I Cheated in Blox Fruits Hide and Seek

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will each be hiding a devil fruit in Block screws whoever finds it first gets a point and the most points at the end get whatever they want from the shot but there is a Twist we each only have 100 stamina and if you win you get 100 more stamina to make finding the fruits easier and you'll be hiding your fruit on Middle Town oh that's actually awful I can think of like two spots that's it and you're hiding your fruit for me on Fountain City Water Seven let's go oh I found a cheeky little spot here this is perfect I think if I put mine here I think that's as good as I'm gonna get I'm not gonna get much better than this I actually feel sorry for you I've Got The God Spot and here we go the hunt begins oh I'm gonna win I'm gonna win I'm gonna wait I'm already out of energy no way actually I see what you mean this stamina is awful you could have put this anywhere like is it behind this house no I know you you've definitely just put it at the top of this Fountain because it's like I don't have enough stamina to jump up to the top would I do that to you Luke you had the light fruit so you definitely would I mean I'm not gonna say you're wrong I can't even get up to the top did you put it in a tree ah maybe I think you might of I'm blowing up all the trees I remember your gimmicks by the way I'm about to reach the top of the fountain no so it better not be up here I didn't think you'd get up there wait he's actually up there I didn't even see anything what I don't know what you're talking about oh you can go inside the fountains like whoa so it could be like in here actually where did you hide this fruit what the heck I know there wasn't really many options I won't lie if you put it in a tree I'm impressed because I think I blew all of them up and I can't see it were you actually evil enough to put it at the top of the fountain I wouldn't do that no was that just too blind like maybe you put it at this bottom part what where did you put this I gotta check Frankie where is he hello Frankie bro there's no way you've hid this so well what the heck can we talk about how big and annoying The Fountain City is to explore it's like 20 houses you could put it behind all right I think we've searched for a long enough time hints should we give hints okay yeah yeah sure sure all right my hand for you is Valentine's update there's no way I just looked oh I've got it where was my hint no I mean I already had it it's because I have a welcome through I didn't notice are you trolling I've got it in my hands it's at times too I don't know when I got it so what you're saying is you've just been grinding salt into my wounds at the moment like I've been yeah sorry about that I'll give you my hint I'll give you my hint top of the founding I looked there though literally the highest point of the fountain you can get oh I didn't look up here wait I actually no right you know what I did I peeked up here for half a second I didn't think this was the fruit because it's blue my plan worked uh okay as Revenge you are hiding the fruit on Lower Skylands oh that's not bad especially because I got this fruit well Luke you're gonna be hiding your fruit on oh it's a battle of the Skylands you get upper I get lower so I'm hiding mine on upper skylines yeah oh and Stan you get 100 more stamina okay so 20 levels into melee and I finally got 200 energy this is easy dub for me now so basically you can just snowball wins now the upper Skylands so much choice there's a lot of choice here as well I can't say I'm glad about making this choice because I just don't know where to put it oh my God I found the godspot I didn't even know that happened this is amazing do you even have much to work with on Lower skylines there's yeah this spot Frank probably the best spot I've ever found where I'm playing walking simulator at the moment because I can't really dash where do I put this son do you happen to know of a secret hidden chest room in Upper Skylands by any chance there's a chest room there oh so what you said is I could hide one here but then you could be bluffing I don't know I don't know if I'm being baited here or if you've actually found a good spot I haven't even found a spot yet you're getting raped because I've found the best spot ever oh the fruit won't fall where I want it to it just gets stuck I actually just don't know where to hide this you know maybe I just go for so like out in the open it's just like crazy you know maybe you just don't look there I'm actually gonna try that that could be like the most five head strategy ever let the search begin okay I'm gonna find the fruit first and I hate to break it to you but I've literally already won I don't know if you're thinking it Blended in with the wood but boom Falcon fruit found ah well that's not the fruit I was hiding that was a decoy to slow you down you know what I need a tactical UAV I don't know why I'm doing this doesn't work for Luke it doesn't work for me did you put it in a palm tree maybe I put it in a palm tree I have a Godly spot I'm not gonna lie I put it in the craziest spot you'll ever witness I'm going for Pure stupidity this time maybe you want to check around in the clouds I definitely didn't put it in any of the ruins near us I'm in a cloud first person engaged oh look all this energy I've got oh no I've fallen off the map oh my God this is the most stressful hide and seek we've done I know and I'm still haven't even found a fruit yet so is he extra stressful for me wait a minute did you put it in here you should try and find the chest room I don't believe you put it in the chest room well that's good for me I reckon you put it in one of these ruins like you said well were you baiting me this whole time what fruit am I looking for you're looking for smoke fruit wait this would have been a Godly spot this isn't real that roof just doesn't like isn't real sorry I'm I'm collecting money because I'm in the chest room Oh no you're gonna find my fruit that I had in there I need the money no it's not in here you like them bro are you joking what am I looking for the flame fruit Luke oh yeah editor am I looking at the flame fruit right now so my hiding plane side thing didn't work just gonna pick that up that's my flamethrow now I'm the winner again and you get another 100 stamina points haha very funny I kind of threw that round I thought you wouldn't go on that side of the map you know what I feel bad for you because I hid that in a God Spot I haven't found it yet I've only just made it to like a part of sky where did you put it I'll give you a hint you know the uh the island with all the houses I'm on there literally right now yeah there's some fake water on oh ice how was I ever meant to see this it's like a stain on my screen that's messed up you're messed up for that I'm winning 2-0 at the moment this is crazy okay put your extra 100 stat points in I've already done it bro I got 300 I can run forever now okay the next round you're hiding on Marine starter there's barely any places well Luke you're gonna be hiding yours on do you like Elsa because you're going to Frozen there's less places there than Marine that's actually legit now where could I hide this fruits on the snow Island bro with all this energy I could go somewhere really high couldn't I don't know really isn't somewhere that high on this map I think this time we do something a little bit sneaky if I come over here to the boat dealer and if we buy you know something cheap and simple like a little dinghy something you'll never see or expect in a million years and then we're just gonna drive this like kind of far away but still so it's within the vicinity of the snow Island we'll go like somewhere over there this is gonna be the most perfect place to hide this through he leaves me with no choice I've got no energy he's got 300 or something I want to win I think this should be far enough I don't think you'll see this and I'll place this Phoenix fruit down here let's put it on the front of the ship like that there we go right he's never gonna see that now we return to snow like nothing ever happened hi sen how's it going where were you all this time you've been doing something suspicious no I was just um I should go to the bathroom okay okay well I'm ready I'm waiting for you okay let's get searching then the hunt begins I'm on Marine starter and I'm not seeing anything yet I'm gonna easily find this fruit you don't have enough energy to hide it anywhere High yeah but I have brain power unlike you you didn't hide it in a uh box again did you you weren't that stupid how did you hide this so well on such a bad island did you hide it in any of the Cannons no I wouldn't do that are you sure yeah look all right it's time to give me the hint of where the Euro place is okay it is like if you're by the dock a bit forwards and left it's like near a staircase I think but you know maybe I put it in the fireplace in the middle of the village it might not be in the yarrow place you want actually a hint to what fruit you're looking for okay oh so what you're saying is you've placed it on a rock somewhere and I have to like try and see which rock looks a funny color oh you definitely just put it in a chimney I didn't round you definitely just put it in a chimney now someone's thinking oh I found him how do you get in here the dark blade doesn't break it did you bait me Sam there's only so many chimneys like how did you hide this oh I mean for master wait this isn't the devil fruit oh I found it perfectly Blended in with the Rocks wait what's your fruit I hit the Phoenix fruit no there's no way Luke yeah and I'm also not even telling you where I hit it because it's my ultimate strategy to win every future round I actually don't see anything I need to do a technical UAV wait wait son come down here I'll show you okay oh yeah all right you go there okay cool right beginning the next round okay Luke you won that round but I'm gonna win this round because you're hiding your fruit on no jungle you're actually finished you're not ready I've got the ultimate hiding spot and you are hiding the fruit from me on actually that's kind of tough for me prison oh okay oh by the way Luke don't forget to add a hundred points of energy okay will do now where am I gonna hide this through I'm gonna hide the Phoenix fruit again that's how confident I am if you can find it you can eat it for free oh my God but good luck you're trying to find it on the entire jungle I've got so many trees to choose from I've got a plan here and I don't know if you're gonna be ready for the plan I think I am gonna be ready I'm just deciding which side of the island I want to hide this on and I can say that because it won't give it away this sounds like some serious Shenanigans like I was saying there's many trees I can hide it in all right this should be good enough I think like right here is good there's there's that okay okay so I think that's the best I can do here this has gotta work I think that's the best I can do here wait I don't like that laugh all I'm saying is you're gonna be having to check a lot of these uh tree freeze are you ready to go yes okay I'm here on the jungle let's go it is so nice to have 200 energy I feel like I could go so far no I know what you've done here you've hit it in the water it is a phoenix flute fruit so it's got like blue and then a bit of yellow so it Blends in pretty nicely bro's devious I remember it's time to dash around in the water yup good luck you'll never find it definitely just on the edge it is in the water somewhere you actually haven't hidden it in this Lake did you hide it in the secret room he's getting warm what fruit am I looking for by the way you know that you're looking for the Phoenix you're looking for the Falcon fruit also like the b-tech Phoenix you didn't put it in the water here did you no where did I put it Luke where did I put it there are so many places you could have put this bro there's a hundred percent you hit it in a tree right I mean that's what I said from the very beginning I said you'd have a tough time finding it in the trees I'm gonna have to blast down all these trees did you hide yours on a tree more importantly no I didn't hide it in a tree I think I've done an entire lap of this map and I haven't seen anything skill issue Get Wrecked I'm going first person the goggles are coming out did you hide it in this tree house didn't Nah The Phoenix fruit would stick out too much in there like let's be real I'm looking for a phoenix fruit how can I not see it what do you mean how I've hidden it well there's no way it glows it's daytime meaning I can actually see the floor now that's not good for me because I'm guessing you just like threw it on the ground over here somewhere would I do that absolutely yes you've done it before in fact you've done it before today already with the kilo fruit that's true you know what I need tactical UAV it's inside of a tree though you're never gonna find it for once you're spitting facts no look look you haven't hit it in a tree I've shot down every tree it's not I highly doubt you have I'm blind I've checked everywhere else on the island I'll give you a hint my hint is you're looking for a falcon fruit and the floor is wooden yes the floor there's some you know there's some wood I've stepped on every piece of wood here I think that but it's definitely hidden on a wooden floor Now give me a hint okay you search the water before did you search it well enough I have done multiple laps of this place and I haven't seen a thing bro you must be blind I'm literally running around in this water and there is no way it's not in here no you're definitely blind you're baiting me this wasn't there before I found it oh my God I swear I checked that corner I actually don't think you hid this fruit are you cheating no it's in the water up here look I'll come and show you yeah you're looking for the Phoenix right look right here it's yeah look here what's the Falcon oh all right final round you're hiding your fruits on volcano land and I'm hiding a flame through so that's pretty good you're hiding yours on pirate starter oh that's good for me I think I'm gonna win this this time and I can now get another 100 energy star with neck and neck 300 energy each where am I gonna hide this through what's crazy is I literally already know exactly where I'm gonna hide mine but you've got like zero places to hide that oh it's that one Fair it's glowing but you're never actually gonna find this I honestly think there's some Shenanigans going on I'm calling it in fact I will hide all five fruits I have and if you find any of them you win how can you be so confident I just don't understand I'm just really good at placing them in trees I gotta say you're definitely lying to me he's never gonna find it this is the ultimate strategy in fact to make this even more easy for you I'm gonna place all the fruits in the same spot there they all are that doesn't make it easier true ready when you are oh my God I don't have a chance my fruit is glowing so is mine and I'm placing five of them down okay I guess this is gonna have to do I also guess that is gonna have to do I presume it's not good there's a pixel underneath a tree you'll never see it hmm magma Island you've got quite a lot of places you could hide it here no I had nowhere I had negative places I could hide it did you hide it with the spooky scary skeleton there's a skeleton on Magmar Island uh somewhere wait a minute you said you're hiding five fruits right yep they're all like near each other as well so if you find any of them you win how could you hide five fruits on this tiny Island it can't be in a tree if it's all five that doesn't make sense there's plenty of trees yeah but if they're all near each other then yeah that doesn't make sense you're thinking to inside the box right now you need to do a bit more four-dimensional thinking you're not on this right wavelength did you glitch it into our house or something now we're talking you're definitely cheating I can I can tell right now yeah but now you just got to figure out how I'm cheating or else I'm gonna win the victory will be mine it's gonna be a victory Royale for me I have the portal fruit so I can't do the UAV so I'm just Mega zoomed out right now all right if you UAV you'd see it straight away actually yeah I reckon so that's a good idea tactical UAV I've got this whole island in my sights and there's nothing tactical UAV never works why do I keep trying it's always worth a try can you get under here no I'm scouring this island I'm surprised I haven't found a glowing fruit yet I'm surprised as well but I'm surprised I haven't found five fruits because you don't know the glitch glitch Luke I need a hidden buddy because there's no way I find this all right my hint for you is thinking outside of the box more literally okay my hint for you is it's round the outside of the island somewhere is that so yeah I won't lie to you I don't know how I didn't see this before but I found it oh my God easy dub I've got a sneaky suspicion would you like me to show you where all five of those fruits are like you're actually terrible for not being able to find these okay so what I want you to do is come right here Zoom your camera all the way out and look towards prison what's prison well I don't see anything what is that is that something in the ocean no there's no way you did me dirty like this there's no way Luke this isn't even the island it is I'd say this is closer to starter Island than anywhere else kicking them all up wait what are you gonna do with them said you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this no you ain't my Phoenix fruit honestly I think I deserve that
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 1,846,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, blox fruits fruit notifier, blox fruits fruits, blox fruits event
Id: Mzs9egqlFUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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