Beach Metal Detecting Found GOLD Ring

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all right before we head down to the beach i just wanted to show you i put my uh my raptor handle on and uh i just want to show you guys because it's gonna be a night hunt tonight and we won't be able to see much i put it right there on top i think i looked online that's where people put it so i don't know but um also i have some leftover parts in here the self-tapping screw it goes on the bottom through one of those holes there but it seems pretty strong on there so i'm gonna leave it off for now and then these rubber caps are supposed to go on these screws but there's no room on them on the end of the screws and that one maybe a little bit but i'm too scared to go any tighter than that because it's just plastic seems like it might break it so i mean it feels like it's on there uh if you look at my scoop uh that tip is getting bad but it's a it has a oh i just noticed down there it's cracking too great and it's broken there uh oh this is not good something else something else is breaking no well that's pushed in that's normal it's a stealth scoop and when i bought it that said it had a lifetime warranty i wonder if that would uh you see the damages there there and there how'd that happen that's crazy i have no idea how that got there those little broken i mean maybe from pushing on it with my foot so many times but tonight i'm going to the the beach where we found the drone uh the gopro drone remember when i found that and it had a gopro right here so we're gonna go to that beach hopefully nobody saw my video and went down there uh but we had a storm uh see the clouds so maybe there will be some change in the beach and we'll find something i know jordan went last night to huntington beach my buddy jordan and he said there was a couple other metal detectors down there it was like a rainy night and they were by the pier and he was doing his area but uh yeah he's gonna go back to huntington tonight so i'm gonna go back to the beach i was at we'll see if we can get anything see you on the beach well we're down here it's like a hurricane down here and it's freezing cold wind we're going to be able to see stuff it's laying in the sand sand is all blowing flat but whoa i don't know did you hear my scoop it's from blowing in the wind crazy so we might try to find some surface vines should probably turn on my detector right now oh i'm kind of curious to see what it looks like down here it is cold though and i have a little windbreaker on i have a long sleeve shirt on underneath it though but i have my shorts on shorts it's crazy cold i'm not used to that well i'm not seeing a cut or anything oh maybe that's what i was hoping for wow the flat the sand is just flat oh my wow oh jeez there's a huge cage this might be that might be the day all right i'll tell you guys when i get my first signal if the cut is so big i'm gonna have to find a way to get down that's crazy let's go for it this is just nuts hope this tie doesn't come up i know it's going out though so what i did is i started caving in the thing here then i'm just going to try to fall down see what happens i figured i might as well turn the camera on all right i don't know if you can see the cut is about if i walk up to it it's only up to my chest so i'm going to turn my detector on and get at it this looks good that doesn't mean it is but it looks good well we got our first signal i hope the wind's not too bad it's quarter signal hey i'm trying out my new handle see if i can get used to it i can hear it and i can see it it's quarter all right it's going to be a crazy hunt not just because it's freezing but the wind's blowing it's this isn't crazy well i'm glad to find a quarter let's get another one well there isn't that many sounds but here's another one there are sounds oh geez where'd this it flew out of my scooter it's 24 so i don't know what that is i see it yeah that's a dime just what it should be except i should have been 25 actually oh i'm starting to bump in that's the handle starting to get in the way i probably have to get used to it uh i'll leave the camera on for a minute there's just nobody down there you'd have to be crazy to be down here i'm not kidding i got a hood on and everything i'm so glad this jacket has a hood i didn't even know [Music] great i'm just trying up with the top part of this scoop right i mean this cut right now what i mean by that i'm going to try down lower down here going back that way but i'll be going into the wind it's gonna be really hard because this because you see uh this is the cut right here the wind blows and it blows the sand right at your face if you're going the other way anyways i'm going to turn it off when i get another signal we'll see we get this is a crazy cut wow quarter should be should be a quarter let's see here yep there it is quarter keep going should be another quarter yeah that thing handles getting in the way for shaking out and stuff there it is another quarter all these times i'm gonna dig it it's not gonna be a quarter it's gonna be a silver that didn't even leave a hole i think those are all just freshly coming out of that side of that hill there too so when it gets lower it should be some lower stuff be nice if the wind just stopped tide drop oh the water is coming up alright zinc probably yeah this thing this thing is in the way i gotta figure out how to use it sounded weird because it's a key oh the sand is hitting me in the back of the head i'm just gonna keep going this is a great great i'm so glad i came down here as long as i keep moving i can stay warm ah here comes the water darn it listen to this one two three and i got it in the scoot see what it is my first good sound oh what is that uh it's just a screw like a out of a surfboard or something all right it's okay those are the sounds we're looking for right there still got about five more hours if i want six even it's just a faint sound if it's found in this part of the sand that fell down ah sound like a nickel now i saw something shiny though i'm not telling what that's going to be yeah that thing is getting in the way big time this thing from me sliding my hand up and down the scoop i don't like it good thing i brought the screwdriver i might just take it off i see something around right there i'm glad i saw that i kept digging it's a nickel all right ah see you i even hit my hand i'm putting it in my bag yeah i'm not sure if i'm gonna like that too much it slows me down i'm i'm just flinging around my scoop usually when i'm like in a hurry all right let's keep going just into the dark the the cut is over my head now i'm just going into the dark complete darkness cold wind it's great i like it yeah i'm gonna have to take that thing off makes it really hard to dig i think i see it though yep this light works really good i'm glad ah water all right back at it i might not tape any more coins i don't know we'll just play by here ah the water's starting to get me it's kind of a weird one maybe it's another key okay the what the heck i was missing it i guess said i saw it for a second yeah there it is what is that water it's not so sketchy because it's light it's so bright the water just comes out of the darkness so you're like it's like turning your back on the ocean kind of that was a zinc penny that's why it sounded like that and it was kind of crusty all right i'm going to keep going i'm going to turn around so i think the water is hitting up here more and back that other way i was coming from it's not hitting as much on the wall i can come back here later well it's just digging a quarter sound oh let me turn my light on better i got a ring so i'm guessing it's silver because it sounded like a quarter feels about the right weight for silver uh might not be the well we got a ring that's a good sign we'll take her a little loud too it's just right there it wasn't even buried i i just barely scooped it out of the ground there's there's i've been haven't been getting any signals so i was like what the heck everybody should go back all right there's number one it's like 30. we got it whatever it is i think it's a quarterback no it really sounds like a quarter minute and there it is it is a quarter let's keep going so i did along the edge of the cut all the way to the end now i'm going back on the lower part and i'll come back again on the lower part and follow the tie down like that now i got back down way down there where i was before where the waves were hitting me it's like a 2-1 really faint sound hopefully we have it [Music] now it's like an eight that could be something good oh yeah i think it is something good oh please don't be a full-time it's not ah i think it's what i've been searching for all my life it feels like i think we got one looks like a blue bluestone and there's a big old marking in there and i'm sure that's gonna say 14k oh my gosh thank god yes like with an aquarium rock uh stone very light though it's like a probably two one gram very light but i bet it's real wow all right i'm gonna put this in a safe place it's just been so long don't turn your back on the ocean learn that lesson quite a few times i guess i didn't learn if i didn't keep doing it all right well i think i damaged it with a scoop but there is some writing in there right back at it [Music] to run down to the other spot like now i better check real low by the water boom i got it just a small sound a little bit of water just imagine if i got it the water came up i mean i haven't found any trash though oh yeah look at i see it i see it and it's shiny and white like white gold the fake it's a black ring but it's a ring all right let's keep going that's ring number three there's another one but it's really faint i don't even know if you can hear that i don't know if you're going to hear any of this with this wind iron with it what the heck oh i hate that why does it do that like disappears me okay i see something oh i see gold not like a hook oh it's part of a necklace that's 14k i don't know we're taking it though it's a good sound nine nine or ten and a scoop and i see it and it's oh it's a bullet another sound nine no i just got that bullet not too far from here [Music] all right i got it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i don't see anything gold oh that's another bullet jeez they're both pretty new too all right i guess the next sound will probably be a bullet so i probably won't tape it all right i keep digging those bullets but this this one's a 10. or maybe it's not a bullet i'm sure it is i don't know what i'm thinking yeah it's just another one i don't know how many i've been digging those like by seven or six well i'm not taping much anymore but just got a small gold ring i'm pretty sure it's gold and it came out of the ground looking pretty gold so i'm going to keep going i don't know i'm worked but i'm not giving up i started getting signals again i only got like an hour left before the tide starts coming back in so i don't know if i want to tape or just i'm just going to dig i think that's what i'm going to do i think i got a little shelf the big wall right here is like twice as tall as me the ball in front of me so if the water comes up too high i'm screwed i'm gonna get wet i have a long ways to go so i'm gonna hurry no more taping okay we're at home now and it is wrap up time um that was amazing uh the weather when i got there it was so cold and so windy it was crazy um but i walked to the bathroom there's a couple homeless guys one guy sleeping on the floor another guy's sitting against the wall it's like so uncomfortable um i felt bad for him but you know what can you do but anyways when i walked down that beach and saw that cut that was that was amazing and then i walked down the beach and it that cut just got bigger like way over my head like two times anyways um amazing hunt as you can see i found a lot of stuff a whole bunch of pennies um very little trash a couple fishing weights some keys some bullets some quarters look at all those quarters 2 4 6 8 10 11 12. then dimes look at all the dimes these are all dimes and then nickels not too many but that's quite a few and we got five rings and then four little like that's part of a shell pendant thing something this i haven't tested yet but it actually could be gold uh it's very clean and it's gold looking so i i doubt it i doubt that's gold but i'm gonna test it anyways um this is a really weird ring i thought you know it rang up like silver but it did not look like silver but i guess it is and it says in the inside of it nine what was it nine three five instead of 925 that's what it was um so i didn't even know that was a thing i don't think i've ever found a 935 ring so i looked it up and yeah that's silver so i'm going to go ahead and clean that up maybe i'll show it in the next video or something but i'm going to clean it up because uh i just i don't i don't know if it cleans up i guess it is silver i did not test this yet i assume it's gold um because it's so clean and coming out of the sand like that you think i i don't know this seems like it's gold usually when you find a little ring it looks more like this one and i don't think that is gold but again you never know i don't even know if that's a ring now that i look at it and then this one is actually a pretty cool ring i don't think it's anything special but it's like tungsten kind of yeah it is tungsten probably but uh i would actually wear that one if my fingers weren't so fat um oh yeah this one this is a beautiful ring 14 karat gold um needs to be bent back to shape i'm gonna put it on my ring sizer and kind of bend it back a little bit that being said it's not that thick so i don't know if it'll be worth selling for the weight it's worth more as a ring so i don't know if i'm gonna sell that one i don't know what i'm gonna do with it and i like that it's a aquamarine the stone i think you know that blue see if you can see it anyways that nice find finally gold that's for sure gold and what else did i get them all yeah well if i missed any there they are um i can't wait to get back down there i was gonna wait to post this but i'm gonna go ahead and post it um i pretty much cleaned it out down there although it was a long stretch i didn't i probably didn't clean it all out this handle i'm probably taking it off um when i use my handle i slide my hand up and down the thing and if i would have started out using this that would be great but i hit my hand on there a few times and then i bumped into this thing a few times and when you're out there and it's cold and your hands are cold and you hit that with your hand it hurts it hurts like heck let's see if our little bird's still alive i had to put a little rain thing because we had rain and it's kind of cold right now but he's in there hope you guys can see him come here birdie he's a nice little guy we haven't done much with a garden i probably i kind of experimented with these i'm gonna make a strawberry garden tower and well whatever we'll see how that goes that's going to take a little money and as you guys know i'm in the process i don't have a car right now i'm trying to get one um but that's for another story anyways uh thank you for watching um hey that's all i got for this one um i love all you guys be nice to one another and just thanks for watching alright bye
Channel: robert ferguson
Views: 24,857
Rating: 4.9094648 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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