100 Players Simulate a ONE PIECE Civilization in Minecraft!

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This is the world of one piece! A  world where dreams are born where   Pirates seek their Destiny and where Legends are forged. in the heart of this vast treacherous  ocean 100 players come together to simulate   the grand Voyage into the grand line and  to find the one piece the players have the   freedom to do whatever they want loot pirate  ships join a crew go to war and even collect   devil fruits to give them special powers  and in these oceans anything is possible   because after all the freest pirate is the  one destined to become the pirate king So   sit back relax and maybe even grab a snack  because this is a long story and if you want   to participate in future videos join our  Discord server and of course subscribe to   the Channel with all that being said this  is the 100 players one piece simulation in Minecraft Our Journey Begins on day one on  the shores of Foosha village where all of   the players slowly started to trickle in we  had Pirates Marines bounty hunters and even   the revolutionaries but first things first I  needed to find myself a crew yo yo right behind   you right behind you oh okay yo come come come  let's grab these hay bales over here I'm finna   Rob his house bro yeah take the haybales yo grab  we we're going to need so much food all right are   we all here are we all here wait wait what's the  button for uh def we where are you dude I'm a f   nice nice nice all right is this everyone it's  this everyone let's just start making boats as   we wait for mustafi all right all right let's head  to the shank ship let's head to shank ship come on   come on come down to the dock come down to the  dock I'm hopping in your boat yo get this ditto   guy out of our boat yo kill this man whose friend  is this yo get this guy out of here broo what is   he doing he's taking our boat get him I killed  him I killed him I got with the crew assembled   we headed towards the grand line to begin our  journey as Pirates do you see the Jolly Roger   or on my back the Jolly Roger on my back yo I like  that I like that yeah looting a few ships here and   there I was starting to question if I chose right  people to be my crew because we were acting like a   bunch of idiots dude break that block break the  stop bro I'm breaking I'm breaking I'm break my   God all right all right stop stop stop he's  got he's got it he's got it let's go go go go   go Jesus man oh my not only were we idiots but  we were a bunch of greedy little goblins as well I know we're Pirates but y'all are too greedy  realizing how chaotic it was looting together we   devised a plan entrtrusting KK and mustafi Meister  the two fishmen on the crew with a task of looting   pirate ships while the rest of us headed towards  our first destination alabasta the island of sand   we're talking here we're talking we're docking  we're docking oh my God this boat isn't breaking   of course the two most loot hungry people have  already run off I haven't like looted anything   yet as we Traverse through the deserts we discover  that both KK and adornings had spawned in with   predetermined conqueror's haki which was basically  the rarest form of haki that one could have wait   that's actually pretty lucky wait what do you  got conquer haki I don't course Gojo gets con   haki right bro the Gojo build is coming along just  give me this yami and it's over finally we were   able to reach the center of the island and this  is where crocodile's Casino was located we were   able to gather some resources like iron and gold  and amidst the treasures that we collected stupid   fox live was able to make a golden key to unlock  a wooden box that he had found which contained the   mole fruit eating the fruit he would become our  crew's first devil fruit user and our first mole   man oh yeah get it get it man get it but soon  after we ran into our first problem crocodiles   basement uh guys I I think there's a few mobs  down here there were way too many mobs down here   to count and all we wanted was to get some slime  balls kill that end kill that Enderman bro help dude dude this lag is so bad I'm distracting  them for you I'm distracting them for you as   we were fighting the mobs the server started  to lag really bad and we might have caused the   first server crash so to say hey cour oh and  server's down again we might be I was about   to say that might be I was about to say that  but it was okay because when the server booted   back up the lag was a lot better and we were  able to get our balls hey yo get them slimes   get them slimes all right we got what we need go  go go get out of here help me just keep going up   the stairs I got you I'm picking you up man all  right go go go run run run oh getting all that   we needed from alabasta we headed out towards  our next destination water 7 the city of water   soon May the weather come to bring and tea and  one day out as we slowly approached the shores   of water 7 we spotted one of the most iconic  ships in one piece the going Mary look look   look there it is there it is it's the going Mary  all right let's go find the gumgum fruit go go   go so according to some rumors the gomu gomu no  mi also known as the gumgum fruit was supposedly   inside the Mary so we searched all over the  ship looking for the legendary Devil fruit   until Webby found a golden box give me that  key you guys ready yes come on all right for get oh that's good that's good oh although it  wasn't the gumgum fruit the jiki jiki no mi   also known as the magnet magnet fruit still  held immense power that many others desired   on the server so we were going to hold on to it  for now but in the meantime we quickly explored   the beautiful city of water 7 before setting  sale for our next destination enies Lobby just   follow the train tracks and we'll get there oh I  see the track I see the track it's over here the   uh to our left to our left to our left here we  [Music] are but where the elephant sword lives   I want that sword Being A government controlled  Island we were here for one reason and one reason   only and that was to declare war on the world  government all right men today we stand here   as pirates and do you know what it means to  be a pirate freedom yes that's right and that   flag right there limits our freedom as long as  that flag stands we can never be true pirates of   the sea so men with fire in our eyes and freedom  in our hearts I say this down with the marines! Marine yo I'm being pushed I'm being pushed after  declaring war on the government we continued on   our journey and even found the Pteranodon fruit  which we gave to our crew mate fate isn't real   making him the second devil free eater in the  crew sailing past a couple notable Islands we   soon reached the red line and this is where Fox  was able to use his mole powers to quickly dig our   way through into the new world I can't see so dark  hello dude it's so dark over here what the hell   for no reason you guys don't have night vision  I forget dude moles aren't even supposed to have   Vision oh my god yea you're right they don't have eyes why  is it once we made it into the new world this is   where we decided to split off into two teams Fox  Webby and KK were a part of the home team and they   were in charge of gathering resources to build  our base so they headed to Dressrosa and later on   whole cake because these two islands were very  rich in building blocks adornings mustafi fate   and I were a part of the exploration team so  we were heading towards wano to hopefully find   more devil fruits and any loot that would help us  on our journey so the two jujutsu Sorcerers are   coming with snow yep oh is that what is that oh  that's not Skypeia is that the weather Island no   that's not Punk Hazard there's like magma blocks  here if um I have End Portal frames and Eyes of   Ender what yeah they're in a chest here what yo  take that take that take that we soon arrived on   onigashima but to our surprise there was nothing  here so we decided to head towards Wano Capital   instead and this is where fate actually found a  captain's cape for me that put that in your cosmetics right and also my crew decide to massacre some Samurai  monkeys yo look at B all right you want to see B   go away forever what are these oh my God  while in wano we did find two things the   first one being the leopard fruit and the  second one being the sword enma since we   were done with our business at wano we met  back with the home team and sailed to our   final destination for the day Sphinx Island once  home to the Legendary Pirate Whitebeard Sphinx   Island embraced us with its beauty offering  the perfect place for us to set up camp and  calling it our home you know Ace once said  that we can become brothers if we exchange   a cup of sake wherever we are whatever we do  we'll always be bonded together so this is a   toast to many great adventures ahead of us  a toast to the Sorbet Pirates let's drink up boys oh me cheers all right now let's go  fight let's go the domain expansion raising cups of sake we officially became Brothers  of the sea calling ourselves the Sorbet pirates on day two I left the island with  the exploration team to go on adventure   to look for more Treasures to bring back  for the crew adornings actually left on   his own because he had found someone who  was willing to trade the Yami Yami nomi   for the Jiki Jiki Nomi that we had found  the previous day it was only fitting   for adorningz to eat the fruit of Darkness  since his Minecraft skin was Gojo after all on our own journey I actually came across a  player by the name of Dark June bug who become   the eighth member of our crew oh ship ship  ship ship ship let's do this oh yeah yeah   yeah we looted many ships together and even  found some more devil fruits including the   mammoth fruit oh I got the mammoth fruit this  is probably the best Zoan fruit no more boxes   that's it uh let me go check the Captain's  Quarters dude this guy has eight gold boxes   in the chat that's crazy we were actually  making our way back to Alabasta because there   was still a lot of resources there that we  hadn't grabbed the previous day like all   of these iron blocks from the Spiders Cafe oh  there's a person over there wait really oh it's a NPC oh my god dude my health  did you also just get blasted holy all right where this fool at he's hiding from  me right now hey yo these guys trying to catch some hands damn dude this guy is crazy oh smart  smart smart smart all right let me see if I   can cheese this guy I think that's the  dragon a dragon let let's look inside   of it all right all right there we go we  even made our way back to the casino where   we fought crocodile himself but uh fate  decided to troll me and nuked the entire   floor open trapping me yo relax don't nuke this  place crocodile looks crocodile I'm going   to die I'm going to die I'm going to  die Fate just trapped me in a hole bro while all of this was happening there were  actually two bounty hunters nearby slowly sneaking   up on us wait wait wait what's fate oh shoot  there's people here where huh let's go let's   go let's get out of here fate was actually the  one who spotted them and told us but as soon   as they saw the flying bird boy the two bounty  hunters fled before the rest of us could even   see their faces on our way out of the island  we came across a player by the name of Mr HV   who was having a hard time fighting off a wave of  pirates and Marines so we decided to help him holy   shoot that's a lot of Mobs dud dude I'm not going tp me here me here I've got here yo these guys   are actually hard yo this marine guy is actually  so tanky bro literally not doing any damage to him just killing guy would not die oh my  gosh more hits Jesus he went down here   now your booty cheeks over here D you you let me  finally I think these two should be the last two left he's dead after helping Mr HV we decided to  invite him to our crew making him the ninth member   of the Sorbet Pirates hey yo why do I hear Boss  music why is there a Kraken Boss Bar in front   of my screen I'm going to die I'm going to die  meanwhile on the island of Dressrosa a Coliseum   battle with happening and a bounty hunter by the  name of Sappa who actually turned out to be the   Bounty Hunter we ran into earlier was dominating  the competition with his Brachiosaurus fruit I **music** **music** **music** **music** **music** **music** back in alabasta a pirate by the name of  zodiac was making a name for himself he had   eaten the suna suna no mi which was the Sand sand fruit  and was given an order to assassinate a crew of   bounty hunters and coincidentally he found all  members of the crew at crocodile's casino and   Slaughtered every single one of them making him the  first person on the server to reach a bounty of 1   billion at this point we had successfully  brought Mr HV back to Sphinx Island and   even gave him the mammoth fruit as a little  Invitational gift for joining the crew with   most of the exploration team including myself  finished with our task for the day we logged   off and entrusted the home team with the task  of building and farming for the crew however   all good things must come to an end as he certain  pirate would soon arrive and wreak havoc on the [Music] Rivers run dry dust spread in the  [Music] air two dark days do you have a tear to spare make a promise the world awaits it's heavy just breathing so  [Music] dis start come on start a riot when they love you to much now is Fame fake or   even hate don't be scared when the  weight paralyzes your state at the gate it's a lot to take in  it's designed to know it don't wait don't be scared when the  way paralyzes your state at the gate when adornings and I loged back on the  next day all we saw was destruction the once   beautiful Sphinx Island had turned into a desolate  Wasteland nearby a man by the name of Annie zour   had actually witnessed everything from afar he  told us about the two attackers zodiac and XTR   and how they wreaked havoc on our Island that's  crazy however what we didn't realize was that   the attackers were still on the island lurking  somewhere close but this time we were able to   fight back who he's back he's back he's back  he's back this is something different I got   knocked out in one second son gu back yo hey  yo yo yo I actually think I can kill him dude   I just died to the sand guy yo can one of you  res me if I can get close enough to him I help   you I got only Gary yeah I know I just have to  be able to get close enough to him who the is   this guy y i suffocated him I killed him GG's  still alive he's still alive he's above he's F I'm one he behind you behind you  oh no the do user the do user still here oh I need someone to revive oh you  killed him he's down he's down I did kill   him I K yes go keep at him keep keep at him  away it's fine I don't care thank you thank   you bro kill that Exodia guy they literally  combo Lo man adoring was able to take down   XTR but zodiac managed escap by killing  XTR however we were able to reincarnate   his doku doku Nomi which was the venom venom  fruit and offered it to zour to join our crew   we wanted to get revenge on these notorious  Pirates and with the addition of a new member   our strength in numbers increased but dings  and I knew in order to protect the crew we   needed to get way stronger than where we were  currently now so we started to [Music] train okay oh it's another hole what is that what  oh I remember what this is we got to we got to   figure out some combos bro we got to hit some  crazy combos all right let's just start let's   just start killing go go go okay get where is he  I'm pled right now oh my God yo give me the out here yeah pull them away from me bro oh my God  are they all dead while we were training mustafi   Meister had actually traded his Emma and the  leopard fruit for the gas fruit Webby also started   to work on an underground base right under all of  the destruction you just cover up like that let me   put a torch here [Music] you all I'll close it I  got it yeah good cuz I was going to go out to get   some dirt to actually start a farm I think I am  eventually just going to get enough wood to like   like cover like make a box you know what I mean  M it wasn't much but it was home and as we were   working on rebuilding this place an unexpected  guest arrived on the island I'm on the island   like either way oh you are I'm on like I'm here  bro way I see I see W bucket on the map I'm not   going to kill anybody of course but I see the farm  I see the destruction that you guys did I don't   know what fruits this is to be honest destruction  is definitely there Arab was one of the Marine   emeralds and probably one of the strongest players  in the server so getting a visit from him was kind   of intimidating but he wasn't here to fight he  was actually here to make an offer zodiac did   this with zodiac and uh his like his Goonies bro  where are you right now right on you oh what's up   yo you look sick wait do you have the magu no I  have I'm fruitless right now so we forming this   temporary Alliance I know you a warlord how  does this work I'm like recording right now   so this agreement we going to the video okay cool  well I'm waiting for so make it make it cinematic I have come to speak to you about all right  well since you're a warlord now let's go find   these other guys I want to make my way towards  wano no no let's like give it a few days give   it a few days I want zodiac to get stronger so it  turned out that Arab had also been trying to catch   zodiac but zodiac somehow managed to escape every  time and even though our crew wasn't very fond   of the Marines I decided to step Arab's offer on  becoming War Lord forming this temporary Alliance   in order to catch zodiac you know what they say  the enemy of my enemy is my friend oh also this   a random hobo guy named jothan was just in our  base helping us with the farm so uh we just let   him be however adornings later alerted us that  there were others trespassing on our Island and   we soon went to take care of them I'm going to I'm  going to just run straight at him I don't care are   you fighting them right now yeah one's dead where  are they they're both dead they're both dead how   do you kill K someone who's like already down how  do you finish them just wait for them what's going   on I'm going to ask him why he's here don't kill  him wait pick him up pick pick him up pick him up should let him go exploring oh he's just  exploring we later discovered that I fors was   a corus because Arab appeared again telling  us if I force dies everyone dies so it was   a good thing that we didn't kill him oh y what  what's that what's that on your back it's our   Jolly Roger the zestiest Roger that is no why  are you comeing here oh bro what's this for do   you have one I have one I have one yeah yeah  hey hey hey hey hey hey probably up take this   I already have a diamond chest plate bro trying  to give me stuff I already have you're not even thankful how much he didn't happen I have 234  can I test my S on you bro we're in a crew why   would you test it on me oh yeah fair enough find  a mom the way you have left me on delivered for 53   minutes is actually criminal don't don't  wor don't worry about that Minecraft is   important ignore your girlfriend we're playing  Minecraft exactly a proud virgin man yeah me too all right so today was just a day filled  with unexpected visitors because as we were   goofing around in the someone else also  had creeped up into our base 70 men is at   our house um guys there's just a random person  in our house there's a guy here yeah there's a   guy just murdering me at our house he's over  there you guys are so blind he's right there   he's just shooting he's up he's up there  how do you not see him he's right there up yeah he's going up the water sheam going  up he's he's out probably wait did he leave   or is he still here he's still here are  you guys out in the water okay I have an   Exquisite time fighting in the water no he's  not he has no armor oh he not he's running way   yeah he he he he's just way he's just way way  I can't see anything yeah he fled is long gone   yeah he just keep you out unfortunately the  waterers were really murky and he managed to   slip away we went back inside at the base but  I was able to hear someone digging underground   and my player tracker was pointing towards  70 minutes still oh he's here down I know I know down oh he's in he's in he's in what the someone just blew this up that was  me I knocked him I knocked him after taking him   down we started asking him questions like why  are you here and why did you shoot us and this   was his respon to be silly that's one way I  guess should we spare him no he isn't no no   no we need a certain example bro oh he has 116  Health he has a good on D key have mercy yeah   not anymore all right just just let him go let  him go let him go let him go let him go let him   go all right help him up help him up help him  up help him up we ended up showing him mercy   and he actually asked us to help him kill some  players that were living on zunisha when I asked   him their usernames he replied with this Angel  zodiac so apparently zodiac was a part of a crew   named the high pirates with their Captain being  a man named Angelus who is the current Eater of   the gor girl Nomi also known as the rumble Rumble  70 minutes had tried to fight him all by himself   with the moch Momi but ultimately lost the 3v1  and now was looking for people to take revenge   on them knowing that we had a common enemy we  decided to form a truce and let him go on his   way soon after 70 minutes left our base mustafi  had actually found the chiu Nomi which was the   healing fruit so I was originally planning on  going fruitless and just being a swordsman but   the chiu Nomi was a really good fruit for PVP  and a good support fruit for the team and you   know me I'm always a team player so I decided to  eat the fruit by myself no no I'm just kidding I   just wanted the healing Arab had also came back  to our base to give us a bunch of useful stuff   including the he heom me which was the ice ice  fruit I would later give this fruit to KK since   I literally just ate a devil fruit but if Arab  had given me this fruit a little bit earlier I   might have eaten it by myself since I am taste D  snow after all on top of that he told us a little   secret about big mom that would help us get  exponentially stronger well this is something   that we discovered with Abba right now we we did  not know this beforehand but basically big mom can   drop a little bit more or not big mom specifically  but a friend of big moms her little children drop   a ton of thei they drop the same amount as big  mom but they instant respawn Prometheus and Zeus   what for those of you that don't understand  Dori is basically Bally the power system in   this mod and the more Dori you have the stronger  you get and in order to get Dori you have to kill   mobs but mob spawns on the server was reduced  in order to help with the lag due to the sheer   amount of players playing so getting a lot of  Dori fast was almost impossible but with this   new method we will be able to become one of the  strongest Crews on the server very fast so that   night I would bring some of my crew to hul cake  Island and we will start farming big mom to get   stronger all right thises that t again meanwhile  at Marine Ford the execution of a bounty hunter   the legendary Muppet was taking place to be honest  nobody knew what he did wrong to deserve such a   treatment but apparently the Marines just wanted  to capture and execute him to set an example on   how Mighty the world government truly was Muppet  crew had showed up to the execution to try and   rescue him but they were not able to stand up  to Admiral arabis might and therefore they were   not able to save their friend after the execution  two marines by the name of T flame and kit sniper   were promoted to the Admiral position making the  Admiral Trio a powerful force to be reckoned with   soon after the execution of the legendary Muppet  a player by the name of axj 5 reached out to me   asking for an alliance axj was the captain of  the Blackhawk Pirates which was apparently the   group of bounty hunters that zodiac had killed  earlier and the same group that Muppet was a part   of however angered with Muppet's execution they  formed themselves into a pirate group swearing   to get revenge on both zodiac and the Marines  hello what's up hey I have an idea maybe we   can make an alliance you know I heard you have  a big battle coming up so uh maybe you could   use help we have a common enemy are you enemies  with zodiac and them yeah he killed us a while   ago but on that uh we also need to get stronger  and we also have something that could help you oh shoot yo you have gear five that's  crazy well I mean our sh our crew is   pretty strong right now how how's like what  about your members yeah our crew has uh died   uh some people have died but it's going well  okay you need help with uh getting stronger   yeah if that's possible I'll be really  great you know all right I know a little   secret with uh big mom and her little little  children I can help you guys get stronger okay all right so we for this Alliance then  yeah sure all right all right sounds good um   I'll take you to big mom tomorrow all right  okay all right I wish you luck goodbye I wish   you luck man and just like that an alliance  between the sorb and Blackhawk Pirates was formed day four started out with  me running into a guy named Timo   according to him he had Swan through the  Seas and comment section just to fight me   I accepted his Challenge and quickly show him  the power difference between a warlord and an [Music] amateur we'll call it a draw later  on I took the Blackhawk Pirates to whole   cake to help them get stronger by farming  big mom however we weren't the only ones   that were here because we started  taking shots from someone with the   Paw paaw fuit what a p for someone we can  probably beat him whoever it is we should   probably be able to beat him where is he I'm  tracking him down right now I'll just take off yeah ever need gold we have like a full  choker full of gold oh all right he's running   he's running we were able to scare the pwr user  away and would spend some time grinding big mom   until all of us were decently strong one [Music]  I killed him let's go good job good job are you   proud of me after grinding for a bit we decided to  sail out to find a place for us to create a joint   Alliant base since both of our bases were kind of  in shambles sailing out together our destination   for The Joint Base was onigashima the island  that I don't know how to pronounce wow yeah   should we just build our base here this actually  a really nice place w while we were settling down   in our new base the server posted bounties for  a few notable pirates on the server including   some pirates from our own crew adoring mustafi  and Annie zore all received Bounties in the 700   millions and I received a bounty of 1 billion  however tell me why the server said that I was   wanted for mass murder like when have I murdered  someone on the server I've literally shown all my   enemies mercy so far I I literally have no enemies  bro except for for the high Pirates of course you   know they don't count regardless of the bounties  I did want to mention that our crew may seem like   it's perfect on the outside but we actually had  a lot of internal conflict like our Discord would   just constantly be paying with notifications  of people arguing especially mustafi and zemour   the two of them constantly fought each other as if  they were Zoro and Sanji like even this clip right   here you want you want to go I need one Diamond  does anyone have one diamond on them Yo do not   not use any griefing abilities here so what you're  telling me is don't use an ability in general do   not use abilities bro just don't do anything this  is our base bro do not grief this place like SP   listen listen me and mustaf are going to [ __ ] p  a Sanji in zo we're going to destroy their place   even with the constant negativity in the crew we  still somehow made it work in the end we built a   storage system a farm and even got Webby a devil  fruit what I get what is oh RH it's a oh sweet do   you want I eat it yeah Mr Rhino hey what's up man  me a little bit you're thanks man and then I left   onigashima for only a few minutes and this is what  I hear in the call uh this might be the first hole   in our base that wasn't made by me um I may have  forgotten I give fif on and then oh my God I can't   even anything you made a hole in our onigashima it  wasn't me this time it was not me this time no way   bro you better not be griefing our base can I kill  him yeah kill him our lines is over dude what the hell what did he do no dude what are you doing  what you do no I oh my God aside from all the   destruction in the new base kid sniper the  new Admiral actually sent me an invitation   to visit Marine Ford this was my first time  formally coming to Marine Ford so I was able   to witness firsthand why it was called the  impenetrable Fortress welcome to Marine for   the place that is impenetrable by Marines for  Marines uh well yeah yeah it's Marine for it's   not really you know this place is massive  man you guys got these cannons everywhere   H the cannon sers you know they're um more more  for the eye instead of you know using them they   don't work Marine Ford was truly worthy of the  nicknam the impenetrable Fortress yet even in   the heart of the Fortified Sanctuary nothing could  have prepared us for what happened next oh I sure   hope that nobody breaks in here within the next  few minutes that would be physically impossible [Music] like yo XTR is here no that's not that's not  exi bro that means the other guy T the here   yeah what the hell he's fighting me bro I swear  to God yeah I'm dead bro he's on you yeah he's   on me wait wait does he like Kong cocky knock  you yeah bro oh my no wayo what the you guys   Hing who is it again okay okay we need to kill  XTR under like every circumstance I can't do   anything to him what's your what's up if you have  long range then we could just long range him out   he's dropping down he here yeah he's he's here  he's he's here yo by the way his KK doesn't last   forever you guys know that right oh dude he  just knocked me with I'm about to die I can't   even see anything he's just hitting me D I can't  activate anything dude his conqueror is killing me D I can't even eat he just hits me I'm dead once and I should be fine yeah I'm not I'm which one way one way I'm I can't I can't that's so oh I got Alo off you though  get good is crazy get good is crazy get good   is crazy I had been reset and shortly after  xdr killed two Amal and myself TF Flame the   last remaining Admiral issued a buster call on  Punk Hazard which apparently was the current base   of operations of the high Pirates after moving  from zunisha however XTR single-handedly took   out the entire fleet of Marines all by himself  and T Flames later flight the scene and retired   from his Admiral position after the humiliating  defeat with this Arab called for a meeting and   appointed a new Admiral by the name of mlie Deo  and during this meeting we decided to finalize   our alliance with the Marines in order to take  out the high Pirates especially zodiac and XTR   sorry forming this Alliance then for real now we  killing we need to deal with this guy we have to   get it done we'll make it official you become  a temporary warlord and we'll deal with this   guy and as things couldn't get any worse when  I told the crew of our full alliance with the   Marines some were not happy with the decision  and KK was one of them uh snow I have to tell   you something if we continue the alliance  with the Marines then I had to destroy the   entire base dude if you do that then I'm going  to have to kick you out of the crew oh all right then bro I I can't believe you just did that  do you know what you just did bro you just   undermined the entire crew's efforts do  you know how hard we spent building this   entire base you're just an idiot bro someone  that has no respect for me well I told you   if the mar keep killing me then I'll go  do this they have underminded me so many   times this is nothing about respecting  you it's respect for me that matters you   know in fact it's not just disrespecting  me it's disrespecting the whole entire crew cuz we spent all day fighting a new area to  build a base just for you to grief this place wa   it is where is you know what just just get out  of my face man you have no place in This Crew   thank goodbye I wish you luck on your journey  man I wish you too adornings and fate being   a longtime friend of kks also left the crew  with them the three of them set on their own   journey to destroy Marine Fort and with that I  had lost three valuable members of the Sor Bay Pirates early on during the service release  a small group who called themselves the   Revolutionary Army had been formed with one  purpose and that purpose was to take down the   Marines led by a man by the name of pearling  Blade they were able to build the base of   operations on a small secluded Island however  it wasn't long when Arab and kid found their   base and decided to wipe out their entire crew  leaving only their leader behind noow this is   in our base so if you like anything in the chest  just take them yeah take everything our yo bro   pearling blade reached out to me on day five  asking me to help him get stronger he wasn't   friendly with the Marines but said that as long  as we help him he'll return the favor so I took   him to big mom and the two of us started to build  up our go together while this was happening Fox   our molean was actually just enjoying life and  went on a beautiful Journey on on his [Music] own having witnessed the true beauty of  the world of One Piece Fox took me to   skypia and this is where we found a pag  can you read it it also says that um mle   men are the best kind of men ah and  uh uh what else oh right here KK is a little that's crazy it's the word it's it's the  porog not me that's what it says Uh there's also   another poneglyph up here all right so uh  this one says say Joy boy Joy boy who's Joy   boy yeah I don't know I don't know who Jo boy  is huh afterwards we collected some materials   to start building a ship because what are pirates  without a pirate ship am I right however building   the pirate ship was so much harder than we  expected oh it's it's completely sinking I'm   underwater it's completely sunk it's completely  sank we might need to rebuild no Albert I know   look it's like the Titanic bro it's so slow just  sick oh fire after a bunch of failed attempts I   decided to build a speed boat for fun now we can  make that boat this Speedy too if we put a bunch   of ship engines on it let me get a whip man hop  on bro all yo hurry hurry fighting fish let's go   go go go I'm in a I pull up in my Bo [Music] yeah  we selling the grand line yeah why don't we just   do this like have a boat for each of us and we all  just roll up it's just not like not good it's it   really is it how what the heck all right what  else do we want to put on this dude your ship   was flying and while Webby and I were having fun  with our speed Bo fox actually managed to build   a semi functional ship day five was like a little  relaxing break from all the chaos at least that's   what we thought until Arab came to our base to  inform me that he was going to hunt down XTR all   by himself I'm going to deal with XTR man nah  bro yo wait wait at least for us to get strong   I'm down and we need to get over with and despite  my warnings Arab went out on his own to hunt down XTR [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] losing the battle against XTR Arab was permanently  eliminated from the server and as his demise   resonated a series of bad events followed news  reached to me that both axj and 70 minutes two   of our close allies had died at the hands of  the high Pirates during an ambush at big mom and   with the fall of axj the Blackhawk Pirates soon  disbanded and with nowhere left to go Miss mizy   and Andy Jess dud the last remaining members of  the Blackhawks decided to join our crew together   we would spend our final day getting stronger  because tomorrow we would seek revenge on the high Pirates when the sun rose on day six the  last remaining crew members and I got some   last minute training in before the big battle  I will later bring them to Russa which was the   island where Luffy trained with Ry for 2 years  why well what I didn't tell everyone was that   onigashima was just a decoy base and the  real Alliance base was actually on Russy   Fey that Oni goshima would get raided I had  spent the last two days on my own gathering   enough armor and weapons for everyone for the  final battle all right follow me so welcome to   the actual Alliance base holy so everyone have a  socket cup yep yep yep yes sir yo this is perfect   just enough seats for all of us all right all  right so when we first joined the server we   were having a lot of fun I had a lot of fun  with all of you guys as you know XTR yes and   zodiac they came and ruined Sphinx Island where  we were going to settle on and with that he they   also killed Reese they made Reese Rage Quit  yep so today we're going to battle with them   this is our final battle on the server thank  you guys for playing with me I'm going to pour   you guys up a sake we thank you for being the  greatest Captain alive hey hey W don't drink it yet all right let me pour me wait can  someone pour me one someone pour me one all right Dr up Drake up honestly  honestly boys honestly boys look at me   look at me everyone for a second I had I had  fun with you guys I had fun with you guys the   best school I can ever ask for honestly where  I'm sorry I killed you too many times uh thank   you for everyone for being here yeah I just  got to say the best schw ever let's let's   make our name remembered even after the world  government will take over even if we die even   if we die in this world yeah wait most likely  will let's go most likely let's go to the ship   it's this way ship where's the ship and with  our moral High we sail to our final destination   little garden where the high Pirates will be  waiting for us are we here are we here yeah [Music] we're rivers run dry dad in the air two dark days do you have a tear to spe make a prise the world wait it's  heavy just breathing through this debate they're here they're here let's go  go go whby go let's go two battle go go go I'm killing the gun I'm killing the gun the gun kill the gun flash are crazy hold  on scared in the way paral St the man holy crap I'm up in the sky yeah  man I'm coming I'm coming coming destroy right   destroying Zia I'm destroying Zia destroy he's  almost [Music] dead can I go back snow I got   you snow I got you snow I got you I'm coming  I'm coming kill this guy kill this guy this gu   look dying man yeah I know I know he has life  steal what a coward man dude I don't even know   what's going on get Angelus get Angel who has  Goro yo yo Angelus is low Angel [Music] low get   him deeper down in the hole where he go yo I'm  blasted in the sky again where is he where is   he is Angela still down there I don't know where  Angela's I don't know where Angela's oh man wa   he's down here I see I see where is he where  is he' just go oh he's on me he's on me he's   on me he's on me he's on me that's you Andy I'm  coming get get angel I'm [Music] using I'm down anyways where is [Music] heop using conquer I'm dead someone I'm down down down  down down it wasn't onor you got it wasn't honor sir I'm dead you dead Angelos Angelos he's getting  low he's getting low [Music] still alive done done   stop you see me you said by the [Music] mountain  you could see me okay up seconds I'm Lally on you   guys me once behind you I can't see I can't see  I can't see I'm blinded I'm coming coming I see   I see you yo Camp they On's body Camp they on  don't let him rest don't let him rest is insane coms nice yo let's go you're crazy you're crazy  now I mean we're done I think we won or you won   hey let's go but everyone else died though but  it was our Victory it was our Victory guys I had   won the battle but at what cost in the process of  winning I had lost everything so did I truly win   you know there's a saying that goes something  like this it's not about the destination but   the journey that we took together to get there  and you know we may not have been the strongest   or best crew out there we had our Fair shares of  fights and arguments but in the end none of that   matters because in the face of adversity we found  unity and so as the sun sets on this chapter I bid   farewell to my Fallen comrades it was a journey  filled with friendship wonder and shared purpose   though we may part ways now the memories we've  created shall endure and to everyone that took   part in this video I hope you guys will look back  on this and remember the Venture that we all had I   thank you all for giving me a week of fun memories  and with that I hope you all enjoyed this video   until we meet again in another adventure  because this was the story of the sore Bay [Music] Pirates
Channel: TasteTheSno
Views: 1,114,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, One Piece, Mine Mine No Mi, True Prime Piece, 100 Players, Ish, Minecraft Civilization, Gear 5, Luffy, Pirates
Id: h6UCAWNfpdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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