Online Dating | Jeff Dunham: I'm With Cupid

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dear peanut what advice would you give a married lesbian couple that's been with each other for 14 years do you know no I don't know either clearly we don't have anything you need all right look pet have you ever tried online dating well I thought that maybe we could help you out by filling out a profile on one of those sites and see how it goes oh okay I pulled up the site yeah and let's uh let's enter your profile and see what happens okay so for example okay a name okay first name t last name nut that's not right there's two blanks what are you going to do initial T then last like you're talking backwards height six Flor you're like two four objects in there are larger than they appear okay now it's asking your relationship intent is it long-term short-term short but open to Long term not sure is there a check locks floor land then thinking them okay sexual orientation upside down no sideways no about face stop it that's what she said I have no idea what you're doing she also said that where what do I enter he said that stop it income what income outcome what income come how come read this right there uh the amount of money you make annually annually oh that's way different it's amazing how one little missing you can rock your world and they get difficult to walk okay we've now gotten to the part of the show that I'm not really sure about peanut what's that well as the audience knows before the show started many of them were given these cards and asked to write you questions about love and relationships anything to do with Valentine yep so uh where is all right I can't read the first name is it FR look oh Frank it looks like fruck all right Frank uh dear panut I got my wife these tickets for our 10th anniversary is this enough uh let's see th anniversary is silver 50th is gold and 10th is warn beer and a puet show yes you're good Frank John Simmons dear peanut are children with peanut allergies allowed to play with you oh hahaa yes they are deal with the itch oh that K and Sherry dear peanut what advice would you give a married lesbian couple that's been with each other for 14 years do you know no I don't know either clearly we don't have anything you need where are Dennis and Kathy a dear peanut we reconnected at our 56th class reunion two years ago should we get married I guess so are you the last two left Happy Valentine's Day uh John McClendon dear peut after 20 plus years of marriage how can I get my wife to you know want to you know have um well you know sex any thoughts well John clearly from this question it shows you like to bead around the bush and there's your problem second night peanut
Channel: Comedy Central UK
Views: 686,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy central, comedy central uk, Jeff Dunham, Jeff Dunham I'm With Cupid, Stand Up, Comedy, Laugh, Funny Videos, Valentines Day, Love is Blind, Comedian, Puppet comedian, Puppet show, Cupid, Jeff Dunham puppet show, Comedy Show, Stand Up Comedy, Comedy Central Stand Up, Walter the Puppet, Walter turns cupid, Comedy Series, Comedy gold, Comedy Clips, American ventriloquist, Stand-up Comedian, Walter and Jeff Dunham, Online Dating, Online Dating advice from Peanut
Id: TfQ1pQGazP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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