One Hour of 90s Video Game Nostalgia - Games of Early 1992

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sorry 1992. [Music] by far the biggest release of this week and month was easily The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past released April 13 1992. after the universal Acclaim of the original and positive reception of Zelda 2 it was a hotly anticipated title for the Super Nintendo this time it calls you to the ultimate battle of goodness to request few are prepared for and fewer still survive perhaps now the power is within your grasp oon of Zelda A Link to the Past only on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System now you're playing with superpower it quickly became one of the standout titles on the Super Nintendo and my personal favorite of the Zelda games the main selling point of Link to the Past was the Dark World mechanic this was an entirely separate world map complete with seven additional dungeons compared to the three dungeons of the light world for the time this was insane I remember fighting agonom and feeling like it was the final boss only to find out there's an entire second world to complete this game is a surprise to anyone who bought the game because even though it came with a world map it only shows the light world so even at the time we thought this was all there was unless of course you opened up the little black book of top secrets which was sealed for all the hardest puzzles in the game and if you open it up right inside it mentions the Dark World so even in 92 we couldn't avoid spoilers there's a did you know that Nintendo Power held a contest in 1990 that would Grant the winner a cameo in an upcoming NES game note that I said NES and not Super NES and that brings us to the Chris Houlihan ruin to this day there has been no official confirmation of who won the aforementioned contest and whether or not Chris Houlihan is even an actual person the fact that his name was removed from the Game Boy Advance Port of Link to the Past makes us all the more suspicious nonetheless the room still exists the official method of finding it involves performing very specific steps to manipulate the game's memory to teleport there well good luck finding that without a guide in fact I'm pretty sure no one ever found the room until Nintendo powered themselves told everyone how to find it and even then I don't think I actually did it until what 2010. to this day A Link to the Past is finally regarded as one of the defining games of the Zelda franchise second only to Ocarina of Time many of the elements that we associate with the series going into dungeons getting an item to beat the dungeon's boss with puzzles a greater emphasis on story all debuted here it's been ported to the Game Boy Advance and made available for download anytime Nintendo had any kind of Virtual Console it still has an active Community thanks to speedrunners and all kinds of randomizers I still personally remember the day that I got it because it was the same time that we got a Camcorder for Christmas that year naturally my older brother took the camcorder and was just filming anything and everything you could and he went upstairs into my room and there I sat looking into little 12-inch CRT television I was playing The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past in fact I'm pretty sure in that footage I still got 10 arrows leaving the pass we look forward to the future with mutant virus on the NES the story goes like this in the future just about everything is dependent upon the CPI complex and artificial intelligence responsible for just about everything technological so when it gets infected by a computer virus things get kind of nutty thus our hero Ronald W trainer is shrunken down face the virus head on at the time the game was fairly impressive for its cut scenes and visual effects as for the game plague holy freaking crap this game is insane it's like a turbo version of asteroids combined with the presentation of Ninja Gaiden and I never even knew this game existed until I researched it for the show seriously did anyone had this game as a kid or is this one of those late release anomalies I'm sure it appears on some top 10 underrated NES games list somewhere this was publisher American softworks corporation's first game they ever made it's impressive for how ambitious they went for it seriously the SNES was already out for a few months and the final few NES releases were typically all Platformers if nothing else mutant virus stands is an interesting technical achievement for the NES and it's worth checking out for that reason alone enough of that science stuff let's take it to the streets an iconic beat em Up game came to the Sega Genesis Double Dragon now I and many others fondly remember the NES version of the game that's the same versions they showed off in the movie The Wizard [Music] what is he some kind of freak or something it was single player you leveled up and the only two player mode was a dumb versus mode however the Genesis version was not a port of that it was an arcade accurate conversion it looked like the arcade version it sounded like the arcade version and most importantly it played like the arcade version most home ports of Double Dragon lacked the ability to play co-op one of the defining features of the arcade game so when the Genesis version came out with Co-op it was a pretty big deal at the time this was the closest you could get to having the arcade version at home this includes once you beat the final boss having the fight the second player at the end it was also a big deal that it came out for the Sega Genesis at all a staggering four years after the NES version now in the 90s Nintendo had a tyrannical possessiveness when it came to their exclusive games they had a mandate that any third-party game could only be on a Nintendo console for for a minimum of two years plus by 1992 a little guy named Sonic the Hedgehog kind of helped things out hey did you know that double dragon had a cartoon show [Music] it sucked one of the most popular game genres at the time was the beat em Up made famous by games like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game and final fight this spawned many copycat clones including rival Turf released from the Super Nintendo on April 23 1992. it has everything you'd expect from a beat-em-up game walking from left to right and punching the ever living crap out of every single dude who dares to walk on the screen you sometimes pick up Health items or weapons then fight a boss at the end of the stage and that's pretty much the whole game so how do you get a game like rival Turf to stand out against all the other competitors that's easy with box art look at this this is the most 90s box art I could possibly think of leather jackets backwards baseball caps this is perfect it worked too imagine me at seven years old walking into a blockbuster for a game to rent seeing this box Arc and thinking to myself oh cool kids I want to be a cruel kid watch out Mom I'm gonna be hanging out with the badass 14 maybe 15 year olds funnily enough I think these two are supposed to represent the two playable characters in the game who are named Jack Flack and Ozzy sorry Uzi Nelson and that's not the only thing that got changed in Translation in Japan this game is known as rushing beat and is actually the first part in a Trilogy of games however the Western rival Turf had all the cutscenes completely removed its sequels did make it to the Western Market where you may know rival Turf 2 and 3 as brawl brothers and the peacekeepers only now those games are completely unrelated and have their character names changed further what makes rival Turf better than something like final fight absolutely nothing in fact it's way more boring compared to any other beat em Up game even reviews at the time were super unimpressed it's so painfully mediocre that it's super forgettable so how does it keep showing up everywhere in 2011 it was made available on the Wii's Virtual Console it was also put onto the Wii U's Virtual Console in 2015 and in 2017 retro bit released a special SNES cartridge that included rival Turf and its sequels but how the owner of the game jalico went out of business in 2014. so who keeps getting this re-released oddly the one thing I remember the most was the boss on the third stage he was this Pocky mask wearing boss and he would jump on the fence to taunt me but like he's definitely just giving me the finger right that wasn't the only game that came out this week with a completely different cover in the US there was also Elysia Dragoon released for the Sega Genesis the gameplay has you playing as Elysia running and jumping while blasting every single in enemy you see with some fantastic magical effects she also has familiars following her around with their own different abilities and ways of helping I can't stress how great this game looks and plays the large character sprites are sweet and the lightning shots are so satisfying to hit enemies with and the soundtrack is awesome now in the 90s Publishers weren't convinced that Gamers over here would want to play a game that has an anime character on the cover let alone a girl that's one of the reasons why Mega Man 1 and 2 had such weird box art the same also applies to Eliza Dragoon the Japanese box art is really really cool and very evocative but I gotta hand it to the US box art here I love this style of 90s where every dude is shirtless and super buff and every woman is mostly shirtless and also super buff while I wasn't able to confirm it this art style is very reminiscent of Boris Vallejo who also did the box art for games like golden ax2 and eternal Champions and if it wasn't him it very well could have been his wife Julie Bell if anyone knows for sure please let me know in the comments down below because I would love to find out because this box heart that's fantastic did I mention that studio gainax designed the characters for this game you know the same Studio who also did Neon Genesis Evangelion sadly Alicia Dragoon didn't exactly light up the sales charts I think it's safe to say that most people either didn't know it existed or chose to ignore it seriously I flipped through several issues of egm around the time and I couldn't find a single mention of it not a review not an advertisement not even a cheat code however it must have some form of occult following of an underappreciated classic when Sega released the Sega Genesis mini in 2019 included right on there was Alicia Dragoon over on the NES we saw the release of advanced Dungeons and Dragons Pool of Radiance it's fundamentally a first person Dungeon Crawler where you and your party travel through Dungeons and towns you'll talk to NPCs and when battle occurs switch to an overhead turn-based strategy to do combat these battle screens aren't just random walls popping up the battles take place where you are on the map down to every single hallway door and corridor while other d d games for the NES up to this point were either a stupid platformer or a stupid side-scrolling whatever Pool of Radiance was a faithful Port originally it appeared for MS-DOS computers as part of what's known as the gold box d d games by developer SSI and that game was massive making its appearance onto the 8-Bit Nintendo downright impressive not only that it still retained all the best things being able to create your entire party and do battle with an incredibly accurate version of the advanced Dungeons and Dragons first edition rule set complete with thako it may graphically leave a few things to be desired but the NES version of Pool of Radiance does have a few things going for it that the computer version doesn't for one it has music everywhere and that's it I guess it certainly isn't better than the home computer version but a d Pool of Radiance on the NES is a great version of an already great Dungeons and Dragons game [Applause] home ports of arcade games were frequent on these retro consoles especially if it featured money printing superheroes one of the biggest upset adaptations was Captain America and the Avengers first released on the Sega Genesis in April 1992. first released in the arcades back in October of 1991 it's a Cooperative beat em up with the arcade version featuring four players and four playable characters Captain America Iron Man Hawkeye and vision except nobody wanted to play as Vision it's pretty typical of beat em up action punching enemies everyone has a ranged attack and sometimes you throw stuff Captain America and the Avengers saw a fair number of ports but the first one being on the NES but that was more of a platformer the Sega Genesis was the first one to get an arcade accurate Port more than a year before the Super Nintendo version and then months after that it would come to the game gear and The Game Boy however this is one of those instances where the Genesis version is leagues better than the SN ES1 the Sega version looks pretty good played great and was still a pretty fun two-player romp it even kept the complete nonsense broken English translation the SNES version may have looked better but it was straight up missing sound effects the hit deduction was incredibly poor and all kinds of not fun so yes it's true at least with Captain America Sega did what nintend didn't by far my favorite thing about Captain America and the Avengers wasn't just playing as my favorite superheroes or even the co-op gameplay no my favorite thing about Captain America was that anytime any player took any damage the game would Shout oh [Music] no no go ahead try it it's fun no no the Genesis got another game this week and stop me if you've heard this one before an action platformer where your player character has a whip taking out all kinds of enemies before them that's right we're talking about Ernest Evans you play as Ernest Evans as he goes through several levels of action whipping everything in the way and by whipping I mean going completely Bonkers with it you remember how in Super Castlevania 4 if you held the attack button you could just jiggle the whip all around yeah it's like that but the entire game even the movements are super awkward this dude's a better contortionist than he is a whip fighter this game walked so that quap could awkwardly fumble interestingly enough there is an explanation for this unlike most games Ernest Evans used multiple interlocking Sprites for its player character each of his limbs are separately rendered at the time this was pretty ambitious though as you can see it didn't actually work out all that well it's the kind of thing that tends to fit better for larger Sprites gameplay wise Ernest Evans is a pretty standard action platformer gamepro consider it to be good but not exceptional this game has an interesting history behind it to put it lightly for starters the version that we got was an inferior one in Japan Ernest Evans was on the Sega CD complete with fully voiced anime cut scenes done by Studio madhouse in America the Sega CD wasn't out yet so it was downgraded to the Genesis though aside from the cutscenes and a musical downgrade it's not massively different what was massively different was the box art in Japan we got the titular character standing there looking cool at the adventure before him and in the west we got Indiana Jones that is Indiana Jones it's like the artist heard guy with the whip and decided I am not getting paid enough to try this story was also changed between the Japanese and the US releases in the Japanese version Evans is a treasure hunter recruited to find the Necronomicon real-life figures Calvin Coolidge and Al Capone were involved in the plot in the American version it's changed to your typical Collective mcguffins to stop the big bad evil guy you also play as Evans grandson looks exactly like him Ernest Evans was the second game in the trilogy with the first one being El viento which was released on the Genesis a year earlier and the third one being Annette funitabi which we never got over here in the west all three were developed by the studio wolf team who you probably know better for making games such as Tales of Fantasia Tales of Symphonia Tales of Hesperia Tales of Azalea pretty much almost all of Namco bandai's Tales of series the music was also done by matoy sakuraba who you've also heard the music in Golden Sun Mario Golf Mario Tennis and A Little Game series called Dark Souls the Genesis Release Train this week doesn't stop there as there was also Sid of Dallas known as SD Dallas in Japan it's more or less a remake of Valles 2 which was originally released on the turbo Graphics CD two years prior the SD standing for super deformed Sid of Dallas is less a remake and more a d make the run and Attack gameplay is largely intact but the original valus 2 had an in-depth story told through cutscenes that were fully voiced in 1990 this was the coolest and unlike most voice acting of the time it hasn't aged too poorly as a result Dallas II got decent reviews Sid of Alice however did not the gameplay was made far more simple and the story lost a lot of its Edge at the time the Chibi art style was considered too childish for us cruel Gamers and since it was silly it was clearly aimed at people already fans of the series The Hero in Yuko was also incorrectly named as Sid as a result it received mediocre at best reviews from magazines remember what I said earlier about games having their box Arch radically altered for the release overseas well Sid of Dallas takes that a step further while the box art was certainly changed it's not even Dallas anymore instead they reused the box art from a completely different game called narutori sagoroku 92 which was a Japan only release for the PC engine or the turbo Graphics 16. why did they do this I don't know lazy this I'm gonna go with laziness as evidenced by the fact that the Western release of sin of Alice's end credits are still in Japanese [Music] if you grew up in the 90s or really any decade after the 50s you probably remember at least one Hannah Barbera cartoon The Flintstones The Jetsons Scooby-Doo tons of these got video game adaptations and this now includes Wacky Races released for the NES May 1st 1992. I didn't really personally grow up with Wacky Races but it was on reruns all the time on the early days of Cartoon Network and even then as a kid I thought to myself this is kind of dumb better watch out dick why you're approaching the end of the bridge as the name implies the cartoon was all about crazy characters racing their equally crazy vehicles finding themselves in silly situations often caused by the villainous Dick Dastardly and his dog Muttley the pair got their own spin-off show in 1969 at lasted 17 episodes so they must have figured while the video game should capitalize on their popularity you know 23 years later so with a cartoon that literally has races and in the title you would think would be adapted into a racing game nah that would make too much sense instead Wacky Races is a completely normal platformer game seriously it's like there was some contract that said license games at the time had to be turned into Platformers oddly you play as the villainous dog Muttley trying to rescue Dick Dastardly at the end of each level there is a boss fight one for each of the other Racers from the cartoon evidently this was a big enough deal that Nintendo Power made it one of their main featured games in their May 1992 issue they felt it needed a walkthrough for every single level even though it's a baby game for babies in the same issue Nintendo Power reviewed it rather favorably giving it a 3.3 out of 5. the only other thing notable about Wacky Races is that it was developed and published by Atlas yes that Atlas in Japan they were already known for making games like Digital Devil Saga and later in 1992 they would release the first shin Megami tensei game meanwhile in the west Atlas was more known for developing games like turbo Graphics 16s Dungeon Explorer and the NES titles The Karate Kid and Friday the 13th [Music] foreign they've come a long way since then also released this week was the Game Boy game Batman Return of the Joker not to be confused with Batman Beyond Return of the Joker that was released for Game Boy Color and in the year 2000 totally different games also of note this was more or less a sequel to the Tim Burton Batman movie as the revered animated series wouldn't debut until September of 1992. released after the NES version last December returned to the Joker on the gameplay was a shrunken down Port it's a bit smaller with only four stages instead of seven it went with a Mega Man style of progression complete the first three stages in any order to unlock an additional final one more importantly the shooting elements were removed so now it's just a straight up platformer it ends up playing more like sunsoft's first Batman NES game more than anything despite the simplification it's still reviewed pretty well electronic gaming monthly praised it for its gameplay its graphics and its music Nintendo Power also rated it fairly well giving it an average of a 3.6 out of 5. now that doesn't sound very high but later in the 1992 Nintendo Power Awards Batman Return of the Joker topped the categories for graphics sound and challenge alongside Heavy Hitters like Kirby's Dreamland and Super Mario Land 2. the only category that it didn't even make the top five was theme and fun reviews used to make no sense at the time the theme is Batman therefore it is automatically fun the only non-nintendo game also released this week was ballistics for the turbo Graphics 16. originally released in 1989 for the Amiga and Atari St personal computers the gameplay of ballistics is simple move the ball into the goal by shooting other balls at it it's a very short game but it does innovate with plenty of gimmicks and computer opponents also I really dig the guy who places the ball he looks like a heavy metal mascot and he intimidatingly says let the game commence comments one interesting change made in the Home console version was that you actually control a character in the PC versions you controlled a cursor see that's what makes the turbo Graphics 16 version so much better because it's easier for you to tell what's going on you can tell it's going on right because I'm playing it and I have no idea what's going on in spite of these unique Concepts ballistics was not treated too kindly electronic gaming monthly reviewed it with an average score of a 4.75 out of 10 criticizing its slippery controls an uninteresting gameplay One reviewer described the guy who places the ball as utterly Adolescent and that was the one who was the nicest about the game hey wait a minute a game where you try to get the ball into your opponent's goal by shooting other balls at it this is just a game adaptation of Crossfire it's sometime in the future ultimate [Music] [Applause] ultimate Crossfire foreign fun fact Crossfire originally came out in the 70s they reinvented it to be rad for us 90s kids the ballistics box art is just as metal look at how awesome this is you got this dragon guy flying with some missiles he's got this steam engine Wing thing going on and this sword this would make such an awesome metal album cover because it is a metal album cover this is the exact same art that was used for the 1984 reissue of rock arola the first album by Judas Priest but before that it was first used for the Sci-Fi novel Tsar Nova originally released in 1981. the artist Melvin Grant would go on to make five album covers for Iron Maiden which definitely explains a lot as for myself personally I did not have ballistics growing up but I did have Crossfire which was basically the exact same game but with better controls she's beautiful hair Ariel Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a massive long-running series of strategy games by koe originally debuting in 1985 for computers and the NES this week we saw the release of the second one for the Super NES Romance of the Three Kingdoms two don't be fooled by its primitive UI this is an incredibly in-depth strategy game real man to the Three Kingdoms sacrifices graphical power for some incredibly breathtaking complexity the amount of options you have is crazy for starters you have a bunch of different scenarios to choose from covering different periods of Highly fictionalized Chinese history and it's not just a contest of which side has more and or better soldiers there are all kinds of tactics like being able to forge letters make alliances and even recruit enemy officers it also has a multiplayer mode where you could have up to 12 players at a time albeit all taking turns on the same controller screw Mario Kart's battle mode I know how I'm spending my sleepovers now I'm just kidding I don't have tall friends thank you [Applause] as a result real man to the Three Kingdoms 2 received positive reception for its impressive scale and complex mechanics provided that you can adapt to the dated and slower aspects of the gameplay Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 is still a really good early strategy game just be sure to keep that instruction manual nearby you there's there's a lot going on there if you're not familiar with real man to the Three Kingdoms it itself being based on the ancient third Century historical text the records of the Three Kingdoms you've likely heard of one of its many spin-offs Romance of the Three Kingdoms the game would also help spawn titles such as Dynasty Warriors in 1998 which is a one-on-one fighting game before it became a muso franchise kessen 2 for the PlayStation 2 in 2001 Dynasty Warriors empires Dynasty tactics and eventually a bizarre crossover episode with Pokemon Conquest in which characters from Romance of the Three Kingdoms would get into tactical battles with their Pokemon the franchise is still going Romance of the Three Kingdoms fourth teen was released for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo switch in 2020 taking combat off the ground and into the skies is Turn and Burn released this week in 1992 for the Nintendo Game Boy it was very ambitious for the time being a 3D flight simulator sorta it proudly proclaimed features like complete 3D movement a radar Dynamic taked off in Landings of course the gameplay wasn't exactly a graphical Powerhouse so a lot of sacrifices needed to be made it Bears a strong familiarity to top gun for the NES it's essentially the same concept and gameplay just crunched down to a Game Boy sized cartridge Turn and Burn received decent reviews with praise for its technical achievements gamepro mentioned how they liked its Nifty Hardware with a cockpit computer screen and two nicely detailed graphic displays the game of course sucks it sucks a lot no idea how game reviewers were so lenient then because if you try to play it now you'll only notice how it's a clunky slow paced unexciting title that quite frankly probably should not have been made for the Game Boy if nothing else it served as a stepping stone for its SNES sequel two years later Turn and Burn no-fly zone the sequel is much better there was a long period of time where it seemed like any movie possible would get a video game adaptation in May of 1992 the movie game was Disney's The Rocketeer what's an innocent girl like Jenny Blake kicked their eyes open for this game being in a dangerous Adventure like this he's turning on the charm this is an emergency turning up baby [Music] [Music] now playing at a theater near you the movie was released in 1991 and is based on the comic of the same name it tells the story of a stunt pilot turned jetpack wielding superhero to this day it still finally regarded as one of Disney's Hidden gems unfortunately the same cannot be said for its video games The Rocketeer was made for the NES and SNES with both games playing very differently the NES version came out closer to when the movie did and is a below average platformer the SNES version is a below average everything it tried to cram in so much racing shooting fighting all of it sucked okay the comic book style cut scenes are actually pretty cool ideally a game should stick with a few Concepts and try to make them work this one didn't the first two levels are a bizarre plane flying sequence that is so incredibly difficult and frustrating most people never get to see the later levels in which you actually get to be The Rocketeer those levels include janky nauseating shooting galleries followed by more awful flying stages a boring shoot em up with enough slowdown to make it feel like it lasts an eternity and finally a clumsy awkward beat em up section it's known now that the rocketeers sucks really bad and when it came out in the 90s reviews weren't kind either electronic gaming monthly called it underwhelming but they did give it praise for its quote Innovative and exciting Graphics in fact all four reviewers for egm basically said it had good graphics wow the hardest Graphics we've ever seen introduces a sense of reality never before seen on the Super NES sets a new standard in video game animation superb it's like playing the movie really man are we looking at the same thing here only the Lego Maniac knew what Knight would bring most hauntingly put a Lego system Hal laboratory is best known for making the Kirby series and the Smash Brothers franchise but before all of that they were making some pretty Niche Nintendo titles mock Ryder balloon fight and The Adventures of Lolo series also this week they came out with another Niche title Arcana for the Super Nintendo at the time more and more RPGs were moving away from the first person view made Popular by games like Wizardry this was when side and top views were becoming more common Arcana still uses the classic first person view though it does represent characters and enemies as cards it is not a card based RPG it's just how they look gameplay wise Arcana is a typical first-person Dungeon Crawler move around through mazes get into random battles level up and gather powerful equipment and magic spells however Arcana also boasts another feature being soul-crushingly difficult you know how in some RPGs it's game over when your party dies in Arcana it's game over if any of your party members died outside of the Elemental summons this is on top of limited save points and spikes and difficulty and Arcana is not exactly something that I would call Fair the story isn't too far off from what you'd expect in a 90s jrpg ancient evil awakens after being sealed away a hero is the last of his race the usual this is naturally told us through a lengthy intro sequence that's Kirby right there look that's Kirby Right There in fact this is the first official appearance of Kirby Kirby's debut game Kirby's Dreamland for the Game Boy would not come out in the west until August and even in Japan Arcana precedes Kirby's first game by a month it also just so happens that this game's composer Jun Ishikawa would later go on to be a part of the Kirby series as was the style at the time Arcana had a wildly different cover in Japan they got this awesome piece of the main character surrounded by all these monsters and posing with cards in such a way that it would do Yugi Moto proud meanwhile we got this generic fantasy lady doesn't even appear anywhere in the game this box art is worse than some of my YouTube thumbnails I've talked a bit more extensively about Arcana in a previous video already feel free to check that out I'll put a link in the description at the time Arcana wasn't exactly being talked about our topic any charts speaking of Magazine Game Pro gave it a generally positive review but they also listed as challenged as beginner I don't know what else they were playing at the time but I'm telling you Arcana is no joke another obscure game released this week in 1992 is the NES title B-52 now when you think of shoot em ups what comes to mind spaceships lasers explosions robots all that stuff in fact this was so commonplace that when games like xevius in 1942 were taking place on Earth they were given all kinds of Praise they wanted to go one step further with that in B-52 you play as a b hence the title only one B though I don't know where the 52 comes from you can really tell they put a lot of into this one right off the bat the game is very unique you're not fighting against spaceships and Aliens you're a perfectly normal bee just trying to get some honey your obstacles are common household pests and devices you can even wiggle your little bee butt because of this the objective isn't shoot everything that moves it's to explore the level and get nectar from the flowers you're allowed to explore the stages freely and even have a melee attack despite getting a positive review from Game Pro B-52 didn't really leave an impact this may have less to do with the game and more to do with the game's publisher Kamerica Comerica was known for making a few NES games all of them unlicensed they never got the official okay from Nintendo to make games for their console it's why B-52 in all America games come in these weird gold cartridges and on the back it has a dip switch that you could flip to get past the NES lockout chip now this did cause Comerica to get sued by Nintendo repeatedly and every single time Comerica won foreign however one year after B-52's release they went out of business so did they win really Sega got a release this week in 1992 with kadash for the Sega Genesis in this day and age practically every game comes out with some kind of RPG element at bare minimum it usually has experience points and leveling up kadash was an arcade game released in 1989 and is an action platformer with heavy RPG elements you level up learn new spells and can buy items with gold this was considered to be really Innovative because arcade games just didn't have the staying power that you would expect from RPGs I struggled to call it a pure action RPG since it's not as mechanically deep as a Secret of Mana you have four different characters to play as the fighter the Mage the Priestess and the ninja all with different strengths and weaknesses kadash for the Genesis is a port of the arcade game though it wasn't the first one the first part was for the turbo Graphics 16 several months earlier the ports rebalance the characters and also made some alterations to the level layouts it also dealt away with the pesky timer that plagued the arcade version understandably the console versions only have up to two player co-op what is not understandable is that you cannot play as the Priestess or the ninja in the Sega Genesis version it also has a boss entirely removed making this the weakest version of kadash you could play in general people still love the arcade version of kadash the Sega Genesis Port not so much the Sega Centric magazine Mega play would not review it until the following October and even then they didn't treat it too kindly One reviewer even criticized it for having the tired save the prince's Trope and another reviewer stated and I quote this version offers you the privilege of four playable characters which it definitely doesn't reviews used to make no sense at the time did you fight these days everyone knows the Yoshi games for being these cute adorable Platformers that's all about eating all kinds of fruit but long before any of that Yoshi got his debut game for the NES aptly titled Yoshi released June 1st 1992. when Super Mario World came out for the super famicom in 1990 the introduction of Yoshi did something for Nintendo that was incredibly rare for games at the time Yoshi appealed to both children and adult women knowing an opportunity when they see one Nintendo quickly greenlit a spin-off starring Yoshi for the Aging NES system this was also to show that Nintendo was going to continue supporting the NES after the SNES came out now in the 90s when the Super Nintendo came out parents were upset they felt that their investment into the 8-Bit machine was wasted the old console now obsolete just in time for Christmas the Japanese toy maker Nintendo has come out with a new set of electronic video game at 200 a Super Nintendo setup costs twice as much as the old system and you can't mix and match some parents are refusing to be taken in I'm gonna say no and I'm going to explain to him how people Market things to make you spend more money Nintendo controls 80 of the video Market though some game players prefer the pictures of its competitor Sega some of the new games look like updated takes on fairly well-known formats in the racing game of f-zero you're in a futuristic race car oh I guess I should watch where I'm driving instead of talking if you're a real good player meaning you've got the skill of a nine or ten-year-old you can even try to jump your car Channel 4 News Nintendo pivoted their marketing strategy by saying that this Super Nintendo was for advanced players seeking new challenges and that the NES would continue to get games that are perfect for the Casual Gamer one of their ways that Nintendo was going to prove this was by releasing Yoshi in a game called Yoshi about Yoshi's and starring Yoshi naturally you play as Mario enemies slowly drop down onto different plates and use Mario to swap them around however get these enemies onto an eggshell and then close it with an eggshell top it'll consume itself and hatch a new Yoshi the more enemies there are as food the bigger the Yoshi from a cute little baby Yoshi to what can only be described as big junk Yoshi that's pretty much it that's the entire game there would be a game boy version of this released one month later [Music] nowhere to hide [Applause] because Here Comes Yoshi and he's up against bombast and piranha plants in Nintendo's new stack and sandwich puzzle game called Kyoshi match the creatures and wipe them out play alone or with a friend but mix them and you won't stand a chance it's challenging it's overwhelming it's Yoshi the new puzzle game for Game Boy or NES now you're playing with power Yoshi was developed in only six months the developer at the time had this really ambitious RPG that they wanted to work on but they needed some funding to keep the company afloat while they worked on their grand idea so when Nintendo approached them about making Yoshi they gladly accepted for the extra income while they worked on their big idea that development studio is called game free and their ambitious RPG idea would eventually become Pokemon Pokemon artist Ken sugimori created the gameplay concert for Yoshi and the music was done by long time Pokemon composer junichi Masuda growing up I only played the NES version a little bit but I did own the game boy version and I played that more than Tetris and the game is okay it's a simple puzzle game with not a whole lot of staying power the novelty of seeing the different size Yoshi hatch wears off really really quickly Yoshi received fairly positive reviews at the time praising its fast-paced gameplay and fun visuals Nintendo Power graded it with an average of a 3.7 out of 5 and gritted the game boy version with an average of a 3.6 out of 5. having played it a bunch myself I'm telling you these days it's a different story upon its re-release for the weeds Virtual Console in 2007 Yoshi received middling reviews from Outlets with the main criticism being that the gameplay simply isn't engaging enough and they're right the gameplay is boring but I guess at the time everyone was just too excited to see more Yoshi this week also featured a couple of arcade games coming home one of them being Thunder Spirits released this week for the Super Nintendo you see thunder spirit is actually a port of Thunder Force AC in the the arcade and Thunder Force AC is actually a port of Thunder Force 3 for the Second Genesis so if you're curious about the name change the biggest theory has to do with the co-owned copyright of the original the developer technosoft and the publisher of Thunder Force 3 Sega gameplay wise it's neat unluck a lot of Shooters where you stick with one weapon and upgraded Thunder Spirits lets you switch between 5 different weapons unfortunately the SNES version of the game comes with a problem compared to the Genesis version of Thunder Force 3 Thunder Spirits has occasional slowdown in general the SNES version didn't really offer much in terms of new content other than a new soundtrack and some graphical adjustments reviews for Thunder Spirits were positive but the Slowdown was a big Mark against it now since then Sega has announced that they have obtained ownership of the Thunder Force IP allowing them to properly re-release Thunder Force 3 for the Nintendo 3DS as part of Sega Classics Collection the other arcade game this week is ninja Commando released for the Neo Geo on May 29th 1992. ninja Commando is a top-down shooter in the same vein as ikari Warriors Pocky and Rocky or the master systems Rambo move up on the screen throwing all kinds of projectiles to destroy everyone and everything in your way while doing ninja flips using ninja magic and all kinds of other cool ninja things personality was injected into the gameplay by having the characters shout things next to their life bar saying things like yeah fire attack and dead it has a surprising amount of cutscenes for an arcade shooter the story scenes feature the main characters with such memorable names as Joe tiger radar dragon and Ryu Eagle they battled the evil spider and stop him from using a time machine to destroy both past and present bringing the players through different stages such as World War 2. the Chinese era of the Three Kingdoms and the Stone Age fun fact about Ninja Commando it released May 29 1992 for the Neo Geo AES Home console it released worldwide in arcades May 30th 1992 one day later technically making this a Home console game first Ninja Commando would see re-releases the first one being for the Neo Geo CD in October of 1996 it would see itself on the Wii's Virtual Console in 2008 and it's available for download right now on the Nintendo switch when it came out ninja Commando received High Praise for its Graphics animation and fun in Game Informer issue number six it received the review scores of 6.75 8.75 and an 8. the review even states that with so many moves it'll keep your thumbs pumping for some time it's an arcade game at home where you have a memory card that sometimes time is about 30 minutes the face this is either going to be something you've never heard of or if you have some neurons or about to be activated released this week in 1992 is Todd's adventures in slime world for the Sega Genesis you play as Todd exploring the slime world you essentially go from room to room defeating all kinds of slime creatures while using several gadgets along the way like a jet pack Shields and bombs rather than taking damage or losing Health Todd gets covered in slime and pools of water can be used to wash off the Slime and keep that jumpsuit clean and to reload it also features two-player split screen multiplayer as seen in other Genesis games like toejam and Earl and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 rather than simple difficulty levels you instead chose between seven different variations of the game these options include an easy mode the harder arcade mode a mode where you don't have any weapons a time trial a PVP mode and a mode with one life one death all of these game modes put slime world a bit ahead of its time imagine if all modern games came with options for stuff like roguelikes and randomizers that's essentially what slime world did Todd's Adventure in slime world was originally released for the Atari Links in 1990 and then it was ported over to the turbo Graphics CD in 1991 boasting new visuals improved music and Anime cut scenes with full voice acting then when that version was poured into the Sega Genesis in 1992 they got rid of all of that although they did keep the handy minimap up in the corner the game is still a bit Jagged when it comes to screen scrolling understandably the Atari Lynx version had eight player multiplayer the Sega Genesis one you're gonna have to settle for Just Two slime world is an interesting example where every different version of it had different box art the links the turbo Graphics CD and the Genesis and for the most part I would say they're all equally pretty good the lynx version has a horde of slime monsters behind Todd who has a giga Chad in 30 years before I even knew what that meant the turbo CD version features more of the cut scene characters in that fantastic early 90s anime style the Japanese Genesis version of slime world has Todd shooting in alien's jaw off at Point Blank Range and in the American Genesis version Todd's waist deep and alien blood grabbing one by the ice dock looking like a total badass if he shoots another one with his water gun and that's not censorship you actually do fight all the Slime aliens in the game with a squirt gun and now you're starting to realize that this is just Super Mario Sunshine at the time there were a lot of reasons to love slime world the early 90s were all about slime thanks to the popularity of the TV series you can't do that on television which was then taken a step further by Nickelodeon Studios by integrating slime into everything they possibly could reviews for slime world were positive for the most part it got plenty of Praise from gaming Outlets though you could it was divided One egm reviewer awarded it an 8 out of 10 but another egm reviewer gave it a 4 out of 10. as for what people are saying about Todd dementor in slime world now nothing no one is talking about Todd's Adventure in slime world although I will say this about it I am getting really tired of constantly staring at the color green though I do suddenly want to buy some gak what is great stuff [Music] suck it up and squirt it up with a gag back pop it up and blow it up with a gag and flavor I never Nickelodeon Dak comes in different colors sizes and playsets each sold separately coming soon from Adele not to make you stare at more green but another game released this week for the SNES is super soccer champ from taito Super Soccer champ is a soccer or football game for the Super Nintendo only with faster paced arcade style action think something closer to Tecmo Bowl than say FIFA in fact even has little cutscenes that play anytime you score a goal like Tecmo Bowl taito attempted to add authenticity to the selectable World teams by having realistic depictions of the player's faces appear in the corner and those results can be described as the Crypt Keeper that is the Crypt Keeper super soccer champ would go on to get sequels in Japan turns out that arcade style action made it perfect for an arcade cabinet thus the sequel named hat trick hero 93 released one year later in Japanese arcades the series would go on to get yearly installments ending with hat trick Hero S for the Sega Saturn super soccer champ sequel was originally going to be released over here but its US release was canceled and hat trick Hero 2 remains in Japan only despite not being all that finally remembered super soccer champ was remade in 2021 for mobile devices albeit with a different developer and publisher different gameplay different mechanics and different teams and you know what I'm starting to think they just wanted to use the name if Sports aren't your thing perhaps RPGs are also released this week is Cosmic fantasy 2 released June 9th 1992 for the turbo Graphics CD in the early to mid 90s the SNES was the place to be for RPGs aside from all the square stuff there was luffia Breath of Fire the quintet Trilogy and tons more the Sega Genesis also had some good RPGs thanks to series like Shining Force and fantasy star so what did the turbo Graphics have for RPGs well it had Cosmic fantasy 2. for the time Cosmic fantasy 2 was fairly impressive being the first RPG to have fully animated cutscenes with voice acting though it's aged about as well as you expect despite the presentation the gameplay of cosmic fantasy 2 is incredibly basic you know how in every other RPG enemies have all kinds of attacks and spells you have to worry about what your enemy is going to do and what spells or special moves they're gonna do well in Cosmic fantasy 2 you don't all enemies including every single boss will only use a basic attack and there is no such thing as critical hits or even missing battles also hearken back to an already dated look being more like Dragon Quest 1 several years after the fact at a high random encounter rate and you got a game that really shows its Edge this was also on the turbo Graphics CD which means every single time you got into an encounter you would have to wait for that CD to spin just to load the battle and the music but hey it's got those cutscenes Cosmic fantasy 2 caused a lot of confusion because where was Cosmic fantasy one the rest of the cosmic fantasy series never left Japan and two only made it over to the West thanks to the publisher working designs from what we could gather allegedly there was going to be released for Cosmic Fantasy 3 here but those plans fell through as was the style for Japanese games at the time we got a very different box art for the English release the Japanese box art for Cosmic fantasy 2 shows the actual characters as they appear in the cutscenes whereas the American box art it looks like a middle schooler borrowed a how to draw a high fantasy book from their school library this wasn't the only thing that was changed in the English version originally the main character Rim had instances of giving the middle finger which was removed they also changed the ending theme by slightly adjusting some notes and re-recording the vocals so it sounds more like a power ballad which that alone is worth listening to upon release electronic gaming monthly gave praise to Cosmic fantasy 2 although One reviewer did say that it could use some spunk and attitude however in the egm buyer's guide 1992 Awards the best RPG of the year of all the consoles was given to Cosmic fantasy 2 saying that it has a huge World dozens of Cinemas and realistic sounding voice in that it blows all other RPGs away to date this means that egm thought Cosmic fantasy 2 was better than and I'm just thinking off the top of my head here Arcana ultimate underworld Soul Blazer Final Fantasy Mystic Quest why not reviews used to make no sense at the time however Cosmic fantasy 2 did appeal to owners of the turbo Graphics CD in fact the game sold in an almost one-to-one ratio with the turbo Graphics CD unit itself in 2009 publisher sunsoft best known for games like Blaster Master announced that they had acquired all of telenet's catalog and they teased a potential rarely piece of the cosmic fantasy series but that was also 13 years ago so I wouldn't get your hopes up [Music] she'll say some things from the 90s are just so iconic they're still around to this very day and you know exactly what I'm talking about with Krusty's super fun house released for the Super NES this week in June of 1992. decades before it became the poster child of shows well past their Prime The Simpsons were quite possibly the biggest cultural Touchstone of the 90s their massive success of course led to the merchandising and franchising of everything possible and I mean everything t-shirts posters toys parade balloons dish sponges of course this also meant video games and what a surprise 90 of them sucked but it didn't matter The Simpsons were big and there was money to be made we last let Court Simpson battling deadly space mutants in the claims best-selling video game Lark versus the Space Museums and now it's Park versus the world and as Mark Mania continues to spread but Homer still wants bartomo the lawn part mumbles he's got better things to do when life is unfair and now portable Mark Mania in part versus the juggernauts for Game Boy but media now comes three ways for your NES and Game Boy from Acclaim for BART to give you an idea of how aggressive they win on this that iconic Simpsons arcade game from Konami released in 1991. in 1992 there were five different Simpsons games released across all platforms throughout the entire year and this does not include ports of previous games like when Bart versus the space mutants was ported from the NES over to the Sega Master System and the psychogenesis almost all of these games had one thing in common you played as the most popular character at the time Bart except for Krusty's super fun house the first Simpsons game of the 16-bit era stick alive the most unsportsman like conduct on Game Boy Mark versus the jump best superhero performance on NES fart band meets radioactive man the best performance on SNES nightmare I don't believe it look for a winning Simpsons video game for every system don't forget Krusty's fun house look at my touch man it's raining oh rats are invading Krusty's fun house on NES SNES and Genesis lead the vomits into traps and crasterize the little stinkers with help from Trap Master but in it you play as Krusty the Clown who has an infestation of dumb rats in his house and it's up to you to help them get them into traps operated by other characters like Barton Homer it's essentially a platformer Puzzler where instead of just getting to the end of the level you need to rearrange blocks and pits to get the rats to walk themselves into their death traps Krusty can also defeat certain enemies by throwing pies into their face think Lemmings but you actually want all of them to die to win all of this within 60 levels okay not really it's more like five main levels with a bunch of sub levels in the form of individual rooms I'm still pretty impressive it for the time and now of all the Simpsons games from the 16-bit era Krusty's super fun house is arguably the best one although that's not saying much this is mostly in part two all the other ones being really janky and frustratingly difficult and it's also in part because Krusty's super fun house is a reskin originally released as rat trap for the Amiga one year earlier in 1991 the gameplay aesthetic even most of the Sprites are exactly the same the purple-haired kid was changed to crusty Bart Homer inside show Mel were added to the extermination machines the rats were made slightly more simpsonsy I guess it was also ported to the Genesis and had versions on the NES the Master System The Game Gear and MS-DOS all in 1992 and a Game Boy version in 1993 but all of those would drop super from their title being a game based off of a massive franchise naturally it was featured prominently by Gaming Outlets video games and computer energy entertainment made it their feature game for their 40 second issue Nintendo Powers June 1992 issue also had maps and guides for Krusty super fun house which I ironically also had Lemmings as the cover in the same issue Nintendo Power also reviewed the game giving it an average score of a 3.6 out of 5. hey did you know that the Simpsons actually predicted rocket League schools perfect form sir well that's actually false because space football one on one did it first released this week for the Super Nintendo in 1992. as I mentioned last week sports games are incredibly common so how do you make one that stands out set it in outer space throw some obstacles in the way and make it first person the one-on-one aspect of the game is pretty apt you don't control an entire team but rather a single player and by a player I mean a hovercraft it uses the SNES mode 7 to rotate the field around you and make it feel like you're really scooting around after an orb this is harder than it sounds as the ball is constantly flung around and you can only hold on to the ball for about four seconds before it launches off also weird don't press up on the d-pad to go forward pressing up on the d-pad automatically turns you to the direction of the ball and then you go forward also also weird you can't actually launch the ball into the goal you have to carry it in for the record the box art shows them shooting lasers at each other there are no lasers in space football one on one at least there's two players gamepro gave it a full page favorable review though they did say it's not really doing anything new or exciting which would be correct since space football one on one has the exact same concept as ball Blazers which was released for the Atari 7800 eight years earlier speaking of ideas that shouldn't be on consoles the Genesis got Warrior of Rome 2. known in Japan as ambition of Caesar 2 as the name implies it takes place in ancient Rome you play as Julius Caesar commanding your army it's pretty ambitious as it both looks and functions very similar to a PC game construct buildings create units and go to war only with one standout difference to a PC game everything is so cramped the words can't even fit into the text boxes resulting in many hilarious half words like unit staff enemies the new unit and who's AF or purchase controls are also incredibly slow and clunky as you have to use the d-pad to slowly move the cursor around on the screen now the Genesis did get a mouse controller called the Sega Mega Mouse which would be used for certain Genesis games Warrior of Rome 2 does not support the Sega Mega Mouse one of the few instances where it would have greatly improved how the game plays even more insane you can play this two-player simultaneously just in case things weren't clustered enough for you already the back of the box for this one made an absolutely massive claim over 15 maps to conquer and hundreds of hours of gameplay keep in mind this is in the time where just 10 levels was considered to be a huge selling point and a game that could have hundreds of hours of gameplay was absolutely ludicrous in fact I think the box is telling the truth hundreds of hours of gameplay eighty percent of that is very slowly moving your cursor around the screen with your d-pad bit by bit in any case Warrior of Rome 2 did receive positive reviews game pro praise it for its strategic depth and called it a giant step forward in the war simulation category at the summer Consumer Electronics Show in 1993 Warrior of Rome 3 was shown or at the very least disgust in fact Warrior of Rome 2 was also slated to come to the Super Nintendo although that version never came out and neither did Warrior of Rome 3. effectively ending this series right here it's Nerf or nothing if there's one thing that's true about the world it's that anything and everything can be capitalized on look no further than this week's first game Gary kitchens super battle tank war in the Gulf released this week in 1992 for the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo Super battle tank warned the golf is about everything it sounds like in the title you play as an M1 Abrams tank during the Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm as a tank you slowly roll around and shoot other tanks it's first person with the tank view where about two-thirds of the screen is covered up by the tank and you only have a few small Windows to see any action with the Tank's turret slowly pivoting up above it's a lot of wasted space but the HUD is kind of cool as it displays all of your information in a more immersive way you can see a mini-map how much armor you have left and the ammunition for your Canon smoke screens and uh the Tank's laser from there you can swap to an overhead map moving a tiny tank spec around to find Targets to blow up for the time these Graphics were considered very impressive as the tanks and the people in The Briefing screen were digitalized making them look super realistic the opening even had a pseudo FMV effect by having several stills of a real tank playing quick sequence the game's box also boasted that it had blistering sound effects which uh not so much honestly it sounds like they used the exact same shot sound effect as the pistol for Doom foreign [Music] as stated in the title Gary kitchen's super battle tank was designed and developed by Gary kitchen Gary made a name for himself in the 80s by making some absolute successes namely porting the arcade hit Donkey Kong to the Atari 2600 an accurate Port that sold over 4 million copies he came from an era where third party Publishers namely Activision wanted to treat their developers the same way a record label would treat their musicians with royalties and their name on The Game's box think Sid Meier's Civilization David Crane's a boy and his blob or John Romero's di Katana it was because of Gary's successes that he went on to form his own Studio absolute entertainment while the first thing they did was a port of the arcade game crossbow to the Commodore 64 the first original game that they put out was a boy and his blob which Gary helped co-design after super battle tank Gary kitchen's name was not added to any other game upon release super battle tank received positive reviews game pro issue 42 liked its Challenge and realistic death as for today superbound take reminds me of a slower on the ground version of Top Gun from the NES there would be a super battle tank 2 just for the Super NES a couple of years later and it would also get ported to the Game Boy Advance as operation armored Liberty in 2003. super battle tank was also ported to the Game Gear in 1994 and for whatever reason re-released by majesco for the Game Gear in 2001. speaking of weird ports here's another one released this week in 1992 was King's Quest 5 for the NES king's quest is a series that needs little introduction created by Sierra online it's known for pioneering the point-and-click adventure genre to new heights by using something called Graphics no more were you just typing in your parsed like in Zork now you can freely move King Graham around to save his kingdom of daventry King's Quest now has nine total entries in the long-running franchise but we're going to be focusing on just the fifth one king's quest 5 was originally released for home computers in 1990 and was known for having a significant Improvement in visuals thanks to VGA graphics and is the first king's quest title to have a true point-and-click interface no text commands here also in 1992 it would get a special CD-ROM based re-release that gave it some new features most notably the voice acting has become so loved and so reviled to this day three and watch out now the reason I bring all of that up is because we're talking about the NES version which has none of that on one hand it's incredibly impressive that such a massive game was able to be shrunk down onto an NES cartridge on the other hand look at it it wasn't a good idea to begin with but Konami did it obviously the beautiful hand-painted Graphics of the PC version get reduced down to a muddied mess and the animations limited the roughest part is that the easy Putt and click interface of the original is now using the NES d-pad to slowly move an arrow around to select anything making the NES version clunky to play the port to the NES version also meant there had to be some censorship any dialogue or words mentioning or alluding to death or killing had to be removed where is Cedric over there mordek may have killed him some instances of nudity or even religious themes also had to be changed perhaps the worst change for the console version was that it only had two save slots anyone who's ever played any king's quest game can tell you you need at least 10 times that amount because one wrong move in the game becomes unbeatable you never know when you're going to need to restore there was also a password system that was 15 characters long and just as annoying to enter as it was to play the game Nintendo Power also knew that the NES version just wasn't very enjoyable to play because they wouldn't cover it until Nintendo Power issue 51 which came out in August of 1993 a full year after the game's release they also kept calling it an RPG and said that it translated well to console so there were all kinds of wrong king's quest 5 was not the first game to be put onto a Home console that would actually go to the first king's quest game which was put onto the Sega Master System king's quest 5 was slated to be released for the Sega CD based on the CD-ROM version that had all the voice acting but that never came to be king's quest would not see itself on a Home console again until the 2015 episode based reimagining simply titled king's quest also released this week in June is another forgotten game mystical Fighter for the Sega Genesis as we've mentioned before the early 90s were filled with beat-em-ups we've had fantasy we've had futuristic and thanks to Mystical fighter there was feudal Japan rather than playing as ninjas again you play as a kabuki warrior with the whole game based around Japanese mythology characters enemies stages bosses you name it gameplay wise it's closer to Golden ax than anything else you punch some dudes but could also pick up magic Scrolls for screen clearing attacks and the more magic Scrolls you have the cooler it is you're also able to do a Sonic style spin dash and a couple of different throws which apparently was important enough to show off on the game's box art mystical fighter is another one of those games that has a normal mode and a hard mode but you don't get to see the real ending unless you beat it on hard aside from its setting mystical fighter is a pretty generic beat above with two players across six stages game pro issue 35 had a multi-page spread about all of the different beat-em-up games coming out which included mystical fighter their review of it basically said that the graphics are nice the sound effects do their job but it's repetitive enough to bring it down they listed it as a respectable third place after Streets of Rage and two crude dudes for whatever that's worth their review of it gave it an overall rating of a this face [Music] foreign
Channel: Now in the 90s
Views: 37,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: now in the 90s, now 90s, nit90s, now in 90s, gaming, retro gaming, nintendo, super nintendo, sega genesis, turbografx-16, sega, NES, SNES, video games, now in the 90s projared, projared now in the 90s, retro video games, retro game commercials, 90s video games, 90s nostalgia, 90s commercials
Id: 8P1p5SghTWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 31sec (4231 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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