ON1 Workflow - Replacing a Background

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in this tutorial I'm going to take this photo of a sheep and give it a much more scenic background I'll be masking inside of layers and I'm going to also use effects and enhance to add some stylization I'll go ahead and get started I have this image selected so I'll go ahead and click layers on the right and I'm going to select edit a copy and then I'll click OK I'll start with the quick mask brush so I'm going to press W to activate that quick mask brush and I'll just create a little squiggle in this background area and that should do a pretty good job this backgrounds relatively simple and it did ok so now I'm just going to reduce that size of the brush I'm just going to tap in some of these other areas where there's a lot of chunks of the the background to let it kind of remove some more of it it did a pretty good job there okay so now I have this transparency grid I don't like working or masking with this grid so I'm going to add just a simple white layer and drop it below this I can actually see my mask a little bit better I'm going to select that new color fill layer and I have my preset set to none I'm going to select white for my fill color a blending mode of normal and the opacity at 100% and then I'll click OK now I'm just going to move that layer to the bottom so it's below the image of the sheep and it'll just select that top layer so that it is active and I can continue masking alright I'm going to zoom in to 100% and I'm just going to kind of move around and see what I have going on here I think I'm going to go over to that refine brush so I'll click it over in the tool bar there and I'm going to reduce my brush size and then I'll just brush over the grass area and kind of let on one do that masking for me and looks like I need to kind of fix this area here I'll get to that in a second I'm just going to keep working down to get all of this grass removed and that grass is finished now I'm just going to reduce that brush size once again I'm using that left bracket key by the way to do that and I'll go through the fur and get some of that background out of the fur I'm just working my way through the image try this little section again got it a little bit better that time it's a lot easier to see the mask when I have a color fill layer in the background too which is why I add that it's just a temporary layer I can delete it when I'm done or I can just hide it with a layer above it okay so I have a pretty good start time mask I'm going to press the O key to get a preview and zoom out a little bit so I can see now when you use the masking tools like the quick mask sometimes you get these little pixels on the inside of your mask that you don't really want so the best way to get rid of those is just to brush them out so I'm going to press B to go to my brush tool I'm going to hit X to make sure that I'm painting in and you know you're painting in when you see a little plus icon inside of that cursor and now I'm just going to kind of reduce my brush size a little and just go through and get rid of all those little dots and while I'm at it I'm just going to clean up my mask as well I'm going to zoom in and get this area down here and that's the inside of the foot or the hoof and I'm going to toggle that mask preview while I meet here I'm actually gonna hit X and I'm going to just kind of get rid of this little section a little area I don't like what it's doing I'm undo that I'm going to increase my feather actually pretty high for this little section there that matches it a little bit better okay I'm not going to worry about it too much because I'm zoomed it I'm zoomed way in if I'm at just a hundred percent you can't really see anything is going on down there it looks like I lost a little bit over here I'm going to press o to do a quick preview and I'm in my brush tool still I'm gonna make sure that I'm painting in so I X I have that feather set pretty high still but I'm not too worried about it and a brush down and I'm going to press again to see my see my actual image and I had to paint back some of the actual background in there not a big deal I'm going to get rid of this real quickly with the perfect brush so I'll press command R to activate that perfect brush hit X to paint out and then brush down if you do a lot of masking it's really good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the more common keyboard shortcuts that'll make your process a lot faster okay so the top area it doesn't look great on this white background but I'm not going to do anything about it yet I don't really think I need to worry about it because it might look okay once I actually drop my new background and on top of this so let's go ahead and do that first though I'm going to save my image I always like to save my image as much as possible after I've done a lot of masking so I don't have to redo anything in case something happens alright now let's go back into brows and I'll select that background image then I'll click layers and I'm going to make sure that I add this as a layer and then click OK that layer was added to the top so I'm going to select it over in the layers panel and just drag it down so that it is below my image of the sheep now because of the way I photographed the sheep which was with a longer lens and the aperture was probably kind of wide open so I have a little bit of a shallow depth-of-field going on I need to blur this background so I have it selected first I'm going to click on that little gear icon and what that does is it changes that layer into a smart layer so if I make any edits to this in effects or an enhance then all of those changes are going to be re editable if I want to go back and make changes after the fact if I don't have it set as a smart layer then it's going to burn those presets or those filters into the image and into that layer so I really like to keep my options open and use those smart layers and it's really great feature to use and on one if you're working inside of layers pretty often so I have my image set to a smart layer let's go ahead and bring this into effects I'll go ahead and click FX on the right all right so now the only thing I really want to add in effects is I want to blur the image so I need to add a lens blur filter over on the left I'm going to go ahead and click filters and I'll go down to that lens blur option and I'm going to select bouquet large this might be a little too much for what I want but before I make any changes first I'm going to add a gradient to kind of give the impression that the image is kind of moving the blur from front to back so I want the flower field to be less blurred than the mountains in the background and I'm going to do that by adding a gradient so I'll select the masking bug on the left and I'm going to select linear bottom and I'm just going to click kind of close towards the bottom of the image now I'm going to spread out that feather and I'm just going to kind of position it until it starts to look a little bit I guess as natural as I can get it to look and I think that is actually doing a pretty good job there I think I'm going to go with that I'm going to leave all of the settings as is inside of that filter stack too and I'll just go ahead and click apply to apply that blur now that I have my background placed and also edited in effects I'm going to preview that mask to the sheep to make sure that everything looks good so I'm going to click on that top layer and then I'm going to zoom in to 100% and I have the hand tool active so I'm just kind of scanning through and previewing everything I'm just looking at all the edges to make sure that it all blends well and I think I think that I have a good mask and I don't even see any I don't see anything that really needs to be changed there might be a tiny little tiny little bit of blue right there so I'm going to jump into my brush tool I'm going to activate that perfect brush using the keyboard shortcut command or ctrl R reduce my brush size and then just kind of tap over that area I may have removed some of the cheek there it looks like so let me go ahead and press o I'll go ahead and clean this up I'm going to toggle that perfect brush once again by using that keyboard shortcut command R to deselect it press X which will toggle the paint mode back to paint in and then I'll just brush over this area while I'm here I might as well clean up some of this it wasn't really noticeable in the image but it's kind of nice to know that the mask is a little bit cleaner than it needs to be okay and I'll press o again to get back to my normal view I'm going to save the image while I'm at it now what I need to do is I need to make the image of the sheep blend a little bit better in terms of the tone and the color it's a little dark and it's a little gray so I'm going to edit this and enhance to kind of lift that up a little bit and make it bright and kind of match up that background so I have that image selected it's already a smart layer because of the way that I opened it from inside of browse if it were not that I would definitely change it or convert it into a smart layer using that gear icon but it's good as is so I'll go ahead and click on that little magic wand icon which will take me into on one enhance now I'm inside of enhance I'm not going to use the quick fixes I'm just going to hide this real quickly I'd like to just edit directly inside of these sliders so I want to increase the exposure and I'm just watching obviously it's only changing that sheep image so I'm just moving that to the right to just add some brightness to that to kind of mesh everything together I'm also going to increase the contrast I'm just sliding it until it kind of looks good I'm going to toggle this real quickly on and off to see what my changes look like it's definitely making a really big improvement and getting it a lot closer to that background I'm also going to increase the temperature slider to the right just a little bit just to warm add some warmth to that and I'm going to increase that saturation as well but not very much I don't want to overdo it I'll toggle this on and off and that's looking great so I'm going to go ahead and click apply now the majority of this image is completed but I still have a few things that I need to address and I'm going to zoom in so you can see what I'm referring to if you look at the grass area you can see that there is some film grain or some noise from my digital camera in that area however in the background image even though these images were photographed at the same camera all of that grain is gone because I added that lens blur to it so it kind of smushed it all away in order for these images to be a little bit more cohesive I need to add some of that grain back and I'm going to do that inside of on one effects the first thing I need to do however is create a new stamped layer that way I'm applying edits to the entire image not just one of those layers so on the top layer I'm going to right click and select new stamped layer that layer is selected and I'm going to convert this into a smart layer and then I'll click FX on the right to bring this into on-one effects I'm going to start out by adding a filter and I'm going to select black and white now I don't actually want to convert this into a black and white image I'm just using this filter because it's one of the few filters where I can actually add grain to my image first I'm going to change the blending mode and I do that by clicking on the gear icon on the right just below the opacity slider and then I'm going to select luminosity it's the very bottom setting there and then I'll click that gear icon to hide that now at the very bottom I'm going to select just kodak try X 400 it doesn't really matter which one you pick and you can always change it when you're working on it if you want to try something different I'm also going to zoom in a little bit closer so I can see what this is doing so I select the fill but then I have to slide the amount slider over to the right this is actually adding the grain amount now it looks pretty grainy but what I'm going for is I want it to look cohesive I'd rather have the image be a little bit too noisier too grainy then have it look way too fake because one's grainy and one's not grainy so I'll go ahead and set that at 35 which is a pretty good number then I'll leave that size setting as is it looks pretty good and I'll go ahead and zoom out here now while I'm here I'm going to add a few more filters I'll go ahead and click on the add filter icon I'll select vignette and I'm just going to kind of click through these presets here to see what they look like I like that strong preset that I'm going to reduce the opacity a little bit I'll take that down to 75 I'm going to toggle my preview on and off real quickly I'll click the add filter button once again I'm going to select color enhancer and from the preset I'm going to choose green enhancer now this filter is always a little bit too intense for my taste so I'm going to bring that opacity slider down pretty low I have it set to about 29 or 30 and then I'll toggle that layer on and off so I can see my changes and I'm using this preset because I kind of want to bring these two greens together to make sure that they are a little bit closer in hue in color they were pretty close to begin with but I kind of like to reinforce that a little bit just kind of bring a little bit more of that realism back into the image it'll add one more filter and this time I'm going to add a sunshine filter I like the natural setting I'm going to reduce the opacity I'll just click in there and bring it down to 60% do a quick toggle before and after and that looks great I'll go ahead and click apply to apply these changes and bring it back in two on one so now I've given the Sheep a beautiful new landscape to admire while it's grazing for caress if you'd like to learn more about masking it on photo please take a look at my ebook and video training called the mask you can learn more over at mask Nichole's EECOM
Channel: ON1
Views: 41,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: on1, onone software, perfect effects, photo editing, image editing, Adobe photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Lightroom, Photoshop, Apple Aperture, Aperture, plug-ins, Perfect Photo Suite, photo effects, photo filters, photography filters, photoshop actions, lightroom presets, matt kloskowski, on1 photo 10 tutorials, on1 photo, on1 masking, on1 effects, image editor, photo editor, photography
Id: j0FAhyR3gCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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