One Hour With Mr. Hopp

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What happened to his hand?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zenoflamer 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

where can one get this game?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/furryfan91 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to one hour with mr. hop now if you remember mr. hops Playhouse I don't think that's the name of the game but that's what I'm calling it cuz I can't remember the actual name it was the dab licks in go you can do a come on don't be shy it's still alive its 2020 come on bring it back what's he do it just listen come on just do it so the creator of mr. hop or mr. hops playoffs or the house of mr. ARP or whatever that was decided to make a small little game for Halloween of 2019 and I didn't know about it until just now so I'm gonna give this a try it's supposed to be well oh it's supposed to be a five nights at Freddy's stop well what who who what why that's a problem I'm assuming that was a problem did I do something good did I do something bad don't don't don't what am i doing Oh No okay so it's a five nights at Freddy's die wait a minute okay so I'm supposed to find him he's food no no no no no see the thing is about mr. hops play us it is it was scary hey hey get out here is it was actually quite scary it was pretty scary and a lot of love where are you where are you I don't know where you are I'm assuming I killed you no no this is fine well I don't know I'm fine though there's no need there is no need my incredible five nights at Freddy's instincts are kicking in super hardcore right now and you were not gonna give me mr. hops no matter how much you want to get out of here you loser you stupid idiot if you think that you can even come close to getting me whoever you wait a minute hi that was much creepier than I thought it'd be oh my god stop for just a small game that was made for Halloween this is actually a surprisingly well made little Horgan he's gone here but it's only one hour so I'm assuming I'm doing pretty good doing pretty alright I just got a well alright go I don't know where you are did I do it I don't know if that means that hey bud okay yeah I don't know if it means that he's actually here if it's just my flashlight going wibbly-wobbly okay thirty minutes we're doing so good hey okay so this isn't so bad this is actually not that bad it doesn't seem to be maybe it is I was about to say it doesn't seem like it's getting any harder but mayhap mayhaps it just might watch run wait wait did I get him oh god did I get him or do this other thing where I went by and he's now well it's too late now this is actually pretty creepy I can wait I got it I gotta give the developer here props this is actually surprisingly well spooky not a lot of spooky it's it's just a little spooky I only need 20 more minutes nineteen minutes actually it's like way mr. Hobbs I also do know that the developer is making mr. hops food whatever that would be 15 more minutes no no that's but I don't know if I'm just owning myself mr. hops was one of those games that was just eerily scary like there was something inherent about it that was just really creepy from the characters designs the idea to the childlike innocence of the death that would be fallen five more minutes I can't lose it now okay where you at where you at Bubba where are you at Bobby boo where UI Bobby where you at Bobby you only got two more minutes four minutes easy easy and then I'm out of here I'm so out of here one moment easy easy [Music] who gets up at 4:00 a.m. all right okay easy easy I got a gold star I don't see it here all right let's try hard how much harder could hard be hey buddy oh hey buddy hey buddy okay you are you're a little more active than you once was no I mean he's here what's the deal oh there's a lot of flickering happening I just don't know if the flickering is to be combined with the idea well that he's here hey you're really who's that wait what was that that was different okay all right okay hey all right mr. Hobbs all right okay all right listen listen mr. Hobbs I well there you are huh mr. roffe's you are kind of a douche sometimes so uh I'm soon I'm so kind of curious of whether it was actually all in this kid's head or if mr. hops really is a demon a demon bunny from out of this world that there ma that's kinda tough it's kinda tough it's really tougher toffee toughie big ol boobies puff alright so that's how it's gonna be I just I think what I gotta do is I gotta keep cycling no matter what because if I don't stop cycling he's gonna find me and I won't see him so I just gotta keep going I just gotta keep it cycling baby keep it cycling and when I keep it cycling the King never gonna sneak up on me okay just gotta keep cycling baby keep cycling there he was oh yeah this is the strategy okay I know this is a lot of motion for a lot of little commotion but you know it's just this is the only thing I think this is gonna be a surefire way of winning this I don't know why I want to win this but I want to win this oh [ __ ] okay they it counts only counts knowing a little bit learn it a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit and then I got you okay just gotta keep cycling that's what I call [ __ ] all right let's go again let's go again baby you think you're better than me answers that you are not I think I might have been cycling a bit too quickly because I must have been overlooking something okay there you are yeah I think you have to keep it on just a little bit longer than just blasting him for a moment it's got to be on him for a bit oh yeah there he is okay there's got to be a bit more thorough [ __ ] oh god that was him oh boy whoo boy oh boy hoo boy mr. hoppy who is a hoppy who ain't too happy god this is this is absurd this is uh this is obscene and absurd this is absurd no where's he it's been a little bit he calmed down and I don't trust it I don't trust it at all not a hundred percent sure about the whole drawing MN thing from the noises but whatever maybe maybe that's my problem I'm just a little too slow okay twenty-two this is the best so far oh [ __ ] oh okay he's gone I guess okay alright just one more try one more try one more try it's easy to lose III think it's just like a misstep if you go like two away it'll be a problem or if you go a little too fast I start to get a little to be delicious after a certain amount of time oh god that's how you sneak up on me that's how it's gonna happen that's how I'm gonna die okay I'm really focusing now I'm surprisingly focused I'm very focused I want to get this why no idea why why I was so fast I'm really trying to be fast I I really am maybe I'm just too fast maybe that's the thing maybe maybe I need to focus less on up there he was maybe I need to focus on less on going under the bed I say as he appears under the bed and going back and forth between the top him maybe maybe I don't need to change until I've until the light flickers maybe that's my problem I'm moving too soon I need to stay here coz there's only one place he to be here okay and then check here and there yeah I only need to move when the things are happening that's that's it that's the trick when the light flickers I react to that that's the trick I was trying to be all pre-emptive in getting ahead of the curve but that's not how you do it you got to react okay yeah this is it is totally it guaranteed it so it this is it boom that was it easy enough okay I got this though I know the strategy now it's getting a bit tight but I'm almost at 30 minutes okay there's the guy it's pretty much as soon as it starts clicking I can go I think yep cuz it'll either catch him there and okay it's it's just like it's good it's it's fine it's all good thirty minutes easy oh yeah there is an gone easy-peasy I don't know if there's like a he'll get you if you don't get the toys in a few seconds but I'm just gonna treat it like everything else and get there as fast as possible it ain't nothing there st. nothing easy Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ah gotta beat him now what the [ __ ] was that about there oh god maybe I wasn't like moused over him all the way so weird my I think the game's bugged out it's not flashing anymore it's just like static yeah oh god no oh god my game is bugged that's some [ __ ] that's [ __ ] right there I am I'm gonna get out of the game and I'm gonna go back in just because it's super bugged but I'm gonna be this okay here we go hard mode baby well I guess he was there okay this time I'm feeling pretty confident I say as I get ready to drop the ball harder than I've ever dropped it I says I get ready to choke harder than I've ever choked ain't gonna be more disappointing than when I blow it right at the finish line if I can do it for 20 minutes I can do it for 59 and no more that's where I'm gonna draw the line that's why they call me not cross the finish line mark thirty minutes just enough time to contemplate my inevitable doom 25 minutes to go 24 minutes is all the distance I need to fail oh my god that was close that was actually closed oh my god he's speeding up he's speeding up he's speeding up I'm actually gonna blow it I'm actually gonna blow it I'm gonna blow it 20 minutes left and I'm going to blow it here I go it's it's blowing time B to blow any chance of success away ten minutes oh my god I'm gonna [ __ ] it up oh my god I almost [ __ ] it up oh no six minutes Oh No don't give me hope okay I got it okay that those goals for men's oh my god please don't oh my god let me actually have this okay okay okay okay okay okay that was a lot harder than I thought it'd be I really psyched myself up for failure there I really thought I was actually gonna screw it up I legitimately did but that is one hour with mr. hop on hardmode baby boom not so bad so the developer moon bed Studios is making a sequel to mr. ops playoffs or whatever it was called I'm not Harvison sure but look forward to that coming whenever it comes out which might be a while who knows honestly but thank you everybody so much for watching if you haven't seen mr. ops Playhouse or whatever it was called I'll link it in the description with the proper name attached to it click right down there if you want to see it it's a good horror game very very nifty if I do say so myself and if you want more scare games there's also a big playlist full of scary game for you to check out down there below as well thank you again subscribe for more bring the bell if you want to know when that more is coming to you leave a like if you enjoyed the video and thank you so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,399,279
Rating: 4.971117 out of 5
Keywords: mr hopps playhouse, one hour with mr hopps, mr hopps, scary game, horror game, mr hoops playhouse markiplier, jumpscares, fnaf fan game, five nights at Freddy's fan game, gaming, gameplay, markiplier, playthrough, walkthrough
Id: 81mpv2D0ruU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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