Omni-Man VS Homelander (Invincible VS The Boys) | DEATH BATTLE!

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this episode of death battle is sponsored by better help and mint mobile [Music] omni man the invincible champion from planet viltra homelander the world's greatest superhero brought to you by vaught international few heroes have stood the test of time with more plum than the very first superman but what if absolute power did in fact corrupt absolutely answer we're all screwed he's whiz and i'm boomstick and it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle look up in the sky it's a bird it's a plane no it's omni-man how'd you go in there for a second huh uh not really his name is in the title of the video well you might be forgiven for mistaking nolan grayson for his classic comic inspiration he's even got that sexy mustache that he's not afraid to hide with terrible cgi born on the planet philtrum nolan was sent to earth to act as its super-powered alien defender and spread the enlightenment of his utopian homeworld and as his superhero alter ego omni man there was no one better suited to the task he saved the world countless times worked alongside the guardians of the globe and even married and had a son mark life couldn't be better until mark inherited his dad's viltrumite powers that's when mark found out that his dad was a stinking rat bastard liar turns out philtrum wasn't exactly the peaceful utopia nolan promised peaceful in the sense that they called half their population murdering billions with their bare hands until only the strongest were left united by a common purpose this viltramite empire then went on to conquer planet after planet in their home galaxy murdering any who dared oppose them so just scratch that whole peaceful part entirely and turns out omniman was here to do that same thing to earth sorry mark your dad's a dick even worse he's easily the most powerful being on the entire planet imagine combining the raw power of a kryptonian and the bloodlust of a saiyan and what you get is basically a velcromite due to their unique dna vulture mites are composed of smart atoms that they can manipulate to achieve superhuman feats like holding their breath for weeks on end by drawing more energy from the oxygen inside them kind of reminds me of that whole bioelectric aura thing superman has that's basically how comic writers [ __ ] a sciency explanation for his powers except smart atoms make even less sense how can atomic structure be designated by your dna dna is made of atoms it's completely nonsensical biological hogwash that i cannot stand uh-oh comics fans i'm calling this debunk [Music] filter mites can fly withstand near absolute zero temperatures and even possess insane healing factors you know stuff like getting punched through the stomach having your guts ripped out or having your face smashed up in a tomato soup i don't mean to exaggerate but velcro bites in this series get [ __ ] up and somehow survive however too much trauma to the brain or heart can overtax their healing factors and intense heat can be especially damaging even the most powerful viltrumites can be killed by extended bats in the spicy hot plasma of a star and because of their abilities their inner ear vestibular system is far more sensitive than regular humans intense sonic pressure will disrupt their fragile equilibrium and even prevent them from flying though pushing themselves to their physical limits only ends up making them way stronger and considering nolan has been alive and planet conquering for thousands of years he is easily one of the toughest filter mites around like other aliens attacking him will literally splatter their bodies against him but mark didn't inherit everything from his dad despite his alien genes mark was raised as a human with our weak pathetic human values like love and compassion and not brutally murdering the [ __ ] out of everyone you see like a maniac really made it difficult for nolan to relate to his kid such as when these aliens invaded earth mark tried his best to minimize casualties and outsmart his numerically superior foes nolan meanwhile tackled their leader through the portal back to their home world then spent some time systematically annihilating their planet for even daring to take earth from him classic generational divide annihilate is underselling it nolan flew so fast that his body lit their planet's atmosphere on fire creating massive country-sized explosions with his own body as the projectile omniman has flown across galaxies in only a week survived punching a hole through a planet and even deflected a meteor the size of texas assuming that means the diameter of the meteor is equivalent to the distance from the top of the panhandle to the gulf of mexico that would make it 1300 kilometers wide and weigh over 4.6 quintillion tons moving at re-entry speeds of over 11 000 meters per second it had hit with enough energy to destroy the moon twice over so omniman is strong enough to slaughter those who considered him an ally the guardians of the globe all to ensure as seamless a transition to the coming vulture might rule as possible too bad for nolan it wouldn't be that easy because he'd have to go through his son first mark was horrified by his father's treachery spurred on by the reveal that nolan only viewed his mother as a pet a disposable broodmare invincible fought omniman to save the planet and that's when mark's real ultramite training began get it training like the trees yes we get it it was a good pun jesus but if anything it was omniman that learned a lesson about humanity that day he may have tried to turn mark into a viltromite but in reality as nolan fled earth with tears in his eyes mark made his father human this episode is sponsored by better help life can be overwhelming and many people are burned out without even knowing it symptoms can include lack of motivation feeling helpless or trapped detachment fatigue and more working on a show like death battle every week definitely wipes me and whiz out once in a while remember that one time you had to research moderate 5d chess plan and you keeled over during the show all too well thanks for reminding me no problem best buddy we associate burnout with work but that's not the only cause any of our roles in life can lead us to feel burned out and better help online therapy wants to remind you to prioritize yourself talking with someone can help you figure out what's causing stress in your life better help is customized online therapy that offers video phone and even live chat sessions with your therapist so you don't have to see anyone on camera if you don't want to it can be more affordable than in-person therapy and you can be matched with a therapist in under 48 hours damn battle viewers get 10 off their first month at death battle that's deathbattle welcome to vaught international a multi-billion dollar american conglomerate whose number one products are the greatest superheroes on the face of the earth that's right superheroes are real in their big business imagine a company that possesses a monopoly on popular culture pumping out movies tv shows action figures and video games constantly drowning the masses in a slurry of focus-tested nostalgia opium with no end in sight yeah imagine within vaught's pantheon of gods among men is their premier super team the seven and its leader homelander he's got the looks the charm the jesus and most importantly he's got the power to slaughter all of america's enemies at home and abroad this guy probably eats freedom and shits eagles but homelanders squeaky clean corporate sheen is only skin deep far from the big blue boy scout he's marketed as homelander is probably the closest thing to lucifer on earth remember bad future biff from back to the future now give him superpowers and media training what's official story is that homelander was an alien who landed here as a baby a tale we're all familiar with and one that's total [ __ ] homie was made in a lab with vods proprietary super soldier serum compound v and he was a complete success too much of a success he was murdering rooms of terrified scientists before his umbilical cord was even cut in the comics font had to keep a remote controlled hydrogen bomb strapped to him at all times because they had no idea what else could possibly kill him as he grew up he was subjected to psychological conditioning to make him the greatest and most profitable hero of all time it wasn't long before he debuted as homelander the ultimate defender of the american dream homelander possesses massively superhuman strength speed and durability he can fly at hypersonic speeds see through walls with x-ray vision and detect a person's emotional state from just the sound of their heartbeat but you know you're done for when he breaks out his heat vision which is strong enough to slice through crowds of people or split airplanes in half or screams so loud that it shatters the eardrums of anyone around him those are innocent bystanders whose ears are exploding by the way oh yeah he totally botched this mission to stop a plane hijacking so he forced each and everyone on board to die in the resulting crash so they wouldn't reveal his incompetence well a homelander's powers may be real but his heroism is a charade though he plays his part well he cares nothing for the peons he's forced to protect the only thing he treasures is ironically his public image turns out being raised as a lab experiment doesn't create a healthy person but don't worry he eventually cleaned up his act and started a totally 100 healthy sexual relationship with a fellow superhero who just happened to be an actual nazi speaking of sex wish you know how i'm always saying we should figure out how superman and lois uh get busy well forget that because homelander proved that they can't when his ejaculation blew his partner to smithereens who drew that look there's no way to sugarcoat this considering a human's load has much less mass than a shotgun pellet it would have to be moving significantly faster to achieve the same kinetic energy over 1500 meters per second or 4.5 times faster than sound that's right homelander can bust a nut faster than the speed of sound well good night everybody who kind of sucks for humanity that they made this dude the most powerful being on the planet and a psycho murderer that's no exaggeration stillwell even commented that homelander has proven immune to every weapon known to mankind no matter how powerful humanity literally lacks the ability to kill him that'd include nuclear weapons as powerful as the tsar bomb which exploded with the energy of 50 megatons of tnt actually it could have exploded with twice that but the soviets who created it were afraid it would irreversibly alter earth's biosphere and end the world that's right we almost died and that's the kind of [ __ ] homelander can shrug off no problem he's strong enough to throw a jet with one hand and fast enough to outspeed a c4 explosion despite being an emotionally stunted man child homelander is still surprisingly cunning and able to manipulate those around him though it probably wasn't too smart to piss off the world's angriest limey billy butcher yeah turns out forcibly fathering a bastard son with someone else's wife is not a good idea of note as unjustifiable as it is to homelander this gave him something he never had before some small measure of control over his own life being born vaughn's star pupil meant he was under their thumb from the day he was born his super-powered son was the first thing that was truly his and might be his best option for a new beginning or not this episode is sponsored by mint mobile after years of fine print contracts and getting ripped off by those big wireless providers i know by now there's always a catch it's like they're out to get me but did you know that mint mobile offers premium wireless starting at just 15 a month the catch whiz what's the catch there isn't one mint mobile's secret sauce is that they're the first company to sell wireless service online only they cut out the cost of retail stores and pass those sweet savings to you mint mobile gives you the best rate whether you're buying for one or your whole family and all plans come with unlimited talk and text plus high speed data on the nation's largest 5g network you can even use your own current phone with any mint mobile plan and keep your same phone number along with all your existing contacts i'm excited to try it out myself i appreciate how easy it is to look through all their wireless plans on their website to get your new wireless plan for just 15 bucks a month and get the plan shipped to your door for free go to deathbattle that's deathbattle cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at all right the combatants are set we've run the data through all possibilities it's time for a death battle howdy neighbor coco it's warm you know nolan homelander is more than just a superhero they might be cynical to say this but he's a a brand and it's very important to me that that brand mean something and if i'm playing second fiddle to some goddamn alien what's really the point right what do you think debbie ah she's shy so do we have an understanding get the [ __ ] out of my country i'm going to feed you your own heart [ __ ] that was a great line country seriously i'm not here for your country [Music] ah never been hit by someone your own size before you have to turn with the punch to reduce better [Music] what's the matter are you going to cry [Music] damn person you know remember what i promised you if there's a god it sure seems like he was working out some aggression there despite homelanders dominance within the world of the boys he's a big fish in a small pond relatively speaking homelander can move faster than sound while omniman can move faster than light homelander can survive a nuke while omniman can shatter the moon twice over to be fair homelander did have a couple of abilities omniman didn't like his heat vision and while viltromite healing factors have failed against continuous exposure to the heat of stars that still took quite a bit of time and there's no reason to think homelanders heat vision was anywhere near that hot hell nolan's tanked heat vision from the superhero mean supreme before who can vaporize people in an instant even if it was hot enough omniman's superior speed would cut him off before he could do any lasting damage similarly despite being able to disrupt his equilibrium with his supersonic screaming homelander wasn't strong enough to capitalize on it in any meaningful way plus wild homelander is pretty devious when the situation calls for it omniman has been fighting and conquering worlds for thousands of years he comes from a warrior culture based on fighting homelander on the other hand comes from a test tube and never had to push himself as a fighter because he was always so much stronger than everyone else and that's the key difference between them one is a warrior and the other is a bully homelander was never going to give up easy but omniman's skill power and filtromite heritage earned him the win when it comes to superman knockoffs homelander had to eat his heart out the winner is omniman death battle is back and we've launched a brand new membership program for our youtube channel by directly supporting our team you'll get unique emotes badges and additional content and a bunch more click that join button to see more info and thanks so much for watching [Music] you
Views: 13,870,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DEATH BATTLE, Rooster Teeth, RT, DBX, DEATH BATTLE Cast, screwattack, death battle, deathbattle, roosterteeth, versus, animation, animated fight, animated battle, who would win, omniman, omni-man, homelander, the boys, invincible, billy butcher, the seven, starlight, the deep, jk simmons, antony starr, soldier boy, amazon, wiz, boomstick, cartoon, comic, wildstorm, superman, evil superman, injustice, garth ennis, robert kirkman, image comics, brightburn, 2D, ben singer, chad james, brandon yates
Id: bMoL5VMN4-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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