One Direction on Zayn Leaving, Taking a Break, and Having Songs Written About Them (Full Interview!)

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Our first guests have one of the biggest albums in the world this week. Please welcome One Direction. [MUSIC PLAYING] [CHEERING] (SINGING) It's like you [INAUDIBLE].. I didn't know, didn't know what I said to make you mad, make you mad at me. I'm nicking these. Hello, fellas. Hello. Hello. How are you doing? Good. We're doing great. So since the last time you were here, now you all-- the entire group fits on the couch. We fit on the couch. Just about. It's practical, yeah. The last time-- see that's why it happened probably. He was like, maybe I'm going to take off because they would fit on the couch better. Now, did you know that Zayn leaving would be like the story that it became-- such a huge story? Um, yeah. I guess so. I mean, it's a big story. I guess so. Yeah, huge. And did he-- did you know for a while? Did he talk about it for a while, that he was leaving? I mean, I think we kind of had a feeling. Yeah, I don't really know. Yeah. Have you talked to him since he's been gone? No? Yes? Yeah, a couple of times. He's doing OK? Yeah, he's good. [LAUGHTER] Are you lying? No, genuinely. Why are you laughing then? Because it's-- you could cut the tension in here with a knife. [LAUGHTER] Well, they're just questions. Let's make some jokes. [LAUGHTER] All right, so-- [CHEERING] I didn't want it to be tense. I'm sorry. I was just asking a question. I'm just going to cuddle this mug over here, just-- I'm pretty tense anyway because I feel like I'm on edge for someone to pop out this box. No one's-- no. [LAUGHTER] Well, I kind of checking the surroundings as I was coming out. When-- well, I'm not going to give it away. No, this is not the table that people pop out of. [LAUGHTER] There's a table people pop out of? Oh, yeah, crazy stuff happens here. Yeah. Now I'm on edge. We're not going to scare you. What does pop out of the table? That does. All right, you want to talk about this? This is pretty exciting. Sure. You each have your own cover of the CD. [CHEERING] And if you buy all four, you get this handle, and you can actually-- It's like a selfie stick. It's really great. It is. It's not really like a selfie stick at all. So where did the title come from, Made in the AM? Well, we did a lot of our writing sessions and recording sessions after 12:00. So I guess any hour after that is the AM. So I guess we-- Well done now. Thanks very much. But none of it was actually made in the morning because we didn't really get up that early to be fair. Yeah, indeed. So yeah, that's pretty much how it came about. So you're in the studio-- all of you are in the studio working at really 3:00, 4:00 in the morning? Yeah, well, a lot of times, we do like recording and writing after the show. So what time do we get off stage, about 11:00? Then yeah, we probably start around midnight. Really? You'd think that you'd be exhausted after a show, especially a huge stadium, but then you go and sit down and start writing more music? Yeah. Yeah, you feel in a good mood. It's kind of a-- it's a good place. I guess it would be hard to come down after that kind of energy too. It'd be really hard to just go to sleep. Switch off. Indeed. Yeah, amazing. You're doing stadium tours, or you were doing stadium tours. And it seems like you fall a lot. Is that-- [LAUGHTER] Would you agree? We've all fallen quite a few times, actually. Yeah. Yeah, it's really embarrassing. I think it's just because we're always-- I'm sure you're going to show us a few. Yeah, because it is embarrassing. Let's show it. [LAUGHTER] Oh. This is terrible. Oh, ow. Came out of nowhere. Ow. Oh, ow. I remember that. Kind of broke me back. Ow. Oh, no. Yeah, that was a big one. That hurt my face. [INAUDIBLE] one. Ow, that looked like that hurt. And then-- [LAUGHTER] Now-- This one's a good one. Oh! Boom! You took me out as well, didn't ya? Yeah, yeah. This is a big one. This is the big one. This is a crazy one. Crazy. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, that was bad. That's like a cartoon. I think-- What happened? Well, first of all, I think it's because we always give 110%. Yeah, I agree. The worst part of that was we were-- it was the show-- It's so bad. All my friends were there right in the front, and it was terrible. Was it-- it looked like you're used to the microphone stand leaving with you, but it was tacked down? It was bad carpentry because there was a loose flap, and it got caught in that. Almost pulled-- Bad carpentry? But I tried to-- don't show it again. [LAUGHTER] He's out of there. Wow. I forgot how good it was. I remember just going, oh my God. So now you won't be doing that anymore because you're taking a year long break. And that's why. Is that why? We're going to be safe. That's exactly why. No, seriously, that's-- so you release an album. And then you say, we're not going to tour. You're just going to rest for a year. That's not normal. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, it's kind of strange, actually. I haven't thought this through. Although, our schedule that we've been on hasn't been that normal really. We've done four tours in four years. It's a lot. We're due a a year off, aren't we? Now, what will you do with your time off? Will you actually take time off and rest? Will you go on a vacation? Do you know how to do nothing? I don't know. I think we're going to struggle a little bit, actually. I know if we have a week off or something, I'm just like, when are we going back to work usually. So it's going to be hard to take a whole year. Yeah, because then you're going to want to write. Now, do you like to write together usually, or do you like to write when you're on your own or both? We write little bits together. These boys go [INAUDIBLE] all the time. Do you write with them, or do you write alone? I think everyone does-- we kind of group up and sometimes go separately. I think especially if you're writing like-- if it's a personal thing, sometimes-- if there's three of you, not everyone's going through the same story. But yeah, I think we mix and match and do both. But that also doesn't feel like-- that doesn't really feel like working because it's fun. To write songs? Yeah. Yeah. And so are there a lot of personal-- does everybody have personal stuff on this CD that we're supposed to decode? You have to-- you have to buy it with the handle, and then you find out inside. A clue with each. The handle is what helps it? [LAUGHTER] It's really screwed in. It's a good shield. It doubles up as a weapon. They could have used it when you were pouring water on them in the audience. It was really bold of you. They seemed to enjoy it, but you just decided to spray water on the front row. And they were like, oh my God. He did it, so it's OK. If anybody else-- if a stranger all of a sudden just opened water and poured it on them, they'd be like, hey, you idiot. [LAUGHTER] They'd be furious. It happens a lot during our shows, and they get us back, so it's kind of fun. Oh, I see. And that's-- Try it. That's probably why you slip because they throw water back at you. That is right. In hindsight, it's not ideal. You're starting the whole thing. Hey, there's a fan in the audience that you were nice enough-- you're nominated-- by the way, congratulations on two nominations for American Music Awards, and you're performing. So let's talk about-- you have a fan in the audience, and you brought tickets for one lucky fan. There's a lot of fans in here. But Sarah Islice-- where are you Sarah? [CHEERING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh my God. Hello. Sarah Islice-- I love you. [CHEERING] Sarah Islice, how are you? [CHEERING] Nice to see you. It's nice to see you. Have a seat. Sit with us. You seem to have an engagement ring on. Oh, no, my grandma gave this to me when I was 18 years old. Oh, OK. Hi. Hi. Hi, Ellen. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Sit down. You're going to go see them at the American Music Awards. Isn't that wonderful? Sarah-- Sarah Islice, everyone. [CHEERING] The name of the CD is Made in the AM. Everyone in the audience, you're going home with a copy. We'll be back. All right, we're back with One Direction. Your fans think they know everything about you. Do they? Ooh. I hope not. We're going to find out soon. We sure will. OK, I'm going to ask a question, and you have paddles. And you'll either say you have or you never have because it's called "Never Have I Ever." Never have I ever had someone write a song about me. We're not going to play if you're going to lie. We're very honest in this studio. We're very truthful. [LAUGHTER] Does my mom count? Oh, stop. Anybody else? No? No. All right. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo that I regret. Oh, I have. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] What is it? What do you-- Well, when I first got this, I was kind of like what have I just done to my arm sort of thing. I woke up in bed, and the first thing I googled was, how do I get this thing off me. And my mom cried, and my dad probably cried a bit. And everyone was crying and stuff. So I was like, this was a bad move. Terrible. Right, and it's harder to get them-- it's more painful to get them removed. Apparently so. Never have I ever made out with someone double my age. [LAUGHTER] All right, what is this game? [LAUGHTER] [INAUDIBLE] going 42 and two. Just doing the math. I was trying to think. We're all having fun. I'm not having fun. [LAUGHTER] Come on. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. [LAUGHTER] Never have I ever used one of my bandmates' toothbrush without telling them. [LAUGHTER] I'm sure I have. Whose have you used? Whose? I used yours once. [LAUGHTER] Whose have you used? It's [INAUDIBLE]. What? We kind of-- we had that little bag that Luke keeps with toothbrushes. I think over the time, we just kind of just go, ah, just take that. Yeah, on tour, it's all coming out. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Oh, yeah. [LAUGHTER] Oh, so you have done that? I haven't. All right, never have I ever dated someone that another band member dated. No. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Imagine it just came out now. Or if one of you said-- Who was it? Never have I ever gone skinny dipping in a hotel pool. [CHEERING] When did you go skinny dipping without me? Yeah, all of them went without you. At the same time. Never have I ever hooked up with a fan. [CHEERING] I think mine's broken. [LAUGHTER] It's interesting the ones that turn over. Never have I ever sent a naughty text to the wrong person. [LAUGHTER] So literally, as you hit send, or did someone write you back, and you realize you sent the wrong thing? No, it's that horrible moment where you know you can't-- you've already sent the message, and there's nothing you can do about it. There's no coming back from that. Even if you turn your phone off, throw it at the wall, it's already sent. And did they write back to you, the people that you sent it to? Just, what the hell. [LAUGHTER] Now we're going to get in before and be like, look, that obviously wasn't for you. Just-- Sorry, dad. [LAUGHTER] Sorry, dad, that wasn't for you. Never have I ever lied about who I was. I used to say I was Nick from Backstreet Boys. [LAUGHTER] You used to say-- Are you Nick from One Direction? No, I'm Nick from Backstreet Boys. You did say-- he said you were Ellen for a while. Yeah, yeah. We actually-- I'd take that. And I say I'm you when people come up to me. All right, so thank you for being honest, the three of you. [LAUGHTER] They will be back later to sing. I think we're done with these. You're going to take that home and learn how to play. [APPLAUSE] Ever since we announced One Direction was going to be on our show, we have gotten thousands of emails from their fans. I'm going to read just one to you right now. I just can't believe-- "Hi, Ellen. I watch your show every day. I can't believe you're having One Direction on. There my freaking favorite. Words can't describe what they mean to me. Not only are they the hottest guys, but their music really inspires me. I would do anything to meet them. Could you please make my dream come true. Sincerely, Rebel Wilson." And I-- hey, Rebel, are you here? [MUSIC PLAYING] [CHEERING] Hi. Hi. Rebel. This is crazy. I almost wore that same shirt. Rebel, you were just here recently, and I didn't realize you were such a huge fan. I am. When was the first time you saw them? Before they were legal. [LAUGHTER] What's your favorite song? Well, I know you guys have a new song on the album called "Olivia." But I know that's really about me. [LAUGHTER] So that's like my new favorite. Oh, so why did you really come here? Well, I was-- well, I am a massive fan, legit. But you guys were saying before you were all single. And I'm single. And I'm also starring in a new movie that I know these guys are really going to love called How to be Single, and it comes out 12th of February. And so while these guys are dropping their album, I'm going to drop the new trailer for How to be Single. Oh, here? [CHEERING] How to be Single opens everywhere February 12. We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 412,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show
Id: NeAuMyftywI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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