Once Saved Always Saved?

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now my topic tonight is called eternal security or once saved always saved we want to look at this from a different angle than we may have looked at it in the past can a Christian lose their salvation or is a person who's received Jesus eternally saved regardless of how they live the answer is in the scripture we don't want to cherry-pick verses that support what we want to believe but we want to look at the whole counsel of God psalm 119 verse 160 says the sum of your word is truth another translation says the entirety of your word is truth which means that we have to look at all the scriptures even once on both sides of the subject do you agree now I want to begin by sharing some scriptures that make it seem like when a person is saved they can never be lost I want to look at those scriptures but the Bible says the entirety of your word is truth we have to look at all the scripture okay then we're gonna look at other scriptures and we'll see I believe that anyone with an open honest heart can see the truth now it's very important you might be thinking dear self why would I need to hear this I already know I know what the word says we might need to be more equipped there are so many people today believing wrong things but they believe it's the gospel and that's how people are lost that's how people go to hell doctrines of demons so another purpose of this message is to equip the hearer to know the truth so that we can be equipped to help other people amen the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 4 beginning at verse 11 that God gave apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers to equip the Saints to do the work of the ministry and the Bible also tells us in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 and 7 tene that the scriptures will make us thoroughly equipped for every good work let me read that verse to you it says second Timothy 3:16 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness all scripture old and new Testament is given by the inspiration of God it's profitable for doctrine for instruction for reproof for correction instruction righteousness that the man or the woman of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work so through the scripture and the scripture is enough through the scripture we can become thoroughly equipped for every good work let me just comment on that thought for a moment take the subject of spiritual warfare we should find all that we need to know about it in the scripture because the scripture says that the scripture is able to make us complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work if we know the word so I don't need to have five other books on spiritual warfare if I know this book agreed see Paul talks about spiritual warfare and if it's in the scripture and Paul's writing God inspired scripture the scripture says that scripture equips me and makes me thoroughly equipped to do the work of spiritual warfare or any other work that God calls us to do it's in the Bible ok let's begin by looking at this eternal security once saved always saved again this is designed to equip the hearer so that we can again instruct others ok let's begin with Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast now here's the argument that people put forth that teach once saved always save and I've heard this recently since you are not saved by your works but by faith now we are saved by faith apart from works agreed so the logic goes like this since you are not saved by your works but by faith you cannot lose your salvation by your sin because that would be work and the issue is faith so if you're saved by faith you can't be lost because of your actions now that's the teaching I'm not saying that I agree with it I'm telling you what's being taught out there but what we want to do is we want to look at all the scriptures and see what the Bible says I heard one preacher on national television he's on TBN he's on all around the world is a mega church in a suburb of Atlanta Georgia I heard a message he taught on once saved always saved he said four times in a row emphatically in his message and I'm quoting sin cannot make you lose your salvation he said it four times and he and he used the scripture to say were not saved by our works were saved by grace through faith since we're saved by faith we can't be lost by our works if we're not saved by our words that was his logic I'm telling you this now there's another preacher from Singapore who has a mega church he's on TBN and other channels around the world he says on his video and in his book you cannot lose your salvation he says also you don't need to repent you don't even need to confess your sins that's in writing in his book he said all of your sins are forgiven past present and future all you have to do is believe that okay now these are undocumented this Jesus said there would be doctrines of demons well let's let's look at some other scriptures that that seemed to support eternal security here's one that's used a chapter 1 verse 13 in him in Christ you also trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom you also having believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise now I've been told by those who believe in ones they know save that once you're sealed and we are sealed you cannot be lost because the Holy Spirit has sealed you there's another verse Ephesians 4 verse 30 do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption the word means sealed marked marked in order to preserve so there is something to that we are saved by grace not by our works through faith we're sealed by the Holy Spirit so and here's another verse that's used and we'll get to the other verse but let's ask a question does shield mean that God's seal will go against even my will am i shield against rebellion am i sealed if I turn away from the face what does it mean to be sealed by the Holy Spirit that's a question we have to answer because the assumption is made by those who teach once they've always saved that sealed means you can't be lost but it's the seal of the Holy Spirit what does the Holy Spirit do he convicts us of the truth of sin of righteousness and judgment he illuminates us when we start to go the wrong way he says uh-uh uh-uh that's wrong it's wrong don't do it now that's the sealing of the Holy Spirit can a person go against that see that's a question or does God's sealing going override our will okay here's another verse John 10 we'll get into it this is just the introduction John 10 verse 27 jesus said my sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me I give them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand that sounds like eternal security doesn't it being sealed doesn't that sound like it all right those are the primary scriptures and arguments for those that teach once saved all let's say let's look at it and let's look at the other side of the coin and let's get equipped so that we know the word here's what Jesus said in the Gospel of John he said you ye do err that's the King James New King James is you are mistaken for you know not the scripture so jesus said the reason why I believe believers got into error anybody got into error was from ignorance of the scripture amen now let's break this down John 10 verse 27 my sheep hear my voice I know them they follow me and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any one snatch them out of my hand all right I know them let's begin with that what does that mean I know them first Corinthians 8 verse 3 if anyone loves God this one is known by him all right so when Jesus is saying I know my sheep first the thing jesus said about a sheep is they hear his voice that means they listen to the Holy Spirit they listen to the word of God number two God knows them and first Corinthians 8 verse 3 says if anyone loves God he knows them now in John 14:21 jesus said he who has my Commandments and keeps them that is the one who loves me so when Jesus says I know them he's saying they love me they keep my Commandments that's what it means let's put those verses together John 10:27 my sheep hear my voice I know them first corinthians 8 3 if anyone loves god that one is no one by him first John I'm sorry John 14:21 whoever has my Commandments and keeps them that is the one who loves me so now put those together when Jesus said I know my sheep he's saying they love me they keep my word that's the ones he knows now let's put this together my sheep hear my voice they listen to my word they love me they keep my Commandments and I know them and they follow me and I give them eternal life and they'll never perish that's who never perishes who never perishes it's conditional upon the person who hears the word of God keeps the Word of God loves God and follows God that person will never perish now can a person stop hearing God stop following him and stop loving and that's the question if we're loving him hearing his word following him we will never perish alright let's go a little deeper by the way Jesus said in John 8 verse 12 I am the light of the world he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of Life so what's implied by that is if we do not follow him we do not have the light of Life his sheep follow him his sheep hear him his sheep are known by him because they love him and they love him by keeping his word they will never perish now let's look at some other verses why is it important to whether someone could lose their salvation or not it's very important because if people are taught they could never lose their salvation they have no fear of God and the Bible says is by the fear of the Lord that men depart from iniquity the Bible says the fear of the Lord is clean and it endures forever the Bible says in proverbs 14 the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life whoever walks in the fear of God will abide in satisfaction he will not be visited with evil alright let's look at some other verses can a person lose their salvation 1st Timothy 4:1 now the spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons now to depart from the faith you have to be in the faith so some who are in the faith will depart from it why will they depart from it because they're listening to doctrines of demons where are they hearing them in pulpits like this one sin can never make you lose your salvation the preacher that said that was being the mouthpiece of Satan in the church Satan will set himself up in the church alright there's another one second Peter chapter 2 verse 20 in verse 21 we're gaining equip to know the truth so that we can warn people teach people instruct people so when they come to the Lord they'll know that they're to follow him keep his word love him and if they love him keep his word and follow him they will never perish second Peter 2 verse 24 if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ they are again entangled in them and overcome the latter end is worse for them than the beginning for it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than having known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them alright let's read it again he's talking about believers if after they escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the word is epignosis it means experiential knowledge it means they had a real encounter with the Living Spirit of God and through the that real encounter with the Lord through faith in him they experienced his presence epignosis experience all they escaped the bondage of lust and corruption and they started walking free from sin with God and then they turned back it says if after they've done it and they escaped the pollution through the knowledge of Jesus then they were again entangled in them and they were overcome by sin their latter end is worse for them than the beginning when they first got saved they experienced God and they got free from sin he says now they went back into sin sin overtook them he said now they're in a worse condition and then says in verse 21 it would have been better for them to not have even known in the way of righteousness than having known it to turn from the commandment deliver to them why is that because if you don't know the commandment and you don't know Jesus and you're not saved you're going to hell but there are degrees of punishment in eternity Jesus taught that and if you know the truth you experience the love of God he sets you free and then you go back to sin your eternal damnation is going to be worse he said it would have been better for you to never have known Christ and then go to hell then to come to Christ backslide and then go to hell that's what he's saying they are lost their damnation will be worse now because they knew the truth and turned away let's look at another one Hebrews 10 now this is important to understand because in my experience over the years pastoring almost 30 years many Christian parents have children or nieces or nephews who grew up in church they were touched by the Lord they knew his presence they even prayed to receive the Lord but then they got enticed by lusts or the world they went away from God and many parents are not concerned that their loved ones are on their way to eternal damnation because they think oh it's okay they're still saved but we need to know the truth because the truth will give us a burden to pray for them alright Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 if we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth now listen there's their word epignosis the knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries anyone who has rejected Moses law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses of how much worse punishment do you suppose will be thought worthy will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot now watch these words carefully counted the blood of the Covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing and insulted the spirit of grace if we know him who said vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord and again the Lord will judge his people now he's not now what he's saying is we came into the knowledge of the truth we were sanctified by the blood of Jesus washed in the blood of Jesus had the knowledge of the truth and then we went back and started willfully sinning he said how much worse punishment are you gonna get for treating the blood of Jesus with contempt now he's not saying that a willful sin can't be forgiven so some people read this is oh no I did a willful sin before and I knew the truth I was a Christian and then I sinned wilfully that's not what he's talking about you're not talking about a sin he's talking about a lifestyle of willful sin all of us have probably sinned wilfully after we got saved so he's not talking about he's not saying a willful sin can't be forgiven he say once you come to the knowledge of the truth you've been sanctified by the blood and you go back into a lifestyle of rebellion and sin he said only there is no sacrifice left for you the only thing waiting for you is indignation and fiery wrath that's going to come and it's going to be bad because you disdained the blood of Jesus in his sufferings in his body that's what the word says yes you can repent you you can repent what he's talking about is someone who's staying in willful sin she was saying it doesn't mean you can never be forgiven if someone comes to their senses and that's what we pray for and they come back out of it and they said oh god what was I doing I was in insanity and you repent you come back the Lord you'll be forgiven but if you know the truth and you go into rebellion there's no more sacrifice for your sin okay let's look at a few more Hebrews 3 verse 12 and 14 12 through 14 we're getting equipped tonight to know the truth and the truth will make us free beware brethren he's talking to brethren beware brethren by the way let me just quote Colossians 1:28 Paul says him Jesus him we preach warning and teaching every man in all wisdom that we might present every man perfect in Christ Jesus the gospel that Paul preached was full of warnings we warn and we teach all right beware brethren here's one of those warnings lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the Living God so he's writing the Brethren and he's warning them because what can happen when we give place to the world we give place to compromise we start hanging out with ungodly people oh my friends smoke pot they're in Moore that's okay they're not a bad person we start going exposing ourselves to ungodliness he said beware lest you have an evil heart of unbelief and you depart from the Living God the Bible says evil companions corrupt good character it is important who we hang out with he said but exhort one another he's talking to the Brethren while it's called today lest any of you brethren be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin for we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end amen Matthew 10 22 he who endures to the end will be saved Romans chapter 2 now we are saved by grace through faith but real saving faith looks like something saving faith has action saving faith changes the way we behave James said show me your faith without your works he said I'll show you my faith by my works in other words what we believe changes how we behave if what we believe doesn't change how we behave we don't really believe so that's why the Bible says we're saved by faith but were judged by our works because our works show what we believe so over and over the Bible says second grade chapter 5 verse 9 10 11 every Christian will stand before the judgment seat of Christ will be judged according to the deeds our works every one will be rewarded according to the good or bad deeds jesus said behold I am coming quickly my reward is with me to give everyone according to his works because our works show what we believe and if we don't have works that correspond with what we believe we don't really believe it John the Baptist said bring forth fruits that are commensurate or he said the King James says fruits that meet for repentance he said don't say among yourselves we are the children of Abraham God make shown of Abraham out of these rocks he said bring forth fruits and then John said every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire and Jesus Christ repeated that he said every tree that doesn't bear fruit is thrown into the fire alright Romans 2 verse 4 do you despise the riches of His goodness and he tells what his goodness is it's his forbearance and his long-suffering with us when we are in sin God is patient and he's long-suffering why because he's not willing that any should perish God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked Ezekiel says so God says do not despise his goodness which is his forbearance and his long-suffering don't despise it don't you know that that goodness of God that's his forbearance and his long-suffering while we're in sin leads you to repentance but in accordance with the hardness and your unrepentant heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God verse 6 Romans - who will render to each one according to his deeds verse 7 eternal life to those who by now verse 7 he's going to describe what saving faith looks like he will give eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory honor and immortality see the scripture can't contradict itself when it says we're saved by grace through faith we are but that saving faith when the Holy Spirit comes in us there's a change in our heart we're born again we desire the Lord we hear his voice we love God we follow him so saving faith looks like this God will give eternal life to those who by patient here's what saving faith looks like patient continuance in doing good seeking for glory honor and immortality that's what saving faith looks like but to those who are now here's what false faith looks like it's not real faith remember jesus said not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom but only those who do do the will of God so a false faith that says Lord Lord looks like this they are self-seeking they do not obey the truth they obey and righteousness what will come upon them is indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish on every soul of man who does evil of the Jew first and also of the Greek but glory honor and peace will come on everyone who works what is good to the Jew first and also the Greek for there is no partiality with God now here's another verse John 15 verse 6 this is Jesus speaking he said I'm the vine you are the branches burst 6 he said if anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers and the branches are gathered thrown into the fire and burned so so remain abide continue in him he said if someone does not continue remain abide in me he withers up like a branch it'll be gathered thrown into the fire and burned all right Romans 11 verse 19 to 23 we're getting quipped we need to be equipped so we can teach people you need to be able to open your Bible to second Peter say hey look at this verse don't make light of the blood of Jesus you need to come back to God and live a holy life Romans 11 verse 19 now Paul speaking about the Jews who did not believe so then salvation went to the Gentiles and Paul calls the Jews a natural olive tree awhile and then he calls the gentiles the wild olive tree so he says you will save in branches he you is he's referring to us Gentile believers we will say then branches were broken off that I might be grafted in you falling with me so the natural olive tree is Israel because of their unbelief branches were broken off they fell away from God the gospel went to the Gentiles when they say they were grafted in these wild olive branches were grafted in became part of the tree which is the olive tree the tree is Christ so verse 20 says well said because of unbelief they were broken off and you stand by faith do not be haughty but fear see there's the fear of God for if God did not spare the natural branches he may not spare you either therefore consider the goodness and severity of God on those who fail the Jews severity but toward you goodness now it's conditional if you continue in his goodness otherwise you also will be cut off so if you abide in me and you continue to abide if you do not continue with me you'll be like a branch that's thrown in the fire if you don't continue in faith you don't continue with God you if you go into unbelief you'll be cut off but they also if they do not continue in unbelief they'll be grafted in and God is able to do that so someone could go into rebellion yeah they're in danger of going to perdition they could come to their senses turn around and be saved James chapter 5 verse 19 now I just want to say this it's possible to take a few isolated scriptures ignore all the verses that I'm talking about and say we can't quote John 10 my sheep hear my voice they follow me I know them they follow me I give them a turn life they'll never perish and and you're saved by grace through faith not by works and you could take a few verses put them together and teach a nice package message and make someone if they never read their Bible if they never read their Bible and they only hear that message you can deceive people into thinking once saved always saved and there are millions who've been deceived because they don't read their Bibles they don't study the word but they've heard a message with just these verses that show security they don't understand it but man it sounds good I like to hear that I can never be lost because you know me and my girlfriend and well you know we're just flesh and uh and God understands and anyway I can't lose my salvation you just I may not be as close to the Lord but God understands and he loves me and I'm eternally saved and millions go into sin and they have a false confidence that they're going to heaven it's called it it's a great deception and it's because of a doctrines of demons all right James 5 verse 19 brethren now that means he's talking to the Brethren Christians if anyone among you that's a Christian wanders from the truth and someone turns him back let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins so if someone among the Brethren wanders from the truth and in that how it happens we stopped going to church I don't need to go to church I could still love God without going Church you're wandering it's not like I think I'll just rebel and then you go well since I'm not a church I have free time I'll ring up my friends what are they oh they're hanging out I'll go hang out with him they're drinking it's not they're not bad people I can have a couple of drinks you're wandering well some of them smoke dope it's not bad it's like alcohol it's legal now and then next thing it goes it's a slippery slope and then we're blinded by a demon and then we're sitting among scoffers Psalm one blessed is he who doesn't stand in the way of sinners and sit among the scoffers but now we're sitting among scoffers and now they're the ones we're hanging out with a mock god they mocked the church and that mocking spirit gets on you and now you're blinded by a demon and you're arrogant and you think all those Christians are stupid yeah I used to be dumb like them too and you have no idea you're bound by Satan on the way to hell how did it happen you wandered from the truth you thought God's commandments were not important you thought I don't have to go to church I don't have to read my Bible I can love God my own way so he said if someone does wander and you bring them back from the error of their way you will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins god help us Christian's can wander from the truth if they do not repent their soul died here's here's the encouraging part to the whole thing I believe the greatest move of God that's ever come to Planet Earth is about to hit the earth and all kinds of backsliders are going to come back to the Lord I believe all kinds of people that are in sin right now and they're blinded by demons and deceived by sin and they're gonna come to the Lord in droves and I want him to be equipped I wanted to know the truth and I want him to be able to stay with the Lord and walk with God and stay faithful until he comes tell Jesus comes back now here's what Malachi 3:6 says I am the Lord I do not change Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever so let me read this passage from Ezekiel chapter 18 verses 23 and 24 this is the heart of God he says do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die says the Lord and not that he should turn from his ways and live that's the heart of God it's what Peter says is one reason why the Lord has not come back yet the scoffers and mockers say where is this coming and Peter says he's not come because he's not willing that any should perish he's waiting he's giving he's waiting patiently for people to come to repentance so do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die the answer is no he doesn't and not that he should turn from his ways to live verse 24 Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 24 but when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity and he does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does shall he live all the righteousness which he has done will not be remembered because of the unfaithfulness of which he's guilty and the sin which he's committed because of them he shall die why would a gospel preacher teach once saved always saved when all through the scriptures that's not supported there's a few I there's a few verses if you take them out of context misinterpret one or two of them and and ignore all the other warnings about losing your salvation you can make a case for one saved always saved that sounds pretty appealing and that's been done in churches all over the world why would a preacher teach once saved always saved I suspect there are some were sincere they're doing it out of sincerity because they were taught that they haven't studied the word and they're sincerely deceived they're not evil people but they're mistaken but I believe that there are others who are cunning crafty and plotting and their motive is money their motive is a crowd their motive is to build a ministry because it's a money machine and it's evil and it's wicked now what would make me think that the scripture let me read to you Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 God himself has given some to be apostles some prophets some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the equipping of the Saints for the work of ministry for the building up of the body of Christ verse 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ listen to this verse 14 so God well let me comment on those God's given apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers to equip the Saints now second Timothy 3 verse 16 and 17 tells us how we get equipped it says by preaching the word is it says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of the woman of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work that second Timothy 3:16 and 17 now look at the next verse chapter 4 verse 1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word so he just said the scripture will equip the Saints for every good work knowing the truth equips us he said therefore preach the word then he goes on be ready in season out of season convinced rebuke exhort with all longsuffering and teaching for the time will come well they will not endure sound doctrine but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables but you be watchful in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry so the word equips us so the fivefold ministry we call that apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher are to equip the Saints we do that through the Ministry of the word for the work of ministry again second Timothy 3:16 says the word prepares us for every good work so the myth the Ministry of the word through apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers builds a body up so they can work for God somebody say Amen and we're to keep being built up by the word and serving God until we come to the unity of the faith to the knowledge that's the experience or knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect or fulfil completely mature man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ now here it is verse 14 we should no longer be children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine now how do these winds of doctrine come this is what's scary here's what it says how does once saved always safe Griese grace there's no more judgement all judgment was done these are false doctrines of demons how can anybody say there's no more judgement because after the cross read through the New Testament it says here's how it comes by the trickery of men in cunning craftiness in deceitful plotting there are wicked men in pulpits some are famous some are on TBN lot some are on the internet they're wicked they're wolves in sheep's clothing they're in it for money there's cunning craftiness deceitful plotting false doctrines they don't care about people's soul they won't grow people up they won't call the church to pray they won't seek to have a revival you stay if you call your church to try to have a revival your church will shrink in numbers because that means deny yourself take up your cross start praying live a holy life so because we love money we twist the word it's evil verse 15 but speaking the truth in love we may grow up in all things into him who is the head Christ so we must become people who regularly read the Bible for our self we must become self feeders somebody say men again in Matthew 22 29 jesus said you are mistaken not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God so the Scriptures keep us from being mistaken now concerning once saved always saved we are secure when we're following Jesus and if you stopped following Jesus and you start feeling nervous and uncomfortable you should that's a gift of God's grace to make you feel uncomfortable if someone stops following Jesus and they feel comfortable they're in big danger this the sealing of the Holy Spirit is the ant ant you're doing wrong don't go that way go this way that's what it means to be sealed by the Holy Spirit and when your conscience becomes seared because you've drunk in false doctrines because they feed what your flesh wants it Sears your conscience so you can live in sin and feel comfortable it's a dangerous place to be but here's the good news it doesn't mean and I want to make this real clear it doesn't mean that if we backslidden that weren't we're gonna be lost forever no God loves the backslider let the backslider come back to God it doesn't mean if you sin or your stumble or you just really mess up really bad that you're gonna lose your salvation no it means you need to get up and keep following Jesus here's what the Bible says and you I know you know these but I want to say it for the record first John 1:9 if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness proverbs 28:13 whoever covers his sin will not prosper but the one that confesses and forsakes them he will have mercy first John 2 verse 1 my little children these things I write to you so that you may not sin but if anyone does sin we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous he ever lives to make intercession for Hebrews 7:25 therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost owes who come to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them so we're not saying oh every time you fall down you should be worried about your salvation know if your heart is to follow Jesus you are secure in him if your if your heart is to love God to follow Jesus you are secure God will keep you but if you depart from the faith if you willfully go into sin you're in grave danger and that's a warning we should all know here's what Psalm 86 verse 5 says for you Lord are good you're ready to forgive you're rich in mercy to everyone who calls on your name God is not wanting anyone to perish even when his children stumble and fall he's not like oh you're gonna lose your salvation God's not like that at all he's not willing that any should perish but we need to know the truth he's not a God to be trifled with he's not playing games our eternal salvation depends on believing his word acting on his word and following him Lord Psalm 86 verse 5 you're good you're ready to forgive you're rich in mercy to all who call upon you in Hebrews 4 verse 16 therefore let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy find grace to help in time of need so there I presented to you the scriptures it's the three of the primary scriptures are used by those who teach once saved always save and then I taught you run out and read several scriptures that teach that we can't lose our salvation if we depart from the faith if we go into willful and continuous rebellious sin against God and it can happen if we drift drifting happens from disobeying one commandment then another then another and we listen to the demons that tell us it's not that bad and we drift we have to be careful we're secure as long as we're going after Jesus amen amen praise God
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 26,298
Rating: 4.7437186 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Id: NqftBOfzNf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 49sec (2989 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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