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what is going on everybody welcome back to the channel thank you so much for joining me on another yard sale Adventure if you guys are new here welcome to the channel I hope you guys enjoyed this video we have a different style of garage sale video for you guys today usually when you guys see my videos I go to maybe three four or five maybe six garage sales in one video this one this year was so good that the whole video was just around one sale that I go back to and I go back to and I go back to I go back to you again and end up being one of my best if not the best yard sales I have ever been to in my life so I hope you guys enjoy what you see if you like this kind of content hit the like button down below and hit the Subscribe button down below those really help my channel grow also you'll be seeing a little number down at the bottom of the screen right here that number shows you how much potential money there is at this sale and you will see that number girl throughout the entire video I'll see you guys at the end with the recap of how much money I made good morning holy mother got quite a bit well people used to bring them home to me every time they go away man I happened I was a bartender bro I got a lot of shot glasses they just didn't bring it home to you but I guess that makes sense it's all different that's cool [Music] I'm trying to do I don't know what that even is oh it's video recorder oh I'm trying to sell that with the cameras and a power supply all this for 50 all you really need is a cable to hook it all up [Music] okay it's a camera power supply it's got It's eight amp but it's got 16 outputs so you put a camera on each one of the little fused outputs in there one blows the other one's the store this is what I like outdoor security stuff yeah they're outdoor cameras and they've got infrared on there so they got night vision you know and their IP base I think are currently two megapixels I think I mean they're nice cameras a little big for my taste probably secure you like these guys they're cool yeah I was tracking back in the day you said you want 50 for 50 for the whole side [Music] and if you need a big ass monitor to watch them on I got one over there for 20. I saw that wow yeah that one that one behind you in a big box is a PTZ camera that's the ones where you consume and panic gotcha all right I'll take it cool yeah put it back together did you do better and you better on these um I'll tell you what how many of them you're looking for oh I'll throw you all of them 16. thanks sir thank you I have a been in the car so I'm gonna go grab that before we talk about how awesome the security stuff in this buyer was let's mentioned the Star Trek action figures real quick I paid ten dollars for four of them as you see one of them the lieutenant command and data sold on eBay for thirty dollars the other three still on my whatnot show for about ten dollars each now for a security buy I dropped fifty dollars and I got this power supply three cameras including this camera right here which only was one of them and then these right here which you see it puts two of them in my box and then also this power supply as well take a look at these prices they sell for Crazy Prices guys camera which means they'll work with pretty much anybody's stuff oh okay so if you've got other stuff that you want to add into it later on down the line and do that [Laughter] nice to meet you I'm still seeing what else you got over here that's a two-door access system an access control system a card readers and stuff that you can I actually picked them up for my cousin who is opening a bar but he is taking his good old time that's an encoder that that takes the coax cameras and turns them into IP cameras so if you've got older stuff that's nice for upgrade that's just another power supply yeah that's a power supply that goes along with the uh got your access systems you into security or something or yeah yeah absolutely ADT commercial oh these all came from our defunct company that got bought out like five years ago gotcha and they threw away a whole Warehouse full of stuff and I went and I can't throw it all no I got you that makes sense thank you all right have yourself a great day man you too um let me grab you a card Evelyn um I'll probably go to your neighbor oh you got 100. thank you I know there's probably a couple of you guys or a bunch of you guys are now yelling at your computer monitors or your TV screens on your phone saying Paul what are you doing there's still somewhere security systems there stuff there why did you just buy one Ben and I get your concerns I would be I am yelling at myself too right now but you see I I saw another thing right before I left so I'm comping it at the truck right now before I leave and as you'll see I like the comps I go back and pay him for that as well thank you and the part with some of your shot glasses I think I'll take that one too you want the power spot yeah okay this is like your little Best Buy out here I'm about to have nothing when I'm done with them [Laughter] that was our goal too I cleaned half of stuff out already but it gives us less to worry about something hi guys [Music] thank you all right thank you all right gentlemen good morning sir how you doing I dropped ten dollars on that power supply as well and as you see it is listed for three hundred dollars right now so far I think we're pretty much killing it with us with the security system by unfortunately I have zero clue about these things I never bought them before so I had no clue what these were worth this was giving me flashbacks to the last time where I came across something I had no clue about and only bought a limited things it was this flea market video right here with the guy with all the sound equipment stuff because when I watched that there'll be linked down below you guys can watch it after the video and he was selling a lot of sound equipment that I had no clue about and when I was editing the video I had so many regrets about saying man Paul you should have went back and bought more sure went back and bought bar so I went back and bought more and that was flashbacking through my mind so even after going to his neighbor I still decided to go back to him and see if there was more stuff that I could purchase I went broke after you that's all goodbye just put all my money on you I'll prom a cocktail make sure I do one more check before I hear because you got a lot of stuff that I like what are these things um the two little boxes in front are card readers and that's a rechargeable battery and a little power supply to go along with that can Tech two-door controller Access Control too so it's actually two two door systems there oh so it's like uh like uh I got you feeling like a lock or something yeah put it this way this one comes with two readers and little key fobs gotcha with this one you'd have to go and buy Cards and form out of them yeah that's a complete set right there the only thing that doesn't have is a locking hardware for the door and I got two mag locks there and a crash bar but that's more commercial than anything [Music] Defender from Philadelphia we moved from uh Maryland yeah oh Baltimore nine months ago nine months ago yeah a little before me I moved in January okay oh you guys know like right during a hurricane down there about a month and a half before Oh we were down here in August so we did it yeah yeah I wrote it out I was doing it how was shopping during that day so but I can't imagine being here during that that was crazy it was crazy man but we wrote it out and there's not one minute one house in this neighborhood it took on any order really yeah wow the whole neighborhood behind me you guys are North Fort Myers right so that kind of helped a little bit well plus it's a brand new development they built it up you know folks yeah I gave you room to pull them out I know I appreciate that you're welcome for that you see you guys Ravens fans or yeah disgusting you're making me sick no I'm Eagles oh you're an eagles guy yeah but I'm from Ukraine and we have a lot of ukrainians that live in Baltimore yeah so we have like a Ukrainian like football rival all the time there's no like real I really but we just make it like Ravens Eagles for some reason one of his friends growing up hell of them actually their family moved from the Ukraine in Baltimore when we were yeah Baltimore is a pretty big Ukrainian Community mostly suburb is like uh White Marsh areas right that's where we used to live yeah that's where they are White Marsh Abington like like the that area yeah what's up would you do 40 on it sure all right that way I'll definitely almost buy you up it's pretty heavy yeah it's beefy but like I said it comes with the two card readers and five little key fobs so all you gotta do is wire it into your door hardware and good to go perfect awesome man most secure house in Florida there you go bro and we're going [Music] so we paid 40 for that item and sold for 595 dollars to this day even after I listed it even after I sold it I still have zero clue what it is I try to figure it out so in case somebody asked me questions I'll be able to give them answers but I could I have no clue what security stuff is but forty dollars spent fine if I've sold that is one of my best flips it's kind of my best flip while I was living here in Florida this security system sale was part of a big Community sale in Fort Myers about a month ago so I decided to leave him and go hit the other yard sales in the community but even still while going through the yard sales my brain was still at that sale thinking man Paul you're still leaving some money behind so even though I already went back to even be two three maybe four even times I went to all other yard sales in the community and went back around and stopped by his house one final time to see if I could steal a deal and buy the rest of this stuff out I already dropped as much everything I had on you but let's let's see what else you can take from me that's new that was that here the whole time I didn't see that yeah all right so don't throw the China out there you're like you have all this empty space right all right what about those guys you sold the push bar yeah oh it's just not still there okay all right it was hiding so he said this is kind of what I have but separated right and then this is that's another two-door system okay rocks oh gotcha which are nice I feel yeah a lot of heavy duty door I'm just curious sir then what's this uh big box right here that's a PTZ yeah foreign [Laughter] well for years people say you know you work for a security company what do you got for your house I guess I got an ADT that's the biggest water right you just got that sign that people are scared yeah all right so how much was this guy uh 20 20. all right so what can you do if I get this that and then what you got on that table uh the security stuff yeah I'm just gonna buy you a fully of it so the push the push button all this 40 bucks have it all that way you can see because how you clean me out fully yeah the most secure house in the world okay thank you perfect I'm gonna have to grab it on the tote [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] holy moly what a yard sale not even close my best yard sale in Florida could be my best yard sale of all time maybe I don't even know it's one of those things that you just dream of happening and it happened to me in the category I have never ever sold it but I will definitely be selling for them again that's for sure uh wait for this helicopter up above as you guys see to to do its flight it's crazy it was quiet the whole time and then as soon as I had to go outside and do an outro they decide to uh do a little test live with the chopper apparently seems like no matter what I do these things something always happens out here and tries to ruin uh the Ambiance of the outro anyways um so where were we best yard sale I think for me ever should be seeing the comps of everything right now on the screen so uh so far so this happened about a month ago so in about a month only two of these things sold and you saw all earlier I paid 44 so for 595 dollars and then one of the things from here that I came back for at the end both for forty dollars that can Tech two-door Panel System sold as you see right here for 750 dollars no matter how long it takes I'm already way way way way way way way in the profit consider I spend 50 here on the first buy I came back and bought the other thing for 10. I came back again but yeah I think for 40. I came back the fourth time and bought the rest of them for 40 as well right so that's 40 80 90 140 on everything and I was and and just my two sales alone I'm already over thirteen hundred dollars in sales also a lot of stuff that you guys see right now on the screen that's being listed I parted everything out that I bought even like to the power supplies the replacement batteries uh the the two readers um even though I just you probably saw like even the two wires that that came up with two I parted every single one of them out listed every single one and as you will see by the price down below it's just incredible how much money was made a couple lessons here I guess um don't be afraid to buy things you have never bought before I had never bought security system before nothing lesson security system stuff sells there we go in case you guys didn't know third lesson the big lesson here for me was I did the opposite of what I did at the first garage that I told you guys about where the guy had a bunch of Santa Chrome and stuff and I didn't come back and say hey how much for everything you know because even though the stuff was selling for good money at this one I decided to come back and say hey how much do you want for a wall that you have there and there was still over like two thousand maybe three thousand dollars worth of stuff that at his garage sale that I would have missed out on if I didn't come back and and buy everything now with these videos for sure it's a guarantee someone's gonna comment saying Paul you're a piece of trash you're so terrible you're ripping people off you're screwing them over you're taking advantage of all these people that that those comments always come with a big garage sales core like this I'm gonna just try to make some sense here for people about to about to write that that guy knew what he had he worked for a security system he said he worked for security system he knew how much that stuff cost it's not like he was just some guy that found something and he would just price some things at five dollars ten dollars twenty dollars he knew what that stuff was but he also knew that he was having a garage sale he was having a yard sale and the people that have the yard sales they don't care about what the stuff is worth they want the stuff out of their house and they sell it for a certain price and both parties are happy he was so happy that I bought everything for him I was so happy to buy everything from him the only people that are not happy are you miserable trolls in the comment section because you probably didn't get the deal and because of that you're gonna leave those comments down below so so I'm just gonna save my explanation for right here and I have zero guilt I have zero shame and I'm saying everybody was was happy with that deal that's gonna be it for me guys if you like this kind of video please leave a like button down below if you like this kind of content hit the Subscribe button down below it really helped me uh grow this Channel and reach more people and people can see that you guys can go make a side hustle living have full-time living just going buying things and selling them online that's gonna be it for me guys hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you in the next video Until then here's my dog Sasha peace out [Music]
Channel: Philly Phlipper
Views: 28,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dropping $500+ at a yard sale!, yard sale, garage sale, yard sales, garage sales, yard sale haul, garage sale haul, yard sale ride along, garage sale ride along, yard sale pokemon, vintage toys, comics at a yard sale, yard sale gopro, garage sale gopro, american pickers, froggy flips, froggyflips, toy hunter, toy hunting, vintage toy hunter, vintage pokemon, yard sale ebay, garage sale ebay, yard sale flipping, garage sale flipping, yard sale video, garage sale video
Id: WiM8G6Sr2oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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