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rawr i say rawr so i've been trying i've been trying to figure out whether or not i'll go to ces 2022. to be honest i want to go to ces 2022. ces is an awesome trade show it's one of the few trade shows where i can really say you should absolutely go perhaps perhaps not in 2022 but maybe in i don't know 2026 if it still exists if it hasn't gone bankrupt by then but anyway ces is an absolutely amazing place it is just it is a huge amount of vendors it's an amazing number of products you get to talk to a lot of different people um and you know it's in vegas so you get to you get to drink beer at any time of the day and nobody nobody gives you a sideways glance but i've been trying to figure out whether or not to go to ces so apparently this year ces is going to have half the attendees they're expecting they're expecting half the attendees to show up and so instead of 180 000 people showing up it might be like 90 000 people showing up it'll have a little bit better than half the vendors that normally go but again with that you know oh no oh no it'd only be 2 000 vendors instead of you know 3 800 vendors know what should we do but i've been going back and forth because it's expensive to go and actually even though i have a media pass to go it does cost me a few thousand to go again in order to pay for airfare in order to pay for hotels pay for food and the whole nine yards and so there's this like it costs money but it's an enjoyable time there's covid stuff going on but i think it's very valuable professionally what should i do so i've been going back and forth and back and forth and to be clear i don't know what the answer is but oh my golly i do have to say this lands on the negative side so i was looking at american airlines flying out of asheville asheville has a teeny tiny little crappy ass airport so looking for airlines flying out of asheville that would get me to las vegas and so american airlines comes up and they have their own coveted policy and then i start looking at the covet policy and it's like oh my golly are you kidding me so this is actually this is actually a screenshot you know during your flight your face cover must be worn and visible at all times including if you plan to sleep okay i guess you know again i i dislike face masks i don't i don't care for them they bother me but i guess that's slightly reasonable you can briefly lower or remove your face covering while actively eating drinking or taking oral medication okay that's not too bad so if i bring my lunch because it's gonna be like a i don't know it's a five hour flight so i go from here to like charlotte and that's a five hour five six hour flight from charlotte to las vegas so okay when i'm sitting there and i'm eating whatever i meal i bring or whatever else i can take the mask down that's not too bad until you get to after the comma after the comma but it must be worn between bites and sips oh gosh [Laughter] you imagine you get like a you get a hoagie from jimmy john's or potbelly i guess potbelly is a popular one the airports or at least it was last time i flew it's been a while since i've flown now but you get eat yourself a nice potbelly sub [Music] you're gonna look like the like the hillbilly person with a mask on you know like normally you know you know guys you know there's a joke about dribbling dribbling crap over your shirt or whatever you're just gonna have like this nasty nasty mask with like mayonnaise and ham pieces or whatever else on it so i don't know i don't know that's the whole thing that's the whole thing like i think like with the economy i think it's one of like one of the things that politicians don't really understand because again the politicians are not being paid for actually doing productive work they're being paid by the taxpayer is that it's that kind of it's the it's the it's the final straw that breaks the camel's back well this this is reasonable for people to do and this is reasonable for people to do and this is reasonable for people to do and this is reasonable for people to do and this is reasonable and this is reason to a certain point we're like hey you know what you know what why why should i put a few thousand dollars into the las vegas economy maybe i'll just stay home play with my little play with my little robo cars my dojo derby vehicles but again this is this is just something we think about you know i talk about that i was going to go to web summit so web summit is in lisbon web summit is also a good conference to go to i don't know for americans it's a big bugger to get over there but if you're in if you're in europe websome it's a pretty good conference to go to but i was interested in going to web summit i took a look at it you know vaccinations and this that and the other thing all the way up until they said you know you had to a uh a negative of um negative uh virus a get test copa test uh like right before you get into the conference and so again again i've gotten my vaccine i got my booster but but as those alt-right nazis say and it's kind of sort of true you can still get infected with covid even if you've got from the vaccine even if you've gotten the booster because that's just kind of how it is and so that's one of the things i thought about i was like am i willing to pay the effort to go over there yes am i willing to deal with the hotels yes am i willing to deal with a certain certain amount of crap dealing with the issues with you know covet you know procedures or whatever yes but imagine i pay all that money i take all that time and get to the doors of web summit they go oh you're infected with covid even though you've gotten the vaccine even though you've got the boosters now go to your hotel for two for 14 days and then get the hell out of our country and i just thought about it again that was that was the final was i anti-vaccine no was i anti-booster no was i anti a lot of things no but when you start doing all the math you get to that point where you're like yeah maybe not and again that's what i'm kind of looking at with ces right now is it's you know okay so it's gonna be half the people which is fine half the vendors which is actually fine this that we start getting into this whole dog and pony show at a certain point just like so i don't know i don't know this is this is the latest rar for today your mask must be worn between bites and sips yay science so let's pack all these people onto a tin can put it 30 000 feet in the air and it'll be completely safe this is completely safe as long as you have the mascot between bites and sips like literally that's a funny part with airplanes that's a funny part with these these airplanes again again i don't know there are some situations maybe a risk mitigation strategy this makes a lot of sense but you're in there literally literally the person right is gonna be like right his head or her head is gonna be like right there packing packing hundreds of people into a tin can and putting it up at thirty thousand feet maybe i was gonna put it out there if you're worried about coving this might not be the best way to go but anyways anyways i don't know i'm still again ces is cool do not get me wrong if you've never been to ceos definitely go to ces and 2026. oh we'll see how it goes but anyways that's not what you're here for today you're not here to hear me about that part of scientific covet policy what you're here for is the check mandate uh that may or may not actually be happening so this was actually reported by reuters but they have a paywall so i went over to seattle times because that's how modern media is oh before before you start before you start snarking on youtube commentary videos ah well if you're a professional journalist one of the things i find absolutely hilarious in the modern world of professional journalism is how many of the professional journalism journalists literally just buy subscriptions the things that have pay walls and then literally write about what people with paywall said like reuters actually talked about this but the article is behind the paywall so i can't show it to you but the number part is is that the seattle times apparently they have a paywall subscription so they read what was behind the paywall and now they're now they're they're putting it out for everybody else to see it's kind of interesting how the modern news media works so anyways that's why we're over here at the the seattle times uh outgoing czech government is planning to order a vaccine mandate for people aged 60 and over and for some professional groups health minister adam vodka said on friday so i find this to be interesting again it's that whole domino domino theory with politics as soon as one government is willing to do something asinine lots of other governments are willing to do things that are asinine so first we had austria so austria put through a vaccine mandate so i think they're going to mandate people are vaccinated oh what is it by um they're gonna mandate by february i do believe it is greece then put through a vaccine mandate for like the over 60s and the over 60s uh don't get vaccinated then they're going to be charged 100 euros per month now we're seeing the czech government trying to do the vaccine mandates because remember remember it's not whether or not the policy decision is a good idea it's whether or not the rest of the people in your peer group are doing whatever the policy decision is but what i find curious about this and again i think this is where we're going to start to see a lot of political blowback and a lot of people on the quote-unquote right side of history are going to get their nuts kicked in over the next couple of election cycles because the fact of the matter is a lot of people really despise these mandates and while you are in office you can try to put these mandates through but when the next election cycle comes there's going to be a lot of people that remember that you're trying to violate their rights and so they're most likely going to be a voting against your party again one of my big concerns here because you know as as an alt-right nazi one of the things that's near and dear to my heart is things like social justice issues again that way pretty black people nicer the transgender folks should be able to serve in the military there's a lot of things that i actually do believe in i do believe in things like food stamps again i believe in welfare so long as you're poor you know what i'm saying you gotta you got a single single mom in the inner city trying to get by i am all for giving her food stamps and you know child care credits and all those kinds of things um the problem that i get into is i'm not quite sure why people make a hundred thousand dollars a year still getting welfare from like the us government like true true story like for the for the subsidies for for health care subsidies you can have it be a family of four making 99. like nine thousand dollars like 998 000 something like that and you still get subsidies from the government for health care that's one of my issues but anyways these are the things i really care about if you listen to me i talk about this a lot and one of my big problems right now is that the progressives and those far far left liberals my big concern is they are pushing things to suck a stupid degree that that pendulum is basically gonna get spiked to the other side instead of people simply going hey hey y'all i think those limptars went a little far i think we're gonna get a massive blowback and it's gonna spin a lot of things out of control so you see a lot of these progressive policies right now going far far far far far far far far far far left and my concern is is that with the uh the blowback to those policies the pendulum of of history is going to get spike to the other side and then we're going to lose support for the things that i think are actually valuable medicare medicaid uh food stamps to the actual poor child care to the actual poor all of those kinds of things that's that's what i i'm concerned about here and that's where i think this is kind of interesting to look at the czech republic is basically the outgoing government is putting in a mandate but the new government that's been elected uh probably will not actually implement the mandate right because again that's the whole thing with governments right one one party one one you know whoever's currently and can mandate things the next people can come in and rip it out uh uh vogtek said his ministry will issue the order next week making vaccinations mandatory for the 60 plus aid group as well as medical personnel police officers firefighters and medical students the order uh uh would be meant to become effective in march the other thing i also find interesting with these vaccine mandates is that they're they're quite a distance away again if we're an emergency scenario why would these things be coming into uh effect you know through three and four months from now but that's what they're doing uh but it might not work out like that prime minister andre bobby's a current administration will soon be replaced by a new government formed by five parties that won october's parliamentary election led by prime minister uh designate uh petra fiala uh the new government is expected to formally assume his responsibilities later this month the coalition and his uh designated uh health minister oppose a vaccine mandate for the elderly and can cancel it as soon as it takes power so far only and this is what i love nowadays only 59.6 percent of the people in the nation have been fully vaccinated according to lotus poll almost 20 of checks are against vaccination and again this is an important thing to think about when we talk about 20 like you have this right side of history they're like we oh we on the right side of history have lost patience we've lost patience with these deplorables and you know one of the big problems is is that again especially in democracies you know when you lose patients with one percent of the population when you lose patients with 13 of the population anyways you can you can force force a lot of things through they they still go sideways everything still goes stupid but when you quote unquote lose patients with smaller chunks of the population theoretically the government of the society can keep function one of the things that i think is interesting with the vaccine hesitancy and the rest of it is that a large percentage of the population is against this again if you're looking at the czech republic that's one in five people are against vaccinations that doesn't even go into whether or not vaccinations should be mandated that doesn't even go into booster booster fatigue or any of that kind of thing and so when you try to force through these policies when one in five people in your population is rapidly against what you're trying to do the political ramifications of that is going to get stupid and that is the reality again when i say with these government officials as government officials it is your responsibility to explain to the public why policies are a good idea it is your responsibility for the public to try to smooth the transition again helping with transportation helping with child support helping with possibly lost wages any of those types of things that's what democratic governments need to be doing they need to be making it easier for people to make the yes decision on getting vaccinations i wasn't sure if i was going to get vaccinated but now that i have you know travel to get vaccinated now that the government's going to give me a couple hundred euros to get vaccinated now that this that and the other thing you know what f it i'm going to wait for it wait for it decide to get vaccinated i am going to decide it is my best interest to get vaccinated at this point in time because the government again has explained explained why this is important has made things a lot easier to do so on and so forth but instead all these jackasses are on the right side of history and they've lost patience they have lost patience with the deplorables why won't these deplorables obey hey jackasses okay i just gotta put this out there i'm gonna go with this out there maybe telling the deplorables that they should obey might not be the best argumentative attack when you're sitting there in debate right you got the right side of history on one side you got the deplorables on the other and they are in a debate probably not screaming at the other side that they need to comply that would probably be you know that that might actually help out so anyways yeah i just thought this was interesting more and more european countries are going down uh this mandate route again thankfully here i think in the united states a lot of this stuff has checked again we have a massive number of checks and balances and here here is a massive intrusion into uh private basically private people's rights so hopefully it's been put in check a little bit here but i'll be curious to see how much further this goes again when will when will france implement it well will jeremy are talking about in germany now when will uk implement it will sweden will switzerland and again my my larger question here is what happens on the five-year time frame again a lot of like politically that's what a lot of people don't really think about is we don't we don't have daily votes right i can't vote out by right you know we we don't get a vote every every day we don't get a vote every week we don't get a vote every month and most of the time we don't get a vote every year and some of the interesting things politically is many times people get confused what's going on politically in a country or politically societies because they look what's going on like right around an election cycle so let's say six months before an election and they see everything going on six months before an election and so then they say okay based off of this information this is the person that should win or this is the person that should lose the issue you run into like here in the us in presidential elections you know it's a four-year cycle is one of the issues is the president the first year or the second year coming out of the gate conducing things that are acid only stupid can piss off a lot of people to the point that they despise that person and then when the election comes you know after four years you know the pundits are sitting there looking at six months before the election they're going okay well in this time period covet has been put a check so you think about 2024 kovit is now in check or or in decline the economy is getting better all of these things are happening therefore everybody should love buy them what they ignore is that the first year of his presidency he acted like it like he acted like a damn tyrant all the time he made it completely and absolutely obvious that he was trying to push through unconstitutional policies knew he was trying to push through unconstitutional policies basically with the idea that we had caught up in the court system so that he would get de facto compliance with policies he knew what knows is unconstitutional and so in 2024 there may be a massive amount of blowback there are people that are still pissed now again when people get angry when people get angry they carry that crap for a long long long long time when you call them deplorable when you say we have lost patience when you basically say all of their concerns all of their worries all of their needs all of it is irrelevant to you they carry that for a long time and the political ramifications that you know that that crap could be paying that plane out for the next decade so i'll be curious i will be curious to see what happens and again especially start looking at some place like the czech republic right if you have the outgoing government implement mandates and then the first thing that happens the first thing that happens is the new government comes in and kills the the the mandates that were put in by the folks on the quote unquote right side of history again a lot of people will be looking at that kind of election well wait a minute if we don't believe in this garbage the that side is going to keep continuing to do this type of thing this side is going to stop doing that type of thing how will people vote so anyways what do you think about this what do you think about the czech republic putting in mandates right before the mandates will probably get cancelled what do you think about this from a political standpoint again like who who wins for this politically so you can have the people you know the check the check folks that are currently the czech government that's currently in they can say look we try to do mandates right so they're trying to get brownie points for trying to do mandates the new government coming in we'll try to get brownie points by killing the mandates when you actually look at the population of these countries some place like the czech republic who gets more brownie points who gets more brownie points does the right side of history get more brownie points because supposedly they try to do something that theoretically may say like save lives or will the wrong side of history get brownie points because they they supposedly you know killed the mandates and that maintains people's freedoms how do you think that will actually flush out at the end of the day i don't know put your thoughts down below put your thoughts down below the coveted disaster continues and as i keep saying i'm not scared of coving i am scared crapless of government coveted policy when i sit there and i have serious conversations with my wife it is never about kovac it's always about covered government policy because what the hell are you supposed to do with us again it's it's theater at this point it's show at this point it's just ridiculous i think that's what that's what's so frustrating for somebody like me so much of this is theater again like when biden when biden's racist policy against the southern african countries right southern african countries get a travel ban immediately because biden is worried about omicron they come out and find out that scotland was det or omicron was detected in scotland a week a week before it was detected in south africa like that at least then that would make sense like again i would still hate it to be i mean like honestly i would still hate the travel ban but you know what if they if they banned travel to southern african countries and then they found out it was on scotland and they banned travel to scotland again i would not agree with that policy but it would at least appear that we had a plan it was like okay omicron is concerning where it gets discovered we are going to do travel bans now i am against that plan but to be clear that is an actual plan see we can argue about that plan if you have a plan you can look at what your goals are you can look at what the results are and then you can determine whether or not the plan worked out how you thought the plan was going to work out and then you can adjust things as you go with the government policy at this point there is no damn plan there's just like ah i don't know let's punch black people you know you know when when i was a young senator back in the 1980s what i found is that when something happened punish the black people just just go in there heavy-handed punish those black people and then the electorate they do they just re-elect you into office so uh so i don't know what the hell to do about this i'm a crowd thing but we're just gonna punish the hell out of those black folks in africa and uh it'll be all good from there oh sorry what are you gonna do anyways as i say i'm just here shaking my nipples i'm shaking my brain nipples for you eyes down here eyes down here stop looking at my brain nipples again working on my dojo derby vehicles very happy with my little dojo derby vehicle so we we came up with our little product so this is the dojo derby this is actually the mark 3 but this is going to be like the standardized thing that we'll be using what's cool though what's cool is i just came up with a usb file uh file installer thing so basically with these uh this is a full full text deck right so it's got a raspberry pi in here which is a full computer the whole nine yards one of the questions that i had though is how can i feed wi-fi credentials into this thing if it's headless right so if i don't have a keyboard if i don't have a monitor if i don't have a mouse how do i feed the wi-fi credentials into this so that can actually connect to a wi-fi network and so what i realized is like hey i can create a python script that when it detects when the python script detects a usb drive connected it will grab the wi-fi config file on that usb drive so basically i manually create a wi-fi config file on the usb drive it will grab that file and then it'll actually be able to copy that directly to the raspberry pi and therefore it will give it the wi-fi credentials so that's what i was working on on friday and i'm very happy i'm very happy about this because it actually works it actually works pretty well right so basically this is just a wi-fi folder so this is a folder on my computer or on my raspberry pi just to prove this thing works then i have my little uh python script running over here all right so i can have this python script so what this says is usb is empty usb is empty usb is empty right so i have this usb is empty so it's not doing anything look at this this is really cool so what i'm going to do is i'm going to plug this in um and then that gives me the auto mount i don't care about but look at that as soon as i plug that in the wi-fi config text file was copied from the usb drive to this particular folder as we can see the script ended so usb have found the drive it copied the file over basically told me that was actually copied over and now that wi-fi config file is there so that's what i've been working on i think that's the fine i think that's the final the final bit for the product the productization of a dojo derby mark iii so writing all of this up writing us up documenting all this crap this week and then we'll go from there and we'll keep building better and better and better dojo derby vehicles hopefully because that's what i care about i don't know governments are going to be governments as i say we will always have a reason to roar about governments the point is to build what are you building what are you creating remember all those antifa jackasses throwing molotov cocktails here's the thing at the end of the day a molotov cocktail is going to burn down buildings molotov cocktails burn down the resources that african americans in the inner city actually need right every antifa jackass throwing a molotov cocktail is one of the worst human beings in the entire world their evil seeps into their entire being again if you actually if you actually again let's pretend for a second you actually care about black black people black lives should matter then again early childhood education tutoring programs child care programs there are so many things that need to be done for people when you throw a molotov cocktail you burn down a business that provides resources to community that provides tax money to the community that provides jobs to the community and the whole nine yards right when you burn that down you make the community worse when you go in and you offer math tutoring to the community english tutoring to the community science tutoring to the community early childhood you know education or child care so that single moms can go to work and they don't have to worry about whether or not their kid is safe or not that actually makes the community better but don't tell that to the antifa don't tell that's the answer they really like burning crap down that's why that's why i that's why i am a proud greedy satanic nazi bastard because i actually think we should build crap but anyways that's my that's my screaming for the day um fill in the blank with all the things that i'm supposed to say uh if you like the idea of dojo derby and silicon dose and all that there is a little link down below you can throw some money some money into the crowdfunding link so i can actually try to try to spin this up be a little bit more successful remember make food not bombs or whatever see y'all later
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 4,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Id: 1ko1rkWwk20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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