One Map - Three Growing Cities | Cities Skylines 2

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hello and welcome back to our sort of realistic North American themed metropolitan area of Riverview this is actually the 10th episode of realview and I'm so happy to see just how much we've been able to grow it into what is starting to feel like a real life metro area in recent episodes we've been focusing on developing massive new infrastructure to meet the ever growing demands of the sprawling city as well as developing this massive cargo port and job center here in the northern outskirts of the metro area and as we check the creatively named Port of Riverview we're approaching 4,000 job positions up here which is really nice and it has helped bring unemployment rates down throughout the entire metro area so as a result of this our effective unemployment rate is really low sitting at around 10% and it's actually falling currently due to new jobs still being spawned throughout the city and if we check the city statistics we will also see that his historically unemployment is now the lowest in absolute terms that it's been for at least the past year these record low levels of Unemployment uh coupled with the fact that the metro area has become very very expensive to live in as you guys can probably see we are plagued by high rents and high mortgage burdens throughout the city has really created an environment with very very strong demand for just about everything but especially residential demand is something we'll need to try and satisfy so that's the theme of today's video we're going to expand the metro area by providing new zoning uh so that there are fresh building lots for people in the city but also by upzoning existing areas and as always if you enjoy my content I would really appreciate a like H and if you don't want to miss out on future content consider subscribing most of my viewers aren't subscribed thanks in advance so we are going to do some pretty big things in an attempt to satisfy some of this demand and just overall grow the metro area and the big biggest thing is probably going to be a pretty substantial revamp of chessnut that I've planned uh essentially taking it from town to city but before we go ahead with that uh as a major change there are a few changes I'd like to make to the main island because like I said we are now 10 episodes into Riverview which I think is is quite cool but it also means that some of these areas they haven't really seen any changes since the very uh beginnings of the city and it's one of the very first cities I started when I got Early Access to S Skylands 2 uh and I think it kind of shows there are at least a few things I want to change we've got uh two neighborhoods here that kind of overlap we've got Orchard Peak and Bedford Gardens and currently they have a quite an interesting mix of density uh so alongside medison Street which is one of the major arterials of the inner city of Riverview we've got lots of medium density developments uh alongside the street which I I I quite like that look and will continue to have something like this in place uh as we move uh just like one layer away from Madison Street onto these smaller Lanes uh the density level drops to a mixture of a few medium density houses a ton of brow housing and even some very very nice uh older low density houses in between I don't mind the area it looks all right but I think there are a couple things I'd like to change uh one of them being that the the street layout right now is perhaps a little boring at places I think we can spice it up and make it a bit more interesting uh but more importantly I want to compress the street layout a bit because I think that there's there's quite a bit of distance between these Lanes here and it is very much an old inner city area of of Riverview or at least it's supposed to be so I kind of feel that if we're going to go for these Lanes here that are kind of narrow uh then at least I want want them to be much more compressed I want the city blocks basically to be smaller and then have uh continue to have bro housing developments but have smaller Lots because uh these these guys have pretty extensive back lots and I'm sure that's nice but I don't really think it it fits given the density that we now have in downtown Riverview so this calls for two things uh first up we're going to revamp the road layout here in bed for Gardens make it hopefully a little more interesting and a little more tight in the size of the blocks at least uh but we're also going to up Zone and try to densify it as much as possible I don't mind these areas with low density because I imagine they are very very desirable in if like in in a real life example but I just feel that bed for Gardens is a little too close to downtown to have any low density so we're probably going to upzone the whole thing to a mixture between roow housing and some medium density stuff might even try to squeeze in a few offices and Industrial just to mix it up uh and then then as we move out to Orchard Peak we might we might keep some of these low density houses as we are we're starting to gain a bit of distance from downtown uh before I do anything the first part of the bedf for gun revamp is going to have to be an upgrade to sunnide Avenue because we've got we've got a terrible terrible traffic jam here uh tons of pedestrians even more cars and vehicles here on the western portion of Sunnyside Avenue here as well where it intersects with the magnolia way which is uh sort of like an expressway that serves the Western portion of of the City of Riverview going to have to revamp this and yeah get rid of these uh not so North American roundabouts as well they don't really smell or taste like Freedom so we'll skip those and get something else in place more Lanes probably more Lanes more traffic lights uh and after that upgrade which hopefully solve this solve this issue I'm going to need to drag like a main road through bed for Gardens and then start the the uh upgrade process so let's get going [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music] [Music] he [Music] all right I guess the traffic just has to get a chance to settle uh anyways we've got our new uh layout for bedf for Gardens I'm just going to quickly adjust the zone so that it's uh so that bedf for Gardens had an orchard PE meet here on Pacific Street now before we get zoning we will be implementing a couple of different techniques to get it just the way we want to I'm going to upgrade a bit of the traffic infrastructure here uh hopefully that might just alleviate the future traffic issue that we are definitely going to be seeing here so let's upgrade uh much of of this Major Avenue here to a six laner I'm going to go all the way down here actually uh I think that's fine I'm expecting a lot of traffic here uh let's see we've also got we'll grab our five Lane asymmetrical Road just to get another Lane on as such and going to grab the four lane road and upgrade these segments as well just to get some more traffic flow there you go so sun inside Avenue got a major upgrade um and this the same for medicon street but it is going to be interesting to see just how traffic is going to going to be handled in this area because it's a quite a complex thing now so for the zoning the majority of bedf for Gardens as we discussed earlier in the episode I want to be Ro house developments uh but alongside garet Street here which is the like major arterial of the area we're going to go for some medium density and mixed density uh usage instead and I'm going to try and use the uh let's see our pavement path uh to enforce different types of zoning so for instance I don't really want zoning alongside uh this one Ray Road I'd much rather just have uh the the zoning conformed to the two alleys here here uh and in cases such as this I'm just going to use the path here to get exactly what I want because if we Implement that uh then we can actually enforce the zoning oh let's see if I can just make that a bit more pretty something like that and we lost zoning from the oneway road that I don't want uh instead I'm now should now be able to Zone much nicer roow houses alongside these s um it's the same trick I've sort of used down here just to ensure that we don't I would like the the the RO houses to conform to all these parallel uh alley roads hopefully that's going to create a nice look anyways uh we're seing some bigger stuff here alongside garet streets the mixed housing units uh usually work pretty well um when zoned on Corners they kind of conform to Corners a little better so I'm going to try and do that uh as much as possible just creates a a bit of a a better look and let's see we'll go for this this should be a pretty good start then I'll like some medium density housing mixed in as well as some low rent housing create a few Towers here with the with low rent housing as well uh and I'm as per usual I'm trying to avoid having the same uh in size with the same zoning type for uh too much because it's going to result in duplication of course so we don't want that for the high density um businesses the high density commercial basically I'm just going to sprinkle some of that in as well um but these buildings can actually grow quite big so I'm going to try and be a bit cautious with them because um cuz I really don't want those huge type of developments here uh at all so I think we're going to start uh with this type of zoning alongside Garnet Street and then we can always change it and reassess if necessary uh for these smaller Lanes I am going to Zone Row Housing and my my way of doing it is going to be for instance zoning uh one side to begin with and then as these start developing I'll Zone The Other Side so I'll Zone alongside elizabe lane hit play and then when the RO house developments start uh spawning in I'm going to Zone uh on the opposite side and hopefully that means that we can get some Ro houses facing Emerson Lane sometimes it's a little more tricky than that but that's what we're going to try at least and yeah a one of my gripes with the game basically is that it is a bit finicky trying to get this to work uh which is a bit of a shame because as long as we don't have any mods we are of course confined to zoning basically and I think in this case I going to create a little path here actually here is probably all I need can remove this one and that's going to allow me to do some Rous zoning there as well so just going to move rout and Zone the the whole thing up and and then we'll we'll see how it [Music] looks [Music] a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] okay so that was a lot of zoning uh a lot of landscaping um mixed in a bit of medium density as well just to kind of make it uh a little more interesting this area uh pretty happy with how um bedf actually turned out as well as this uh nicely named Triangle Park that I made here on the on the border between Bedford and and Orchard Peak um generally pretty happy with how this looks we for this major intersection here I I ended up adding some higher density stuff as well uh which I think makes a pretty good sense and and the yeah Riverview is really built up by now and I love how we've got many different density levels levels sorry at play here I think that's very interesting unfortunately it was really tricky working on this I often feel that I have to kind of fight the zoning mechanics of the game uh instead of like really enjoying it so I'm I'm really hopeful that they'll add some updates to it because it's a bit of a pain trying to do anything but you know uh straight angles and 90° angles and it's it's such a shame because I hope I mean I'd like to think there's potential for more here at least anyways we've got a bit of a differ wave going on and not nearly enough heres to actually respond to it so probably going to have to fix that at some point in time at least but right now I'm in the mood for continuous expansion so that's what we are really just going to continue pushing forward um my plan is to have three cities uh on this map very closely knit together and that's going to require a third sky line currently we've got Riverview obviously then we've got East Riverview which I think also has a very distinct Skyline line uh and then we've got the town of chestnut but as we zoom out Chestnut pretty much just looks like continuous uh suburban sprawl from Riverview uh and that's not really my intention I would like it to be sort of a city in its own right so I'm going to do some upzoning and upgrades to Chestnut but I think I'm also going to try and remove uh the we've got forestry industry here remove this and then actually make a third downtown right here in between uh this uh all this interstate infrastructure we've got here I'm hopeful that's going to look interesting at least now I'd also like to try and make a little Marina as well using the pavement paths and I'm not sure how or if this is going to work but I am going to give it a go at least so we're going to create a bit of a waterfront here with some keys for this new downtown area we'll be getting here and I've got an idea which I hope it's going to make sense for now we're going to get the keys in place uh then we're going to just put down the the basic roads and as always I'm going to use the Fall Lane Road because it's just a little easier to actually make keys with this major road in place there you go uh and then I'm going to try and turn this into a key wall of course so we can have our Marina now let's see how it's going to go making our key walls always a little finicki game going to try align as much as I can with the Dual yellow lines because that usually makes it a little easier to actually create the key walls all right and then we are going to grab the the same falling roads and let's see almost no elevation change so that is perfect and it seems we've got a bit of water clipping through over here so I'm kind of curious to see if it's actually going to work over over here it's probably probably isn't but we'll see oh it's all right although there's a bit of an elevation so we'll see if we can just lower that ever so slightly something like this cool before I let the water in I'm going to make sure to actually upgrade to the type of roads I want to use so I think we are just going to go for a very basic tab of Road here cool and uh next up I'm just going to let the water in real slowly to avoid any flooding so I'm just going to create a bit of an opening here also going to come in here select Place multiple and go for I'm going to remove uh only matching type as a check mark and that's going to allow me to remove all the trees that are now down here because obviously I don't really want that going to let the the water in and settle before I move in so I'm just going to let the simulation run for a bit all right so let's see if we can make this work going to grab the pavement path go to the smallest elevation step and I probably only need to be a couple of meters above uh sea level otherwise it's going to look weird with the boats well there are no boats but if there are any boats then um these uh these paths shouldn't be too tall so I also need to sort of try and connect it up though um to the actual Road and that's going to be very very tricky uh so I'm just going to give it a go and just kind of place something here and then see if we can make this work so that's probably a little too far can we oh it turns this into like a fully elevated segment so I can't connect to this road because then I can Zone here on the other side got got keep that in mind but I can connect here and just go out by like 52 M uh it's not too Steep and then I'll continue it and just see so that's 46 which I think is fine it's uh close enough there we go we've got a bit of a a connection now and now for the actual Pier well I mean I guess we're just going to we're just going to go out let's see if we can find the node here as well and we'll just make sure it's aligned and we'll create another one and I'm hopeful we can establish a bit of symmetry here but it's uh it's all right if we don't and then I'm just going to try and create these smaller Piers as well where you would have boats and equipment and whatnot I guess these are going to be a bit smaller actually yeah um I'm interested in seeing how this is actually going to look uh when it's all done but uh we'll see we'll see it's not too bad actually I'm fearing there isn't quite enough space to actually navigate your boat in here so I'm going to try and remove a few of these just to to make it a little more interesting let's see we'll keep these ones and make sure we've got a bit of symmetry why why not there you go I kind of like that it's I think it's the best we can do currently with what we've got available in the in the game at least so I'm going to have to fix this crazy terrain we've got and I'm very happy with the slope terrain tool it really gives us good possibilities of fixing this with the nicest slow we can get so selecting it I'm going to right click up here and then I'm just going to drag the terrain all the way up here yeah I'm going to try that again like I said I'm going to right click up here and then drag from down here this time using a bit more caution look how will it's working oh that's much better and then I'm just going to come in with the soften terrain tool and soften out some of the differences between these kind of these slopes I've been making and this should pretty much give us the the the most smooth terrain and the gradient that we can have and it yeah it almost looks flat anyways enough fiddling around with terraforming and this thing which unfortunately is not going to turn into a marina just because I I say it is it's uh it's time to get building [Music] thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] feels like I've built an entirely new city which I guess I sort of have actually and I'm pretty happy with how this turned out the marina is actually looking pretty cool I feel know it's not functional at all but I kind of like it and then I went for this um dual uh oneway road setup here to kind of simulate a large Avenue placed more bushes hand placed here that I'm I'm never going to do that again is what I'm trying to say uh but otherwise pretty happy with how this turned out I'm going to need you guys help because I don't really feel Chestnut is like a suitable name for this city and now it was more fitting for a smaller uh town with lots of trees that's kind of how the original name uh came to be so if you've got a suggestion for the name of this city uh and maybe a bit of story then let me know in the comments and I'll uh I'll go through them uh I I know that I am ALS I've also asked for some naming suggestions for the ports so don't worry I been noting down tons of really cool suggestions uh and I'm thinking we might have a vote actually about it uh so thank you all so much for that as well and if you noticed I started having major flooding issues while I was building the new city uh so I sort of panicked and my attempt to try and alleviate it was to create this new Lake here while while completely blocking aess here um but also expanding some of the uh Rivers uh the river down here I just made it wider and and deeper um and I also removed the dam here and I'm hopeful that was one of the main issues that the the dam we had down here in conjunction with the addition of the New Port and widening of this River substantially to uh support the new cargo traffic is what actually caused this issue um but we'll see see I am I'm going to reintroduce the the cargo stuff now and hopefully the water level is going to be fine and the way I'm going to do it is I'm of course going to widen this but then I'm going to place down the uh let's see the narrow Seaway and then I'm going to make the uh the actual River as small as I possi can so I'm going to make sure that the the river really hugs the Seaway here which is actually quite easy to do because you can just terraform all the way up to it so I'm just going to Showcase that in a second we need a bit of water here obviously there we go and then of course I need to establish my cargo routes great so I've got the routes all set up now uh which means I can come in here wait some terraforming and as you guys can see I can get real close to the uh to the actual shipping Lane so that's what I'm I'm going to have to do that and then I'm yeah I'm going to just try and see if I can uh smooth it out and make it look all right but I yeah I really don't dare take any chances again because I really sort of panicked for a moment there I really couldn't fix the water level at all so and it took a long time to actually get it fixed uh by just completely stopping the flow of water and creating this artificial Lake uh so yeah I don't want to try that again but we'll see I'm going to be monitoring the flow of water uh very closely to avoid a similar issue anyways that's really a W for this quite long long Episode by now it's been a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to what suggestions you guys might have for Chestnut so that we give this third City a more proper name uh maybe a bit of a backstory and as I said I have kept in mind all the nice suggestions for the port setup so we'll get some naming going there as well as an additional little announcement I am starting to explore starting a new City series and maybe doing some Standalone builds to kind of just mix it up and have some other stuff run alongside Riverview so I hope you guys will be looking forward to that have a very nice day or evening whatever it is where you're from and I'll see you in the next one [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] he
Channel: Infrastructurist
Views: 233,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines industries, cities skylines mods, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines realistic city, cities skylines australia, cities skylines canada, cities skylines downtown, cities skylines american, cities skylines public transport, cities skylines suburb, cities skylines suburbia, Cities skylines starting a new city, cities skylines new city, cities skylines detailed, skylines, urban planning, cities skylines 2
Id: Nyfpp4S0K8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 2sec (2762 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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