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the amazing drama you're about to see is a matter of human record you may believe it or not but the real people who lived this story they believe it they know they took that one step beyond this is the scene of the crowd this house somewhere in france a perfectly normal attractive american girl lived a lifetime in 48 hours if old houses could only talk what stories they could tell well this ancient dwelling has a voice a voice that rita wallace will soon hear quite distinctly this is not very modern it's quite old but very comfortable and that memorizel is the dining room the living room the library anything that you want what's this oh that's a storeroom now many years ago that used to be the cool home we used to keep the butter cakes milk all sorts of things like that in there i could use it for a dark room it's right near the sink the plumbing is quite old it still goes and that is madame roccamiere lovely oh woman and mastercard flu bug or something i'm awfully sorry to say but uh i think you have fever i'll be all right i've got a very good physician i better call him for you oh i'll be fine this is not very impressive but it's the only house that i have oh of course i've got a chateau it's quite grand but expensive no this is fine i'll take it ah i feel too rotten to look any farther anyhow i think you better see the doctor my doctor is not very expensive no really i'll be all right i'll get some headache pills when i go out who's this oh that is not clara meme did i understand you to say that you are with an american magazine yes i'm a staff photographer oh then you are here on uh your vocational no uh it's an assignment i wanted to do for a long time to be called the face of france of the collective face you see caught in various individuals who altogether will express the nature spirit of the country if i'm lucky oh it must be very very interesting you know what what you could help make it interesting how well the pictures can be only as good as the models if you know anyone whose face is interesting expressing character good or bad i'd be very grateful if you could send him over i'll pay naturally i think i'm gonna look for somebody like that oh good oh that's wonderful oh it is a very good bed and i think you're going to sleep very good if you need anything call me i'll be downstairs thank you [Music] yes what do you want i asked what you wanted i was sent forward when was it by whom oh of course madame forgive me for being so rude i'm not feeling any too well today i must thank madame morel she's a very good judge won't you sit down you have quite a wonderful face you know have you ever had your picture taken before some time ago oh this is going to be just swell oh where is my head i left my camera and all my equipment in the car did you be so kind has to help me see if you play i hate to miss any of this light it's uh all in the car a whole lot of stuff oh such eyes this is going to be marvelous that's nice look oh good lovely ah lovely now you just do whatever you feel like doing make yourself comfortable if you like moving around that's fine you don't have to hold still what are you doing i'm taking your picture you're not familiar with this camera no no i'm not they've had good ones for old 25 years i suppose though the film and developers have improved a great deal recently a good one they're very good for fast work and changing light oh mr good turn that good wonderful now then look a little to your right as close to the sun as you can without it hurting your eyes it doesn't hurt oh that's wonderful just one more oh that's wonderful now if you have time i'd like to get some light set up i i don't know if i'll be able to do it after all i'm awfully sorry i feel just just awful everything goes in and out of focus almost like a bad camera i mean it isn't the camera it's it's me what does she could you come back tomorrow night yes i think i can do it again since i have this time oh good i'd like to get some very careful shots i'm really not up to it tonight monsieur [Music] goodbye bonjour oh hello i was quite concerned about you how do you feel oh a little better oh you still look a little kitten you still should see my doctor haven't the time when you could come over to your place thank you mrs mariel but i'm really much better good good thank you merci anyway you've done enough for me already by sending me that delightful old gentleman last night the one with the you know the black hair is a sweet face oh i'm sorry but i said no one although i intend to well that's odd i was sure you had he just sort of appeared he must have thought i was crazy well who was he then maybe someone that worked for a previous tenant and he came to see if you needed anyone while you saw you moving in yes that makes sense anyway he's coming back tonight he's a wonderful model messy thank you [Music] would you mind knocking when you come in perhaps it isn't the custom in your country but it makes me terribly nervous forgive me mozilla i'm sorry no you you forgive me i just don't feel very well and i'm just not myself today has manuezel's ailment uh improved a little but i'm afraid my disposition hasn't it was awfully nice of you to come back this evening would you like a cup of tea no thank you well then shall we get started good uh would you sit here um by the way how did you happen to come here last evening i thought madame morelle had sent you but she said no oh i just came i've been here before oh that's what she thought oh by the way i pay for the posing no no no pay is necessary but of course i wouldn't expect you to do it for nothing do the lights bother your eyes no i don't mind good now then i'm using a slower shutter than yesterday so i'll have to ask you to hold still when i make each shot now could you lean back just a little yeah that's good good you look a little to your right good just a little down that's a good one good now um straighten up just a bit good good let's turn your whole body that's good oh that's wonderful you're not a professional by any chance a professional model all right now now then if you're quite comfortable i'd like for you to think back remember something a little sad something that happened that made you unhappy perhaps something you did perhaps that you regret just continue to sit that way that's good fine just keep on that way thinking about it so we can get what we call a mood picture soften your face just that's a little too much monsieur monsieur just relax now that's fine just just relax monsieur that's good you you can move now i expect that's all we'll have to take today where have you been cecile cecil what do you mean you know what i mean you filthy cheap rotten shen i i think you'd better go now so you can meet him who is he now sister who the same one all you want session you're tell me please please you're fighting me go away i told you that food oh me what is it what's the matter where is he who where is he he who do you mean he's hiding he's hiding where is he there is nobody huh i'm worried about you here again and he found no one he also searched the entire neighborhood is that that so you have found no one who resembles him noah it is a very odd story i cannot imagine who it might have been you don't believe me it is odd very hard don't you agree melody here's some hot coffee for you oh thank you oh how thoughtful you are kill me mama what was the address of that house again 344 avenue bonaparte we have covered everyone who have a record of in this district made mozelle of course he could be from somewhere else hey mazak it could be almost anybody detective mazak knows everyone around here he has a photographic memory now if you could be a little more explicit how stupid i am i have dozens of photographs of him you still have them of course i could develop them in a few minutes if somebody could go back with me i i can't go back there alone i would be very happy to take my muscle home no more zach you're going off duty grenell no no no no it's on my way memoizel if you please it's over there i know do you mind if i smoke my pipe oh it was nice of you to come with me if you're off duty though you should have gone home that's all right i wanted to see the pictures tell me how did the man first get in touch with you well he didn't get in touch with me he he just was there he didn't knock did it not seem uh peculiar did it not disturb you well yes but you see he had such a wonderful face they're ready now now perhaps the inspector won't think i'm just a an hysterical woman ah he does not oh yes he does it can't be it can't be how could it be but he was here he was he was right here he tried to kill me i'm not imagining it he tried to kill me you have to believe me you have to memorize it you forgot crazy please do not excite yourself i i do believe you you believe he was here i believe you are telling me the truth i want you to come with me on a short trip where for what i want to show you something oh i i promise no harm will come to you for what where what's it about i must ask you to come with me without telling you what i expect because i don't expect it but we must find out mama's said please please mama's hell so that was out [Music] 1926 executed for killing his young wife [Music] the very same house very same room what was her name [Music] so you see dead men do tell tales sometimes the restless ones even revisit the scene of the crime causing much havoc among the living thereby what do you suppose that rita wallace will tell her grandchildren one day about messier jean-gabo will she try to explain it at all or that i would like to hear because i can't explain it but it happened just the same so did next week's adventure into the world of the unknown more about that in a moment oh about next week well it begins with a silly argument about this hat and it ends when two people in peril miles apart discover an amazing kind of communication an incredible way of finding each other as together they take that one step beyond [Music] foreign
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 334,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Step Beyond, CLASSIC, filmstruck, CLORIS LEACHMAN, MOVIES, classic movie, Twilight Zone, FREE, #classicmovies, Outer Limits, classic movies
Id: XqQtsM51zRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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