Every Plant vs Every Zombie! WHO WINS? (Plants vs Zombies Hacked)

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you should put every plant on a tile and every zombie on a tile and see who wins okay let's do it hey guys welcome back to plants vs zombies today we're gonna do some more hacking in this game so thank you for leaving some suggestions on the last episode and thank you for hitting the like button on this one alright so uh i have a whole bunch of comments here guys so i'm gonna read those and uh see what you want me to do first of all we got uh planting plants during walnut bowling i wonder what would happen i also wonder what would happen there what would happen if you did that let's let's give it a try and see if it like breaks the game or something okay walnut bowling we'll start a new game it's all good and now we're gonna get the plant spawner going here guys okay i'm gonna put a plant down i'm gonna put a pea shooter down uh and maybe maybe all the columns oh no that's wrong hold on restart i just got confused because i saw that there was a sixth row what you could put plants down there oh that feels like cheating says the guy hacking the game okay uh well let's go with uh let's go with the third row all the third column all rows and go i wonder if you can no they won't even shoot no you gotta shoot dude so far so good apparently he's just they're just gonna eat the plants act like the walnuts oh and can we spawn zombies as well perhaps we can go oh uh dude we should we should spawn them a little further over go get them there's the answer to that one guys if you do it they eat that this happens this comment says cobb cannons only or only use the plants dave gives you so i thought maybe let's try and use the plants dave gives me that's not gonna be very hard to do but there's probably gonna be levels where it won't work okay free planting is on uh they're gonna make me fill the rest of the slots because they're just a bunch of silly silly things so we're not gonna use them but here we'll just put them in there anyway okay so this this obviously wouldn't be an issue guys i mean you know it's not very hard to win a level with uh a bunch of repeaters like come on okay now we can just speed it up 10x speed and it's not it's not going to give us any trouble here comes a wave of zombies oh no oh gosh guys level one is so hard oh dave why did you only give me these plants man oh geez dave final wave it's just it's just so nice to watch isn't it okay but what about what about level one two that's a whole bunch of regular old zombies guys and we have snow peas cabbage bolts and torchwood right some really fantastic things right there huh place plant place plant place plant plant plant plant plant that's a lot of plants now obviously and go it's same thing i mean the only way we have any problems is if dave decided to suggest nothing but like support units you know like oh here's a pumpkin and a walnut and uh [Applause] torchwood like that would i wouldn't be able to beat the level then okay so um yeah if you plant if you plant the just the plants dave gives you you might get screwed at some point but uh probably not likely because it keeps giving you at least one thing and kill zombies whip if you do another hack video you can go into the paper zombies mode thing i forgot what it's called and you can spawn giga gargantuars and other zombies okay here go ahead and get to it oh that feels good man boom i don't even want this why don't i oh i'm shooting macabre cannon guys very nice so my cobb cannon i'm assuming it's weird that you can even use this cobb cannon but it can't do any damage to the plants obviously absolutely slamming good job i don't personally feel like continuously cheating on i zombie i don't really feel like that's gonna be all that fun but it definitely works i wonder if there's any like really good zombies for that now oh bro that's what we want get em squash zombies and they actually work on the plants that is that is nutty man look at that it's just an army of squash zombies squashing everything those dudes are big oh wait can you not ah they can't eat because they don't got mouths sorry squashy boys you failed can you guys eat brains they can eat brains nice dude i wonder can dr zomboss actually beat this guys dr zomboss is on you bro you gotta do it oh oh that's best that's harsh dr zomboss that's some saucy stuff right there bro hey listen we got a problem we got a chomper down here you got to put the chopper down there all right gotta gotta get get rid of the chomper down there he's gonna die too oh dr zambos you gotta win okay yeah mm-hmm i think maybe a gargantuar was a smart move there gargantuar with a zombie slam it okay boom got it okay wow um kudos to dr zombos okay that's definitely my favorite thing that's happened so far guys um what else can dr zomboz do all right guys uh next comment here i want to read this is uh more of a question is it possible to have zombies that have plants from the late game on their head like a star fruit zombie or something i don't think so because they're not in the game so i can't spawn them i don't think there's any way for me to do some sort of crazy dr frankenstein stuff so however somebody said try hypnotizing the zombotany zombies because something interesting happens oh well that guy's gonna kill probably you're gonna kill oh you killed just in time dang it oh these guys are gonna get me i should have put it up further oh there he goes he's still he's shooting backwards what the heck man why is that guy shooting backwards what what's going on here okay hang on i mean we could do this we could just you know we can summon those zombies if we want and then and then hypnotize a bunch of them and we can see if any of the zombies will actually work properly all right but mushrooms awake on so now we can place uh hypno shrooms like this and then we can place zombies oh would you put the zombie in there he uh he gets a little floaty that's so sweet oh little pool party we have a couple more we got these guys who did not work what the guys because they can't eat that's why these guys can't eat they don't got mouths hilarious what about you okay that's just that one and then we have uh oh that's a good gargantuar i don't know i don't think we can hypnotize a gargantuar i don't feel like that's a possibility okay fine great well that was a little interesting okay next up guys uh you should plant like 50 star fruit on one tile okay well i'll tell you what i'm gonna do here we're gonna try that in survival endless one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay that's 50 guys i got 50 of these dudes here they're having a good time but uh we got a bit of a problem here the balloony boys are going to kill me eventually luckily uh somehow lawn mowers can take care of the bologna boys i don't know how either but it is a thing so there were no balloony boys let's say we completed this level and we got to a level where there were none i would like to know if we uh used every row would that be better if i mean yes of course it'd be better but would we be good then that should be enough and then we will change the round because i want to go a little crazy here guys i'm gonna change it to a hundred flags completed okay go go more zombies approaching here we go bad times ahead folks i just know it all right here they come oh man look at all those stars look at them all no we're definitely still gonna yeah okay if you hit the lawnmowers i call that a loss for me they just can't do it guys they're just not good enough how sad 50 star fruit actually not that great actually not that great at all stack spike rocks in every lane and see what happens lol okay well i think the giga gargantuars will will just go right through them these guys might actually be able to be wiped out if i just go ahead and place plant do that a couple times maybe you got a whole oh that's uh i just got a lot i'm very sorry now if these guys when they hit the spike rocks they needed them a couple times so does that mean it's a single like does that mean if you hit if you hit a pile of spike rocks twice you'll get rid of them all we may never know guys i think it may have gone a little too crazy here of course the balloon guys are just gonna go ahead and uh take care of everything while i look for a doom shroom and oh there it is oh that was pretty doomy man that was pretty doomy um and uh and now we can maybe just put a few spike rocks in instead just just a couple i mean these guys should end up dead pogo guys not doing too bad but he got a good head start and again the balloon guys ruined my life every time back to the beginning of survival endless or something what else do you got for me place a lot of cat tails in one tile and see how many waves it can get through okay this is something i tried to do um the first time i uh i did a hacked pvz video because this is episode number three actually if you want to check out the other ones link down below uh but i couldn't do it with the hacks i was using because for some reason cat tails couldn't be placed on top of each other let's just do a three and a four and go okay i'm just gonna keep clicking until i don't feel like clicking anymore i don't know if it's gonna be 50 or maybe more than 50. all of those that are coming out they just drift off as soon as the zombie dies is that going to be an issue for us i don't know maybe speed it up a little bit oh man oh it's so nice to watch man and i'm surprised at how smooth it is i thought it was going to completely break my pc because i have so many of these guys but then again placing a whole bunch on every tile definitely would would uh would stack up a lot quicker now the question is if you had put the cat tails in different tiles would they have worked a lot better perhaps even just a full column so let's try that instead we still have that same problem they focus in on one zombie can you not i mean i wouldn't want to be that zombie but man now we have like things that are kind of focusing on their own lanes a little bit which is way way way better and let me go ahead and uh prob i'll probably go to 10 10 rounds here uh let's just see what happens with 20 flags and a bunch of gargantuars and all that good stuff oh thank you because it already looks like it's getting a little tricky guys can they do it can they beat round lemon these guys are coming fast man you better watch it baby yo i i feel like i feel like they're not gonna pull this off man i feel like well we already have wow i didn't realize that one lane has already been wiped out wait is that one cat tail left up here oh the four guy okay maybe we've got a problem then oh they are holding on by a threat right now i'm so sorry you got this they got this guys they got this they got this it's okay i heard somebody take a goal it's okay get the thing before he dies before before we die what don't ask questions we're perfectly fine i want to try that but more uh more columns okay so let's do one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five okay let's give that a shot see what happens huh don't come closer don't you dare come any closer i could make the zombies weak with cheats could hack i could hack the zombies so they're weaker could be a thing okay somebody just took a gulp out of me it's crazy you think this would be good enough man you would think this would be good enough but it just isn't you guys it's the first wave huh okay i i don't think you can get through it i don't think you will i think what we've really done here is give the zombies more opportunity to kill you because you're more and wow makes you wonder guys what is the strongest like what is what is the thing that can survive the best if you put a whole bunch of those in a whole bunch of rows i think i know although i i still think they'll have a problem i still think these guys will be like oh man we're slowly dying let's do the same thing we'll do a one two three four five for the first four rows one two three four five yeah okay so we we we're gonna do the endless round thing again get those flags completed then we won't worry about that guy he's gonna be yeah get it going turbo speed yeah yeah all right so these guys are not going to get anywhere close right that's not an issue they're not going to be able to eat these guys because there's such a huge concentration of these bad boys right they just they just died nobody's getting close enough to take a bite there they are the balloon zombies ruining my life guys now what could we do about that um what we can do about that if we really want to is we can get like a few cattails as a treat do that now we have enough cattails to take care of the balloons on these right now we won't die because we would have died without it we know we wouldn't so now we can take out huge concentrations of zombies if we want and we can also take out any ballooning boys that come our way pop pop that's what i like to see that's wonderful i love this oh they got one they got one you know what that means guys if they can get one they can get them all it's it's just a it's just a fact okay so even with the cat tails we couldn't do it [Music] okay i think we can do one more guys and if there's anything that you that you thought of in this video and you were like man like i think matt needs to try it out just leave a comment and hit hit like on the comments that you uh that you want to see me read and try in the next episode of pvz hacked or pvz with hacks or whatever okay well there's a couple more guys i i want to i want to address this one i have a suggestion try spawning a mimic potato with the cheat and see what it turns into i don't know if it'll turn into anything to be honest okay you can put it in an imitator uh whatever you want if you just want it to be an imitator it could be an imitator like that right um you want to do this you could have you know potato whatever um go to a different column here see you can make anything an imitator but you can't you can't place an imitator on its own i'm sorry you should put every plant on a tile and every zombie on a tile and see who wins okay let's do it every plant here and let's put every zombie here and we'll see what happens we won't put dr zombos in because that's not we can't can't do that okay we can maybe we will maybe maybe we maybe we'll put them in okay just for the hell of it it's going to take me a minute guys so uh row two column three let's go the cobb cannon man always the odd one out because it takes up two tiles uh okay so that's that's every plant guys there it is every every plant now we're gonna go to the eighth column and we're gonna do the same thing with all the zombies okay the zombies are supposed to be spawning go oh dear there they are even the boss himself the big man what is he taking what are you taking away my man oh nothing cause i spawned you okay great there's a yeti over here um uh doctor excuse me whoa okay dr zomboss can you maybe not can you maybe not do what you're doing at the moment with the zombies being placed down i mean it's no big deal really but can you not am am i gonna die or am i gonna live i still don't know this guy in the back doing the catapults he can't get me he can't get me i thought this was gonna be bad but oh they got him they got him uh just don't go in the middle as long as you don't go in the middle we should be all right i don't know like this guy does he have health who knows will we have a problem because of that i don't know that bucket guy at the top could actually end us completely so hopefully by the time bucketman gets here uh you know to to the end i'll have another cop cannon keep going you got this they don't they don't got this guys this is bad this is bad and this is my fault too this is my fault tell you what i'm gonna blow them up okay i'll blow him up because that was my fault and hypothetically if i didn't do that we would have been just fine don't throw a van at me that could actually end me completely what are you picking up what are you guys doing over here nothing he might be the guy the ladder guy might i can't i can't get him because there's a gargantuar here man okay everybody stop more zombies approaching okay i don't know if we can actually kill this guy yo this guy's got to be so low now guys look at him he is hurting there he goes okay no wait is he he's not dead he was just standing out a big ball of ice got um okay yeah you you can't kill dr zombos with just every plant planted on one tile guys you can get the rest of them no big deal but dr zomboss makes things a little bit complicated are you just gonna stay here now dr zambos i mean that's cool if you just want to stay here i'm just gonna i'm just gonna hang out with my pal dr zomboz yo what's up guys me hanging out with my friend dr zomboss he just wanted you to know even though he's dead he wanted you to know that he's really happy that you left a like on this video he really hopes you enjoyed it uh these are his words not mine obviously and he says something about how if you're not subscribed you subscribe i don't i don't know i don't know what he means by that it's up to interpretation thank you guys for watching and i'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 1,565,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, pvz hacked, pvz mods, pvz toolkit, plants vs zombies hacked, hacked pvz, hacked plants vs zombies, plants vs zombies hacking, pvz hacks
Id: S39PQxWtJ0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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