One of my worst mistakes // Paul Brodie's Shop

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hi i'm paul brodie we're back in my  shop nothing unusual about that so   mitch behind the camera i'm in front of the camera i have a story i think it's a pretty good story we  have a viewer he lives in in calgary alberta his   name is jim he sent me an email and uh he asked me  if i'd like some wrenches old worth wrenches and   of course working on the cub and things like that  i said sure so he pops them in the mail and then   a few days later i go out to my mailbox and i can  see something lying on the ground something is not   right and what's on the ground i quickly realized  is the packaging this is the packaging handwritten   note from jim and i realized that someone's been  in my mailbox and they've taken the wrenches   but they also left a knife and the knife is  engraved it's a nice knife it says dispenser   love dad so i'm thinking right away spencer left  his knife so i phoned the rcmp i get a call back   from constable arnold and i tell him about this  knife that i found from spencer he says oh no   a thief wouldn't leave his own knife at  the scene it's got to be a stolen knife   and i said well what about if i put a sign on the  box offering to do a swap so that's what i did i   made up a sign and i put it on the box and it was  out there rain shine for a couple weeks and then   about a week ago i get a text late at night and  it's the person who has the wrenches and he's   apologetic he says that he was in a bad state of  mind and uh he's very sorry for what he did he   will never do anything like that ever again he  doesn't want to get hurt he doesn't want to get   handed over to the police so i wrote back and  i said fine i'll put the knife in the mailbox   and you come by and you make the swap so he says  okay and he says i don't get off work tomorrow   until three o'clock so that was a monday so i  wait all day monday and nothing happens there's no   there's no swap made so the next day i text him  again i said your knife is still in my mailbox   nothing's going to happen to you make the swap i  was really kind of i felt a little bit forceful   he writes back right away he's  apologizing for not doing it so anyway   the upshot of that was i got the wrenches and  these uh you know some of these are up to 50   years old and it's really nice of of jim to send  these to me so thank you jim got the wrenches look what i got people have been sending me things   i have been shopping on ebay so  let's let's see what we've got okay oh a petcock that'll come in handy for the gas  tank that's nice we'll save the big one till bob   and this one here a speedometer cable that'll be really  nice on my new speedo that's nice it's got a little bit of weight to it oh this is chrome it's my new kickstarter i think it came out of the us it's new old  stock so that'll be pretty nice though there   we go that's how it fits right there i need the  cotter pin i don't have the cotter pin yet so   we'll get that we'll get a cotter  pin i got some painting done   almost two dozen pieces here are all all prepped  primed mounted and i want you to notice that   everything is mounted even even a little  fender mount goes on a piece of wood like that   so everything has has to be mounted so when you're  painting the actual spray painting happens really   quick in comparison all the work goes into the  prep the bee blasting the masking the mounting   everything gets mounted so here's a foot peg now  i've got these these are all all fork blades from   when i was in the bicycle business so this is  a if you want to know this is a u-brake boss   and so that's how the foot peg gets mounted  on an old fork blade with a u-brake boss   so that's what i've been up to i was in the  spray booth yesterday so i need to paint   it i need to sand it now and then it's  all going to be black with a clear coat   so let's go back to the bench and i'll show  you the first thing we're going to do today   can you see this bearing race can you see how it's  all worn right there in the bicycle world this is   known as a a crown race in the motorcycle world  i'm not sure if it's also called the crown race   i'm sure one of the viewers is going to confirm or  deny so this has to come off you can take a chisel   and wedge it in on each side and move it up but  that's not very nice because you make marks and   i don't like doing that so we're going to go over  to the mill and i'm going to show you my technique maybe you can see what we're  doing i'm not going to say much and thank you for all the coffees we appreciate it so i drilled a couple eighth inch holes here   i've got a a punch which is a little smaller  than an eighth of an inch let's see what happens i i feel something moving there we go isn't that a nice way to take  off a crown race that's what it's called   so all i do is to is is to smooth out  that and i did no no damage whatsoever   and then this is this is the new one it's well  it's a used one but it's in much better shape so well that's good that's one thing done okay why  don't we talk about the exhaust last episode we   made a markup out of cardboard so i'm going to  show you some things over here well i'll bring   them over here you don't have to move mitch it's  okay on our last episode we i made a cardboard   template and this is the radius of the bend it's  two and a quarter inch and then a six inch bin   so i went through all my scraps and  amazingly i found a six inch bend that i had   inch and a quarter i didn't have the small  bin the small radius so what i've done   this actually goes i can show you right here  this goes into the cylinder head so that it's   located and then this is where the foot  peg is we've got this in the way right now   so anyway what this is is a mock-up of  the exhaust pipe because i had to know   uh angles and things like that because i got  to get some bending done and then this is the   muffler i've made marks here what i did is i  i took my three inch tube it's stainless steel   i made some inserts out of plywood  so then i could just slide this on   it's mock-up that's all it is there we go like  that and then i made some some felt pen mark   here because so that i know where it goes because  i had to know where the kickstart was was coming   down so that's all good and i made a clamp why i'm  showing you this partly is because i made a clamp   out of stainless steel so this goes on like  that but i'm not really happy with this clamp   because it's made out of this here this  is a piece of stainless steel which is uh   it got sheared so it doesn't go flat  so what's happening here is that it's kind of hard to see but it it actually  raises up a little bit and this isn't high enough   i decided that when this was on the bike i didn't  like how there wasn't a whole lot of meat in there   so i i want to make another clamp so i think  we'll just do that now and then you can see   how i make a clamp and i want the it's kind  of hard to see the radius but there's a slight   radius here i want it to be the other way so we  want this to be more so we're going to cut it now we're gonna we're gonna  bend it right about there it bends pretty easy okay okay this a piece of pipe is   smaller than this but it's easy to open  this up this is not that hard hard to bend see how it's a little smaller but then i just open  it up a little bit like that see that's fitting   fairly well now see how there's a gap right there  so i just open that up a little bit just by hand there we go okay so we have  to bend it around a bit more now it's looking a bit strange so i want the bend to be about i think about right there so i'm going to open this up again okay oh not bad i'll do it this way and then  you can look down and see how the gap   is you want a little bit of a gap so it gets  some compression happening wait look at that   that's gonna work that's gonna work fine okay so i'll set the combination square at half inch and if you go from one side and then the  other if it's out a little bit you just go halfway   and split the difference so you can see  how there's a couple little lines there   so we're gonna go right about there now we have to match match these  up and i'll show you how i hold it so that's what i want i want a larger circle there my bench has become a little messy again so that's what it looks like i like it more than this one here   this one it didn't come up high enough  so this is the new improved version okay this is on on the tiger  cub this is the side stand mount   and you can see how large this piece is here this  is the other side and it was a foot peg mount   and if i put them side by side can you see well  it's kind of hard to see this one goes up more   so i'm going to give you a little slideshow  because mitch wasn't here to film all this   so i'm going to show you how i modified this one  and it ended up looking like so it was a little   bit of work so get ready for a slideshow here's  what it it looked like to start with and i made a   a felt pen mark that's where it would get cut and  see here there's a bunch of lumpy stuff too from   the factory so i put it up in the mill it's got  some rivets going through it i milled those out   and then i used my large torch and i took it all  apart i've cleaned up this part here i i welded   on an inch tube so i could hold it somehow and i  cleaned all that up and then i i cleaned up the   plate as well then i i braised it back on so i did  a little nicer than the original factory brazing   then i went to the lathe i took some inch od it  was cold rolled and i bought a taper od and id   is a taper and then i welded that on filed it all  down then i decided that it wasn't long enough so   i made up an extension that went inside and  this is how it fits on the bike you can see   here's the muffler clamp and then there's a piece  that comes across there it's got a thread inside   of that so i'm just marking it up to see how it  all fits can you see here how this hole is way out   now because the angle came up i wanted the angle  of the mount to match the angle of the muffler   so that's why this got moved up i have to fix that  it's all tig welded up now that's looking good so   then i made a mark with a felt pen because i'm  going to go to the bandsaw and cut a section out   and bend that back bean to the bandsaw and then  i held this part here in the vise and i took a   hammer and i i tapped it and it came down and  that fitted really well so i tig welded it up   and that's what it looks like on the bike  i added some braids here so that it it's   a nicer transition so that's basically how i  modified that mount that was a bit of work that   was at least one day's work trying to figure  out how to do that here is a tire cub frame   and swing arm i've taken off the what i call  the subframe on the back that holds the shocks   and the fender and all that and i was reading  in the in the hanes manual that it's not easy   removing the swing arm you need a press so what  i did yesterday i made up a couple tools this is   a driver i think that's that's the word you would  use and i made it so that it fits into the thread   and then this is the right size on the other side  if you're going to use the hydraulic press well   mitch thought we were going to use the arbor  press so why don't we go try the arbor press   just to see if it will come out and the reason  i'm taking it out is because i have to spray   paint it and i have to bead blast if i bead  blast all the grits going to go down into into   the bearings here all the bushings it actually  it turns really nicely and there's no play so   i assume that the bushings in the shaft are in in  good condition so let's go to the auburn press now   and just see how tight that is that would be great  if it came out in the overpress but i don't know oh just fit look at that just just fits okay  well see i'm not in the best position here   either this is better if it's like this  i don't get i don't get a whole lot of i think we got to go to the hydraulic press my  three-ton arbor press is not up to the job today there we go okay here we go oh well that's just the paint coming it looked  like a crack and that was the paint coming off   let's have a look and see what's going on so it's uh it's coming out it looks like it's okay it's  just really really tight oh there we go i think that's as far down as the ram goes i think i hope i didn't damage the  frame but we'll find out it's pretty solid let me see something where's my bernier okay so we'll  have to put it back in the other way i can't believe i screwed up like that okay so this piece yeah you can see where it's a different size  so i might have i might have hurt the frame   that's very unfortunate because i measured the  outside what i thought was the shaft and it was   an inch so this is 15 16. i thought i had the  clearance but i didn't so and things were going   so well today they really were so i have to  machine this down in the lathe because this is like seven eight see see this  is what i did i'll show you   look at that now it doesn't turn anymore so there's something like a bushing see right  there i thought because this was all flush   and i measured that and i got an inch  you see an inch so that's why i thought   that that that's how big the shaft was but i  screwed up and it's not it's there's something   something there that's so oh boy  okay i'm going to machine this   down or find a piece of 7 8 something like  that actually it's got to be smaller than 7 8. okay let's see what damage has been done   okay oh it's split look at that oh the worst thing well that's not what i wanted at  all that's so stupid because i because i measured the wrong piece so my fault on the plus side the shaft is in really nice shape  look at that it's beautiful it's not worn at all so now i just have to fix my frame that was  not my intention at all i looked in the manual   last night there's nothing about the sizes or  anything they give you very little information   they just tell you that it's a difficult job and  especially when you when your driver is too big okay so what can i say it was behind i couldn't  see it and i i mean once it starts we've had lunch we talked about it i thought  about it not very happy at all about what   i did to that other frame that was a bad  mistake but i do have another frame here   it's got some rough spots up here but we're  gonna take this apart and now that we've got   all the proper drivers we'll take out the swim  see see this swing arm here it's got a little   bit can you can you see the play you can actually  hear the movement wait see it moving right there so anyway this one's worn but   but the frame is intact so man i feel that was  that's my worst mistake i think in a long time   very bad anyway life goes on and i do have  another frame so we'll just make it work well it's 62 years old this frame so  who knows what stories it can tell there we go so i wanted to show you on this frame  here one of the reasons i didn't want to use this   frame see all this someone's done some welding or  something here i don't know what's going on there   so that's gonna have to be looked at   but let's go take a part of swing on now now  that we know what to do we'll see how that goes and that's how it was supposed to work okay very bad mistake very bad little  sharp that's in nice shape there we go it all just comes  apart just like just nice and easy i won't forget this day  for a long time bad mistake so i get a second chance i think i'll i'll see  how this frame works out see see look there's even   more welding going on there have to be blasted  and check it out it might have had a rough life just putting one on top of each  other i think they're basically identical frames this one is a 58  this one is a 59 and i don't think   that the frames altered much in those  years so anyway we're going to move on now   on to the next project let me grab them we're  going to work on forks here's a pair of forks   these are the what they call the heavy weight for  oh look at that you can actually hear the movement so see all these marks here on a modern fork or  more more than this this was all hard chromed   but i guess back in the 50s early 60s they didn't  put any chrome on there so these are all marks in   the surface that have to come out because  otherwise the oil seals are going to leak   we have to take off these these are known as the  sleeve nuts can you see how there's a hole there   that's where you have to have a  wrench so i don't have a wrench   i started making one yesterday  so i made i took some   heavy wall seamless can you see how it's the same  size so what we're going to do now we've got a   roll pin it's a 3 16 roll pin so we have to drill  a 3 16 hole can you see how that fits in there   then we're going to weld on a handle  we're we're going to take the forks apart   and see what's inside because looks at the  manual it doesn't really tell you much about   the inside of the forks not much so let's  go uh here i'll i'll do a punch here   then we'll go to the drill press we'll get back on track after my mistake  okay right there let's drill a hole and we want it to go through  enough so that it goes into there there we go that's easy to weld that's not hard so there we go we got a brand  new fork tool for a tiger cub   okay so we're going to see if this custom  tool number 51b is really going to do the job so i assume this is a right hand  thread i don't see any reason why   they would put a left hand thread on there that was pretty nice so we're going to see what's inside these forks   once you take off the sleeve nut that's  what this is called the sleeve nut so all right there's some there's an oil seal  in there you see the oil seal that has to be   has to be taken out and replaced then  we've got some kind of a shim there and i think there we go  look at that it's coming out   okay so this is one of the  bushings there's a bushing here and oh no i guess no okay this is the upper  bushing and the lower bushing is down in here so they're a little bit of a pressed fit there we go there's the lower bushing there we go it's probably mucky  down in there so what i have to do this is not going to happen today i need to sand all this see all these marks  there is no way an oil seal is going to stand up   to that i have to sand all that down smooth  so it's uh it's the same od all along   more or less and then i i gotta make make new  new bronze bushings because if i just sand that   down it's gonna get really sloppy so that's  not gonna happen so this that's how that goes   we'll keep everything in order here so  we know how that goes that goes like that   that goes like that this one i don't know i  don't think it wants to come off right now   i'll work on that okay so that's the  lower bushing oh i know what this is a nut   can you see there's see the little slots there  let's take this off and just see what happens   i'm probably gonna have to make up  a a special wrench there this is this is not happening so yeah i'll make up a  special wrench but i won't do that right now   let's take the other one apart  and see what's going on there so that goes like that actually  there we go there's the washer this is just a spacer all right so there we go we got the forks apart that was basically what was on my list today i  think what we're going to show you someone asked   about what is my exhaust fan looks like it's three  phase five horsepower it's part of a pink spray   booth i didn't really modify the booth at all  it's just a binx spray booth if you watched the   last video okay what we're looking at here is  my air compressor it's a 15 horsepower webster   that i've had since 1988 and i've also  had the spray booth since 1988 and that's   five horsepower three phase motor so it it sucks  thank you very much for watching we appreciate you   tuning in mitch and i like coffee if you buy  us some coffees that would be much appreciated   see you next week i'll try not to  screw up next week and uh you take care well i guess it's got to get welded up raised  up and then it's got to get bored and it's   got to be aligned because otherwise in the  frame's out of alignment that's a bad thing
Channel: paul brodie
Views: 33,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: headtube, jig, fixture, alignment, frame building, framebuilding, steel, tig welding, tig, welding, lathe, metal work, metalwork, mill, filing, custom, surface table, brazing, rod, nickle silver, band saw, aluminum, turning, grinder, grinding, belt sander, shop, motorcycle, triumph, tiger cub, vintage, hydraulic press, hydraulic, crack, break, frame, forks, tool making
Id: Ryq630O-YF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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