Oney Plays The Binding of Isaac (Complete Series)

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they play with friends welcome to the world of binding of issac yeah welcome this is a chill ASM more stream we're gonna do fun noises while we play binding of all right Zach how many hours would you say you play to this game so far I can't count that high like literally I don't know I'm gonna work more or less than 300 oh god dude I actually this account doesn't have it but I'm I'm being serious okay get ready for this okay now in the in the playstation world I'm famous yeah because I was the 19th person in all of the world oh yeah yeah to get the 1 billion percent achievement really oh yeah Wow you can go go right now go to PSN comm slash Mick Lauer rice pirate and you'll see no there's a big there's a photo of me giving him thumbs up and and Isaac on my shoulder shake hands with the guy who made the game yeah he's crying I don't know how you did it but good job before we start I want to say I litter I don't know a single thing about this game except for the fact I've walked in on people playing in that that's it so Mick says he has a lot of [ __ ] unlocked so he wants to play the game and his news items I wasn't able to get yeah all this stuff unfortunately with this save file because this isn't my system but we do got some stuff unlocked and I think it would be fun if you choose whether I pick an item up or not I want you not to influence him in any way may know I won't be like hey should I pick that up or dude ok I'm gonna let you choose by or don't buy okay I'll be alive i'm completely oblivious i don't know enough okay go ahead we are gonna go with his asel just because it'll be nice and quick yeah because he can fly okay so what is the story Beck the story of Binding of Isaac is there's a little boy and his mama believes in g.od the big man upstairs Jeff godly yes Jeff godly and Jeff godly knocks on the door and says yo kill your child if you if you want to be good so it is like the original binding of issac tale from Genesis yes I I don't know the Bible like you I was gonna say Abraham is actually told I was his knight as a testament they die or don't Isaac and he binds him and puts him on like a stone to like sacrifice him and then what's his and so he passes the test of fate and God like stops him at the last second is like no I believe you God God was such a he was the original sin prankster just a prank bro what a move yeah what a dick yeah I'm sorry I just defended somebody I'm sure yeah me Oh who's that guy this Envy it's you what it's the face you make it see the fool and you're the way what's the fool in the corner mean that is a card that I'm not gonna tell you what it does well actually you know what [ __ ] it we're gonna do the items the fool allows me to reset myself outside of a room oh so if I'm getting my ass handed to me or more specifically if I go into a room that it would like hurt me to leave there's like spiked doors it'll let me at myself out it's a little teleport Dingle Dingle this game is very immature I don't think I want to see I'm gonna use that item you gave me and it might be a problem but let's just give it a shot shall we some Oh No is that really true face yes this game was made by an idiot oh my god actually but I liked his games I do well [ __ ] I should have had [ __ ] sorry I should have put in a funnier face like like duh [ __ ] that one or that didn't even exist in gusta oh that's the real fun [ __ ] listen I haven't gone into the shops yet oh here's a good case of using the full card you're gonna see a couple more meme faces in those oh yeah oh yeah well it doesn't hurt you when you passed that's just I hate it okay I hope it's a bar okay here watch bloat the thing I [ __ ] I missed what is that dude Oh miss it's a bomb it could have blown this up this is a a bomb chest you got a bomb you ain't good to use the fool here anyways yes cuz otherwise I get hurt coming out of that door also I can't get hearts with this character you see how like my hearts are black mm-hmm just like in real life that's your health yeah I can't I can't get red hearts to replenish myself you need black cards I need yes black cards which are much rarer that's cool but what is this benefit of a little what sensual okay get it yes hahaha this is very good item Oh what does it do it gives me power power beyond the phlegm initial these look like you we got all these little guys a slow happy face I don't do that I don't secrete I don't worry you might do it like blur do you know I don't blood this game has much blood I do like it I do like blood make did you know that I like blood I didn't until right now well I think you're lying actually I remember one time when you cut your finger and it started bleeding and you started screaming that was only because it was like mayonnaise not red Donald's for a week straight you got a blood test it was just [ __ ] man a he's my doctor makes me go to see him cuz he sucks in him to get that item that looks like a flass no just ignore that Oh Oh cuz I can't get it I I didn't mean all items I meant like the the character changing today oh I didn't know I don't tapeworm yes have you seen the the picture of the bear walking around and he has to like 15 foot tapeworms hanging out of him you out of his mouth we're out of his [ __ ] oh yeah yeah but basically there's this warm walking through the woods and he's got like 15 foot white tapeworm sticking out of them oh my god and then it's kind of like a comic or the next picture is it like a fisherman running up and and hooking his fish line into it he's pulling it out she's reeling it in and then the next panel is him sitting at a dinner table with a big coiled up worm and everyone's happy with Forks in their hands is it true that if you have a tapeworm or something that you can was that under the chest yeah this was a teleportation chest is it true if you put like milk another lip no real okay get that so it just okay I'm gonna get it but after I get it here's what happened I now have one heart of energy would I have nine lives oh but what's also good about it is is a guppy item which means that if I get three of these I turn into a magical creature Wow but I was gonna say if you have a tapeworm and they say you put milk inside of your lip oh no it's if you put sugar on the end of your tongue okay and it'll start to like crawl out of your mouth yep I don't believe that and you pull it out like a fire hose if that was real right you know I've heard that if you a few of it's a big big tapeworm you put sugar on the end of your tongue and sit there with your mouths mouths open for a bit it will crawl up through your body and try to eat the sugar we've all heard different versions because I heard the one where you put never heard any of those that can't be real because there would be videos of it I was gonna say they're also like the tapeworm definitely is designed to live in your intestines I don't think it ever crawls up through your like yes like you bro it's a really cool myth but I don't think it's real we should try it there's there's a weirdest [ __ ] honestly that are real in nature like those little zombie slugs with the ants little funguses yeah that the last of us is based on that's real no it that's real there's little parasites the state get into slugs eyeballs Oh your pulsate and they look at me lately and they make them walk upward ever delight so that that a bird will eat them and then the bird then they can propagate through the bird [ __ ] all over the place really yeah really oh yeah sounds like a nightmare gonna have you I could affect people that would be if you did you hear about that guy that I heard to talk about that whoa how did you know that was there from the map oh I recognize this guy no actually in there forever isn't that sad face is crying yeah you're there's little tears we should kill him he's and end his misery I like those little mspaint flies so there's two secret rooms in every level and you can kind of tell where they are like I didn't have a key so I couldn't get the item for this but I really wanted a key so I had it and I had to finagle my way into this rule and now I can go get the item have you ever played zelda links awakening or the worse you remember in that game you could walk into a shop and the shop people would face you at all times but yeah if you run up and down fast enough you you could grab an item and run out without him catching you completely and if you come back in and kills you it's like the glass what yeah yeah oh my god no I have not I don't remember that it means you can never go back to the shop but no when I was a kid I forget it scared the bejesus out of me same thing here yeah know that that's a really cool thing I like that I like games to do weird [ __ ] like everyone who says your name for the rest of the game calls you thief wait wait really everybody everybody didn't do that in our Oracle's I don't think no that's I don't know if that's an Oracle's thing but that's definitely a banks awake anything you want the little psychic friend little psychic friend he's good yeah a little black buddy oh so you get to the last boss you get to Ganon and he's just like who [ __ ] face yeah pretty much Wow you're worse than getting stole the show yeah all the shop owners come after you at the end I would like to it I like that sound uh monstro look at snaggletooth what's that what's that guy not that guy but the guy you just killed with the guys is it a heart of damage would you instantly die or will just be a half nope oh right now it's all half art but eventually it will be a whole heart okay Meg from an outsider's people yeah okay from an outsider's perspective right all I know is randomly generated every time you start right yep there's different bosses different items every playthrough yes but after a while would it not get old no why does it not get old because as you combine items you get like totally different builds and so I mean look for anybody you can get sick of a game sure but it has what you've never gotten I haven't it has so much replayability just because it changes so much every single time like even right now this build is oh look yeah one heart one heart one heart death oh what happen your head I have a I have a gypsy a gypsy thing on my face watch out yeah they're little bastards yeah one heart one heart death I need to get some [ __ ] help oh oh there we go this is gonna help this is good this is cool these guys suck because they can [ __ ] chuck [ __ ] so how many like variables you think are in the game that make it so different every time well beyond just like the randomize levels between the items themselves there's like hundreds and hundreds of items hundreds should i get poo water yeah okay charge shots yes it's so do any of the items have negative drawbacks so yeah kind of there's one item in particular called the Crystal Skull which I don't even know why it's in this game oh wait this character can fly over holes yeah that's why I start with this character so we can kind of just like bypass some [ __ ] this makes the game a lot easier two spikes like I can't get hit by spike but the Crystal Skull when you get hit once you [ __ ] start like it'll make you start over from the outside of the room which means any progress you had is gone so that can beckon suck and then there's something called I think soymilk where haha it gives you like little tiny little bead tears they're really fast but they're like totally useless you're my little soy man should I give him money or should i murder him ah kill it what are your current tears sweet well yeah this is good my current I got a lot of power like though other than that my stats are Garbo oh what's that little code is that like a password - oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] these guys blow up and that would be bad [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on sorry yeah because they're the black spiders they blow up if you were sorry I'm asking so much question not at all intrigued this is cool no we haven't see I wanted to get I wanted the other save file just because you can see some of the crazy crazy builds that's Robo cuz you can create like game-breaking builds really yeah like the whole screen is just yet like just full of your bullets everywhere you become bullet hell boss correct fool yes yes I liked it I remember this game used to look a lot more flashy and like yeah it was like smoother yeah yeah it's pixel art mm-hmm Wow yeah I actually prefer this if you was it yeah there was a flash version on Newgrounds I used to love his game Jimmer spewer yeah that was a really cool game you know I really liked the concept of spewer mech if you could say one thing to that piece of [ __ ] Edward me melon what would you say I'd say Murphy oh my god what would you say to a myth I'd say hey buddy you make a good game oh but I don't like meat boy sorry oh you want the spoon yeah oh you know I don't I don't hate I don't hate me boy I just I prefer Isaac a lot and then there was that new game that they were doing like this card thing and maybe I'm just not giving it a chance because I got starry eyes for Isaac but it just doesn't look it doesn't entice my doesn't make my gonads tingle I will say I like I like games with consequence yeah and Ida felt like meatboy didn't have any oh just cuz you restart like constantly yeah this has the ultimate consequence yeah I like that you build this character you you [ __ ] rock and roll and you can be playing for hours and then get one item if you don't know the items get one item out of the hundreds that [ __ ] your build and you're just done I just like all that out all those hours all that effort I like for not mischievous and pushing how far I can do something and then if I die I know I [ __ ] up and it's my fault but that was your flaw I don't I don't like remember Fez yeah like there was just like no consequence and that either and it like that's why I never liked it really but I feel like endgame in this in this yeah yeah yeah there's like when you get to that skull level is that technically the end of your run kind sometimes you can go beyond far beyond yeah but yeah there are endings there's multiple endings depending on how far how many things you've unlocked and stuff this is this is not an Opie run by the way this is but there are ways to actually kind of break this game if you get the right combo of things especially in greed mode you can you could break this game so hard we had an entire screen just full of every item on the game really oh yeah and we got so many of them it started really it doesn't recycle the items they all default to breakfast which is a health thing you can get is I'll get that yea or nay yeah alright looks like a dummy book or dummy book like in I didn't say it I think he would actually say for dummies but uh I was gonna say it's uh is this company called team meet this team meet make Isaac is it no it's called this is made by not night nice signal button nice guys Nick Nicolai yeah some [ __ ] like that it was like a sonic see made like rolling egg child remember that billy hatcher in the dome are yeah why don't you make a fan-made sonic game but make it about you make it better yeah and just you running this just for the sake of it so more that game freedom planet I haven't really played it yet but oh yeah I see yeah that's like I'm it's like a big sonic it's sonic type band game I guess I don't know is it fair to can't get a get a get a get a get a good good Johnny got money I've pretty much said get everything so for cos it I'm just interested in what that's fair there will be a point though like if we get a Satan room we're like we can just physically can't even get all well actually with eight lives we could get every what is it shakin room satan room is where i got the cat that's where i got the nine lives from okay yeah you'll see it i think we'll see you another one we'll see those are randomized and there's also angel rooms but because we grabbed a satan item i think angel rooms they're out of the question they stop spawning I like the [ __ ] up scary clanging music yeah there's a another version of this game a fan-made version really I think it's called anti birth and it's published I think it's published like officially but it wasn't made by them moves made by by a bunch of different people but they have the soundtrack for it is [ __ ] phenomenal get the Red Cross on okay was that dude champion belt that makes all the now all the enemies are more difficult really yes yes good job thank you no let's see what this does oh you little [ __ ] it's kind of useless yeah yeah no sorry so now there's gonna be harder enemies I really like the little particles and like wall effects they have in every room like the glowing waters cool Oh like the yeah the little flies do you like this little like four pixel flies yeah see those I like I do I like that [ __ ] is your name gonna know that oh [ __ ] me yeah oh [ __ ] me this is getting bad this is getting real bad oh boy oh boy [ __ ] you see the the little psychic shot the little guy the little buddy he's shooting them so I don't know if I get too close they're gonna [ __ ] explode because those bullets like cracked like that ah if I would have gotten close I would've gotten my ass handed to me alright we need to get the [ __ ] out of here we need to beat this boss and just the boss oh yeah like a fatty glut to me oh my god oh my neck is this your favorite game of all time blood-borne blood-borne a lot more I would say blood-borne is pretty good much DLCs the blood-borne get 101 yeah one wonders how much the Dark Souls 2 get to Dark Souls 2 got three that's but then and it had a third and I had a second version a three DLCs and then at the scholars of the first sin wonder why they put so much effort into Dark Souls - enough oh it's a great game and [ __ ] everybody who says it's not how about that how about that that's a good reason listen Meg I'm not gonna say it's a bad game cuz it's not a bad game alright but it's definitely the worst out of all that's yeah okay that's that's ain't like it I don't like it's still a good game but I I never beat it I never I was never enticed to beat it I mean look I get oh my god you know no I've never been enticed to beat any of them except for the first one except for Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 Kray us yeah by or don't by get that little cyber it's mine my new Robo baby it [ __ ] it just like runs away just let me it lasers everyone oh [ __ ] ass [ __ ] ass oh no did you not uh we know walk into a into a biodome and kill all the you know you stop the problem with this is that I have like zero range the problem with me is I have zero range my dear Mac have you ever said something like that to a beautiful vixen yeah and I was like oh oh I'm going to go arrange as a nanny she like she backed off she's like went across the room and I was like no no it's just going to fall out what is the furthest you've ever [ __ ] back when I was younger I definitely had a range something happened my age no I don't know if my dick hole got bigger like now it's just like really wide one time when I was like 16 and hit the other side of the room and I don't know how it happened but it did oh god always this mysterious incidents it was like the planets aligned in every muscle in my body contracted perfectly at the same time I just shot it out like the blue all a sniper rifle yeah I'm going to save this make I told you I used to be able to crack my dick right crack yeah up until I was like 19 I used to be able to bend my boner backwards in the morning and it would crack no I swear to god no you're lying I know I swear on my [ __ ] soul on my life I swear yeah no I did it was like a deep your dig down it was I was like crack like there's no ball game chuckles I don't know what it was but it cracked I swear to god it must have been like a weird cartilage thing I don't know I died I don't understand it but I used to be able to do it Chris did you shoot in the checked out I proved it to a friend one time wait what taking your dick out and [ __ ] cracking it for him actually no I guess it's not proved you see I did it under a blanket and maybe like maybe I could have cracked my knuckles according to him when I swear on my Sall on my family I swear on all of my wealth I swear on my my grandest stage all right at this point I do believe you I believe you now Wow Mac what's this cool stuff it's this shop it's with your touch up look hmm do you see this item mm-hmm I can pick it up or I can't it's up to you the satchel yes should I get the pouch nope okay I'm gonna hurt Lal you really wanted that thing you really did I did actually really want that it's too late no I didn't get it I can let you know what the fact that you specifically asked about the set Oh or is that usually the only lie you're throwing up I'm the $0.15 one I like those things are cool you went to bed how much music is in this game to to music some music okay is there supposed to be a metaphor in this game yeah that God is bad I think God's not dead I think it's something like that have you seen God's not dead it's not so much a metaphor is this a message yes this [ __ ] sucks wow this [ __ ] sucks why does this suck this looks easy no it's done now I thought that was a boss I thought he was gonna be in my boss mode it was less Victoire cloud yes okay but I can I can retaliate with my farts what is the silliest attack in the whole game Mick you can get a diaper that randomly poops and the ball the poops are bombs and every time they blow up everything on the screen gets poisoned but you've just constantly here fart sounds the entire [ __ ] thing there's actually several poop items how many human beings you think there are out there in the real world that specifically get that item and get a boner every time they get it I bet there's about 60 people 60 you're gonna count them yep 60 it is a seal versus mom yep when does the end boss I know this much kind of kind of not really oh you'll so she's trying to put you out with her high heels yep oh [ __ ] got it oh my god we got her oh my god we're done this is actually your mom that was my mom so yeah up errant Li I don't know how the story goes by I guess like you're in a box you like crawl under the house or something and then she's trying to kill you Oh get the black people hold on I'm gonna go in this room first and lurks Oh No Krampus yes don't worry Wow he's dead goodbye Krampus that's weird get that get this that this is Krampus his head Wow what does that both so you said get the black people yeah I they chosen the negative correct go into that little prolapse later do you like that Chris prolapse yeah do you like it when when you have to look down somebody's bum home not really I'm not into that I don't want to get Tomarken in this conversation I don't like I'm uncomfortable because he's got a big tapeline role I like inside and out I'm just not that kind of male dude I don't like objectifying the weekend what what if you what if you were in love with someone and they they asked you they're like hey could you please could you please open and literally them just doing it they're just doing it there is you're my butthole you're kind of forcing them to that's why they do it what no what if you were like please God no I don't want to and they're like if you love me that sick masculinity you six you're only doing it because you're implying you would get me to so hard to be like my boyfriend respect me I asked him to look in my bum and he refused you're using a reverse psychology when you say no it makes them want to do it therefore you forcing them with your toxic masculinity thought of it that way yeah never what about this item keep ah sure is I like that this is gonna make the game a little weirder but that's fine that's good we could go for weird oh that's cute oh that's key you that's scary oh I'm having a good time I love this game Nick what are we doing now I thought you beat mother we beat mom but now we go further now again mom is not the end you're in the belly of the beast that's right actually yes very much so I think we're inside of your mom I think mm-hmm I think that's not the first time you've said that to be that [ __ ] color filter left that this room is like blinding me that's pissing me off those little diagonal pixels I hate that [ __ ] this enough but their diagnosis you love them there's something very deeply something off on the spectrum inside of me when I see diagonal pixels and makes me really pissed off would you eat maggots mm-hmm good when I eat maggots good there are some people that would did you hear recently they were saying constantly Pisan tea seriously this is science okay they said that cockroaches have milk that it's very high in protein yeah would you drink a cup of cockroach milk ah no cuz I'm deeply afraid of them what if you had some cereal and you really want to eat it but you ran out of milk because your stupid girlfriend drank it all my stupid I still wouldn't cuz I don't eat cereal anymore it's bad for you that's not a lose weight I've got no the fattest I've ever been that's not what the questions about the question is about the cockroach what if I told you what if I told you cockroach milk makes you lose weight would you drink a big rich thick cup of cockroach Guu okay if you came at me and said this will make you lose like seriously a lot of weight okay yeah I'd be like what does it taste like I'll taste it if it tastes good I'll deal with it but if it tastes bad no give it a little sip you'd stick your tongue in it like look I would just try not to think about it I would try to close your eyes hold your nose I would focus on other things like taxes and tax evasion yeah the pain of [ __ ] drinking cockroach milk right out the window the moment I start thinking about taxes do this you could do like transplant an organ during that man the pain I don't know where I'm going anymore you guys do your taxes do you get a like and uh like it's it's the one thing in my entire life that I hate doing the most but it's not the worst thing to do it's just that it's so boring and unnecessary and I don't want to do it what I have to know it's definitely boring and so you pay somebody else to [ __ ] do that [ __ ] even when you pay them to do it you still have to do a bunch of work yourself to send them and organize the only thing I didn't know this I didn't know this until well into being an adult but even if your tax people [ __ ] up mmm guess who's responsible really you getting a text that's what I thought but apparently if they mess up you still end up getting in trouble so I was like then why the hell am i hiring somebody you know I had a really shitty accountant one time he was a complete [ __ ] I hope he doesn't watch out he plates he does he's too stupid to put on a computer you those taxes on the back of his fingers whoa these are all the same what are you useless set of pills hey remember grabbing peels that was kind of like a little little fun thing to say grabbing peels maybe you Oh because of left for dead yeah I wish is that the one where they have closed it Wow ham sandwich no that's gorgeous oh yeah that's you're such a noob Mick you're such a Normie you don't even know team fortress quotes he says [Music] I used to have this recurring nightmare where the heavy would lock me down and pull my ass open who spit into it so you are you haven't been into that no I said I had a nightmare oh that that wasn't real but it should have been have you read a nightmare that gave you a bummer um yeah you were really frightened but at the same time you're like oh yeah what what happened I'm not gonna say cuz people are gonna place psychiatrist and start [ __ ] you know how people on the internet true then know your weakness and then they go for the jugular yeah the nug Euler no no I don't want that if your jugular was full of chicken nugget broth would you be sad chicken I want to see this person the chicken nuggets and mayonnaise in their [ __ ] bodies what's that I hate everything all right did you guys see those there was a guy right oh there was a guy recently who tweeted well he was he was being kind of a loser but uh what he tweeted I thought was funny where he took what do you call it uh it's like a broth II bowl of vegetables I think it's called a hot pot or something yeah and he said you just said it looked like gross dishwater I thought it was funny because it did but people freaking they lost their minds because it was like how dare you sold our souls no racist it really just looked like this wine I'm Chinese but I'm the first person to admit I've walked down a street in New York City and I and I've smelled something and I was like ooh that's either really tasty Chinese food or really rancid garbage food just looks disgusting yeah but no you can't even say that now have you heard of Durin's the rains no they're like these they're called the king of fruits you're using money each time you do this what is the object I'm just my luck must be garbage cuz normally this it drops items this drops hearts this drops trinkets you were born I'm getting nothing there we go oh now I get more money there you go now I got 16 more tries rah rah well yeah the only reason I said that guy was being a losers cuz he was he was bragging about being a vegan while he did it Oh God oh yeah he was pretty much saying like people make fun of vegans but look at this meat dish that looks like dishwater it's not a reason not to make my vegan no no I do like that one picture of the guy having a piss at a urinal endures like 16 urinals right next to him and there's this the guy who walks right over to him it's like next to him it says like she's like I'm a vegan what did I'm standing right behind him and saying that dirty Oh to Gerdes that's too much gurdy why does goatee Gerty Ernie's fully loaded I'm gonna kill this one first the final boss this was a school level thoughts I know the school is just the Boston general I think oh so that means it's a rank Tomar what if you were watching Disney's Herbie fully loaded staring Lindsay Lohan on DVD at home and you decided to check out the deleted scenes cuz you loved it so much and you watched like six deleted scenes that were all very innocent and nice and just Lindsay Lohan making funny car jokes right but then one of the deleted scenes was hurt placing your vagina to the exhaust of the car blowing a bunch of black Sun into it balloon up like no she looked at like I read and then she takes it off a bunch of blacks it no no no it's blowing a black site and she puts her [ __ ] onto it while it's doing it and she slowly looks at the camera and smiles and her teeth start turning black black smoke starts coming out of her ears I was thinking about it while you're talking their eyes start turning black and then this over and it's never explained it is cut to black and there's no credits the movie go up and everyone's just sitting there waiting get that good spinner do you like it little Satan guys it looks like he's smiling yeah he's a little cute little the Marvel smile but yeah it's Homer what would you would you return the TV deep Amazon did this yeah I get that good do we get two more two or two more hearts long time what would you do I'd keep it I wouldn't tell anyone tell anyone how could you not tell no I know that's the scale look at that he's getting good food oh you can't put that nightmare you had that gave you before yeah - Homer you wouldn't tell a single soul no why not hit but take it to the grave that's really admirable if you would actually do that for no reason I don't know who would I who would I talk to but would I do you think there's like some kind of cursed version of certain movies where I mean obviously not really cursed but like a version like there was a cut by the director or some edit like angry editor from a like a major movie where they actually have like just a really fucked-up version of some popular movie with the rock or some [ __ ] to get the footage from somewhere for whatever fucked-up thing right yeah well I mean I'm just saying they have the footage somewhere out there there is footage of Lindsay Lohan do you think the next big thing will be people taking b-roll footage and editing in it editing it into movies as they get sent out to theaters on the day so the studio's don't know about it so like halfway through a movie The Rock will just say like the n-word is like slaps like a drink out of someone's hand No I I you know what even if they don't make a version that's the Internet will make a version all right I don't you know what [ __ ] all these machines they're my luck is terrible oh my god what a waste what do you think the next big celebrity scandal is gonna be um oh that was a Zelda noise has anything interesting happened with like the royal family recently yeah the Queen was rushing her orgy's brains with her high heels really no you [ __ ] [ __ ] weed was crushing her quarries and with high heels you believe that toe marker that's the most stupid okay you know what I just really hope cuz the Queen's gettin old I just really hope she'd get away with it cuz she's demented yeah I just hope she doesn't like like fall down some stairs during a thing and die like that would be the wart like on national television you know cuz she's still out there in the blahblah if she died would that make Prince Harry the new king of England if it did I think what if what if he said would it be tripper when she was walking now I am King Charles i absolve myself of the murder of my mother you could do that good knee have you seen the video Prince Charles sneezing and the like a little like a little kind of fetal sack like blooms out of his ear for a few seconds and gets sucked back in and starts talking excuse me what what yeah you don't believe a little feel egg Bloom's bloomed out of his ear like that I'm sorry Tomer I also didn't mean that you were a [ __ ] oh yeah you did I don't you were probably the one of the smartest guys I know no I really want to know this what if if the key let's say the prince murders his mom by H mom in in full view of the public yeah and then he's next in line to be king but I don't think he instantly because genocide he still have Maddie oh yeah wouldn't you still have to be crowned Smothers or what a match what's what and there's also probably term for murdering a queen I know regicide is no regicide is Kia royalty yeah regicide regicide is one and Reggie from Nintendo runs it and slaps you on the head with a buck and kills you it's a really thick book a thick book that says Nintendo the history of AI ball ooh oh that's a cool oh you know what the my range is so bad does it into no date back to like the late 19th century like just like a card come out yeah are you serious mm-hmm least to sell cards yeah Reggie you know those cards I forget what they're called they were the they were the one but Reggie was a little toddler he was she was not alive when Nintendo's it was he was a little toddler that they prematurely Berthoud him by like 10 years 17 years and then it had little angel chair of pictures of him Chris what do you think of this little this little hand I like it that's cool I don't like that it's it's Chris if you had a hand a severed hand but it could still move yeah and it was totally independent mmm like you'd have to keep it in a box otherwise it would crawl away my own hand then I can move no it's not your oh you just have an extra hand it's somebody else's hands so like I can't control it no no yeah it's like thing from Addams Family but it's got more of an arm mmm would you would you let it close to your Weiner probably nod you be scared it would probably like squeeze as hard as it could and like I knew what it was you could just like tap it just like Smith's so couldn't actually grab it after like really have good reflexes to actually get a hold of it it has small too you know if that's fingernails I can like pinch your helmet with its fingernails and like kind of cut you so I wouldn't risk it also I don't want to I'm not horny for someone else's like severed arm also when I was five I remember having we're a fantasy where I could take off my own head and carry it around I used to think about that when I was a little kid why would you do that and I just don't do with that I just like pulled it on the ground and hide my head place oh no and then what would you do with your body run around and look at it you can't look at it oh wait yeah Steam sale okay what that item was called Steam sale 50 percent yeah it's kind of funny just a gag yeah it's like you know giving a little love to the does oh my god I'm getting my Santa me it's uh everything's 50% off actually the prices in the shops yeah my pay the man or do I kill the man kill him [ __ ] him Wow okay goodbye yeah oh he gave me a little pill should I eat the pill yep oh my god I got 88 bombs wait how the hell did I have 88 keys whoa oh it changed your keys yeah it swaps out my keys with bombs uh-huh but now I've got many a bomb oh no invisible yeah but it's okay how do you see what you're doing I can't I just have to imagine really oh [ __ ] you can't hurt those guys unless their heads pop out but I also don't want to get hit by that lunch yeah but I can fly so it's not so bad come on come on come on come on yeah you're pretty good huh let's see what you got there there we go what is what is your favorite Queen song smells like teen spirit I would like to hear him sing that that would be awesome yeah did you see a Bohemian Rhapsody yeah yeah I didn't think it deserved it won Best Picture yeah it got the Golden Globes no reward no award ceremony is actually true anymore who cares about the Golden Globes say though like it's such to me it was like such a like very average biopic where yeah they're so fun just done like covering all the events of like Queen and Freddie Mercury that like there's no actual time to have anything interesting had with any of the characters and also it's like if you have a hundred percent accurate biopic they're not like no one's life is structured like a good movie yeah so but uh there was at one guy I thought the live a part at the end was like the corniest [ __ ] what happened were they were they cut to like the the call center for Live Aid and like nobody's cool and oh no and then as soon as Freddie starts playing gets back together like everything just comes together and they're they're all celebrating in the call center whoa that's Satan yeah it felt really like like it can't be like 80s movie yeah I mean I like some of it but it definitely wasn't that great so wait this is the first time you fight this thing you see the ultimate baddie I'm suffering himself yeah multiple farm this is like Dragon Ball I was able to his legs up listen he's satin he can do little special thing he can check I'm I'm just sitting on a big toilet and you're underneath his toilet he's just smashing all right I think I think we're forced into the end here I think this is it oh no no no we're going even deeper and there's the toilet I told you paper what's the worst thing you ever wiped your ass with because he had no toilet paper and leave that's it yeah what do you want me to say like sandpaper will they do that a knife all I had was a [ __ ] knife that's horrible um my friend once he he tried to poop on me from a tree branch when we were kids yeah and which would country was this isn't Seattle this is my friend Nate anyways we were like I don't know we were like six like really horny anyways he he tried to poo on me from a tree and that's cute yeah he missed so it was fine but then he had Wisel be bored here boys will be boys will be boys ah but yeah so he ended up having to wipe his butt because we were still out in the woods and all the Hat off [ __ ] boys and I'm all they had no no no it wasn't poison ivy but it was a stinging nettle leaf I know some stinging nettle leaves look like normal leaves Wow yeah those are very painful yeah well they itch they god I fell off my bike one of the younger nail into a bush of nettles it was the worst pain yeah yeah your whole body just stings my [ __ ] friend Martin is a weird trickster when I was younger he used to be like if you grab a nettle and if you don't care that it will sting you it won't sting you I was like that's obviously a lie and then he did and he kept doing he kept grabbing it and he wasn't even doing the thing where you grab it from the bottom and move your hand upward he was like going up and down and I don't know how he was doing it without getting stung he was trying to get me to sting myself we're just like he was like it only stings you went when it senses fear and I believed him for awhile I don't know like I don't know how he did it dude when I was a kid I was such a needy if you're just getting stung and just like no he was because you you can tell when you get stung it like in little red bump comes up pretty quickly is that me that's what I was when I was in school these kids this is like middle school too so not even like a little kid yeah but some guys were like hey look if you squeeze the back of this orange peel into your eye it tangles yeah I get that citrus acid burning did you have to wait did they do that to you no but you could just let citrus acid okay was I figured yeah maybe it does tingle I don't [ __ ] know oh it's blinding booze yummy I was dumb kid if you look into a mirror you can see your own brain through your eye holes if you look really close yeah if you put a lighter up to your eye you can see behind her if you look down into a lighter while it's late the smoke will go in your eyes and make you see ultimate darkness yeah it's true you literally would see ultimate darkness because your eyes would be burned out of your [ __ ] skull okay oh no here's a really neat a fuck-off Tomar did you ever hear of the eye syringe smoke prank syringe smooth the next time your spouse is asleep get a syringe and like blow smoke into the syringe right suck in the smoke and while they're asleep just slightly open the rights to smidgen smidgen up a bit and if you shove the syringe into their cornea oh my god through the pupil it won't hurt them just talking about a lobotomy no no you fill up the eyeball with smoke and when they wake up they'll go oh that's they're like running into walls and having nosebleeds and [ __ ] it's not it's a prank and if you uh if you say I did it you're on the reason you're blind they'll start crying it's really [ __ ] cool but only do it if you have a really big syringe sorry oh this is gonna be bad this one health [ __ ] is not don't do that okay you know what I'm yeah I'm somebody home are if I did I would be in prison or therapy so you're saying that actually would blind a person for real like if you shove the syringe into their iPod yeah if you break that little film across your eyeball to it that does that he'll I don't know come up with what's doing smoke is that like something someone's actually done no I just thought about like your pupil is essentially just the hole you're crazy how is that crazy that's innovative innovative Chris can I pee yeah like right here in Vegas I can get you a bag to pen yes please okay just wrap it around my pee hole thank you being that I will hold on it's a paper bag this isn't gonna hold a bubble if you pee like really fast and run to the bathroom it won't leak through the bag you hold the bottom of it all right Chris oh all right Chris this is round two you know I was just messing about the first time I want you to pick the character that I choose to play with who would you like to see die I like Hey write that there's a guy yeah those little nipples little it looks like a little surprised face Sam that is so iconic but now he has legs no here's all the weaknesses of a leg being so this round is gonna be very different because I can't fly let's spite that what does he do does he just secrete he spits out [ __ ] blood tears my favorite enemies in all RPGs are the ones that secrete named the top ten secreting enemies top three top three secreting enemies welcome to top 10 secreting enemies in video games I will say watch mojo's Oh female narrator has a very wonderful voice yeah I do you want to meet her no I wouldn't have anything to say except I think you've got a very nice voice I'm not gonna lie the first time I heard that voice I thought it was actually like a text-to-speech thinking yeah I know it's like it's perfect yeah it's too perfect it's kind of yes she's kind of a fake [ __ ] you're right no no I don't mean that you're watching right now or WatchMojo in that the lady is I wonder uh welling up 10 times Chris was a dick top ten times the female narrator on watch mojo was caught shooting in a public urinal have you ever done that no never no never in your life you shad an eternal no I absolutely have Mick you're a [ __ ] animal no listen this is this is a true story and and I hope nobody that I know listens to this but I was this is just it like a month ago I think I time I was at a family reunion with all of my friends and family I shot in the Hawaiian Punch which everyone drank from but then ice I got up and gave a great speech with a standing ovation in everybody clap then I proceeded I just about everyone I know it wait what and then I bowed and then everybody saw the big brown state of my house oh what's that the whipworm yeah but anyway go on you shot an eternal no I didn't I'm saying oh I have done that but I was saying like about a month ago I was at somebody's I was at the gym and I got a stomach ache and I had to drop something off at somebody's house no I thought I had enough time to drop it euphemism room no this is totally for real so I dropped it off but they weren't home so I couldn't use their bathroom so I'll just walk home but I I made such a mistake I really I gave myself too much credit about one block down from their house I was like oh no this isn't gonna work this isn't this is bad like I'm not I'm not gonna make it home there's no way so then it got to the point where you know when you need to poo so bad you start actually just clenching your butt cheeks together to hold it in like it's coming out but you're literally physically plugging it in and like every four steps it would be like that oh you knees go weak and you start to kind of go dizzy a little bit you're sweating you're sweating so anyways I was like this is not gonna work there's no way I start looking around for bushes I started but this is the middle of the day that's the problem if it was at night I would have had any problem at all but I start looking around there's no good bushes there's no I saw a car park where they left their gate open and I was debating if I just let go into the back of their [ __ ] parking lot like in the corner behind a car and just as quickly as I could no go so finally I saw a dumpster by a school luckily school was out of session or it was in session and they weren't outside and I been behind a dumpster yeah and I had to like push the dumpster like a foot so I could actually get behind it but as that was happening I'm going to too much detail but as that was happening it was it was just coming out like the whole time it was it was terrible and I didn't because my pants weren't all the way off like I didn't want to poo on my pants yeah so I ended up putting my arm against the wall and one on the dumpster and my legs like up and I put my foot up like it's like one of the things like the little wall area yeah and I was like holding myself up like spider-man just like [ __ ] diarrhea pouring out my ass it was really bad I felt really bad and all I had I had a plastic bag and I had some receipts in there and that's all I had and these receipts I didn't I never thought about it but they just slip right off they're so slippery like it wasn't doing any wiping at all uh anyways the walk home was uncomfortable I'm sorry Mick it's alright I'm a grown man one of the worst thing with me it's like anybody that story was really embarrassing you don't want that in the industry Nick I like your BC story no when I was younger my dad thought it would be real funny to prank me he put cling film on the toilet right yeah so he thought that when I'd piss on to it all the pee would bounce back up on me but instead I diarrhea it onto it and it flowed down into my pants and then I got an infection yeah he was like I'm so sorry the only way to regain your trust now is for me to do the exact same and then he did it too and then we were both in the hospital beds holding hands made up no that really happened tomorrow you look really disappointed you really wanted that to be true no you didn't even look at me I could hear it in your voice okay you sound like a child being told Santa Claus isn't real spoiler Santa Claus isn't real because I wanted I always want to trust people but Chris's truck taught me not to trust people that's a great fruit that what a compliment yeah your friends say you're Chris you're one of my good friends you taught me you taught me not to trust that the boy - all I just got a lot of heart The Binding of Isaac is the first Gabe Edward Macmillan ever made Edmund Edward Edward macaws top 10 times Edward melon was caught changing his name illegally Ethos all he does Chris do you like your name Chris so Christopher O'Neill yeah do you like that name when I was younger I did not like Christopher so what did you want to change your name - nothing I just didn't like Christopher but then I grew up right I actually do kind of like it now I still don't I like it because you can say don't like the name Chris you can walk up the girls in bikinis and say yo dude I'm Topher you know that is Topher Grace's actual name Christopher it's Topher yeah yeah or Christopher's all right and you can also walk up and say hey my name is pissed if you want me to piss nearly all the girls always respond clap they just respond buddy class I won't say how I received take their shirts off and clap their boobs together for you one of the funniest things you can do is get a girl to clap her boobs together after you pour super glue in between them you're sick mine that brought you yeah I got booted think about neck you thinking about it if you pour super glue in between girls big breasts right what if you did it between your big perfect they're not big enough they're not they're almost but up but if you push if you pour super glue in between breasts right and if you push them together really until the nipples meet right in the center it is a perfect one boob now as long as it stays clamped together if you gotta like hold it together for a good couple hours well yeah but that's what uh vices are for you also need that holder still with duct tape dad nails and barbed wire I hope you have children and I hope you have daughters I hope their boobs are huge the day I have daughters and the day someone sends me this this exact footage will be the day I feel really guilty yeah that's right some psycho is gonna remember what you said here and they're gonna hunt hunt down your daughter I think about that quite a lot where you know have people like Steven Spielberg and movie directors will be really really really good yeah and then it almost seems like the second they have kids is the second they're like creativity gets ruined cuz they're trying to make [ __ ] to impress their kids now see I think it's partially that I also think it's partially that they are so tired when you got kids man your whole I mean I just imagine they're not sleeping anymore they do it it's just hard to be creative I don't know yeah I could be wrong I just thought I want to have kids someday but I just know it will ruin my life it's true at least you're honest having a kid ruins your life I was gonna say like that's the reminder I get like I mean you love it you love it dearly with more than like you cannot possibly know anything more than your own child's neighbors that I think just like secretly hate us cuz like we're the one couple in our apartment complex that don't have kids that don't have kids you know and they always see how happy we look I'm pretty mad at you for not having kids to you you know they say that single or single people live longer healthier lives medical or childless well I think that I find I think the tears are single is most healthy married but without children is is probably a second and then married with children you're done I just think about when I first got my dog when she was a puppy she was seriously the most annoying unlikable stupid she's wouldn't stop crying she wouldn't stop [ __ ] pissing ruining my day everyday breaking [ __ ] tearing [ __ ] up you know and then now she's good but dogs mature quickly right so if you have a baby you essentially have to deal with that for like three or four years straight and if you have multiple babies worse but then again you do love it with all of your heart but then again you have to Chris it's wrong my chin head from one punch man get that okay get the question fart oh no what does that [ __ ] hate these it delays yeah it's fine we'll be fine oh but you can choose where they shoot kind of they shoot in the direction that I'm facing at the time but they can run into them too that is very strange yeah the only attack you have yes oh [ __ ] that's definitely not as good as what you did it's fine it's fine that's part of it but we'll figure out how to use this why are you blue because I got the antigravity tears okay that makes you think yeah I like the binding of issac because it lets you experience life through the veil of another character you know I'm out of here you got to go ahead oh that means that was an item I guess I got I just went in to get out but that means we're gonna get more Satan rooms like Leo and Satan like the originals like the original show created by one man Macmillan one why Chris if Edmund McMillen wanted to make a game called Leo and Satan would you let him but it had nothing to do with you early on Satan I'd obviously be very upset what if he paid you or if he paid you 500 dollars I'd be pissed you'd be like I'll give you I'll give you the credit from the name of Leo and Satan like [ __ ] you that's not good enough what I know he wouldn't do that he understands he understands how to be good do you think there are famous people that like your stuff I don't think Tom Cruise really likes your cartoon think Jack Black washes with his kids yeah definitely not cuz only plays is not liked by children wouldn't that be wouldn't that be [ __ ] crazy yeah if you were like if you met Patrick Stewart for the first time and he was like oh yes I really enjoyed watching your Nazi in the prison cartoon I'd be like shut up Waldo and slap him on the head [Laughter] [ __ ] one time I had a Hollywood what do you call it agent when I was much younger when Leon Satan first got one viral and [ __ ] I got calls from this supreme doucher and at the time I trusted him Wow but anyway let me guess you don't like him anymore it's just yes cool Hollywood slime Oh but uh basically he blew smoke up my ass and he was just telling me about all these celebrities that watched it but the one guy like he's probably just lying but one guy he said definitely liked it was the guy from what do you call it cabin in the woods you know the stoner in that movie uh I know the character I don't know who that actor he was like he's a huge fan of you and then I was like okay but I don't I know don't believe him anymore like okay he says anything he just says anything to ease just the Hollywood effect should I get this yes so that is just a random item like a slot machine right yeah it gives you a [ __ ] so this is where we have some real stakes here do I sacrifice a heart for an item I don't even know what it is mm do I give it a little kiss okay guppies hairball let's a couple you know yeah it's good to the people who just got annoyed at censoring the word fat we have to or we get be monetized I don't want to censor it's our you get D monetize for that what's the list of words I feel like the word list keeps growing literally anything naughty so if you say [ __ ] [ __ ] piss YouTube's algorithm picks up on your tag you your speech to text right yeah it'll convert your speech into text it will read it and I'll say oh he said this word like the video what if you say frag it it'll probably not get it so we should we could just make up variations of the words yeah like content can be connect can that's cannot scoot captain conduct it sounds like something I would do that can be forget reaper with your word every single thing you're saying sounds like a rapport or the same don't know what kind of rape or you know their beeping at the first ones believing in the second ones should I buy or don't bother yeah he's been got what does it do it cuts my head off and my body can run around and shoot really or my head can can oh no I think my body runs around and attacks people while my head just shoots that's cool yeah I'll do it on the boss well I like that good draw I got it for you Chris like I never asked you about Christmas yes do you get any good gifts um I think past the age of 24 I stopped caring about that so I just I took my brain turns off at the gift giving process cuz I don't really like using black out when they give you something I mean I like getting stuff from my mom and dad like it's usually art stuff he'll get me sketchbooks and a secret to incapacitating Christopher O'Neil I give him a nice gift he just blacks out falls over he just goes possible I just know it makes me feel kind of I just don't it doesn't add to Christmas for me to give or receive gifts it feels forced at this point that is something I [ __ ] hate that every year I got to go like I just know like great now I get to blow a whole bunch of money on and I have to write and write a list of these things it's always stressful cuz your lays like do I get someone something nice yeah and then when they get me something shitty I'm gonna feel like an idiot yeah sorry I just I wish that everyone just kind of agreed not to do that it is true because if somebody give me like you give somebody something and it's like kind of like what like a book and then they give you something beautiful like a new computer yeah you're just like oh I'm sorry I feel like what Jax he has kind of taught me with gift-giving she's like just if you think of something that someone would like or that somebody would appreciate you get it for them but you not only do you not expect anything in return like she just shouldn't like you shouldn't even want anything in return like and III like that philosophy I agree that's true but I know a lot of stinky people who they they do they they're like really like they'll look at your gift like what really this is what you got me I hate that aspect of it too so [ __ ] [ __ ] I just the way I see Christmas is I want to spend time with my friends and family that's all I want from Christmas I feel like the not only do I not like the gift-giving process and like all that [ __ ] I just explain I don't like what it does to the world around me I don't like the hype building up the Christmas yeah with crowds everywhere every day should be Christmas we should be giving tips to people every day I mean you're not wrong yeah but I just I don't like I [ __ ] hate blessed it's homework like Friday in America Black Friday is the most stupid [ __ ] in the world you know that's the thing too it's like oh this is the giving holiday when everybody goes to a mall and tramples each other over like you've been next to me bow it's just dirty it doesn't feel right no it felt more right when I was younger and another Society doesn't often like to acknowledge is that often in are like in our like quest to be like amen friend or family person or whatever we're usually [ __ ] on other people who are trying to do the exact same thing yeah but we feel justified because it's like I'm doing this for McCune yeah like this that's what's going through the head of these people that like murder each other over Tickle Me Elmo's right they're like I'm not gonna let my son down but damn it you will like yeah I just it feels so dirty it's like especially since the hype to Christmas now is like three or four months in advance god yeah it feels dirty it doesn't feel right here I rather just I would rather ignore all of that and just sit with my family and we resurrected Santa Claus and he came back from the dead and he saw what Christmas has become do you think he'd be disappointed um coca-cola would be very happy actually he probably you know he'd be disappointed at first but then he gets so many endorsements that he [ __ ] love it change his tune are you sure you're talking about the actual st. Nicholas that's right I'm saying he'd see us be like oh my god oh my goodness what have you done for my beautiful holiday picture he's probably some skinny black guy it's Chris Rock yeah is there a movie where Chris Rock gets to become Santa Claus let me please do that oh okay let's do it we can and then there's all these jokes like wait a minute you're Santa does it go a little white girl and she's at the mall and she's like but Santa Claus isn't he's like what and a third black facing Chris Wragge Mikey be fine with that he I think he'd their friends the friends for friends it would be a friend they were in that movie grown ups together that epic cinematic classic even grown-ups to Chris Rock was in that have you seen Chris Rock yeah wasn't I don't know I think so I guess all I actually remember was Charlie day I don't I reports in it all fart art cop yeah I want an action figure of Paul Bart more they everyone finished the trip the trilogy of the paul blart films no one talks about that anymore it's the last question you're asked on your deathbed zookeeper what would you do if you found out they made horribly shitty terrible films like that just to hide secret like blue treasure maps outside of the frames of the movie like um like national treasure yeah why would you want to hide a treasure map in a movie just like the clues to-morrow's or you are an eccentric billionaire that owns 15,000 Jets all lined up next to each other and you're like I've got too much money I'm gonna do something fun I'm gonna make a movie and hide a treasure map in it and if people find it they deserve the money and just agree about oh yeah yeah it's good that's where the movies are so [ __ ] blues are hidden in [ __ ] dialogues cuz they're eccentric billionaires who don't have experience making movies that they body like stocks and [ __ ] gotta bring in your resident paul blart expert Brock Baker yep yeah it's true he is a shrine in his home of paul Blart i think it was a life-size statue of a crazy ass great is it's very sick I like that thing it's going to literally all glow blue oh [ __ ] I forgot it's poison on the ground well he's done the ground poison on the ground no that item you had me get at the beginning that big metal mask yeah um when I get hurt I have a chance of dropping blue hearts oh it's actually quite good that's not a bad little 1/1 power you got poison on the ground that's a cool song poison on the ground I don't pours poison on the ground look what I found out it's a tumor in my mouth in my face anyway we need to add backing like instrument melody so it's like yep yeah yeah yeah yeah yep yep it is interesting in so many songs how there's always like yeah yeah yeah yes what absolutely here's some dude being like nah nah nah nah that's like really chill yeah maybe he's like he's like yeah yeah oh wait no no no okay yeah that's a yeah if someone's gonna actually steal that a really good idea now have you ever made a joke online and you're like ha ha ha funny joke and then it becomes a meme later and then you don't get any of the credit for it I feel like it happens on any plays all the time I bet it does the one I remember was we made a joke about zero from Nightmare Before Christmas and his famous quote is just the letter e just e because he was making like a shrieking noise and then like a month or two later there was a meme of markiplier face looking creepy like look at one singie and it was right after there was like a huge meme that was all you that was that I take full credit and guess what no money nobody gives up [ __ ] nobody gives a [ __ ] yeah where's my mean pay yeah where's my paycheck there's my fat dealer I want to create a currency called the dueler and it has a little Ferris Bueller head on it Joey get this guy healers dealers yeah I hope ferrisbueller grows up and gets killed in a car crash watch this dark bomb yeah steals hearts steals yeah wait for your benefit or just I so I don't like the character first Bueller and I don't like Matthew Broderick you know there is something like I don't I don't hate it I just don't know how it became some revolutionary classic and I'm from the 80s yeah all the John Hughes stuff is the revolution I don't know I guess wreckfish Club mice on fire yeah home alone was it him yeah really he wrote it yeah he did all the home Alone's in fact or at least TV yeah even did three yeah that's really really bizarre to me I don't know if eNOS it's in his filmography I don't know if he necessarily was the lead writer I think he was that's another thing he was another guy I think you just got [ __ ] after a while maybe you know the Beethoven movies - did he really what that is a surprise there's a scene of Beethoven worried like steps like bases away from the camera and he lifts his tail he's got a huge dog [ __ ] I know John uses at least has a credit with babies day out again I don't know if he's the scriptwriter who's the director of that Kevin Spacey movie where he plays a cat Oh Christopher Walken plays the same character from click cuz he really yeah oh I don't know plays like he plays like an oriental Chinese shopkeeper or guessing disoriented a ship we'll look he plays basically the version the white version of that oh I see he plays the guy from The Simpsons that says and I comes with a free yeah I recently watched him a recently watch Goldmember yeah I'm grateful yeah no but do you remember the beginning credits and they have all the actors and Tom Cruise and [ __ ] yeah my favorite was Danny DeVito is because Kevin Spacey doesn't really like he does a decent [ __ ] doctor even then all of a sudden they cut over to mini-me he's like yeah I love that [ __ ] like screw you [ __ ] got an Uzi yeah I'm going to hell I totally forgot about that part of golden everybody this is like one of the best parts all ya know that's one of my I don't like really I'm not a big gold member fan I think it's brilliant but shaky this yeah get at all what you know at all there you know you told me to yeah so here's the question then I just sacrificed a couple hearts yeah I can only take one of these items with me which one should I take oh I got a book yeah look it's good Yoshi Lyle I'll lock this whenever I like you know we think of Deckard Cain saying stupid Deckard who's that he's one of the dudes from Diablo the Diablo franchise sorry man I refuse to even acknowledge Blizzard as a gaming company whoa because their company partnered with Activision or did you feel that way before they are not diverse there is no Irish characters in any of their games there is no tall six foot two Irish guys with red noses than any of their games that's true also but I didn't want a bunch of dirty mix in that Wow that's my name Wow that's my name it is weird that your name is Mick yeah it's an Asian Mick though no well I technically I am an Asian Mick but I am Irish and Chinese really yeah so my beard is red your father was Irish the correct we're on school in the UK at some point and your teacher refused to say your name yeah when I went to school in London all my teachers would call me Michael and I was like that's my biological father's name left me when I was a child so I prefer if you didn't call me that no one is named Mick where your name is Michael Wow they all like betting jacks and some really old hello Nick yeah you see you grew up in London I didn't no no no no I went to school in London for a year Oh one year yeah ever so briefly you grew up in Japan right Taiwan Taiwan same thing I grew up was that yeah I lived in Japan I did I live in Japan for a year that's kind of Malaysia for four years you know what Malaysia really is tell me I want to hear this way of zayn m'lady Malaysia that's why you're sweet neckbeards in Malaysia what there are actually a lot of neckbeards there really should I get should I get the big fly botfly get it got it oops Oh controlled friend is that what we are to you tomar what have you ever like been watching a movie with your wife and you hold her hand and you squeeze just a little too hard and five botflies come out of each fingernail oh my god every time I look in the mirror that's like a new pop fly in my head like what is going on here you're number two this is the largest body fly infestation on my body it is right between my scrotum and my [ __ ] actually I I think he's very likable in some weird way yeah of course he is I don't think he'd be successful otherwise sharing is carrying whatever he does he's a smart guy he knows what he's doing he does he knows what he's doing gotta hand it to him you know yeah though I gotta say I [ __ ] hate his videos they're actually great they're actually hilarious do you think he watches them in laughs I bet I guarantee like wow I guarantee he sits editing with a big fat smile because I wonder how many [ __ ] idiots will watch this one and believe do you think he rerecords lines if they don't sound goofy enough yeah I'm sure the first take is always like if he's like number one number what know number 101 yeah he probably like hello testing testing okay number seven have you heard us rap yeah he raps I got no fall we knew somebody that actually worked on the video really yeah what video he a rapper video furs rap something really if wow I'm good to see his wonderful face he's not a bad-looking guy nicely uh which should I get every sad bow I get everything all right that's the default just get everything even if it's gonna ruin my character I'm just gonna get it yeah all right ah that's the plan hey Mick yeah what is the highest you can throw a four pound rock into the air twelve twelve stories I well hi you to buy units twelve stones that's pretty impressive you know I want to know how far you could probably throw a baby what do you think the farthest a human can throw a baby is you mean the guy who like was the record who is the wreck in the world record for baby throwing um probably some guy in like India somewhere do you think there's a place where they don't you know like they always have like weird hobbies in some places or weird sports like in Japan they have screaming contests where they just yell as loud as they can I'm sure it the record for like longest baby like overall would be in like a Mayan country where they throw things at my places so honestly did you see the thing no India there's that thing where they throw the sometimes throw the baby out the window yeah have you seen that yeah making that up yeah so many Google Indians throwing babies out windows that probably a bad thing to look up then look up baby holds firecracker for one second too long Oh oops should I keep the head or should I get the book get the head you know we want you to become Guffey yeah the guppy well I can drop it and still become guppy I just have it so which picture this time white people are by white I want to see the whites for [ __ ] once okay the police finally represented I'm so sick of the whites not getting represented in modern you may not know this those were that was an Irish family really yeah killed by Matthew Broderick in his car in that movie what is even the plot a few Ferris Bueller's Day Off oh my god he's a day off yeah thanks being sick he fakes being sick he convinces the IRL media through the movie that his principles a pedophile the plan goes right and then he kills a family in Northern Ireland on holiday oh yeah I heard about that was that real yeah how is he not in jail if everybody knows this is a fact I really did hear about what I hate about the story is that um the guy forgave him the guys fat like who's like wife and children is the religious and they're like Jesus which one got stuff earlier he wanted closure he said I want to forgive him I want to meet up with a Matthew Broderick said yeah okay let's do it and then the guy who was like well are we gonna meet up and then Matthew Broderick never responded oh so he's just the point is he's a mock Matthew brought deck that is mean maybe his lawyer was like no it's a trap oh yeah it's possible but people are pretty sneaky I don't blame him actually now that you know you obviously now that you say it yeah yeah like maybe it may be a Holocaust isn't order that that escalated I'm not even kidding if the Irish got Holocaust it most of them would just accept it that's what Irish people are like they're just like this is just life now yep yep I feel like Irish people are good at accepting their lot Irish people are and making good making good literature there's people live in the now and they're not very like let's improve everything they're just like everything's fine yet okay oh look at those there's the twinsies now they're dead I feel like there's one of those inside of me right now I feel like yours do screaming to get out yeah get everything your feet feel stronger I can walk on spikes and you know it's Homer you can inject cooking oil into your body to make yourself look cooler you should do a video of it post on Twitter well you do a livestream of it though so we can see your live reactions well all I do and an unedited I'm gonna be chugging like crisp crisp earn juice row row wings some gills gift eject it you just you just don't drink it I'm gonna drink crisper juice yeah it's gonna be the kind that gives me wings I had a friend when I was younger that would watch juice gives you wings you would walk into Irish chippers because he was poor why and it's the chipper like a mission no efficient chips Oh a chipper II way yeah so you walk in and go have a bag of batter because they they would just have bags of batter like they they would scrape the oven off the batter to get rid of it and then they would just put it into little bags and he would just go in and ask for them and just eat batter for free well to be fair when I was a kid that's pretty much my favorite part of like anything like fried chicken is great I would just eat the outside the skin I just leave but no to eat like connected the skins good but batter on its own okay this is uncooked batter is it or it is the crispy pieces it's only the crispy pieces I see that's not that bad it's [ __ ] terrible talking about like bags of raw batter no I'm talking to he would go in and eat massive bags of it's like the worst possible thing you put in your body some your bills for nothing in crocodile oh yeah if you don't eat you die you say that's that cool riddle that's like what is more powerful than God more evil than the devil if food better and if you eat it you die and the answer is nothing ah nothing is more powerful than God that's so [ __ ] up I know right it's a little propaganda that all this religious subjects to it you know that's kind of mean it's gonna mean all right you're offending the god-fearing members of society something cool do with you magic trick yes pretty floating you were such a little to see that yeah I walked right through it no loading me come he's not no he's look he's very precise yes you can you can go between the cracks of these there you go you're skilled I like you there we go I like the cut of your jib how about a job I wish I talked like that I wish we all talked like that yeah instead I talk like a [ __ ] happened like after all I heard I heard that no in the olden days even though we're led to believe that they all had like lightning-fast wit and all that [ __ ] know that apparently people they talk like normal [ __ ] people they really mmm you [ __ ] suck dude they they definitely talk like normal people that's the transatlantic accent yes that's so only rich people talk like oh no usually the transatlantic accent is 100% made of yeah and it was created just so rich people could learn to do it to distinguish themselves from everyone else yeah you know what just like why there's 18 spoons and 12 Forks what the London accent too though like or although like more posh British accents that make sense people go to school to like sound more posh just just to be different just to distinguish yeah yeah no I agree that was the same thing with any a lot of manners are about that it's about distinguishing class so like the reason why there's like a salad fork in it in a soup spoon and like all this kind of [ __ ] you know it was to be able to tell who was like it was test exactly how fast I go look at that look at that neanderthal using their [ __ ] feet to eat what would you call John Cleese's British accent is that just the typical British accent or is he wrong I'm not an expert on that I have to grab everything don't ice [ __ ] real great old accent scary you had to give all guards oh I can fly I need some red arts tomorrow yeah buddy what would you do if you were watching Bob Ross and at the start of the episode in less than one second he like whipped out his dick and like pissed out a paintbrush like get out you just like read it slow like you could see the head of it popping out it's like thank you guys I have something you guys really need to see that's like the Mandela effect though what if you went back and watched old drop Bob Ross and apparently every episode started like that you just totally forgot ah Tomar every episode starts with him whipping his dick and then his editor if you like draws like paintings popping out of the hole like like squeezing their way out so what would you do if if it's a show Tom or Bob Ross's face up close and then the camera panned out and the top of his hair was his own pubes and he had a little face that's a sweet creepypasta oh look diagonal pixels [ __ ] you [ __ ] you her ass the creator [ __ ] you don't do that oh god oh look at that I am very impressed by this game though Mick I think it's cool you know we still haven't seen any of like the totally psycho builds right now you're just seeing me run like basically what but we'll see well sneaking a procedural game is one of the [ __ ] your hardest things you can do one that's a Superfund yeah I was gonna say making it funds hard like this plenty of like really bland procedural games I'm saying like but the seed roll means they're not designed so like you're gonna lose a lot of fun but what I guess when they're controls that they have you know yeah is gonna say like a lot of people choose procedural because it's technically less work than well [ __ ] can't be less work than hiding everything if you want a really big game yeah I did see you still like it's not truly random so you still are basically designing everything yeah designing it in a way that's like modular all I'm saying is it's cool I like it maybe someday I'll like it Gabe as cool as this Chris you are as cool as you birdy yeah tell us about your game tell us about the game well it's pretty cool you can insert a coal or even $20 no yeah you have to go to the bank and ask for the premium only Oney only $5 okay just got you her face oh no no okay I'll be serious it's a it's it's gonna be a kind of a foodie platformer and it's gonna be all about momentum and I don't wanna give away too much so you got to go fast yeah it's all about high speed it's all about uh you know dot like jumping and fast it's furious it's it's a platformer it's God former and be very speed and momentum faced when you go slow what happens if you go slow you can go slow but I'm gonna have a lot of things that you can do to make make your own challenges if you do it like that movie speed where if you go slow you're like a shark you have to keep moving otherwise you die it's honestly I'm trying to make it so like anyone can play it but uh it's gonna have a high skill ceiling and it's pretty much for speed runners as well that's gonna be fun I don't want to give away anything about it it's we're gonna have a trailer hopefully in March and then you'll find out have you guys ever watched any of those mario speedrun yeah mafia-like analysis things yeah Mario 64 is so fun to watch people speedrun I like I I had recently seen one of those things where they talked about like the what is it like for 55 is like currently considered the limit to beating Mario 1 yeah there they keeps people are still playing that game and fighting like weird little ex place where you gonna jump through blocks and really that stuff comes down to like frames like because of the way mama apparently Mario runs at 60 frames per second like formal logic for some weight yeah but they but but it only like registers certain things every 12 frames like Wow like so Wow no it's it's like really specific stuff like these glitches that people use like with the flagpole hmm where if you like kind of like land on like this like 1 or 2 point yeah on the edge of the flagpole it'll skip the whole like flag coming down anime animation yeah the the amount of time does like yeah there's some kind of weird time frame that everything happens on yeah oh one more thing I'll say about the game I'm gonna make sure everything I've ever in my life bitched about will not be in the game so this isn't like one of those reviewers who [ __ ] on movies and then make their own and it's like the worst [ __ ] movie ever I don't think so I thought everyone I've shown it to has decided they looks cool it's cuz we're afraid of you Chris no we're afraid of your Godfather like powers yeah I showed it to one of my good friends Tony who was on New York's fake as the exponent no you know what that's true dr. Tony I show Tony in the game he said yeah you guys know Tony he's the EXP he made in Destructo tank and he made all those viral [ __ ] games back in the day yeah that's good game and he gave me pointers and I never would have thought of him is mafia he's not easy guy sure sure but um one more thing is it's an adventure game and there's gonna be no interruptions in the game it's gonna play can you tell us about the story no oh that will come out later secret I don't want to give away too much I just want to let it's gonna be an adventure 2d platformer with lots of momentum and it's gonna have no interruptions anything that could be considered story you can skip it with the press of a button nice and I don't I do not want a single guy down in that whole game yeah that's it's gonna have an intro though right yeah you know it'll have a story but it'll be like they'll make Rio you push start you skip it if you don't want it listen to it also you there'll be a log system like a little notebook where you can see what the story is what's happened you know that kind of [ __ ] yeah what the story you just don't want to force it on people I yeah it's not it's not supposed to be a deep story anyway it's pretty self explained it's just the it's gonna be mostly about being on control [ __ ] ah he's killed I like how he bobs you know so we got the the white people photo right yes we got to go to heaven what if you had gone down that means whatever happened I don't get to go to the secret extra thing after this Oh what it just ended the game yeah oh my god well I would have one more level no but okay I like this back now I got two more your church got a deep voice all right give me a base like [Laughter] [Music] yeah yeah yeah see that's cool church song that makes yet this [ __ ] blam Lou yes you see the good old singers a good old Jewish church song look in the back you check you guys can both sing pretty well I I can't so much do you have to sing Church do you have Church songs and stuff yeah they all have Tunes to them so give us a give us a little show yes Russian Jews that's a thing that's mine that's totally like an old Russian folk tune what's uh where's the filler on the roof room like what country is he from he's supposed to I think it's supposed to be in Russia yes right it's called on the tempo which so that's really a Russian food the country that's a bad as it gets it's from finnaly see she laughs [ __ ] you guys like that song in Monty Python that goes ela zu Dabi exactly that's a pretty funny song dude oh why is that movie so goddamn funny um because did you know that that movie was funded by Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd eyes and a but no it's true yes and they did it as a tax write-off because no other studio would pick them up that's cool yeah I dig that I got I got respect for them as for bands I forget the other two I got them as their first time they made a feature the Monty Python I don't thinks I'm actually boom I don't know yeah you know what life a bride seems like it had a lot more production I have no idea what order of their movies came out in what I look about the Holy Grail is like the surroundings there in look really dirty and like [ __ ] up and it just suits the time period and it actually feels up that they came back okay it really does yeah like I've never seen a movie like that like and it's supposed to be funny to like you never see an actual big-budget film with such dirty disgusting like backgrounds that suit the time I was gonna say I think of like a Knight's Tale where like like every what like the dude has like frosted hair and yeah it looks like it said I love that film though it's a fun film but yeah like everybody in the stands [ __ ] doing we will rock you or whatever that's a great poem I love that home the part where he walks in and his dad like sees him for the first time almost made me cry oh but um to remind you of your life not really my dad not like that bad but there's a part in Monty Python Holy Grail right at the start we're either walking through a village of like pretty much mud and there's just people rolling around it's funny as [ __ ] it's like the funniest visual just a bunch of peasants just like not ate they're not able to stand are just rolling around in filth and dying I think I think you know what Mick yeah we had potential to be like Monty Python with sleepy cabin and we all squandered it oh boy to real dude that hit me right and oh and it's all your fault oh man my toes are numb so cuz Mick couldn't hold things together wow that's such a wait wait a [ __ ] push that narrative that's [ __ ] it was cuz we were all busy couldn't commit to anything gonna [ __ ] cry you said grab everything yeah I'm grabbing everything make you were honestly the only thing holding it all together kind of things and I failed well we still do by the way are you down with just doing a couple more episodes oh yeah okay I know I know it's kind of like dragging a [ __ ] it's like not even kicking a dead horse it's like digging it up out of the ground I still saw that your list of things you do on your downtime is working on that trivia game yep yep so there's gonna be a trivia game to give away the merch because we all this merch that the patrons [ __ ] funded and it's just sitting around and I don't want to sell it because am I gonna deal with taxes and [ __ ] yeah so I just wanted to use that to give it away see he cares we all care I don't this like a boss rush knows just a mini vibe Oh [Music] oh this is good commentary you guys it is loaded up this is the worst day in that's our did you know this mRNA and some Ras and what like 99% of history's fake yeah you know like have people say like ships sailed over the ocean back in the day and they were made of wood yeah it's such a complete horseshit what do you mean is water we're just coming through the through the cracks it's ridiculous I think I think that would other ships was treated in some way but yeah okay Alex Jones whatever do you know there's really advanced methods of like manual woodworking where you can like water seal wood stuff like without you having like a modern type of like yeah okay Jesse Brent you are okay okay everybody swam back in today suck though you know back in the day when they had like witch hunts like a legit witch on they have to use dinghies to catch the witch and a one paddleboats but it just sucks because one of the tests to prove whether you were witch or not was whether you could like they throw you in water and if you could swim you were which and if you drowned it's like oh I guess they were human oh good job that [ __ ] sucks and they made him hold firecrackers one second too long that'd be scary I always wanted to see what would happen if you stir and just let it go God get me out of this [ __ ] room please what is the Sega Genesis pimp it out [ __ ] me home are phobar what I'm sorry I'm being a gas line I pull I'm very good I [ __ ] hate this you know what they say Tomar nice guys finish last [ __ ] yeah they do say let shuttle back but maybe they're [ __ ] stupid yeah you know what cuz you're doing pretty good Oh God I've seen your bank account didn't see that happening I hacked your bank account oh I was killed by this thing in some cold place Oh mommy mommy Bobby you died I died and I'm sorry man dear diary today I well that was like what did I write this if I'm [ __ ] dead did you that was the last level one what does the code mean that's what I want to know ah that's your seed oh that's the so if you might want to redo this run you do the exact same thing oh that would let you do it yeah so sometimes if you have a really fun build like you bit like game breakingly funny like you're just shooting out like the whole screen is a big seed and they can get the same items and they can have that yeah awesome experience how like minecraft minecraft had that 404 challenge where you type at 404 into the seed and you go down the hole right where you start is this game you have any famous seeds chalice dungeons right yeah yeah yeah wait what is this minecraft thing is this is creepypasta no there was a famous minecraft seed that you could type in that was 404 and it would start you next to a big hole okay and it was like supposedly the back in the day it was like the scariest hole ever full of enemies and scary [ __ ] but um I was wondering if this game had anything similar where it's like a famous seed that someone discovered that was just insane I'm sure there is I'm sure there's something like that but there are things you can do like there's cheats that you can turn on and off yeah using the seed system I think I think it's through that but you can like make enemy you could do it so like all of your items disappear immediately and and just make it dumb and hard I feel you well yeah like my dick my heartbeat and is here Isaac Isaac is a cool game mice mice pirate mix your body my spare everyone uh please go to the bathroom and turn off your water taps thank you thanks guys yours [ __ ] pocket one snakes I love you all right boys and girls were back to the binding of issac unfortunately I still haven't figured out how to get my damn save dad over so he tried real hard did what do you guys want you you know this round people were people were mentioning how of me asking if I should grab [ __ ] was just redundant and stupid so yeah it was [ __ ] redundant stupid idea huh so what are we gonna do instead yeah I don't know just do what he's gonna run yeah I'm just gonna run and and run for my life how do you like being let's just hang out um I like Isaac really why Zach cuz he's the hero we yeah that's fair wait wait go back alright let's go back to the door oh no I'm just kidding I'm kidding don't do that don't even acknowledge I said that ok Tomar yeah what what did you learn this week I man really late at hard hitting questions so tomorrow's a deer in the headlights I learned that India Pakistan or about did you see that video where it's like an Indiana Pakistani man yelling at each other in the car and they're just saying like [ __ ] [ __ ] mustard [ __ ] and that is you doing an impression on that one so [ __ ] up about it sounds just like pressure to God it's it's literally that in real life what did that guy say to you guys oh it was literally he said you [ __ ] you [ __ ] yeah your sister you [ __ ] my sister was that say I was unlike Pakistani Twitter for a while last night whoa and it was there was a lot of stuff like that my oh they say now we show now we show them dude my favorite thing about I'm not trying to sound all races in [ __ ] you know god forbid I come from a Chinese household when people try to say like American insults in their own language and they're like they get all like stuttery and [ __ ] I feel like they just lose also of what the words actually mean yeah you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I [ __ ] your [ __ ] I don't know acid that [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't really get why accents are racist to begin with because yes where you grow up but that's nothing to do with your race that's true that's pretty true that's pretty true I guess the idea is that like if you assume that everybody of an ethnicity is sounds like that's that's called good old-fashioned typing if you if you learned English in India you're gonna sound like an Indian guy and not like a British or an American guy it's true it's like with the Asians like my grandma used to actually sound exactly like that like oh you know whatever but if you heard it if you would ever do like that my grandma said this if you were like do something like that people would think you were [ __ ] being a racist but it's just fact how come when I'm a little boy holding a lollipop my mom's like never ever show them that you were upset when they make fun of you but then when you grow up you're everyone gets more upset when they make fun of each other is that is that a common saying what was the best advice you ever got from your parents uh from my dad like you look back and you're like damn that was good you always said grow a really long penis if you can that'd be awesome barring anything else you could do make sure to grow as long a penis if you can yeah did you like the Marylin Manson theme of the Resident Evil movie in 1996 the Resident Evil movie oh no no that was 2001 or two yeah yeah that was the beautiful no no no that was sweet drink no what was that song it sounds like this kinda it's like oh yeah I like that song uh Marlin Manson made it I'm debating about No I'm not doing that Oh Marilyn Manson was one of those guys that I lasted a lot longer than I thought he would yeah but yeah talented yeah any nice in your name your top three Marilyn Manson songs this is Halloween there was like there was like a like an album released where's his covers of the songs done by different bands oh I see but he did this as Halloween I was just [ __ ] around he'd he really yeah I never know when to believe you Chris no that's real by the way when I said he's nice-looking I don't know why that even came out of my mouth no the first thing that came to mind I know I don't know why what are those hanging down you just have like a sense for those there's there's some place I mean I was gonna get this block anyway but then there's sometimes one here or sometimes one here this is an eye I think it does oh it helps with whatever but this is better for now okay now you can see where the little exit is yeah but I don't I'm fine I just want poop power this way when you shoot poop sometimes you'll get something Wow it's like a real life you ever play play a ps1 game called loaded what was it what happened I was like a top-down shooter and it had music that's similar to this as well and it was really bloody you shoot someone and bloated fly everywhere where it was top down was it like Smash TV kinda yeah kinda kinda man I miss Smash TV I never played it and I always thought it had something to do with Smash Brothers no I played that a lot at it was a place called Jack's deli or my grandpa he took us in Philly and they had oh they had a copy of it and it's the TWiT that you controlled it with twin joysticks to my go to arcade game is always Metal Slug 3 I don't care about any other games in the whole arcade in the whole arcade Tetris that's good - did you hear there they're making a new Bushido blade speaking of neogeo games Bushido blade yeah no wasn't that just samurai shodown or that's what I meant not Bushido blade no it wasn't but I was thinking of samurai I love other not the same game but in my head I figured out what you meant was like a ps1 game that was like it was like realistic weapons so like if you just slash through a guy with a sword once they just died pretty much cool and there were characters in Bushido blade - well I'm thinking more of Bushido blade - I never actually played Bushido blade one but in Bushido blade - there were characters that had guns literally you could just like open the round up and just be like and the other guy would be dead weight you could shoot guns or people shot guns at you you could like there were characters that had like their main weapon was a gun oh oh that's right okay yeah you know I remember this now do you guys like games like this I cry yeah I I'm not a big devil may cry guy I mean either yeah I don't know what it is about those games it just feels like I don't know it gets really hack and slash II I know there is a lot of skill and there's the combos and all this [ __ ] but I usually have a lot of fun with those games for the first like 10 hours and then I lose interest and never finish them I mean I've seen like when I saw Stamper playing that it's just like at higher levels that is the most mashie button [ __ ] [ __ ] man oh I want this I mean it's really skill based which is cool yes no absolutely I already pre-ordered SEC your oh by the way yeah yeah yeah I'm excited for that what did u fjord 'red for just for steam oh yeah I should do the same you know what I'm excited for that I don't want to I don't give away any spoilers but uh I'm extra excited for that game yeah that was that was exciting yeah I was a weird code for us I'll never forget tonight not after that hmm I love gore look at that so bloody ah urine syringe get it yeah I hope this doesn't [ __ ] my this is gonna reshuffle all my stuff but it does give me a boost I got four damage which is decent let's pray Oh let us pray and what happened I didn't I got I got less damage I prayed to the wrong God Tomer what's your favorite religious song that's my [ __ ] I didn't grow up with like anything other than Jewish son our Christmas songs considered religious I think so yeah what was that I don't know a lot of songs I thought were religious songs were just like really like hippy like 70 songs like I thought that was like a religious stuff why is this sound like lemmiwinks remember that because that's just how those songs all sounded that's what lemmiwinks is based on was like I think that was some like late 60s are like early seventies word I don't know if it was a particular artist who just had a voice like that everybody just sound like they were singing like a like a medieval ballad huh south works still good I don't know I don't watch it anymore I have no neither whoops I guess that's a sign oh I feel like what there was a time when that was like the only good show yeah I mean I don't know I'm really nostalgic for it because I was raised on it pretty much so I watched it all the way up through season 1 through like 10 when you know stop have you gone back and watched the first season when it was all just about like satellites coming out of kids asses yes it it's fine but I don't really like it that much though I don't know I I have a real soft spot for that no it's cool because like you know humble beginnings and you like all that [ __ ] but I don't know to go back and watch them say I don't care that much I can't really enjoy those seasons that much anymore myself it I think it got good is around season 2 honestly started getting its wings it's wings angel yeah look at that look at that oh your head now look at the Rose you know somebody who I think was talking about doing like realistic art renderings of some of this [ __ ] yeah I feel like that'd be some of the freakiest freakiest [ __ ] at the scene oh no no no I'm trying to think it what is the scariest art I've ever seen I think I've talked about that guy best skin ski before right that sounds familiar he draws this weird like War of the Worlds red vinous [ __ ] with like scary war imagery [ __ ] when you say Red Vine ish are you referring to the candy red vines I don't think it's just like bloody veiny like vines covering landscapes like [ __ ] like that I like his stuff they're cool you just made me hungry for red much good you'd love it the whole world was covered in red vines all right yo man go to the arcade let's play some video games the music's fun yeah look there's a life lesson there video games will make you rich in there right boys yeah look at Wow damn I'm on a roll guys oh [ __ ] tip all right I'm out ah what's this yeah gambling is dumb wait Toma you never answer what's your favorite religion song what's your favorite religion yeah what's your favorite with your favorite religion chill mark I don't know me Milland puta see I know is Hebrew that's a good one though wait Nick what were you raised Christian uh no no but my grandma was Christian Methodists yeah and my grandfather was Buddhist Wow but I never knew she was Christian she used to pray before she'd eat but I just thought she was like closing her eyes and like ignoring me and I used to spend that time as yelling at her like why why why why why why why why and she was like wouldn't it was like a [ __ ] monk sat there I thought you meant like her eyes turned white yeah it's like she floated three inches above the table before she ate I'm trying to eat um but yet no she was just chilling and and being heard as being good old grandma did you ever play could take the knee gel from Grandma no take the knee gel yeah what happened there like asleep in their chair and you like prick their knees with pins and gel comes out you put the fact that you have a name for me dogs no I just like draining the fluids from my grandma's knees and bottling it yeah if you plant it grows into a new grandma grandmas are great I didn't [ __ ] do that my grandma was a very small woman which Ines you could bury her in one sand box your [ __ ] grabba curled up like a mummy like some like prehistoric ancient body Lucy they found [ __ ] all right my grandma actually noticed you she was like grandpa are you know his granddad for me and her she was called nanny but you liked granddad's making you a sand pit yay go out and play in the sandpit for like one day the next day I go out and play in it there's a centipedes everywhere I never went in there again very frightening I don't like said that it's genuinely frightening yeah and they're like make sure to put the lid on it or the cats will [ __ ] in it so centipedes and cat [ __ ] that was your childhood kinda it was always those little uh roly-poly bugs in there too I always like Chris go back out and play in the sandpit Chris only some people it's gonna say if when I was eight I lived in like a university family housing complex when I was hoping you'd say a Jew Pitt my gosh too soon oh [ __ ] that's a thing yeah go on and there were um there were like sand boxes at every like corner of the of the neighborhood yeah like no joke that were probably like 30 or 30 plus sand boxes in my neighborhood Wow and I don't know it was a really cool place to grow up because everybody there had kids and like you know you're three so you just will are willing to play with any kid that looks remotely your age that was the closest I ever felt to living on a neighborhood that was like a television neighbor what the [ __ ] that's cool why is it the sacrifice sacrifice room is supposed to give me [ __ ] angels and demons what the [ __ ] is happening maybe something about your particular character type makes you unable to sacrifice oh my god have we not even unlocked heaven in hell are the [ __ ] its mega satan well [ __ ] you dude [ __ ] me angels and demons [ __ ] me guess what Chris [ __ ] me oh please Tom Hanks have you seen Sully so is that when he plays that pilot yeah yeah but I never I here solely I just think of must yeah he looks into the camera and says this is not Monsters Inc and then he says now it's time to get serious and he lands it really an upside down aunt the Monsters Inc yeah yeah I was thinking recently about say about sad Mario and just how I wish we'd get some sad Mario sometimes I don't feel like there's enough sad Mario every time we hear him he's always so [ __ ] chipper he's really bland yeah [ __ ] that guy like whoa why can't my children's mascot be more grated yeah I want I want sad one like mmm let's try that again we just need a more tonally varied Mario yeah story yeah and then simple just like dude you're just talking about Luigi how I like it when they at least try something new I feel like Mario's been kind of formulaic for a long time Mario has that sort of like Disney thing going on where it's like you can't and you can't deviate too far from like brand wait we need to talk about solely for one more minute yes tomar I've never seen Sully if you were watching the movie solely and when he's right about to land the plane in the river but then a hole opened in the bottom of the plane he started running like Fred Flintstone along the water would you rate the movie higher loaf just for that I guess whatever what happens in the original film he just crashes into the room just crashes into the river with it instead his he puts his feet out and he's just like he runs so fast that they skim across the top of the water yeah I like the next like 30 miles until they make it to shore these legs are really thick and I'm three toes like Fred Flintstone he sticks his heels out and breaks it equals the screeching and the water has to like vault like bundle up like a carpet okay tomar answer would you really good or bad it's really good if the whole movie was serious up until that point yeah yeah that would probably make me screaming laughter but not knowing it going in if someone told me and ruined it for me then I wouldn't do that yeah you'd already know it was coming you'd be waiting for that moment the whole time I like this alarm creature looks like you're pretty hips can an earthworm breach your skin with a bite no no they don't have teeth oh there are other worms that can get into your skin dang straight line versus painters can they actually burrow in from the outside or do you have like like like Ali what is it is a leech not like a worm are they totally different families I think so yeah it's always free because when you pick them up they always like do a little they turn into like bite you but then they can't bite you I guess I've never thought of a leech as being a worm ever oh no no there's more like a slug than where I mean it's it it's kind of just its own thing but oh yeah little mr. worm expert over here I'm not I'm I'm honestly just going with my intuition here I'm not trying to prove anything anybody could google this and probably be the way to show your dominance oh [ __ ] oh that was lucky oh yes boys good tomorrow it was one of those pills actually called lemon party I'm sure is Tobar yeah what if you came over to my house to watch a movie and then we went out into the backyard to talk about life and then you notice that the ED of the corner of your eye a little worm crawling towards my foot and when it got to my foot it like blended into my shoe what would you be freaked out yeah I think I'd try to point it out to you before it before it crawled into your shoe no no it crawls up to my shoe and rests its body against you and then just like absorbs into my my body kind of like it that I'm it's part of me yeah I don't know who wouldn't be freaked out by that what would you trust me or would you think that it was just a weird thing what would you do no my first assumption would not be that the worm has now possessed your brain okay okay okay that's the first thing that happens you're like okay that's kind of weird maybe I just imagined that right but then we go back inside to watch like I don't know Herbie fully loaded and then we're sitting down and then I sneeze and like two worms like hanging off my face but I just quickly push him back into my face acting like he didn't notice yeah and like oh yeah Herbie is pretty cool then what I'd um I probably pointed out to you talking Steve shut up let's watch her be that's what I say what if Chris got down on all fours to crawl out the front door into the backyard and started eating dirt and then [ __ ] it out as out that's not subtle that he'd really no no no Tomer what if I go to the bathroom and I take a [ __ ] and I come back and then you go to the bathroom and there's a worm in the toilet the whole toilet is filled with worms that's that's filled with the porker this was one if there was one worm like pushing himself down the hole right as he came in and you just went out of sight again I think I just pointed out to you Chris there's something weird going on with worms and you I'm like you're [ __ ] nuts you [ __ ] idiot get out I'd be if I did I get out and then you you go back to your house so mean to me you go back to your house and you're like Ajax you Krissi's houses for the worms and then Jackson turns around she's got a big worm for a head and then the credits roll you go I am married a word married a word [Laughter] we have things always wind up happening to jacksie and in your hypotheticals I know it's kinda messed up I think she enjoys it though yeah what's up with that one time she sent me a Skype message she was like what the [ __ ] a break flew through the window it killed me I don't think I responded to that one it's [ __ ] up why don't you ever ask me horrible things about my girlfriend cuz you already you're already suffering the worst of our damn no she's cool was gonna say she died she's gone so not the one who comes up with horrible hypotheticals that's not horrible isn't badly thought out yeah you always like hate Omar what would happen have like you peed razor blades on your mommy's face the razor blades are all like cosmetic surgeon you know have you ever heard of a methanol fire it's invisible and you can't even see it really yeah it smell it it happens to race car cars Wow we I can be on fire and there's no visible flame yeah you be that dude I'm on [ __ ] fire they're like what are you talking about that's horrifying no that's a horrifying thing and the guy just the guys just say like I'm on fire I swear I did everyone just like runs oh no know that super meatboy yeah now he's super mean boy super dead boy haha all the bandages gotta lick him [ __ ] off wanna think about that big bandages yeah eat your scabs when you were a kid Chris ate everything was looters scabs [ __ ] pores like skin off of your toe and [ __ ] hate that too my [ __ ] my bellybutton I believe that when I was like 12 I discovered that if you shove your finger deep into your belly button and take it out and smell it [ __ ] no illegitimate poo it smells like [ __ ] you're agreeing is try it at home right now yeah for the old kids playing along and then make a hashtag it says make a hash tag that says bellybutton who smells 2019 stinky bellies and those things basically act like free bar I want to see like I want to see a trending tweet trending hashtag sticky belly buttons belly button poo smell 2019 and I want everyone to tweet out that hash tag with the sentence it's true seriously try it out what's the worst smell that came out of your body Chris like I'm talking like you know you didn't shower for a week and then you you wiped your ass and you you you didn't have any toilet paper so you used your hand I'm pretty good about showering what I stink yeah I don't let it go too far I don't think but the worst smell ever is when I got really drunk because it's just alcoholic shits or the stinkiest yeah they smelled damn bad if I don't fart if I don't [ __ ] for like a week and like when I went to Japan and I fart it literally smells it smells like is that I see composing body make you so that's the thing when you travel where your body just decides not to [ __ ] for rice that is this is calm it is I don't know if it's like some kind of some kind of adaptation to travel you know so I don't have to like because I'm always afraid of using public toilets when I travel you never know what you're gonna get I don't think I ever had to use a public toilet in like in like Thailand or I definitely had to use one in Japan though Chris they're all really nice there you've been in like a random-ass department stores American public toilets are the worst ever what is he like in Ireland in Ireland er they're pretty similar to him but America's like just slightly worse than everywhere else America always has like 20 feet gaps in the doors yeah everyone could see in dude also why did the [ __ ] have you ever used a girl's bathroom because that you had to and there was no girls around yeah why are girls bathroom so [ __ ] dirty cuz girls are dirty Webster's dusting girls our souls are [ __ ] [ __ ] absolutely revolting yep every girl bathroom I've got into a public one I just don't get it I don't I'm like I get it with guys like you know your dick swinging around like a helicopter and pee just kind of goes off in its own direction I understand but how the [ __ ] is there piss all over a toilet seat for girl um I don't know man our girls afraid of putting their butts on this yes so that instead these [ __ ] I'm pretty sure that's the stand over I think when they go and do a shared toilet they don't trust it so they squat real high above the seat and then they just wind up pissing everywhere yeah disgust is a wonderful little cycle hey girls out there listening get your [ __ ] together okay stop pee pee everywhere just leaves to get the country yes go let's go away boys only yeah I wish there was a boys only country I wish it was a boys only bathroom oh she was a boys only world where you don't have to share with stupid girls yeah and you can kill girls when you see them and [ __ ] wish you could just kill people okay okay listen I hate everyone I understand where you're coming from but you can't say these things out loud coming in not in today's world people are sensitive about this [ __ ] another night I'm not sensitive I could tell you no no but Real Talk if someone wanted to kill me it's fine just do it just kill me just get it over with that's rude oh wow your nose killing you again so if you survive this can you just play the same round forever and ever and ever is that how it works there later on you can actually continue to play again and again but for now we don't have that option you have to open up delirium and then yes you can you can basically do like another round off fucking-a oh that's very good I didn't even notice that last time it's cool she comes in through the doors what did you what does she scream at the end what is this your mom reaching and trying to pull you out of your little blog yeah she's like trying to reach into the basement [ __ ] kill you again the Sun the power of the Sun then why you no womb now Oh reabsorb you whoops Mac yes did you know that at any moment in history the Sun can make a pole a solar beam solar flare one time of year the Sun creates a giant solar beam nobody's not a thing was this flares wasn't there a solar flare in like 1912 or some [ __ ] and it like wipes out all electronics in the world um he there was definitely a major solar flare and that is a threat you know that they they can [ __ ] [ __ ] up like that if that happens we are so screwed yeah yeah but that's why those servers like that the Amazon servers and stuff is correct me if I'm wrong Tamar but isn't that why they're like miles under the earth wait really aren't those server rooms like under the earth not generally I mean there is a really famous data center and I want to say like Norway or Sweden that's like buried in in like a dr. evil like underground cave wow it's really cool there's there's just if you look up photos of it online like it's legitimately carved like into stone underground Wow that would be cool to work there sounds like they put more into that than they did that Noah's Ark [ __ ] that had all the DNA from the planet on it you know what I've noticed lately yes you know modern fancy houses like oh yeah I know those houses oh I mean oh shut up man I'm trying to make a point [ __ ] have you seen that movie deus ex machina it's called ex machina yeah it's about that girl who's a robo yeah and in you know that research facility they live in yeah Harry Steve Jobs house that's what every modern mansion thing looks like now it's always like concrete blocky scary buildings why do people want to live in those yeah it is like kind of like that minimalistic look yeah but it's [ __ ] like depressing is [ __ ] it certainly doesn't have mamas flair it's always just like big concrete cubes everywhere yeah and like blankets Walt minimalist like decor yeah I mean staring at a concrete wall makes me just sad I don't know what it is they just have like a bamboo tree in the middle of the room yeah about like what my ideal like house would be if I could just like have any house I wanted I just I like lots of wood everywhere woods nice just like those big fancy like cabins I mean yeah that's structurally sound with a little a little concrete here and there if you had the coolest biggest house like it could have anything in it that you wanted but the thing was is that it was out in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere would you would you like that yeah I'd love that if you had to choose between a giant house in the middle of nowhere or a tiny apartment where everyone you like closed to everyone you knew which one would you pick a big place I'm talking this big place you needed ride like a helicopter for like a half hour or no for like an hour you see any of your friends that would be kind of it's really remote it's on an island you need to aim that oh now there you go hey I would know I would still prefer the big place Chris you'd leave us just for a big old dinky stinky house kinda yeah Wow because unlike you my house won't die after like 30 years also the truth is also depending on how cool your house is most of your friends would probably just scab and [ __ ] and move in with you yeah just come and stay just you'd be like okay just clean up after yourself please yeah pretty much you're good you're good generous I'm by the way you're definitely gonna outlive me me eighteen bedrooms in this house is it just like a stupidly big house I don't want I would hate a place that big honestly would it be fun though to have a house that was so big hadn't even seen all of it it would be cool in theory but then like cleaning day comes you're like oh [ __ ] but if you house that big you'd have like live-in staff I would like to think I don't want to have to spend a salary every year just to live in to clean it yeah I guess that's fair I want a place where I can clean it my out on my own some but I still have enough space to do what I want what if the house came with a cleaning crew ah for like 80 years they had I'd be good but I'd say you're not allowed to sleep in the house go outside out with you I showed him that use channel gasps where those little like Indian people make little houses in the dirt and they makes like awesome swimming pools you know I think it would be pretty cool you know like those those tents yeah they turn into houses and that you can put that you sometimes you see him out in the woods you can put them out on a beach somewhere yeah you're [ __ ] epic have you seen those videos of the little guys who make the pools and [ __ ] oh yeah out of dirt yeah I wonder how far they could go with that like oh we make an underground parking lot out of dirt and they driving their little wooden cars and park them driving their dirt they have their girlfriends in the seats and they start making out yeah then they take them out to dinner where the whole restaurants made it dirt and a fancy waiter covered in dirt hands them a plate of dirt movie theater projector just projects dirt off of the screen it's like it's like 25 frames a second and then finally they fall in love and he puts on a dirt condom but when he [ __ ] her just like [ __ ] comes off and they have a [ __ ] child she gets pregnant and when it comes out it's just a [ __ ] dirt baby he's a dirty little baby ya know dude if you thought that was racist there's something wrong with you society no that's your brain going there we were talking about fictional dirt people some are what's the song he's tricking you that's not a song it is a song I mean I don't recognize it off hands and track yeah come on Tomer you know it which scene we've seen is that when Fiona gets killed by Lord Farquaad and everyone's sad actually she's not dead exactly that doesn't happen at all you [ __ ] dies at the end of the movie wait a minute because she is just a wait how the [ __ ] what you are singing minor fall in the mentally they pled the fifth did you see there's a users in a video on YouTube where guys like everyone sings in hallelujah hallelujah everyone [ __ ] sucks at it and he's just like look at this person this person [ __ ] sucks it's like he's not singing it exactly how I want him to it's just a bunch of people just singing it that's like half the people and read it it's like why isn't everything exactly as I expect it to be no no yeah it has a few good points like all the covers do suck but he's all the things he's saying or just like look this isn't how it's supposed to be it's like the [ __ ] musical cover why would you want it to be exactly the same yeah it's true God it is impressive if somebody can sing a song exactly like another singer yeah but beyond that it's like I yeah it's like that's I guess in the real world that's a marketable skill sure you can go work in a bar as a cover guy yeah that guy who could sing just like Freddie Mercury was in the movie Raimi Malick no Merrick Ramey Mark Matt Martel he sounds exactly like Freddie Mercury oh yeah that singer for it yeah yeah it's a pity Freddie Mercury is dead you know yeah well guy you give your health and this guy you give your money yeah make I bet if you met Freddie Mercury he would have taken a liking to you you know I bet I would have gotten along with him I think we would have been I think we could have been friends yeah he would have said darling you're so likable I feel like at one point we get really wasted and maybe he put his arm around me don't say anything gay related that's not all he was Mick I was gonna say we'd still be friends and he'd say Wow let's [ __ ] don't say anything gay related yeah I wanted it you [Laughter] does it make you horny when you hear that Chris the mmm nah good because that would be wrong that would be cool well karela you know what mek you know what's really cool you aim your mic down away from your speaking little look at me look if i do if i put it up right here it is no it's gonna sink again gods-damned haven't you ever heard of macgyvering a situation yeah you you end it like woot look you better yes that's gonna get a neck cramp yeah you know what oh wait there we go yeah okay you do like that nice yes for Dolph yeah don't mean yarn you know what the [ __ ] is that it's the UH I lose oh my god Tamar you know and then Mandela effect that's the thing where that's like Berenstein bears thing right yeah we're like something you think happened and really didn't actually happen but you're really convinced it really did for no reason is it just when you feel that it's right that's when a lot of people I think okay yeah it's like a big group like thought thing we all have the same I'm not the same [ __ ] wrong exactly and so some people attribute that to like like time travel or like alternate universes or something yeah no you know what that actually really happened to me with a Mike Tyson getting his ear bit off he didn't get his ear by no excited no he did it he really did somebody else that's what I meant he bit someone else nobody didn't bite someone else's ear off what yeah no that's what I thought but he didn't he didn't bite anyone zero off dude we got we got a stay off a school for that he bit Evander Holyfield's ear how did you hear the debated but everyone everyone thinks he bit it off I oh well yeah I don't remember seeing the actual damage thought he did fight at all I did too but it didn't happen you probably just saw like a whole bunch of like renditions of it I even remember well no I may have just sort of put that in my head Evander Holyfield's daughter bitter on [ __ ] off no I went to attract meat with it Mike Tyson the audience and I remember specifically looking at his ear cuz I wanted to see if a piece was missing yeah and in my head it was but my memories so [ __ ] that I may have just made that up to make myself feel better about how his ears look normal so I don't know it's not weird though he grew it back he cut off a little you cut off a little piece of his nose and just put it on his ear what if the Nelson Mandela effect happened to you tomorrow where you remember that hallelujah song the way it is but then one day you're listening to it on the radio and he says it's are cold and big stinky nothing would you prefer it in the new way I would prefer it in the new way if there was a if you could if you could transport yourself to another dimension where in that dimension that's how he's saying the song would you move to that dimension yeah just that is different that's the only thing that's different nothing else is different no other consequence to that decision you know you just live in a world where in that song he says a stinky hallelujah okay but here's the thing there is a risk that by going to this other dimension you could like implode the types time-space continuum well then maybe I probably wouldn't go if that was really a risk I don't know if it's worth it to you yeah that is not a trait and even trade potential destruction of time thank differ Tomer what if every time what every time you let's do it it got slightly more aggressive where he goes it goes like this the fourth the fifth like that every time I listen to it that got more aggressive into the fourth or fifth he says it keeps changing the words so we got that fuel Wharf tower for you if do you cry when you hear that song no [ __ ] it is a nice song though it is a nice song he's gonna say it's like if something sad was happening and that song was playing it would probably push me over to the boys to put that song in any movie would definitely be Shrek 1 what about that one song uh oh my god this is bad you kill those things in the middle oh my god I'm [ __ ] Oh oh my god I'm still alive your emergency little thingy this was a triumph what about a universe where that song was like remained a top-ten hit like fir'd for like a decade after portal came out I would like that universe is that wait is that the cake song no what's the cake song I don't know about anyone calling it the cake son but she mentions the cake and I think it's right after that song that they show the cake even though this cake is great yeah oh yeah it's so delicious and moist summer did we talk about that one online comic where it's a bunch of like badly drawn people at a party and they're like this party's great at all but how do we know if other gamers are here and then the girl picks up a cake it's just like this cake is so delicious and moist and then guy shouts the cake is a lie and they all smile at each other I def only obscene that comic I can't remember who shared it recently unlike Twitter it's [ __ ] epic how bad do you want to go to space tomar if you had an opportunity to move to move if jacksie gotten a horrible terrible accident space accident a space accident until space travel is as like streamlined as air travel I wouldn't want to go anywhere [ __ ] near space I don't want to wind up like that challenger teacher yeah I mean that's a super sad story but it's the point is is like it's still such a like even even with like some of the most brilliant minds in the world backing it it's still such a like uncharted territory that things can still go wrong I thought they were talking about having like flights to Mars in the next like ten years I mean they very well might but to this to date a single human has never set foot on Mars so I feel like there's still a ways to go tomorrow you could be the first I don't want to be the first human to go to Mars you'd be such a great Mars guy though didn't they already establish like we'd have to develop I mean maybe those SpaceX Rockets can work I don't know like the reusable ones you're just such a smart guy and you're really smart and you're just so smart I feel like you'd do much better than that stupid Matt Damon or Elance [ __ ] yeah Elon I don't think he'll of us get related to space oh that's what you think and that's what you haven't seen the videos that's why he sent his car up there so you'd have something to drive when he got the moths on Elon Musk to dip himself into like primordial gel and become like a god creature is that how it works yeah and then you can call himself Elon flux flux wait is that note is that the plot of Aeon Flux there's not it oh I've never having never actually watched a head plugs what yeah I mean oh I watched it on TV like as a kid but I had no idea was going on same with rain the whole thing about like Alexander the great like it's the same artist where like they draw everyone really like sort of like lanky and skinny are you making fun of me I'm talking about the cartoon hand in front of my home Oh mm no okay good you seen the video of Elon Musk's worried like Elon Musk really like spits in the muck yeah he slips in the mug yeah he's covered in muck yeah and someone takes a big old mucky wiener and starts gagging tomorrow and he spits all the muck into a bowl and when they're all done with him he said [ __ ] takes the ball and he's from South Africa I don't know what like he looks like to me he looks like a swedish guy maybe yeah he looks like he's got like oh he looks like a Nordmann who got like hit on the head with a hammer so his head went down into his necklace gonna say it's kind of flat I don't mean that he's very handsome do you mean that yeah mmm I think he he's a handsome guy do you think he's really handsome or is he just handsome cuz of all that money definitely the money ya know you know he actually is like he's not a bad-looking guy no he's not afraid he's not a sec Frank Oh God there is a video of him kicking a dog to death though no there is he did that he'd be in [ __ ] jail [Laughter] he would immediately lose his company it's not a real dog you know cuz he made it out of like PayPal money that's the question is if you make your own robot dog do you have the right to abuse it yeah I mean I would argue yes it's just a [ __ ] robot Tomer that is a good question you know if if you're playing a game like The Sims 2 you can lock a little Sims 2 dog in a room and set it on fire right yeah would you do that to a real robot dog if you could get it for free every week like a new robot dog free every week no that I do it just like I mean no but you would do it to a sims 2 dog wouldn't you just to see what would I guess so why not do it to a real robot dog just cuz of like the effort of setting anything on fire in the real world and the dangers what if you have a butler that'll do it for you all you have to do is say the word I don't see the point of it I wouldn't do it I would feel bad do it I would feel [ __ ] weird about it but isn't it weird that there is technically no difference like a simulated dog yeah if anything the sims one is sort of you could argue it's worse because it resembles a real dog exactly yeah yeah I don't know I wouldn't think anyone was a horrible person for doing it although I imagine a horrible person would do it so it's like it's not winning you any points with anybody there are certain things that if you do them and video games people lose their [ __ ] I'm just saying if I had if I had a best friend and then I found it the only bad thing they ever did was [ __ ] beat a robot dog to death for like two hours I wouldn't I wouldn't like disown them as a friend that's kind of sadistic though it's it's pretty weird but it's still just a robot Tomer you know in Dark Souls the guy at the beginning of the game Oscar he's the guy who lets you out of yourself I didn't know his name was Oscar is that really his name yeah I actually never knew him quite there but if you kill him in a video online people lose their [ __ ] because they like him so much for letting them out wait in which Dark Souls Dark Souls 1 wait is he the guy that you that you sees lying there's like yeah oh oh I'm sorry I'm dying take my drug thing if you if you do that then the entire Dark Souls community disowns you forever it's not that bad but he's the first guy I kill he gives you like he gives you like three levels worth of experience wait he's gonna say if that were true that I think people would stop ruining my plan yes yeah that's true get the baby path you're a bar and wrong it's like you keep you can kill shopkeepers and get like even get the uchigatana really early in the game by killing that one shopkeeper he doesn't do anything bad you he's not like mean or nasty it's just that he's uh can we all just be real right now the uchigatana our favorite thing about it isn't that it's a powerful weapon it's the fact that you get to say who cheat good tano yep that's correct brick also Samuraizer just cool and so are their swords by proxy that's a good point I don't think I'm gonna get angel rooms I don't I don't think have the capability I think that Dark Souls remastered is one of the saddest things I've ever seen I never actually played the remaster they [ __ ] they think your face is one of the saddest things I've ever seen they were a little [ __ ] liars about how they marketed it they showed this really cool CG trailer that made you go wow it's gonna look like that yeah there was like epic boob physics and everything and they just they ruined it they got rid of everything literally just released no the game is like nearly exactly the same like almost to a tee I like the lighting I had the complaints about the lighting in the fire they had a chance to fix everything that was wrong and they didn't do it I think it came down to like who they entrusted to do the remake yeah I mean not to throw shade but like I don't know it feels like it's like when people are like well we got to remake a game but we don't want to waste the original studios time so let's just see who's cheap mmm this sucks I wish they had had done lost izalith a little better just the second half of the game wait which part from like after an Orlando it gets kind of shitty they you know what they still have is you know the bed of chaos yeah you can do that trick yeah they still have that that bug you just [ __ ] go in slash it up and then just exit out of the game come back do it again it's the best way to do it oh it is such a cheesy cheese well they shouldn't have made it so on hire to begin with it's true if you try to do that legit it is a really tough fight it's not a fight it's just like luck it's so stupid Chris I've seen videos of people beating that boss naked where is that of chaos better chaos he's that big stupid demon with the two glowing orbs on either side and you run up the center yeah you run inside of it I barely remember that yeah that just proves how long it's been since I've actually played the first Dark Souls I can barely remember any of Dark Souls 2 it's like every time I play a new one it like pushes any memories in the previous game out of my head you know the thing is is that they're so they are similar and different at the same time like they'll reuse locations NPCs and all that kind of stuff so I could see being confusing for some people yi yi I thought everyone's favorite character was onion head siegmeyer yeah I read nah it's funny he makes funny noise they're fun like you alright this I think makes it so I can like break through bricks with my body but then I get real slow and fat do it I want to see that thunder thighs oh that's cool so what's the problem you still pretty fast right yeah I lose a little speed but I'm fine ah we're good I like that let's do you ever did you cut out kneeling and being stupid okay you think they ever use that for like a Club Med commercial like a guys at the office and he's hating his job and he [ __ ] he's like cut my life into pieces and then he's all of a sudden at a at a Club Med resort on a beach and he's like this is my last resort the cheesy spit of heard you're a looser dude oh yeah oh I'm a dark place I like that they made it look like an old game you know I used to make rooms look dark in like NES era Bo's that what they do is use them like grays and blues like that take my cues I like I wish there was more it like adventure type in what to do kind of quest e games that weren't just complete horseshit where you can [ __ ] around with them and have a good time no matter what you're doing you mean like fallout um no I mean like that load of the Rings game we played where it's like the text-based one yeah I like that it's fun stuff like that's cool because you really can't build it out as big as you want because you don't have to actually build any assets like I think Monkey Island is cool but I also it's it's so you have to do exactly what it wants you to do more and that gets to 777 monkey are Chris do you think you'd do well if you if you were living on an island full of apes you feel like you'd eventually earn their respect and become one of the family depends on what kind of apes you're talking about let's say they're all great babe Ranga tends orangutans seem pretty nice those are the hairy orange ones right they seem like they got the real long arm they seem like the nicest out of all of them they seem now is that just because yeah in movies we always see them you know oh they're the funny-looking wise ones I've never heard of an orangutan ripping a guy's head off that's like or at like [ __ ] biting off a guy's thumbs and his penis that will blame the media for that because you know think there's like a media jus conspiracy regarding arrest James it just can't say anything bad about it saying Lobby will destroy you yes it's called big orangutan all right it's like it's like big tobacco I love blowing up [ __ ] I am in ev'ry role that that's fine blue cap what's the triple jump sound you know how many how many first super jump how many do you know it's that's just the third one is just the one no it's yeah blah Shemin ah yeah yes see oh my god I had another Mandela moment Oh [Laughter] back when dingdong and Joey yeah we're here we modded Mario 64 to have different sound effects and for some reason one of them just broke and it was just a clipping like exploding sound effect whenever he jumped it was [ __ ] scary yeah we also had a scream that I did but it sounded just like Homer Simpson you know if you were to take a game and remove all the sound effects and then just randomly it could be when you fire something when you get hurt when you get an item and you just had a blood-curdling scream so it'd be dead silence while you're playing is just randomly you get some [ __ ] good times yeah yeah pretty much pretty much Chris hey man hey man what is what is that voice there's no mirror that's the guy from Atkinson Hunger Force oh yeah me and we ooh man the guy who's like gentlemen no I think it's just based on an old car doctor evil doctors was that I don't know what his name was I forget doctor doctor remember sure I'm Toma I can't do that Boise you do it George oh man that's it I like yours better oh my god I was like that I love that guy's voice behold yeah let's go like wow wow I loved Aqua Teen man that was my [ __ ] today aquitine with [ __ ] with you Archie is full of goo what was the song it was Meatwad get the money see Meatwad get the honey's she yeah my car livin like a star I seen my mother looking brother from rap yeah I saw my fingers and my toes and I'm a Taurus the actual lyric wow I was rememberin Metalocalypse yeah in the in the theme song he says pickles the drummer doodly-doo dingdong doodlee doodlee do it was epic lyrics I missed the days of good old music like murderface's voice murderface yes really it's baby time all those voices are great yeah instantly recognizable Brenda I like Brendan smalls like of the two things I know he made home movies and that like he's two for two with me ya know he's [ __ ] awesome it's really sad they won't like let him have that series back and he just wants to like make the rest of it it got cancelled would you go out to dinner with him Chris no I'd be scared oh there's certain people that I look up to that I don't want to meet cuz I just will just make an [ __ ] in myself I know exactly what you mean [ __ ] I'll really look up the ice to watch home movies when I was a little boy so that's kind of [ __ ] weird it's really really weird to like watch something for such a young age and then you're an adult you're 30 years old and you're meeting people that made the [ __ ] you liked when you were a tiny baby boy yeah you're all nostalgic for it yeah that's like it's like when you hook up with a porn star and you're like oh my god I've been watching your videos since I was like 12 yeah and she's like I have a feeling I'm not gonna get this mega satan schmegle schmuck I just got this feeling good old smegma say oh what one time there was this guy and I'm not gonna name him you know but we were playing Isaac and it was like doodle and in Jeffers and we were talking about the game we were talking about mega Satan and how do you unlock mega satan all this [ __ ] this is back when I first played the game I hadn't seen it before but there was another guy in the room and while we were discussing what the rules were like what the requirements retirements for Omega safe for mega satan this guy got so infuriated over hearing our conversation he stood up it was like whoa whoa who you talking about oh we were like excuse me like he was enraged he's like oh yeah maybe Satan oh yeah okay Oh school like really dude we weren't even talking to you we were talking about a game where there's a character called megacity one event was this [ __ ] but it was insane name yeah but anyways yeah this this dude was a treatment that's the same guy who I told the story about where he tried bringing the girl into the woods yeah he also threatened to kick your ass his and then also threatened a girl and said you look at your woman for the Woods will kick you away I love dude when he left there was a plate of hair under his bed yeah that's disgusting oh guy was [ __ ] a play-doh hair plate Oh hair I'm gonna get you I'm not I'm not gonna get turret it's like a weird thing when people like that are so far gone into being a terrible human being yeah it's just everyone else is an idiot and they're not yeah they did that I also I don't think I told in that story that he got really mad at us cuz we were watching he's falling down compilation we were all screaming and laughter at baby's like falling and starting to scream and then he got really [ __ ] angry I said I'm changing this and any put on honest trailers the funniest videos you'll ever see is so funny do you guys ever um do you guys ever read articles like news articles on your phone no so I have all the news all the news networks I got Fox I got CNN [ __ ] Newsweek all that [ __ ] right yeah and one of them is BuzzFeed and it is interesting to see some of their articles however and I'm not I'm not trying to sound like an ass here but there's clearly like like they're like catering to a gay demographic with a lot of the headlines and I didn't get that until later but like there was one where it was like dude size feet is the worst it was like Khloe Kardashian just busted out on insta and I'm straight and I'm like what so that I like go to through the article it was just like all these photos of the Kardashians at the end and yeah like I said I'm straight now or something like I'm not I [ __ ] know and there's other ones where it's like so and so just got a new ass I'm shook you know it's that's the word [ __ ] possible it's you know what it feels a little it's not exclusive it just feels so specific for one I almost feel like I'm not supposed to read the article because this isn't like for me or something that isn't how I talked that's not how I relate I don't know what does to what's going on but I also don't want to just constantly have negativity being thrown at me every time I just have to look at that stuff is like this is a cue as to whether or not like the headline is now kind of a cue for whether this article yeah is for use for you but that's still kind of a [ __ ] up way to look at news it's like news shouldn't have to be always like that's kind of the thing like isn't there a neutral like ground where we all kind of know now now fine can't say I didn't try best thing you can do is avoid the news and be oblivious when the nukes fall just turn around and close your eyes good we went to DEFCON four yesterday Chris I know well yeah I shouldn't date the episode too much by saying yesterday but yeah the whole news of the india-pakistan thing now for our viewers out there DEFCON four isn't too bad right no it's like that's like that's level that's level two it's specifically revolves around the United States it basically means the u.s. is not in any like direct jeopardy but the world stage suggests that like there could be nuclear activity like it basically is like the wart the like the higher level warning level where it's just like you should keep an eye out yeah some weird stuffs happening so we're in gap we're in DEFCON 4 yeah well we're in DEFCON 4 there's people on Twitter complaining about that you shouldn't be allowed to quote a tweet did you see that what just people getting angry being like quoting an artist tweet hurts the artist people getting like mad of satellite war quoting them hurt legitimately don't understand doing like a quote tweet versus a straight retweet I'm not sure yeah yeah so yeah it's all of those things are still better than like right click why even here and reposting like people's artwork I give a [ __ ] [ __ ] about that in the first place oh that is is blaming the typical behavior of users on the person because the idea is okay a person is less likely to like click on the the like how but get over it and tweet but I was gonna say that's everybody's fault I've had my cartoons stolen and posted on other websites millions of times you don't see me [ __ ] screaming about it I understand that is your big boy make yourself a big guy then [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that your advice started back yeah I'm not nothing you're not not nothing I'm sorry that they know I was gonna say I'm not an actual I do like doing art but I don't feel like I'm that good at what I do that's cuz you're stupid tap thank you that means you're talentless and stupid that's something I think about a lot though rum I try to do too much and I don't get I don't improve it anything that I I feel the same way it sucks I think I think clearly you you are great you do good job you do good funny well I rest my case I guess I don't need to kill myself yet not today not today my friend maybe soon though yeah I'm doing our calendars you don't implicate me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 999,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oneyplays, oney plays, binding of isaac afterbirth, bind of isaac afterbirth plus, ricepirate, oneyplays ricepirate, binding of isaac, oneyplays binding of isaac, oney plays binding of isaac
Id: f3nA65byfUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 37sec (10777 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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