OnePlus 12 Vs Galaxy S24 Ultra Comparison - The S24 Ultra Killer For Less!

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OnePlus 12 or the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra which one of the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 flagships should you go for well if you have that exact question well this video is going to answer it for you because I'm going to go over their build quality design their cameras with a bit of a camera comparison screens gaming performance and even check out thermals too report on which one of these does dissipate the heat the best to give us the best frame rate when playing a demanding game like gen Shen impact and also check out their charging rates benchmarks and factor in of course the price and which one of these I think should you go for if you are after a new flagship in 2024 so let's take a look at what is included with our phones with the OnePlus 12 we get quite a bit more than Samsung so when you first get the phone here you'll find this little box here at the top now this does include adapter which is a type-c to type a adapter then under this you will find a red cable Club cart there is our welcome card OnePlus sticker safety guide and quickart guide but there's still more here along with the phone you will find our superv charger which is 100 ws and then our red type a to type- c cable Samsung on the other hand doesn't really give us a lot we have our phone there's nothing else behind it right there and then inside the top part you will find the they do include well a little bit of paperwork so you see that we've got our paperwork there some tray tool and they do include a type-c to type-c cable but the charger well that's missing andh now looking at their builds the Samsung is a larger phone the square design doesn't feel quite as comfortable as the OnePlus 12 in hand and there's a big difference in the way we're looking at 2020 G with our 1plus 12 versus 2 around 32 G with our Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra both of the models have type-c ports that are USB 3.2 spec they do support video out and very fast data transfers with them so with the Samsung you do get the active stylus our S Pen and Samsung Dex now both of the Sim trays do take two nano SIM so there's dual SIM mode with these models up top you'll see that we have two microphones here with the s24 ultra we've got the microphone at the top with the OnePlus 12 but it does have an IR transmitter there at the top this is the secondary loudspeaker both of them have secondary loud speakers and you can see that the Samsung is a little bit wider there so it's a slightly wider phone and we're looking at a difference in thickness of 8.6 mm with our Samsung versus 9.2 mm with the OnePlus 12 for cameras on the rear there is a difference with our optical zoom cameras the OnePlus well this is a three times Optical periscopic camera 64 megapixels the ultra wide is 48 megapixels with the Samsung well it's periscopic camera is 50 Maps it's five times Optical the ultra wide is 12 Maps main cameras we're looking at 50 megapixels with our OnePlus which is f1.6 and 200 maps f1.7 with the Samsung so there's a difference there and we do have Hasselblad colors with the OnePlus 12 whereas Samsung well they're doing all of that themselves looking at both of our displays so they are similar Tech that they are using it's ltpo so we're looking at 120 HZ both of these AMOLED displays too so very smooth very very fluid here and you can see that the frame rate uh currently at the moment will drop down because of the tich that they're using so you can see it's down to 24 frames per second with our Samsung 60 on the OnePlus but as soon as I touch both of them the screens go up to 120 frames per second both are very very fluid and smooth so the screens you can see Slimmer bezels with our Samsung and then the curvature to the display of the OnePlus 12 makes it very nice in hand I have noticed and gestures from the corners maybe a little easier there to trigger to as well with the OnePlus 12 now the OnePlus 12 also has a 2160 HZ pulsewidth modulation rate so no Flicker at all from the screen I'm not really seeing any flicker either with the Samsung and we're looking at a peak brightness of 2600 nits with the Samsung versus 4500 nits without OnePlus 12 and you can see right now in direct sunlight you can make out these screens no issues and use them not a problem to send text messages and I noticed that the OnePlus 12 even with a little bit of rain I can still use this screen no problems at all I don't get any funny ghost touches or issues even with a bit of light rain on the screen so both of these are excellent displays these AMOLED screens with refresh rates of 120 HZ so what I will do now is just make sure I clear everything from memory on both of these and just do a little bit of a speed test here just to see the kind of performance so first up something very light which is Gmail there at the same time that seemed to have opened up quicker with the OnePlus so just go back home and we'll run 3D Mark here won't run through the full Benchmark but just to load it again looked like it was faster uh with the yes with the OnePlus that definitely was I think and we'll go into now play store so tapping that at the same time and just to point out I am on the same wireless network here too so should should be no speed difference at all with that and we'll bring up uh YouTube too as well okay and looks like oh that was very close maybe the Samsung was slightly faster then you can see they're loading in the same account here and scrolling speed on both uh is really really quick whoops I don't know what was going on there okay still seems to be loading in a bit that's what was slowing it down but very very smooth there on both of them really quick excellent performance from them as you'd expect from this spec here with this chipset and then finally going to load up just the start screen here of genan impact see which one does that first okay so the first splash screen did come up first with the Samsung and it looks like it's going to load it in marginally quicker by the looks of it okay it's the first to get into the account so I'll just get out of that we'll go back and do one more thing here which is Gallery okay that tended to have come up a little bit faster I think on the Samsung there and what I have noticed however is that the task management is excellent with the OnePlus 12 you can keep social media applications for for up to 72 hours and they are not closed there it also go back here to 3D Mark none of these are reloading they're still in the memory here which is good oh okay we're seeing some reloading now with the Samsung so that already killed that off the Samsung has killed off and 22 in the background that's probably why gen Shen impact did load up a little bit faster we'll try Twitter again okay faster there with the Samsung so both of them really quite similar here Gmail okay that's still in memory there so quick speed test you see that the performance of both of them is excellent with that Snapdragon 8 gen 3 and you'll see the charging time this is where there is a huge difference so just 25 minutes to fully charge here the OnePlus 12 versus what I measured 67 minutes and we're looking at a big difference here of course because it's 45 wats only with the Samsung versus 100 wats with a OnePlus 12 so if you need fast charging well that is clearly the model to go for there and there is a difference with the internal storage speeds here so ufs 4.0 but as you can see here from the result we are getting a slightly higher score with the 1pl 12 it sequential reads a little bit slower there but the right turned out to be quite a bit faster so there's a bit of a difference there and you can see with the overall score that it was the OnePlus slightly faster and 2 two scores here so again I let them cool down around this test so you can see that The Thermals and I'll be getting on to that a little bit more too in this video that with the same test went up 16.8 de here our Samsung versus only 6.7 de we lost 3% battery versus 6% battery loss and the scores well clearly there the Samsung slightly faster but only oh about what 70,000 points difference or so so it's not a huge difference there they're very similar in performance as you'll see later on so stress test here this is testing out the throttling how hot they are getting this runs for 20 minutes and again it was a test that I ran with both of the phones uh let them cool down at ambient temperatures first when I ran this and you can see we have stability of 50.1% with our Samsung and I'll just bring that up a little bit closer so you can see that you can see okay we've got their 50.1% the best Loop score is almost 5,000 and you'll see now with our OnePlus 12 that it did get a slightly higher score here and it didn't throttle quite as much it's 56.3 you see and the lowest Loop score is uh quite a bit higher there too versus our galaxy s24 Ultra and then I'll just show you here to our thermals so we ended up getting up to 45° this is measured internally by 3D Mark okay so you cannot uh change this at I believe it's the battery temperature so 45° C versus 40 with the 1 + 12 and you can see the frame rate was B slightly B with the 1plus 12 again so that's good to see there there is there's a bit of a difference in the temperatures and you do notice this when gaming and I will focus on that now we'll take a look at gaming performance but I'll break out now my thermal imaging unit here so we can take a look at those temperatures and just how warm will these get I can see that the OnePlus 12 the screen the front of it is about 12 almost 27° and our Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra we're looking at similar temperatures there so just to confirm that's about 27° flip the phones over now we'll look at the rear of them the both of them are cool again 27 about 27.1 27.2 both of those there now let's play gench and impact and this is going to be on maximum settings this is the s24 ultra and you can see with my settings that I do have it set to the highest 60 frames per second with genen impact and we'll see how this is going to perform so in this area of the map right now it is very smooth looking great but what is it going to be like now thermals after 1 hour of game play gaming with the s24 ultra I've noticed that the frame rate sometimes does dip down a little bit more than the OnePlus 12 in my time testing it now what about those thermals well let's have a look here so I can see now the front of the screen we're getting a maximum temperature of 41.7 almost around about 42° and that of course is the front of it so what I'll do now is I'll just flip the phone over we'll take a look at the rear cuz it does feel quite warm the frame and that is getting up to almost well 41 41° the rear of the Galaxy s24 Ultra so it does get quite warm when gaming similar temperatures to what I saw with Wildlife extreme so it is very fluid here there are no noticeable lags at all so what'll do just like the s24 ultra both of them I'm going to play now for exactly 1 hour and then I'll report back on those therm which one gets the hottest am I going to see any frame dips lag with them so I've noticed that genin impact on the top settings does seem to be a little bit smoother with the OnePlus 12 less frame dips both of them run the game really well as you'd expect with the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 but it's probably to also the 16 GB of RAM the 4 GB more making a slight difference there but what I have noticed is that it feels cooler to the touch the gaming less frame deps but exactly how much cooler well let's take a look now it's been 1 hour of gaming with the OnePlus 12 and using my thermal imaging little camera here I can see that we're looking at the front screen here there's a Hot Patch there that's of course where the chipset is so 39° almost 40° there on the rear of it and I'll just flip the phone over so there is the back of it here and we'll take a look at that so it's getting up to you can see now 36.7 30 almost 37° so it is noticeably Cooling and now loudspeaker sound pole so they both have dual loud speakers I have noticed that the Samsung speakers are a little bit richer but the OnePlus 12 speakers these are slightly louder and you'll hear from the sample that I'll play you now both of them at 100% volume and a short camera comparison so compared to the Galaxy s24 Ultra the OnePlus I did notice that it does tend to have better colors with hasselblad's color optimization the white balance a little more correct shots are very similar here as you can see the Samsung tended to oversaturate it's quite obvious with this one as you can see colors look a bit more saturated with the Galaxy s24 Ultra and more realistic and true to life with the OnePlus with portrait photos I did notice that the Samsung tends to oversharpening on both is good again I'm leaning towards the OnePlus 12 with its color optimization just being a little bit more correct here the white balance and with zoom shots it did notice that the OnePlus wasn't quite as sharp as the s24 ultra and more saturated the zoom photos too with the OnePlus 12 bringing both of them up to 10 times digital Zoom you can see again difference with the saturation the OnePlus 12 was a bit more oversaturated it didn't feel too bad considering this here is a lot more digital Zoom against the s24 ultra which again looks oversharpened if you ask me a little bit overprocessed over the zoom cameras did feel well with moving subjects shutter lag and daylight not a problem with this duck that was moving about they both took an excellent shot then the low light photography I do prefer the OnePlus 12 because the shots look more realistic better white balance here and I do like the fact that OnePlus has retained those darker areas the Shadows intentionally just to replicate what it really does look like the s24 ultra shots do look good but they're just a bit artificial looking to me and not as natural as OnePlus 12 so there we go that is the comparison there you can see that the OnePlus 12 it runs cooler 5° cooler with the 3D Mark Wildlife extreme stress test and it did run cooler gaming gen Shan impact that was at the top settings it was a little cooler dissipated the heat better we're looking at not so much of a difference not quite 5° but more like 3 4° Celsius difference there and I noticed less frame dips too with the OnePlus 12 so if you game a lot it would be the mobile to go for now build quality on both of them is excellent I do like the way the OnePlus 12 feels in hand due to the curved framed uh on the corners it just feels better in hand uh than the s24 ultra which is still very nice the build quality of it the flat display versus curb so there's a difference in those two as well and both of them are very bright very fluid 120 HZ both of course with the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 so they're powerful flagships and the color science different there I prefer what Hasselblad has done with the color optimization I find just a portraits and the colors to be a little bit more true to life and I do like what I'm seeing there with the optimization of that the Samsung tends to be a little bit more oversaturated more aimed at say social media depends on what you like there but I prefer to have a more true to life color and that's what you get with the OnePlus 12 now charge time no competition there uh 25 minutes for the OnePlus 12 versus 67 minutes for the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra it's rather slow there and of course you don't even get the charger in the Box the other huge factor is the price difference the OnePlus 12 is a lot cheaper and I mean a lot so if I'm going to pick a phone out of these two unless you really do need the five times optical zoom and that 4K front-facing video and the stylus I would go for the OnePlus 12 save your money you're getting a fantastic phone it offers really what the Samsung Galaxy s24 does have but a lot cheaper and it really is a great phone so thank you so much for watching this comparison of the OnePlus 12 versus the Samsung Galaxy s20 for Ultra
Channel: TechTablets
Views: 99,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techtablets
Id: ut9SDJCOUgg
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Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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