One Of The Most Fun UNCLEARED Levels I've Played!!!

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hello my friends and welcome back to another video today we're diving back into the uncleared 0.0 level series in an attempt to leave no levels left uncleared in mario maker 2. in last week's episode we celebrated our 500 first clears by getting one more to 512 and looks like someone took that one away but that's okay because today i can feel it in my girded loins that we're gonna get several more off the uncleared board let's go ahead and fire it on up let's go ahead and start with this cool level it's called negative 2085. this seems perfect where i live in pennsylvania we just got hit with like 16 inches of snow recently so this feels fitting yes we have very oh oh oh well 1-1 action setup going on here thank you very much i'm guessing we want to save the moon save the moon for a later day i kind of like this oh or we'll just use the moon now this sounds sounds like a plan but we got a fire flop had a fire flower okay we got the fire flower back this definitely seems like a 1-1 yeah this is 1-1 but in snow what where am i going here oh okay there's a little twist the twist no one saw coming it's no longer 1-1 oh now this is like a take on uh one one of lost levels if i'm thinking correctly right i don't i think so i'm not as familiar with lost levels as i am with uh the original super mario brothers okay i couldn't tell if there was a platform okay so far so good friends so far so good we have not died this is the end of the level oh yes right back at the start this is where i wanted to be i i i wanted another shot at the title i wanted to uh get a better time on this level all right we're back in the blue pipe i'm i'm still so sad at how i died last time oh my gosh we were legitimately at the very end i thought we were but it's like salt in the wood and seeing the end was actually that was a cool level i like see what they they're cool they totally meant to do that but yeah it was it was neat i liked it first clear let's keep going alright just by how weird this thumbnail looks let's check out this japanese level let's see what's going on here the thumbnail was giving me major uno moss vibes but we'll see like yeah this is [Laughter] how do you grab this how do you grab the flagpole friends [Music] obviously the swamp is kind of important here [Music] there must be a perfectly logical explanation wait a second wait a second that was kind of what i was wondering but that didn't quite work out how do you how would you do this i'm legitimately intrigued how would one beat this course so it's gotta be something with the donut blocks down below right it's gotta be something it's gotta be something simple that i'm overlooking right let's look at the clear check time clear check time is two seconds so yeah it is something i'm wondering if there's a clip a clip or something that we have to do okay so we haven't activated the swamp here [Music] oh i don't understand it and i want to understand with all of my being this seems like it would be very interesting on how you have to beat this i don't get it guys i really want to figure this one out i want to see how it works so i'm going to leave the level code in the description of this video if you guys can figure out how to beat this one let me know how it's done it's probably something super simple that i'm overlooking like always but yeah try this one out see how you get this how do you beat this one it has something to do with the thwomp i get that but i don't quite realize what i am intended to do so please someone get it off the edge clear board let me know how it goes next we're going to check out willy's freaking castle who's willy you know i've been asking that question for years especially when there's that phrase fire at will who the heck is will okay oh it's a 20 second speed oh excuse me ma'am [Music] i am extremely confused as to does this does this make sense to anybody watching oh oh i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it [Music] oh do i get it i'm not saying it's gonna be easy but i get it it's kind of a unique setup it pushes your brain meat and your thumb meat dude and i for one appreciate that [Music] wow wowzers [Music] oh did not know what to expect there okay he's gotta jump immediately okay okay i'm gonna be a platform and what is trick in the book and i i took the bait hard [Music] okay don't hit that top [Music] oh my gosh dude this level i appreciate i appreciate them the minor trolls in it dude this level's awesome okay i take it i take it i take it all back take everything every every nice thing [Music] okay there we go back to the key door come on come on oh that was so oh come on that feels solid go in the door you dinkus thank you thank you for cooperating [Music] yes that level was amazing oh that was so good oh that was so good i loved it i loved it i loved it please tell me we got the first clear please fingers crossed we got it we got tight timer willie's freaking castle was really freaking fun next up let's take a look at swamp stomp five thwomp steps steppies steps i had how do you say that deeps i'm still trying to figure out how to pronounce that last word okay here we go oh oh sign me up baby i am all in on this one okay i don't think that's necessarily how i was supposed to do it but this looks fun there we go there we go down the hatch oh gosh we're somehow alive oh that is so oh zay can you say all right i'm feeling good here my gosh the hecking djr curse it's a real real thing friends oh my you have to long jump at like that's a really really heck and precise long jump i am thoroughly enjoying this level however all right couple reverse bljs still too soon still too soon all right come on reverse blj reverse dude okay so maybe it's instant maybe it's an instant long maybe i don't want to wait at all just instant reverse blj that's it it was in oh you rap scallion putting that swamp there at the end let's go checkpoint city it is a beautiful city that checkpoints today that that's gonna be one of the worst deaths in mario it's kind of more let's think about this that's seriously gotta be one of the worst ways mario can experience death in these games there's lava that you can fall into there's there's a lot of stuff oh oh spikes but getting crushed by a three-ton chunk of rock has got to be one of the worst this level is really flipping good though like no not even joking this level is really good okay [Music] i should have seen that coming but i didn't [Music] okay back at this part here man hopefully we don't need to keep the power up do we need to keep the power up still [Laughter] the answer is yes you do truly this is one of the most fun uncleared levels i've i've ever played and it requires really precise platforming and also quick thinking i just really appreciate how well done this level is uh jump there we go there we go gonna have to ground pound [Music] oh all right we're back at this part we gotta just hold ground pound the whole time oh my gosh this is so challenging and i love it far and away some of the best swamp usage i have seen in mario maker 2 a lot of people obviously use swamps as just trolls to try and um hinder your progress which happens in this one too but it's also used in the platforming which i just love it i love it obviously i'd love it more if i could play a little bit better but i mean it's me we're talking about here no oh man that that jump right there is trickier than it looks it really is now this part coming up i'm kind of unsure on what if i just do that okay [Music] what i gotta i gotta get my bearings here do i just wanna jump all right here we go got an idea that was that was not it was not my idea okay here's what up that works [Laughter] i should have seen a giant swamp i mean there's a thwomps everywhere in this level how did i not foresee that obviously my foresight is lacking black luster kind of like oh gosh okay i gotta time this right gotta time this right take my time here there we go whoa no my goodness we are so close to either second checkpoint or victory i'm guessing it's just second checkpoint we'll see though this creator might have run out of thwomps though so maybe maybe that is the end of the level regardless this seriously has been one of my favorite uncleared levels i've ever played it's been so much fun okay down [Music] yes spin yes yes oh that's so scary i didn't want to die there let's go i think this is the end i think this is the end what's the hecking oh you but if i would have died there if i would have died there oh my gosh i got a clap for that one that one was so good like i said truly one of my favorite unclear levels that i've played and this has been a long series filled with lots of levels that one's definitely getting a heart from me i gotta take a look at action man and see his other uploaded courses here is there any wow this man enjoys swamps these are they're all swamp related well not all of them but action man has like a bunch of levels dedicated to swamps all of them seem to have clears thus far i just got lucky and played one that didn't have a clear yet dad gum it man they all have clears i just got lucky and got the last unclear level by action man it's a shame i don't know let me see when the last time action man uploaded so it hasn't been that long ago action man uploaded about two months ago i really hope to see more of action man's levels because that was that was really fun and i highly encourage you to uh definitely check this creator out alright friends it's been several episodes since we last dove deep into the uncleared archives and you all know i love trying to get the last uncleared levels off the unclear board so let's see what levels go to the very bottom and see what levels mario maker is throwing at us that are last in their archives if you will so going to the very bottom it looks like we've made it to august of 2019. so we've gotten rid of june we've gotten it of july it looks like the oldest levels left are in august honestly i think that's a testament to you friends who have taken on this mission of trying to leave no levels left uncleared in this game we're slowly slowly whittling away at them alright friends the very last level in the archive is called mario in smash a brief history of mario characters and super smash brothers let's go ahead and fire it up and uh see what's going on so i haven't played super smash since the game first came out but i heard there was big controversy that mario got like killed by sephiroth or something in the release trailer i would like to see that oh gosh okay all right we gotta yo sorry yoshi egg okay looks like we have to eat a hammer got it there we go i wonder if we can cheese this at all i think we should try and cheese this should we go for a yolo what the hey we don't get to do this too often let's put on the yolo bowl though let's uh let's give it a big old run and jumpy yes yes it worked a little bit of cheese a little bit of cheese goes a lot wait what where's the keys at where's the key at oh there's the key so we have two keys now two keys let's go i actually still have my yellow i still have my yolo bowl low on okay thank you okay there we go let's go down the pipe i got to take the yolapolo off really quickly what is this now we have a bowser fight got a bowser fight got a bowser fight y'all okay got another key [Music] we got a red yoshi red is just i love it okay we could okay we cannot yolo we cannot go for a second yolo here uh all right i'm just you can sometimes get through there with some precise jumping but we we couldn't okay thanks for the mushroom okay so we need we need the koopa car here oh oh my gosh that was so scary i thought we were dead honestly i'm not sure how this um has anything to do with the history of smash brothers but okay whatever this creator says i the creator's taking some creative liberties here if that wasn't the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen i truly don't know what is i can't believe that just a chain chomp comes flying out dude sadly i don't have the fire flower this time so we got to take one one pepper shot at a time here a big old bowser daddy this time we know what to expect when we go to this key door let's get out of the oh there's is that is that literally the end of the day this is the end of the level and i'm guessing this is uh signifying that piranha plant is in smash but wait a second i don't think piranha plant was in smash when this level was released this level was released august 18 2019. never mind we're good the piranha plant was released february 1st 2019. i thought build-a-rama maybe had like an uncle who worked at nintendo and was telling everybody piranha plant was in smash and no one saw it alright friends we have time to get one last level off the uncleared board and i'm trying to pick which one there's several ones that look interesting this one looks interesting this one looks interesting this one looks interesting uh let's just go with this one i don't know something's calling something's beckoning me towards this level saying clear me oh all right friends anything hidden here at the start anything at all doesn't seem like it we just have a but no way [Music] i now see why this level was beckoning us to clear it so badly it all pecking makes sense okay spring city here nothing we can really do gotta go fast here all right so oh i just noticed the timer too nice nice nice there's a timer guys just notice there's a timer beautiful okay when is it going to make a sudden move you know it's going to make a sudden turn at some point there it is when's the next sudden turn there we go okay have i mentioned how much i hate i hate these oh my gosh okay okay all right we're learning we're learning we might not beat it this time but we'll know or next [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we'll take it we'll take it that's all that's all i can say about that one all right one more level one more level one more level let's check out this one this one was the second most interesting to me let's let's let's try this one really quick all right friends here we go we have an ominous pipe we can go down or we have a claw as claw daddy you give me a claw i'm all over it okay okay so far so good this honestly isn't bad at all not bad kids where did that blooper come from okay i want to see what's down in this pipe is this just like an alternate path is this an alternate path here hmm now i'm debating which way should we go which one leads to the true glory ending there might be two endings but only one ending is worth the glory in my opinion okay there we go it must not be that one all right friends let's try this out again huge jump there [Music] that was awesome that ending with the bonsai pills was actually that was some pretty fun jumping there uh that wasn't bad that was not bad i'm happy we got the first clear we got two more older levels off that unclear board baby all right my friends and there you have it that's another unclear levels episode wrapped up and in the books we got several more off the iron clear board including that really super fun thwomp stage in two more really old two of the oldest levels left unclear to mario maker 2. as i always say feel free to join in these efforts friends and it's because of your efforts that we are now into august as the oldest levels left uncleared in mario maker 2. so big shout outs to you guys let's keep it going but for now we're going to wrap it up thank you guys so much for watching hope you have a great rest of your day and until next time take [Music] you
Channel: DGR
Views: 404,203
Rating: 4.9339409 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, mario maker 2 new courses, new courses, new courses mario maker, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, lil kirbs, lilkirbs, lilkirbs mario maker, lil kirbs mario maker
Id: pV-yy26bR3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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