One Step Beyond (TV-1960) THE HAUNTING S2E25

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i hardly know what to tell you about the next half hour except that it has been reported as true by those to whom it happened it has been investigated and no one as yet has been able to explain it or disprove it [Music] lovely tudor house in the english countryside will tomorrow be the scene of a wedding the bride will come down those stairs and she will join the bride groom here by this fireplace it should be a joyous occasion and yet the bright june sunshine cannot quite burn away the shadow cast by a recent death the death of one who tomorrow would have smiled warmly on the wedding couple in his role of best man due to the shock and pain of this sudden loss the church has considerably permitted the ceremony to be held here instead of the chapel two miles away but if the church or scotland yard knew all that is to be known about the bridegroom there would be no wedding it all began with two old friends on the last bachelor holiday a holiday in one of the most breathtakingly beautiful spots on earth the spectacular swiss alps what better place what better way for a man to have his last taste of absolute soaring freedom but part of the exhilaration of this thrilling sport is the undercurrent of danger the ever-present threat of accident the dizzy leap into space this pure white world seems an unlikely place for murder but watch these two men closely [Music] colin beat up column peter peter you all right except for this blasted leg oh it's lucky i saw you go over here have you got the rope yeah one good snow i might have been here till the end of eyes blew here catch right got it i'll just hold on there a minute and i'll have you out of it let's hope so oh come on man not it nothing it's a good thing nancy can't see you for your own sake i hope you show a little more efficiency as a bridegroom next week oh come on now colin can't a man line on death's legs be allowed a little bit of humor the trouble with you colin is you're so confoundedly sensitive always reading innuendos into things you don't have to tell me what you're thinking it's written all over your face you're thinking nancy again as if he knew what he liked better than i do isn't that right well con man what are you waiting for colin golem for the love of god what are you doing have you lost your mind don't look for the love of god don't leave despite peter duncan's untimely death in the swiss alps colin's wedding date was not changed and so a few days later a properly shaken bridegroom arrived at one of england's more stately mansions afterwards we became separated eventually when i got back to the lodge peter wasn't there i then of course i realized something pretty drastic must have happened so i organized the search part but then this snowstorm suddenly came down how awful how simply awful yes well i i think you know the rest by the morning when we finally found him was it true was he really frozen gillian darling i'm sorry to upset you nancy i i realize i shouldn't have explained it in quite so such detail perhaps not i suppose you stayed for the funeral oh oh yes yes i you know the chapel in the village it seemed the simplest way um where you were the only one there the only one but i told you nancy i wasn't there i i lost him no no darling i mean at the funeral oh no no his father and sister came from london and then there were other friends from the lodge so sad to think of poor sweet peter miss little won't you come downstairs for a cup of tea how long gillian was frozen solid gillian i realize what a strain this all has been and so it would seem to have been to you of course i was very fond of peter indeed well you know that i was oh yes yes i believe you were do you like my dress it is yes it's quite beautiful i'll just take it off i'll only be a mum nancy you you seem to be bearing up remarkably well i do yes no tears unless you shed them all but darling i didn't cry oh why not nancy why not connor i'm afraid i don't understand what's on your mind should there be something but i don't know whether this should be but i certainly sense something oh please nancy please be honest about it honest about what about peter you know perfectly well you were more than just fond of him in fact if you felt you had me obliged to be married to me well he's true perfectly true i'm not quite so unobservant as you would peter may have thought how can you stand there and insinuate oh that's ridiculous peter never meant anything to me except that he was your friend and if he hadn't been your friend willa i don't think we would have exchanged a half dozen words are you suggesting for one second that peter and i i'm not suggesting anything colin well you two always seem so so what devoted devoted what do you mean nothing nancy nothing [Applause] do have some of these fresh strawberries the uh promised scent she's very thoughtful of them don't you think oh yes yes oh my dear my poor boy what's that oh well what i mean to say is here i've been prattling on like a fool and all the time i i i planned something so differently colin oh this has been such a nasty business for you and such a shark yes yes of course it was i can't deny that well it just doesn't seem fair not fair well i mean after the beastly time you had after the war goodness me you you certainly had your your share of emotional uh stress uh oh dear i'm not putting it very well am i but you do understand oh yes yes it is but i understand very well indeed i do quite understand what you're trying to say you're referring to my crash in the spitfire in london's finest hours and i became a patient at a hospital for mental disorder surprise patient of course after that long trying time and and now this but i can hardly see any collection elizabeth well i'm simply saying dear that it doesn't seem fair for you to have so many emotional upsets oh i see i mean peter duncan was your best friend yes of course he was believe me the first thing that nancy said when we heard uh let me see your letter came um well what did uh what was the first thing that nancy said oh oh yes yes of course well and she uh she read it and then it was a very long pause and she said oh no oh no mommy oh no i see well then i took it and read it and all i could see was peter's lovely smile and his oh his dashing way he was such a dear dear naughty boy no it's just too much to accept too much as nancy said what did uh ancestor well nancy said it was positively ironic ironic what else could you call it big strong man like peter who'd come through the wall without a scratch sound and hole and both physically and well anyway i i suppose you um you must get very upset when you think about him alone at the last with no one oh my dear i'm just turning the knife in your heart with every word oh i am so sorry do forgive me listen to me i've been so upset during dinner and even after well as a matter of fact ever since this afternoon when you walked out like that please darling may we maybe forget about it but i don't really see how we can forget about it darling after all we're getting married tomorrow yeah there's this this barrier between us caught in love if i said anything to possibly no no you said nothing darling but i must have colin do you love me you know i do and you must know that i love you [Music] yet i feel that i am to blame for upsetting you because i know you so well and i know how sensitive you are and i know how much peter meant to you please let me just not talk about peter anymore of course not of course not but i do want you to know darling that we are not mere childhood sweethearts anymore well all last year ever since the war i've watched you come back and i've watched you come back to me after well sometimes call and i was even afraid that you would never get back to yourself even so darling please don't withdraw don't withdraw again and don't let's have any secrets what secret do you mean well it occurred to me that since that outburst today that you were probably trying to tell me well since the ordeal you've been through that you would rather postpone the wedding postpone it you mean call it off please believe me darling it doesn't have to be tomorrow i mean we could wait a bit longer uh a week or a month even i see i see so that's what you really want oh no colin that is not what i want i want you that's all i want and i want you to be happy darling please marry me now if i felt i'd ever lose you i'd rather be dead myself what is it i don't know really i suddenly felt a chill peculiar chill it's nothing don't eat it's just the night here oh colin i do love you darling ah thank you wilson everything all set now i think so sir excuse me sir what's the matter wilson it's just the thesis so i see cold who brushes huh what are you talking about see for yourself sir it's just as if they be left out in the snow all night sir oh nonsense wilson you've been left out in the snow all night i think what are they coming on to elizabeth come along hazel and uncle fizzy here i'm so liz oh gillian do contain yourself the whole family will be here soon soon enough indeed come and help me with these flowers oh how beautiful oh how heavenly color no colin look it's a bridal bouquet just arrived oh jill they're quite lovely gillian come and hold this for me please yes aunt elizabeth colin let me see how handsome you are yes dear oh marvelous you should get married every day and elizabeth yes look what's happened to the flowers what oh they're frozen stiff oh that flawless you must have left them in the refrigerator all night oh i swear they're like ice but aunt elizabeth they weren't just a moment ago when colin and i well don't worry about it elizabeth they'll fall out in a minute or two colin the flowers will be all right don't let it upset you i'm not upset oh yes you are it's only natural all bridegrooms are nervous oh but cookie and make it all right cook it's simply marvelous with catastrophes they're frozen stiff [Music] i'm really glad it's just a small wedding aren't you they'll be all the more cake why that's wizard i didn't think anyone could do that except in the winter when it's cold colin please show me how please kill him would you leave me alone for a little while i'm sorry [Music] i beg your pardon sir but uh if you will permit me do you please please i understand it won't be long before the guests begin to arrive why don't you tell me how you do it [Music] dearly beloved we are gathered together here in the sight of god and the face of this congregation to join together this man of this woman in holy matrimony will thou have this woman to thy wedded wife to live together after god's ordinance in the holiest state of matrimony will they love her comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health i will and forsaking all other keep thee only unto her so long as ye both shall live i will will thou have this man if i waited husband to live together after god's ordinance in the holiest state of matrimony will thou obey him and serve him love honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all other keep thee only unto him so long as he both shall live i will who give this woman to be marriage this man i do i colin take the unanswered to my wedded wife i call him take the announcer to my wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward to heaven to hold from this day forward for better for worse for better for worse for richer for richer for poorer in sickness and in health in sickness and in health to love and to cherish to love and to cherish shall death do us part death do us part according to god's holy ordinance according to god's holy ordinance and therefore i plight thee myself and therefore i flight thee my truth hi nancy take me colin to my wedded husband i nazi take thee colin for my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for better for worse more richer for poorer for richer for poorer in sickness and in health in sickness and in health to love cherish and to obey to love cherish and obey till death as do part according to god's holy ordinance to death has to part according to god's holy ordinance and therefore i give thee my trust and therefore i give thee my truth three with this ring i thee wed with my body i thee worship with this ring i thee wed with my body i'd be worshipped and with all my worldly goods i the endow and with all my worthy goods i the endow in the name of the father in the name of the father and of the son and of the son and of the holy ghost and of the holy ghost amen amen i now pronounce you man and wife [Music] you [Music] you ready nancy what is he doing what's wrong nothing yes there is no yes honey please tell me what you see what's the matter let me go let me go i'm freezing please let me go nancy nancy nancy nancy [Music] soon the guests will become impatient to see the newlyweds to wish them well on their moon there will be no honeymoon instead there will be long years spent in the veterans hospital in the psychiatric ward during which colin chandler will mumble his confession of murder over and over again the psychic phenomenon which brought this about well it's called a poltergeist which ordinarily means a mischievous ghost but in this case it was a ghost that brought terror cold darren [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 712,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movies, Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond, #classicmovies, John Newland, MOVIES, filmstruck, CLASSIC, classic movie, FREE, Outer Limits
Id: BuDV6sOfwVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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