One Step Beyond (TV-1959) IMAGE OF DEATH S1E18

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the amazing drama you're about to see is a matter of human record you may believe it or not but the real people who lived this story they believe it they know they took that one step beyond this historic french chateau in the rhone valley is for sale or rent as many are these days but either way the price is rather steep if you're seriously interested in either buying or leasing this particular one there are some things you should know for instance in its more recent history around 1892 this chateau was the scene of a dark and chilling drama the old people in the village below still talk about that night and still in whispers for one important player of this drama the beginning was the end auremos deus qui proprium es miseries empty apertures to ocean [Laughter] [Music] that those who are joined together by thine authority may be preserved by thy help through the same christ our lord amen [Music] he meant no disrespect my dear we'll take a light luncheon in the drawing room 24th two missiles only for two a small reception very well what are you called my name is ernest madame ernest i have seen large strawberries huge fresh ones on the table here when i came to visit in the past i would like some of those very well madame a lot a big plate very well madame we had a name for him in the village another name oh but well we won't talk about that i am a lady now i'm here i am here you have been here before but not this way before it was sweet charlotte from the village dear charlotte someone to pass a rainy afternoon with while no one important was around i used to sit here on the edge of the chair humbly having tea jeanette was very democratic has ever the world seen such an unhappy groom no it's not that my dear it's just that it's been such a strange day today it must have been a strange day for father leon too he was unhappy well he buried janet only four months ago so no one is happy but the bride eh oh charlotte give me a little time you know that i love you you know that i love you you say that like a mouse no one at the church but two choir boys and no reception had i married the village chimney sweep i would have had a more gala wedding than this we agreed to do it this way quietly so there'll be no talk and if they talked what could they say but i am human i want to show off my new husband and your new house and my new house oh you don't know what it's like to be as poor as a sparrow but not to feel like a sparrow actually i think some of this furniture is rather old not old my dear antique when you are rich something old is antique but when you are poor something old is something old do you think i could learn to play the piano at my age [Music] am i going to have to look at that 24 hours a day yes and why remember you were so fond of janet well wasn't i did i come to visit her every dreary day of her illness bringing her soups and custards and jams and sitting by her bedside to be sure that she ate every spoonful a little delicacy ah you've changed from the impatient lover who complained so bitterly why did it take so long why does it take so long and don't talk to me about delicacy the servants might overhear she was a mouse too oh pretty much you should have been very happy and she was an aristocrat how did you fall in love with someone so lowly as the widow of a common soldier tell me your honor charlotte now tell me first donna tell me first this is rose charlotte i have seen rose in the market many times always the best for the marquis the best meats the best vegetables the best this the best that look at the size of this one open your mouth earnest take the picture down from the wall please very well let um let my cheese i am so hungry eat my darling eat [Music] you bring me another bottle of that marvelous one very well madonna did janet play the piano very well what is it [Music] what's the matter nothing then why do you act as though it was something i thought i saw something on the wall [Music] huh [Music] have you lost your mind what are you doing can't you see it see what look more closely i thought i saw it after lunch a little while ago i woke up i had to come down here something forced me what are you talking about don't you really see what it is it's nothing it's the outline of a skull come up to bed [Music] platters and platters of wonderful things meats fish and delicate things and for the wines the best wines in the cellar i want them to leave with a stomachache of their lives well that be all madame mfd earnest excuse us you too please well what do you think do i look like a real marquis now will you be proud of me at the party charlotte i tell you it's worse it's much worse today the wall again you've got to come and see it it's so much clearer now rose has been scrubbing at it for an hour you've got to come and see it again come and see what oh for the love of heaven charlotte come and see it see it come all right let us go and see [Music] it [Music] so i scrubbed it for two hours this morning i have tried everything lie even it is probably some water seeping through the wall then wouldn't it be damp madam well what do you suppose it is shallots rose when you were a little child did you ever play a silly game a game madam or you know like looking at a stain on a wall or the ceiling and imagining it to be something other than a stain or a butterfly or an elephant or a ballerina in a little skirt yes madam i remember that game and what does this stain remind you of rose leave us stay look at the stain let us see how much imagination you have it is just some spots that's all but i can see lots of things in it two black birds sitting on a fence a skull a dancing bear rose i told you to leave yes mr umaki but later i come back and clean up this mess before the party yes madam baiting the girl like that charlotte have you lost your mind no have you but why won't it wash out look at it can't you see more and more it's becoming janet janet i tell you it's true and i tell you you need a doctor already i think you're beginning to have a little fever and i would like you well for my party there won't be any party we must lock this room up until we find out what this is oh sherry this is such nonsense you're talking like a little boy but what is it a stain in the stone it is not in the stone no it is in your conscience and that is dangerous ernest i know it will finally be her face the way she looked just before she died when she realized what we had done to her you remember how she looked the terror in her eyes how could you even think of having people in here madame ernest ross seems unable to get the stain off that wall i know well it would look very bad for our guests yes it also looks very empty doesn't it ernest yes madame well what shall we do about it with what a picture sherry would you mind very much if we are in janet's picture just for tonight get the picture and have rose come back and clean up this mess yes madam charlotte can't we call the party off have it later i'm so worried yes i know and that makes me worry about you i i'm so frightened i cannot sleep you are losing control can't we put the party off no we cannot i did not marry you to bury myself alive that time i see something i'm sorry madam that game you mentioned what do you see rose well when you look at it a certain way it does look exactly like like what charlotte i don't dancing bear [Music] i thought i had said goodnight to all of my guests i'll be going jacques aren't you going to say good night to the father what what a host you've been all evening long just standing here when he has a little too much wine he becomes like a statue perhaps we should put him in the public park and let the children dance around him well good night my son don't go wait help me help you how help me i get it it's in the library he really shouldn't drink so much wine seems to me he drank very little if you want to go now i'll explain i'll wait well did you enjoy the evening yes it was pleasant i've come up in the world do you remember when i used to come to mass without leosu for the collection plate yes now it's different now you don't come at all or your disapproval of our marriage so quickly it was obvious it was your decision he was very lonely and she was a dear friend you can help me with this you know exactly where to find it find what jeanette gave me this i poked funator when did i last come to confession some months i would say bless me father for i have sinned at least i remember how to begin confession is on saturday why don't you go to bed find it for me please find what is it in daniel or isaiah the king who saw something on the wall really i must insist midnight is no time for this i am speaking to father leo it's in the book of daniel in the same hour there appeared fingers as if it were the hand of a man writing up on the surface of the king's wall yes that is it then was the king's countenance changed and his thoughts troubled him and the joints of his lines were loosed and his knees struck one against the other then was the king's countenance changed and his thoughts troubled him how will you speak the holy words father what was on the wall the words many tickle farris god hath numbered thy kingdom and our found wanting but thou art weighed in the balance and not found white [Music] fast bless [Music] upstairs [Music] you really shouldn't drink so much wine yes of course the wine good night [Music] is he all right mr seems to be seems to be i'm sure mr limacki will be all right what's the matter oh nothing tell me i have known the suleimancy since since he was a little child but i never saw him like this you've never seen him when he's had too much to drink madame llama keys it isn't a drink if he has too much to drink he is gay it does all sorts of pleasant things but he doesn't cry he seems to be in such despair he asked for a writing paper what then a moment later he changed his mind he said no awareness there's no use and then he started talking about it is probably just a wine that affects him differently this time what was he talking about his first wife i see if madame le marquis but kindly excuse me i'm very tired what did he tell you of his first wife oh nothing that she was a gentle kindly lady well we all know that don't we earnest yes forgive me madam i'm so afraid afraid of what i he has become so melancholy so so strange i fear for his life i understand between us i have felt the same thing we must watch him very carefully honest good night good night and thank you [Music] [Applause] when you asked for the writing paper what were you going to do send a message to the police i can't go on what am i to do what am i to do if you only knew how grand you and this great house looked to us from the village what a feeling of power and strength what am i to do go to sleep sherry sleep how can i would you like something to make you sleep i think i would well it's late for the servants i'll go down to the kitchen and fix you some hot chocolate myself yes do shout out i want it to work quickly not like janet you are such a child [Music] charlotte i'm here i came downstairs i want to drink it down here as you wish drink it all it will make you feel so much better i know it will shout what look at the wall the wall again look at the wall challenge i didn't have enough courage to drink more than a sip now i must find courage enough to face the guillotine hey inspector what about her she touch any of this no it must have been her heart the shock she dropped to the floor like a stone after seeing it don't touch it i had to cover it i couldn't stand it i couldn't stand it you couldn't stand what the marquis de roche went to the guillotine insisting there was an image on this wall and at his trial his servants swore under oath that something was on the wall something that could not be removed well there is something isn't there doesn't look very terrifying but in the village there are those who will tell you that on the anniversary of her death the face of jeanette sometimes reappears true or false jeanette died on the 12th of april now if some april 12th you happen to be in the vicinity why not call the local estate agent he'll escort you up the hill and you can see for yourself in a moment something about next week [Music] when a dominating personality lives in a house for a long time he seems to leave an indelible and sometimes evil imprint in the very atmosphere of the place if you're inclined to doubt this be with us next week and see what happens to the captain's [Music] guest [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 123,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOVIES, The Twilight Zone, FREE, #classicmovies, classic movies, CLASSIC, 'The Outer Limits, classic movie, filmstruck, One Step Beyond
Id: lo-eP_8HhoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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