Why Believers Can Still BURN IN HELL FOREVER | Dr. Gene Kim

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am all right if you open up your Bibles to Hebrews chap 11 please Hebrews 11 Hebrews chapter 11 and the guy killed it right there today I'll be talking about faith all right today I'll be talking about faith faith is one of the teachings we're going to be covering in soteriology soteriology means the study of of Salvation now remember we're going through our lessons in theology so there are many branches ecclesiology study of the church soteriology study of Salvation eschatology study of and times new mythology study of the holy spirit so I'm giving you all those things those have been the first lessons that I've taught for 2 and a half years when I started my Ministry and the number one recom recommendation I always give is those studies theological studies so uh I always enjoy returning back to them because a lot of times we need to go back to the basics a lot of times we need to refresh ourselves on why we believe in these Concepts and sometimes even very basic doctrines we don't know where what are the verses to prove them so that's the reason why this is something sometimes good for us and there are things that we missed out on these supposed things we call Basics so let's cover Faith all right first thing we're going to cover in the topic of faith is what is it what is it so the definition of faith the definition of faith which is the standard Hebrews 11:1 very simple now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not SE meaning that faith is believing without seeing it's that simple faith is believing without seeing now I want you to go to two passages James 2 James chapter 2 and then Acts chapter thir 16 excuse me Acts chapter 16 James chapter 2 in Acts chapter 16 now that we understand the Simplicity of what faith means it's believing without seeing a lot of people apply it wrongly when you ask a person are you saved by faith everybody will agree and majority of people you talk to they'll say oh I believe I believe or I have faith I have faith or I believe in Jesus Etc but most of the time when they say those things they don't know what they're talking about or they have not really done those things they just think that they've done those things see so over there because they think they've done those things that means it's more of a head belief so a head belief must be distinguished from heart belief that's the mistake that everybody makes so I like how this picture illustrates about having a head belief and then it goes into the heart actually so if a person really believes then what's going to happen is of course it always starts with the mind right you hear it you know it you think about it but do they believe it enough where it finally hits their heart and when it hits their heart and they're like I really got it right so that's the distinguishing of the heart versus head belief head belief is just something that passes in the mind right but you don't really get it once the head belief or the head starts believing it it should reach to a point where you know truly to the point of oh I really got it that's the kind of feeling right so if you have that kind of feeling right there or that instinct or that inclination that oh I really got it then we see right here that's the heart belief it's not just some passing cognitive function that's just in there and then it's just gone and you don't really fully understand what it means you fully understand it that your whole heart is put into it so this is demonstrated in James 2: 19 the Bible says Thou believest that there is one God thou doest well but notice right here that's not sufficient the Devils also believe and tremble see right there we don't deny that hey if you believe Jesus Is God who died buried resurrected and people will say yeah I do yeah I do well fine but guess what Satan also believes in that I mean he saw it he was there so he's not just going to say oh that never happened happen no Satan knew uh Satan knows it happened because he was there so he believes in that but it's on his head it's not applicable to the heart where you put all your faith on Christ alone sufficiently for your salvation see the devil actually never did that which is pretty obvious on why the obvious reason why is that Satan he trusts more in himself Satan thinks that he can beat God Satan wants to be worshiped as God Satan hates God there's no way that he's going to put his all whole heart and then rely that and then apply that to his Lord Jesus Christ if you look at acts 16:31 acts 16:31 does Satan believe there is a God of course does Satan believe Jesus Is God who died buried and Resurrected of course but when you ask the question can did Satan put his Trust on Jesus Christ to save him from his sins and to save his soul then see then it's not really like yes it's like uh right that shows that we know then there is a distinguishing or a difference with head belief and heart belief so if we look at acts 16:31 the key is right there the key is and they said believe what not in but what on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house it's believing wholeheartedly that you act upon it so an example is given where it's one thing to know that bridge is going to hold you if you walk on it but you don't really believe on it until you really are on the bridge some of you might have that right a head belief but not a heart belief on a bridge and you're like yeah I know it's going to hold me up but then okay then uh stand upon it be on it and you're like no I ain't doing that why because your heart's not in it you still have that doubt that fear I'm going to fall I'm going to die so the question is did you put on the Lord Jesus Christ when we talk about have you received Jesus Christ for your salvation all of this ties together so all of it ties together where see in the mind you know but then your whole heart is put on it okay now we go to Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter 12 we're going to look at the source of Faith the source of faith and the simple answer is in God now the free Grace people I do not uh believe in their soteriology they do have some faults here and there however uh we do primarily agree that it is simply faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and it is as simple and it's free uh we are adamant against lordship salvation so I like that chart here which is why I'm going to use it the chart really demonstrates and it pictures very well on how the source of our faith is truly on Christ see that so you see the pendulum which I like right here so the right balance which is in the middle you'll notice is faith alone Christ alone and then that's why we have the receive the grace and receive his salvation that's genuine Faith right there but then with this faith alone it contradicts with lordship salvation lordship Salvation boasts in Sol the calvinist B Sol and you might go who cares what does that mean yeah I know the Calvinists they just like to use fancy terms and it makes them sound right see so as long as I say Goble then you're all going to believe me so as long as I keep saying Goble then you're going to go wow that sounds biblical yes I like to mock them why because you ought to know better than hearing good words and fair speeches that matches up with fanciful terms to find truth you ought to know better than that you ought to be ashamed of yourself amen I mean I'm questioning a a lot of you who post comments and videos against me and even those who believe in me whether you attack me or believeing me if you're watching me online are you looking in that book that's right that's where it is open that book all right don't just hear me talk and then you get offended because there's something I didn't say the right term or the way that I talked just sounded too coarse or you felt like there was a mean speak in there see then you're judging by words Fair speeches how fair the delivery is how smooth it is look at that book you ought to be ashamed of yourself amen come on look at that book and then check it out if what I tell you is the truth or not now notice the contradiction here because they use this fanciful term it means faith alone well how is that faith alone if they insist that there ought to be Works coming out of your life that's what lordship salvation teaches that works it's a faith that works they say now look at this see you didn't catch that did you Faith Works did you look at that tricky tricky how is that faith alone Faith Works tricky tricky it just sounds nice that's why you believed in it come on a faith that works yeah that sounds more logical than a faith that doesn't work that just sounds logical hey hey did you actually examine it Faith Works it's a called a contradiction all right the amazing thing you know let me use a little fanciful word play all right for some of these Scholars BEC if you go from an epistemological method and look at epistemology and study the basics and the root between certain terms and operations and methods then you can come up with better criticisms and better outlooks yall got lost on that that's fine all right I threw that just in for the scholars not for you all right anyway Roman Catholicism over here they see the honesty that you know you can't really call it faith alone but we do believe in justif justification by faith but if we're going to be totally honest there's also works involved so notice that the pendulum swings see that so from faith it gradually goes to uh faith that faith alone that works to Faith and works and then there's another extreme right here where there's Christian pluralism and Christian universalism in other words faith alone Christ Alone is unnecessary because the person is already saved gave to begin with that God already gave a universal salvation and there's no application on your part uh your part of believing so a great example and some people might get upset but it's true is John haggy he taught this blatant heresy where he thinks that Jews because they are God's chosen people they don't need to believe on Jesus Christ for salvation so notice right here how so many wrong doctrines come out because they don't understand the basic what's the source of Faith here it's all on God but we saw earlier that there must be a belief on that if you want that Source now because it's all on God we look at Romans 12:3 the Bible says right here for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God hath dealt to every man The Measure of Faith notice that Paul says that people shouldn't think highly of themselves because the source of their power and where they receive it from is actually from God who gives the faith to them this is God the father and then we're going to see God the son which we're not going to turn to but just write it down Hebrews 122 Hebrews 122 the sun is the source as well and then the Holy Ghost is also The Source 1 Corinthians 12:9 1 Corinthians 12:9 go to Romans 10:17 Romans 10117 the Second Source so we see God in his Trinity the father Son and Holy Ghost that's the first second is the word of God go to Romans chap 10 and verse 17 the Bible says that the Bible can give you the faith so the reason why you're doubting and you don't want to be asked this oh Pastor I'm struggling I'm doubting God that I'm going to ask you did you read your Bible it's supposed to give you Faith the Bible says right here Romans 10:17 so then Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the what word of God okay go to Luke 17 Luke chapter 17 17 the third one is prayer third one is prayer look at Luke chapter 17 and verse 5 and I like how this next picture demonstrates the hindrances the hindrances to Faith from this nice little image you'll notice right here that the hindrance uh faith is something that is the source from God right so then there's something that's blocking it at times and the hindrances to the faith is right here see mountains that are not removed the obstacle hindrances these grow more and more and more that pushes away the source of your faith here so what will help immensely is you have to observe the other source and it's right here prayer removes oh let's uh prayer removes the obstacles so I know it's kind of hard to see so hopefully this one kind of helps so prayer removes the obstacles right here okay so have you been uh praying have you been seeking the Lord's will have you been surrendering your doubts to the Lord if you haven't then that's the reason why you're still in doubt and no matter how much God is the source for your faith it's not going to mean anything to you don't act calvinist and expect God to some somehow give you a feeling where you're going to believe you got to pray prayer is also the other source that can remove the hindrance and obstacle so that the power which is from God the source of faith can be given to you Luke 17 and verse 5 the Bible Bible says and the apostles said unto the Lord see that increase our faith boy how many times have I done that right how many times I like to ask you how many times have you caught yourself doing that right 1 Corinthians 129 1 Corinthians CH 12 and verse 9 the last one is the gift of the Holy Ghost the gift of the Holy Ghost In other words there is no doubt that some people they tend to have more strong faith in the Lord than you do right and then we're like what's the matter with me there's something wrong with me well you don't really have to beat yourself over the head because sometimes it could be perhaps that the person was just gifted by the Holy Ghost he just has the skill or the gift or the talent more than you to more easily rely and trust in God for all you know you had a life full of trauma betrayal mistrust and hurt by so many peoples and things and that's the reason why you weren't as blessed as other people who had uh who who were able to find it more easy to have faith in the Lord and faith in God's ways of doing things look at 1 Corinthians 12:9 to another Faith by The Same Spirit to another the gifts of healing by The Same Spirit so notice right here God G gives different gifts to people so he won't give the same level of Faith uh to other people sometimes he gives more faith to other people Romans 10:17 again Romans chapter 10 and then we'll look at verse 17 Again I also want to add this is that just because you are less gifted in faith does not mean that you're going to have less Faith than other people who who has more gift of faith than you do you might say why the reason why is don't forget the power and sources from God so maybe God can give you more faith compared to the other person who finds it easier to have faith the reason why is because you need it more so pray for it more right and you might you might have more faith than the other guy amen okay let's look at Romans 10:17 we're going to look at the objects of Faith here when you have faith it's pretty obvious that you're going to rely upon something you can't just say I believe and there's nothing you rely on correct there's got to be there's got to be an object that you put your faith upon see that's the reason why I I mean this is such a basic but a lot of people don't think they don't look at the basics and catch themselves the reason why you struggle so much having faith as you're going through your trial and temptations is you put more faith on a wrong object so for example the feelings of your flesh during trial and suffering that's what you're putting your faith upon no wonder you're having trouble believing in God trusting in God through the storm so you got to find the right object so if you have the right object where your faith can be upon hey the trial can hit you hard but as long as your faith is not on it you'll still be stuck on that object as long as the object is right did that make any sense to you all right so there are two God made it very simple for you he didn't make it hard he gave you two objects put your faith upon that will help you immensely and you got to put your faith on those things you don't have to think of so many practical tips methods psychological helps and all that but to help you out with your faith and your Christian walk you only need two things God made it simple for you because your flesh over complicates stuff A lot of times and it's just so hard and then you're sick and tired of hearing 100 different counsels and 100 different methods to overcome your complicated problem and you think it's just so hard no it's not God made it simple for you you're just not putting your faith on it on it all right so what are they well from this chart right here uh the reason why I give this chart is our Christian walk is Faith and then you'll see the benefits that we receive and then we'll look into that a little later but faith is such a essential ingredient a widespread ingredient throughout our everyday lives that as we live our faith in God when we look back a lot of times we have to look back through history behind us that will help us in our faith and even forward we can see in our future as we apply the faith how it'll operate so here's Jesus Christ dying on the cross and then things that were quoted from the word of God uh about his resurrection and then his event his life life that we look back on which is why we live by faith and then things that will happen in our future and because of what the word of God said because of how uh we're going to uh expect and anticipate on what's going to happen ahead of us up in heaven at the Judgment seat of Christ in the tribulation and the Millennium that's the reason why why we still live by faith so the point is throughout our everyday life including past present and future how we're involved in history faith is such an essential ingredient without it everything in our past we discard it and everything in our future we discard it not not just your present so understanding how important significant this faith is that's why you need to find the right objects so Romans 10:17 the obvious one is the word of God the Bible says so then Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God this is the only visible tangible object that you have in your hands right here so with this this is the object that you got to put your faith upon go to Romans 3:22 Romans 3:22 the second object is Jesus Christ the second person or object whatever that you want to put your faith upon is Jesus Christ now you might say well didn't you say that the source of Faith already is Jesus Christ what do you mean the object so in this scenario this case Jesus Christ gives you Faith but in return what you need to do with that face with the face faith is to put it on Jesus Christ see when you believe you need some object to put it upon the Bible we get it right the Bible we get it because when we're going through doubt and fear we have to open the book and then there's a verse right there and then that verse is where we put our faith on it and then we believe it for certain so it is not just a source but an object the word of God the same thing with Jesus Christ but how this is explained is that as a matter of fact we all know Jesus Christ gives us the faith that's the sour but when you have faith it's important that you've got to have someone you believe in someone's word that you got to believe in so when we say the word of God sure but the word of who right God Jesus Christ you cannot trust unless there's someone involved see that's the bottom line everybody says that I have some level of Faith or every faith is different but they're all the same thing and I believe in God but when you critique it when you examine that their faith is in the wrong place and person because when they say believe in God and I have faith and all faiths are different but they're the same thing it could be on Islam it could be on Muhammad it could be on Joseph Smith it could be on a wrong Jesus see so that's the reason why you need to have the right object right here and we're talking about the right Jesus Christ in Romans 3:22 even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference so right here when we're talking about Believers I'm not talking about Buddhists Muslims and Christians and Jews all together that's wrong what I'm talking about right here is that when I say Believers it's those they are those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation Jesus who is God died buried and resurrected where the word of God dictates it all right now we go to Hebrews 11 Hebrews chap 11 and then we're going to compare some of the things on the chart as well on the results of Faith so that's the next section the results of Faith so we've looked at uh the uh definition of faith we looked at the source of Faith objects of Faith now results of faith if you have faith this is what's going to happen a lot of benefits are going to come out of your life and the question is do you have these benefits if you don't then you should examine your faith Hebrews 11:6 we know God exists that's the first one but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that what he is second benefit is Ephesians 28 Ephesians 28 we get saved we get saved I mean saving your soul from Hell giving you a home in heaven I that is that is very important that's a benefit you get out of faith faith is so important in the word of God faith is extremely important in the word of God look at Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 8 the Bible says for by grace are you saved through faith so notice right here you get saved because of Faith John 1:12 John 1:12 the third benefit is we receive Christ we receive Christ so not only are you saved and you go to heaven but God he could have just all right I saved you that's it he didn't have to be with you right but when you get saved by faith not only are you saved you get Jesus Christ in you when he didn't have to that's a huge benefit John 1:12 but as many as received him to get to them gave you power to become the sons of God even to them that what believe on his name so when you believe on his name at the same time you're receiving Jesus Christ in you all right fourth one is Romans 51 fourth one is Romans chapter 5 verse one we are Justified we are Justified so don't try uh don't conflate I'm Justified with I'm saved true they have this uh they have the same thing about salvation but they're totally different in operations God could have just you have to understand this God could have just saved you and that's it but when you got saved God applied so many different operations on you just for believing so there's a huge benefit amen there a huge benefit so justification is different from salvation even though it is the same so what's the difference the difference is is that remember from our previous study from long ago Justified means that you are declared holy in front of God not just saved but declared holy the Bible says in Romans 51 therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Galatians 3 Galatians 3 I mean people talk about well I'm saved but because of my sins how do I know I'm really saved well that's why you need to know that you're Justified see that means you're declared holy why not because whether you sin or you live clean you're declared holy based on what believing if people knew that then they wouldn't doubt their salvation right see these Basics are so important they are because you get so many wrong doctrines because these people don't go back to the basics okay Galatians 3:26 the fifth one is we become the children of God we become the children of God the Bible says for ye are all the children of God by faith what a blessing God can call you my child acts 26:18 acts 2618 you get a Father and Son relationship do you know how big of a benefit that is you have more favoritism that means you have more access you have that intimate relation not just being saved don't just think faith has to do with salvation and that's it you miss out a lot then notice acts 26:18 the sixth one is we are Sanctified we are Sanctified to open their eyes and to turn them from Darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among them which are Sanctified by faith that is in me uh why is sanctification so important it's because sanctification is not just being declared righteous it's being separated from sin and put unto Holiness so you're able to not just become holy but do holy things you might say why why is that important why it's simple stupid because when you lived your life wickedly in sin if you're a Lost Sinner it doesn't matter how many good works you do you'll still be sinful in God's eyes so that's a very big deal that's why I said stupid because I want you to not not to be mean but to try to make people think here that hey I hope you're paying attention there's a distinguishing with sanctification from justification and justification from salvation you have to know those distinctions that way you can really appreciate your salvation uh 1 Peter 1 15 1 Peter 1 15 the seventh one is we are kept we are kept so when you believe on Christ that means you're kept there and you cannot lose your salvation so people that talk about you can lose it they didn't read about keeping it go to 1 Peter 1 15 notice who keeps it in 1 Peter 1: 15 not you but God who are kept by the what power of God through what through how well you do through you know unless you sin right here no through faith if all you did was believe then you're already kept by God's power that's strong unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time powerful okay uh go to Hebrews 4:3 Hebrews chapter 4 in verse three the next benefit is we have rest we have rest see it's not all about just salvation it's also your everyday living so do you have peace and if not why you don't have faith that would be a huge benefit if you have faith you're going to have a lot more mental stability don't you think you'll have more peace in your heart the Bible says Hebrews 4:3 for we which have believed do enter into to what rest how about that the next one is John chapter 20 John chapter 20 and then alongside it I want you to write Hebrews 11 the whole chapter the whole chapter Hebrews 11 and then your other hand to go to John chap 20: 29 the nth blessing is we gain blessings we gain blessings so if you believe you know what the huge benefit is God's going to reward you for it he doesn't have to why should he bless you why should he reward you just for believing I mean if you believe that's the blessing itself is it not you get rested you're kept by the power of God you're declared his child and all that so believing is already a blessing in itself but it God's saying that if you would just keep believing I'll reward you more and more for it huge benefit right John 20:29 the Bible says Jesus saith unto him Thomas because thou Hast seen me thou Hast believed blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed and if you look at Hebrews 11 you're going to find out that people uh and even Old Testament Saints they didn't see God's promise fulfilled in their life lifetime but they believed anyway and God said because of that I'm going to reward you immensely all right Matthew 17 verse 20 1720 the last one is we have power we have power so not just this is amazing when you believe not only do you have power to receive Jesus Christ like we saw in John 1:12 12 when you believe and have faith not only do you have the power to be kept in Salvation like we saw in 1 Peter 1 15 but just power itself in general do you realize how powerful faith is it can remove mountains in your life impossible scenarios always have been removed through the power of just Faith itself believing me pastoring in the Bay Area here is an example of what this is a miracle right it requires a lot of power to do that and what did I do you can talk about all my hardworking efforts but I know from comparing statistics and other people who work harder than me it will be a zero chance and failure yeah the only way I succeeded was just simply believing the Lord and then the Lord and then the Lord turned it into Power where I was able to glean these fruits another example is when you pray sometimes you pray for impossible things an impossible scenario like your loved one getting saved right but you believe in God's power and you've seen how God can turn those things around see faith is power Matthew 17:20 and Jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you if he have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain remove hence To Yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you wow impossible things change just because of Faith isn't that something all right now I want you to turn to Hebrews 11 again Hebrews 11 and then your second hand to go to First Peter 3 Hebrews 11 and then I want you to go to 1 Peter 3 when we talk about faith it's one thing to believe in it hear it and know it but those hindrances right those hindrances and they're very strong and we need to Target those hindrances we need to know what they are so that we can get rid of those things and let Faith have its work in our lives so then what are the hindrances can you tell me Pastor I'd be happy to because I need to work on them too first one is sight sight all right so in our everyday life we're going to have uh these following hindrances that are really going to bother us so I'm going to talk talk about things that will block our faith we see here that from demonstrating earlier the benefits of Faith right because of our way of living but now let's look at the hindrances and then the first problem is sight that's the first problem why because when you see it then you'll believe it that's the typical atheist mentality that's a typical scientist mentality empiricism Etc it's hard for us to believe when we don't see something so Hebrews 11:1 says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things what not seen so then if we see then it's going to hinder us so we're going to look at 1 Peter 3 1 Peter 3 but there is something that you have to understand here there are things in life that you do not see yet you still believe don't you for example if you're if you buy uh an oil container you never saw what's inside the container but you just took it by faith that it's going to be oil inside the container not water why well here's another thing you go to the taxi driver and then well you know this I wrote these notes like almost 10 years ago so things have changed with Uber now right but uh back then and there are still some things now like in restaurants concerning tips maybe and stuff like that so there have been taxi drivers or tip that you give to restaurants or even other business transactions where the worker believes that the rider or the customer will pay ahead even though they already give the service so even though they don't see the payment the employee is going to take by faith hey my customer will pay me eventually so I just take it by faith why do people operate that way you know that so I I don't care if you're the heart the most most severe atheist I don't believe in an atheist I don't believe in agnostics there's no such thing why because then you'd be paranoid freaks yes and I know you don't live that way I know that you live by faith people don't uh people don't do things without believing all the time and they don't believe all the time uh with seeing there are times that they do it without seeing actually let me add this more strongly even most of the time you believe without seeing you just have to think about that you believe most of the time uh you believe most of the time without seeing I mean you're going to take it for granted and you're going to believe that uh when I that I'm going to be here Sunday that I'm not going to be here do you require evidence for that no you just believe it now see why is it that we have this now this is a very intellectual argument even though this is a very basic one so I'm surprised how so many Christian Debaters don't use these practical aspects because even the most hardcore atheist Bart IR is a Believer without seeing things so it doesn't matter how strong of an agnostic or atheist you are everyone has to believe why because that's practical that's just common sense no one lives without uh believing without seeing am everybody lives that way most of the time too so why is it that we operate that way you ever wondered why if there's enough reason behind it that's it so you saw a pattern of me coming here every Sunday all the time so you're going to take it for granted I'm going to be here the next Sunday see uh you take it for granted that the business is going to lose its business if they give you a wrong product even though you didn't see it and you took by faith and bought it the EMP even the employee is going to take it by faith that you're going to pay him or her why because Society that's the norm that's a cultural norm that's practiced see the point is is that as long as there's some something reasonable or logical then it is still reasonable to believe without seeing it Faith does have reason if you look at 1 Peter chap 3 and vers verse1 15 the Bible says but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a what reason of the what hope that is in you remember Hebrews 11:1 faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen they match all right Matthew 14 Matthew chapter 14 theologians and professionals and Debaters who go even against the most hardcore atheists or Skeptics or agnostics I mean uh they could well uh learn from this basic doctrine that would have helped them immensely that's why we Christians know we don't know enough all right I know you know all the Deep doctrines you're so smart and you can use apologetics backward and forward but to be quiet honest you need to go back to basics that way you can hone your deep knowledge already better okay all right now we're going to look at uh Matthew 14 and then verse 29 second obstacle is fear the second obstacle is fear why because even though you want to believe you're just too scared and the reason why you're too scared is because you keep looking at what scares you see wrong object remember that what you got to look at the right object are you looking at the word are you looking at Jesus Christ notice that Peter didn't do that verse 29 and he said come and when Peter was come down out of the ship and he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid see that he's he's looking at the wrong object he's looking at his fear and beginning to sink he cried saying Lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto him oh thou of little faith wherefore D thou doubt yeah you know now why you doubt it because you looked at the wrong object your fear all right go to job nine job nine excuse me the third hindrance and this is is the most uh unpopular one that everybody hates suffering suffering all right go to Job chapter n job that man you have to give him a lot of credit right that man believed in God that man was rewarded twice from God so righteous so holy so much full of Faith was he that he even U prayed for his family members that the Lord would show Mercy on them not just on himself so he thought about others but even a man like that could lose Faith like that why suffering kicks in so we go to Job chapter 9 and then we'll look at verse 16 the Bible says if I had called and he had answered me yet would I not believe that he had hearken unto my voice wow so even if God gave physical evidence and empirical evidence where you can even hear it and see it why because of verse 17 for he breakthe and multiplied my wounds without cause he will not suffer me to take my breath but filth me with bitterness oh so you know what if you knew this basic practical Doctrine then you would know why no matter how scientific your argument is against the atheist they still won't believe why because it's not the issue for them is not really that I need more evidence no we already G gave them enough evidence logical arguments you know what it comes down to with all of them and even Bart Man admitted this what made him finally become atheist why do bad things happen suffering is the key it's more of emotional Reason Not logical there it is all right uh go to m Matthew 16 Matthew 16 we look at verse 8 Matthew chapter 16 and verse 8 so you have to always constantly look at yourself and see am I depending constantly on my feelings here if you always do that then feelings will override your faith are you believing more or are you feeling that's how you're going to overcome suffering are you believing more or are you feeling all right Matthew chap 16:8 the fourth one is reason reason notice right here which when Jesus perceived he said unto them oh ye of little faith why is their faith little why reason ye among yourselves now ain't that interesting because we mentioned before faith has reason correct but notice a contradiction right here that it seems like reason is a hindrance to Faith so what's the explanation behind that the explanation is very simple go to Isaiah 55 Isaiah 55 the simple explanation is because God's reason is so high and lofty your intellectual brain is too dumb to wrap your to wrap around it it's that simple I mean if you put your uh mind capacity and competed with God's mind capacity you think you'll survive no your mind's going to blow up it's going to go out of circuit it's going to go ah and then just destroy itself obviously so you have to understand that that's the reason why a lot of times when God does things that were that are too high and lofty for us too smart too intellectual for us in our eyes in our mind we perceive it as it's too complicated or it doesn't make sense or unreasonable that's why God's ways of doing things sound unreasonable to us and if people think that that's not true the easy evidence is science because there's a lot of scientific workings that in our own Common Sense Minds doesn't seem to make sense but when you get into and study science more then you're like oh it does make sense now how those things work right because obviously heavy objects don't fly I mean that's just common sense heavy objects will never fly but why do we see heavy objects flying in our if I were you and you were me and we didn't know about science we didn't know a thing about airplanes or the scientific workings on how airplanes adopt and use them then in our minds we would think that that doesn't make sense but until we study the scientific workings on how we can overcome gravity and how we can use uh certain things of science Air energy and electricity and then the mechanics to help it to fly then it makes sense to us that's the same thing with God's ways is it not with God's ways look it's too high and lofty like science that we don't understand it so at first when we use our Common Sense Minds we're like that's unreasonable that doesn't make sense heavy objects don't fly God doesn't God's way of doing things seem that way that heavy objects don't fly that's such a contradiction God that doesn't make sense you claim it makes sense but it doesn't make sense but until you study his inner workings like science and delve into it and that don't happen until time passes by and you and I know that until your experience and knowledge matures more and you and I know from such maturity and Growing Experience when we look back then we realized how immature our knowledge was and we should have had faith in God does that make any sense okay go to uh Isaiah 55 verse 8 and9 notice that the Bible explained to you why why it doesn't make sense to us because God's ways is just too high and lofty it's not our ways Isaiah 55 8-9 for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways sayeth the Lord for as the heavens are what higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts simple all right John 8 John chapter 8 and we'll look at verse 45 John chapter 8 and then we'll look at verse 45 the last hindrance to Faith is truth Believe It or Not truth you might say why is truth a hindrance to Faith because you don't want the truth now you know how many people think that they really want the truth no you you don't want the truth if the truth is I'll tell you what the truth is if the truth is really the Christian way of doing things then you wouldn't want to do it because what is it asking of you the truth is you're going to burn in hell for all eternity if you don't believe on Jesus Christ for your salvation and that the Christian life is not popular and the whole world is against you for believing in that the majority of religions are against you for believing in that your family and friends and loved ones might look down on you and then how stupid do you look in the eyes of educated people to go by faith not by sight and not by education and knowledge see Truth Hurts truth might cost you your relationships truth might cost you your identity truth might cause you to sacrifice a lot of things and the truth hurts a lot of times truth is not easy it's ugly truth requires a lot of changes in your life you know that that's right that's why people walk away and get mad in preaching their excuses oh it's just too mean no it's because it's something you don't like to hear because it is different from your own way comfortable way comfortable routine usual way of doing things it's against your Norm your own belief see so if there's a belief called Truth and your belief you know what you would prefer your belief that's why why do you think people are giving such ridiculous nonsensical arguments that truth is relative and that all ways of religious ways are the same way to heaven you know you got to realize that is truly nonsensical and no offense it is really stupid now you got hurt by by hearing that but let's just use common sense okay you know what the easiest evidence is the easiest evidence that all religious ways or Christian doctrines or teachings are not the same thing is because you disagreed with what I just told you now use your little Common Sense here see so no it's not all the same thing because you the way that I talk is different from the way you perceive things now and you just got offended and mad look at all the religions and their doctrines and their beliefs you'll find contradictions contradictions here's the simplest one you ready for this the simplest one is that uh Islam Buddhism and then Catholicism and then other world religions they teach that uh faith is important but you must have works and then Christianity teaches you only have faith no Works what does that mean that's called a contradiction how you know people they want to pretend that's not a contradic that's a contradiction all right if I told you wash the dishes and I told you 3 seconds later after that don't wash the dishes then what are you going to do you're going to go oh you meant the same way all right then what did I mean to say see that's the same thing with all these different doctrines and teachings then what did they mean to say see people are not using Common Sense John 8 verse 45 John chapter 8 ver 45 and because I tell you the truth what you believe me not you think that because you get the truth it's easier for you to believe no it's harder truth can be such a big hindrance to you to believe so the thing is the easy question then which is a hard thing to do but it's the easy question do you really want the truth or not it's that simple no matter the cost no matter what it'll cost you do you really want the truth uh the very common saying whether unbelievers or Believers pretty much everyone agrees with this one almost is that um a comfortable lie is always better than the hard truth people prefer a comfortable lie more than the hard truth people want to live in a fantasy that pleases them than reality that just uh cause sacrifice and pain I mean uh let me be a little worldly here you know that's why when you watch the first movie The Matrix some of those people they could care less if they're stuck in that little bubble and then their mind is hooked to The Matrix and that's uh they could care less about that why because as long as I'm in this fantasy that looks real to me as long as I'm rich and I can live in this kind of world I'm willing to live in The Matrix see that if we're going to see the ugly truth you know the red pill or the blue pill which one you want well your life will never be the same right once you choose the truth no wonder that the world hates your guts after that it makes sense right all right let's close with the word of prayer father God I pray that uh today's teaching has been eye openening and helpful to our hearers and understanding what your word truly teaches what is Faith how we can live it and even defend it from difficult arguments and questions and practical struggles we go through in life I pray that this so-called basic concept has helped us even more so with our complex and hard scenarios we go through in Jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 33,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine, satan, antichrist, mark of the beast
Id: YoCi8frlhA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 31sec (3631 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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