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god bless you god bless you welcome to our sunday service online i want to welcome everybody that's joining us right now on facebook and on youtube god bless you please do me a favor share this broadcast with somebody invite somebody tag somebody let somebody know that we are live right now and god is about to do something fantastic in your life amen i'm really glad that you are here i'm so excited for you being here and being a part of this service today amen amen i just take a few seconds and just pray in the spirit wherever you are just get your spirit man ready to receive from god to get a specific word from god today i know some of you are probably watching wherever you're watching and you are saying lord let this word be my word let it bring an impact in my life let it do something let it transform me so if you're that person i want you to begin to pray in the spirit right now amen [Music] [Music] father let the word of god come with power let it come with dynamite let the spirit of god move upon the words from my mouth to your people every issue every condition in their lives this word brings that issue to an end in the name of jesus christ i pray as understanding comes to them their hearts are become mended from every trouble in the name of jesus somebody say amen amen you may be seated i want to speak this morning on what i title oneness oneness somebody type oneness somebody say oneness [Music] oh how i love jesus how many of you love jesus oh yes we love him you know christianity is the only religion in the world that their god desired an inseparable union from his people wow the only religion in the world that dear god desired an inseparable union with his people the only religion you will never find another one that's right are you listening to what i'm saying oh yes right here no other religious group teaches about oneness with your god every other religion in this world that you will ever find has god so distant from the people oh my god the gods of other religion are nowhere close and if for the most part the only dealings you have with god in other religions is that god may give you some reward in the afterlife so if you do well in this life then you will get a reward in the afterlife that is all all the other religions talked talked about but when it comes to christianity we are not experiencing the benefits of it in the afterlife come on now we are experiencing it in this life come on now that's right hallelujah but much more it is not about having uh benefits you know you know i i heard this is what i heard i don't know how true it is but they said for the muslims when they have to carry when they carry out the um they are how do you call it they are religious duties well when they die and they go to paradise so to speak they are giving wives and all these things but in christianity our rewards begins here amen that's right but then something much greater oh bala takaya something much higher that was never found in any other religion is that our god the god that we serve desired to become one with his people come on hallelujah desired to be in union with his creation yes yes no other religion talks about their god like that it is always service to god for what he will do for me or service to god to appease his anger so i don't get put in a bad place in the afterlife but in christianity god decides i'm not only going to do these things for you but i want to become one come on hallelujah glory glory glory so in christianity it is the only religion where you see god coming down [Music] not waiting for you come on now [Music] not waiting for when you get some sense to approach him not waiting for when you feel like coming to him is the only religion where your god decides he was going to come after you to make himself one with you yes yes he decided to calm down jesus jesus oh thank you jesus it was not a mission we sought after god himself decided i'm going to go look for a people that i can make myself one with he bypassed all the angelic beings all the create creations and the creatures that he had made before our time we were the last of all his creation but the one he's sought after to become one with oh god my god you understand this better in the moment amen take us there prophet are you still here we're here wow god desired to be one with his creation amen and adam was given the opportunity to build man to that place he was given the opportunity to build man to that place that's why every day at the cool of the day the lord will come visiting to fellowship in order to create oneness wow wow wow but adam fell short when he opened himself up to sin and destroyed that bond because that's what sin does sin not only within your conscience but as at that time broke fellowship between man and god and the word fellowship is simply koinonia a drinking together and ah come on now take us there take us there a oneness yes yes that's the greek word coinonia sin broke that fellowship and so adam could not further that mission that god wanted to have with man to become one with man am i talking to somebody here oh yes right here but praise god hallelujah the second adam picked up the responsibility yes yes glory glory to complete the process of uniting god and his creation oh yes oh yes thank you jesus jesus did not just come to save you [Music] jesus did not appear on planet earth just so you could be saved from sin from the punishment of sin jesus came on a mission yes and the greatest mission that ever was and ever will be was to cause that man or god and his creation unite amen amen glory to god so in second corinthians chapter 5 verse 17. i want you to read this oh shallots therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation if anyone is in christ he is a new creation uh-huh the old has passed away oh that's passed away behold the new has come aha keep going all this is from god who through christ reconciled us to himself now read the next verse in the king james for me and all things are of god who hath reconciled us to himself by jesus christ and have given to us the ministry of reconciliation is that the king james yes read the verse 19. to wit uh-huh that god was in christ jesus reconciling the world hey hallelujah it one more time to wit that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself listen to which god was in christ amen amen god was in christ reconciling the world to himself jesus jesus oh i think you're not getting ideas take us there god was in christ yeah yeah yeah christ when he came to that he was not doing it alone [Music] god was in christ yes you thought christ was the one going to die but god was actually going to die jesus jesus god was in christ he was there when jesus was carrying out that mission god was in christ reconciling the world to himself can you understand it yes so when jesus died god died oh my god oh my god prophet i know it's an impossicant ah yeah yeah yeah yeah i said when jesus died god died because god was in christ reconciling the world to himself the whole time jesus was walking the earth god was in christ yes about to carry a mission to reconcile the world to himself my goodness my goodness i have a teaching called the day god died but as to how god was in christ is something that we will examine another time are you still here we're here but today i want to show you how god reunited with man amen and what that means for you as a believer amen are you still with me here somebody yes right here what i want you to understand firstly is that the origin of man is god amen the origin of man was in god but when god decided to give man expression by creating him and giving him essence outside of himself are you listening to me yes right here he did that by breathing man into a dirt dirt body and the bible says man became a living soul so what did god do he said i want to create a family for myself i want to have a people under me that are just like me made in my image in the likeness of god but i want them to have essence but i cannot give them essence if they are still in me [Music] so for them to have essence for them to become an independence or have an independence from him as their own being come on even though they are just like me i need to create them yes and what he did gave every man essence amen amen there is no talk of a child even though a mother has the capacity to produce a child but the child will never have his essence unless the child is giving birth to yes as long as the child remains inside it has no benefit and it shows no how do you call it no relevance if the woman has capacity to produce all the seeds are in man all the seeds are in man but until the the seed is incubated and then produced the essence cannot be realized yes are you still with me here oh yes we're here so before you were a physical being on earth you first existed in god come on now hallelujah that's good are you listening to me here yes so in the book of acts chapter 17 the verse 28 something very profound quickly verse 28 yes please for in him we live and move and have our being as certain also of your own poets have said for we are also his offspring we are in his offspring amen meaning before you ever came to be as a physical specimen you were in god you existed in god amen amen are you listening to me here yes you were in him a spirit a breath jesus and then when your parents decided they were going to have you that breath left him and came into the incubation of the seed come on now at the moment the egg met the uh the seed [Music] the breath of god was released into it amen oh shut that spirit that you were in him came out of god jesus jesus you were one with him at a certain point that's what i want you to see amen amen that's right yeah yeah praise the lord because your origin was in him so you were one with god from the beginning come on before beginning began come on before time was in procession hallelujah you were one with god yes because you were in him yes am i talking to somebody yes you were inseparable with god in the in eternal realm in the eternal realm you were inseparable but then when your parents decided to have you you were released from that eternal realm of oneness with god into a physical realm um when your parents decided to have you this is what happened you came up as a thought in the mind of god and beckon on the father to release you to the ephraim or to the physical realm to be a human being or a human spirit wow you are the one who engaged god to release you ah yeah yeah yeah cosmic man you told god please send me to be a human spirit jesus jesus because in that eternal realm all things are known and all things are realized and you saw the beauty of god being manifested with humans so david said who is man that that was mindful of him so in that eternal realm that you were in you conceded that it was better off for you not to remain one with god in an eternal realm but to come to a place where you can also be one with god in a physical realm jesus jesus jesus come on come on glory to god are you listening to what i'm saying here oh yes we're here and when you desire to be sent god gave you leave granted your wish and sent you into a physical dimension of existence wow wow and then you were conceived in your mother's bed hey jesus nine months later here comes emma here comes alex but then something happened the moment you landed oh i used to hear somebody here right here there was something that happened because when you left the eternal realm to come into the physical realm of existence you met a certain condition in this world that broke again your fellowship your oneness with god when you came you didn't remain one with god because you came into a system of sin you entered into a motion that had a sin system so your oneness with god was destroyed wow you broke from it oh jesus you lost the consciousness of that eternal oneness that you were in before you came because of sin wow the sin system of the world because of what adam did makes every man or every child that is born into this world though he was one with god at a certain point that oneness is destroyed because of that sin that adam committed every every child every human being that comes into this world loses his eternal oneness with god jesus jesus but that's separation in that eternal realm that's separation from your oneness in in that eternal realm [Music] god had a plan that's right amen oh jesus amen oh my god i said god had a plan yes my god somebody said god had a plan god had a plan god didn't want man to be eternally separated from him that's why when you are not born again you are eternally separated from the one you were once one with wow wow wow that's why jesus says you must be born again yes you must i said you must are you still here yes right here so he sent his son jesus as the propitiation force the sin system that separated you from god or from your origin so in the book of john chapter 1 john chapter 2 from the verse one let's read i'm trying to explain some things here so you don't miss me amen are you still here we're here first john chapter two is this are you are you understanding what i'm saying yes my little children these things write i unto you that ye sin not and if any man sin we have an advocate with the father jesus jesus christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins he is the propitiation the equalizer come on now hey the balancer yes jesus yes oh are you still here the elasmos that's the greek word of our sins meaning it was the same sacrifice the sin offering because of the sin system you needed a sin offering to remove the sin system from you oh come on come on come on what broke your fellowship jesus became the fixer amen yeah yeah amen jesus was the removal of the sin system that kept you and god separated that's right that's right amen thank you jesus are you still here somebody yes we're here so the bible says you were brought night to god again by the blood of christ ephesians chapter 2 verse 11 very quickly what i'm doing is called exegesis explaining scripture because the reason many people don't understand the word of god is because nobody ever explains it to you wow thank you prophet thank you nobody can tell you all these in-betweens so you're in the bible sometimes you're confused so there's something we call in theology called exegesis where you are able to explain scripture amen thank you prophet not just talking god will bless you god will do this and god did this and god saved man and then how that's right are you still here we're here i'm showing you the process thank you are you still here somebody yes right here ephesians chapter 2 to verse 11. wherefore remember that ye being in time past gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands that at that time ye were without christ being aliens from the commonwealth of israel remember he says remember the way you were you were aliens from god uh-huh and strangers from the covenant of promise having no hope and without god in the world without god in the world god was not in you wow without god in the world you know it is the worst thing you can ever uh uh do to live without god in this world yes it's true to live without god in this world is the most dangerous thing to do keep reading but now in christ jesus ye who sometimes were far off jesus are made nigh by the blood of christ you are made nigh by the blood of christ amen amen amen you are made nigh by the blood of christ glory to god the blood of jesus christ which was in his death brought you nigh to god but that is incl that is in oneness that's closeness wow hey jesus take us there prophet the blood of jesus brought you 9. that meant you were just in closeness in proximity by the blood of jesus christ so his death brought you closeness but his resurrection is what brought you oneness come on hallelujah because the day christ resurrected we received a newness of life by way of god indwelling in us hallelujah the life we had from our parents cease to exist we talked about that last the two weeks ago ceased to be in operation now we are now in oneness with him yes amen by his resurrection amen by his death we were brought close we had closeness but by his resurrection we received oneness jesus jesus jesus am i talking to somebody here oh yes you're talking to me remember that christianity is not in the death of christ is in the resurrection of jesus christ so being born again comes by way of his resurrection that meant your union with god was re-established so in first quarter second corinthians chapter 17 the verse 19 says to wheat god was in christ reconnecting yes hey hey reach out come on now probably reconciling hey i think you missed it jesus jesus god was in christ meaning it happened you before once in oneness with god but when you showed up on the scene sin separated you from god jesus but in christ jesus you were reconciled yes god was in christ reconciling you back to himself god was in christ reconciling you back to himself the word is catalaso malak meaning to compound a difference to remove the argument or the evidence that brought differentiation for separation jesus jesus hey hey to remove the argument or the evidence that made you different wow from god and caused you to be separated from him jesus jesus i don't think you are still catching this eh yeah yeah yeah yeah my god my god whatever argument whatever evidence that made you and god unbindable was removed uncompatible do you know that even with people in this world god are so established according to his cosmic arrangement that you are compatible with certain people and not with certain people yeah yeah it's true even in marriage which is a union that makes you one the bible says the two shall become one flesh yes yes the two shall become one flesh meaning you have to be compatible that is why the engine for a toyota cannot work in a bentley car jesus because it is not compatible so whatever was the difference the differentiation between those two that made them to be separated christ jesus removed that oh come on come on come on he removed it hey reconciling the difference compounding the difference making you assimilable to god making you compatible to god my yeah jesus somebody shout i'm compatible to god i'm compatible to god hey when god looks at you he sees himself when you look at god you see yourself you are compatible to him that's the reason he made himself one with you because whatever made you uncompatible yeah whatever made you unbindable was taken away by christ the fixer my goodness am i talking to somebody here oh yes she pala casa so god was in christ reconciling the world to himself re means it was a reality before but you lost it but now because of the fixer you gained it back again amen amen are you still here somebody oh yes but the bible says god himself came through christ to carry out that mission how much he desired to be one with you amen how much is so long that god almighty wanted to show you you know let me put it to you this way if you were in um a situation with someone that maybe you were not your friendship broke are you still here because one thing or the other that happened between you and them and then you desired to be reconciled back to that friend or to that person if you send another person to go and establish that yeah it's nice that is not all the way nice yeah what will mean so much more to that person is if you came yourself come on i think you're missing me here thank you jesus god wanted to show you how much he cared how much he loved you so he didn't just send christ to do it himself he came in with christ god was in christ that's right [Music] yes jesus god was in christ he didn't want to just do this casual reconciliation he wanted you to know how much he meant it how much he wanted it how badly he wanted it yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god are you still here yes we're here what a god amen no religion has this experience how can i not be a christian how can i not follow this kind of god am i talking to somebody here oh yes are you catching what i'm saying here catching hallelujah brothers and sisters in christ we have a mystical union with god amen i want you to understand this like no other creation in god's universe our union with god is so deep are you still with me it's so deep no other creation ever experienced this and there will be no other creation that will ever experience it amen amen the angels don't know what it means to be one with god they don't know what it is like to be one with god they know they were created by god but they don't know what it means to be in oneness this is what the bible says the mystery that was hidden christ in you god in a human being yeah yeah hallelujah he says had the princes of this world knew it they would never had crucified the lord of glory christ in you then if you read the book of matthew you read from the verse matthew chapter 13 from the verse 14 to the verse 17 it tells you that the prophets of old the patriarch they long to see our day what day the day where it becomes possible for god to reside in man to become one in man do you know abraham never had that experience do you know moses never had that experience do you know that there are many in your word in the word of god that never had that experience right it was only reserved for a certain people oh [Music] to become one with god is not a common thing the bible says they looked ahead they desired to be part of this generation that not only had the experience of god in an internal realm of god being in you know in unity with them of them having oneness with god in an eternal realm but also in the physical existential realm only those who would come to christ would receive that wow amen [Music] am i talking to somebody here yes you know in other religions it is a taboo to even call the name of god it is a taboo to even you know say you are the son of god talk more of saying you are one with god it is the reason why you know some religious sex can understand why jesus we say i am in the father and the father is in me that jesus will basically say i'm god and he says how could he be god if he's calling to the father it's because they don't understand the mystery of oneness how that god expresses himself in three but now in four we'll look at that another time amen yeah yeah yeah are you still here yes right here he expresses himself and jesus will still be saying my father it is my father in heaven i pray to my father in heaven yet he's saying he's claiming to be god so they don't understand why would he make that statement it is because god is not a god who desires to just be alone he wants to give essence amen to his creation so though you are one with him yet you are apart from him you are apart from him to be in your own category are you still here yes we're here to have a function in the plans and the universal uh uh uh um uh plan of god god wants you to be something within his plan he doesn't just want to be by himself hello right here so what happened in creation was that god gave you a place amen to function amen so though you are so to speak out of him but you are still one with him that's right does this make sense yes someone with him i'm one with him i'm one with him i'm one with him so other religions cannot understand why is it you are claiming to be god in the earth yet you are calling god in heaven you are praying to god in heaven so who is the god they don't get it they don't get it am i talking to somebody here oh yes we're here but the thing is that in christianity god came to look for you come on did everything he could to bring back to bring you back into oneness amen amen everything he did it all amen so the bible says this he that is joined with the lord hi come alive oh he that is joined with the lord is one spirit jesus hey hey hey i think you didn't catch it oh my god are you still here right here he that is joined with the law um is one spirit first corinthians 6 verse 17 quickly is the bible coming our life to your spirit yes oh my god but he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit oh oh read it in the amplified than in the message but the person who is united to the lord becomes one spirit with him in the message message yes or didn't you realize that your body is sacred place of the holy spirit don't you see that you can't live however you please squandering what god paid such a high price for keep going the physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you god owns the whole works so let people see god in and through your body the two become one as it is written in in scripture the two become one since we want to become spiritually one with the master we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy leaving us more lonely than ever that's the lazarus no keep going the kind leaving us more lonely than ever the kind of sex that can never become one there is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others in sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies is that the seventeen people so you know they don't say which verse is what message hallelujah praise the lord for me in the niv but whoever is united with the lord is one with him in spirit you are one with god in spirit i need to explain what this means to you amen amen we're here we're here your spirit and god's spirit have been joined together amen amen amen you are one in spirit right now right now yes yes you are one in spirit with god amen that means you are where god is in his eternal realm and he is where you are in the physical realm [Music] you are one in spirit that is why the bible says he is ever present he is the ever-present god amen how is he ever present it's because you are one in spirit come on come on when somebody says you are ever present they are giving you a communication they are telling you there is no chance that he leaves and comes back there is no chance that he moves away there is no chance that he exists for many of you you think that when you do something wrong god leaves you and then comes back when you confess yourself listen the fixer dealt with the scene probably come on that's right are you still here there is no day in your life that god ever lives come on because what christ did for you is to make you inseparable jesus so he becomes ever present with you yes ever present with you there is no day in your life god has left you wow wow ever since you became born again there has never been a day where god moves away from you where god steps aside when god exits you no because what the blood of christ did didn't only bring you nigh his resurrection made you one with him and that oneness cannot be separated you are not listening to me we are not one with christ for some time that oneness is an inseparable oneness whether you like to be awake what christ did was that if you truly got born again there will never be a day where you will say i don't want to be with god come on he didn't listen to me so any christian who comes and says oh you know what i don't think this christianity is for me and uh i don't think this god thing i don't know i believe in god blah blah blah they were never born again in the first place wow because when you are born again you cannot say i don't want to be with god come on you cannot say i want to be separated from god because what christ did was a perfect work amen amen that there will be no chance that's why jesus says all that the father gives me i will lose none why because he knows he knows the work he put in yes he knows what he did [Music] glory glory glory so paul says what shall separate us what shall separate us from the love of god they do what shall separate us glory glory glory not even death no height nothing nothing nothing no trouble yes yes yes because i'm going through this trouble and god didn't come through for me so i'm deciding not to serve god anymore i'm deciding to walk away from god if you ever said that you were never really born again in the first place because what shall separate us from the love of god what christ did was an eternal perfect work that's right hallelujah am i talking to somebody here oh yes right here you cannot be born again and still feel the desire to be separated from god [Music] see it's not possible somebody's impossible impossible he is ever present with you and when jesus walked the head he understood this so in the book of john oh jesus [Music] i and the father are one jesus glory to god jesus understood it yes he said to them i and the father are one yes they said show us the father and will be satisfied he said hey have i not told you if you have seen me you have seen the father i and the father are one there is no separation that's right oh somebody i don't think you're listening to me hallelujah and some religious sect are still trying to deny this reality that jesus spoke of i am the father i won how could he be one and he's calling his father father and he's talking to the father in heaven how could he be one he said to them if you have seen me you have seen the father what gives religion other religions in this world red flag is because they cannot prove their connection with god jesus i used to hear somebody oh yes right here they can't they don't even have the words to say they are afraid to say because they know the one who stood for them between them and god died try try try he himself wasn't sure you know muhammad died i wasn't sure if what he was saying was right wow and he's in the quran listen one of these days i will take you through the quran i'm telling you hey man you will see things that will blow your mind the koran itself tells you and some of the hadith tells you that muhammad wasn't sure of what he was saying jesus that's it hey jesus wow listen when you want to preach preach the gospel to and it's like don't preach from your bible go to the up use the bible say why why did muhammad say this why did muhammad say follow jesus listen one of these days we'll go through it amen are you still here we're here oh my god am i talking to somebody here oh yes right here so this is what gives their beliefs red flags because they cannot prove their connection with god that's it how how can you say you have a relationship with god how can you say that they don't have the the bile to say it but we can say it because we know we know who came that's right who died that's right who resurrected that's right how it was established we know about it somebody i'm not talking to you it's proven then the word of god yes we know it glory glory glory hallelujah praise the lord i said hallelujah praise the lord but also you know they don't want you to know that you are one with god because that is a threat to them that is a threat to satan and his kingdom because that's what he always wanted he always wanted to be like you but to him he was not given yeah yeah so he doesn't want you to brag about it he doesn't want you to testify about it to walk about saying that one with god i and the father are one wow i and my father are one you see you know when you look like daddy you have this kind of walk i and my father are once yes yes hey hallelujah praise the lord i am here he is here he is there i am there am i talking to somebody here [Music] you can brag about it that's how jesus talked i and my father i want is that hey we know your mother we know joseph jesus look there and say you are funny people you don't understand you don't know my origin come on in the eternal realm i was with him hey hey hey i was the word from his mouth yes do you understand can you separate a man's word from him never and then i was sent on an assignment to become the son of man amen to be a propitiation the fixer the expiator [Music] the equalizer come on now to bring many of his creation back into that eternal oneness am i talking to somebody here [Music] and this was jesus's prayer in the book of john 17. amen oh you're going to listen this is the first day i read this scripture i i i was dancing hey amen look at jesus god is not just the one who wants this who desired this jesus prayed about it wow he asked the father for it come on he didn't just want to be the only one who would be one with god john 17 read from the verse 20. thank you lord jesus my prayer is not for them alone i pray also for those who will believe in me through their message that all of them may be one father just as you are in me and i am in you may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me read it again jesus jesus jesus hey hey i think you're missing the whole thing i've been saying read it one more time my prayer is not for them alone my prayer is not for them alone yes yes glory to god but for all those who will believe yes uh-huh i pray also for those who will believe in me through their message uh-huh that all of them may be one that all of them all of them may be one all of them yes you included amen that's right uh-huh all of them may be one father just as you are in me you just not different the exact relationship that jesus has with the father he is praying for that to be your experience too yes yes yes come on now come on just as you are in me and i in you yes that day may be one in us yes yes yes read it again read it again keep reading rather may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me listen to me brothers and sisters we're here we're here the world cannot believe that you are sent by god if god is not resident in you come on now come on now the only proof and the only evidence to make the world believe is if they can see god inside of you wow that's it that's it if they cannot see god in you they cannot believe [Music] wow because no man has ever listened to me no man has ever been able to bring other men to god only god has that responsibility so as god was in christ reconciling the world to himself god is in you reconciling other men to himself hallelujah you ought to be dancing about that yes as god was in christ reconciling the world to himself god comes into you to reconcile other men to himself hallelujah glory glory glory what a wonder you are amen amen says that they may believe that you have sent me [Music] am i talking to somebody here oh yes that they may believe that you have sent me amen i in you and you in me that day may be one in us the only way i can ever you know translate this is taking water and pouring it in water yeah yeah water in water the same content mingle together near no evidence of differentiation for separation the same content no evidence no evidence no argument no evidence of different differentiation the same content mingling together oneness with god jesus jesus has always been god's true dream for man amen thank you lord wow his dream for creation well adam lost the opportunity to be the forerunner of this when god will come and have fellowship with him but thank god for the lord jesus thank god thank god i say thank god for the lord jesus thank god hallelujah thank god for the lord jesus christ thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus and you have a choice to accept it or reject it you have a choice and those of you who have not given your hearts to christ and you're watching me you have a choice today to say i want that relationship i want that kind of synchronicity with god look at all that he went through just to ensure this for you hallelujah praise the lord i said hallelujah praise the lord listen if you don't know your oneness with god you will never be able to understand your divinity remember we spoke about divinity yes your divinity is hinged on understanding what it means to be one with god wow you share in everything god is amen are you listening to me yes yes you are a participator you are in fellowship with everything that he is what he is is what you are amen who he is is who you are wow hallelujah you are just outside of him as another creation of being but still the same person yes yes because god wants you to have essence amen amen are you still here somebody oh yes we're here functioning as god is not possible without understanding your oneness with him without consciousness of your awareness with him you can't function like him if you don't know you are one with him how could you function as him how could you operate as him your divinity cannot be expressed if you think you are different from him [Music] you cannot express divine life no sickness in your body if you don't know that you have the same life you are joined spirited with him amen amen joined in spirit with him the same that's good that's good how can somebody who understands his oneness with christ want to commit suicide it's not possible because god oh am i talking to you here yes when you are one with christ you don't look down on yourself you don't say hey me who am i poor me have you ever heard you don't feel sorry for yourself amen you don't walk about feeling down about life amen when you know you're one with him [Music] that consciousness removes any kind of inferiority complex it takes away that mentality of inferiority that's why i walk the way i walk and i talk the way i talk it's because of what i understand i cannot i cannot see what god has done for me and still say i'm i'm poor i'm broke i'm this oh i don't feel good about myself prophet gloves come on my daughter is whenever she messaged me how are you doing i said i'm excellent but grace like i know amen there is a communication for those who have understood the awareness we don't talk like the world yes how are you doing i'm hanging in there how can god be hanging in there jesus you said it oh how are you doing i'm just getting by how are you doing can't complain [Music] how can god be complaining hallelujah praise the lord these are the things that shapes and gives you a mentality we'll get to that point amen oh my god are you still here so much oh yes [Music] a lot of the issues of man's life was because they were separated from god in fact all the issues of men's life but how you are able to walk in this world and become a master over issues over problems other situations is understanding that you are just as god amen is no difference wow wow jesus are you still here yes we're here you are the god in motion come on that's right i said you are the god in motion that's right the one who ever sits is on his throne amen but you are the god in motion come on come on he moves when you move hi yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he walks when you when you walk he talks when you talk malacca are you here right here say that's right are you still here somebody here are you still here glory to god jesus the bible says that god is a spirit it means that god has no body because he made you his body hey wow wow wow yeah wow that is why the bible says no man has seen god at any time [Music] oh i think you're missing me i said no man has seen god at any time but if you want to see god they should come and find you amen that's right hallelujah so he says your body is the temple of god amen he has no body because he decides to clothe himself with you wow just as he did with jesus jesus becoming the express image of the father you are also the express image of god yes god didn't have a body and so he wanted a body yes and he created you yes glory glory glory my goodness my goodness are you still here we're here we're here see i'm the body of god i'm the body of god say it again i'm the body of god i'm the god walking yes glory glory glory i'm the god in this office amen amen i'm the god when i go to the shop yeah the supermarket and the god there come on come on when trouble arises you will no longer be looking for oh who will help me who will help me who is safe who will cause hey when you realize you have the god in the place when trouble happens you say what can i do about this what can i do how can i change it you are also becoming an equalizer a fixer when situation arises you don't fret you don't panic you say i'm the god in this place it happened because i am here amen i am here to fix it amen yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] am i talking to you somebody yes thank you jesus who hallelujah praise the lord he made himself his spirit and your spirit eternally inseparable amen amen oh hallelujah praise the lord when you become conscious of this you don't expect cancer to kill you come on you don't expect to die because of cancer that's right hey can cancer kill god listen i can't wait to write the book amen listen there is a kind of meditation you have that cancer will find its way out of your life wow wow you just sit there every day and one with god teach yourself cancer cannot kill god teach your side and one with him you're meditating you say hey god in me i in him cancer begins to excuse himself because cancer cannot find himself in god come on lord god every day you wake up you meditate oneness oneness oneness has god ever been killed by cancer no [Music] this is how i walk amen amen this is the kingdom experience amen am i talking to you here oh yes how does god fail in business how how is not possible how does god you know uh fail in life what can you do that will not be successful what can god do that will not produce results come on what can god do that will not bring progress what can god do that will not impact the world that's right that will not change nations are you listening to my communication this understanding and this mentality begins to guide your way in life amen that's how people begin to see you as extraordinary yes see this one is not like us hallelujah praise the lord how can god be afraid how amen when god made you one with him it is because god wanted for the creation to have the god experience wow wow wow when god decided that he would join himself with you it is because his desire was for you to have the god experience amen there is the human experience but there is a way god experiences things the god experience is what he wanted you to have amen human experience amen are you still here yes he wanted you to have the god experience you know have you ever imagined what it what does it mean what does it what does it look like what does it feel like to be god have you ever thought like that hey hey have you ever said if i were god if i were him this is what i would do listen if you were god you would do what he does but the truth of the matter is you are amen are you still here that's right we're here god wanted you to have his experience we're here how he experiences life in himself yes yes oh glory glory glory how he experiences authority ability in himself he wanted you to have that same experience amen so when you walk the earth don't walk the earth expecting yourself to have the human experience come on come on when i walk the head i'm walking the air to have the god experience i am introducing the god experience to the world amen to this physical realm of life praise the lord oh yes yes yes am i talking to somebody here oh yes we're here are you still here we're still here the god experience is what the world doesn't have yes it's true only you can show them what it is to be god amen amen that's why we walk in love because god is love yes amen amen i walk in love because he is love and i am god i know when i talk like that religious people are like hey prophet be careful what you say i'm like shadrach meshach and abednego we will not even consider i will not be careful concerning this matter because i appreciate what jesus did for me yes amen when you don't appreciate the sacrifice jesus made you will talk low you will talk down about yourself you will look down upon yourself come on teach your side that's true you will feel inferior wow help us but it is because i appreciate what jesus has done i speak about it boldly amen no reservations amen without any apology i am god if you don't like it that's your problem hallelujah hallelujah and devil if you don't like it go die man come on come on that's right kill yourself use your head and hit the wall i don't care am i talking to somebody here oh yes we're here i'm having the god experience amen i said you are having the god experience i am having the god experience whatever the devil tries to do in your life stops at the point you realize that you are god wow ooh that was deep that was i'm telling you the only person the devil can never defeat is god are you still here yes we're here i'm joined with him amen i said i'm joined with him i'm joined with him don't miss next week amen and the week after next amen and the week after next yeah glory to god hallelujah oneness with him is confidence in yourself in your ability when you are one with him you are confident about what you can do when i move about i'm not moving about as any ordinary person thinking uh there's i don't know if i can accomplish this if i can do this i don't know if this dream will come to pass i don't know if this vision will be materialized hey you're one with god god is working with you fulfilling your dream hey come on why are you guys so so late to catch things i say god is working with you yes god was in christ reconciling the world to himself now god came to be in you to reconcile the world to himself but that's not all he's doing amen he is in you fulfilling every dream amen accomplishing every vision amen i am speaking to somebody here that is why you can never fail i said that is why you can never fail never fail you will make it in this life hallelujah you accomplish greatness in this life i decree by the finger of god that nothing that stopped your father your mother will be able to stop you i receive because you have this insight that god is in you walking with you yes through this life thank you am i talking to you somebody oh yes hallelujah god is in you amen glory to god glory i said glory to god go away take an offering wow take an offering did you receive something here always don't miss next week and the week after next and the week after night i'm uncovering to you throughout these weeks what manner of man you are are you still here i just remembered last week pastor elena killed it yeah yeah i was watching how i was like hey i'm going to steal that i'm going to steal that i'm telling you she destroyed it i was like hey this woman thank god for for the spirit of her wisdom amen that helped me amen when i was looking for my partner listen i was i was like hey [Music] sorry glory glory are you still here yeah how many of you were blessed by pastor elena's message it was deep and she has a way of making the word of god so personal yes shockwave so sweet might be love the love beloved don't you know [Laughter] can't you oh amen i love it i love it praise god hallelujah [Laughter] praise god hallelujah yeah so listen the lord god has decreed that this month is the month of unlocking mysteries amen those of you that have been watching our teachings you can tell that we have been in progression listen this month i'm taking you into a hiking place in the spirit realm are you still here yes we're here so don't miss any of our teachings and we have singles conference that is coming up uh on the 17 18 and 19. listen to me if you are single you don't want to miss it are you still listening here oh yes right here i want to miss singles conference because i'm going to be exposing a lot of truths to you i'm going to teach you the reason why your marital destiny has been delayed i'm going to show you how you can know who is for you by looking at their face come on come on try i'm gonna be showing you according to your uh star sign how to know who you are compatible with i'm gonna show you so much you don't want to miss singles conference amen you look at him you go on the date you look at this and say ah look at his face look at this thing look at him no no not you you will not be wasting your time with anybody am i talking to somebody here amen and i'm going to give you practical ways to set yourself up are you still here yes right here if you are married even if you are married you still need to be a part of this conference yes because the things i will reveal to you would teach you if you're already married to a person will show you and help you understand who you are yes it's true it's so true and how to better deal with them and have a relationship with them because the biggest problem in marriage is because we don't have understanding of who each other or who who your partner is and who you are yes that's the biggest struggle but when you begin to realize oh that's that's according to his star sign that that's according to this that's according to that and then you know how to begin to deal with them am i talking to you oh yes right here you don't want to miss it so register for a singles conference 17 18 19 3 days five sessions and if you are in a relationship you also need to be there because you need to know what you are getting into you need to understand if this person is the right person yes according to god's plan for my destiny because i'm going to show you some things that's going to help you see who is compatible with your destiny amen because marriage is not about um and just falling in love having children no it's about who is compatible to your destiny yes and if you make the mistake to marry because of feelings you will suffer in marriage i'm telling you that's why a lot of marriages don't have longevity it's because they married without purpose wow wow i'm gonna be showing you a lot of things amen yes and if you have been dealing with spiritual marriage you know incredibles and circus spirit husband spirit wife we're also talking about that hey you don't want to miss it i'm telling you it's so much i hope i'm able to finish are you still here yes right here we're gonna deal with a lot of things so don't miss it for anything and some of you are married and you're experiencing you're still experiencing spiritual husbands spiritual eyes i'm going to show you how to get rid of that thing amen hallelujah praise the lord i said hallelujah praise the lord all right give the best you can give the best you can so i can pray thank you jesus glory to god glory glory who's going to sign up for it me miranda khan shalom who is signing up for it let me see those of you are watching who is signing up for it and it's not expensive because i know anybody anybody who is serious about their lives and serious serious about marriage can say let me put a hundred dollars to lend something it's only a hundred dollars it's not plenty if it was prophetic school i missed this conference say hey but even mystics conference was not amen it was not much it was all worth at least for the first time right it was all worth it and it was too much too much yes listen you don't want to miss conferences that i hold never oh are you still here we're here glory to god glory glory glory if you have given lift up your right hand the right hand of power amen lift it up high hold your anything that has to do with finances your money your bank accounts papers whatever let me release something for you amen amen look at the way you're shouting amen amen you don't want anything i want oh you don't believe i can give you something when you have it let me know those of you are watching online last time when i declared miracle money what happened son of nowhere i'm about to release some money to you deep hallelujah hello right here any man of god no matter how powerful he is you can only receive at the measure of what you see in him wow so what do you see wow that's it i wore green yesterday because of a prophetic vibration for cash hallelujah that i was a meeting so i'm about to release that to you today [Applause] yes is somebody ready we're ready we're ready do you have it do you have it yes father in the name of jesus i decree and i declare this week money locate your people amen i receive financial access for them miracle money in their accounts in the name of jesus even right now may they get money costs promotion in their finances in the name of jesus the grace for money is released amen cosmic vibration for money comes together in the name of jesus amen i decree and i declare yes the influence of money over your people thank you jesus the favor of money over your people thank you jesus this week they will see cash we believe it we will see cash we believe it will angel of money visit them yes yes visit them i decree money birds fly towards them fly toward them in the name of jesus christ amen every lack is taken away amen in the name of jesus christ amen money is coming your way amen finances are coming your way yes in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus thank you father thank you it is so and it is done thank you thank you jesus mighty name hallelujah amen and amen amen the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord makes his face shine upon you the lord leaves his countenance upon you he shows you kindness and he gives you peace in jesus name amen amen amen amen everybody give the lord a shout in this place somebody give the lord a shout [Applause] god bless you i can't wait to see you back next week don't miss next week your life can never remain the same amen amen god bless you bye-bye you
Channel: Prophet Glovis Online
Views: 308
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0TCgnKmp3OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 59sec (6059 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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