Onision Tried to "Roast" Me

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oniisan on i sigh on onion Sen yield onion you tuber way too many layers like so many layers that there is hour-long documentaries on everything shady this guy has done throughout his entire career that's how many layers is on this man I'm gonna read two tweets from 2017 well I've actually been in the commentary community since like the start of the commentary community on YouTube thank you guys for having me around for so long ya hear the tweets the timeline of Anisha as a character on YouTube from start to finish is like a really bad sitcom that makes way too many seasons and died off that wasn't 2017 it's still running it's still going strong oniisan started falling down a staircase about two years ago and he's still falling down that same staircase today and that tweet aged so well that I quote tweeted it like recently saying he's still tumbling as we speak because he quite literally is still falling down the same stir I thought like there's been so many times where I'm like wow that looks like it's going to be the end of a nice Eon but he keeps going it's kind of insane watching oh nice John is watching like a NASCAR race but like it just it just keeps going wait how many laps are doing a NASCAR like married NASCAR it's a whole lot of left turns off how many laps are in a NASCAR race a hundred and sixty laps okay so instead of a hundred and sixty laps oh nice yawns going for 1.6 million laps that's what it's like watching Onishi on right now I feel like at this point in time and recently this man has been accused of like a whole list of things which actually it's not out of the norm considering he's been accused for a whole list of things since 2012 I don't know the dude is a fossil on YouTube like he is one of the YouTube oh geez and he's still around which in a way is impressive but also sad at the same time wait is fossil way to say fossil or is that just a word that I don't know I think I just mispronounced fossil fossil sounds cooler though maybe it's an accident thing maybe it's how Europeans say it or I'm just I don't know maybe we just boat them living in Europe for 12 years really messed my stuff up but it seems like he's gone back into this manic character that he created or was playing when Leif he attacked him back in who was that 2016 maybe I'm not quite sure but all of a goodness but with that character if he's even playing a character whatever character or whatever he's doing right now the line between method acting and insanity is so blurry you might as well just kind of like throw it down back down the middle of them feel like here here's method and then that's acting what oops no no oops yeah I realized the mistake I'm gonna fix my mistake real quick okay so this is meThe act as you can clearly tell with my fantastic left-handed writing and this is just kind of like insanity I didn't try to write insanity I just did some scribble Scrabble it's just uh just for the point I feel like a college professor sometimes you just got to go to the whiteboard for no reason but as I said that line it's very blurry because his content ranges from reaction videos to mental breakdowns to attempting to roast me calling the army of fourteen-year-old - Tocqueville is we have a new enemy on the horizon hold on are you the new Michael Jackson did you just call out for fourteen-year-old boys are you a grown man are you telling 14-year old birds to surround you with a 14-year old bird that an eagle two more breakdowns two very odd videos with random girls that are living with him two more mental breakdowns I'm actually pretty sure hold on nerd I'm sorry that was actually an insulting nerd door to door stone ocean you can use an Xbox 360 controller on a PC and PC has overwatch on it are you about to reveal that you know that Oh for the street to just catch all the motorcycles I'm gonna fetch them all like Pokemon I'll be arrested within a few like nets moving on we're moving on so you didn't know you didn't know you can use xbox360 controller who uses an Xbox controller for a competitive PC game oh wait gamer girl frauds or just casual players I mean whatever you got me good the whole gamer girl fraud thing was literally a joke to poke fun at tick-tock gamer girl frauds or just girls on tick-tock who use video games as the sole purpose to get attention from other guys that's it yet so many people think I'm being genuinely serious like some dudes girlfriend like some of the boyfriends of the tick-tock girls I have roasted where I'm basically just saying I they're a gamer girl fraud they write paragraphs to me explaining why their girlfriends are actually real gamer girls interesting take that's so weird imagine being like yo I know you're heard about this I'm a son who a paragraph and just in your name I need to make sure that he knows that my girlfriend is a real gamer girl oh my goodness but then he wanted to see a girl to fill in the blank on me I take back all the sexist I said in the newest video men are inferior to women especially this guy I want to see him under the boot of the stiletto where a woman is in his face with her pretend female you wait what exactly yeah that's normal so as it's been heavily requested let's take a look at oh nice yawns Channel together let's see this what is oniisan and 2019 look like well they're actually being to a nice young 2020 do you think oh nice Jon will survive the the decade that's what I was like I was like the century and I'm like we're not changing centuries here oh my goodness we lived in two different Millennials damn take that Zoomer oh you good luck the wall is way closer to what I thought it was I was busy roasting Zoomers for not living through a century nor a millennium all you guys will have it's decades for your entire life where's this video even going I don't know I'm I'm going to oh nice yawns Channel that's something I've never said before it used to be him getting between like I guess 10 to 30 K views making I guess their commentary videos in a way they look like reaction slash commentary videos and then suddenly there's some shift where it goes We Need to Talk and then it goes I'm innocent and then I did something awful saying goodbye I'm done with women didn't his like wife or something also transformed to a guy is that why he said I'm done with women we're divorced now oh nevermind ok never mind why I wanted to okay time for me to confess the oniisan documentary why I regret being an atheist it's over I can't do this anymore delete this video the horrible truth about Mickey Mouse yeah that's fitting in there please stop this I can't take it anymore Wow almost got a million views that's probably a big one so while we're trying to upload this I have a new theory on why he could be doing this or definitely an added perk for him to do this so when I tried to upload this video and you see on himself claim this video which is interesting since mostly reacting in this video is me reacting to an easy on reacting to me so a if a nice young claims this now I'm claiming him back and suddenly an easy and I will be like that Spider Man meme for claiming each other's content while reacting to each other's content bruh so sadly we can't fully enjoy this together but this in itself was someone entertaining wow so you guys are so into yourselves that you're just gonna go in my patreon delete ah yeah his patron was removed because he doxed someone that's a very valid reason to get banned on something daxing is no bueno you can't be doxxing people so you're just gonna try and ruin my entire career I don't think anyone's trying to remove like or ruin his career like he's doing that himself he's doing a very good job at ruining his own career what this looks like like what his current channel looks like all he does is have mental breakdown after mental breakdown it seems like and it's December he's posting daily right now and getting good views so I think he's just playing into this drama trying to milk whatever he can get out of it considering its the highest month for ad revenue and so on being December and I mean how many more comebacks can a Nissan actually have on YouTube I don't know but also I guess what's different with this time compared to last time this time he has Chris Hansen after him and a whole bunch of government entities so that changes the whole ball game a little bit so he now does kind of have a limited amount of time left on YouTube until something happens either a court case tax stuff tax stuff yeah like the dude's been evading taxes for a while apparently allegedly I'm not quite sure on this and I've also heard there's a lot of very sick and twisted stuff going on around him right now which those videos I'll be linking in the description of this video if you guys want to get caught up the entire oniisan situation I'll be actually linking some informational videos ma why didn't he just do voice acting or something I feel like this video makes me think though that he's memeing almost no serious he can't be that's Wow okay now we're gonna click on sorry it's spelt wrong nice yeah drew done that on purpose I just wanted to say I'm sorry it's a very blurred line between method acting and insanity here I feel like he's it just seems like he's messing with like the way that he's he can't be serious like in these videos I mean it seems really right honestly I'd prefer him to be roasting me rather than making breakdown video after breakdown video so he's expecting people to leave him alone after he's having breakdown video after breakdown video as a daily upload pretty much onto YouTube what if like you know how people do vlogmas or whatever yeah what if instead of that he was like yes that but make it just a mental breakdown every Strout the entire of december yeah you think they want the drama I'll give them the drama and then throw in the awful truth about toy store come on oh all right okay let's let's watch okay okay mystery man scores anything okay rumor it's so bad like it's a release it's the same Li serious but like imagine just taking a completely dead joke okay boomer and then just twisting it to effect oh nice yawn - okay groomer the internet has reached peak IQ so he's like a dread he's like talking about it sort of he's addressing that no but now you have to do the mental gymnastics is okay groomer actually affecting him or is he making a yet another fake video where he's acting that pretending that it does affect him when in reality it doesn't affect if he just wants more engagement what's his land general I want to know what is his argument against that like does he is he just saying yeah that's true like it or is he does he have any explanation or like I have no idea maybe we should watch the videos that I'm linking in the description down below later on tonight I sneeze did I'm sorry okay this is an absolute mess originally I made this video as react to him roasting me but here we are over on his channel and it's um interesting then he goes to buy I hate this man employment and application I'm done there's some solid trolling going on honestly he's playing into people gotta give it to that like he's doing a good job at milking all of this oh wow it'll be interesting to see what a nice John's doing on YouTube in the next one or two months because as of now we're like about halfway through December and people are already catching on that yep he's just dragging out the current drama and then just having breakdown that you have to break down that you have to break down video kind of just feeding into the people who are hating and I feel like people are gonna get bored of it within the next month or two but as it has always been with her niece tian i guess it'll just be interesting to kind of see where he heads from here because you know it's gonna be a train wreck no matter what like it's just one of those things where you're looking at it and you're like wow that's gonna crash and burn and then you kind of just want to grab your popcorn and just kind of like witness it from all the way all the way back here just be be back here kind of chilling me and phase drive this is fortnight career so on that note I think I'll just be taking the spectator seat just like everyone else and we'll just kind of be watching this train wreck from a good distance away this will probably be my one and only uneasy on video because it's kind of obvious he just wants attention right now yet I wanted to talk about it a little bit if you enjoyed the video please drop a like if you're new here I welcome you to the channel I'll be awesome you subscribed if you want to follow me on Instagram or Twitter links to me down the description down below or you can find me as just a tozi on both but please let me know what you think of this entire of an easy on situation in the comments down below [Music] first [ __ ] I'm ready boss second
Channel: Atozy
Views: 1,158,277
Rating: 4.9444604 out of 5
Keywords: Onision Tried to Roast Me, Onision tried to roast me, onision, The Onision Files, The Demented World of Onision, The Right Opinion, j aubrey, atozy, oh no, im done, bye, now, left, dear onision
Id: VY_foVmsTGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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