Blade-Tech holster review

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all right today one of the things i want to talk about real quick was just holsters i ended up getting a new holster i've been struggling to find a good one for uh the glock 29. um i bought one uh it was a phobos which i normally like um big fan of the fobus holsters some people don't like them i like them because they're simple and i can just slip it on click it into my belt pop it off without having to remove the belt and stuff like that adjustable retention this is a glock 19 gen 5. nothing in there um and so this is like your standard you know type of holster the original ones um are kind of uh they were kind of flimsy and the plastic wasn't as robust they didn't look as nice um i probably should have grabbed one out of the closet hold on one second i'll keep talking as i grab one here because i do have one and it looks like this so this is the first you know kind of generation of phobos and they work um the guns will click in and stuff like that but you know the plastic i don't know to me they're just kind of riveted together there's no adjustable tension or anything like that the back is the same um so the glock that's one i've got for the glock 29 um it seems to work you know okay but i wanted to give another one a try before i get into the one i tried going back to the glock 19. so this is the updated one this is called their elite so you can see it's got adjustable tension it's just molded nicer and you can see them side by side it's just a nicer looking um i feel like it's it's a little stronger um and the gun draws nice and easily and you can adjust that tension so i'll have it in there to where you know it's secure enough that if i'm bouncing around you know if i had to run across the yard or ride my motorcycle and hit a pothole you know it's not going to pop out or anything like that it still takes a good deliberate movement but you can adjust it just to kind of where you want so it's in that perfect um perfect tension whereas with the original series it kind of is what it is and it might be super stiff and then loosen up over time and you've really got no way to adjust it so i like the phobus elites um fortunately they don't make one for the glock 29 um and so i tried uh only one i could get really was that classic one so we'll bring out what i did settle on it's the blade tech and we'll go over it in a minute so here is my glock 29 unloaded although there's a mag it has bullets but we're not going to rack the slide going forward i want it there just so i can get that pinky on there so that you know it works but it kind of wiggles around a little bit and as i said there's no way to adjust it but this holster does work but i was on facebook the other day and saw an ad for blade tech going by and i figured all right you know let me let me go check out their their holsters so went to blade tech found one for i think it was 29 bucks or something like that um these things are like 22 bucks for 23 bucks i think the phobos elite for here again same same price range around 25 bucks or so somewhere in that range i can get them off amazon and i would have preferred to be honest a paddle holster and so i'm gonna look at some of my other holsters i have a box of guns i no longer have and see if i've got a paddle that will bolt up to this bolt pattern here and see if i can put a paddle on there but this is it kind of intrigued me this is kind of neat and so we'll go into how this works this has adjustment screws so the first one kind of more adjusts the tension on the trigger guard and then if there's any additional player wiggle this kind of clamps down in the front um to prevent the gun from flopping around so here very little play as opposed to the fobus holster that clicks in and it tensions here see all that movement you can hear that moving around so the blade tech already a little nicer that little rattling you're hearing is for some reason when you only have 10 rounds a 10 millimeter in there when it's because when you put it in here when it catches the slide catch um it pushes that top round down just a little bit and for some reason then the magazine rattles if it's only got if i chamber around so there's only nine in there it doesn't do that when i take it out it doesn't do that it's really weird it's only when i have 10 rounds in the mag and it's in the gun so anyway that rattling is not the holster so the holster it does retain it nice so what's also cool about this is this locking mechanism they call it their tech lock and what's neat about it is that yes you can adjust it there's actually one two three four five six seven different screws and i'll show you when i pop this up you'll see the pattern and you can adjust this for forward cant you can move it up you can move it down you can move it all around you can also adjust this for the width of the belt so it's also got a slight curve to it so it'll kind of conform to your hip so kind of a cool design and you can adjust all of this well at least part of this you can adjust the belt part without any tools you take this little piece right here you flip that down and then you pinch these two things side tabs in and that opens right up and so you have these spacers here and see how there's like different slots so you can adjust these spacers for the width of your belt so there's no slop the belt will just slide in and kind of snug up without a lot of up and down movement or letting it do that it'll kind of lock it in that channel um whereas if this was up here and i had a one and three quarter inch belt and i had it adjusted for the two inch wide it would allow the to do that but when it's kind of slapped in that channel it's not going to want to do that much if you've got a good stiff gun belt so you can adjust this to the exact width of your belt so that it kind of locks it right in place and then you've got these screws here and there's the other ends inside these holes inside the holster there you can probably pick up some of those i'm not sure because it's black on black there if you can see it but um that will allow you to adjust the cant so i've got mine set for kind of a you know forward 15 to 18 degree cant something like that and then all you do is once you've locked in your screws and got it set you've set your bet your belt width now when i say the width you can also move this these to this side and so as long as the channel is where you want but what that does is i have it down low which will let this sit a little bit lower on the belt if you wanted to maybe you liked it up a little bit higher on your side if that's how you prefer to draw or you feel like moving it up a quarter or half an inch will make it so that maybe you don't have it poking out the bottom of your shirt or something like that if that's a concern you could move those to the top so either way you can move these around and you've got two of them so i could put one here and move it down and then one up there but you can only you can adjust the width but then you can move it up and down as well to change where it sits on your belt i have it adjusted so that this will come as down as far on the belt as possible if you mount it up it does sit higher but then you move the weight up higher from that point and it'll wanna you know the weight of the gun and the because the magazine is going to be up here you're going to want it it's going to want to do this more so i feel by putting it here it'll be more balanced and mitigate it want to move stat that you know away from my body and stuff like that so that's why i've done it that way but really cool i mean you can adjust that once you got it adjusted where you want you simply snap that into place and then you flip that up and now you can't pull those things in they're physically blocking it so it locks it in place so you need the tools to you know which is really just a phillips screwdriver to adjust your cant but everything else you just pop these out put the spacers in you want slap it in flip it up and you're good to go and then of course you need the same phillips screwdriver just to adjust your tension this one kind of locks down your trigger that's where your actual retention and then if you want to take a little bit of the play out and you know if you had your gun if you felt it moving a little bit um you can close that one down a little bit which would kind of pinch the front of the gun and prevent some of that play so i'll keep playing with that to get it exactly where i want but that's the blade tech with the what they call their tech lock tek lok something like that so kind of weird spelling so i'm going to start carrying this just to see how i like that um and i'm also going to look and see if there is a paddle holster if you prefer belt slide um and in some ways the belt slide holster might be a little bit more um a little bit more i don't want to say secure but you know some i guess what some people say about the paddle holsters is well if someone goes and grabs this you know or you could conceivably grab it and pull it and you pull the whole holster off and so someone could like you know grab your gun in holster well if you have it on a belt slide someone could still grab your gun and that's probably going to be the more important part anyway but um i don't know i've i've never had that happen um this tends to lock in pretty well and that also comes down to your adjustment you know you got to play with it you might say well i want it really secure well if that tension is so much that it overcomes the ability you know the ability for this to grab onto your belt and hang on yeah you could conceivably draw that so that's kind of on you to make sure that you adjust it properly um what i found with these is they tend to stay in place really well i've tried ripping the thing out doing fast draws and stuff like that and just yanking it out and it's never once pulled the paddle out in fact when i have to take it off if this was on my belt i typically have to kind of twist it and move i could twist it like that to then move it out um there's a pretty good shelf and and ability there to that hook there tends to grab it could conceivably happen and really with this it i mean it can't you know that is locked onto your belt and that's where it stays so you will have to take your belt on and off to use that but that might be a little bit more secure so that is the blade tech um with the tech lock and uh that's the fobus elite those are kind of my favorite holsters other people like inside the waistband it doesn't mean one's better than the other these are like a lot of things are personal preference i like the convenience of just slapping this in and going i don't have to worry about any kind of corrosion or anything like that i can throw it in the washing machine if i was out on the atv and got muddy or sweaty or gunky or whatever um same thing with this but uh that's kind of interesting so i thought that was pretty cool wanted to show how that worked and uh i'll be uh carrying this gun with that a little bit just to see uh how the comfort is
Channel: SquireSCA
Views: 30
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Fobus, Holster, Paddle, Tek-Loc, 9mm, 10mm
Id: 64aiHaFBtGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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