Why Omni-Man VS Homelander Isn't Even Close!

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for a few years now we've been blessed with some of the greatest onscreen super villains we've ever seen and no I'm not talking about Thanos or Joker even though they are great I'm talking about the two Twisted versions of Superman himself homelander and omn man but for as similar as these two villains are it isn't really fair to compare them when it comes to a fight one of these villains is much much more powerful than the other sure people try and do it now and then but today I'm going to prove once and for all why omn Man versus homelander isn't even close what's up guys this is Dano I do fight breakdowns power ranking videos or more deep dives into your favorite characters and franchises with new videos every week so if that seems great to you we'll sit back and enjoy the video hit that like button you want to go hit the Subscribe button while you're at it so if we're talking about homelander well for starters he's a psychopath a truly unhinged lunatic I mean he's beefed with a baby before he's got no problem killing anybody he's got a weird thing for milk which is just weird but the real question is just exactly how strong is this guy well he's quite literally the strongest man in the world and has never met anyone who's been his physical equal and I guess you could argue that Soldier Boy exists now but I don't even know if soldier boy is his true equal sure soldier boy can give homelander a good fight but homelander said it himself oh no I'm the upgrade so soldier boy can injure him can blow him up with those explosions that would also theoretically depower him but in a straight up fight homelander is still winning that one he was still winning that one he's easily crushed skulls punched into a man's stomach and casually tossed a man hundreds of feet into the air and since he is the strongest hero in the world it logically makes sense that he stronger than all the other members of the seven he's stronger than Stormfront who easily destroyed a building he's stronger than Queen mave clearly who easily stopped a speeding armored truck just brought it to a dead stop and he is like way stronger than them stronger than Starlight and deep and all the rest of them too homelander was able to casually knock off the door of a pressurized plane but here's the thing he did say he was actually not able to carry the hijacked plane to safety so he kind of killed a whole lot of people there with that but it does suggest that he's actually unable to use his full strength when he's up in the air instead it's going to require him to be on the ground have a solid surface under his legs plant those feet or to take full advantage of his power we also saw the same thing when he wasn't able to stop a falling bus in some concrete when that was brought down on top of him he should be way stronger than that easily catch it but he was hovering up in the air when it happened bottom line though homelander pretty strong but while homelander is crazy strong well durability is definitely homelander weakest asset not really because he's not durable but just because he's never really had anything truly test his durability he's bulletproof and was unscathed by a bus and rebel crashing out on top of him but the GU obviously intended to be Invincible it was said that if homelander ever turned against America or turned against Vault they'd have no way to take him down it's also said that there isn't a weapon on Earth they haven't thrown at him they all failed obviously this is including nukes so just from those statements homelander is incredible but here's the thing it's totally possible that homelander actually isn't as durable As He makes himself out to be or as everyone else makes him out to be I mean soldier boy was getting his hits in and getting in some dang good hits while was at it even gave homelanders some bruises forced him to apply a little Foundation to cover it up Queen mave went against him stabbed him straight in the earhole you got a little deeper there and homelander is done for even Stormfront was able to throw him around but that was definitely more the kinky type of rough housing rather than the I'm going to beat your face in now the other two were doing and another thing is just like homelander doesn't have a ton of durability Feats doesn't really have a ton of speed Feats either I mean in fact I don't think we've really ever even seen homelander speed in a fight except maybe like once or twice that being said though he is really pretty fast when he's just flying around he's regularly flown at Mock speed even reach up to mock 5 while saving butcher from that C4 explosion which is looking like his top speed instead while homelander does have all these incredible powers and sometimes he'll have to use them in a fight more often than not homelander is just completely spamming his heat vision all over the place for the most part well it's really effective he can easily slice through flesh and Bone just kill people of one glance they can also use against other supers and send them flying backwards all in all well homelander is pretty powerful easily the most powerful soup we've seen with the boys so far but let me just take everything I just said about how powerful homelander is and how he's kind of impressive and just flip it on its head because onam man is so so much more powerful that is not even funny he would win this fight so so easily that's not even close I mean just for starters the guy is the strongest superhero on Earth and I use the word hero there very Loosely very Loosely don't really see many Heroes doing stuff like this he's able to punch straight through immortal's chest and snap warw woman's neck these are the two Heavy Hitters for earth's greatest superhero team Nolan then did it again punched straight through the immortal and karate chopped him in half just imagine if Thanos was that ruthless with the Avengers that would have been a way different movie omn man has said before that he stopped an asteroid the size of Texas which would be like hundreds of thousands if not millions of tons then lifted up this massive Boulder which itself weighs around 500,000 tons he was lifting it with just one hand omn man freaking bodied The ranan Who nearly killed invincible and he just tore right through them he knocked around a massive Kaiju monster which was hopped up on all sorts of drugs and steroids and was Humanity's last shot at beating him then there was his fight against invincible the guy was sending mark flying miles and miles with every single punch bull rushing him through streets and down to the ocean floor sent the kid flying clean through skyscrapers and into mountains like just absolutely no chill whatsoever and this was against his own son and onam man was holding back cuz he didn't want to kill Mark was actually trying to win Mark over to his side so if this was on Dem man restraining himself just imagine what he's going to do against homelander and it's not just that onam man is stronger than homelander he's also like infinitely more durable as well I mean onam man is insanely durable no selling laser blast just standing there like it was nothing waiting for the smoke to clear that can look just as intimidating as humanly possible he's taking attacks from all the Guardians Herb's Premier superhero team took attacks from all of them and was still able to kill all of them and he took absolutely everything that ceso could throw at him I'm talking reanin nuclear lasers straight up nuclear lasers and even that giant monster knocked up on all sorts of super steroids everything he went up against Immortal who was trying to kill him again when about the same as the first time Immortal wasn't able to do much and in his fight against Invincible while Mark tried to punch him and Nolan didn't even move didn't even budge just looked at Mark and let him know that he had just made the worst mistake of his life you want to talk about being tough that's being tough and here's the thing omn man isn't just stronger he isn't just tougher he's also faster and can use that speed much more effectively in a fight like onam man is insanely fast like so fast he caught red Rush mid Blitz who's basically like their flash he's the fastest man in the world and onam man caught him onam man straight up killed him he can fly from Earth to space in seconds literally just seconds and compared to Invincible who's also pretty freaking fast well Mark was literally moving in slow motion you put all this together and onam man was able to go up against the flaxin a super human super Advanced alien race and he was just over powering them blitzing them all over the place wiped out all the infrastructure on the planet with his strength and his speed Anam man is something else he's so much of a threat and he's also just brutal just absolutely Savage he's truly got no morals whatsoever the only line he didn't cross was killing his own son even then he he came pretty freaking close like I said if he was doing that against Mark he was doing that to his own son imagine what he's willing to do against homelander end of the day this isn't really a contest homelander has shown us nothing through three seasons to suggest that he's anywhere close to onam man in power he's not stronger he's not faster and he's definitely not tougher yeah homelander might have heat vision but that's nothing omn man hasn't seen before and it definitely isn't going to stop Nolan from Absolut pulverizing homelander either end of the day these characters might be similar but they aren't close they aren't even comparable omn man should absolutely dominate homelander in any fight they find themselves in no doubt about it but what do y'all think s off in the comments down below I know you're going to have thoughts and feelings on this one for sure you stuck around this long and made it to the end of the video that's amazing thank you so much for watching and for supporting us and if you want to go subscribe well go subscribe you get to see more videos like this one every single week I'll see y'all then I'll see y'all next time
Channel: DanCo
Views: 547,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: invincible, omni man, the boys, homelander, invincible season 2, omni-man, invincible comic, death battle, comics, mortal kombat 1, animation, mortal kombat, the walking dead, prime, invincible season 2 trailer, gen v trailer, amazon, gen v reaction, prime video, soldier boy, the boys trailer, gen v, loki, loki season 2, new rockstars, the boys season 4, one piece, anime, elden ring, dragon ball, one punch man, marvel, spider man, danco
Id: PBdsqrRtX2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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