One Step Beyond (TV-1959) DEAD PART OF THE HOUSE S1E9

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the amazing drama you're about to see is a matter of human record you may believe it or not but the real people who lived this story they believe it they know they took that One Step [Music] Beyond Jennifer rose and Mary this could be a story about three dolls it could be song did you remember about the milk that's Miss Boswell at Min young attractive trial Earthbound yes Miss plenty milk for young person in refrigerator and that song not quite so to Earthbound but then song was born in P King in China where people have been around long enough not to disbelieve merely because they don't understand but this didn't happen in China it happened here in selito across the Golden Gate from San Francisco well it's a miracle we've gotten the place ready at all very healthy for house to be lived in again especially with young person oh song about the young person about Anne you understand she's had a terrible shock her mother yes we'll have to help her try to forget it we want to avoid reminding her of it unnecessarily then why picture I don't know my brother especially asked that it be here oh I don't mean that she should forget her mother or anything like that but attitude very sympathetic but intelligent exactly oh they're here come on come on I'm sorry so will you help with the things it's good to see you man well where is she an an are you going to sit in there all day it's incredible her eyes and her mouth is exactly like you remember your aunt Min aren't you going to say something well of course she doesn't she was just a baby C got your tongue she's just hired from the flight a song this is song he was with the other people who had the house how do you do song well Paul come and take a look at your new home come on oh Paul one of the legs came off that blue wi chair but apart from that everything seems to have arrived all right well how do you like it did you get the picture mhm I put it in the living room Paul you know there was just enough furniture for down here but it looks quite good don't you think it'll be fine Min you know we haven't even had a chance to clean upstairs Paul I suppose you thought I was crazy when I wrote suggesting a place this size but really at the price it is it was a great buy it was it was an incredible buy and you know you think that there was something wrong but it's perfect really and there'll be plenty of room for all three of us down here do you like it what does Miss think of new house who's up there no one empty loans no they're not empty and de come on honey there's so much else to see and I've got a surprise for you they're not an did you hear your aunt why can't you ever do anything at once when you're first told Paul oh I know I'm tired well come on and let me show you what I have for you do you like them are they for me of course they are I hope you don't think you're too old to play with dolls all little girls should have dolls it's very good for developing the maternal Instinct come on help yourself to some lemonade song made it with fresh lemons from the garden your daddy and I going to have a little pickme up too and then I'll show you the rest of the house Paul I fixed up your study just like you had it in Denver you can fiddle around with it oh Bourbon and water yes and you did that deliberately I did you did it deliberately you Hur her she did I know her why should she cuz she hates her she hates her how could you say such a thing in front of that child come on oh my God why did it have to be [Music] you and we've got to be patient with your daddy the both of us you're the one to help him through this because he loves you he doesn't love me he only loved mommy he wishes I was killed in the accident and not Mommy don't you ever let me hear you say a thing like that again it's just that he's hurt now and when people are hurt it's much harder for them to show their love it'll take some time for him to get around to loving you again no he won't he didn't before and he won't ever and darling you're just upset I guess it's like you and Uncle Jeffrey sometimes I wish Daddy and I could get divorced [Music] hey Miss like new house real cool eh can I go up there honey that's a dead part of the house we're not using that now but I'm I want to see something then we go on tour of inspection house quite old by some standards built in 1890s but has survived many decorators since last tenant used as one of many guest rooms what happened to them s they decided house was uncomfortable that's ridiculous not intelligent people this used as master bedroom yes and someone called me they called my [Music] [Music] name I never knew this was here old Nursery it's filthy couldn't have been used by the last people no not used by people a man can I have this for my room oh now a please you can't sleep up here all the way from everyone else yes I could I want to besides it would cost a fortune to heat and you'll see when we get your room all fixed up down stays it's happier here more coffee Miss Boswell yes please [Applause] [Music] sir a Mana why did daddy start to work right away oh he needs to be kept busy now then tomorrow will you wake me up real early before he goes yes of course darling I'm supposed to kiss him goodbye everybody sleep well last night after all the excitement yesterday beautifully perhaps somebody too excited to sleep H last night coming home from movie I see light burning upstairs in Old Nursery oh you must have imagined song we were all in bed by 9 or perhaps song [Applause] Imagine Miss not like flowers sometimes but they don't talk to you eh maybe because Miss not listen voices of flowers not so easy to hear as other voices will you help me get the music box Music Box come on I'll show you in the top of most shell nothing up there miss only suitcases and boxes yes and back way in back who put it there your thing should be in your room oh it isn't mine it's theirs but they said I could have it they Jennifer rose and Mary nothing here yes why in the back 30 years lost 30 years since I've seen this music box thank you and Min says it's the Dead part of the house anything loved is not dead it's nice having friends [Music] here all right we'll try once again now I don't care what you say many you're going to spoil that child oh honestly Paul you spend one Saturday giving her a playroom you'd think she'd ask for the moon she'll be sick of it in a week could be but in the meantime you could at least act like you're interested in where she's going now there's nothing it's probably why she's been sneaking up here all the time rebelling because she knows you don't want her to have a playroom that's nice too it's your own fault the child's got to assert herself somehow that's the screwiest darn thing I ever saw can't you find the blockage there isn't any blockage I put a whole new pipe through the gas comes on in every room except this one you sure the gas is turned on down at the main I tried everything don't ask me why but the gas just doesn't come on in here you better get an electric heater or something I've done all I can do all right thanks anyway just leave the bill downstairs isn't that all I got to waste 50 bucks on an electric heater just so she can get sick of it boy will you stop it stop what honestly Paul you become a very selfish man what do you want her to do hate you so you can pity yourself even more no I don't start that I want to tell you something I don't pity you I'm envious at least you know what it's like to be loved oh man I don't know how to approach her she embarrasses me oh it looks beautiful thank you an man oh don't thank me thank your daddy he did it all you know we can't get that heater to work I know it wouldn't huh they told me who Jennifer rose and Mary who are they this is Jennifer and that's Rose and that's Mary you mean they talk to you I'm going to go fix some lunch [Music] Paul [Music] Paul I thought I heard the car you [Music] did Ann's waiting for you oh please it's no good Mana I can't stand it here either you'll never be able to stand it anywhere until you learn to accept Jan's death learn to live with it go home Paul go back to Denver where you belong it'll be so much easier for you there your friends are there they'll be able to help you where Anne can feel a little secure I hate Denver I hate everything that reminds me of her what about your daughter what about an I suppose it'd be easier if you could run away from her too maybe well then why don't you go on oh come on men this is none of your business you're going listen to me that child sits upstairs in that room all day long with no one to talk to but a servant and an aunt she doesn't even know even those dolls have become more real to her than her own father well I wish you were mine I only wish you were mine she told me to call her just as soon as I heard the car so she could be downstairs to kiss you home and Oh Daddy what are you doing it's a dance island called the Charleston oh well go on oh I didn't know you could Charleston well you'll be a smash with that when school starts I just learned today oh your Aunt Ma no Jennifer rose and Mary taught me they say it's all the rage and when I get to go to dances honey there's no need for you to make up stories I think it's swell if your aunt Mena teaches you I'm not telling stories okay have it your own way it's true daddy Jennifer rose and Mary teach me everything come on I won't I won't go I won't go to Denver I won't I won't I will never leave them ever ever ever ever all right what chapter is this in how to raise a child I tell her we're going home and look what happens oh no Paul list no I'm I'm trying to act like a father at least and look what I get now I'm telling you this doll business is silly and it's going to stop right now now Paul wait a minute perhaps the dolls have become too real to her but after all whose fault is that let me talk to her Miss be most careful trust Miss will not try to interfere with Jennifer rose and Mary a listen if I had my way those dolls would have wound up in the trash can weeks ago important mistake Jennifer rose and Mary not dos oh yeah then has got a name for it something to do with fantasy taking on [Music] reality no this is Fantasy Made Up by Miss Anne to hide truth what Nursery occupied by something other than dolls what are you trying to say previous tenants moved because of this sounds of children weeping most pitifully in still hours of Night song are you trying to tell me that room is haunted yes very occupied in most friendly possible way come on during Roaring 20s owner of house also Father father of three little girls and shamefully neglectful of saying many times children left here in house alone alone one night sleeping in [Music] Nursery oh get out there get her away something's in that room something touched me touched me then it tried to hug me are you all right they didn't mean to scare what happened oh we can't stay in this house someone tell me what happened Jennifer rose and Mary they're not not dolls they're not [Music] dolls son did you put that story into A's head no miss an Tell me story I listen have heard story many times same story all right so three children died up there from escaping gas 30 years ago but she could have heard it from one of the neighbors has seen neighbors did Miss Boswell teach Charleston dance to Miss Anne an I ready to go yes Paul oh come on Ma oh I know it's the 20th century and I know it's impossible but I also know something touched me and I've had enough of this nonsense and come on down here now there we're going Paul you didn't let her go up there why not there's nothing up there that can hurt her no then why are you in such a hurry to get her out of the house I'll tell you why she's my child and I don't want a head stuffed full of a lot of crazy Ghost Talk from both of you we're going home now and I'll drag her out of here by the ears if I have to she's my child and I want her with me because I love her I love her daddy come on there we're going now no more arguments I was just saying goodbye to Jennifer rose and Mary they said fathers are very nice people and they thought I should go I'm ready if you want [Music] me I want you I want [Music] you come on now get your cat come on we're going to miss the plane oh that's right is everything all set s already okay come on Oh Daddy my music box oh well I'll get it darling s take these things out of the [Music] car [Music] thank you a ghost story The overactive imagination of a small child what about Min she said something touched her no hugged her an affectionate ghost more imagination maybe I guess the only thing that really matters is the difference had made in Anne's life with her father how it happened is anybody's guess and why we'll leave that to your imagination in a moment I'll be back and tell you something about next week's Venture into the world of the [Music] unknown perhaps the most remarkable case of psychic phenomena ever recorded is the one you'll see next week I can't describe it because the men to whom it happened could not agree as to what it was but they never forgot it and neither will [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 733,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twilight Zone, MOVIES, CLASSIC, classic movie, The Outer Limits, filmstruck, One Step Beyond, #classicmovies, classic movies, FREE
Id: dPXexlrD4W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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