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god bless everybody good morning welcome to supernatural church online sunday service i want to welcome everybody that's watching right now on youtube and on facebook please do me a favor share this broadcast uh tag somebody invite somebody let somebody know that we are live this morning praise god hallelujah i'm so excited for what god has for us today and what i have to share with you today so please share the broadcast with someone tag somebody let somebody be a part of this broadcast let them know that the prophet is life church is live right now and we're about to get into it amen amen amen amen i said amen amen you know um the word of god is so exciting to me every time i get to share with you some of the uh you know the mysteries of god's word i'm so excited to bring it to you because i know that the word of god is the tool by which god uses to transform our lives and so if you're watching me from wherever you're watching me you're about to upgrade to a higher place of glory hallelujah something good is about to happen yes we receive and i just feel in my spirit that this sunday is a special sunday for something miraculous to take place in your life hallelujah i don't know what you've been asking god i don't know what you've been desiring from god but i sense a strong flow of the miraculous even today amen we believe it glory to god glory glory glory just lift up your right hand and begin to bless his name wherever you are just thank him for what he's done for you throughout the week throughout this month just bless his name wherever you are is [Music] [Music] for sustaining us for directing us for guiding us thank you for all the graces that you've dealt with we'll give you all praise even today in the name of jesus christ hallelujah father i decree let this word come with power let it come with fire let your people be ready to receive insights deep revelation from you today in the name of jesus christ amen amen said amen amen i want to talk about born from heaven hallelujah born from heaven amen let's go to first corinthians 15. first corinthians the chapter 15. praise the lord glory to jesus glory let's begin to read from the verse 35 but some man will say how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickened except it to die and that which thou sowest thou sow is not that body that shall be but bear grain it may chance of wheat or of some other grain but god giveth it a body as it hath pleased him and to every seed his own body so paul is addressing matters of the resurrection and when they asked him how is it possible for a body to be raised back to life again after it's been dead for a while paul's argument is don't you think about the seed when it's put in the ground it dies yes but yet it comes back again so keep reading all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of man all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh keep reading another flesh of beast another of fishes and another of birds there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star different from another star in glory so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body there is a natural body and there is a supernatural body there is a natural body and there is a supernatural body or a spiritual body come on hallelujah keep going wow and so it is written the first man adam was made a living soul so it is written the first man adam was made a living soul and the second and the last adam was made a quickening spirit was made a quickening spirit uh-huh how about that was not first which is spiritual how be how be it thank you how be it that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual the first man is of the earth earthy the first man is of the earth ethi the second man is the lord is the lord from heaven the second man is the lord from heaven amen keep reading as is the earthy such are they also that are earthy and as is the heavenly such are they that is also heavenly hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord i want you to know this that the day you got saved the old man died amen and a new man came into existence hallelujah are you listening to what i'm saying oh yes we're here the person your parents gave birth to stopped existing the day you got born again jay come on hallelujah you are not the same person your mother and your father gave birth to that's right that's right wow glory glory glory from the moment you got born again you received something that was never there before hallelujah so the bible says therefore if any man be in christ yes he is a new creature yes hallelujah are you listening to what i'm saying we're here he is not an improved version of the old person [Music] he is not you know a better version of the old person he is a new creature come on now come on now hallelujah totally new in every sense of the word new amen when you are born again you are not the same person amen that actually means that you never existed within the reality within this reality before you didn't hear what i said we're here we're here i said you never existed within this reality before the believer is not a continuity of the old man in a different way no hmm that's deep you never existed in this reality before wow there was no such thing like that before am i talking to somebody here oh yes we're here so the one your mother gave birth to is not the same person that i'm talking to right now hey glory jesus this is very important for you to know amen hallelujah praise the lord firstly i want you to understand that all flesh all flesh are not the same amen according to the word of god all flesh are not the same there are those in this world that did not come listen to me carefully we're here listen to my words there are those in this world that did not come by natural birth [Music] i don't know if you're listening to what i said jesus i said there are those who have walked this earth that did not come from a woman's belly hey hey come on come on prophet go deeper i don't know if you're ready for me today we're ready we're here jesus jesus jesus all flesh are not the same jesus wow that you seeing somebody walking with flesh and blood [Music] jesus all flesh according to the word of god are not the same they are different kinds of flesh and i submit to you there are those types of flesh who are walking the earth as men but they were not born of a woman wow wow wow teacher side if you think that everybody came from a woman's belly i'd like you to tell me who was elijah's mother who was elijah's father come on prophet this is deep this is deep jesus in the whole of the bible elijah does not is not found in anybody's genealogy wow i speak of a mystery beyond this time yes yes elijah the prophet is not recorded in any genealogy of the bible try all you know is that first kings chapter 17 and let's go to it amen first kings chapter 17 from the verse one please share the broadcast that's right and elijah the tishbite who was of the inhabitants of gleeve and elijah de bite nobody ever talked about his father nobody ever talked about his his mother yes but he was a tishbite [Music] that means he belonged to an inhabitant yes yet he didn't have father or mother jesus hey there are people who belong to um come on abraham people of america but they were not born by a woman oh jesus this is deep this is deep i don't know if you are still with me we're here right here keep reading unto ahab as the lord god of israel live it read from the vest one again allah and elijah the tishbite who was of the inhabitants of galilee he was of the inhabitants of gilead gilead he was of the inhabitants of gilead but nobody knew his descendant how can you be known to be of the inhabitants of gilead your parent's name was not mentioned the whole elijah jesus nobody knew where you came from you just showed up and began to command the king come on now prophet there is no record of him being born of a human being jesus teachers teachers all the major prophets in the bible you can trace their father their mother it's true except elijah wow jesus oh are you still here yes we're here he just appeared and began to move as a prophet as a prophet from god jesus jesus he just showed up on the scene and began to make claims that he was sent by god he was a prophet from god jesus jesus hey no one ever said he his parents were this is nobody hmm there are many of such kinds in this world presently today wow wow jesus but let's look a little further amen take us there that speaks of the mystery and of the phenomenon of this man known as mckiel zedek hmm and mercury was also of this kind wow the word of god says that he never existed in this reality before and that he had no genealogy no father or mother hebrews chapter seven oh lord take us there prophet are you still with me here yes we're here hebrews chapter seven from the verse one for this matilda for this material zedek king of salem priest of the most high god priest of the most high god who met abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him to whom also abraham gave a tenth part of all first being by interpretation king of righteousness and after that also king of salaam which is king of peace without father without mother without dis decent having neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like unto the son of god abideth a priest continually without father without mother without descent jesus jesus jesus he just appeared there is such a phenomenon in this world we're here if god is not born by a woman or born by a man and shows up on the earth wow hey jesus this is too deep prophet there is such a phenomenon that people are walking yes yet they never came by way of the womb wow are you still with me here yes we're here without mother without father without descent keep reading now consider how great this man was consider how great this man was this were no ordinary men consider how great this man was yes unto whom even the patriarch abraham gave the tenth of the spoils that even abraham respected to give him the tent yes the tenth come on off his spoil you met a man and you take a tenth of your spoil and give to him you must realize something great about him yes how did you do yes i've known something great about him paul even says there is much to say about this man but because the hebrew church were too dull of hearing he could not talk more wow i want to share a little bit about what paul didn't say hallelujah we're here we're not dull we're here we're still here yes we're here oh glory this man may kill zedek just showed up he was the priest of god king of salem no father no mother no decent well yet he walked as a man keep reading for me and verily they that are of the sons of levi who received the office of the priesthood have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law that it is of their brethren though they come out of the lions of abraham loins of abraham but he who whose descent is not counted from them received ties of abraham and blessed him that had the promises and with all contradiction the less is blessed of the better and here men that die receive tithes but there he receiveth them of whom it is witness that he liveth it is witness that that matures the dick is still walking the earth jesus glory glory glory what are you listening to me oh yes we're here mcgill the deck is still walking the ass jesus jesus jesus no end of these the bible says oh my goodness are you still hear somebody we're here jesus some of you have probably met some of these guys what you probably met them but you didn't know what these are not angels though amen these are men after a higher order wow all flesh is not the same these are men of a higher order jesus jesus jesus prophet hallelujah and god decides that these ones will come not by way of the womb they will just show up on the scene jesus come on now prophet hey hey glory glory glory hey wow wow oh thank you lord jesus jesus jesus i say thank you lord jesus thank you jesus they have everything that witness to men yet they are not born of a woman jesus jesus jesus they have the same visage they have the same way the same style the same walk the same look but these ones didn't come by way of a woman wow wow the bible speaks of those being born there are those who are born and then there are those who are not born jesus jesus there are different types of births yes wow but yet there are those who come on the scene without being born come on prophet teach your side but let's look at the different types of birth the bible speaks of amen amen the book of john chapter 1 from the verse 12 are you still with me yes we're here is this the same bible john chapter 1 verse 12 yes but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of god but as many as many as received him to them gave the power to become sons of god even to them that believed on his name next verse which were born not of blood which were born of blood jesus this is the first type of birth being born of blood wow wow wow of the will of flesh there is another birth known as being born of the will of the flesh jesus uh-huh nor of the will of man but there is another birth that is known as being born of the will of man wow being born of blood being born of flesh and being born of the will of man i don't have time to go into the differences today but then it says those who received him were not born after this category wow as many as received christ yes yes we're not born after blood or after the will of the flesh not after the will of man of god yes hallelujah this is why i said if you are born again you did not exist before wow wow oh my goodness these four types of birds that are listed here in the book of john three of them are natural processes one of them is spiritual is supernatural wow are you still here yes we're here and that spiritual birth is actually equal to the mechil zedek order wow jesus oh my god that spiritual birth being born of god is actually tantamount to the mechanism order wow yes you're talking to me jesus let's go back to first corinthians 15 the verse 45. hallelujah que jose kata and so it is written the first man adam was made a living soul and so it is written the first man adam was made a living so uh-huh the last adam was made a quickening spirit how about how be it that was not first which is spiritual so adam is a man of the earth yes because he came from dust and he was made a living soul yes so the bible says the first man adam is of the earth yes yes we're here but the last adam or the second adam was a different breed come on now he was not of the earth he was from heaven yes yes really how be it that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the lord from heaven the second man is the lord from heaven amen oh my god hallelujah the second man is the lord from heaven amen different from those who are of the seed of the woman come on hallelujah he didn't come by the natural process yes yes he was born of the holy ghost that's right are you still here oh yes we're here he came in the likeness of men but totally a different bridge yes he was a hundred percent man but yet a hundred percent god come on prophet come on jesus jesus the seed that was found in him was known as god if you checked his dna you will not be able to find out the commonalities of his dna and genotypes with other men glory glory glory one day we'll get to that part amen hallelujah jesus jesus yeah yeah yeah we're here we're here we're here i used to hear somebody yes he was the first man that ever walked the head to be able to contain god inside him come on now to carry god inside come on now hallelujah jesus was the first expose yes of a man that carried god on the inside yes yes yes wow are you are you catching what i'm we're catching we're catching we're there here never been a type of man like that that worked the earth carrying god wow he was a new breed amen he was of the new order of men amen all flesh are not the same come on that's right am i talking to somebody here yes we're here then the bible says something very interesting in the verse 47 and verse 48. the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the lord from heaven as it is the earthy such are they also that are earthy he said the second man is the lord from where from heaven is the lord from where heaven oh please i need you to be with me is the lord from where heaven jesus came from heaven hallelujah are you still here yes we're here he is not of the etho amen adams of the earth any person that is born of a woman is of the earth effie but when you become born again yes you are no longer of the earth wow and i'll tell you why in just a minute hallelujah take a look in the verse 48 something interesting that he says read the verse 47 and verse 48 again the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the lord from heaven the second man is the lord from heaven verse 48. as is the earthy us is the essay such are they also that are earthy as is the earthy adam such a day such a day yes that are earthy that means those born after his kind they are also ethics and as is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly and us is the heavenly yes as such as day come on come on our day yes listen i don't know if you're reading your bible well can you see that there amen jesus was considered a different type of specimen yes a different kind of man yes when you're born again it is no longer the heavy man from your parents you are reborn from heaven wow wow you are come on you were healed from heaven wow jesus jesus so in the verse in first corinthians chapter 15 it lacked the experience to a seed that is put in the ground and when it dies it comes back something else yes hallelujah come on rabbit we're listening yes yes yes but if you like to die try to go back and dig it up again yes you will find another thing wow you will not find the same seed come on that's right jesus you will not find the same seed it wouldn't look the same if you like you plant a mango seed yes go back there and dig up that place after a few days let us see that you go you will find something else it will not look the same wow it's true jesus jesus am i talking to you here oh yes you're talking to me here we're here it is totally different you can't find the same thing [Music] that's what happens in the river in the rebirth we are buried with him yes and raised to newness of life glory glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so when you got born again yes god gave you what christ has amen what he came with amen oh glory glory glory hallelujah he became a part of the breed that carried god come on now come on now jesus jesus and according to the word of god that breed is from heaven amen amen yes amen i said it's from heaven it's from heaven he says the lord jesus is born from heaven yes that's right he came from heaven then the verse 48 read the verse 48 of first corinthians again as is the earthy as is the ethic such are they also that are earthy such a day also that are earthy uh-huh and as is the heavenly and us is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly telling you that jesus was not the only one of his kind come on that's right as adam was heavy such yes preach prophet but as jesus was heavenly such as he's not always talking about jesus now he's saying day preach private priests watch our day heavenly meaning jesus was not the only hallelujah hallelujah oh yes yes yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that kind of man from heaven who is a hundred percent man yet a hundred percent god he's not the only one of his kind come on now prophet and as many as receiving they are given the rights the ability to become sons of god to become like the son of man jesus oh shabbat are you sitting with me here oh yes we're here and those that are born of god these are equal to the order of material come on they come jesus in the order of mercury jesus jesus child this great man that abraham took attendance say hey take [Music] jesus the bible says himself came after the order of may kill zedek hebrews chapter 7 from the verse 14. hallelujah stick with me somebody oh we're here we're sticking we're stuck chapter seven verse 47 prom verse 14 14 i'm sorry for it is evident that our lord sprang out of judah of which try moses spake nothing concerning priesthood and it is yet far more evident for that after the simultude of mechil zedek there arises another priest wow who is made not after the law of a carnal commandment but after the power of an endless life jesus for he testifieth thou art a priest forever after the order of mecchiozidek for there is verily a dis-annualing of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof for the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did listen listen to me right here if jesus is of the order of meteor zedek yes and we are born after his brother what does that say about you come on now prophet that's right you two are of the order of mercury hallelujah thank you jesus praise the lord we didn't come according to the natural order yes yes we are born from heaven amen we are born from heaven we are born from heaven amen we are born from heaven if you came by way of earth you function earthly you do ugly things you walk earthly but the day you discover that you came from heaven that you were born from heaven come on the kind of life you begin to live on this come on that's right we're becoming one that to people hallelujah yes yes many christians don't know their origin well don't know that they came from heaven it's true they still feel that in their bodies they are still connected to father mother they think that they are people of this earth because they were born of a woman come on prophecy listen to me we're here jesus himself was born of a woman but he was a seed from god come on hallelujah the day you became born again you were a seed from god yes you were just licked in your entire design wow wow wow glory glory am i talking to somebody here yes if you see yourself athlete you always have earthly experiences hey you just said something things that happen to earthly people will happen to you are you still here perfect we're here jesus but the moment you discover that you came from heaven you stop allowing earthly things to happen come on now oh prophet teach teach teach jesus you stop going by the way of earthly men as a man who is healthy does ugly things so a man who is heavenly does heavenly thing that's right that's right jesus so listen to me we're here life did not happen to us no yeah not yet i said life didn't happen to us we actually happened to life come on yes hallelujah i love it i love it oh i don't know if you are still here we're here we're here life didn't happen to you you happened to life come on come on oh jesus jesus we came as a phenomenon that never existed jesus hallelujah take us there prophet we came as that phenomenon that had never happened to this world before come on there were never a day such phenomenon took place yes yes such a reality yes yes glory glory the order you came from uh-huh are you still here we're here yes we're here can do things that have no reference point wow oh jesus hallelujah the order you are from yes can do certain things come on can move a certain way that people have nothing to reference into hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we are not of this air yes we have yet amen amen we are not we happen here that's right and we bring about a phenomenon that the world has never seen hallelujah am i talking to somebody here yes you're talking to me jesus jesus that's why when jesus came the way he lived the things he did they said we had never seen it before yep yep that's right oh we have never seen it before when he spoke to the wind the disciples they say what manner of man is this what manner of man is this that even the wind pay attention oh glory glory glory even the wind pay attention child jesus jesus jesus when he drove up devils they said the bible says they were astonished because they had never seen it done in that way before it happened to as well jesus didn't come to try to see how he can you know fit in no he came to show that there was a different type of men amen come on shake have attacked him he came to show that there's there's another level of men yes that you guys have not witnessed come on that's right oh my god come on now take us there when you became born again that was god's order yes that you were launching in the air wow you were coming to show a different type of speech how that there is a different order [Applause] you are coming to display not life according to ordinary men born of women no but life according to men born of god amen amen amen come on i want to ask you a question what type of life have you been showing for us well is it the life of the one that is born of a woman or the whole life of the one that is born of god wow wow what kind of life have you been displaying here on earth besties because you are a phenomenon that god sent amen oh i'm a phenomenon jesus jesus jesus hallelujah jesus was a walking wonder amen he was doing things that had never been done before but guess what he said to you he says greater things than this yes shall you do amen oh amen greater things than this shall you do yes because he knew men after his kind are supposed to do things oh come on now private come on teacher of a different type of spectrum yes people of god man of god i said people of god man of god jesus left you here to continue the essence of men who are born of god hallelujah from heaven wow wow wow oh oh hallelujah jesus you are a man from heaven amen you are a woman from heaven i'm a woman from heaven that's right and when you do certain things if people don't marvel at the things you do you have not begin to this began to display your heavenly life wow the things that we should be doing are the things that should yes trip people up amen when they look at the kind of way you are living your life they should wonder what manner of man is this yes what manner of woman is this yes hallelujah that's right prophet that's right the life that we are supposed to believe in should leave people bewildered yes mesmerized yes where did you come from where are you from amen i'm from heaven are you still here somebody we're here where are you from jesus glory glory glory when they said to jesus what manner of man is this they realize that men are not the same come on they quickly figured out hey this one is a different species from us what manner of man is this um that means they realize that not all men are the same yeah yeah are you still here we're here we're here there are those of a higher order i said there are those of the higher order amen things that we do should reveal what manner of men we are that's steep that's right oh hallelujah that's right how you live how you live the things you do it's a reflection of where you came from amen the kind of life most christians live today it does not reflect heaven well i'm telling you it does not reflect heaven help us lord help us lord god you have to get to a point in your life as a believer the things that you're doing people begin to question it was this one born of a woman come on yes that's right that's right hallelujah praise the lord sometimes i know of a man that sometimes people wonder they wonder is this guy from this planet yep glory to god glory glory because there is a certain way this man lives his life that makes people to wonder are you sure you are from here amen the things you talk about the things you say yes yes yes are you sure you are of this generation come on crappy you come from come on prophet yeah to here we're here when i look at my father in the lord and i hear what comes out of his mouth they say i wonder from this planet yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there are people you meet like that the way the things they do the things they talk about yeah the way they talk you're like ah are you sure uh-huh did you come from a woman's belly that's you prophet amen because we are from heaven yes hallelujah we came from heaven yes glory we came from heaven are you still here somebody oh yes we're here and the word of god says he says the endless expectation of the creation waited for the manifestations of the sons of god meaning the world has an expectation of you yes yes they have something that they can see from you say it prophet listen the world is not expecting you to live like them he's not expecting you to operate like them come and say they know that you should be doing something much higher that's right than what the the frequency that they are leaving the frequency that they are operating come on prophet they know that they should you yes should be operating at a higher different frequency from teach prophecy says the endless expectation of the creation waited for the manifestations of the songs of god hallelujah oh god the earth oh i feel like i'm all by myself oh no we're here we're here they are waiting to see you happen to them jesus come on have you happened to your world yet come on the world take a seat from all people in the world are just going through life they are letting life happen oh wow but we came as a phenomenon we came yes we came as a strange entity yes yes something that never existed before we are going to produce a kind of life they have never seen hallelujah we are going to perform the kind of wonders they've never seen yes yes yes yes they've never heard before yes glorious glory glory that's me fire that's me jesus oh shut up come on daily hallelujah are you still here yes we're here i'm from heaven i'm from heaven i'm from i'm from heaven i'm from heaven i'm from heaven whoo glory to god glory to god i say glory to god glory to god the world is waiting for you to happen to them jesus that's how come when paul was bit by the snake were waiting to see him die like ordinary men but they found out he was not of their kind come on hallelujah the bible says the guy shook the thing off into the fire yes i don't let nothing ever stuck on him yes oh do you know that there are things that you can be doing that people think you are god the bible says when they saw him they saw him shook the snake off into the fire and he didn't die he didn't fall down to the ground they said this surely this one is a god amen it cannot be an ordinary person a man cannot be a mortal man because he wasn't it wasn't he was there are things that you do yes when challenges come your way when things happen yes yes yes things come your way you happen to eat and then when certain things come your way you show each other that's right say something teach you something they have never seen bridges they never had before preach it they said he was a god yes ooh glory the god within you the god we carry must be put on this place amen amen you can't carry god in you and live like ordinary men yes you can carry god in you and not show signs and no wonder yes that's right and not sure mighty works that's right and not do the greater things that jesus says you will do oh help us holy spirit oh lord jesus jesus christ we are carriers of god we are carriers of god amen am i talking to somebody here yes you're talking to me they said people die by accident you show them amen amen we'll show them that we have a different order that's right they say people die by plane crash the plane crash and you come out amen yeah yeah yeah looking friends with all the flames with all the fire uh says to me huh that possible is that possible did you hear what happened to shadrach meshach come on now didn't you hear the people who took them in the fire got burned yes but they were of another kind come on hey hey somebody saying but the flame the the the plane blew up in flames so what um yeah yeah i am giving you a perspective of your life in christ amen amen so you don't expect things to happen to you the way it happened to you come on come on pray to those things i happened to those things that's right somebody said okay drown drown amen amen you float by the wings of the holy ghost that's right [Music] jesus i'm speaking of things that are of those who are born from heaven yes there is a kind of life we are supposed to believe in brothers and sisters amen are you still here yes we're here whatever challenges you encounter in this world it is not supposed to take you out don't act like the people in this world act when you face certain things am i talking to somebody here yes you're talking to me somebody says oh there was this plane crash and christians died oh they didn't need to die they could excuse themselves from the plane crash they can remove themselves from the scene that's right that's right ah those of you are in holy ghost academy i have something for you lori hallelujah hga all the way i say you can remove yourself from the scene with your luggages and everything hallelujah but if you also want you can save it i used to hear somebody yes we're here glory to god glory glory we are supposed to be doing things people have never had before they have never seen in their lives the other it becomes front-page news you know why the church is being oppressed and subdued it's because we are not taking charge of this life the life that is from heaven when the things we begin to do begins to be front-page news breaking news a man walked out of a plane crash come on with the fire and the flames come on prices blockages that's front rich page news come on that's right when things are supposed to take people out you walk out of it like nothing happens come on that's right that's right oh hallelujah there is a life in christ people of god amen i said there is a life in christ amen there is a life in christ you are a god carrier amen do you know the things that are possible with you jesus do you understand the level of operation that is expected of you teachers that even the the endless expectation of the creation is waiting to see teachers prophets they're expecting to see you put yourself on display put the god in you on this place amen amen they are waiting to see you manifest people from heaven you are they are listen there is an expectation of you amen because you are a phenomenon that never existed before come on what did you come to show come on what did you come to bring to the world help us help us help us jesus this is deep hallelujah corey is this is too deep too deep daily you should be meditating on how different you should be responding to challenges amen how you should address situations when you encounter them you should meditate on it amen daily you should meditate amen sometimes i will sit down and meditate on if i was in a gunpoint um what i would do i would sit down and meditate on it yeah i haven't even taught my kids yes hallelujah i will meditate [Laughter] yes that's right me i want killable that's right i said you like you did you're unkillable amen i'm unkillable glory to god are you still here we're here listen meditation is an expression of your creative ability whenever you go into meditation yes you are greek you are creating your essence you are bringing forth the essence of who you are amen if you are truly the god kind yes in meditation you produce that hallelujah so the problem with many people they have never sat down to imagine themselves conquering certain challenges and certain situations so when it happens to them they end up being affected wow instead of happening to the situation come on oh i think people profit no no no we're catching we're soaking jesus this is deep so i will sit down and meditate oh i'm unkillable i'm unkillable you know i meditated on the scripture in the in the book of isaiah nowhere performed against misha prosper i would say what weapon gone i will imagine the weapons is it a gun which one cutlass match it whatever machete wow are you still here somewhere we're here i don't meditate i said when they hit me like this no blood will come out amen amen praise the lord yes when when the point that god i'm leaving they shoot i would look at it on the ground like this amen i would sit down and meditate in one weapon what weapon i would imagine all the weapons in this world amen wow wow i will describe the what points in my mind oh listen i carry the life of god amen you can destroy it hallelujah oh hallelujah now when that happens to you in the physical time yes in your spirit you're already charged come on prophet you are already putting me in my bed you are armed for it yes that's not what you're trying to you know build monster any faith or anything it's your reality because you have convinced yourself over the years that no gun can penetrate wow ooh glory oh glory oh glory are you still here we're here we're here i'm teaching you how to be creative amen through meditation amen in that scenario when things come up against you as a believer what have you been thinking about that scenario yes did you see yourself escaping or did you see yourself dying no wonder when there's a shipwreck and policy in the body says you guys relax relax amen i've meditated my seeing myself in rome relax relax amen amen come on prophet i'm already in rome i don't know why you guys are panicking we are fine praise the lord are you still here somebody yes right here i said you're unkillable i'm unkillable i said you're unkillable i'm unkillable no weapon no weapon against weapon shall prosper that's right thank you lord i'm sure when paul was bit by the snake he had been meditating upon the life of god in him and how that jesus spoke of if they shall drink of any deadly thing it shall not hurt them [Laughter] i said who tried to poison me i've meditated on that scripture i said who who can poison me who can hey what what can poisoning wow wow wow i will meditate i said the moment it gets in my system is neutralized well i will meditate on it meditate on it are you still here we're here glory to god glory to god do you know what kind of life you're supposed to believe in amen there is a life in christ people of god amen amen [Music] jesus jesus when you meditate you unleash the god part of you that god essence is unleashed wow somebody they told you you have cancer now you are you are thinking that their life is about to end because of cancer no oh people from heaven are not scared of cancer that's right are you still here we're here people from heaven don't fear cancer amen there is no such thing as incurable disease amen hallelujah praise the lord no such a thing yes if you would meditate and say ah that area i don't see kansa amen the doctor says but he's right they say but i'm not seeing it amen what you choose to meditate on you create hmm that's deep it becomes the the order of what you do in life how you walk in life wow that's powerful so when i look at the scriptures i begin to meditate on what the chris the scripture says is possible that's right that's right with those who are from heaven those who are born from heaven i begin to think on these things whatsoever things are true whatever i think it's of a good report yes whatsoever things are lovely if there be any praise think on these things amen amen paul says meditate on these things wow are you still here somebody we're here okay this is deep when you begin to meditate and meditate and meditate and meditate you begin to do things that people have never seen before they wonder where you are from what kind of life did you come with you can even be with siblings oh like jesus jesus had siblings but the way jesus lived his life you can even walk among your siblings but the way you are living your life you are like ah you are different from your siblings the way you talk is different how you move is different the things you do is different yes wow wow hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord say i'm born from heaven i'm born from heaven i came from heaven i came from heaven they said they put poison somewhere people from heaven we don't get affected by those things amen that's right wow we're here but this doesn't just happen you have to constantly feed yourself yes with the information of the god kind of life amen meditate upon that information feed upon it so much that it it it just oh ahead of a a time uh the man of god pastor chris meditated on one scripture for hours how god anointed jesus of nazareth who went about doing good healing all manner of them that were uh oppressed of the devil for god was with him he went to healing crusade healed everybody amen hallelujah yes praise the lord you can't medit listen before i leave the house i've seen myself doing the things that i'm going to do in a meeting amen i meditated on healing the legs if it's legs that day i want to heal i've met did it upon myself i've seen legs healed amen amen if it's growing legs i'm meditating i create the reality before i go there come on now wow because i'm supposed to be happening to my world amen i'm not supposed to get there and say lord what do i do now wow teach us prophet are you still here yes we're here you meditate on it before you leave the house have you meditated on the things that should happen for your day well have you considered the kind of things that should happen the kind of way you should go about your day the kind of way you should address challenges that come to you that day come on now prophet if somebody tries to do something to put you out of sin have you met on what you were answering this is deep this is it that's what i do amen you meditate trapping gems hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord i said hallelujah praise the lord the way you live your life is a reflection of where you come from he says as is of the earthy so are they that are earthy and as is of the heavenly so are they that are heavenly so the way a man lives is based on where he came from do you understand what heavenly beings do heavenly beings are not you know uh uh restricted by time oh come on oh oh come on papa god help us i wish i had time to go into some things we're here you have time i said heavenly beings are not restricted by time amen amen there is a phenomenon in the word of god that can that you can travel through time you can go in the past and go in the future come on now to the present come on now wow wow this thing is called time travel in new york it's in your bible it's there it's there oh jesus i said it's in your bible it's there one day we'll talk about it amen praise the lord wow you can go through time listen you are not restricted by space amen amen from heaven the way we operate we have a higher frequency of operation amen we are not like mortal men amen are you listening to me here yes we're here i said well i'm not like the motor man we're not like so when you hear certain news don't panic understand you're from heaven that's right hallelujah you can't be done that's right don't panic don't fret don't give up yes oh that's my last hope that's my you don't know where you came from oh wow wow something can be done i said something can be done glory glory if you find yourself in trouble yeah don't say what will happen to me [Music] i said something can be done something can be done because you are from heaven yes we are not restricted listen we are not limited amen amen we are not limited ooh hallelujah we work with a certain degree of invincibility yes a different type of life you carry it inside of you amen the god order i said you are the god order we are the god order that's right when you have a heavenly life it is expected of you to display heavenly lifestyle amen [Music] well so you don't live like many honest amen wow gossip is not in heaven are you still here yes we're here envy malice all these things is not that's that's the life of men on earth men don't ever walk like that people from heaven don't walk like that amen no we don't hallelujah we walk in love that's right we're walking by right we move in the spirit amen amen we are not moved by what we see hallelujah praise the lord we are not moved by the troubles of of life amen by the challenges of this world amen it doesn't matter what will happen we are of a higher degree a higher order hallelujah we are not moved we are not shaking that's right when you panic you don't know where you're coming from wow hallelujah praise the lord where we come from people don't get sick come on oh you didn't hear me i said where we come from people don't get sick wow hallelujah hallelujah provision for healing are you still here we're here but in zion where we come from we don't get sick in zion yeah your christianity should be moving toward that place where you are never sick glory glory glory glory never ever wow where we come from people don't lack amen there is no such a day where we say oh i david understood he says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want pause is the lord shall supply all your needs amen people don't lack where we come from people don't die hallelujah if you die it's by your choice it's because you wanna teach on profit oh are you still here we're here wow wow wow wow in the book of isaiah isaiah 33 conde balakasi satash from verse 20 something powerful here isaiah 33 verse 20. hallelujah look upon zion the city of our solemnites thank you zion amen i'm from zion that's where we hail from amen we are coming to mount zion the city of the living god yes that spiritual place that spiritual country that abraham was looking for the bible says he was looking for a city hallelujah whose builder and maker is god he was that's right praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord we came from there he says we are coming to mount zion yeah everybody who is born again lives in zion right now wow hallelujah trap toes ooh gems gems jesus so david is saying look upon zion the city of the living god what happens there keep reading thine eyes shall see jerusalem a quiet habitation a tabernacle that shall not be taken down not one of the stakes therefore or thereof shall ever be removed neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken but there the glorious lord will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams jesus hallelujah wherein wherein shall go no galley with oars neither shall gallant ship pass thereby for the lord is our judge the lord is our lawgiver the lord is our king he will save us thy tacklings are loosened they could not well strengthen their mast they could not spread the sale then is the prey of a great spoil divided the lame take the prey and the inhabitants the inhabitants shall not say i am sick listen the inhabitants yes so look upon zion yes he says the inhabitants there shall not say i am sick wow wow wow why because they don't get sick teachers prophet those who come from zion they don't say i am sick they don't say [Music] they don't say all wretched me come on call me come on glory glory um i'm too cheesy yes jesus teaches prophet people from zion there's the way we talk uh-huh we don't talk the way some of you talk amen somebody say oh these people are so proud they act like they they are too special it's because we are amen are you still here we're still here whatever you're you're you're declaring things about about your reality of zion don't let anybody try to you know confuse you to make you think oh you are being proud and being you know all of this no please talk your talk yes amen we're still here we're here you are from heaven talk it yes amen hallelujah you will never stop walking the life from heaven if you don't talk like it amen jesus was boldly telling them i'm from heaven i'm from above he didn't care what you thought about it that's right you might have seen him being born in the manger he doesn't care amen the lord yes what i cut it inside of me you don't know amen wow they don't know what you carry inside of you that's why you don't understand why you talk the way you talk teachers that's not why you speak the way teachers practically so confident about the things that you expect teachers profit teachers profit you know your future is made teachers profit my future you don't talk like them oh i don't know what tomorrow holds yeah yeah yeah yeah hopefully god will do it hopefully hopefully we things don't happen to us we happen to amen when we show up we recreate the design hey we change the way we change the way we bring about a new trend yes don't come into a place and follow the order of the people that have been there no change the order amen do something they've never seen amen do something they've never heard of hallelujah that's right mesmerize their mind change their thinking amen cause them to wonder what manner of man you are amen when i go into a place hey me you people will stop me hey we don't we don't we don't hear the things these guys say oh it's so true prophet i understand which life is in me amen i don't follow the order of men men yes it may be even among your siblings don't say oh we are born of you know uh uh mr johnson and all johnsons are this way no change the order amen i said change the order amen all johnson's act like this you'll be the difference amen they say all people in this family they don't get married change the order hallelujah all people in this uh community they never make it change the order that's right that's right people come from this town they don't progress change the amen amen you are from heaven somebody hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord say i'm from heaven i'm from heaven what people should be expecting of you yes wow wow the bible says they are waiting to see you manifest something they are never seen what have you been showing your world wow oh wow it makes no difference that a believer lives the same way an unbeliever lives ouch it's true then what did jesus came to offer us that's right was there a change when jesus came hallelujah praise the lord there are things in the word of god that you must realize about yourself yes this man may choose a deck who was so great that the things that was to be said about him people could not handle in their day hallelujah i said people could not receive it in the time of prayer the things that were to be said about this man yet the word of god declares that the second adam jesus christ came after that order but you also were born after the design of christ me also that other hallelujah i listen love that order into this world oh are you listening to me we're here in today's world when they talk about you they should say how can i explain this person i don't think you guys can understand the language i'm going to speak concerning this person amen amen they should be looking for words to describe you amen they should beat their minds praise the lord praise the lord somebody said i just want to be normal i just want to be a regular christian you just want to be regular and you carry god come on i'm just ordinary me ordinary me help us prophet because we think that's humility we've grown in the type of you know religious city that makes people feel like you know you are humble when you talk down about yourself that's falsehood jesus never talked that way yes he knew who he was yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah who you are amen amen hallelujah wow i told you sometimes when people ask me where i'm from i don't tell them i said i'm from heaven yes and they are confused praise the lord they are confused they have to keep bugging me are you sure are you sure uh-huh i said yes i'm sure and i have to break it down hey you know i just to please you just to please you just like jesus i actually came from heaven i was just packaged in cameroon come on are you still here yes we're here glory to god glory glory the world is waiting for us amen to show them the things they've never seen people of god wherever you are don't do anything short of that move in this dimension amen of what eyes i've not seen amen on what years i've not amen of what has never entered into the hearts of men amen move in that dimension hallelujah whenever you are in a place do something new that they've never seen yes glory to god if i go to minister somewhere every time i come there there is something new i will show them hallelujah that's right that's right it's never the same amen i'm telling you it's never the same all the places i remember i used to be invited you know to this uh it was an ethiopian community an ethiopian church and every time i went they were mesmerized praise the lord because i would tell them things and demonstrate things they had never seen before yes glory glory what good is it when you go to a place and do what they were expecting or what they've been experiencing you're not changing anything wow they're not making any difference wow we can only make a difference in this world as people of god when we do things that are breaking news wow that means you need to be so sure of yourself hallelujah you need to be so sure of what you carry how they do yeah entire place you know you carry something and you can do something yeah yeah yeah hello we're here when you go somewhere you know you can do something yes powerful my son went to minister somewhere i told him i said show them amen show them what they've never seen amen prophesy hallelujah heal them hallelujah glory to god glory and the way you're going to heal it's not going to be the way uh uh ben does it no they have seen that come on now right around her bunker did it come on now they have seen that right the way you do things always think uh how has this been done before yes how how can i show you know me and god will discuss every time i go for a meeting i say lord let's do something different amen the meaning happens when i go somewhere i say lord let what let's do something different that's right i want to i want to i want to change style yeah yeah yeah yeah and god loves that yes because he likes to show the different style the difference of his glory yes hallelujah you know when you get to heaven you will just be seeing angels that go above the throne of god screaming glory yes holy holy holy is because every time they turn around the throne of god they see a sign of god they've never seen so they shall hold it jesus so through our intentions that god glory glory every time they go about this see a different side of god wow so every time people meet you they should see a different side dropping gems you should never be seen the same way yes yes yes oh that's deep every time people come in contact with you they see something they've never seen before yeah steve oh these are gems hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord i'm from heaven i'm from heaven i'm from heaven i'm from heaven hail from heaven i hail from heaven hallelujah praise the lord jesus yes glory glory did you receive something today always always hallelujah take up an offering thank you take up an offering make it seven seven seven wow an offering before the lord see khabari koshan tabala hassai i'm so sure listen these are messages you listen to over and over and over and over yes so that it works your spirit amen it's all over your spirit it inundates you well so your consciousness and your way of thinking and your perspective begin to change yes glory to god you can't listen to something like this and die broke never never you can't listen to something like this and you're being tormented by sickness this is an incurable disease you can't you can't listen to something like this and continue like that never amen those who are close to me they know there's a certain way i think there are things you don't see around you i will shut you down immediately because i don't operate like that amen we want people to noise about any kind of thing that is you know of a lower frequency of how i operate it's true who told you you didn't have money who who told you you don't have money come on prophet what are you looking at what are you really looking at yes hallelujah oh jesus we can create money amen courses glory we seem to not have but yet we make many reach hey hey you're on fire jesus there are mistress in this world i'm just reserving certain things i don't want to say certainly say money comes to me money comes to me a free course a free course a free course a free course i don't like money i don't like money why why why would i ever lack money why why wow hallelujah i don't like money amen me lack money never never the devil will tell you hey but look at your back account you say well that's that's just an earthly account amen amen praise be lord praise the lord i don't consider ugly things i don't oh if i need money i know where to bring it from amen there is a way you should be thinking amen oh wow hallelujah praise the lord take a seat 777-777 quickly glory to jesus glory powerful i've lived for years with a certain mentality that there are things the devil can't do to me anymore amen i'm telling you amazing because he knows he's just going to fail he's a failure amen because i've meditated about certain things a certain way for so many years it is not possible for the devil to convince me otherwise or to do certain things to me yes because my mentality has been trained my way of seeing life has been trained for years hallelujah there's a story about this dear lady how that you know she was very sick and sick unto death and she was speaking to the lord that she just want she just want to end her and die and the lord said to her throughout your life you have spoken so much life it's not possible for you to die hallelujah he says you have built so much consciousness of life this sickness is just a mirage it's just coming to pass and the very next day she got up from the sick bed wow hallelujah you should train your mentality to think a certain way amen you should train your mouth to talk a certain way amen amen that even when bad things happen it's just a miracle just a face yes hallelujah other people would die with it you you just pass it amen i just passed it jesus jesus am i talking to somebody yes we're here father in the name of jesus let their eyes be open to the reality of the god-kindness those who were born of god not of the will of man or the will of the flesh or of blood let it in undead their soul amen letting in undead their spirit their consciousness that they came from heaven amen and that they were sent by you oh god to show the world of a new order of men hallelujah that never existed in this world before praise the lord that has come as a phenomenon to baffle the minds of people who walk this earth praise the lord in the name of jesus i decree and i declare hallelujah that you are taking strides in the holy ghost amen moving like you've never done before yes operating like you've never operated before glory glory that the glory of god is being shown shown forth from your life we believe every step you take wherever you go people begin to experience god yes they will begin to seek god hallelujah you will begin to reflect heaven hallelujah in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus and everything that is not of god in your physical body dissolves right now amen amen sickness be gone amen in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the life of god from within you expel everything that is not of god yes or whatever was not planted by the heavenly father must be uprooted glory glory in the name of jesus it is uprooted we receive i decree in the name of jesus finances are released hallelujah i said finances are released hallelujah this week be a week of financial release amen we received in the name of jesus christ we receive there was a fellow who was talking about their visa in the beginning god said the lord is granted in the name of jesus amen everything you require every document that needs to be released may this week be a week of supernatural release hallelujah that was tied down be released now in the name of jesus amen release now in the name of jesus nothing will be withheld from you in jesus mighty name yes in jesus name amen amen amen amen amen god bless you so richly i trust that you've been blessed don't miss next sunday don't miss oh how am i doing i said what don't don't miss next sunday i'll be waiting for you amen god bless you see you again bye-bye you
Channel: Prophet Glovis Online
Views: 342
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: G8DPjgybduo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 38sec (6038 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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