Harry Styles talks Taylor Swift, Liam Payne and Stage-Dives

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[Music] holding everybody is Friday morning 12th May has just gone 7 a.m. and our guest is here good morning Harry Styles good morning how are you I'm not doing that actually you've been weird today come on little bit surly and not bad word but if it's early weird or if it's like everyone can hear the album with the big day think early would ya all right you're quite early the earlier the personal you do like waking up early in the feel a bit perky yes give it to perky to perky like annoying everyone so the hello that's my job every day yes here being a night a good point and all right though you good I'm very well thanks don't ever having me thank you for coming in it's going to be it's going to be exciting this one it's going to be fun cause we're going to get to hear this album and it felt like when it when it first got announced it was going to be made at 12th May the 12th felt like in the future did it like you know far away so that's today today it's happening come around quick it's come around quick yes what's been happening since last time you're in cuz you're in what erm a month ago I did a month ago I went did some TV shows huh did some radio show and now I'm back and now you're back on full circle yeah and then it's the end of the campaign actually yeah it started here he ended it in a trouser album - on the way back here yeah and a trouser and it's nor the trouser good food today so thanks did you make out details have people been in touch this morning of like your friends been in touch of your family been in touch yeah one of my friends texted me this morning saying that he'd been to the toilet for one of the song number one and number two and that I'm number two oh wow yeah his name is Harry isn't it yeah honey surname is Harry Lamba going to the toilet - your album - beautiful image well it's nothing in the morning Harry at least irregular yeah and next we're going to play another song but I don't know if any of your friends have visited the toilet worth listening to this one and but we're going to play I'll have a line ah okay haleh's all about carolina because this is the one we saw you debut on the tallien in New York yeah New York Carolina was the last song writer wrote for the album it was the last it's kind of like felt like what finished it off and we dad's like a week two weeks have been in like a real funk well kind of everything was terrible and then I went out for a day and then wrote this and it was really fun and then it was kind of a bit of fun that it was missing I think yeah I felt like it was it was finished after doing this one now is it about a specific person with some yeah and I think from Carolina I'm guessing yeah and do they know it's about them or did they just put like on the telly and then you know hear what they do now have to see me on the telly yeah cuz it wasn't out so you didn't say by the way I ran this massive song for you no you don't help people know it's just a surprise so someone could be listening today it's not worth the album but hang on that's not me potentially who's that about then someone from Carol I don't remember the name what they were welfare master from Ohio South Carolina on BBC Radio 1 one how about story paper you just told me about that song oh so that the person who who it's about fanned out I find out how they found out that it was on that and they their dad watches The Today Show which is like GMTV yeah like the mall in New York and if you like left a voicemail saying um think you just sang a song about young on the TV on the telly and that's yeah and that has found out it's pretty mad to find out that someone's wearing a song about you on the Today Show yes yeah what do you think that was mad if you put the telly on and some of that O'Hare is have you turn the radio on and we'd written a song about you you'd be like we won't find that way maybe yeah maybe when you put it like that no I mean I think it'd be weird it's nice though I just nice unless you're like slagging him off in the song which I am NOT which you are not she's from Carolina she's such a good girl why not to me about this because this is the song that you're really eagle-eye fans you know you put the teaser up for like behind the scenes movie of the of the album yeah they like paused it and zoomed in on things and this has been on the actual news don't look through that go with it just go with it this has been on the actual news like apparently Harry Styles written a song about Taylor Swift you're gonna be asked about this I'm doing you a favor here what is this song about will you change your made me go to the lyric I have to live um I mean I think it's pretty like self-explanatory is that yeah yeah I think yeah yeah you but not to us help me disregard Jeffery I think I think I know picture efforts come in and tell us other things about no no I think you know it's about sometimes things change yeah and you can be you know do all the same things sometimes it's just different you know that is a roundabout the healthy answer 2017 philosopher London England so here we go the one about Taylor Swift already why not it's a luthier a lot of style back hi hi hello hello so we are currently doing the Harry Styles listening party everyone's going mad on Twitter for this everyone really really enjoying it I'm personally having a fabulous time me too I kind of never want it to end we have to leave in a bit so it's going to have to end it's been that night no you mean everything has to end at some point it really does including the radio and breakfast show there's been a complaint Ellie's been on in Bristol she said that the One Direction fan I thought hiatus would be good for my GCF a year so can I ask Harry why all three of them are releasing music five days before my exam why why of eternalness she says can I hold you responsible when I fail because I'm listening to your album instead of revising why it says passing the blame is never know it's not a really solution what I'd say is might be time to start taking responsibility for your actions and why not revising no I'm a sister I [Laughter] can't go reason why there may be a reason why again said that was long just work there because when you think that's the last time okay we're going to get into the next song now which is called woman oh man this is the one that your stepdad Robin yeah said last time you run you told us a story of him saying it sounded like there's a duck on the record yeah what actually was the duck night who made the duck noise noise is me oh yeah okay woman of the line over here like with like effect on it and now I think I'm now everyone with some certain things as a dirt oh no he's done what we did for Laurie Magda yeah we cremated it and we want to talk about the start of this record because listening to this last night and I noticed at the start there's there's there's a man talking about watching summer on the Tali yeah a little listen everyone should we just search romantic um because here we find that Mark Ronson it's actually not no no sounds quite liking to do it with you know very busy yeah yeah and but that says we should we watch romantic comedies on Netflix what do you like to watch it well in the rom-com in Jamaica we kind of got into a routine of like we would write and then we'd have dinner huh and then we'd watch countless amounts of want to comment what did you I'm lost movies ah anything that Nicholas Sparks has ever done are ticked off that's like from beginning there's actually what the album's about yeah yeah there's a lot of that I mean I always circle back to the notebook you love the hair look I don't like them you you much you love the notebook I love that you're never not wanted you know we've watched it before we have watched it before I don't like the notebook and how he's not really like no I did not actually he loves it and you know other what you know you do that thing where you repeat them you say the lines meg Ryan Gosling now yes you do true we what I play rachel mcadams true yeah I'm Ryan Gosling yes no we watched it once at your house mean you daytime daytime host Rose who's fine with Jurassic Park yes roast then the noble yep and it was fine because it was a daytime bike but then as it gets to like the sad part of the film the Sun began to say yeah and then suddenly you realize you know after a couple hours you're suddenly sat there watching the notebook in candlelight you're like this is different between a fraud and that's what may have let me see we play woman then yes yes let's play woman brand-new stuff from home and women s search relate to come because here we find Harry Styles is here good morning good morning good morning we're about to play our final song and then with you're getting out of here why your poor your plans today what's going to be happening I'm going over to radio - yes I'll be over there yeah which is no but you can't actually listen to it she's weird you should keep listening to radio and breakfast show because Miley siren anyway no you can't listen to it and I like before I said because you know no album release day Harry and have like really grunt amazing plans I said what you doing today is like Gavin that the album's that good I'm just going to take a sleep in the day can we talk about the and the stage-diving we saw in the news this we hear you did a stage driver something and fell on your face doesn't feel as cool as you think it does do we not know what happened and why was it you know it didn't fail is what I'll say I was up the enemy said it there dude yeah of course they did and what I'd say is I've never done one before muhaha felt like a time yeah there was not that many people that was like a small little radio show and I went for it I was encouraged I got the thumbs up from the powers-that-be yeah and I went for it and I was up for a second and then kind of sink cold Oh would you like to try one now yeah yeah yeah go tell Matthew yes dick yeah call it Who am I jump and on that we'll all gather his like when you made Tom Daley jump into a bath from the sink look at that yeah what and I've been go on that dive then yeah that actually happened and did he died so remember play and so stage dives do be careful of those I want to touch about that also I wanted to ask you why we've got you about the stunt double yeah in the sign of the times video because that that's the meme of the year I feel who is that guy and was that Matt names Marty yes very very brave man yes it was a mask that was not his face oh okay I thought that you'd been up there unlike you you'd be going so fast that your fate now now basically because I was hanging from our cups up there to send him ahead and show me what I was doing so that I didn't get out there and be like what really all my do is probably give a little love to be back so he showed you but he's Nikolai's to a queue he's become famous on the internet that guy I want him on the show I really want anyone that you know very nice man in the mask as well they never know yeah and thank you for coming on thanks for having me on and congratulations and it's really really great album thank you I really am liking it so we liking it we're liking it we liked it and next week we have genuinely it's like One Direction Fridays we had you on and then we had like two weeks off we had Niall in last Friday got you in today and then genuinely Liam Payne is going to be on the show next Friday nowadays yeah I'm one do you have any advice room because this is this solo record like you've done it all worked out hey I'm like great yeah yeah I think it's gonna be great limbs always you know Britain and done stuff with production and stuff and I think it's gonna be it's gonna be fun have you had a gone the chain nails had have gone the pain chain we're not seen liam payne's big every chain know you're not seeing it pain change the pain chain I'm seeing oh my god nails tried it on and everything oh really you need to get onto that get the pain today night and well he could be here next Friday yeah massive chain painting and came to something no no it's just like a necklace to the rhythm yeah yeah okay yeah we're going to end on Kiwi yeah this is a good one isn't it saying hell is all about Kiwi before you gave this one this kind of started as a joke and then now it's one of my favourite songs it was one the first ones I wrote for the album when I was getting out of energy and written I've been in the studio for a long time and then this came out and I like it now okay perfect Kiwi thanks for having me thank you Harry season I she worked away she pocket cigarettes with a bitter intellect [Music]
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 4,764,247
Rating: 4.975853 out of 5
Id: YRqiOYbzDTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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