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ooh look at the local Dragon School I bet you they're having their Champion ceremony soon oh I'm so excited for them hey what the huh that's a distress signal calling for me oh my goodness why are you setting off distress fireworks I'm here got any more fireworks hey yeah what's wrong I saw this distress signal it's the queen we need your help St Dan huh look what you did now Mr one ey is going to reprend us all oh my God what is going on what did I say about summoning Dragon royalty but I wanted to learn from the best wait what hit him Jean nope nope nope this won't do for you and for what the heck man and for you neither did I what gives shut up I fireworks on school property wimps my apologies Queen aou though now that you're here it might be helpful if you stick around and show my students the ropes uh hey that was my idea are you sure because your ideas are my ideas because I'm the adult don't worry about it I wouldn't mind seeing the school actually it seems actually like in a really nice bre H she doesn't even go here listen we don't need this queen over here to show us anything we're fine on our own oh okay I mean if you're so confident I'm sure you'll be able to beat me easily right oh fine then I will well and so be it come on this should be easy woo let's go I haven't been in school in a long time where am I going the dragon champion iion trials it's important to see who the best dragon is in order to Crown them Champions now let me just show you an example we just what's he doing oh you really don't want to know it's it's really embarrassing aha I am the dragon Champion I must win the trials see told you Dragon Champion lame excuse me do you not pay attention to your teacher I am the queen you are my Champion you defend me oh my God together we fight H evil what hold on a second how you running three puppets and two hands don't worry about it I don't want to look like that ugly Champion D why do we have to be the champion for someone can't they protect themselves what do you mean this isn't what the champion looks like I'm doing a demonstration with these puing what the hey you're ruining the show don't use fire inside you idiot who needs a queen anyway you'll burn down the whole school why am I kneeling oh because I can make you besides Champion is an important role that will be given lots of power and honor of course I like honor who needs that when you're already strong you don't know what you're even talking about well then let the trials begin oh really well we're a little bit stuck here miss queen oh sorry about that there you go thanks now the trials can begin anyway it's time for me to win this good luck all right students so if you look up up there you'll see the village what the oo as you can tell by that the village is on fire so miss AAU if you may oh what the heck huh just bring them back here when you can okay oh right watch it learn y'all I'll show you how a true champion needs to keep up with me oh good luck o Queen I've burned plenty of villages how hard can it be to unburn them all right let's make sure the villagers get to that blue ring all right yeah but which island do we go to any one of them obviously like this one the poor people need to be saved here we go you will go to this ring here cuz I am the queen safe see see if you can beat that uh miss queen I found there there's no villagers in this Tower wa what then find other villagers duh this is the whole challenge really this is easy then why aren't you beating me then oh yeah Aaron don't be so sure of yourself je you don't interfere I Ain Zan this idiot's trying to sabotage me sabotage I mean well anything goes on this court guys you heard the man Aaron anything goes what about honor oh fine then wait what on Earth what now huh is that portal supposed to be there uh I don't think so miss AAL please stay back students everyone stay calm wait what the what's that Zane what are you wait what Zane Z zaye are you are you you fine um Mr z uh I think he's been taken over well seems like I'm your challenge now students let's see if you can handle me oh uh okay I guess I got to this portal maybe that'll give us Powers uh huh what how'd you do that uh you know Dragon Queen kind of thing kind of my role oh student you know that's great and all but Mr one ey over here is going to the school technically he has two eyes oh right uh-oh I'm heading towards the gyms students hey heyy I like the gym I actually don't know why I'm having a hard time controlling this really getting into the roll here wa oh no you a hole in the roof wait what's this what what' you do to the basketball court again I wish I had the answers to this question oh no um so what do we do I uh propose and declare this crystals will probably tie to his power just break them that yes what he said do that guys hold back zay's Dragon form oh great you mean defend you trying um oh let's see maybe I can get rid of these maybe oh I guess you're too weak to defend yourself miss queen excuse me I can defend myself perfectly fine what about you I can take them on my own I don't need any of their help either oh seems like the crystals are kind of healing me students I don't know what to tell you I'll show you it's like an ender dragon too um maybe I just have to get this old fashioned use uh that there we go I'm Miss now you managed to get one perfect I like this tra wait fine that's one but you got five more got it come here you one I freak good job Miss and what about us we're the ones having to fight you directly not a praise anymore Mr Zan are we going to get extra credit for this if you can do it in the next couple of seconds then yes nice guys queen go faster hey we did it finally W what's Z you okay yeah I I'm fine I just don't understand what happened to me well first of all you destroyed the gym my favorite room I can see that Mr Aaron but it's I don't know is it over we should be fine let's just keep this between us and we'll talk about those extra credit points okay students yeah extra credit that's good Casey are you okay no I I think I need a rest let's get you the nurse oh thank you all right come on student so at the very least can we talk about the weird portal that changed Zane what's there to talk about freaky weather storms happen all the time I mean it was a portal like you said students let's just focus on the next trial all right the school budget can only take so much oh theater I love theater see there we are wait what did you do to the backstage all right students the next trial involves lighting up all the Torches and not dying what oh I can do that lighting things on fire is my specialty oh you my little burn Casey are you all right no all right you all get started without me I'll take care of this another student has to go to the nurse's office because of this blue-haired lunatic come on Miss casy I think he likes taking KC to the nurse listen Queenie I think I know how to fly now out of the way oh well you know I'm glad he died first same uh all right let's go this way all right old Queen show us the way then I will let's see land and fire breath there we go yeah I already knew that you're falling behind miss queen hey I'll show you let's take High breath here and yeah don't get too comfortable you guys I'm catching up well you may want to hurry up then all right let's see I'll just have to actually start playing hard now I'll at the last few then got to catch me if you can I can't find anymore uh the heck is that down there wait wait what's what wait it's another one of those stupid portals really what the Yeah Don't Go Near it it looks like we have a little friend down here too oh that's kind of cute a little destructive but cute uh oh then I guess it's a challenge to see who's the first to kill it oh I can put my feelings aside for this yeah that didn't work um let's see maybe I can uh wait maybe I can Sho it fire back against it or something yeah I don't think that's going to work give me a moment uh oh wa who what the hey it actually did something nice and you already killed it I guess it's going to be how to challenge this queen huh let me get rid of the portal yeah get rid of that thing and step you know you did pretty good you're better than me at least oh thank you for finally seeing it don't get used to the compliments though we should get out of here though seriously all right fine let's go oh it's like a cooking class cute what I thought you ditch Aaron what dude only one ditching was you ditching Us in the cave yeah exactly you left us with that Phoenix down there you didn't even check on US ah Miss sath mou Mr Aaron I was looking for the both of you would have caused an uproar if we lost the queen but Mr Zayn there's something seriously wrong going on nonsense nonsense Queen Avid nothing's wrong let's just get to the next trial no to the grindstone I like that he's acting weird very s let's see hang on and what the my chair what the royalty loves a good Feast yeah true I like to eat a lot but like what does this even have to do with anything uh yeah great question Jean as a champion it's important to be able to collect enough food for Miss AAU here oh a beast Queen I do want to eat living a life of luxury aren't we what just grab the animals throw them into the baskets see how many you can get you're not beating me on this one sounds good okay I'm going to get you no matter what I got one um you're not a you're not a cow we're supposed to put these in the baskets right yep yeah weren't you listening you ID I think they go in the color baskets that they are uh that the right one don't tell them that they coordinated I don't know that one goes into the Stop confusing me like I'm ahead of you Aaron I missed are you sure the cow goes in that one Ian no I think so don't worry the Pig goes in the pink one yeah still having a hard time there Aaron I don't want to hear it I'll Crush you I got sick now he there's got to be more there's got to be more um oh almost done and I'm ahead with oh wait what there another one here what oh it's no I got to win no everyone get away what all right new first one to kill all these stupid things win oh that sounds like a fun challenge oh tell Miss Queen I'll show you good luck I'll make it go away oh well it looks like I killed them all wait what just can you get rid of the portal already fine I'll admit to feet right now since you get got nice all right Zan this is the third portal that showed up next to us wait where'd he go wait where is he where where the idiot go Mr Zay oh huh oh this is weird where's Mr Zayn oh no clue but hey I guess no more rules um that's not how this works we have to find him and while we're at it let's find that idiot Jean too can you hear me yeah unfortunately we can Mr Zayn I'm in my classroom I I got tied down your classroom dude this school has like 20 classrooms exactly yeah which one's his again no it could be classroom maybe I just try Z can you be more specific please please oh wait hey there you are all yeah we're coming and there you go oh well you okay yeah I'm fine just my wings really hurt let me take a wild guess was it Jean yes of course he got the jump on me that jerk uh uh guys um you might want to look out oh well speak of the devil destroy the queen and make me your new king him speaking to the portal cannot be good oh my goodness yes come come come he's trying to destroy me so um how do we stop him well first and foremost AAU you must name your Champion oh pick me pick me pick me pick me me me me AAU you should pick someone who actually did well in the trials oh well I want someone who could stand against me you've been challenging me this whole time got to try harder than that to take you down exactly oh no don't you dare look at me what is this what is this going to hurt her o look at she dragon armor oh armor oh I like that right you know it's a you actually it's a little bit cramped in here yeah maybe you shouldn't be flying around the classroom like this all right let's go yeah right there all right let's get him all right everyone else stay out of our way oh whatever these guys don't look so tough come here hey well you know that was probably for the best yeah watch out all right let's focus on these stupid Knights first then we can take down the portal got it all right let's see right here they come my minions get them je you traitor your fire stay away from this little get S to salami and got yeah got it I students you got this let's see how strong you really are Jean that's right you won't be able to defeat my Army and I'll be way yeah we'll see about that yeah try me come on show them how strong you are queen I got this and a miss don't worry I'll get it this time if you can catch me absolutely there's so many of them coming out of the stupid portal this how are we going to stop them princesses what wait what mhm yeah well night e princesses don't they wait wait that's actually a good point princesses that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard I have just a thing quick to the classroom the classroom which classroom yeah come on okay I'm going to this one sorry I'm in uh Mr Z what's going on just behind my desk there's a there's a chest a chest how is that going to what the huh like of what what is this you said we needed princesses right who says Princesses can't be big and strong oo I get it we're going to use this and make some iron golems and maybe the knights will protect them right Casey you take some as well je get back here stop flying away okay let's see if you can catch me see hold cow runs away again ow ow ow what oh there's the princesses wait what are you doing down there not your business uh let's see uh put on the wrong block I don't know if I got it huh all right princess go go go well Queen I think it's time you to take care of that portal yeah that that I should have done that you're right um yeah did it work huh no no yeah now what are you going to do Traer yeah we did it going to do after excellent job Miss AAU yep but now we got to toast him on fire that'll be fun let's see Jan you have a few options I can toast you or you can surrender besides you have no friends f you're the one who needs friends what I don't need anyone but me really dude then what was at the portal you know in all the nights huh yeah but do you know what they say if you want a job done right you got to do it yourself wait what what right then what are you going to do little oh my God huge dude what the heck that's cheating wait a minute how on Earth did you just watch all right guys all of us again TI we have to do this okay que I think it's time for you to do something I'll close the portals while you guys get him come here you it's my job I can do this and you can catch me yeah I guess it's my job come here you oh his fire hurts all right let's see uh there must be another one around here some wait where'd he go wait where did you losers get so big huh wait what oh he's so tiny no no really get him what you couldn't beat me head on so you did this might as well hand over the crown before you embarrass yourself but you're just a tiny little thing look at you baby so [Music] tiny I think he is cricky you think you could have beaten me yeah right I'm bigger stronger and more powerful oh keep telling yourself that I do too wo what's that besides I think this will be more fun now you get to get tortured by the puppets wait puppets seriously did somebody ask for puppets uhoh oo I love this show prepare to beat your match Dragon this is your end I don't see a match when I do see some meat I can't take you seriously like this a the pupp's dancing no more no more please no more I can't take it's fine you just got to suffer like this you know I think this is perfect for you Jean I'm going to get you when I get bigger I promise oh no guys so quinky again again asking for an oncore Humanity
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,235,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: roILS_qhOBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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