us here today he's our chief technology officer and then we also have our a board of trustees the ones that give me the guidance set the policy and work with me for the vision of this fine fine institution and please join me in thanking them i'd now like to invite dr brown to the podium and i'll take a brief seat good morning and welcome to the arkansas colleges of health education white tote ceremony of 2021 i almost forgot the year there i'm ecstatic to welcome physical therapy to this program for the first time that we're going to plot for the white coat ceremony is a tradition that welcomes doctor of physical therapy students into the pt profession the white top serves as a traditional symbol of clinical service following the coding students will take a pledge of professionalism and dedication to ethical and quality patient care students wear your white coats with pride and remember the enormous responsibility that comes with being a dpt this is an exciting day and i extend my heart felt to and your families and we are happy to have you here the white coat ceremony was an idea conceived by the arnold p gold foundation to create a psychological contract for professionalism and empathy in medicine the first white coat ceremony took place in 1993 at columbia college of physicians and surgeons the white coat can represent love caring help aid equality respect and comfort it should also remind you the enormous responsibility that comes with being a provider the white coat was originally meant to represent the scientific principles incorporated into the practice of medicine in the late 19th century it had a very practical function for students as they would place books notes and everything relevant to the rotation into the pockets of the white coat now you have all your resources at the tip of your finger you keep one of these in your white coat your smartphone easily fits in a single pocket of your white coat so instead let your white coat serve as a constant reminder of the learning you attained in order to don the white coat and the knowledge skills and abilities you will gain while wearing it a process that will never end throughout the remainder of your career receiving your white coat means that you are accepting and embracing the girl class [Applause] good morning um my name is adriana simmons and i am a first year doctor of physical therapy student i also have the privilege of being the inaugural dpt class president today is an important milestone not just for us as students but for the arkansas colleges of health education as well we have the honor of being the inaugural doctor of physical therapy class and with that honor comes an immense amount of responsibility our actions no longer solely represent ourselves we now represent ache the school of physical therapy and the american physical therapy association today when we receive our white coats we accept that responsibility that comes with them we will now be seen as leaders in the community will be seen as trustworthy knowledgeable respectful and most of all kind there are three pieces of advice that i would like to offer my fellow classmates first is to lean on one another we are all in this together and trying to reach a common goal being supportive and uplifting is the best way to promote positivity and encourage each other throughout this journey second the tough times won't last forever the coursework and related stress are easy to get lost in and it can become overwhelming at times but don't forget what you're working towards each of us have a dream of becoming a physical therapist and changing the world for the better third don't forget that you deserve to be here we have all faced adversity in our journeys to get here and without our determination and perseverance we wouldn't be where we are right now never lose sight of your purpose and opportunities that have been set before you lastly i just want to take a minute to thank everyone that has supported us up to this point in our lives thank you to our families our friends and our loved ones that encouraged us to pursue our dreams and help to make them become a reality also thank you to our faculty and staff for helping us each day to be the best we can possibly be i know that we will make everyone proud and i'm honored to be sharing this journey with such amazing people congratulations dpt class of 2024. [Applause] good morning on behalf of the sda president andrea powers and the entire student body i welcome you all to the egg 2021 white coat ceremony my name is shaman shahab and i am the sga executive vice president i'd like to take this time to congratulate all of you on your achievements the hard work and dedication to the field of medicine that you have demonstrated to this point will not go unrecognized and i'd like to extend a very warm welcome to the family members of our new peers here now or watching virtually without your continued support your loved one will not be seated here today receiving their white coat and embarking on this wonderful journey towards becoming a physician to my peers welcome to the hardest four years of your life it goes without saying that medical school is not for the faint of heart these artists four years will challenge you make you question your values and beliefs and push you to your absolute limit but through these trials you will learn more about yourself and become the well-rounded efficient and passionate physician that you always dreamt of becoming take a second look around you those sitting next to you once strangers have quickly become family you will learn to lean on each other for help and to work together to overcome this climb that awaits you remember to be there for each other always and to support each other physically mentally and above all remember that all that you do from this day forward will go towards helping your patients live a happier and healthier lives thank you and congratulations [Applause] good morning my name is kelly dewitt and i'm the executive director of enrollment management at ace thank you all for trusting us with your student at this time the coding ceremony will begin if you have not done so please silence your electronic devices please do not leave your seats or stand in the aisles to take photographs of your student we have professional photographers taking photographs of your student and the ceremony your student will receive information regarding getting photograph availability dr casey handerley please marshal the ache physical therapy inaugural class 2024 you student doctor of physical therapy brianna anderson [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy logan bartel [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy alexander bardis [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy jacob bowman student doctor of physical therapy jessica bradshaw [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy brittany bryan [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy brooke coleman student doctor of physical therapy abigail davis [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy janine escobar doctor of physical therapy parker hall [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy hunter hansen student doctor student doctor of physical therapy katie marie holt student doctor of physical therapy drew humphreys [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy taylor kittinger student doctor of physical therapy victoria councilman [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy william lawrence student doctor of physical therapy tatum gillum student doctor physical therapy hunter logan [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy bailey louderback [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy elizabeth mccreary [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy victoria mckinnon [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy karen nelson [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy elena patel [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy karon patel [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy eric pereira [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy mattie rose student doctor of physical therapy adriana simmons student doctor of physical therapy robert sorrow student doctor of physical therapy shoutout [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy norena vang [Applause] student doctor of physical therapy summer in willy student doctor of physical therapy madison yoki as the final students are being seated i would like to give special special recognition to pt faculty marshal dr casey handlery assistant professor of physical therapy please give a round of applause well marshalled everyone well marshalled we're just going to wait one moment for our final students to come in dpt students please stand and recite with me don't worry i'll wait for you you guys are right so long walk you're in heels we're dead all right ready everyone okay as a physical therapist dedicated to providing the highest quality care and service i solemnly pledge i will respect the rights and dignity of all individuals who seek my services or whom i serve act as a compassionate and trustworthy manner in all aspects of my services deliver sound professional judgment while abiding by legal requirements demonstrate integrity during interactions with colleagues health care providers faculty researchers students the public and payers for the enrichment of patient care and the advancement of the profession forge my practice through lifelong acquisition and application of knowledge stills and professional behaviors lead efforts to meet physical therapy and health care needs local national and global communities thus with this oath i accept the duties and responsibilities that embody the physical therapy profession congratulations inaudible dpt class [Applause] please be seated dr louis nasseri please marshal the arkham class of 2025 student doctor rija ahmed [Applause] student doctor sarish ahmed [Applause] student doctor ahmed elisery [Applause] student dr jacob anderson today i'm being coded by my mother dr kristen martin d.o [Applause] [Applause] student doctor tristan fisher anderson i'm going to be coded by my father dr patrick anderson md [Applause] student dr clara moore student doctor santana maria bachelani [Applause] student doctor anushka barbajari [Applause] student doctor christina buford [Applause] student dr mackenzie bender student dr bryce bettis [Applause] student doctor carmen biggs [Applause] student doctor j bob today will be coded by my father david bob md student doctor chase bowman [Applause] student doctor cortland boyd [Applause] student doctor thomas bradshaw [Applause] student doctor bryce brooks student doctor zachary brown student doctor lydia bruffey [Applause] student doctor ames costelli [Applause] student doctor hunter cave [Applause] student doctor miriam chaudry [Applause] student doctor katarina [Applause] student doctor christopher cloud student doctor tyler colfac student doctor diana isabel cortez [Applause] student doctor dawson cowan [Applause] student doctor jeffrey davis [Applause] student dr shannon deckert [Applause] student dr carter duel student doctor mecca haideon [Applause] student doctor yum dough [Applause] student doctor anna dold [Applause] student doctor kylie dominic [Applause] student doctor destiny atolls student doctor james farmer [Applause] student doctor anise faruki [Applause] student doctor natalie figueroa [Applause] student doctor sydney finch student doctor hillary french [Applause] student dr grace gallagher [Applause] student doctor victoria bk george [Applause] student doctor nicholas garber [Applause] student doctor taylor gerstner [Applause] student dr morgan girth [Applause] student doctor shelby gilmore student doctor logan graff [Applause] student doctor muhammad abdullah gay griffin's dad student doctor landon gunnell [Applause] student doctor rachita garung today i'm being coded by devonshi gupta md [Applause] [Applause] student doctor jared hammond [Applause] student doctor clay harris [Applause] student doctor alex hart [Applause] student doctor hanolin heinen [Applause] student doctor luke cassie today being coded by my father james hesse md [Applause] [Applause] student doctor garrett hicks [Applause] student doctor bailey hill [Applause] student dr luke heal [Applause] student doctor joshua horned [Applause] student doctor corey husk [Applause] student doctor rita orakisa [Applause] student doctor anyard iyer [Applause] student doctor anusha jacob [Applause] student doctor anrita anil jagacia [Applause] student doctor kevin noble john [Applause] student doctor baylor johnson [Applause] student dr paige johnson [Applause] student doctor hannah jocelyn [Applause] student doctor jisoo kang [Applause] student doctor samprathkara [Applause] student doctor just need core student doctor cena jose [Applause] student doctor francine kim [Applause] student doctor sonny kim [Applause] student doctor madison king student dr emma klein [Applause] student doctor chris conaki and today i'll be coded by my father p john kaneki d.o [Applause] [Applause] student doctor megan lackman [Applause] student doctor tim latuno today i'll be coded by my dad dr dennis latuno md [Applause] [Applause] student dr genita litterall [Applause] student doctor megan lively being coded by my father charles lively md [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] student doctor maggie lockwood [Applause] student dr madison long today i will be coded by my father jeffrey long md [Applause] student doctor travis lovato [Applause] student doctor gabrielle lutt [Applause] student doctor christian mackley [Applause] student doctor catherine madigan [Applause] student doctor allison [Applause] marker student doctor michael marney [Applause] student doctor clay martin student doctor wrestling mary rajan [Applause] student doctor clayton mccall [Applause] student doctor zachary meyer [Applause] student doctor christopher mchale [Applause] student doctor jules molina and today i'm being coded by my father jules molina md [Applause] [Applause] student doctor andrew mon holland [Applause] student doctor stephen moore [Applause] student dr anthony mosley today i'm going to be coded by my brother alan mosley d.o [Applause] [Applause] student doctor dave murkowski [Applause] student doctor mukhtar nakhvi [Applause] student doctor zara nugby today i'm going to be coded by my father shazemnakvi md [Applause] student doctor chloe nguyen [Applause] student doctor jensen nguyen [Applause] mr and dr kevin nguyen [Applause] student doctor my win [Applause] student doctor tian nguyen student doctor i object [Applause] student doctor angelina olivetti [Applause] student doctor michaela page [Applause] student dr jean park [Applause] student dr alyssa patel [Applause] student doctor daval kumar bilal patel student doctor mayor kumar patel it would have been possible without my brother love you bro [Applause] student doctor trisha patel [Applause] student doctor megan perkins [Applause] student doctor austin fan jr [Applause] student dr nathan piccoli [Applause] student doctor pranitha pithori [Applause] student doctor zachary powers [Applause] student doctor rebecca priddy [Applause] student doctor nate puckett [Applause] student doctor stephen quant [Applause] student doctor sita ramasamy [Applause] student doctor hiro rashid [Music] [Applause] student doctor sana reza i'll be coded by my mother md [Applause] [Applause] student doctor christina ritchie today i'll be coded by my father lawrence ritchie dio [Applause] student doctor caitlin roland [Applause] student doctor on good sandy [Applause] student doctor near bilisarma [Applause] student doctor kelly schaefer [Applause] student doctor audrey self student doctor bader somakia [Applause] student doctor sujong sayo [Applause] student doctor claire shipp student doctor hamza siddiki [Applause] student doctor amber deep singh student dr madeleine stanford coded by my father james stanford md [Applause] student doctor avery stipe student doctor colby stone student doctor tiffany sun [Applause] student doctor jawad syed [Applause] student doctor alexander salman taft [Applause] student dr sharon tan [Applause] student doctor brendan taylor [Applause] student dr elena [Applause] student doctor natalie timion [Applause] student doctor jimmy tran [Applause] student doctor [Applause] ishikawai student doctor christian shepard [Applause] student doctor zachary turner [Applause] student dr lemuel you're a [Applause] student doctor jason vayner student doctor kaylee velasquez [Applause] student doctor zach ward [Applause] student doctor amanda weekley [Applause] student doctor erin weiloggy [Applause] student doctor michael west student doctor windham westcott [Applause] student doctor ashley hightower wilson student doctor ethan woodruff [Applause] student doctor nathaniel zoo all right as the final students are seated i too would like to give special recognition to our archon marshal dr louis nasri our chair of pediatrics louie [Applause] all right dear students please rise with me and you will repeat along when it gets to the i pledge so as members of the osteopathic profession in an effort to instill loyalty and strengthen the profession we recall the tenets on which this profession was founded the dynamic interaction of mind body and spirit the body's ability to heal itself the primary role with the musculoskeletal system and preventative medicine as the key to maintain health we recognize the work of our predecessors have accomplished in building the profession and we commit ourselves to continuing that work we invite all physicians to join the students in their pledge of commitment students please recite the pledge with me i pledge to provide compassionate quality care to my patients partner with them to promote health display integrity and professionalism throughout my career advance the philosophy practice and science of osteopathic medicine continue lifelong learning support my profession with loyalty in action word and deed and live each day as an example of what an osteopathic position should be students please be seated [Applause] hey students stand back up turn around there and show the people you love come on all of you get up there and turn around [Applause] okay good enough uh this concludes our ceremony i will say very quickly for those that have uh never been to the state of arkansas that uh there's this one passion that people from arkansas have it's called the arkansas razorbacks [Music] and truly the the nickname for the razorbacks are the hogs okay so if you ever see somebody call a their girlfriend a hog don't be insulted by it okay a genuine hog is a great thing here in the state of arkansas and uh and my special thanks because the game against georgia just kicked off 15 minutes ago and i know somebody in this crowd already knows what the score is am i right oh yeah see the head's going oh yeah yeah i know anyway this concludes our ceremonies and i would like to thank you all for being here to celebrate these outstanding outstanding students to all you guys congratulations student doctors [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] my
Channel: Arkansas Colleges of Health Education
Views: 1,920
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Id: EhjdX4oYP80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 16sec (4636 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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