On1 Photo RAW 2019 - 3: Cull & Organize

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[Music] hey guys this is Anthony more Canty from online photography training com welcome to my free training on on one photo raw 2019 in this episode I'm going to demonstrate how to call and organize your images in on one photo raw 2019 you may remember in our last episode I imported some images into the application and in doing so I had the application automatically add three stars teach image and a yellow color label well to tell you the truth that's not normally how we usually do it most photographers will get their images in on one and then call and organize them and maybe give them star ratings and or color labels or some other things I'm going to demonstrate in a moment typically we don't let it automatically do it as we import them but it's very easy to cull and organize your images in on one and I mentioned there's a few different ways to do it now what I do suggest you do is don't be in grid view like we are now be in filmstrip view so hit the F key on your keyboard to go to filmstrip view or go in the lower left hand corner and click on the third icon from the left of the views and we're in filmstrip view another thing I suggest you do is get rid of those side panels they're distracting and we want our focus to be on our image and not be distracted at all to do that simply hit the tab key so now we just have the image and we could really concentrate on what we're doing now there's a number of different ways as I mentioned to cull your images to go through each image and decide which one you're going to keep which one you're going to get rid of and which one you're not sure what you're going to do with the most popular way is to pick an image or reject an image and and on one to pick an image you give it a heart icon to reject an image you give it an X icon and you can do that very easily when you're looking at the image just go right below the image and you'll see there's a little heart outline there you could click on that and that's considered a pic on the other hand if you want to undo that pic just click on that heart again if I want to reject this image I don't like it I could click the X and that's the rejection icon now I can click that again to turn that off now it's really more efficient to use the keyboard to do this and it's very easy you just have to remember three keys to pick an image to give it a heart hit the P key to reject an image to give it an X hit the X key if you want to undo either the heart or the X hit the U key you also could use the U key to just you know on go to the next image now in this case this image let's say I like it so I'm going to pick it I'm gonna hit the P key and you can see when I did that we now have the heart active I could then click to the next image and if I'd like this image I could hit the P key again to keep it keep it now I could go through the entire folder this way either hitting the P key to create the heart as a pic or the X key to create that X as a rejection or it just hit the U key to undo what I did what would make this more efficient though is if when I hit those keys the program would automatically advance to the next image by default on one won't do that but you can turn that on go up to the top photo menu then to auto advance now with that active what I could do is hit the P key for pick I'm keeping it let's say I like this one hit the peak and you see how it's advancing automatically to the next image so I could just P P let's say I don't like that one you like I'm not I don't want to delete it necessarily so I hit the U key because I'm not sure of this one let's say is a pic that's a pic that's a pic I want it when I say pic I'm giving it the heart right that's what I want now there may come a circumstance where you'll have a number of images that are very close to one now let's say I like this one that's a pic but I have this image that image and that image and that image and they all are very similar and I want to pick the best one of those four I could go to compare mode to do that now I could just hit the C key on my keyboard to do that or I could go over to these four icons down here in the lower left again and just click on that one at the far right now I'm in compare view so I'm looking at one image now if I want to compare it to a second image hold the commander control key and and click on that second image it's command if you have a Mac control if you have a PC and when you do it will then show both images side by side and I could go to a third one hold the command or control key in again and click on the third one I could go to a fourth one even and you could see I see all four there now they're kind of small so I can zoom in you could go to the active one which happens to be this one or I can make any of them active by clicking on it and then by zooming in I could click and zoom in now you may have noticed just the one zoomed in I could make this so all of them will zoom in together and I could pan around together to do that right here where it says lock pan and zoom click that on now when I click on the active image they'll all do min together and then I could drag them around together and I could see which one maybe looks like its focus best or exposed best or compose best whatever I could better compare them to each other to zoom back out just click again now I'll zoom back out now when you're done with compare mode you could just go back to filmstrip mode by hitting the F key or clicking on that icon there now in this case here I think I'll keep them all now to tell you the truth it I don't reject a lot of images I tend to reject an image if it's out of focus if it's just not exposed properly at all like most often if I'm using strobes or a flash and the flash or strobe failed to go off then I'll reject it other than that I don't really reject a lot of images so I will do lotta peas right for picking them or a lot of yous I'm undecided or sometimes I might reject one let's say I'll reject this I'll hit the X key and you'll notice the X is active and then I'll change my mind and I'll hit the U key to undo it and you can see how it automatically advances to the next image so I could go through all the images like that and I think that is probably the most common way people call their images now I'm gonna go down to the end of the roll here I have a number of images where I was driving home and there was a some deer off to the side of the road unfortunately I didn't have a long lens on ahead a 24 to 70 millimeter lens so none of these images are very good the the deer are just too far away and I was shooting out my car window you could see part of the window down here so I want to reject all of these so I'm gonna hit the X key on all those because they're not very good and I just want to get rid of those so they're all xed out now I've done this method I could come in in then decide let's say the ones I hit the P I want to work on those I want to process those the ones I hit the X I want to delete those right off the hard drive and they use I'm just gonna leave alone I'm not gonna do anything with so what I need to do is get my side panels back I'm gonna hit the tab key to bring them back we're gonna go right here where it says filters click that to make it active and now I could filter out the images at the bottom it's not going to delete them or anything it's just gonna give me a view of the specific images I want to see for example I mentioned that I want to delete those rejected images so I could go to the filters and you could see that X there that's kind of grayed out click on the X and now these are just my X styled images these are just the images that I don't care for now what I could do then is I could just like click on one and hit the Delete key on the keyboard and delete it like that and I could just go through all the images like that I could come in and select them all I don't think that's gonna make a difference though if I remember right yeah yeah it's just gonna delete one at a time so I could come through and delete them and what it's actually doing is deleting them off my hard drive not just out of on one it's deleting them from my hard drive and putting them in the trash so I want to get rid of all those images so now my filter is still showing X two images and I don't have any left so I want to see all my images again so click on that X again now I had a number images that I gave hearts to I hit the P key and I could see those by clicking that icon there's all my pics now next to that there's another heart well what's that all about well let's undo this heart so I have that heart undone so these are all the images that I have left in this folder if I click on that middle one that's gonna be all the images that I hit the U key for or I didn't bother to go through or cull at all these don't have a heart or don't have an X so when I click that you'll notice all the heart images disappeared and these are all the images that don't have a heart or an X and that's what that middle one means so I could click on that again it brought back my hearted images or my picked images so that's one way we often call images and again that's probably the most common way but we could use these stars and color labels as well so I'm going to go back to filmstrip view by hitting the F key on my keyboard I'm going to get rid of those side panels - I'll hit the tab key now it's real easy to do the stars now you could go right under the image and you can see this is three stars yellow color label this is what we did when I imported it if I want to let's say go to one star just click on the single star two stars click on two if I want to get rid of all the stars click on the two again the two the second star that undoes it so to reiterate that let's say I want to give this five star rating click on the fifth star from the left so this now has a five star rating if I want to revert back to zero stars click on that fifth star again alright now the keyboard shortcut is really a lot easier here if you want to give it one star hit the one key two stars the two key and so on so I one star oops and it auto advanced I have a high I forgot I hit Auto advance on so it Auto advanced and for the sake of this demonstration why don't we just turn that off just so I could demonstrate this a little better so let's go to this image again now I have one star I could go to I could hit the three key and give it three stars I'll give it the four key give it four hit the five key for give a five now what if I want to give it zero stars well then you're going to hit what is often called the backtick key or maybe more often called the grave Accent key and on a North American keyboard if you look at your number keys the key that's directly to the left of the number one key going across the top of the keyboard not the keypad the top of the keyboard where you have those keys from one to zero going left to right if you look at that number one to the left you'll see the tilde key and under the tilde is the grave accent just hit that and that gives it zero stars so you could hit that for zero or any of the number keys to give it a star rating we have color labels as well and I mentioned when we imported these I gave them all a color label the color labels are just from six to zero so if I hit the six key I give this color label seven a different color eight a different color nine zero purple is zero so very easy you also could click right on the little color swatch and you could choose it there so red is six yellow seven and so on or if I don't if I want to remove the color label entirely click on none so that removes the color label unfortunately there isn't a keyboard shortcut to remove the color label you have to click on the swatch and you don't have to click right here I could click on this lick this swatch or this swatch in right in the filmstrip I could do it or I could change the color label let's say I want to change this one to blue eye so I could do that so you can just click or you could use the keyboards again six seven eight nine and zero are the color labels and if you want to give it no color at all you have to click on the swatch and do that so this is another way people you you know will call images they might use star ratings to call one star is one that they're going to keep but they're not really gonna work on it today three star maybe they're gonna work on it today five star maybe they sold that image that image has been licensed they have a lot of you know so you could you know you could do it any way you want there's no rules here sit down with a piece of paper write one star write zero stars one star right through five stars and write what each one means and then you could designate each image to be categorized in that manner then once you have your images categorized let's say we have two stars there five stars there two stars there let's say we make this one green and this one blue and this one purple just so we have different colors now we have all these different designation and these color labels mean something we have you know red means something and whatever we designated now when we want to search for them let's bring those sidebars back hit that tab key and we go up to filters let's say I want to look at all my one star images well first of all it's that greater than or equal to right now so I need to change that to equal to so there's equal to zero stars and this is this one image if I want to see the one star images click on the single star that's my one star image if I want to see two star images click there I have two two star images if I want to see three stars there's all my three star images and there's a lot because remember I imported these at three stars I think I have one four star image no I don't have any forced our images and I have one five star image you can see it went back to grid view let's go back to filmstrip so there's that one so if I want to undo this click on that fifth star again so we're back to equal to zero stars if I want to see them all again I could either turn off this entire filter panel or tab by clicking there or I could change this equal sign back to greater than or equal to and then we'll see all the images down there and again we could filter by the color label as well if I want to see the Reds click there but there is no red labeled images apparently so I'll turn that back off by clicking on it again if I want to see the yellow there's a lot of yellow and we'll go back to filmstrip this will always revert back to the grid view by the way when I turn this off so I'll turn off the yellow again by clicking on it and our I should say and then I want to see the green there's one green image I'll turn that off okay there's blue turn that off there's purple we have one purple one turn that off and I have to click on it a second time to turn it off and there's our one our images that don't have any color label and click on that last icon now you could do combinations I could do let's say I want to see all the red images I don't have any I forgot let's say I want to see yeah I want to see the green images and the blue images so I have two blue images in one green image so I could see combinations I want to see those that are three stars and I'd only have one of those that has three stars so I want to see those that are three stars that are picks so that's that one so you can see how you could do combinations as well turn those off off off off oops there we go all right or we could turn that entire filter off so that's how you would use all these different methods to call your images to figure out what you have and designate what image means what like three stars means one thing two stars means another thing and so on again I keep it simple I just use the pics which is the heart or the X to delete them and I will delete the X's or you unpick nothing is picked that it's just gonna sit there a lot of times I found I'll go back I'll look at my images and three of them look decent and I'll have processed them but then I might come back a month later a year later and I go wow why didn't I process this other one that I have a you you know no Picon sometimes you come back to your images and something will catch your eye that didn't catch it the first time that's why I don't delete a lot of images all right now I have these images and I have them let's say I pick them I have them star rated the way I want to I did whatever I needed to do but I want to kind of organize them a little better I have them all in this winter folder these are all winter pictures but they're actually from two different locations the first bunch of pictures and the majority of the pictures are at a place called Hoyt Lake in Buffalo and most of the images are from Hoyt Lake but some of the images are from a location in South Buffalo called South Park Lake and I think this is the first image from that location there right here now what I'd like to do I have them in this winter folder but I'd like to create two other folders inside of the winter folder and I would like the South Park Lake folder images in their own folder and the white lake images in their own folder so since I'm on the first self per click image I'm gonna go do the filmstrip and gonna hold the shift key in and click on the last South Park Lake image so all the South Park Lake images are selected now what you need to do is you need to right-click on the image here not on the filmstrip I just wanted to double-check because I believe in on one photo Royal 2018 you used to be able to click right on the filmstrip to do this but in this case we have to click on the image itself and I want to add a subfolder right here and when I do that it comes up with a name but I'm not gonna call it that I want to call this South Park Lake and I'm going to move the selected images into the subfolder the other choice is to copy them so it's actually would create a copy and I'd have two sets of each images each image on my computer I don't want that I want to move the existing images into a subfolder that's going to be in the winter folder and the subfolder will be called South Park Lake and I'm gonna click Add now you can see I did that you see up here I have my winter folder and then I have the South Park Lake folder now if I'm clicked on the winter folder you'll see the South Park Lake folder is right here it has the little folder icon that indicates that this is a folder if I double click on this I'll enter that folder now these are just the images from south park lake now up above here we have this little breadcrumb trail of all the folders and we're in the South Park Lake folder I want to go back to my winter folder I could click right there now I'm back in the winter folder now you'll notice that the folder view shows a sample image this is one of the image that images that is inside of this folder if I'd like to change that sample image enter the folder by double clicking and let's say I want I want this image to be the sample image just select it right click on it and then we're going to go down to if I could find it there's so many choices here set folder preview there it is I'm sorry it took me so long we'll sit right there and that's now set folder preview now I'll go back to our bird crumbs go back to the winter folder and you can see that that image is now our sampled image now what I'd like to do is take all the rest of these images these are all Hoyt Lake and I'd like to put those in their own folder called Hoyt lakes so I'm gonna click on the first one hold the shift key in and click on that last one so they're all selected now I do not have the South Park Lake folder selected I have all the images selected and then I'm going to right-click on an image and I'm going to go down to add subfolder and we're gonna call this white lake and I'm going to move the selected images into that subfolder and click Add now you'll notice the winter folder consists of a Hoyt Lake folder and a South Park Lake folder and there's my Hoyt lake folder with all the Hoyt Lake images I could go to the breadcrumbs click on winter now there's my cell per click folder with all the South Park Lake images so really as simple as that how you could call and then organize your images it's really very easy to do one on one photo raw 2018 in our next episode I think we'll start processing an image and we'll show you some basic processing skills that you should know four on one thank you for watching my free video training and on one photo raw 2019 please do me a favor and like and share this video also subscribe to my youtube channel and in the description below this video you'll see ways that you could help me keep making free photography how-to videos finally visit my website online photography training com there you'll find over 900 videos and articles to help you with your photography and of course they're all thank you [Music]
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 8,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photographer, post processing, adobe, lightroom, photoshop, on1, photo raw
Id: azCFFD8_UA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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