One Seed Slot Challenge Part 3 - Plants vs. Zombies 2

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so how on Earth did I do Dark Ages with no sun at all how much pain did I Endure trying to do this challenge in neon mixtape tour how did I deal with the bulky robots of the far future had I do all of this with just one seed slot well all these questions will be answered in today's video this is the third part of the Plants vs Zombies 2 one seed sword challenge we went over all the rules and that stuff in the first video which is linked below and I'd highly suggest you watch that and the second episode for some more context but if you'd rather just skip to this video and watch me suffer in the harder worlds then that's also fine well fine for you not so fine for me you had to spend so many hours doing this in all seriousness though this challenge has been a blast you guys are loving it I'm loving the elevated difficulty and problem solving so let's dive straight into the far future [Music] unfortunately day 8 is still impossible as I haven't beaten the level since the first video with the help of red stinger and power tiles we powered through day 9 and day 10 and day 11. we had a close call with the gargantuas of day 12 but the lawnmower saved the day once again day 13 and 14 were both just more red Stinger spam seriously red Stinger is probably the best plant to use in this challenge it strikes a perfect balance between damage output and Sun cost since we can only rely on sun that falls from the sky we need to use cheap plants red Stinger is 150 Suns so this is just three sun drops from the sky which isn't too bad for this cost we get a very powerful plant essentially a cheaper repeater day 15 was a lot more difficult since these citrons were so close to the zombies however red Stinger Club stopped once again you can see here that we even found a use in its bulky defensive form it was able to protect this middle Citron day 16 was a conveyor belt level but we managed to succeed with only Citron also I made sure I placed the power tiles down in tiles with no plants so that they don't impact the Gameplay at all for day 17 we were forced to use these given plants as you can see this is a bit of a problem since the only plant we can use to actually damage the zombies is magnifying grass obviously in this challenge we can't use Sun producers only the magnifying cross so was this level possible with magnifying grasses only powered by the sun falling from the sky well Yes actually I was surprised but this one is just possible with the help of the lawn mowers of course things were going surprisingly well so far but sadly day 18 was impossible since it was a produced X Sun level day 19 was a sunborn level that I found using coconut Cannon for in a non-orthodox pick it works nonetheless day 20 was extremely close but the amount of tanky zombies kept breaking through the line of endangered star fruits day 21 was another produce X Sun level so unfortunately it's another impossible one day 22 was quite simple with red Stinger I made use of the power tiles to shred through the football Max with red Stingers plant food day 23 was also a red Stinger sweep our second last level of the far future was a sunborne's level which winter melon shredded through now time for the boss fight the boss fight of far future was looking good at first I managed to get decently far with both laser beam and Citron here's the plant distribution table for the conveyor belt well if you can even cool these plants surprisingly the scarce amount of laser beans or citrons that the conveyor provides wasn't what made the level impossible it was actually the ridiculous abundance of powerful zombies that Zomboss spawns about halfway through the battle the amount of plant food given just can't keep up with the amount of gargantuas he spawns I mean just look at this I'm pretty sure I remember when this world first came out citron's plant food would insta kill a Gargantua Prime like it does to any other robotic zombie but now it takes the usual two hits to kill the Gargantua Prime like other insta kill attacks if this was still true maybe the level could have been possible but for now it's not looking beatable overall I'm quite impressed with how easy far future was in comparison of the previous couple worlds this is probably due to the fact that there's no soft locks like the combination of parasol and excavator zombies and Frozen winds restricting the plants we can select or plant more accurately in total we managed to Blitz through 20 out of the 25 levels in this world considering two of The Impossible levels were down to the produced Sun gimmick I'm pretty proud of the progress here and now we arrive at the infamous world for this challenge [Music] so in the first video for this challenge we found night one to be impossible and it still is basically we start off with 175 sun no sun falls from the sky but there are sun gravestones so theoretically if we use a plant equal to or less than Sun cost 75 we can plant it in front of the sun gravestones to keep the level going however no plant we have at least so far is the 75 sun or cheaper plant capable of damaging gravestones I tried Nightshade believing it would be the solution but Nightshade doesn't even attack gravestones so we'll have to skip Knight one for now but we'll come back to it later and after night one we unlocked one of the most useful plants for this challenge sunshroom the old Jokes Aside Knight 2 gives us posture room as a pre-selected plan Sunshine may be useless to us but posture room is quite the opposite being a zero Sun cost spammable attacking plant it count as many of the ales that this challenge brings that being said it's still a pretty awful plan unlike the first game you can't just fill a lawn with these to win since they disappear after a short time so relying on posturing to beat whole levels in this challenge is less than ideal but for Dark Ages posturum is our only option it's our Saving Grace since this world provides no natural source of sun and we can't plant sunflowers mushrooms basically the only option for the one seed slot we're restricted to in the Dark Ages this was certainly the case in Night 2 where after a bunch of attempts we managed to break through the wall of bucketheads and beat the level making use of potions plant food as for night 3 it was close seriously close Knight 4 was a break from the post room chaos being a conveyor belt level I remember as a kid I would play this level of bunch because hypnosure my favorite plant since the first game is featured here without the need to purchase it with no way of buying a plant I was restricted to using the plant in just this level well not really but this is a conveyor belt level so it was more entertaining for my 2014 kid self and fittingly we managed to beat this level with just hypnose room and his Gargantua transforming abilities it was here that I realized hey we have a posh room now let's go back into night one and beat it and that's exactly what we did at this point I was pretty happy with myself I mean I thought this world would basically be impossible with one seed slot given the gimmick of no sun and oh no so yeah this guy from day five onwards we'll be seeing a lot of him and this means that we won't be seeing a lot of postroom which means we won't be seeing many possible levels in case you couldn't tell Jester zombies completely shut down the posture and strategy since they reflect posturing's projectiles with literally no other way to beat Dark Ages levels with one seed slot we'll just be skipping the levels that have this jerk these levels are Knight 5 Knight 9 Knight 11 Knight 12 Knights 16 night 17 and night 19. so with that out of the way here's how the rest of the levels played out that didn't involve party pooper over here night six was The Last Stand level you already know how I beat this one knight seven spared us from the jesters but introduced to night zombies trying to kill these things with just post room is genuine torture you need a place like a whole row of costumes in front of the more spam plant food or of course you can do it my way these are the given plans for night eight we can only afford to start the level with sunshroom Sunbeam or grave Buster Sunshine can't kill zombies grave Buster can break the sun Graves but it doesn't matter because it'll lock us into using it for the rest of the level and Sunbeam can't damage zombies either or can it you may know that sunbeams plant food instantly destroys a zombie that eats it after remembering this Vital Information I proceeded to try to beat the level with just sunbeams plant food ability after an extremely long and tiresome few hours I managed to finally pull it off no just kidding it's impossible obviously too little plant food and too little son it sounded Epic on paper at least Knight 10 was the Gargantuar Battle of this world and unsurprisingly the gargantuas are what led to this one being impossible so here's the plant probability distribution for this level if these plants only few shroom is really suitable for the level and it only has a 40 chance of showing up which isn't too bad compared to some other conveyor belt levels we've played it also has a cap of 15 fuchsia rooms this means at most with good RNG we can get three columns of fume shrooms down after a bunch of resets in RNG we managed to get to the final wave and there's two gogs they're just too tanky men Nike 13 is another conveyor belt level and since our old friend Jester is here we have to use fumesharu and we can only have a maximum of one column of them yeah this isn't possible Knight 14 is also impossible since it's a produce x amount of sun level Knight 15 was a pain I must have tried it like 20 times the level starts out okay since there's a lost stand level but then it just turns to Mayhem when the knights and bucketheads and wizards start coming out after ages of attempting this level I was about to give up then this happened foreign [Music] with some quick thinking and fast reflexes I managed to shovel up some snapdragons to build up some sun to focus on the Rogue wizard on the top Lane that's what allowed for the insane ending so Knight 15 is possible it only took a whopping seven impossible levels after Knight 7 to find another possible level Knight 18 is a locked and loaded level here are the given plants yeah we literally can't plan anything that does damage and we finally arrive at day 20 the Zomboss Battle of the Dark Ages as always it's a conveyor battle look at the plant distribution table the only plant that can hit Jesters is fumesuring meaning we're forced to use it once again and the most fumes we can plant is two columns worth add this to the fact that this boss fight is difficult enough in a regular run of the game this is a lost cause I tried to make it work but the copious amounts of bucketheads and Jesters were just too much for a few fume shoes to handle so all in all 7 out of 20 Dark Ages levels were possible whilst this is by far the worst number we've accumulated out of any world so far I'm still quite surprised that we even managed to scrape this much out of the bottom of this challenge's Barrel that is dark ages let's just say thank God this world is only 20 levels long let's move to Neon mixtape tour with haste [Music] foreign we managed to make it all the way up to day seven in this world in the first episode of The Challenge so have I found a solution for day seven well I tried with a bunch of plants and still nothing worked day eight was the same case these neon mixtape tour levels just throw so many zombies at such a rapid Pace due to the punk Jam that is just hopeless and I thought this would be the same case for day 9 especially since the gimmick is to produce Sun however the twist with this level is that they give you the sunflowers you just have to let the pump zombies kick them back easy right well no with five rows of punk zombies coming in I had to be extremely mindful of the plant's recharge times as a result I chose peashooter of all plants to tackle this level its low Sun cost definitely helped too who would have thought that the old peashooter would come in handy so late in the game this is just one of many surprises this challenge has brought so far and is yet to bring as we enter the end game of Plants vs Zombies 2. anywho when I say this level is hard I mean this level is really really hard both in terms of how precise my peashooter timing had to be at all times as well as the difficulty applied on my endurance my ability to set up my computer and play this same level for so long failure after failure if I placed a peashooter one millisecond too early or late I swear it would cause the punk zombies to push the sunflowers too far up the lawn or off the lawn entirely and since the sun goal for this level was damn near Infinity we couldn't afford to lose a single sunflower and after pulling off world record levels of precision for the punk zombies the easiest part of the level was over yeah you heard me right the easiest because all hell breaks loose straight after when we're forced to defend these flimsy sunflowers from what feels like zomboss's whole 80s army literally one Punk zombie to kick on a sunflower or one glitter zombie roller skate on a sunflowers all it takes to lose the level because at the end of the level after all these attempts I was always 50 or 100 sun off the goal Midway through my attempts I realized right to play the level absolutely perfectly to get through it and make the sun goal so that's what I did I actually did it these are my notes for the level that I wrote right after I beat it in case you don't know on my channel I have a playlist of unlisted footage of each of the more notable levels of this run you'd better believe the raw footage of that whole level is going straight to the playlist if you want to see the level of precision required I'd suggest you check out that unlisted video when I put it up in the playlist anyway we have the rest of neon mixtape tour to go through so let's keep the ball rolling day 10 is impossible due to the sheer number of zombies I tried this with various plants but it didn't go anywhere so I was kind of anti-climactic compared to day nine I swear the punk gym is a bane of my existence if the Dark Ages zero Sun gimmick is the most annoying for this challenge the punk Jam is probably second day 11 has us using given plants as you can see right here we can only use three people trust me that didn't go too well I even resorted to using potato mine and that went exactly how you'd think day 12 was a great return for red Stinger making for a surprisingly easy level compared to the last few red Stingers plant food and as always the lawnmower took care of the Gargantua at the end of this level day 13 was The Last Stand level and wow this one was tough I don't know if it's because I can't use Time Warp or because they don't have enough Sun for your defense or if it's just a tough level in general but man I even had to search up how to beat the level on YouTube that didn't help though because nobody had done it with just one plant or for good reason I gave up for now but when we finally unlock Primal potato mine you'd better believe first thing I'm doing is coming back to this level if I remember that is day 14 was possible with just Cactus although Cactus is a premium I'm gonna let it slide because it was a locked and loaded level anyone can just open up this level and use it day 15 was impossible this was done the fact that it was just impossible to offend The Columns of fat beats before the zombies would catch up to them I managed to get halfway through the level thanks to Colonel pool but no further day 16 was also impossible because the game basically forces you to use fat beats since it's the initial plant on the conveyor belt and has a high probability thereafter Fat Beat has to be one of the worst plants in the game it's like spending 150 sun to tickle zombies in a 3X3 area like seriously what were they thinking when they made a plant do so little damage Fat Beat is an embarrassment to Gloom shroom from the first game anyway Fat Beat ran to side I couldn't even make it past the first wave it's not like these fat beats can handle a gargantra in all the bucketheads anyway red Stinger Colonel pulled and Snapdragon all failed to beat day 17 so I turned to celery stalker as usual celery stalker absolutely annihilated the zombies and saved the day being able to attack the breakdancer zombies from behind the zombies being pushed forward to ruining the zombies whole strategy red Stinger took care of day 18 with some good electric blueberry RNG day 19 was all good too as with day 20 with the red Stinger yet again albeit by the skin of my teeth or should I say the skin of the lawnmower's teeth day 21 had this line of flowers not only does this mean we have to stop the Speedy zombies in this world before the flowers but we also can't rely on the good old lawn mowers for obvious reasons I tried with a lot of plants but none of them did the trick the break dances didn't help with one bid day 22 introduced both a plant and a zombie that will strongly influence the run these are sports room and arcade zombie Sports room is a great plant for the Run since it solves the lack of plants or results from depending on sun falling from the sky it has a conveniently low Sun cost too on the other hand this day also introduces arcade zombie who serves the same purpose as Sports room but for the zombie side I didn't realize at first how much of a pain arcade zombie would be but after going through the rest of neon mixtape tour I have nightmares of this guy okay not really but you get the point arcade zombies arcade machine is so tough to destroy with limited plants and to even worse so the 8-Bit zombies he spawns when this man drops a Buckethead right on your defenses you might as well just restart the level then and there unless you're playing the game normally like any sane person would this first level showed off how deadly the 8-Bit zombies can be look at them just pile up and Shred through our defenses after a few tries I managed to finally beat the level wait okay I beat it for real this time red Stinger carried again in day 23 then this happened yes as if these pesky 8-bit zombies weren't annoying enough already they can survive lawn mowers this is obviously a problem because of how much I depend on lawn mowers to carry in this challenge I believe they can pull off this Magic by spawning during the arcade machine's death animation which lasts longer than the frames where the lawnmower speeds past leaving a short period of time after the lawnmower passes to spawn more 8-bit zombies day 24's gargantuas were no match for our red stingers well I mean lawnmowers day 25 was pretty easy with a red Stinger take a look at this Congo line of bucketheads do you see why these arcade zombies are so awful for this challenge I mean this is stuff of nightmares when you don't have the usual insta kill plants Day 26 was looking good until it wasn't even if I managed to survive till the last wave the arcade zombies will just spawn an ocean of 8-bit zombies or just straight up crush the endangered sports rooms Sports room cleaned up day 27 day 28 was impossible simply because of how quickly the zombies ramp up at the startle level thanks again arcades on day 29 was hard but possible with red Stinger day 30 was flat out impossible why just look at this the Boombox zombie stuns your plants allowing the arcade zombies to slowly creep their way up the lawn and unleash their 8-bit minions day 31 was a locked and loaded level with electric blueberry and we managed to win on the first attempt it was all skill totally not electric blueberry Orange Day 32 what many claimed to be this game's hardest Zomboss battle this statement is likely also fair for this challenge why well here's the plant distribution table yeah trying to beat the game's hardest Zomboss battle with just six fat beats or sports rooms just isn't possible even if this limit wasn't here the probability of getting one of these plants is excruciatingly low anyway I didn't even manage to make it past zomboss's first phase to conclude here's the tally for neon mixtape tour 21 out of 32 levels were possible that's way way better than the Dark Ages and overall better than I expected for this world considering it's one of the last worlds in the game on the topic of lost worlds in the game next episode the finale of this challenge will feature the toughest and most action-packed worlds in Plants vs Zombies 2. Jurassic Marsh Big Wave Beach and modern day will we be able to rack up scores just as well as we did with neon mixtape Tour all of these worlds extremely hard levels will be near impossible we'll find out in the next video
Channel: KoalaPVZ
Views: 398,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p2W8ZqwTwko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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