One of the best EDC's ever?

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today's video will be a quick one um about uh a blade that i think uh was really popular for a while um i think it's it's a popular blade that's been reviewed a gazillion times but i wanted to make a quick video of one i actually really appreciate um you know i've been carrying a lot in a lot of my videos lately at least the knife ones have been dealing with um uh you know otfs and you know 200 to 300 350 knives stuff like that and these are great you know the quality the microtech ultra techs the heretics are amazing i've got a couple heretics i've got some uh i got a cleric i've got the vespas which are really nice i've had hoags um you know with different size and flavors and stuff like that that's the manticore x with the recurve uh stonewash blade kind of like almost like a bronzed blade and they're great knives the quality they're fun to fiddle with and stuff but i just started thinking about you know there's things you carry and there's things you like and they're fitted with and they're all usable right they're all tools you can use any of these and and stuff but for me personally and some people go oh you're being stupid you know they'll show me like a 500 combat shoot on that just beat the [ __ ] and it is a workhorse you couldn't use it and you can do that part of me though has a hard time i'm not afraid to admit uh has a hard time like really you know using this as a hard use knife and stuff because i'm like it is you know 300 something dollars and you want it to kind of look nice and a few you know blemishes here and there adds character and stuff but i i don't want to you know chip up the edge and and get the blade all loose and wobbly and stuff like that so i i i carry it and i use it for light tasks but i start thinking about what if i needed it for a heavier duty task would i use it if i had to of course it's a tool it's quality it's made to do that but i started thinking about you know maybe i should thin down the herd on the otfs and stuff and sell some of those and recoup some of the money keep one or two of the coolest ones um but uh you know maybe going back to the more heavy duty folder is it a little bit more utilitarian maybe aren't as cool um but you know that are probably better you know moderate use knives that if you scratch your neck up you know um they'll take a little bit more of a beating so i was looking through you know some of my knives and seeing you know which ones i really like the best and stuff out of i've got a lot of folders and you know i came up with my favorites you know i've got the para military 2 by spyderco real fast opening very light love the compression lock nice loose blade you can drop it right in one-handed um got a great blade i think it's s s35vn or s30v it's one of those oh no this one's cp yeah s30v so we got s30v so good blade um finger choil nice ramp here where you could really choke up on that and it's not just jimping but the way that it ramps like that if you had to really push that into something and pierce something like this is a really good all-purpose tactical whatever you want to call it but i've got some others that i actually really like um two of them are steel well one is the tasso which has an ant lock which is not a copy of it's their own design there are some differences even though the actuator looks similar although it's going in a perpendicular direction to the axis lock from benchmade the way that it works is actually quite a bit different so it's not a copy at all um and that one has a nice blade on it again usable finger toil uh jimping with just a slight ramp very good knife i think i paid 160 for this um i paid 155 for that at the blade show a couple years ago and then i've got the first blade show i went to i got another steel wheel this is the mini gecko and these i think are like around 180ish or something they might have crept up in price and that's a good these are all in that three and a half inch ish blade length some tiny bit over maybe a tiny bit over uh under on the other but they're all right in that three um three and a half inch blade size this has a micarta contour contoured hand uh handle it's got the stainless steel liners in there it is a lot a lock back so it's back here but it's you have to really kind of get your finger down in there it's not something that just squeezing it this way is really going to unlock so i do feel pretty secure thrusting that and again nice ramp no finger choil but the way this curves out you got a nice grip it doesn't want to slip in your hand beautiful blade you do kind of need it close it two-handed and so i was just thinking about you know which would i carry and you know if i banged them up would i care and it's like maybe not as much as the otfs because these are you know a half or two-thirds of the price of these but i was thinking you know what's like the best all-around and i think is my my wife's one of her sons was talking about knives and stuff and i was making some suggestions to him if you wanted otfs you know to go with i've got an ultratech for sale and i've got one of these with a dagger blade i'm going to sell um but if you know if i started thinking about folding knives like what's the best bang for the buck folding knife that you could use it you know for defense if you had to it's decent materials it would hold up to abuse um great slicer great piercer basically it was kind of like a do everything pocket knife that was heavy duty enough that if you had to if you had to really get into it it wouldn't fall apart or bend and snap on you um but also not spending hundreds of dollars that if you did lose it if you were on a boat with it and you dropped it in the lake all right it sucks but it's not the end of the world you're not losing a couple hundred three hundred dollars or something like you would here and so you know steel wheels got some some less expensive uh knives they're in the 40 50 60 range i've got a bunch of them um there's the raven ii made by bird byrd which is um a subsidiary of spyderco also there's the spyderco tenacious which uses uh lesser steel but a similar design to this but it uses a conventional liner lock and stuff and tenacious i would say is probably one of the best bangs for the buck if you wanted like a decent brand knife that would hold up and decent warranty and stuff like that that was one-handed opening you could close one-handed i think probably the tenacious for that sub 50 60 is is gonna be probably your best bang for the buck but for a couple bucks more this is a knife i had had years ago and i just totally forgotten about um and i recently bought another one and this is the kershaw blur designed by ken onion he has a lot of cool designs he's kind of a legend in the knife world got to meet him and talk to him for about 15 minutes at the blade show a couple years ago really nice dude and i'll tell you why this 75 bucks it has the speed assist so for states that don't allow whether it be out the front or side loading automatics um you can go ahead and uh you can use these because it's assisted um you have to just get it started and then there's a torsion bar i believe uh is what it's called that starts at the rest of the blade the rest of the way out so you don't have to flick it but you do it's a manual there's no button to press it's not holding back there's the the blade right here is not in any spring to under any tension so it's not considered an automatic you're not pushing a button to release that spring tension and fly open it's stupid law but it works the same way you i mean in the end but that's fine it's a loop whether it's a loophole or just the way they wrote the law the point is these are legal in pretty much all 50 states so if there's no spring tension in fact if i were to move it here there's there's really not even any tension here there's just a little bit of a torsion bar that only pushes between here and here back here nothing so you're basically getting it started and then it hits that torsion bar so even there it's not flinging open and then it gives it that little push um this i don't know what the steel is it's the it's the it might be like eight or nine cr mov or you know whatever those steels are i don't keep up on all that stuff um you can get these if you look around in s30v um it might cost about 10 15 bucks might push it closer to 90. but for 75 bucks um real easy to sharpen you know if you've got like one of these little lamps lansky ceramic rod things so if you curl the edge on i haven't i typically don't have to put a new edge on a blade because i'm not you know destroying the edge uh most of the time it's just it gets dull over time you notice the edge gets curled more to one side and it doesn't slice as well you just give it a few zips through that ceramic rod brings it right back up but i'm told that this is a decent steel it's not a premium steel this is uh i don't freaking know one of these this one i think is like steel wheel i know this was like n690co or something and this is going to be that i believe as well um this is s35vn this one is s35vn so those are all more premium steels maybe not a super seal like lmax but it's it's premium steel this is going to be more in your budget range but still decent blade steel for a pocket knife but what i really like about it is it is aluminum so you've got a nice strong doesn't flex um you're not going to snap it it's not going to crack like plastic or anything if you really give it some some some torque so it's a nice sturdy design while being lightweight it also has these inserts that give you almost like a skateboard tape it's like knurled rubber so it really gives you a nice grip even when wet um nice strong liner lock nice blade that drop point very good for piercing but also it's got a bit of belly to it and recurve to it so it's a great little slicer the blade stock's fairly thick um it's not you know crazy thick but it's right up there with you know a lot of you know decent stout knives about the same as that so but uh give the blur a chance it's been out forever and i think it's one of those knives that people who are fans of them are really fans of them but a lot of people and i don't know if they give it much thought i mean i hadn't given it much thought probably in seven or eight years um but then i was like you know what would make just a great pocket knife that i could carry anywhere and if i lost it i you know i don't want to lose it i want to lose 75 bucks but i'd rather lose that than 150 or 330 or whatever i paid for that or 180 or something for this so give the blur a chance that's a really good knife it opens what's cool about it is that with that assisted opening i mean the spyderco is very fast but this is even faster and it's on par with like an automatic look how fast that blade comes out and you look at that it is a blur it's a really cool knife and you can close it one-handed if you practice a little bit obviously not as easy as a bench made access lock or you know the spider co where you just kind of push the button and folds in this one you can if you give it a little bit of a swing so those all close one-handed a little bit easier but man that thing just opens as fast as pretty much any automatic that i have and nice stout blade no blade play nothing side to side nothing front to back um blade centering i mean damn near spot on i mean that's pretty much perfect so right out of the box it is super sharp very nice edge from the factory can't complain there i haven't even felt the need to sharpen it but give the blurs a chance give them a give them a look if it's a knife you sort of gotten forgotten by time it's one of those classics that uh you just don't hear about anymore because everyone's always talking about the newer bigger better thing um but for like the perfect edc that kind of gives you a good grip could use it defensively you can use a heavy duty it's a strong blade check out the blur
Channel: SquireSCA
Views: 32
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: EDC, Knife, Folder, Assisted, Kershaw, Blur, OTF, Heretic, Manticore X, Steel Will, Spyderco, Para2, Paramilitary 2, Gekko, Tasso
Id: ki3DpeXe06A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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